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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Desiree Reilly

Features & Posts

Desi Story
February 5, 2011

287 comments posted.

Re: Portrait of a Conspiracy (3:28pm July 13, 2016):

i love books and any type is me and tthen i love the idea of getting them and read them

Re: Almost Like Being in Love (8:54pm June 29, 2016):

true love can be right under your nose and then if you lucly to find soem one to have for good it good the book look great i would love to read

Re: Miss Darcy's New Companion (8:05pm June 29, 2016):

they look great and then the middle one catch my eye andd then i would pick up off shelf real quick

Re: Soul's Prisoner (8:02pm June 29, 2016):

i love books and then i do them all the time i try to all and any book i can not say any author come in handy

Re: How Willa Got Her Groove Back (12:37pm March 12, 2016):

the vmapire one

Re: To the Stars (8:44pm February 25, 2016):

first what catches my eye is the book and then i turn over ands ee who made it and red a the blurb

Re: True Blue Seals: Zak (8:38pm February 25, 2016):

i am military famiy and then the men and women who serve whould be good for the country and then they serv and protect

Re: An Amish Market (9:35pm February 23, 2016):

i live around the amish most of the time im here in mo they are some of the best wrer you can find and get to knew only if they want to ilove to read them and lbog on them

Re: To the Stars (9:31pm February 23, 2016):

i love the cover and then the book info and i would read and probly not put it down till i am finsiahed

Re: True Blue Seals: Zak (9:00pm February 23, 2016):

well i now the navy seal is all on duty been marreid to one in past and he was not allways the same

Re: For Cheddar or Worse (1:39pm February 8, 2016):

i love Santa Barber i love it i lived there during good time and bad time the town flooded 2 time as i live there and then
i had my duaghter there and then i work for the stars like burl ives and rock hudson

Re: Resist (10:17pm November 20, 2015):

they have robot for thing now we need something to hlep th kid deformity and then the poverty in the state we have to see how we get it cclean up

Re: Soul's Prisoner (10:05pm November 20, 2015):

we used corn like that but grand and i would ccook for up to 3 day be fore holdiday i am the oldest of 100 grand kid soi help her make up to 10 pie and then the turkey on thanskgivng and then duck befor and then blolgna fryed and then roast the roast ws cooked the day before

Re: Katie in Waiting (9:54pm November 20, 2015):

we used to make buckeye ball and then hersstockeys they are rolled and fry like a tie

Re: Easton's Everything (8:05pm November 17, 2015):

i like series adn then stand alone the series are great they get to now all the family and then who going to be next

Re: My Soul to Keep (7:56pm November 17, 2015):

that looks like great read and i would love to reaeed it for you

Re: Promise to Keep (10:43pm October 26, 2015):

i love the amish books i lived near amish and then i love read and then the amish are really neat people ad they are help full they have help our area when the torndo season

Re: Thunder On The Plains (5:30pm October 6, 2015):

being able to live on my own after having someone tel me what to do any more

Re: This Love of Mine (5:26pm October 6, 2015):

me i do not have it here i live in small town and every one know all so i my comfort zone is the dogs and our walk and play time

Re: Love Somebody Like You (1:42pm September 30, 2015):

we getup at 6 and get ready to go for a 4mile up and 4 down and then the dog come in and then they eat and have breakfast and then do blogging

Re: Bring Me To Life (7:19pm August 29, 2015):

that sound good if you seen the one in the castle if you live near cleavland and go to the sewer line and see the nazi you can see them walking the tunnel to the house and then the manor is really haunted been since the last 60 years and then were i live in mo i could tell you some of the ghost would be scary and then fun

Re: Immortal Matchmakers, Inc. (7:14pm August 29, 2015):

well that would be easy like to go to the ghost and sit and see who come out of the house or the haunted place and then see if they talk to me when we went to the one in Loretta Lynn place it was so weird it made me sick to my stomach
but i found that the battle field and then i went and talk to loretta mom and then her and told her what i saw and took pic of

Re: The Thorn Bearer (7:08pm August 29, 2015):

the info you in romance and then i love to have it and read and you picture is great romance are still out there
and then i love to read and talk on them

Re: Food Baby (7:04pm August 29, 2015):


Re: Red Blooded (10:15pm August 7, 2015):

it was a guy i new who was child prodigy he play the music in school

Re: Summoning Sebastian (9:54pm August 7, 2015):

jd robb and she got some great one and then oliva regal

Re: Torrents of Destruction (9:17am July 31, 2015):

the book cover look good and then the book sound like it would be a good read form begging to end with a lot of mystery

Re: Where the Moon Shines Brightest (8:26am July 31, 2015):

that sound like what my dad and grand fathers did pull the tooth out with pliers and then we go out and eat watermelon on the porch ilove those kind of storys

Re: A Rancher of Her Own (8:10pm July 29, 2015):

me ilove to read how the book goes and then see how the story goes and then if the book is great it will go on with other family members

Re: As Waters Gone By (12:53pm July 18, 2015):

i did when i was in school reporter i had to have someone decipher my handwritting and now that i am going to run a food joint yes i do and then help keep all things in order

Re: Pretty Dark Sacrifice (4:40pm July 16, 2015):

im not sure i seen the actress in any movie but they are great actor and actress and she got the hair for sure

Re: Change Of Heart (12:19pm July 12, 2015):

the books in yours series seem great adn would love to love an blog on them on the stoies

Re: The Rescued (12:17pm July 12, 2015):

we used to spend the supper up in the dutch country as kids our friend had big house an Tell my mom to drop off us and we love it we pick the garden and then the pies the amish would help her husband with the bigger choirs for the maple of the trees in winter

