February 9th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Barbara Hanson

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247 comments posted.

Re: Lone Rider (1:05pm July 30, 2015):

Custard creams, apparently I lived off them until I started school and had school dinners.

Re: Do Not Forsake Me (1:03pm July 30, 2015):

Respect of each others views even when he's wrong!

Re: Rugged Hearts (10:39am December 6, 2013):

Corny as it sounds, my children and husband are the things I am thankful for. I married at 18 years and 3 months and was told it would not work! Now 30 years later I have a daughter who is a teacher, a son who is a policeman, my youngest daughter is at University studying archaeology and my husband and I are still very much in love - so take that you doubters!

Re: Legend Of The Highland Dragon (10:36am December 6, 2013):

I have been a secretary a PA and a shop assistant. The most stressful was shop assistant especially at this time of year - Good will and cheer to everyone except shop assistants is how some customers make you feel. I work in a school now, mostly the children are happy to see me!

Re: Everlasting Enchantment (10:34am December 6, 2013):

I would love a were bear - big, cuddly, strong and protective.

Re: The Warrior (5:49am November 2, 2012):

I love castles and legends. My mother was born in Sterling castle, Scotland - during the war. It is now a University.

Re: Night Thief (6:21am October 27, 2012):

I love when genres mix as long as the story holds true.

Re: Rev It Up (8:27am October 19, 2012):

I like both. I have a lot of books still to read on my kindle and they cover all areas of romance, so that I can pick and choose depending on how I am feeling at the end of one book to the start of the next.

Re: Sultry With A Twist (8:22am October 19, 2012):

I can't believe anyone would think those sorts of questions are right in any situation. It is similar for us readers of romance too, people think its all sex, sex, sex with no story - how wrong are they!

Re: Miss Lavigne's Little White Lie (8:20am October 19, 2012):

I do take on board first impressions but only ignore someone in an extreme incident - I have to REALLY not like them!
Your books are great, I love them.

Re: Tall, Dark, and Divine (8:28am October 16, 2012):

Thank you for sharing and I love your books.

Re: In The Barrister's Bed (8:36am October 10, 2012):

I love Regency and I think all men can be sexy - it just depends on how you write them!

Re: Run The Risk (8:35am October 10, 2012):

I agree whole-heartedly with Krissy. I loved Lothaire and there are many others too but off the top of my head I cannot think of them.

Re: Lady X's Cowboy (4:56am October 8, 2012):

I say it loud and proud. When a new Head teacher started at our school and saw me readinga t lunch time he asked me what I liked to read and so I told him. Admittedly he hasn't asked about it snce but who cares - I enjoy them.

Re: Savage Hunger (8:33am October 5, 2012):

I love the idea of going to the Amazon and would love to meet a sexy shifter but in reality I like my comforts. Toilet, running water and heating or air-condioning, not having to kill to eat would be good too!

Re: Contract For Marriage (8:32am October 5, 2012):

When my son was 6 months old my mother-in-laws daog jumped up at him on my lap - I shoved the dog as hard as I could - which was quite hard I realised after. It may not seem much but my son was terrified of dogs and she kinew that and still let her dog in. The dog was a large lurcher and I never left him alone with any of my children. I am happy to say we got a dog to get my son over his fear.

Re: Dark Light Of Day (8:24am October 3, 2012):

I loved the three sisters in Charmed. All had magic but in different areas, which made the stories interesting. Love your spin on magic - sounds very interesting indeed.

Re: Seduction's Shift (5:07am September 23, 2012):

Fantastic story line - I am hooked already!

Re: Blaze of Winter (8:26am September 17, 2012):

It is good to know who you can count on when needed and sometimes some people suprise you with how generous they can be with their time and support.

Re: The Curse (5:18am September 16, 2012):

I have a kindle but sometimes buy paper. I keep all my kindle books I have read on a memory stick. I tell all the children in school that as long as you read it does not matter if it is on paper or computer, it's just important to read various genres.

Re: Finding Sarah (5:15am September 16, 2012):

I love romance in any way, shape of form!

Re: A Lady And Her Magic (4:52am September 15, 2012):

My first love was an old teddy I got at the school fete for 2p. He is stuffed with sawdust and has jointed limbs. I put a ribbon around his neck and never let him go. He is still with me kept in a box to keep him nice. None of my children got to him, they had their own which as adults they still have too!

