Sandra Spilecki
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274 comments posted.
Re: An Inconvenient Duke (8:45pm February 27, 2020):
I like the way it takes me away from what is going on now. I like the positivity and the HEAs. I like the way I feel a smile in my heart and the match up of interesting personalities and the problems they solve together. I like the clothes and the way all the differences of then and now take me away to a different world. I am sure that people that live then would not recognize the time they lived as how we see it.
Re: Puppy Christmas (10:16am November 16, 2019):
You ask. I answer. Books, books and more books. But Santa could bring us all a better future for our country!
Re: Longing for a Cowboy Christmas (10:07am November 16, 2019):
I love anthologies, especially Christmas stories. I read them all year long. Thank you for this enticing book!
Re: Romancing the Ranger (9:26am March 23, 2016):
Re: London Tides (12:19pm March 9, 2016):
You are new to me. Welcome to my world.
Re: A Father's Second Chance (12:17pm March 9, 2016):
You are new to me. Welcome to my world!
Re: My Tempting Highlander (12:11pm March 9, 2016):
1774-1776 America to meet Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson etc.
Re: Ever After at Sweetheart Ranch (9:23am April 29, 2015):
This book sounds like a real winner and I want to read it before going on to your new town. I know it will be a great success!
Re: The Gentleman Jewel Thief (11:58am December 11, 2014):
I love the simplicity of the gown on the cover and the cover itself. Imagine making such a gown by hand, on stitch at a time.
Re: Twice Tempted (10:32am December 3, 2014):
I love the covers on your books--no extremely long piles of fabric and the hair and the color of the gowns go so well together.
Re: Geared For The Grave (10:27am December 3, 2014):
Yes and I have always loved to ride just for pleasure. I love your list of reasons-- what a hoot!
Re: Driftwood Tides (1:50pm September 7, 2014):
Though I come from an area farther north I really love being near the sea--the sounds, the smells, the feel on my skin. The cover of your book drew me in. I could feel it. It could have been me on the cover in real life. No, I am not in the business. I was speaking of experiencing what is just out of sight. I look forward to this story. I know you got it just right!
Re: In Bed with a Rogue (1:26pm September 6, 2014):
Congratulations on your latest release. I bet you are breathing easier now (for a while).
Re: The Laird (1:23pm September 6, 2014):
I love Grace Burrowes' books. Each story is unique. Each character has his/her own story. I get so involved with the plot and each couple and forget other stories I have read so I do not compare. Therefore I do no form favorites in my mind.
Re: Saving Gracie (2:32pm August 24, 2014):
I'm split between walking my dog and reading a good book.
Re: Across the Line (2:27pm August 24, 2014):
Are you a true sports fan and if so which one OR all of the above.
Re: Crimson Heart (10:31am June 29, 2014):
You are new to me. I watch people regularly and it is amazing what you learn about people in general. My maternal grandfather was a Scot. I can only dream about everything he saw in his lifetime.
Re: Home to Stay (12:17pm April 16, 2014):
Our town is divided into three sections (Not on a map but by the way you want to live). Our section is eclectic and we are accepted as we are with all our idiosyncracies. We are not lawn perfect and we don't dress just fit in. We are what we are. Our section is considered a village with it's own stores, banks etc. It's a great way to live.
Re: Home to Stay (12:15pm April 16, 2014):
Our town is divided into three sections (Not on a map but by the way you want to live. Our section is eclectic and we are accepted as we are with all our idiosyncracies. We are not lawn perfect and we don't dress just fit in. We are what we are. Our section is considered a village with it's own stores, banks etc. It's a great way to live.
Re: The Bride Insists (3:24pm March 13, 2014):
What a darling picture! They look like goats to me. I love the premise of your book and can't wait to read it. I never heard of the movie Black Sheep but I have seen the animals. Please keep writing!
Re: Desperately Seeking Suzanna (3:18pm March 13, 2014):
How did you make out on the nuts and berries? Love the diet but how did the dress fit afterwards? The cover of the book is beautiful. Stop people! You are making me hungry.
Re: Risk Taker (5:44pm February 3, 2014):
This is why I don't include "never" in my life. When something is so good you know it can't end here, it really is necessary to break the rules and create more until you know it is finished and you are truly satisfied. I am so glad you did and I am sure many other of your readers do or will feel the same. Congratulations!
Re: Baden-Powell's Beads: Aksum (5:37pm February 3, 2014):
You are new to me. This sounds like a well researched series that is very powerful.
Re: Sadie's Secret (5:10pm January 17, 2014):
I love your covers and the lovely ladies on them. What clothes! You must have done a lot of research. Congratulations! I can't wait to read all of them.
Re: More Than A Touch (5:06pm January 17, 2014):
I love your list of whys. I agree with all of them but most of all the feel of a real book in my hands
Re: Between A Rake And A Hard Place (5:02pm January 17, 2014):
House parties usually end with balls so I choose house parties.
Re: One Rogue Too Many (4:59pm January 17, 2014):
The first crush I will admit to was a blue-eyed blonde who was studying to be a farmer. I think every other girl in middle school had a crush on him. When they finally discovered his taste in girls the majority of us moved on.
Re: Freezer I'll Shoot (5:38pm December 28, 2013):
I know what you mean about the kids. I really love my kids. When they did something I didn't approve of I used to say to them "I love you but right now I don't like you. Think about it."
No resolutions for me--either I forget them or I just don't keep them. If I write them down I generally lose the list.
Re: Born Wild (2:42pm November 3, 2013):
You are new to me. Sounds interesting--definitely worth a try!
Re: A Lady's Secret Weapon (9:41am October 19, 2013):
I, too, began with Regencies and other historicals but Regencies were my favorites. I began reading rather late in my life as I had eye problems until everything settled down at thirty-five. I am still trying to catch up on my favorite authors while finding new favorites. What an adventure!
Re: The Outlaw Knight (1:06pm September 29, 2013):
I can't help wondering what made you choose this particular time period and place. The book sounds fascinating. Thanks for the pictures. They really put things in perspective.
Re: A Rancher's Christmas (11:23am August 27, 2013):
Since we moved to this area we have fought to keep our library branch open many times and succeeded. We are now in the fight again. Our neighborhood is steadily increasing the number of children we have. It would appear that the powers to be are not listening. Books are important to us all.
I agree. Christmas stories can be enjoyed year-round. They are a great pick- up and also a mood changer. Thank you for getting yours out early.
Re: Detour to Dusk (4:42pm April 28, 2013):
Vampire novels--each author has a different interpretation and each one spins a different story. I am looking forward to experiencing your approach. Sounds interesting.
Re: Jake (1:19pm February 26, 2013):
The books sound great! The guys look great! I could do without the mustache! We all know guys have muscles--thanks for the shirts!
Re: Renegade (10:43am December 26, 2012):
I start reading Christmas romances in October and read them through December. I find they perk up my spirits and stimulate my thinking about decorations, gifts, relationships and new traditions. I love to surprise my family with new recipes (carefully because some don't like change) and new fun things to do. As this is family time for us and we are spread out and see each other less than we would wish we talk, sing, joke and catch-up. We tell each other what we hope to do in the new year and (if you listen carefully) you can discover favorite types of gifts and new wishes that help gift giving throughout the new year.
Re: Against The Odds (3:45pm December 19, 2012):
When the children were little and expecting family gifts would be wrapped in print colorful paper. ALL things from Santa were wrapped in red tissue paper with names printed with green marker. There was always a small package for Mom and another for Dad so the children knew we were not left out. We always had homemade gingerbread boys and girls hanging from the tree to eat Christmas morning--so yummy with cold milk and hot coffee without interrupting the fun.
Re: Counterfeit Cowboy (12:07pm December 12, 2012):
I like a clean shaven man (no necessarily without facial hair which should be neatly trimmed). Needless to say I hate the scruffy look. To me it shows disrespect for those around him and also selfishness. I also like a clean appearance--not meaning that someone with a dirty job shouldn't show it on a day-to-day basis. I can appreciate scruffy only when someone had been without sleep or "on the trail" for days at a time, just not on a regular basis. I guess what I am saying is a man who respects those around him and who cleans up well. Height, coloration, hair don't matter. A hero is an everyday man who is not perfect and has courage and a sense of humor and of himself.
Re: Love Thy Sister (11:41am December 12, 2012):
What an amazing story. I had trouble learning one new language and you not only learned more than that but well enough to write and win again and again in those languages. Now you write even more. Wow! and WOW again! To add to that you are truly lovely. Congratulations.
Re: Rancher's Son (4:34pm December 6, 2012):
I visited Florida many years ago. What I knew then I don't remember now. That's what age does to you. I never heard of Florida cattle drives. Live and learn. I have learned something new today. Thank you.
Re: Holiday Buzz (3:52pm December 6, 2012):
I love your books! I have read most of them and am trying to catch up with those I haven't. I have to read this new one so that I discover what Clare will do next relationship-wise and what delicious recipes you have for us and how you fit them into the story. Have a wonder filled Christmas and try to stop and smell the coffee.