Re: Butter Off Dead (7:48pm July 8, 2015):

well my biggest collection is bears i moved in new house and did not realize how many i had in home they literally took over the house every room except the kitchen i hae over 10 thousand in house they are the more expensive one princess di and then 911 bears avon bear etc i have over 30 thosuand in stoarge so they are going on and on i started this colledtion when my other got burn up in fire and amish girl made me one and then every one came buy with up to 3 so iget them every were and then when poeple find out i have them they say take this put it in your collection

Re: Courtship of the Cake (11:09pm June 21, 2015):

i still love apple sauce and then choclate chip

Re: Snow White Lies (11:17pm June 20, 2015):

that a nock out cover of your and it look great read and would of love to read them

Re: Oathkeeper (11:13pm June 20, 2015):

wow the pic on the book is great and then i would love to have sone book mark of the one you did

Re: A Matter of Time (11:11pm June 20, 2015):

we have ktt songs and i like blue grass and play lot of different

Re: SEAL's Code (11:07pm June 20, 2015):

i seen movie about the talker and when my dad and then the other went to war and came home and talk about them i used to worlk the school paper and we sued to do sotry unusual and then get credit i love the cover the book

Re: Outlaw Hearts (11:04pm June 20, 2015):

i like the sound of the way your book goes and then the cover sound like really great read

Re: Courtship of the Cake (11:01pm June 20, 2015):

first the book cover look great and then my grand used to make apple sauce cup cake and they were great

Re: Desperate Measures (11:06pm June 19, 2015):

when we were sick ad you could not get lemon and tea and then my grand ma would keep you in the bed till you were better and then never new what she had but made you drink it and then she sit there and if you fell asleep that it worked

Re: Justified (11:02pm June 19, 2015):

the pic look like the old building we had in ohio with the old bridges but i remember the time with my grand parent both one would have me plant flower and then veg garden and try to get the people not to eat any thing and then use the veggie and then flower for compition

Re: Two Week Seduction (5:36pm January 5, 2015):

the b sound great and now your book they are great reads but is that your house what happen with oil what is it did it do damage

Re: Wind in the Wires (2:28am December 16, 2014):

that book sound like a great read and i would be interested in it and blogon it

Re: Montana Bride (11:26am June 25, 2014):

first congrats on the book they look great and then i love the
way you done the books the color and ten the title ar e eye catcher thanks for letting us enter

Re: Words Of Conviction (1:42pm June 16, 2014):

i love the book info and would love to read an blog i have not read any of your bok yet but i will have to try to find some thanks

Re: Cottonmouth and the River (5:38pm May 11, 2014):

ike i siad and then the books look great i relaly like it

Re: A Sweet Life Boxed Set (8:37pm May 9, 2014):

inow about diabetes i have it and brother it on dylayissi 4 day week now and family has it a lot but your book love to be read and spread around

Re: Cottonmouth and the River (8:34pm May 9, 2014):

you would think with the name snake but soundlike great kid boo i read all and blog on all

Re: Rise And Shine (8:32pm May 9, 2014):

the dog look great on the book and then the info on it i love to read adn blog it for you

Re: Playboy's Lesson (1:04pm May 7, 2014):

first i like theat they are using the older books style and then i love that you can get in to the book with the people who are in the book thank youfor trying to win

Re: Home to Stay (7:46pm April 16, 2014):

sound like me ilive in a smal town here and then
they do not do alot here

Re: Kissing with Fangs (10:51am March 20, 2014):

i have readand blog your fist book and thst was great book i love to read the others

Re: Silence Of The Wolf (10:50am March 20, 2014):

i now you from face goodread have you on good read the book you have look great and would love to read and blog on it

Re: Eyes Closed Tight (12:46pm March 10, 2014):

i have not seen your book and i love to read new books from
new authors and then i use the site that i am on

Re: Oath of the Brotherhood (4:56pm February 21, 2014):

love the cover and tehn the blurb on it love to read a d blog on it

Re: Lord of the Sea (6:41pm February 19, 2014):

the book sound like great read and then i would love to read and blog on it for you ilove the way the good looking guy can come back and then try to get the right women

Re: Much Ado About Jack (12:10pm February 13, 2014):

i love history and then the cover is great d would love to read this and blog for you can not get enough history
and love to read them

Re: Christmas Quilt (9:03pm October 21, 2013):

the book and then the way you did it is great i now the amish are great people some do not like them but me they have help me with a house fire a couple of year ago and i have quilt they gave me but when the area got hit by a tornado they came out and then just step in when no one wanted the work they cut it up and then they help people clean up well i lke the cover that you chose

Re: Murder At Hatfield House (8:59pm October 21, 2013):

hello i seen your book on ama zon and it look great and would love to read and bogon it for you i read all kind of book and then they are great info to read and see how author does her books

Re: Behind the Shattered Glass (2:41pm October 17, 2013):

from what i read in hisittorys that the bed maid or servant were mostly slave the family own and they were suppose to get up at a day light and make sure every was down before the owner come down for breakfast but i like the book cover and info you have an would love to read a dn blog on it

Re: Paige Rewritten (5:43pm October 9, 2013):

christmas is here all year round in bran-son mo and then i go to the store and usually buy new bears to add to my tree il ove to have the holiday around and want to decorate soon

Re: Cowboy Seeks Bride (10:55pm August 22, 2013):

im sorry that i have not read your books and then i would lvoe to be able to read and blog bout it i amgoing ot be travling and want to take books

Re: Wicked Beat (10:52pm August 22, 2013):

me i have one that is been with me thrugh our battles cancer and all now it going agian this time with me we been toghter for 7 years and i read a lot he cmplans

Re: Surrender To Sultry (10:48pm August 22, 2013):

this lookgreat read adn then ilike the cover it self would love to read

Re: Rescuing Dawn (10:45am June 18, 2013):

my people who help me is my gf jennifer and then brenda and then bf but the best one is my service dog king a pom he will be with me day and night