Re: A Lady And Her Magic (4:52am September 15, 2012):

My first love was an old teddy I got at the school fete for 2p. He is stuffed with sawdust and has jointed limbs. I put a ribbon around his neck and never let him go. He is still with me kept in a box to keep him nice. None of my children got to him, they had their own which as adults they still have too!

Re: In Rides Trouble (5:30am September 9, 2012):

This book sounds like great fun.

Re: Temptation In A Kilt (5:29am September 9, 2012):

I love the bad boys with redeeming moments - makes them human.

Re: Magic Gone Wild (4:01am August 31, 2012):

This set of books sounds like so much fun....
I love when the story is unpredictable and funny.

Re: The Secret Mistress (3:49am July 31, 2012):

A scared and wounded soul is always appealing and cute geeks too! As long as they need us we love them.

Re: Goddess in the Middle (3:35am July 30, 2012):

To be needed and wanted by 1 special guy is fantastic but imagining that X2 mind blowing!

Re: Wicked At Heart (7:53am July 28, 2012):

WOW! sounds very exciting and very much like a 'can't put it down until I finish' book.

Re: Creating Fate (3:44am July 24, 2012):

Can't think of one just now but I do listen to my gut. However I also confer with my husband too, I can't imagine being away from him for that long but it was lovely to hear how you coped and survived it. Thank you.

Re: The Officer Says I DO (8:32am July 20, 2012):

I have always said that life is depressing enough so you have to laugh your way through it!

Re: Deep Autumn Heat (8:22am July 6, 2012):

I recently organised an 'emrgency services day' at the local Primary school I wark at. Fire brigade, Life boats and Police came into visit the children and we taught them basic first aid as wello - it went so well they want me to do it next year but boy! did I stress out organising it as I have never done anything like this before - but it was so worth it!

Re: It Begins with a Kiss (1:52pm July 3, 2012):

I agree, I hate long series and having to wait a long time to the end. Currently watching Once Upon a Time - it is starting to drag a bit and I am loosing interest. Hope they don't drag it our too long!

Re: Invitation To Scandal (8:20am June 26, 2012):

I like being me however certain days I would like to do-over - like my wedding day which was on a tight budget. I would like to do it again (with my husband) but at any cost - no expence spared.

Re: Starlight (11:16am June 25, 2012):


Re: The Most Improper Miss Sophie Valentine (8:32am June 22, 2012):

I love the idea of this book, such a change from reading about the Ton and their stupid rules. It sounds great!

Re: Honorable Rancher (10:38am June 20, 2012):

I love to read and am therefore, always reading every chance I get. It is amazing what you can learn even from romances, besides the enjoyment of traveling to different worlds and learning of different times, places and people.

Re: The Marriage Bargain (5:19am June 16, 2012):

I love the ones that make you cry because they seem to be getting further apart rather than close, but of course, it all works out but not easily.

Re: Seeker Of Shadows (8:24am May 31, 2012):

If a book does not hook me from the start I do not usually finish it or I skim through it. I hate ones that are so heard to get into - like wading through treacle.

Re: Finding Her Son (8:34am May 28, 2012):

All of the above, I think you have thought of everything.

Re: The Rebel Rancher (5:31am May 27, 2012):

I am sorry to hear about your father-in-law, a family loss is always difficult. I am glad you were able to use your writing to help you cope and I am sure the book will relect that. Best wished to you and your family.

Re: Where There's Smoke (8:22am May 25, 2012):

I love the sound of this book, I love the idea of the heroine being bad instead of the tall, dark hero.

Re: The Taming Of A Scottish Princess (8:17am May 23, 2012):

I'm easy, I have yet to find a hero that I do not like!

Re: The Reason Is You (8:18am May 21, 2012):

I'm old fashioned in that I like the flirting beforehand and not just jumping into bed with anything in trousers! The smiles, the looks, the joking remarks to relax and begile you - I love it!

Re: Deadly Secrets, Loving Lies (8:20am May 18, 2012):

At a push Tony Stark again - I love his sarcasm. However I too like Captain America's butt although he is a bit of a 'by the book' kind of guy. And I have a soft spot for the Hulk, I loved the Loki bashing and when he thumps Thor after they finish a big fight with the baddies. So really any of the above would do!

Re: Night Walker (10:44am May 16, 2012):

accents are sooo sexy, I especially love a scottish accent.