Re: Too Close For Comfort (3:45pm December 6, 2012):
Both of my daughters were diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis while in high school. The only sport they could participate in was riflery, They went to a shooting range every Saturday and soon had their own target rifles in the house. In order to be around these guns in the house (locked up, of course) I took a gun safety course given by the range. I made similar discoveries and when we had a guest speaker (a Chief of Police from nearby) that if we wanted to protect ourselves in the best way we should get a shotgun. He said we had a better chance of hitting our target. Isn't it interesting how our feelings change when we have a weapon in our hands!?!
Re: The Bridegroom Wore Plaid (3:32pm December 6, 2012):
What I truly enjoy about your books is that they are different. The plots are intriguing and the characters someone you want to know or root for. Your solutions make so much sense, Thank you for so many hours of enjoyment provided by your extensive research and hard work. Please keep writing. Now that I've found you I don't want to lose you and all your good work.
Re: The Prince's Gamble (11:38am November 27, 2012):
As a Northeastener I want to thank you for your efforts toward the victims of Sandy. We were lucky as to have only minor problems. From what I have read some people are still without power. Your books are great but then so are you! Thank you again.
Re: The Clue Is In The Pudding (11:32am November 27, 2012):
Thank you for your "Christmas" tale. When I think about cooking for the holidays I will think I have it easy from now on. Your mother must be a very strong lady to take all of that on and feel confident all of you would cooperate (especially as teenagers). Wow!
Re: A Christmas Bride / Christmas Beau (11:21am November 27, 2012):
Anything your write is magic! I have read your books with such enjoyment and am never disappointed. I hope your holidays bring you as much pleasure as you can handle. Thank you for all the work you do to bring pleasure and relaxation to such a complicated world. Please don't stop. Merry Christmas!
Re: Holiday in Crimson (8:56am November 25, 2012):
I collect thimbles and a while back Hallmark had a thimble ornament each year that I collected. When the children were grown and on their own we got a very small artificial tree and when we decorated it for the first time I discovered I had just enough thimble ornaments to cover it. My husband gave me a thimble shaped jigger to top our "Thimble Christmas Tree". The only other ornament we use is a sleeping Baby Jesus on a curled wood shaving that we put Front And Center. After all we would not have this holiday without Him!
Re: Unmasked (11:23am November 20, 2012):
I too am older and have hair loss. I have found a new love for hats. What I love about it is I find hats that are just perfect for me and within a certain amount of time others in my neighborhood are finding the courage to wear the same hats! Thank you for the lack of perfection in your characters. It makes a reader believe there is hope for all.
Re: Refuge (4:41pm November 19, 2012):
Count me in!
Re: The Twelve Clues Of Christmas (1:19pm November 11, 2012):
When we were very young we would have "our" Christmas when we woke up, then go to my maternal grandfather's house for Christmas dinner and gift exchange then late in the afternoon we would go to my father's family for supper (usually poultry soup and biscuits (not cookies) and a gift exchange. When we were just about falling asleep our parents would take us home to bed. BUT the next day was the BEST. My mother made us stay in bed and read our Christmas books(gifts) and have lunch in bed and only come down for dinner, signaling we were back to our normal routine.
Re: Renegade (9:55am November 6, 2012):
My first date became my second. I was asked to go to a Rock & Roll show that was three weeks away. I was sooo excited. Then a week later the same boy called and asked me to the movies sooner. It seems he felt I would go to the music show for sure but the movie date was because he wanted me to be his girl once I agreed to his first offer. We dated for two years. My parents loved him.
Re: Iced Chiffon (8:13pm October 28, 2012):
I truly enjoy cozy mysteries. It is always fun to see what happens and how they are solved--without gushing blood, grey cadavers and mega-nasty characters. I enjoy the puzzle of a good cozy without getting my blood pressure elevated. I also enjoy the fun moments thrown in as relief from the well-written tension. Keep writing!
Re: Kissed By A Vampire (8:07pm October 28, 2012):
I love paranormals. I love your books. Put the two together and I've just got to get this book!
Re: Night Thief (11:58am October 27, 2012):
Wow! I love true history in paranormals. I don't know about other readers but a touch of reality makes paranormals more scary.
Re: Mistletoe Cowboy (11:55am October 27, 2012):
What do you mean "those characters aren't real"? I love to submerge myself in a good book and believe I am there. When I surface from the book I hate to leave those "people" behind and it takes a while for me to be truly back in the moment. Thank you for such great books!
Re: Lady Louisa's Christmas Knight (11:50am October 27, 2012):
I love Christmas romances! Doesn't being a holiday romance limit your sales? I do know that libraries try to buy only a few each year and the first ones "out" have the best chance of being bought. Thus saying I start reading as many as I can and this year I think I started in July (at least putting in request where ever I go). When I know a title I am on it!
Re: Tempting the Best Man (11:49am October 24, 2012):
I love Alpha men WITHIN REASON! They are nice to read but tough to really live with!
Re: Losing Control (10:46am October 24, 2012):
I love the idea and hope I can read them in order. Family relationships can be tough to get around and to keep track of. Thanks for planning the variety of brothers and A SISTER! You go girl!!
Re: In The Barrister's Bed (12:07pm October 11, 2012):
I suppose they can but they are NOT for me!
Re: Run The Risk (12:05pm October 11, 2012):
I read constantly and whenever I run into the situation you describe I wait to see it gets resolved. I cannot remember any specific story that in my mind fits the bill. I enjoy a good book for what it is and then go on to the next in my TBR pile. I very much enjoyed your last(?) series with Savor and his brethren and I am really excited that you have a new series for us to savor!
Re: A Home For Nobody's Princess (10:52am September 25, 2012):
Home to me is being in my husband's arms. I knew he was "the one" when I was first there and sighed "home". What a great feeling that is!
Re: When You Give A Duke A Diamond (12:02pm September 8, 2012):
It strikes me that everyone seems to put today's rules into the 1800's. Even meek-seeming heroines can be strong within their period and rules. How about a tit-for-tat couple subtly done, teasing the moires to show each other how things should be--hmm?
Re: West of Want (4:55pm August 8, 2012):
I am not into tortured or possessive. I prefer honorable, passionate, ethical, strong and empathetic. This book invites me in in order to prove these characteristics (sounds good, right?). Oh, let's face it. It sounds like a great book about interesting characters and a great plot with another character to stir our dislike. What else can we want!?!
Re: I Own The Dawn (5:13pm August 2, 2012):
I love when a writer and his/her characters work together. It makes a virtual team and I think a better book. Keep writing and laughing--it makes for a happy life for all of us.
Re: Take it Like a Vamp (12:16pm July 25, 2012):
We haven't had a TV in over forty years so any TV vamp is out of reach. I love bad boys but I prefer Carpathians (vampire hunters) to vamps. I must say that I do love Bones along with Kat though. Yes, Han Solo was hot but after Indiana Jones he lost it. I'll take my vamps from books--they don't age and change or reveal themselves as idiots.
Re: Sacrifice of Passion (2:00pm July 21, 2012):
If you are looking for really good books, you can rely on St. Martin's Press to bring you the best. Just sayin... Congratulations for having your books come from their house.
Re: Scotsmen Prefer Blondes (1:56pm July 21, 2012):
I grew up in the period of Cinderella, Snow White, Alice in Wonderland--all happy-ever-after stories. Regency romances continue this tradition and give us great escape into a time of (for the rich) ballroom gowns and other dresses trimmed with lace and embroidery and fancy trims, amazing hair styles and Manners. They give us all a dreamscape to relax in and creative love matches without (mostly) matchmakers. Problems of the now can disappear while our minds relax with wonderful stories so that when we surface again our problems are easier to cope with and/or solve. Thank you for adding all your might to this cause and the pleasure you bring us when we need it most!
Re: Deep Autumn Heat (12:56pm July 7, 2012):
Exercising is ugly--the clothes, the sweat, the grunts of effort--but so necessary. I was in fair shape until I was in an auto accident. Now I am not allowed to do what I need to to lose weight. You never know when something unexpected will change your plans. Thus saying I want all of you to realize that as you get older it is harder and harder (and more necessary) to get your weight down for a longer and healthier weight. Also take all those "some day" plans and do them now!!! (This has taken me out of my comfort zone.) Now to get back to my comfort zone give me a great book and the comfort of thinking that some one of you took me seriously.
Re: Lord Of Fire And Ice (12:43pm July 7, 2012):
I read (like many of us) to escape the present and relax. I love paranormals and historicals and this sounds right up my street (alleys can be so dirty). Keep on writing because I love your books and need more.
Re: Invitation To Scandal (4:05pm June 28, 2012):
I would like to be a truly healthy person.