Re: Flora's Wish (9:21pm May 22, 2013):

i love to read them and then i like the cover and info on the book great one

Re: Kissing the Maid of Honor (9:19pm May 22, 2013):

that would be robert refold he great actor and does great movies that book seen it on authors site and then i love to read and blog on it

Re: The Sword Dancer (9:16pm May 22, 2013):

bat women was great person when they had her in the show and then the orginal one was great i love the book the author is new so i like to see her work and read and blog it

Re: Bite Me, Your Grace (11:19am April 11, 2013):

that sound like a great book i love the cover and then they are stand oout hope you will do good with the book this year

Re: Thread On Arrival (10:37pm January 16, 2013):

the way that you did the cover is great i would love to read and blog on it for you

Re: Finding Home (11:48pm January 14, 2013):

well mine would be when my grand would come over and her and the lady across the alley we call her grandma 2and then the lady up stairs would get together and cook meal for about 30 poeple on sunday morning my grand would cook the sauce the lady 2 would make meat ball and then the family would come to the house for dinner and then skating and then we have fresh bread and home maid meat ball and spaghetti then the table would be full of food

Re: Doomed (11:41pm January 14, 2013):

ilike the book cover and then i love to read and blog on it for you if i had chance

Re: The Ravenous Dead (1:44pm December 31, 2012):

well i m thank full for that the cancer is not come back and then i am thankfull that i do not have to go back in the hospital and that my family is over 100 plus and the kids are starting to talk to all in the family

Re: Deliver Me From Temptation (8:32pm December 21, 2012):

par and fae and other are more great book you can get in to them and see what happens i like the blurb and then i like the info on the book

Re: Waltz With A Stranger (8:28pm December 21, 2012):

well for family i like samll ones the mamter of taste they are zombie i am reading and little werid
but the book cover is great and the dress i love it

Re: Jane's Gift (9:04pm December 8, 2012):

well i have the books so long it not funny but i like the hunger game and then any type of the debbie macoms books

Re: Seduction's Shift (6:18pm September 23, 2012):

first i got to ask you somthing the cover of the books are they the same person who did it i love the cover and then i love shifter type of boos and read all

Re: Where There's A Will (10:20pm September 21, 2012):

i love fae and then vamp and then i like the way some of them they can bind together the story the authors are great story teller and then they are great writers

Re: Charming Blue (10:16pm September 21, 2012):

this willhve to go on wish list i am reaer bloger i lover to read and blog on book all over the net

Re: Blaze of Winter (11:13pm September 17, 2012):

i did it when i was in school i am delexia and i write back wed all the time and then the professor trued t get me do it better but did not happen so i have to use the spell check when i do reviews etc

Re: Three River Ranch (11:11pm September 17, 2012):

that easy when i am on line to family and then bud on fb i am going to tell them the story when they were younger and then they pay back with the old pic of the family shots

Re: A Cup Full Of Midnight (9:20pm September 6, 2012):

can i say that you get the person in the right place for his job and then i have read books that are in certain place and then the time changes but Jared sound like he can get in to trouble and prevent trouble at the same time i would love to blog on the book and then put it on u tube

Re: Wrong Bed, Right Guy (6:42pm August 11, 2012):

i like info o the book d t cover
and ten i wuoul love to blog and hen
nd red the book

desi the blonde at msn dot com

Re: Hearts Of Darkness (8:09pm August 9, 2012):

you now something funny i go by desi ha ha but i like th plot of the story and then that book sound like a great read and will read and bog on it fr you if youlet me

Re: A Brew To A Kill (11:31am August 7, 2012):

fisr i seen you book over the net and congrats on them and then i hope you have more to come i like the coffee up and would go good with my 9 11 bear i have ilove to read and blog on books

Re: Take it Like a Vamp (12:12pm July 25, 2012):

i seen this bok on blog and would love to read and blog on it i love vamp boo and then i ove to read all books

Re: Beef Stolen-Off (10:04pm July 16, 2012):

well we were at a park for blue grss festival and they said they will give all kid under 12 a chance to win a real fiddle and then when they drew the name every one expected someone who played and then here come a little girl in shorts and diaper and said it me she only 15mo old omg every one said the mom and grand dad said i guess we got to teach her and then went about to show it off to every one at the show mostly all adults go and look at Brian Dietz on face book and look at his pictures

Re: Home For The Summer (10:40pm June 4, 2012):

we spent it in summer school or work depend on the mood my mom was in the oldest of 5 chose work and summer school when it was over dad say go campoing to the trailer for up to 2 week and t hen go to auction all most every day

Re: The Taming Of A Scottish Princess (11:40pm May 23, 2012):

i love the color of the book and then they look great i am sorry that i have not read any of them would love to read and blog on them

Re: The Fallen Woman of Vil?gos (9:06am April 16, 2012):

wow i like the pic it look like leperchan hide out hope you have t he best of the y ear and then i would love to read and blog on the book

desi the blonde at msn dot com

Re: Miss Hillary Schools a Scoundrel (7:23pm February 28, 2012):

when i went to school we had the old step and then they were 3 story high and then i was in class for the about 12 kid in class but they are not good now and then the kid are not learing nothing

Re: Darkest Highlander (2:37pm February 6, 2012):

wow the alpha is great and then the book cover is great and many more to you

Re: Chosen By Sin (10:46am January 31, 2012):

me i am fan of different kinds of books you see you can put the person one place and then appear some were else and i love the way the authors can do the book goo luck with your

Re: Banshee Charmer (10:30pm January 22, 2012):


Re: Scrumptious (3:03pm January 16, 2012):

wow a chef and good looking one and t hen you do not find guy who are good and cook love the cove on the book and hope it des well