Re: A Wild Night's Bride (8:21am May 15, 2012):

What a great interview! He is so wicked, I love it!

Re: Kiss Of The Goblin Prince (7:05am May 13, 2012):

Wow! what a great concept, I love the sound of this book.

Re: Darkest Caress (9:51am May 4, 2012):

Unfortunately no, not experienced anything like that. However love the synopsis on this book - sounds great.

Re: Under His Protection (6:55am April 29, 2012):

Alphas are fantastice to read about but I think you need a strong female to keep them in check!

Re: The Vampire Shrink (8:24am April 27, 2012):

After watching ghost whisperer my daughter and I decided that if we came back we would very clearly say why!lol!

Re: Enraptured (8:20am April 26, 2012):

A weak villain devalues the fight.

Re: One Hot Cowboy Wedding (4:52am April 8, 2012):

OMG! I think it is the combination of them all. What a package!

Re: Lessons After Dark (5:10am April 6, 2012):

I'll agree with you, obviously all the curses fault!!!

Re: Wedded In Scandal (4:44am April 3, 2012):

My daughter has just moved into her first house. The house is quiet and I miss her terribly. But the next great cost will be her wedding dress. Can't wait to go shopping!!

Re: Under The Covers (5:25am March 10, 2012):

Mine are all still at home at present however, my oldest daughter is buying a house at present. My youngest daughter has already planned to take over her room and keep her present room as a dressing room - so that solves the blank room option. And when my son leaves she plans to make his room her lounge. And she only plans to leave temperarily to go on digs. She has my house all sorted!

Re: Against The Night (10:57am March 9, 2012):

I grew up with westerns as my dad is a HUGE fan and now so am I.

Re: Texas Pride (11:55am March 8, 2012):

I will give your books a try as I usually only read books by female authors - just by chance not through predjudice.

Re: The Rodeo Man's Daughter (10:08am March 1, 2012):

We don't really have class reunions in England, but I love to read about them.

Re: King of Darkness (1:45pm February 22, 2012):

I love vampire books but it's tea for me not coffee.

Re: Stud (9:09am February 8, 2012):

No, I find the films miss so much out and books can give much better discriptions on feelings and thoughts.

Re: Touch Me (8:21am January 31, 2012):

I'm easy - I love them all!

Re: Double Dare (11:56am January 27, 2012):

OOOh, I haven't read about loggers before!

Re: Dreamers (10:26am January 21, 2012):

Some of us who do know who we are and where we come from, wish otherwise.
I love the sound of this story, unlike any I have read so far.

Re: Lure of Song and Magic (8:22am January 18, 2012):

I am a bit of a doubting Thomas - I would have to experience it to believe it. B ut I love reading novels about it!

Re: Scrumptious (8:48am January 16, 2012):

I stumbled into my job as a teaching assistant when my children were at school. They have now moved on to careers and I am still in the Junior School and loving it!

Re: Dylan (8:21am January 15, 2012):

I loved the excerpt, Dylan seems to have a great sense of humor!

Re: Sins Of The Highlander (8:38am January 12, 2012):

This sounds like just my cup of tea, can't wit to read it.

Re: Demon Crossings (8:34am January 5, 2012):

I hope that I survive the credit crunch!
I love the sound of this book, it's a fantastic story line and not one I have read about before.

Re: Hot Rain (8:48am January 4, 2012):

I think dating in person is better; getting dressed up ready to meet the person you think about morning till bedtime, thes excitement and feelings that go with the whole going out for dates. It was a while ago for me but I still remember that feeling.

Re: A Demon Does It Better (9:08am January 3, 2012):

I have always felt that Cats are the most intelligent pet - always on their terms or not at all. Well that's my cats view!

Re: Lady Seductress's Ball (10:41am December 19, 2011):

Chocolate chip are my fav!
We are just getting ready to do our major baking for Christmas - I love this time of the year.

Re: Shield of Fire (11:36am December 9, 2011):

teenage boys - computer games usually involving guns, blood and gore and smellies believe it or not!

Re: Dreaming Of The Wolf (9:48am December 8, 2011):

I love all the traditions of Christmas, it's what brings the family together.
Happy holidays everyone.

Re: Hot Zone (11:31am December 1, 2011):

Being with my kids (aged 18 - 25) and also I'd like Jelly Beans. Not so easy to get in England.