Re: Chase Me (5:14pm June 8, 2012):
I love Roarke but there are scores of great heroes out there. I read constantly and each book finds a new hero. I can't even begin to list them all. In J. D. Robbs latest book there is a scene with Roarke and Eve in the bedroom--if you aren't a Roarke fan after reading that scene I will cry for you.
Re: Skeleton Women (3:46pm June 6, 2012):
Life changes and understated pressures=water against stone. We use what we must to survive and perhaps flourish while dealing with life as it is.
Re: Copycat Killing (3:39pm June 6, 2012):
No current crushes! Married 50 years--one man at a time please. Love all animals in books. Keep up the good work!
Re: Home For The Summer (2:44pm June 5, 2012):
Neighborhood bike rides, biking picnics, family clambakes, beach going, planting small gardens, baseball, lawn mowing, puzzle making and reading and making clothes for the next school year--only partial activities of our summer at home.
Re: Seeker Of Shadows (11:21am May 31, 2012):
I consider myself a voracious reader. A good read to me is one that holds my attention from the first and when I finish it I feel that I am returning from another world or a deep sleep. I begin to notice thing going on around me again.
Re: Big Sky Country (10:44am May 31, 2012):
Any book you write, any hero you feature, any heroine you choose--they are all for me. I have read most of your books, those that I haven't read I just haven't got to.
Re: Where There's Smoke (12:03pm May 27, 2012):
This idea is wild. Did you ever base any of your characters on people you know or people you wish you didn't? I love paranormals and I have yet to see this particular idea in print. Looking forward to it!
Re: A Gentleman Says "I Do" (11:55am May 27, 2012):
I would never ask if you were still writing. I would ask you to keep writing and could you do it faster. I became a fan of your books quite a while ago. Now I don't want to have to do without them. So I repeat "Keep Writing Please!"
Re: Finding Her Son (11:47am May 27, 2012):
I agree with all of your list and Pam's as well. I would add a sense of humor and a bit of patience. You write my kind of man. Thank goodness I got mine already.
Re: The Taming Of A Scottish Princess (12:19pm May 24, 2012):
I much prefer a sexy nerd to a self-absorbed (but reclaimed) jerk who can revert to type. Never think you can change a man--it will only be temporary. You are so better off with a nerd--definitely much happier.
Re: Kiss Of The Goblin Prince (10:51am May 12, 2012):
I have read many paranormals but have yet to read about goblins. The wings make me curious.
Re: The Proposal (8:20pm May 4, 2012):
Wait no more. Rush to the store! This book is GREAT! I love this new series. A few minutes ago I finished reading The Proposal. I highly recommend it. I honestly can't wait for the next book in the series. Enjoy!!
Re: Beauty and The Best (12:44pm May 1, 2012):
I love the idea of magic to make magic work between lovers. I have no story to tell that I can remember but with age they disappear. My kind of book! Keep up the good work.
Re: Enraptured (11:34am April 26, 2012):
I'm going to take you waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back. The Wicked Queen from Snow White. I have read hundreds of books since then with lots of villains. I can't single any particular one out. They just set the pace.
Re: Homefront Hero (11:27am April 26, 2012):
A person (or animal) that comes forward when the need strikes is a real hero. No bragging. No boasting. No "Look At ME!". That's my kind of hero. Kike many in our military who are "just doing their job"!
Re: Trouble Me (10:57am April 24, 2012):
TROUBLE ME--sounds like a true guy story. Lots of fun with glitches along the way. Looking forward to reading it.
Re: Somebody To Love (10:41am April 24, 2012):
We have moved 5 times and each time is a new chance. There is good and bad about both so I just keep reading.
Re: One Hot Cowboy Wedding (4:21pm April 9, 2012):
They know how to treat a gal and do it with honesty and courtesy. Put all that under a Western Hat. Yum!! Love these stories!
Re: Lessons After Dark (10:09am April 7, 2012):
What a positive Spin!! I love the premise and am going to add this to my TBR pile when I find it. I prefer supporting street book stores.
Re: Texas Baby Sanctuary (11:20am March 28, 2012):
It is wonderful to experience things from different state points-of-view. Texas is a large state and I imagine there are as many ideas as there are alternate locations within the state giving an author a range of perspectives and scenery to work with. I like variety. Therefore I like Texas as a location.
Re: Believe It or Not (4:24pm March 22, 2012):
Characters names have to fit--if they don't I can't finish the story.
Re: Assassins In Love (4:18pm March 22, 2012):
When I think of cruise ship I think "summer romance" meaning temporary for the length of the trip. Space ships have been in scifi for a long, long time. Therefore I think your book sound great!
Re: Sticks and Stones (10:32am March 21, 2012):
I had a neighborhood friend who read the same books I did. She thought we could write better books together. We gave it a lot of thought. During this time we both moved and got more involved with our families and lost contact. I agree with those who say they would NOT write with their husbands or sisters. Enough said.
Re: Cassie's Grand Plan (10:24am March 21, 2012):
We live in a village within a town and near a city. It is an old fashion neighborhood in that we know each other, help each other and look out for each other. Our village is populated with pets of all kinds and people who obey all the town regulations. I love meeting my neighbors. Some times it takes more than an hour and sometimes two to go around one city block because of all the friendly people. We have parks, food stores, banks etc. that you would expect in a larger area and a neighborhood pub within walking distance. There is even a library branch. Enough said. This is my world.
Re: A Seal In Wolf's Clothing (10:51am March 17, 2012):
When I saw SEAL I just knew it was the armed services type especially when you mentioned Wolf along with it. I love wolves and am very sorry what is being done to them but Werewolf and Seal make for quite a muscular match. All I can say is "WOW" and "WOW" again.
Re: The Needle In The Blood (10:43am March 17, 2012):
I have never heard of this tapestry. The period surrounding 1066 has always fascinated me. I can't even tell you why. We covered the Battle of Hastings very thoroughly in school as if our teacher was as fascinated as I. This book is right down my alley. Thank you. I will be looking for it.
Re: Secret Confessions of Lady H ? Book 1 (11:31am March 14, 2012):
I have to agree with the last commenter. It must be automatic email. I have the time but my memory isn't what it was. To make it a treat to myself would make me look forward from one day to the next (or week, or month). When I read a trilogy I find I get impatient and go on to another author rather that get frustrated waiting. I think I would react to a serial type book the same way.
Re: His Duty to Protect (11:21am March 14, 2012):
My mother's family has a whole lot of muscle brained military men who don't need women until the NEED them (and not only in bed). They are definitely "a woman's place is...". It really takes a particular type of woman to put up with them. I love it when they wake up to what is "now".
Re: Sketch a Falling Star (4:31pm March 12, 2012):
I know what you mean. When I surface from reading a good book I feel like I have come back to a strange place. My husband could have been talking to me and asking questions but I have't a clue what he said. Sometimes he says to me "Good book?". Sometimes "Welcome back".
Re: Against The Night (12:18pm March 9, 2012):
At my age my list of favorite movies is longer than my memory. Now I prefer books to movies. My husband and I are voracious readers. I go thru 8-15 books a week now that we are retired. He pitches in around the house so that we have more reading time. Our TBR piles never seem to get any shorter because we add to them as often as we can. Ebooks and audio books seem to be taking over. Give me a real book as long as they are available!
Re: Texas Pride (11:58am March 9, 2012):
I am not surprised that men write romance because it takes two to make a couple so why shouldn't they. I have read some of your books but not all. I really enjoy them. I have never been bothered by who writes the books I enjoy. Whenever I find a good one I look for more by that author. Romance books have not changed my relationship except that now he waits for me to put the book down instead of me waiting for him. We are both voracious readers and a good book is still a good book no matter the writer.
Re: Sweet Enemy (10:43am March 7, 2012):
The moment they discover what they feel is real and know they have found their "home".
Re: Dire Needs (11:31am March 5, 2012):
I prefer series books that can also be read as stand-alones. It seem that libraries are good at getting books 1 and 2 but often forget 3. It takes reminding them more than once.
Re: Miss Hillary Schools a Scoundrel (4:58pm February 28, 2012):
There were "connections" but not politics. Kids were sent away to school, away from parents and home influences. (with the exception of "letters from home") The were more workers and less admins. There were no unions and the teacher(s) were on there own. School days were longer with fewer breaks in the day. Which is better--who knows. A lot could be done to improve the now.
Re: Courting His Favorite Nurse (11:07am February 21, 2012):
I would love to go. When we drive to Maine we occasionally see groups of ballooners flying high. In spite of the fact that some of those same balloons have come to grief across the rode from my son's old house I still would go. What a fun thing to add to a good book.
Re: The Legacy Of Eden (11:02am February 21, 2012):
I believer in imagination. I won't watch movies made from books I read. I prefer to imagine the characters and places in my own way. Imagination is a living thing. I see more and more children who play computer games to the expense of their imagination. Let us do all we can to preserve imagination at it's best.