Re: Risking Trust (2:00pm January 12, 2012):

wow thanks for the give way the book looks great and then
ihope you do great this coming year and would love to read t he book and blog

Re: Hot Rain (2:18pm January 4, 2012):

welli have meet my bf carl on one site and then he came and meet me and at a place were i volunteered and then we moved in with in about 3 mo and been together for now 5 year and
counting and i love t he book your write and the cover are great

Re: The More the Terrier (7:45pm December 31, 2011):

well me i hope the cncer is taken out and gone for good
and then i am going challenge a authro to book read she want to read only 100 me i reading up to four week so i think i beat her by about 300

Re: Wedded In Scandal (5:59pm December 22, 2011):

me it get up at 6am and take dog out fr his walk still jammie and then come in get soda i do not drink coffee and then open email and yea i check to see if if i won and then answer those email first then go and get dress about 7 30 so i am up all ready over 1 and half hr

Re: Busted in Bollywood (8:53pm December 3, 2011):

i been trying to win this and the cover you have look like you
is it i love the cover
great read
desi the blonde @ msn.com

Re: White Dawn (5:43pm November 21, 2011):

i love the book and cover and would like o to know if you have bokmark or cover with them i love t read the book

Re: Under The Moon (3:10pm November 19, 2011):

i had pig chicken geese duck turkey and 6 dog and who now how many cats my cat would chase the snakes then the pig would want them then when we we go fishing we take the fish and put them in the pig water and he have ball trying to catch them out of his water and blow bubbles
the books you have look great and would love t read them and blog on them

Re: Fortune's Son (12:04pm November 18, 2011):

wow this great book and i love historical type and would love to read and blog on it tank you for offering it

Re: The Fallen Queen (10:17pm November 17, 2011):

wow i can not really say because i have read so many good book thank you

Re: Until There Was You (4:50pm November 15, 2011):

i been trying to win you book for while thank you for the time here and then the cover is great

Re: Knight of Runes (1:45pm November 14, 2011):

were you able to pick the guy for the cover it stand out and
it tell the book i like the blurb on it and would love t read it

Re: Because Of You (1:44pm November 14, 2011):

the book sound great and t he guy on it wow
were did you find him even from behind look like hunk

Re: Genie Knows Best (10:26pm November 10, 2011):

wow i never seen or red any of the book but would love to read this one and i love the blog that you did on it

Re: The Last Rising (7:10pm November 9, 2011):

i do the audio book of JD Robb and read all of t hem and love them i would love to read your and then blog on it for you [email protected]

Re: North of Need (9:49pm November 6, 2011):

i would love to read t he book you see the cover is great and would be a great book to have

Re: Darn Good Cowboy Christmas (6:19pm November 4, 2011):

what i am whispering is i want more books to read to keep the winter going and the me layed up in bed i love t read and blog on boos i have the book sound great and would love to read it

Re: Enchanted Destiny (3:48pm October 31, 2011):

i love the cover and then the book sound great and
would love to read a nd review it for you

Re: Ecstasy Untamed (1:15pm October 26, 2011):

well mr popper penguins it was funny and i had laughed
all most through the movie the book you have are great looking and would love to read all of them and blog on them

Re: Haunting Embrace (7:58pm October 22, 2011):

iwould love to read the book and blog on it and then
use the site to bog on it over and over lovethecover

Re: Flawless (4:02pm October 20, 2011):

the Victorian era is great and would love to read thebook and then see how it turn out

Re: Attracted to Fire (1:33pm October 18, 2011):

the pic look all most like you and would love to read
the book i hope texas will be ok with the
storms now

Re: Queeen of the Sylphs (1:04pm October 13, 2011):

wow it sound great and the cover is great i love the cover it stand out and would like to read an blog on it

Re: Unleashed (6:01pm October 10, 2011):

shape shifter i would be a bear and then be gentle one and then who know what would go on thank you for the contest
and love the cover

Re: Chosen By Fate (12:23pm October 9, 2011):

that is so great that you can get the one to intertwined and then they can be good or bad and then i love the cover and then would like to read the book

Re: Murder By Mocha (8:53pm September 20, 2011):

me i eat choc and pretzels
and then your book are great covers

Re: The Last Rising (8:20pm September 17, 2011):

the book is great and yes i have some book to stop me dead
with the info in them wow the goodies is great

Re: To Sketch A Thief (8:19pm September 17, 2011):

ilike the book cover and then the info are great good luck with the book

Re: Tempted (2:48pm September 15, 2011):

i like the covers and add them to my collection of authors book i love new books

Re: Out in Blue (5:06pm September 13, 2011):

That is good you can do your book with vamp and angle they both can be good and bad depend on the person who read and the one who writes it i like the way you did the cover with a feather good luck with the book love the blog

Re: No Proper Lady (6:02pm September 12, 2011):

wow the book color is great and then i would love to read and then blog on it

Re: Deep Disclosure (10:31pm September 7, 2011):

me i tend to live i blogs and then the books i read and want to get them done i love the history and then i love the
idea of book and they come a live

Re: The Wedding Affair (11:40pm September 6, 2011):

i like the vectiaoan area book and then the cover you had on the book is great

Re: The Wedding Affair (11:40pm September 6, 2011):

when my sister and i were kid my dad made us one and it went to the other kid in the family form us to cousin and the cousin had dad put new rood on it but we learn not to mess it up the wall paper change gut it lasted fro about 20 years and then got caught between my cousins male and they decided to drop it and broke it to pieces but old house around here are being restored instead of torn down

Re: Deadly Descent (2:35pm September 5, 2011):

hi i have not had a chance to read any kind of books on the military but the blog and the book cover is great