Re: The Earl's Mistaken Bride (12:09pm November 30, 2011):

I always try to look on the bright side but as you said sometimes it is very hard. I too feel that life is too short and you have to laugh easch day.

Re: Waking Up Dead (8:51am November 26, 2011):

Thank you for nopt giving up and for listening to your charactors who needed to be heard.

Re: Under The Moon (4:51am November 19, 2011):

I don't mind pets in a story when it is called for. I especially like the ones with attitude!
My can constantly brings in wildlife during the winter, we think she does because it is too wet, cold or windy to eat ouyt side. Unfotunately she leaves the squiggly bits ont he carpet or if it is a bird she redecorates my hall or lounge with the feathers. But she adors my husband who brushes her each day when he comes in from work until she had had enough and gives him a nip on the hand. He is such a sucker!

Re: The Highlander's Heart (9:01am November 16, 2011):

I love tortured heros, they are so much more tasty!

Re: Knight of Runes (10:35am November 14, 2011):

I love time travel stories. It is amazing how women today are so independent and how men of the past freak out when a lady does not need them.

Re: Because Of You (10:32am November 14, 2011):

This sounds like a great book, thank you for giving us the opportunity to win it.

Re: Genie Knows Best (8:27am November 10, 2011):

I really enjoyed the outtake, I love comedy romances. Sandra Hill is one of my favourites.

Re: The Last Rising (8:26am November 9, 2011):

Yep, I vote for Eve too. She is such a great heroine, strong fearl;ess, intelligent and slightly vunerable too.

Re: North of Need (8:35am November 6, 2011):

Strong, caring, a sense of humor and a good body helps too!

Re: Engaged in Sin (12:00pm November 5, 2011):

Wow! what a fantastic spin. Sounds like a great read.

Re: Darn Good Cowboy Christmas (10:16am November 4, 2011):

We've had a few major illnesses this year and I would wish for better luck next year.

Re: The Virtuoso (10:20am November 2, 2011):

I loved the Heir and the Soldier, can't wait to read these ones. Thank you for writing such great books.

Re: Enchanted Destiny (2:09pm October 31, 2011):

Sounds interesting!

Re: Romancing The Countess (8:12am October 28, 2011):

I am sorry to say I have not been inspired to do something from the books I read, however that may be due to the fact that I love my life the way it is and would not change anything.
Loved to read about you being pregnant, can totally relate!

Re: His Last Duchess (8:07am October 28, 2011):

I loved your post and especially the photo of your dog, he reminds me of my old toy poodle called Sooty. He used to follow me around and sit by my feet too.

Re: Haunting Embrace (8:52am October 22, 2011):

I love the dark troubled hero who finally finds love and redemption. Time-travell is great fun to read and see how todays values are so different to before.
Your new book sounds wonderful!

Re: Against The Storm (8:33am October 17, 2011):

I am just glad you did not give up - I love your books!

Re: Queeen of the Sylphs (8:37am October 13, 2011):

Some of the bad guys are just soooo good!

Re: Unleashed (8:47am October 10, 2011):

A bear! I love the shifter bear stories by Shelly Laurenston. They sleep alot and love sweet food and nobody messes with them!

Re: Chosen By Fate (2:19pm October 9, 2011):

I love them all!

Re: The Goblin King (8:48am October 6, 2011):

This sounds like my sort of story, thank you for sharing how it came about.

Re: Chaos Tryst (7:26am October 2, 2011):

How you managed to keep a straight face and not laugh I do not kknow!

Re: The Norse King's Daughter (8:35am September 29, 2011):

I love your books and have read them all. I haven't yet got to the re-read stage however, my 18 year old daughter re-reads all the previous books in a series when the next is due out. Never fails, I don't know how she does it!

Re: The Seduction of Sophie Seacrest (8:30am September 26, 2011):

I read different genres for the same reason. Some are heavy going and others are just plain fun. I love regency - the pomp and rules that are just asking to be broken.
I love the sound of your book - it's just my cup of tea!

Re: The Rake And The Recluse (8:27am September 18, 2011):

What a great idea! Sounds really good, and the story sounds good too!

Re: No Proper Lady (8:26am September 12, 2011):

What a fantastic story line - I am hooked already!

Re: Wings of Fire (9:54am September 9, 2011):

You are a new author for me, I recently read Ascention this summer after seeing it on Fresh Fiction and am now well and truely hooked.