Re: Secrets of the Knight (7:58pm February 13, 2012):
My favorite paranormals (or at least the on that first comes to mind) would be Christine Feehan's Carpathians. I also like the "Anita Blake" series by another great author whose currently escapes me. There is also the Jeaniene Frost's Cat & Bones series. Enjoy!
Re: The Duchess Diaries (12:31pm February 9, 2012):
I love this series! I can't wait to read this one. I am sorry to see the series end. Any possibility you will rethink that. I have looked forward to each and every one!
Re: Stud (12:25pm February 9, 2012):
I liked the Harry Potter movies and my husband enjoyed Lord of the Rings. I think the best movies are what they are because of great casting. That said, I prefer books to movies. The movies never (or almost never) match the images I have formed while reading the books. I have a strong imagination and set preferences so bring on the books. I'll pass on the movies.
Re: A Scandalous Countess (12:17pm February 9, 2012):
I like both periods but they have their good and their bad. I love the men in high heels and swords but can we say "trip". I am not fond of wigs but without bathing lice were prevalent. Though the Georgian dresses were lovely I wouldn't want to wear them and the Regency dresses certainly revealed if you over ate. When I think of wearing so many layers of clothes for lack of central heating and even in the hot summers neither period entices me. I read both periods regularly and keep looking for more. These books from both periods make great escape reading. Please keep them coming.
Re: The Lord Of Illusion (5:25pm February 3, 2012):
Being an outdoor person I would like anything to do with animals, trees and plants, the earth and the sea--from all that comes LIFE!
Re: Double Dare (2:56pm January 28, 2012):
I too like SEALS but I also like a man in a dark suit, white shirt and gorgeous tie. He could do woodworking as a hobby.
Re: Falling For The Fireman (3:05pm January 24, 2012):
It takes a different kind of person to do a job doing little for hours and hours and then go into emergency mode and risk everything the very next minute. That kind of shifting I think is more heroic than dealing with the actual emergency,
Re: Banshee Charmer (1:52pm January 23, 2012):
Honorable, quiet inner strength, great sense of humor (not pranks and tricks), sincere and loyal an a one-woman man, but not perfect. Lovable and liveable!
Re: Dreamers (5:15pm January 21, 2012):
I am who I am and you get what you see but watch it--I change from day to day and minute to minute and love it. I am myself.
Re: The Fallen Queen (11:49am January 20, 2012):
I can understand the misunderstanding about the title. It makes you think of serious historical novels that are more history than story. That said I have never read or seen a fallen angel story. We don't have a TV (for almost 40 years) and read all the time. I find the idea intriguing and it sounds like you did a lot of research without burdening your book(s) with unnecessary details. That makes me want to try it. Thank you for all your hard work.
Re: Sex, Lies and Surveillance (3:13pm January 19, 2012):
Barbara Felton in the first Get Smart (Agent 99?).
Re: Lure of Song and Magic (2:45pm January 18, 2012):
I love your books! That said I am very fond of psychic abilities and magic in books. Yes I believe in psychic abilities (we all have some psychic ability no matter how small) and any form of magic gets my attention (not the tricks of magic shows even in Vegas). Naturally I will be looking for this book to add to your others on my shelves.
Re: Sins Of The Highlander (11:14am January 12, 2012):
Compassion and a sense of humor top my list to go along with honor, intelligence, strength and courage. Looks are secondary and of little import. Self-knowledge is a good baseline for a hero--but he can surprise himself occasionally.
Re: Risking Trust (11:05am January 12, 2012):
I don't make resolutions either. They remind too much of a parent or teacher saying "You HAVE to do this or that" at which point I automatically rebel. Immature of me but that's the way it is. I am never without a book in my hand so remembering which book put me in the zone at a particular time is near impossible. What strikes my mood at one particular time doesn't at another so I make it a practice to let those around me choose their own. What ever book you choose--ENJOY!
Re: Bride By Mistake (10:54am January 12, 2012):
I love marriage of convenience stories. Those and mail-order bride stories have a lot in common. I love to discover just what makes these marriages work. That said--I JUST LOVE YUR BOOKS!!! Thank you for providing so many hours of enjoyment and pleasure.
Re: Hot Rain (3:45pm January 5, 2012):
Can we say RECKLESS ENDANGERMENT !!!!!!!!!
Re: The Angel Of Blythe Hall (3:08pm December 30, 2011):
My unexpected gift has yet to arrive.
Re: Lover's Leap (10:43pm December 29, 2011):
This series is sensational. more, More, MORE please!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations on reinventing yourself. You were wonderful as Geralyn Dawson (I read them all) and your Emily March books just have to keep going. I love the premise of this series and the books are so well written. I can't wait for the next one even as I am finishing the most recent.
Re: The Last Slayer (9:08pm December 27, 2011):
I love the idea of interviewing your characters. Do they ever influence the story when they "talk" to you?
Re: Finding Felicity (10:52am December 23, 2011):
I was totally amazed this year not to hear Christmas music in the stores-- nobody seems to know why. Then today I read a headline that said "No Church Sunday because it is Christmas". This is not a time for me Me ME. This is the Lord's time. He is the reason for the season!
Re: Wedded In Scandal (9:28pm December 22, 2011):
I like to get up an hour or more before my family and have quiet time playing computer games to get my brain working for the day. In the evening I read an hour or more after everyone has retired just for the peace and quiet. Don't get me wrong I really like people and activity in my life but I have to have my quiet tme just for me.
Re: Sleight Of Paw (3:22pm December 19, 2011):
I have fine fair hair. Every picture I have taken makes me look like Ben Franklin- -hair around the edges while bald on top. Except for my driver's license I have not allowed anyone to take my picture for a long long time.
Re: The King's Mistress (11:37am December 17, 2011):
Do the amount of berries change from year to year like acorns and other wild life foods according to temperatures in the region and how bad the winter will be? I watch this phenomenon each year rather than read the almanac.
Re: Mistletoe and Margaritas (8:44pm December 10, 2011):
I am a New Englander thru and thru. Give me the seasons! I have lived here almost 70 years, have traveled the country and still New England is home. Where my husband is is where my heart is.
Re: Wild Thing (5:00pm December 5, 2011):
My husband and I are definitely opposites and we have been married 49 years. The funny thing is that through all those years we have grown and changed and we now are what the other of us was in the beginning.
Re: Hushed (4:51pm December 5, 2011):
I guess I'm a pragmatist. I accept each book I read for what it is. If it is well written and the story is worthwhile the I settle in give it my time. If it is poorly written or I can't relate to it then I get rid of it quick. I refuse to give whatever time I have to something I can't enjoy.
Re: Beyond The Darkness (4:44pm December 5, 2011):
You are new to me. I really like the types of books you write. I guess we often find ourselves following the same authors because we know them. Lately I have branched out. We have moved 5 times and each time I discover what I really didn't need from the last move. My husband has learned to reinvent himself with each new job he takes. We have found wonderful people (and the other kind too) and have found new skills in adjustment to people, places and other things. Now we are in a somewhat stable state we can make choices we never had time to. I look forward to reading "new-to-me" author) you.
Re: Hot Zone (11:44am December 1, 2011):
For all of my family to be well, content and employed.
Re: Acquainted with the Night (11:38am December 1, 2011):
Attention Grabbing Matter of Fact A Great Plot Too! Way to Go!!!
Re: Miss Darcy Falls in Love (12:07pm November 28, 2011):
I love to learn about the peripheral characters from a book I thoroughly enjoyed. It is really wonderful that you can be so creative--something to look forward to.
Re: The Storm That Is Sterling (7:46pm November 22, 2011):
Happy Thanksgiving! Can you imagine your favorite tormented hero taking antidepressants as so many people do today. Question--Would they still be tormented, still be heroes or would their lives be totally different?
Re: White Dawn (12:03pm November 21, 2011):
I used to write stories and plays as a child but real life and circumstances after I wed somehow changed me. I read historical, paranormal and futuristic novels that take me away from myself. I would love to read your books and I will be looking for them.
Re: Under The Moon (11:12am November 19, 2011):
Did you know that only one in ten or eleven cats is a mouser? I was going to adopt a cat when a vet told me this. She said if I wanted a cat that was great. If I just wanted a mouser think twice or three times about it before doing it. One thing I do know is that Under The Moon is heading for my TBR pile as soon as I can get it.
Re: Fortune's Son (11:06am November 19, 2011):
One question. Would you let your daughter marry him?
Re: The Highlander's Heart (9:53am November 17, 2011):
What fun you must have--controlling lives from afar. Include Scotland with the mists and heather and good, strong heroes and I'm a goner. Thanks!
Re: Until There Was You (9:49am November 17, 2011):
Memories. We all have them. How they affect out lives shows who we are. Second chances don't often happen. It so good to be able the read about a second chance that goes right. Thanks!
Re: Because Of You (5:43pm November 14, 2011):
My husband was in the service, is bald and is still my hero after 49 years. Hope all of you are as lucky as I am. This sounds so like MY book but I'll share!! Hee hee hee.