Re: Diaries Of An Urban Panther (8:41pm August 31, 2011):

the horror movie are good i can not watch them at night have night mares but book l love them and will read all of them

Re: Ward Against Death (5:42pm August 27, 2011):

me i wanted to work in the morge and that not gross i love to be able to autopsy and the stuff in the building i like to work with the dead and see why they deid

Re: Secrets: Desires Unleased (1:25pm August 25, 2011):

the bug you can have it any day but i can say you have some great covers on the books and would love to read any and all of them

Re: Red's Hot Cowboy (5:38pm August 24, 2011):

i love cowboys and then i been reading Diana Palmer
and then cowboys are great and then they can get in
trouble and then who know your book great

Re: Lucky Girl (1:54pm August 23, 2011):

my was funny i met a guy Danny when i was 16 and during the war era Danny got out of school early to go to Vietnam well he came to meet my family and was standing out side with his uniform on and had roses for me and then Lilly for my mom and dad sad if he that dumb he a keeper he want to take me to the concert wood stock and i could not go but he got me album and had it sign and i still have it

Re: The Edge Of Grace (4:31pm August 21, 2011):

i like the blog and the cover and it great hope you have more for the up coming books

Re: The Orphan Sister (6:25pm August 17, 2011):

for the summer i have been seeing doc yuck and then i have been going to the fairs mo state and Springfield and then go to the blue grass festivals all most every week

Re: The Vampire Next Door (10:21pm August 15, 2011):

i like the colors of the book and would love to read them all
thye look great

Re: The Landlord's Black-Eyed Daughter (2:25pm August 10, 2011):

that good you have the happy endings i been reading a lot of book and dont have good endings

Re: Pleating for Mercy (11:55pm August 5, 2011):

i love to read all book and any kind i can get my hands on
then i do pen palling and then sew and make stuff for them for the holidays

Re: Too Hot To Touch (9:06pm August 3, 2011):

wow the title and the book stand out is he the hot one or the pan

Re: The Marked Son (1:21pm July 31, 2011):

the cover look great and then there the idea of the book
is great and i like the way youput the info on it

Re: Notorious (1:18pm July 29, 2011):

the only place i like to visit is ireland and then germany
because my family is form ireland and then germany is pretty but your book look great and then the cover is stand out one

Re: The Genesis Key (6:43pm July 28, 2011):

the book and the blurb would be interesting to read i like the cover it catches the eye

Re: A Gentleman Never Tells (6:29pm July 25, 2011):

hi well i am beta reader and then i read a book and then the author did not tell me what the chapter were o i figured it out and then did revison for her and it was fun the book you have the cover is great and the dress is pretty

Re: Touch If You Dare (1:22pm July 21, 2011):

the book cover is great and will stand out of most book it make you want to touch the guy wow it great brurb

Re: Night Walker (2:26pm July 18, 2011):

i can say this is great book and would love to read it and then the cover is great

Re: A Spark of Death (1:15pm July 15, 2011):

they way you did the book is great and then you keep all on there toes and the cover is great

Re: The Crepe Makers' Bond (7:56pm July 13, 2011):

well me i am not dumb but i am quriky and i like to do all kind of thing i tryed college but it did not work out

Re: Magnificent Passage (2:30pm July 12, 2011):

the book and cover is great i love to read them

Re: Just One Season In London (7:50pm July 11, 2011):

i love the title and the book it self and would like to win

Re: Runestone (2:00pm July 9, 2011):

well i now some singer and there eye and and his hair is gorgeous his name is mike and would look great in kilt long hair and on he is with the group notin fancy group check them out on y tube

Re: The Doctor Takes A Princess (11:53am July 8, 2011):

well i did and one was a boy and girl and then my kid were night and day desi was day darrell was night then i found out i was pregent at the 6 mo of the twin so i had 3 of them under 2

Re: Fallen (7:21pm June 29, 2011):


Re: Night Veil (12:23pm June 28, 2011):

since super man not around no more and then it would be bat man they have some sexy guys and women in the shows

Re: The Dark Enquiry (12:22pm June 28, 2011):

well i have been reading a lot of book on the Victorian age and state of clothes i now they wear some great outfits and then they have had some great language and then the balls they had

Re: Dying For Justice (12:20pm June 28, 2011):

well that going to hard for me i am afraid of snake and spider and every time i go out i am scared my dog will get bite by the snake i been bite by brown recluse and black widow and then copper head rattle snake

Re: Missing Persons (4:04pm June 25, 2011):

i really like that blurb and the bird on the book that is cool. hope the book does good and then i think it will full of supence

Re: Burning Skies (3:25pm June 24, 2011):

i just finished the book of angle an the other mating and it
and was great i like your over and the idea of the book keep up the good work

Re: Demons Prefer Blondes (11:10am June 20, 2011):

hun you find the knight soon you are a special person and you write for living so be proud of it and you new when friend stay or go i love the book cover and title best of luck

Re: Under a Desert Sky (7:48pm June 19, 2011):

your book is great and then i wish to read it

Re: The Lost Summer Of Louisa May Alcott (12:45pm June 16, 2011):

the book cover tell it all the love for books and you do it good ty for writing it

Re: Virgin (12:43pm June 16, 2011):

i can say the book look great i have read a lot of the books by the nurses / author and they a re some great books yur cover is great

Re: Louisa And The Missing Heiress (2:47pm June 15, 2011):

the book is great will do good that all it count the cover is great

Re: The Lost Summer Of Louisa May Alcott (2:45pm June 15, 2011):

wow the book cover is great and you are doing something special book and wish the best would love to read them

Re: When Tony Met Adam (4:05pm June 12, 2011):

wow great twitier i would love to read it i m on twitter fb

Re: Money Shot (5:59pm June 10, 2011):

the book sounds great and then the cover is great to

Re: Forced to Kill (8:17pm June 5, 2011):

that great you are using the real life part of book you will
achieve good book rating and if you are doing serise i would be the first to read it