Re: Lord and Lady Spy (11:00am September 8, 2011):

This book sounds great - I love your casting - think they might make a film of it???

Re: Deep Disclosure (8:44am September 7, 2011):

I live for now - life is too short, I have lost a few relatives to cancer and I think this has changed my view of how I look at life for me. For my children I look to there future, my baby girl has just got into University and is looking ahead to that!

Re: Bel Air (8:19am September 6, 2011):

'A lie gets half way around the world before the truth has a chance to get it's pants on' Winston Chrurchill. What a great quote.

Re: Sweet Justice (7:59am September 3, 2011):

Sherrilyn Kenyon's Carpathians - when they turn bad they are really bad - blood sucking, ripping throats, messing with your mind - really scary!

Re: Serendipity (6:20am September 1, 2011):

I love them all, alpha, beta or gamma I just can't get enough!!!

Re: Diaries Of An Urban Panther (8:03am August 31, 2011):

Running would deffinately be involved, as far and as fast as possible!

Re: Desire and Deception (4:18am August 19, 2011):

I agree with Constance, we are what we want to be. It is too easy to blame upbringing - I came from a broken home but I turned out great!lol!

Re: Fezariu's Epiphany (7:39am August 13, 2011):

Amazing - I envy your ability to create a nw world so thoroughly.

Re: The Landlord's Black-Eyed Daughter (4:41am August 10, 2011):

Story sounds great, I am glad it has a happy ending.

Re: Notorious (5:31am July 29, 2011):

Working in those times was very hard work so not work. Eloping took all the fun out of your day so again no! But travel - that has possibilities. Yes travel I think although I would have to have a lot of money and traavel in style.

Re: A Gentleman Never Tells (3:03pm July 24, 2011):

I've seen a few typing errors and sometimes it takes some sorting out. But the ones that annoy me are when the picture of hero or heroine on the cover do not match their descriptions in the book - such a shame.
Love the idea of this book, it sounds a keeper!

Re: Touch If You Dare (8:29am July 21, 2011):

I wish I was his one and only!

Re: Night Walker (8:31am July 18, 2011):

I think it would be great at first but watching loved ones die and keeping interested in life would eventually be too high a price to pay.

Re: Magnificent Passage (8:34am July 12, 2011):

I haven't really thought that the historicals I read now are written differently to a few years ago, however I see what you mean about today being so liberated and how the stories reflect this.
Love your books can't wait for Against The storm!

Re: Runestone (6:29am July 9, 2011):

I agree with Carla, a sense of humor is essential. Reasonable looks, nice body with the ability to talk! sounds easy but some men just talk a load of rubbish.

Re: Loved By A Warrior (8:32am July 6, 2011):

I think myths and legends are formed to explain events that happen and a curse is a way of blaming bad luck. But I love stories that have them in - they are a great read.

Re: Wild and Unruly (8:25am June 30, 2011):

I think we would muck things up as we usually do - it would be nice to go back and change what we consider wrong but changing them may make things worse! Fantasy is so much better!

Re: Night Veil (8:31am June 27, 2011):

I like Batman best for mainly the same reasons as you. I like a real heao not Mr Perfect because they are so boring. Will they have a laugh or laugh at themselves? Probably not. Life is too short, you have to be able to laugh now and then.

Re: Burning Skies (8:14am June 24, 2011):

What a fantastic gift yo have, thank you for sharing it with us. New book sounds great!

Re: Demons Prefer Blondes (8:31am June 20, 2011):

I love reading romance books andy genre - people who ask me about what I read, when I say romance they think it is all feinting woman and being carried off. As we all know they are not like that - well some are! - I love the somplex stories about romance. It amazes me how each story is deifferent. Keep writing as people like me appreciate your books - I could never write one myself.

Re: Under a Desert Sky (11:48am June 19, 2011):

I am a sucker for happy endings and if a story is really good I want to know how they get on in the future - marriage, babies, etc.

Re: Virgin (8:31am June 16, 2011):

This book sounds great, worth adding to my 'to read' list!

Re: Hard Bitten (8:30am June 14, 2011):

My local Library does not stock all the books I like but I got a kindle for christmas - that helps. I have read some of your suggestions but will look into the others.