Re: Knight of Runes (4:55pm November 14, 2011):
My favorite part of time-travel stories is how all the issues are resolved in the end--go or stay, access of travel left open, one decision made and lasting. You can never really guess except when family does not exist. Keep up the good work. Thanks!
Re: Shadowlander (12:08pm November 12, 2011):
Cat & Bones, Dallas and Roarke, Anita Blake, Acheron, all of the Sisters from Fern Michael's revenge series--there are so many more , and many more to come. I read all the time--don't you?
Re: Genie Knows Best (10:47am November 10, 2011):
It's just Magic! The idea and the follow-thru make these two book TBR pile necessities. Join me. There is magic in the air!
Re: The Last Rising (7:20am November 9, 2011):
I agree. Eve Dallas is exactly right!
Re: Risking Trust (7:16am November 9, 2011):
Some people are so busy being "perfect" I just want to tell them how much they are missing in "real" life.
Re: Tall, Dark And Cowboy (3:39pm November 7, 2011):
My husband and I have moved five times to new-to-us places. We had each other (which sounds good except when one of you works 14-16 hours a day and the other dealt with three small children). Each new move teaches you something, sometimes small and sometimes large. My family walked away from us when we married so we were very much on our own. Now we appreciate everything we've got, especially each other.
Re: North of Need (12:00pm November 6, 2011):
Wonderful sense of humor, listening well a priority, faithful and loyal (they are different), willingness to lend a hand. Looks are secondary.
Re: Engaged in Sin (9:00am November 5, 2011):
When I find egregious mistakes in a book I not only stop reading it but I am sure to tell all my reader friends to avoid that particular writer now and in the future. I say writer as opposed to author because an author gets paid and a writer tries to. Those who make avoidable errors by not doing their research don't deserve the money. There are too many writers waiting to be published who do their homework.
Re: Liver Let Die (8:53am November 5, 2011):
A name is how we know who we are. Whatever we do in life reflects on our name, good or bad. It can give us something to live up to or stain--the choice is ours.
Re: Darn Good Cowboy Christmas (10:29am November 4, 2011):
More time, more chocolate, more books and a happy and healthy family.
Re: Always a Temptress (10:26am November 4, 2011):
The Stephanie Plum series, Feehan's Carpathians, all of Lauren's various series, Robb's Eve Dallas--I could go on and on and on because I read all the time.
Re: The Virtuoso (10:05am November 2, 2011):
I am putting this one on the top of my TBR pile to be read next.
Re: Embrace The Highland Warrior (10:04am November 2, 2011):
Do I fear them--not really because I am one of them.
Re: Radiant Desire (12:23pm October 31, 2011):
Brad Pitt is NOT Alpha. Just watch how Angelina trapped him and now leads him around by his nose. I want to read you book--at last someone who knows what's what!!!
Re: His Last Duchess (7:22pm October 27, 2011):
Congratulations on you new book. How old is your dog--to be so mellow he must be getting up there. None of my various dogs ever settled down until they were at least 6. He is just gorgeous. Give him a scritch for me and a big hug (if allowed). Your books are soon to be added to my TBR pile.
Re: Ecstasy Untamed (4:08pm October 26, 2011):
Probably the Lord of the Rings or the Harry Potter movies would be my guess. We don't go to the movies, we watch DVDs. Because of a back injury I can only sit for so long and you can pause a DVD. We do read A LOT. It has been said that my husband and I should get most of the credit for keeping our library branch open with the amount of circulation we give them and the books we donate a little at a time.
Re: Haunting Embrace (10:32am October 22, 2011):
I think romance readers have a built-in empathy for the tortured hero and a slight bit of skepticism for the reluctant heroine. Some times we forget to accept the human element in any story. Perhaps through time-travel we relearn that every person is human and every one has dreams.
Re: Against The Storm (6:44pm October 17, 2011):
Thank you for so many hours of true enjoyment. So glad you didn't give up!
Re: Roommates (11:55am October 5, 2011):
How about Luke, Nate or Ben? Short and to the point
Re: The Seduction of Sophie Seacrest (11:31am September 27, 2011):
I cannot pick my brooding hero because I am reading all the time and the hero I am currently reading is the one I am thinking of at any one time. I love Regencies to relax and have watched the genre change over the years but basically they are still the most relaxing fiction out there.
Re: The Rake And The Recluse (8:36pm September 18, 2011):
There is no way I can comment on this book without experiencing it. I think I would like to read the story without the pictures and then read it again with the pictures in order see if this premise works.
Re: Tempted (11:52am September 15, 2011):
I have read about many damsels in distress but the non-traditional part has me stumped. A damsel in distress is a damsel in distress no matter how it is written--she gets in trouble, he gets her out. Characters who are constantly getting in trouble are the most traditional of all. The thought comes to me that perhaps the damsel taken by mistake or mistaken for another--but then even that has become traditional being measured by how ooften it has been used.
Re: The Dragon And The Pearl (11:45am September 15, 2011):
Clothing affects us even now. I was invited to a party to celebrate I don't remember what and we were all asked to wear something red. The host felt that people wearing would talk and relate to each other better. Since then I have found that wearing does make us talk more, not always a good thing.
Re: No Proper Lady (5:35pm September 12, 2011):
I love the premise. This new book sounds like "magic"!
Re: Deep Disclosure (12:01pm September 8, 2011):
I take one day at a time and try to find one small thing each day to appreciate and smile about.
Re: The Wedding Affair (11:46am September 8, 2011):
A good thing about dollhouses, you don't have smoking chimneys, plumbing that leaks (if it was from a period with any kind of plumbing), roof leaks, fences that fall down or grass to mow--my kind of living. I am looking forward to your latest book as I try to keep up and not miss any! Thank you for hours of great entertainment.
Re: Redeeming The Rogue (10:45am August 31, 2011):
What a wonderful imagination you have! The concept of this book and your new series are phenomenal. When a really good series ends I mourn it but I also hope the author doesn't dilute it's power by writing another book just to extend the series. Sometimes those can ruin what has gone before. If you feel a short story might help this character "fine his place to settle" an anthology or an e-short story or on your website is a great idea. Please go on with the new idea while it is fresh in you head so it is a good as it can be!
Re: Diaries Of An Urban Panther (10:32am August 31, 2011):
I have discovered what we think we will do and what we actually do are two different things. From having a similar experience I know I would freeze.
Re: Claim Of Innocence (12:35pm August 30, 2011):
I don't dread emails but I am very careful what I open. If I don't recognize it I send it directly to spam. If you know you haven't entered a contest don't open it. As they say "you can't win if you don't enter" and it's true.
Re: Claim Of Innocence (12:35pm August 30, 2011):
I don't dread emails but I am very careful what I open. If I don't recognize it I send it directly to spam. If you know you haven't entered a contest don't open it. As they say "you can't win if you don't enter" and it's true.
Re: Red's Hot Cowboy (12:06pm August 24, 2011):
Always wanted to live in the west--never happened. Now I can't even travel to visit. Did once as a child and loved those wide open spaces and friendly people. Thanks to cowboy stories I can visit in my mind.
Re: The Vampire Next Door (8:22am August 15, 2011):
Convoluted plots, complex and quirky characters, multiple resolutions--That's for me!!!! How do you keep so many balls up in the air??
Re: Spycatcher (7:43am August 11, 2011):
They say to write what you know. I guess there can be no doubt that you are. I am so glad that you lived to tell about it.
Re: The Landlord's Black-Eyed Daughter (7:37am August 11, 2011):
Do I like happy endings?--sure--but I think a satisfying ending is also necessary. That said, I do love a good book and I can't wait to read yours.
Re: Making Waves (6:55am August 9, 2011):
Gerard Butler, Paul Giamatti and Kate Hudson definitely get my vote. Jane Lynch too! Wow! It would be great BUT I think I would prefer to read a story and picture all the characters with my imagination instead. A book is always better than a movie
Re: Midnight Fear (12:15pm August 7, 2011):
You must be one terrific author with a three-book cntract first time out of the gate. All I can say is"WOW!!". Time to go book shopping. Congratulations!!!!!!
Re: The Lady Of The Storm (9:19am August 4, 2011):
I like to immerse myself in a story so that when it ends it is like coming back to reality--a form of meditation, I guess. I come out fully relaxed . Later I can visualize the surroundings of the story if they are written well.
Re: Too Hot To Touch (9:08am August 4, 2011):
My first crush was a boy in my older sister's class ( year ahead of me. We roed bikes with his friends. It was in fourth grade. I guess he must of thought of me as "one of the guys" because my first kiss (still in fourth grade) was from his best friend.
Re: Lie for Me (7:35am August 2, 2011):
No relationship should be built on even one lie. Where there is one lie there are bound to be more. There can never be real trust with even one lie and without trust no relationship lasts.