Re: Cover of Darkness (8:15pm June 5, 2011):

the book sound great and the cover is super

Re: The Gin & Chowder Club (6:50pm May 30, 2011):

well i have some idea you might think about the storm here in mo in Joplin and then in bran son they are having floods
they are still cleaning up in Joplin

Re: Ashes Of The Earth (8:23pm May 17, 2011):

hey i got to congrats you on doing what you did you took the time and the effort and got them done and i hope to be able to read them and tell you how i love the books keep up the good onw

Re: The Hat (5:54pm May 9, 2011):

wow i wish my mom was like that but she was like the wicked witch of oz. but your mom sound great and then you all ways have her memiroes

Re: Deadly Promises (6:55pm May 8, 2011):

the book sound great and i now what you mean hope the book og to get top book and maybe a movie

Re: A Family Affair (1:03pm May 6, 2011):

well i cam form a family of 5 even though we lost dean my brother and my mom and both grand parents but i still have over 100 in the family and that only my moms side of the family tree if both my grand ma and mom would be live we would have up to 6 generation my aunt does have 4

Re: Love Drunk Cowboy (1:46pm May 4, 2011):

can i ask if any of the people in your book are they family members or some par of the family. well i like the book cover and the series sound great

Re: The Legend Of Michael (12:34pm May 2, 2011):

wow first one well i like the book and would be interested reading it and blogging on it

Re: My Favorite Countess (9:00am April 28, 2011):

i love to read the book and the alpha
they are so good looking and act like genteman

Re: The Devil in Disguise (9:14pm April 23, 2011):

hope you have great easter and the book sound greatwish i would read it

Re: Hidden Embers (8:21pm April 22, 2011):

me i love all seasons and then i would love to read and blog on your book added to my face book and then twittere

Re: Tangled Threads (8:06am April 18, 2011):

my is going to the authors site and then do blog
and then i all so like to read

Re: Cowboy Fever (8:26pm April 13, 2011):

i like the book cover and the cowboy is wow and would like to read and blog it

Re: A Song For My Mother (11:46pm April 9, 2011):

me i was book nut i go to the library to torture my mom and read all the time i read up to 300 book in summer and report on them and i did win a lot of contest i still love the books and would blog on yours

Re: Haunting Desire (4:22pm April 7, 2011):

would love to read the book for you and blog the title and the cover is great

Re: Snowball in Hell (4:20pm April 7, 2011):

wow the book look great i have never read one but would like to have posted to my face book and twitter

Re: The Shadow Guard (9:24am April 5, 2011):

wow the book y ou have are great and there are going to
be many more to come your way would like to blog on the book and the contents

Re: Play Me (9:52pm March 29, 2011):

i like story that tell a story and then i seen some of you book and they are great do not let no one tell you they are not

Re: Sink or Swim (11:31am March 26, 2011):

wow i love to win the book i do watch the show and i
like t he game show and fixit up show

Re: Laird of Darkness (1:17pm March 23, 2011):

well the cover is great and the blurb is better i am on
face book with it and twitter and want to read it i do it
good on the blog im on

Re: An Unlikely Countess (8:48pm March 19, 2011):

i have you on face book and the blog is super

Re: An Unlikely Countess (5:19pm March 19, 2011):

hi i like the book and cover and then i would love to read
it and then blog on it

Re: Angel Sister (5:57pm March 18, 2011):

that good book you can use family meemiors and that all it count you can put them in the books your write i lov e to win the book

Re: So Close The Hand Of Death (2:34pm March 15, 2011):

i can tell you a story i meet the guy the garbage bag killer in la his family ws great and then you never think form were he came from and then he became a close friend and then he did what he did now he teaches English and has about 4 doctor degree and other he has pay back and more but he learn his lesson but the book sound great would love to read and blog on your site and other and i twitted and face book

Re: It Happened One Bite (10:23pm March 14, 2011):

your book looks great and would love to read it and blog on it

Re: Angel's Rest (3:07pm March 12, 2011):

wow i have not read none of yours but would love to read and blog on them iam folowing you twitter and posted to face book

Re: A Taste of Seduction (11:11am March 11, 2011):

hi well i now what you had to go through but my went form losing my twins to cancer to pop hysterectomy in less than
3 days but your book sound great and will be going tops
and if you really like some one to read pick me i blog a lot on bookd i read

Re: Seducing The Governess (7:57pm March 8, 2011):

hi i used to take the book to the gym and then end up reading it all most thorgh the work out i love any kind of book and will blog on it

Re: Scandal of the Year (10:31pm March 4, 2011):

well i love the book and the cover and then i would like to do the blog on it alot

Re: Scandal of the Year (9:21am March 4, 2011):

well you did good job on the book the cover are great and i do not care what the book about i read and tell you i like it blog on twitter and face book and your site but i love history type and love the ear:s you chose

Re: Treasure Me (3:28pm March 3, 2011):

your book will do great and would love to read and blog on them

Re: Storm Of Reckoning (6:29pm February 19, 2011):

the book and cover are great count me in please i love to read to mu ch

Re: RiverTime (7:26pm February 16, 2011):

wow the book great cover and then the book will do good for you eye catcher

Re: Breaking the Rules (11:25am February 13, 2011):

well i wont be drinking i got to work but i had blood ymary
when i i was younger and could not stand up the guy when i got out of high school brother make them and i thought they were just a cherry coke little did i now the next day at the picnic hang over when they came to pick me up the next morning at 8 am i was not up and had to be carried to the shower and cold one was it

Re: True Colors (11:21am February 13, 2011):

the idea of the book sound great and the cover is a knock
out hope to see it more