Re: Blood Of The Wicked (8:49am June 13, 2011):

Most mothers have a sixth sense about what there children are up to - does this mack them a witch? Some may think so and that is how the stories start to spread about. Word of mouth is a powerful tool to spread slander. Yes I beleive there are stranger things than we realize and alot is kept quiet so they are not singled out - a shame but I understand the reasoning.

Re: Heart of the Highland Wolf (8:39am June 8, 2011):

Who doesn't love highlanders and wolves? Put them together and it sounds like a hit. Can't wait to read it.

Re: Frostbound (8:33am June 7, 2011):

I love this series and can't wait to read this next installment. Thank yo for writing such a great series.

Re: Cover of Darkness (6:29am June 5, 2011):

I love strong military stories, especially the black ops and seals. I do have to make myself very clear when I talk about a book as the other day I mention seals with guns and my daughter who only caught the last of the sentence, thought I meant the animals! She fell about laughing at the idea of seals with guns attacking baddies - she felt that the baddies would not see them coming!

Re: The Soldier (4:12am June 2, 2011):

When I was younger (okay, a lot younger) my Uncle Joe was my favourite Uncle. He used to tell us great stories. Still miss him after all these years.
Can't wait to read this book, loved the first one.

Re: Mind Games (8:26am May 25, 2011):

I agree whole-heartedly. Just started Larissa Ione - fantastic in a word. Your blog is histerical - I found it so entertaining that I am off to buy Game Over. Thanks.

Re: SEALed Forever (8:35am May 20, 2011):

This series sounds fntastic. I loved this blogg and whole-heartedly agree with you.

Re: Awaken The Highland Warrior (8:31am May 18, 2011):

How could the characters not hold part of the author, it's their view on their emotions, reactions and even sometime speech patterns. I think that's what makes all the books different and intersting.

Re: Deadly Promises (10:36am May 7, 2011):

I agree it seems bad to be glad someone is dead, however he was not just anybody. He was responsible for mas murder! If captured he would have gone on trial and been executed. I don't think it matters how his death occured, his followers would still rise up against us.
The military are all our heroes. Without them we would not have the freedom we have, they rick their lives for us they do not even know.

Re: My Favorite Countess (8:20am April 28, 2011):

I think all alpha males are great!

Re: It Happened On Maple Street (5:09am April 19, 2011):

Wow, what an amazing story.

Re: Tangled Threads (5:03am April 19, 2011):

Four weddings, we are addicted as a family luckily so no arguing over remote!

Re: Drip Dead (9:46am April 15, 2011):

I work in a local Junior school in England (age 7-11). I work with the 9-10 year olds and they are amazing. The questions they ask and they will not be fobbed off! They are so interested in lots of different things and it is amazing to realize that I am helping to shape them. My youngest daughter (18 now) learned about Egypt in year 3(age 7) and has since wanted to be an Egyptologist - she is just about to sit her exams before University and this is still her job choice - AMAZING.

Re: Play Me (8:38am March 29, 2011):

I have not as yet, read any of your books but they sound like just my cup of tea! I don't like some words authors use in sex scenes, as you say they are just 'ick' words and totally repulse me.

Re: An Unlikely Countess (1:19pm March 19, 2011):

I love your books and I agree, she does not belong there and knows it. How could anyone expect her to accept when she has lived better. As for being a snob, I think that depends on each person. At school I was considered a snob - I have no idea why - I was brought up in a council house (rented) all my clothes were hand me down and we had very little. I don't regret it but had I been given the choice I would have chosen to live with riches rather than povety!

Re: Scandal of the Year (8:30am March 4, 2011):

I love when the twist is unexpected, makes it so interesting.

Re: Everyone Loves A Hero (9:04am February 2, 2011):

When I was walking my toy poodle a large dog came charging across the field at us. He hid behind me, I made myself look as big as possible and growled at him to 'BACK OFF'.(My throat hurt for days!) He was so surprised he stopped and just looked at me. Eventually the owner came and got him - no apology for scaring me though. I'd like to think I would walk over hot coals to save my children too.

Re: Against The Wind (5:16am January 3, 2011):

I love knowing what has happened to the other people in previous books in trilogys. Can't wait to read this book, sounds just my cup of tea!

Re: Pay Up (4:30am December 23, 2010):

I like strong heroines who make the occasional mistake - they can't be perfect because who of us are?

Re: Double Cross (5:54am December 22, 2010):

Wow! What a great concept - I love the idea - can't wait to read it.