Re: The Full Moon Bride (7:04am August 1, 2011):
May your journey continue on the road to success. With your writing in this genre you will probably be surprised at the positive feelings you generate and those who mock you will be the ones shown the error of their ways. Thank you for today's blog. I look forward to your newest book with great impatience.
Re: The Marked Son (12:02pm July 31, 2011):
That is so well written! I wonder though if your characters ever try to redirect their story in your mind or your writing. Do they ever talk to you? Yes, you have to believe they are real or perspective could be "off". I like the whole idea of this story.
Re: Notorious (10:07am July 29, 2011):
I would raise horses, go about without a chaperone (only with friends) and lighten the required clothing load in the hotter months.
Re: What A Goddess Wants (11:04am July 28, 2011):
I think most mothers with more than one child learn to tune out the racket that increases as they grow until the "quieter" teen years when you really want to hear what's going on. To be able to concentrate on writing a printable story is a real challenge never mind the activities you describe. Congratulations on your persistence-enabled career and on another book for all of us to enjoy!
Re: A Gentleman Never Tells (10:25pm July 25, 2011):
The only major error that come to my mind is when an author was writing about two sisters who looked nothing alike and acted nothing alike kept reversing their names many times through the book. I love your books and am always looking for new ones--great to hear there is one now.
Re: Undead And Undermined (8:45am July 22, 2011):
I love your undead series. They are lots of fun. I think I have read them all to date but may have missed one along the way. Boy am I glad you have a new one and I just know it will be GREAT!!!
Re: Touch If You Dare (1:33pm July 21, 2011):
All those other brooding heroes think they have problems, controlling hate-- now that's a problem!!!!
Re: Night Walker (5:14pm July 18, 2011):
Though it is very tempting--seeing new developments in technology, medicine, and progress in general--I think one life is enough.
Re: Magnificent Passage (4:09pm July 12, 2011):
I am so glad you are rereleasing this book. I love books where switches take place and the consequences that happen. This sounds like a wild ride!!!!!
Re: Just One Season In London (4:04pm July 12, 2011):
What fun! I can't imagine keeping three stories going without a lot of confusion but your books are soooooo good that if anyone could do it you could. What an addition to my TBR pile!!!!
Re: Loved By A Warrior (2:11pm July 7, 2011):
I have no personal experience with myths, legends or curses but I do know any of the above would make a good plot twist. Perhaps these books will make me look at things differently. Thank you for giving us such pleasure.
Re: Night Veil (6:53am June 27, 2011):
Batman or Superman--hmmm? Both were right in their own time. Remember when they were first written and what was going on in the world. Superman came along when the world needed a hero they could trust. People needed the simplicity and yes, purity of the Superman image. Batman came along when we needed a more positive image for the ultra rich. To each his time and place. My question is "Who will it be that answers the call for a NOW hero?".
Re: Missing Persons (10:34am June 25, 2011):
We all have hidden personalities and hidden secrets. Look around you. Watch people around you wherever you go. See guilt and innocence showing on various faces and ask yourself "Do I want to know this person?".
Re: Under a Desert Sky (2:03pm June 18, 2011):
HEA is something you have to work for 24/7. To begin a relationship living from event-to-event on adrenaline but to expect HEA to continue like that is kidding yourself. Relationships have to stretch and grow and live day-to-day with some normalcy. Adrenaline moments (hours, days etc) will definitely be. there but no "body" could withstand a continuous bombardment. Exhaustion would be the least of the problems.
Re: Louisa And The Missing Heiress (6:22am June 15, 2011):
I try not to imagine characters lives beyond the story. When I enjoy a particular character I like to know that I will find that same character when I re-read the story--like going to visit a distant friend, someone I can count on to be just as I left them the last time I visited. If they grow and change in my mind then I find I can't enjoy that character again, even in a different story.
Re: Blood Of The Wicked (11:52am June 13, 2011):
I too believe we need to learn to cultivate the gifts we have been given, The powers of the human mind are to a great deal unknown. We are at the beginning of what will make us aware of the powers we have and the way and need to use them. Anything is possible. I knew when my grandfather was going to die and when someone I loved had been hospitalized in critical condition. My gift is neither consistent or controllable. I also foresaw my son's emergency surgery more that a week ahead of time but it was open to interpretation. Science fiction foresaw much of our current tech gadgets and their multiple uses. Paranormals are now foreseeing the gifts most of us have within our conciousness and asking us to find out more.
Re: Forced to Kill (8:51am June 4, 2011):
If you know that much about the Seals do you know anything about the UDT?
Re: A Courtesan's Guide to Getting Your Man (10:17am May 27, 2011):
I love books that deal with past and present. They always intrigue me. With such awesome authors I just can't say no!
Re: Awaken The Highland Warrior (7:15am May 19, 2011):
Anything we do has a part of us in it. A writer's mind never totally shuts off. You walk down a street and a person, a picture, a scene become part of you. When inspiration strikes you write what you have done, seen, believed and top it off with a viewpoint no one else has. Perspective is as individual as snowflakes. Your life experiences affect what you do, say or write. So, yes, a writer is in every book he/she produces.
Re: Wickedly Charming (6:44am May 16, 2011):
My first real reading was anything sci-fi. I love to read and this book sounds like most of my favorite genre all wrapped up in one. What a way to go! Sounds great.
Re: Grimoire (6:56am May 15, 2011):
Secondary characters are necessary to give depth not only to the story but to the primary characters. I sometimes I like a secondary character more. I appreciate when they have a sense of humor that helps to lighted up a darker book or help when the hero goes into a tail spin over the heroine's actions or vice versa.
Re: Total Abandon (8:20am April 30, 2011):
I am an older person with an ereader. I love to hold a real book in my hands but I also enjoy taking my ereader to my multiple medical appointments, I love the ability to change the font if I forget my glasses and I love the variety of book available for my ereader. I have two TBR piles--one virtual and one real. There is not enough time for me to finish either one of them even if I should live to 100.
Re: Heart of Deception (8:09am April 30, 2011):
I, too, love hats--not just the "special occasion or church" hats--but the hats worn in Spring, Summer and Fall. I have two hats I wear for grocery shopping--one a cowboy hat and one a straw hat covered with "outdoor" hand painted buttons--and people stop me all the time asking where I got them (women) and telling me how much they love my hats (men). I wear them with jeans and even the store workers who come looking for me to tell me my order is ready always know to look for "the hat lady". It's a great way to meet people and something to have fun with. So if you think you can't wear hats, you just haven't found THE ONE that you will fall in love with that will start you on the way to being a hat collector and more importantly a hat wearer. Join the fun!
Re: My Favorite Countess (10:01am April 28, 2011):
There are two types of doctor--those who make it a career and those that make it a profession. The first one is in it for the money and the second is in it for the patient. I know which one I would want and "good looks" are not necessary. It would seem that your book is about one with a profession--good going!
Re: The Devil in Disguise (11:44am April 24, 2011):
I love reading new authors. I find it fascinating to "hear" the voice the book is written in. I don't read excerpts any more because when I go to read the actual book I thin I have already read it. I do however read a "cover blurb" to decide whether or not I want to read it. I love winning books because I could never afford to buy as many books as I read.
Re: Hidden Embers (11:19am April 22, 2011):
I love Spring and Fall. Cool with lovely breezes before it gets really hot or really cold. I hope you are not being affected by the wild fires and that you and yours are safe and healthy.
Re: Blood Sin (11:16am April 22, 2011):
I love the idea that intelligence is important in a relationship, before, during and after. Way to go!!!!!! I'm looking forward to this one. I'm tired of thinking "what a dumb thing to do" even if the story is good otherwise.
Re: Tangled Threads (6:16am April 18, 2011):
We haven't had a TV for more than 35 years. We are addicted to reading (and our dog) but neither is a secret. We are known here for our reading. That said-- KEEP WRITING!!!!!!
Re: A Marriage of Inconvenience (10:41am April 16, 2011):
I am only a control freak when I or mine feel threatened. For example my husband's quadruple by-pass surgery brought out my need for control big time. Most of the time I just ride with the tide as long as I can get things done. Can you hear my husband laughing?!?
Re: Demons Are A Girl's Best Friend (3:03pm April 12, 2011):
I love different and I love magic especially the magic that is held in reserve or hidden and also magic-learners mistakes. Can't wait to read this book. Sounds like a winner!
Re: Vowed In Shadows (11:47am April 11, 2011):
I read so many genres that finding just one character to emulate would be impossible. As I read I sometimes imagine my self in the place of the main character but think I do things differently. I like intelligence that is not totally revealed so that the character has what's hidden to fall back on to outsmart the ones causing trouble. I like a "hero" to appreciate that in a heroine instead of feeling threatened by it.
Re: Collision Course (11:13am April 8, 2011):
I started with Ray Bradbury and The Creature form the Black Lagoon--talk about different choices. I love the sci/fy that seems like it could happen in our future. I will try any form and find enjoyment--how much determines of which I will read more.