Re: Dangerous Secrets (3:11pm February 11, 2011):

hi desi here well i love the cover of the book and then
i would love to read and blog on it all over the place
i hope the book goes good for you

Re: Deadly Ties (10:56pm February 7, 2011):

the book sound great and you bring up a good point and hope t hat a lot of women will read it and learn i had the lesson
learn the wrong way i lost my hearing to one an now i had baha done and hope to be able to hear for the first time in aobut 20 years

Re: These Things Hidden (7:22pm February 6, 2011):

well the book look like good one and the cover is great many more to you

Re: Haunting Jasmine (12:27pm January 30, 2011):

well what i can say Canada castle are haunted and they are great we went to some when i was kid me i love to talk to the ghost and friend ask me can you spot the ghost he has on site the one in England they were eating dinner and then seen a little girl playing with a ball so they are great and would love to read it and blog on it

Re: Eternal Prey (8:07pm January 26, 2011):

hi well you never have to many hero and then your cover is something else wow good luck with the book and hope there will be many more wish to win and blog on the book and i am following you on twitter

Re: At Hidden Falls (9:52pm January 25, 2011):

wow you got alot of post but i love to read and will blog on the book

Re: Pleasure Me (7:36pm January 14, 2011):

i twited and face book you and the book sound great

Re: Wicked Seduction (6:23pm January 11, 2011):

hi jada i follow you on her and face book and may be twitter i am not sure but your books sound great and the people will be great wish you the best and hope to win one one day

Re: The Fire In Ember (9:52am January 10, 2011):

i like the book and it would help in my english this year and i would blog on all site please please

Re: Mercy Kill (9:54pm January 9, 2011):

you are doing about what going on around you and that good hope the book goes to top seller and would love to read it

Re: Fatal Justice (6:23pm January 6, 2011):

the book sound great best wishes for the top for it i tweeted and face book you

Re: Real Vampires Have More To Love (5:27pm January 4, 2011):

tht a new twist to vamp book would love to read and bog on it about for you have great one the cover is very interesting

Re: Deadly Identity (8:05pm December 30, 2010):

ty for the info me i wrote for the school paper and they say i talk to much gift of gab well i love to write but only letter and story for school

Re: Red Ink (4:09pm December 29, 2010):

the book sound great and would love to read it i have been
avid reader up to 3 book week and i do blog

Re: Red Ink (7:04pm December 28, 2010):

you have great book on your hands and would love to read and then blog on it happy new year and let your book go high

Re: The Irish Warrior (9:35am December 21, 2010):

wow i love to be a winner and love to red your book

Re: Icecapade (5:55pm December 13, 2010):

would love to get the book and read it

Re: Icecapade (8:24am December 13, 2010):

thsi would be great readhave great holiday

Re: Sparks (12:21pm December 4, 2010):

you book sound great i love ghost story and then the info you can get form them best of the holiday

Re: Dating Mr. December (1:58pm November 22, 2010):

hi wish to win and wish you t he best of the year to come the book sound great

Re: Swift Justice (6:22pm November 17, 2010):

wow i am sitting and doing cards
as we speak so far 130 and more to count and cookies i get the stuff for them and let the other ladie cook them if i had them here we eat them all but good luck with the book and many many more

Re: The Christmas Clock (11:33pm November 15, 2010):

i like the sound of the xmas book i love them a lot and then the booka re form the heart and best wish for yours and family

Re: The Forever Queen (7:34pm November 11, 2010):

that is good book and love to read all of it and let me know
what about

Re: Deadly Intent (7:32pm November 11, 2010):

i love to read it and blog about it

Re: The Devil She Knows (8:15pm November 7, 2010):

hi well thanks giving and xmas
was at greandma she had the biggerst place and then she would could all week before and then we had to help it was fun and then we have up to and sometime over 100 people caome and that all family

Re: An Amish Christmas (9:54pm November 5, 2010):

lutz family

Re: An Amish Christmas (9:54pm November 5, 2010):

hi the book you talk about for
the amish i know for a fact they help all t he time we had a house fire and lost every thing and then they drove about 30 mile to the house and brought propane tanks and blanket and food for us and my pets they a also helped when the ice storm hit here they cut tree up and then hauled the wood away

Re: Holiday Grind (9:48pm November 5, 2010):

hi i do not cook sorry but i have some one who does but the cookies here look wow would love to eat them all

Re: Mr. Darcy's Obsession (11:02pm October 27, 2010):

thta sound like a great book and wish to get it

Re: A Darcy Christmas (7:52pm October 22, 2010):

your boo sound great and many more i love to be able to read it

Re: Twilight Hunger (9:49pm October 21, 2010):

congrat on your book and hope you have more i be happy to read it and blog

Re: Captive Spirit (10:17pm October 20, 2010):

sound like a great book count me in

Re: The Making of a Gentleman (10:16pm October 20, 2010):

sound like a great book count
me in and i twitted you good luck with the book

Re: Grave Witch (9:41pm October 17, 2010):

the book sound good and hopeyou have many more

Re: Building Magic (11:00am October 3, 2010):

wow i like the pic of you and t he book sounds great wish to win have fun with the book

Re: The Bride's Necklace (6:20pm September 27, 2010):

you book cover are great wish to read them have good week

Re: One Touch of Scandal (5:54pm September 26, 2010):

me i get a teddy bear and then i get king his goodie for hime all the time

Re: Wicked Highlander (10:15pm September 15, 2010):

congrasts on t he book the scots and the guys who were kilts wow wow

Re: Warrior (9:24pm September 12, 2010):

hope i can still win

Re: Royal Blood (1:12am September 5, 2010):

hi i would love to read your book and hope you have good hokiday and have more book to come

Re: Atlantis Betrayed (11:17pm August 31, 2010):

congrat on the book and home to see many more to come good luck int he coming year and i osuld love to read the book

Re: Dark Warrior Untamed (8:36am August 28, 2010):

ty fot the books and best of luck for more

Re: A Hollywood Ending (8:35am August 28, 2010):

well i am not sure if i read any of the book i have over 200 and i read alot and love the way you guys do the story

Re: Dark Warrior Untamed (1:12am August 28, 2010):

the cover is great and many more books to come and hope they will be graat sucess

Re: Assassin's Heart (11:00pm August 25, 2010):

hi i really would lie toread it and blog on it

Re: Assassin's Heart (8:00pm August 24, 2010):

hello and i think i would like to read the book i beleve in the afer live and seen and taken pic of ghost

Re: Nemesis (2:22pm August 22, 2010):

ilove the book titie and cover and the boa weo pick me and i let you now about the book

Re: Whisper Kiss (2:52pm August 21, 2010):

i have read some shifter books and now geting in to them would like to win your book and blog about it

Re: Nemesis (2:50pm August 21, 2010):

i would love to win the daly
blog contest and would like the book i do facebook and goodread and then i also do the

Re: Whisper Kiss (12:40pm August 21, 2010):

ty for the book and then
i hope to win and then i let you now about how i know baout
he bookd

Re: Hero (8:09pm August 18, 2010):

the book looks great and best for more to come i would love to win it

Re: Roast Mortem (3:53pm August 14, 2010):

hey i like the name give me
you can give it to me i love to read and have read most books
and would love to read yours

Re: The Ark (7:35pm July 29, 2010):

can i say wow you did a good job on the title and would love to win it

Re: Moonshine (4:24pm July 20, 2010):

congrat on the book and hope you
do more and then i hope i get to read and blog about it

Re: Revenge for Old Times' Sake (8:24pm July 18, 2010):

hi i would love to have your book or book and read them and blog best of luck for the more books

Re: Murder in the Abstract (8:19pm July 14, 2010):

hi wishing the bes for the new book would love to read your book and blog on it

Re: Royal Captive (7:39pm June 16, 2010):

congrat on t he booka nd many mor e to coem to you soon

Re: Dragon Unmasked (4:37pm June 16, 2010):

thank you for the cahnce to win and wish you the best for the books

Re: His At Night (9:28pm May 25, 2010):

hello well i am going to tell you somthing i am going back to school after 36 year and the first class is history and i can tell you i loved histroy 36 year ago and still love it the book sound great

Re: The White Shadow Saga (2:09pm May 21, 2010):

hi good luck with the book and would love to read it

Re: Sex And The Single Earl (8:50pm May 20, 2010):

congrats on the books

Re: The White Shadow Saga (8:50pm May 20, 2010):

wish i could win and bog aobut the book pick me

Re: On Folly Beach (3:05pm May 19, 2010):

hello well i do not now waht to say ubt i lov eot hav eyour book and read it abn blog about it on mutly sites

Re: Sex And The Single Earl (3:03pm May 19, 2010):

hello and hope you have more to coem i would love to read the book and blog about it on mutly sites

Re: Touching Darkness (9:00pm May 5, 2010):

congrat on your book and hope may more come soon and then i would love to read about it and would blog abotu it on a cvouple differnt site

Re: In Shelter Cove (6:11pm May 4, 2010):

your book are great and hope to win t he book

Re: On Shadow Beach (6:53pm April 6, 2010):

they are great and wih you the best in the coming year and hope you stay at the top for while

Re: Something About You (1:23pm March 19, 2010):


Re: Breakfast In Bed (7:29pm December 28, 2009):

your story was great remind me of back home in little
italy in cleveand i used to heip in the restraunt alot when i was kid and we had some great time there

Re: Shades Of Grace (11:17pm December 23, 2009):

well the perosn who i grant for rading and doing thing was newpaper teacher in high school i love to have some new book and best wishes

Re: Paraworld Zero (11:16am December 21, 2009):

well i would like to stay that your book look good cant wait till i can find it and add to my collection of author and book have a greet holiday

Re: Red Kiss (11:02pm December 16, 2009):

idont have any one but would like to have for my collection and be able to read

Re: Over My Dead Body (11:01pm December 16, 2009):

since i dont have any one i like to noimate me i am been sick for while beacuse of medical issue and have had surgery 4 time this month

Re: Remembering Ashby (11:00pm December 16, 2009):

ido not have no one put penpal name pam wholost her shusband just acouple week ago

Re: 13 to Life (10:58pm December 16, 2009):

hello i would loveot add her to my collectionof book and i in joy reaidng alot since i am been sick al monthlong

Re: Kitty and the Midnight Hour (11:45pm December 13, 2009):


Re: Stolen Heat (8:31pm November 19, 2009):

congrat on your book and hope you have many more i would love to have it for my collection

Re: Over My Dead Body (5:27pm November 17, 2009):

hello welli hope you have great thank giving my family is all back east and just my bf and me and dog so i will cook the only time and t hen
sit and watch tv have good holiday

Re: The Cowboy From Christmas Past (1:42pm August 10, 2009):


Re: The Cowboy From Christmas Past (7:13pm August 3, 2009):

hi well i dotn now what ot say i love to read and since iam recouping form surgery aftrere surgery i like to read and would like yurs

Re: By Hook Or By Crook (4:11pm July 13, 2009):


Re: Enemy Lover (8:18pm October 25, 2008):

i hope you dont feeloffensive but when i finsh the book i get i send them tomy pen pal and then they send it out to snother one on mylist and rule are nowittingin book or clean hands

Re: Immortals: The Crossing (8:59am September 17, 2008):

ilike the book and keep up the good wrk hope they aregetting better and better

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