Re: Snowball in Hell (11:04am April 7, 2011):
I prefer to read historical fiction but I dismiss authors who prove not to be as accurate as they should be. I will look for comments by authors for time shifts to enhance a story before I read that book. If I find historical errors not previously commented on I will not read that author again. They can truly spoil the genre for the better authors who are more careful. Thankfully this does not happen much.
Re: The Return Of Black Douglas (5:37pm April 1, 2011):
When I read a historical novel I always feel I learn something. I have always enjoyed your books and it is really great to know that what I feel I am learning has been thoroughly researched. If I read something interesting like that I like to tell my husband who is a great reader of nonfiction. If he doubts what I tell him he grabs his laptop and researchs until he is satisfied whether it is right or wrong
Re: Laird of Darkness (6:30am March 23, 2011):
Not just a different heroine but such a fresh approach! Intriguing!!!
Re: Hummingbird Lake (12:08pm March 22, 2011):
I go crazy waiting for the second book as soon as I put down the first one that has kept me enthralled and reading 'til it was done. Just tell me the next in the series is coming and I will hold my breath 'til I have it in my hands. When the first is so good no promotion other than a firm release date is enough for me.
Re: Highland Heat (3:26pm March 21, 2011):
This sounds like my kind of book! Thanks.
Re: An Unlikely Countess (7:13am March 19, 2011):
I agree. I think the problem is "the spare". What does he do? The military or the church. In that time period the servants believed that everyone should stay within their own class and many were very rigid about it. When a heroine falls to a lower class set of circumstances the feeling of the day was that she didn't belong there. She must feel "set apart". Therefore to desire to get back what she lost is not snobbery. However to "climb" to even higher levels wasn't seen a right either. But let's face it every society is filled with climbers, right or wrong.
Re: Angel Sister (11:30am March 18, 2011):
My husband grew up in the Depression. He only had oatmeal twice a day to live on. His father dies when he was two and he had to spend a year in an orphanage because he was too young to work and his brothers stayed home because they could work. I can really appreciate a book that is more uplifting about those times.
Re: Tyler (11:40am March 17, 2011):
Genealogy can be fun. Even the Death Certificates. We found one that said: Cause of Death: heart stopped--hit by bus. I love reading about cowboys. I can't help wondering how much mone the hero needs and how much he makes as a dancer.
Re: So Close The Hand Of Death (5:54am March 15, 2011):
Discover the cause and remove it. This is no time to be tentative.
Re: It Happened One Bite (6:16am March 14, 2011):
Adding vampires to witches in Scotland certainly takes The Bard out of it and adds a certain bite. What fun!
Re: Angel's Rest (6:44am March 12, 2011):
What a refreshing way to start anew! Always loved your historicals. Now I have something new to try. Thank you and best wishes.
Re: A Taste of Seduction (6:18am March 11, 2011):
Surviving all that surgery is great--surviving all that liver (if only a small amount) fantastic. To top off all that success, to develop such interesting characters, to write such an inviting book is phenominal! Way to go!!!!!
Re: Seducing The Governess (10:11am March 9, 2011):
I read historicals primarily with "other" when I need a break from one time is history so they don't get jumbled in my mind. I want to escape "NOW" and melt into another time. Your books give me that. Thank you.
Re: A Lady's Wish (6:41am March 8, 2011):
Have always loved Avon books. I'll have to check these out because of the publisher if for no other reason. You can always rely on Avon books!
Re: Staying At Daisy's (6:29am March 8, 2011):
Hotels are like villages all pulled into a tightly confined space. Anything can happen and usually does. What a great plethora of characters to choose from. I really like the possibilities. Sounds like a fun read!
Re: Animal Magnetism (7:08am March 5, 2011):
I want to read this book! TBB, TBR IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!!!
Re: Scandal of the Year (6:46am March 4, 2011):
It really is great reading historicals from an under recognized period that has not become stale. Your forward thinking is genuinely appreciated!
Re: Treasure Me (7:42am March 3, 2011):
Beginnings. So much like life. We start by learning to put one foot in front of the other. Then comes a big grin. "Let's see where we can go from here." Books like life are adventures with lots of possibilities. So many choices. So many changes. All good. All enticing. We must start somewhere. Beginnings of books unlike life can be revised, rewritten, relived. So just start somewhere and know your readers are waiting, some with baited breath, to follow you anywhere.
Re: Wicked Seduction (2:16pm March 2, 2011):
If that is madness may it never end. I've been looking and looking for an author who can both experience all that you said and share it with me the way you do in your books. Madness--NO Great authorship--ABSO-darn-lutely!!!!!!!!
Re: Against the Law (6:14am March 1, 2011):
I have been reading your books for what seems like a long time. You just get better and better. I have never read a book from you that I haven't liked. Thank you for so many hours of enjoyment. Please don't stop!!!!!!!
Re: His, Unexpectedly (3:11pm February 25, 2011):
My aunt took a road trip that I would never be able to do. She drove from Rhode Island to Washington state with four children all four and under to start out a new life. She had just come out of a sad divorce (her husband had been in a car accident that changed his personality and told her to choose him or the kids--she took the kids). She did not stop much on the trip because money was short. Just thinking about it makes me cringe. She ended up with a really good job and met a man worth marrying. They have been happy ever since.
Re: Storm Of Reckoning (11:52am February 20, 2011):
You are such a creative person! This post says that and more. Love your books but I envy you your animals. How can you divide your time between the two? I realize one enable you to have the other. I guess that I do something similar in that I am an outdoor person but am constantly reading. Not as creative but a pleasure just the same.
Re: Beneath The Night Tree (10:48am February 18, 2011):
"True Love" comes in all sizes and at all ages. My first one was a boy in elementary school (I rode bikes with his "gang") and was the only girl. My second was soooo good looking all the girls in middle school loved him. My third was a great guy I dated in high school who, in the end, was more like a brother. And my last and REALLY true love and now my husband of 48+ years I met in college and never let go.
Re: Outcast Mine (11:14am February 17, 2011):
I have read similarly written books but not with this particular plot premise. That alone would make me want to read this book. I am curious though about how the editing process works. Do each of you get a copy to correct or do you get together and do it together or do you each edit your own chapters? Blogs tend to make me ask more questions than I ever realized I would have. Still, I must congratulate you both on taking this chance and I wonder if you will continue to do it this way or go back to your previous method.
Re: Lucky Stiff (8:49am February 16, 2011):
I love your books! Really good books let us "drop our shields" and move into an alternate reality where we can "let down our hair" and go along for the ride. BTY what is the title (working or final) of book #4? I want to be first in line.
Re: RiverTime (8:37am February 16, 2011):
I have read for escape for what seems like eons. Your book seems to fit into that need. When I can't read to escape (too noisy, too antsy etc.) I grab a leash and walk my dog. When my husband is in "a mood" and I don't want to deal with it walking my dog works. I sometimes take a book in my pocket and sit in a park and read while my dog gets a break from his routine. The combination is the best! Congratulations on the start of a wonderful and appreciated new career.
Re: Love Me If You Dare (6:58am February 14, 2011):
Valentine's Day is everyday for me. Six months after I brought a new puppy into our home I woke up with walking difficulties. My husband took over all responsibilities for our new dog and for three years walked him faithfully while taking me from one medical appointment to another (at least two every week) as well as holding down a part-time job, being semi-retired. They never found out exactly what was causing my problems but my husband was determined to keep the dog I love while getting me back my mobility. I can't go out in icy or slippery conditions so he still does that but at least I can walk and play with him most of the time. This is only one of the zillion reasons he (my husband not my dog) is my forever valentine.
Re: True Colors (12:28pm February 13, 2011):
I cannot comment on TV relationships because we have not had (by choice) a television in over thirty years. We prefer to read. There are plenty of fictional romances to inspire/or not available today. Could I choose one--not really. There is always a new one to check out and with advertisement breaks--hoorah!
Re: Breaking the Rules (6:02am February 13, 2011):
I no longer can drink alcohol but when I did the bartender at a lovely restaurant made a drink that was his own--A Greek Kiss. I don't now remember what was in it but it was soooooooo good. Now I can only have tea. Ah well...
Re: Dangerous Secrets (2:35pm February 11, 2011):
When I married the man of my choice my parents disinherited me. After I had my first child they wanted to come back as the person I had been. Such a decision on their part didn't work as they expected--too little, too late. My mother would brag to her family about my husband's success professing to really admire him. In reality she just tolerated him. You can never go home took on a totally different meaning. My father was great. In the end the found great respect for my husband and our children, being very bright saw through it all. As a result they were only minimally in touch with their grandparents though we never by word or deed indicated any problems. Whose life changing decision--mine choosing my husband or their's rejecting him and thus us--altered forever our relationships will never be truly known. All I know is that my husband is still at my side loving me in a way I always dreamed of--48 years and counting.
Re: Society's Most Disreputable Gentleman (6:44am February 11, 2011):
Every man has some "bad boy" in him. The best shows that side only to the "one" they love. It's a secret for them. They look like every man and save the "bad boy" for the bedroom.
Re: The Mistress' House (6:35am February 11, 2011):
I love historicals too! Don't you find the "society rules" fascinating. The contrast of the Regency rules to those of the mid to late 1700's is like night and day. From Bawdy to Prudish in so short a period of time. I like Regency best because I prefer hints of things rather that being smacked in the face. To start with tight rules and to gently bend and break them makes such a better story. Congratulations on your new book I like the three in one idea.
Re: The Mysterious Lady Law (6:21pm February 4, 2011):
Gender does not enter into my reading. I look for good plot, strong characters and limited sex and violence and a book I don't want to put down and, when I do, the next in the series ready for reading NOW.
Re: Everyone Loves A Hero (2:10pm February 2, 2011):
I have rescued more stray pets who have accidentally strayed and returned them to their owners. They seem to gravitate to me and prefer to stay with me until they are returned home. I may not have been chosen to help humans but have been there for our four-footed friends who are innocent of what they do not understand.
Re: The Irish Princess (6:39am February 2, 2011):
I love historicals and I love finding authors new to me. This one sounds right down my alley.
Re: Burning Darkness (6:46pm January 31, 2011):
I feel ALL of the actions mentioned above come under breaking trust, destroying hope and/or corrupting innocence--none forgivable in my book. Holding ourselves to higher standards whether in our lives or our pleasures makes life happier for everyone.
Re: The Werewolf Upstairs (5:09pm January 29, 2011):
Books mean a lot to me. When my oldest sports minded daughter was chosen to compete internationally in her sport and left the country with her coach I chose a long, long fascinating book to help keep my mind from fretting while she was gone. I finished the 800+ page book an hour before she walked back in the door with medals and prizes and a glow on her face. Now I could breathe again.
Re: Wild Man Creek (5:05pm January 29, 2011):
Love Virgin River, Jack. You guys and gals really know how to establish a hometown anyone would love. Throw in patriotic mood and pretty women and great guys and then make all of us wish we could visit your bar as one of your own. Each and every story that comes out of Virgin River invites us all to sit back and enjoy our time with you. Please don't change as you town grow outward to accommodate all the newbies. Love to all!
Re: Eternal Prey (6:52pm January 26, 2011):
True heroes are not larger-than-life, supermen, or different or gifted musclemen. They are everyday men who, when circumstances require it, step up to the plate and can be counted on no matter what is needed. Yes, I like Bones and Roarke and a few others whose names escape me now, but my biggest hero is my husband. I enjoy reading books to escape the daily problems but never to escape our relationship.
Re: At Hidden Falls (1:10pm January 25, 2011):
For the first 35 years of my life reading was a real chore for me because of eye problems, problems for which they have relatively simple solutions now. At 35 my eyes settled down and I began to read in earnest. I am never without a book in my hand. You would be amazed how much you can get done and still read at the same time. I will never catch up to what I missed in those early years but I will definitely enjoy the effort.
Re: The Paris Secret (1:58pm January 22, 2011):
Where I live there is a branch of our town library on our block. Over the years here I have seen the reality of the change in librarians as we know them today. We started with a "shush type with no bun" to a fun loving young woman with a great knowledge of today's books. She exchanges book recommendations with her patrons and knows them well enough to be dead-on. All the neighborhood children love her and call her by her first name and she draws a phenomenal job with story hour leaving them begging for more. That's a LIBRARIAN!!!!!!
Re: Deadly Heat (1:46pm January 22, 2011):
When I read a "dark" romance I am concerned if it is not love but adrenaline and lust affecting the protagonists. I try to visualize how things will be for them a year out. I, too, am an eclectic reader with mood thrown in. I guess the age of the reader (and the writer) affect how any book will be received. After saying all that I must say I really enjoy your books. Thank you.
Re: Dreams' Dark Kiss (2:03pm January 18, 2011):
I had somewhat serious eye problems growing up. I would try to do my homework and fall asleep exhausted from the effort. Things resolved themselves when I turned 35. I haven' had a book our of my hands since except to seeing to necessities for my family. So many book to catch up on. I'm reading as fast as I can.
Re: Pleasure Me (5:50am January 14, 2011):
The NOW disappears for me as I let myself sink into a good romance. When I come up for air I find myself more relaxed and ready to handle whatever is going on in my life.
Re: Nocturne (12:04pm January 13, 2011):
As soon as I met my "husband to be" everything else disappeared. I still have 3 cousins I have never met, an aunt divorced and remarried during this time, and my mother claims that is just the tip of the iceberg of family information I missed. To say it was love at first sight... Yes! We have reached 48 1/2 years and are still going strong. I highly recommend it. To say conversation is a necessity is to understate it's importance.
Re: Kiss At Your Own Risk (3:46pm January 12, 2011):
No life is without problems. When I am about ready to throw in the towel I take a deep breath and remember "my mother didn't raise quitters". I've tried to instill this in my children as well--that their mother didn't raise quitters either. Somehow it gets us through.
Re: Wicked Seduction (4:34pm January 11, 2011):
Please, please recover soon because that will mean we have another of your great books to read!! CONDOLENCES TO YOUR FAMILY!!!!!!
Re: Mercy Kill (10:08am January 11, 2011):
Dark side stories help us to realize that things really could be a lot worse and therefore help us to accept the reality of what is.
Re: The Fire In Ember (9:59am January 11, 2011):
Historicals take us away from whatever is going on in our lives at present. Princess stories are just to fantastical. There is just so far you can suspend disbelief. When you come up for air from a really good historical it is as if you have taken a mini-vacation and can better face whatever you have going on.
Re: Fatal Justice (2:17pm January 6, 2011):
Hello fellow Rhode Islander (my husband grew up in Newport and I in Cranston). Happy to hear of your success. I love the premise of your books. What better place for such happenings than the beltway. I definitely will be looking for your books.
Re: I Dream of Genies (6:22pm January 5, 2011):
What fun!!! A different kind of paranormal that can make you laugh, root for the hero, sympathize with the heroine and long for the perfect solution all in one. Wow! Please keep writing.
Re: Against The Wind (12:01pm January 4, 2011):
I love trilogies, especially your. I love the fact that character that appear in one book can come back with their own stories and we don't have to lose them to the ether (alway curious to what ever happened to them in their lives.) You always do it so well and that is why I keep coming back for more of your books. Thanks for all your hard work.
Re: Real Vampires Have More To Love (11:57am January 4, 2011):
I love the fact that you treat your characters like real people--relationship issues (never was there a time without the questions you ask), appearance issues (curves really are okay), and how long anything will last in "forever time".
Re: Dark Angel, The Chosen, Soulmate (7:38pm December 27, 2010):
Have you read Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress Series with Cat and Bones--really fun!!
Re: Haunted Honeymoon (7:31pm December 27, 2010):
A good book to read by the fire would be whatever book I grab from my TBR pile with my eyes closed. After all anything in my TBR pile was specifically chosen by me so that any one of them would be great. I am always to be found with a book in my hand, usually any category of light fiction. I read to relax and escape so anything that is not like my life is best, especially if there is light humor within.
Re: Pay Up (6:37am December 25, 2010):
I like heroines that are strong with a quirky sense of human, a person who allows herself not to be a cookie-cutter copy but enjoys her personal differences but is also willing to go the extra mile to achieve her goals or help someone in need. HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU ALL!!!!!!!
Re: Murder In Plain Sight (1:06pm December 20, 2010):
Other than a simpler life style I think reading about something different is always an attraction. There is also their strong faith--strong enough to be different in plain sight. Many people have lost their "faith" and feel some reassurance experiencing "living faith" or others.
Re: The Viking's Captive (1:00pm December 20, 2010):
I have found by checking my keeper shelves that I tend to keep books with humor. Your Cajun series is right there. An exception would be the J. D. Robb series. I also keep well-written historicals to escape the drama of Now. Good book keep coming so my TBR pile seldom lets me return to my keepers. If I have a BIG favorite that I recommend to others I tend to buy the paperback version to lend. Saves losing any books.
Re: Sinful in Satin (2:25pm October 1, 2010):
As far as I know I don't dream while I'm sleeping. The dreams I remember from "way back when" were mostly about my life and those around me. Your ladder dreams could be about your phenomenal rise to success with your writing. You are the BEST!!!!!!!
Re: Nemesis (2:54pm August 22, 2010):
Got a lot of reading done even though here in New England it hasn't been as bad as you have had it, It has been higher than usual for this season. Isn't it wonderful how books can rescue all of us, not just those without AC.
Re: Fury Calls (1:51pm March 9, 2009):
Are your sure, really sure you want to acknowledge another birthday?? I guess the answer is yes since you are sharing it with all of us. Happy Birthday and thank you for sharing!!