Re: The Heir (8:48am December 16, 2010):

I remember reading James Herberts 'Rates' at age 10. When I got to the part with rats under the beds I walked along my bed and leaned across to turn off the light - no way was I putting my foot on the floor. Then I layed there for ages listening for sounds in case the rats came out!
This book sounds great.

Re: Beneath The Thirteen Moons (8:31am December 8, 2010):

Oh my that book sounds great! I and my husband are opposites, He too is a pack rat and I sort things and throw out regularly. But together we are a force to be reckoned with. Whoever said opposites attrack knew their stuff!

Re: Rajmund (10:33am December 6, 2010):

Sounds good, I love bad boys made good!

Re: Sparks (4:41am December 3, 2010):

It always seems that no matter what our pets do we love them regardless. Sparky sounds just the same. I've had cheqed shoes, sock and a new jacket but still Sooty is the pride of our family!

Re: Second Chances (10:19am November 30, 2010):

I think sometimes we need second chances to see what we are missing.

Re: Outrageously Yours (10:16am November 30, 2010):

Yes I cheered too!
Your latest sounds great and I can't wait to buyit.

Re: Her Kind of Hero (8:40am November 23, 2010):

I met my husband at a school disco, he was going with a friend of mine. He seemed to go out with all my friends for a short while and eventually got round to me. We got married when I was 18years and 3 months and he was 20years and 1 month. Luckily we were meant to be togther and have now been married 28 years and are still very much in love.

Re: Honky Tonk Christmas (8:38am November 19, 2010):

We love a variety of music in our house and my children aging from 24-17 can sing to alot of the old songs (as they call them) from my teenage years. Love they books, they are a hoot!

Re: The Christmas Clock (8:28am November 15, 2010):

I am always amazed at how long it can take for a book to be finished but, obviously it was worth it. I can't wait to read your new series.
Thankyou for writing.

Re: Deadly Intent (8:37am November 10, 2010):

Too many to mention - It's when I am trying to go to sleep and I start thinking about charactors in the books I have read, going over a particularly good part in the book. If the charactor stays with you then they are real to you.

Re: Twilight Hunger (8:54am October 21, 2010):

Thanks goodness you didn't give up, I have only read Edge of Twilight and the rest of your books sound great and I can't wait to read them.

Re: The Making of a Gentleman (8:43am October 20, 2010):

I enjoy romance and genre, however I too like regency. I love it when I learn something I did not know before in the romance books I read, then I can tell my husband that 'yes, they are educational!'

Re: Grave Witch (9:01am October 18, 2010):

I like the idea of Death from 'Charmed'. A neutral spirit that takes spirits on. Neither good nor evil.

Re: Highland Hellcat (8:54am October 15, 2010):

My daughter loves mountain dew but what we get in England is nothing like the real stuff in America so she wont drink it here. I love tea - can't start the day without it. I have tried to get my family drinking caffine free coffee but they are not impressed!

Re: Backstage Pass (8:23am October 13, 2010):

Only have one cat and she's enough of a handful and no herding allowed as far as she is concerned.
I love hearing how charactors take over the books, your lot certainly made me laugh.

Re: Seducing The Duchess (9:21am October 6, 2010):

Why is it that cashiers can give you 'that look' when buying a romance novel with a sexy guy on front, and you feel guilty? You are right it is no ones business but mine.
Very happy for you to see your name in print.

Re: Runes (11:11am October 5, 2010):

I would like two alpha males, really buff ones!

Re: Building Magic (6:51am October 3, 2010):

Wow, they all sound great, especially Building Magic. I love dragon shapeshifters!

Re: Sinful in Satin (6:27am October 1, 2010):

I never remember my dreams only nightmares and I think that is because I wake up suddenly and it is still scaring me. I take tablets for mygraines and had to change them once as they gave me waking nightmares - really scary when you know you are awake and in bed but am seeing a different room. Thankfully once I changed tablets they stopped.
I love hearing how you write as I am know I could not do it but am grateful for the authors that let me imagine.

Re: The Spurned Viscountess (10:20am September 30, 2010):

I love paranormal, mystery and historical and fantasy. I however do not like a sad ending!

Re: When Wicked Craves (10:06am September 29, 2010):

I live at the beginning of a dead end road. My neighbour across the road is always looking out of his window and wears different coloured overalls for different jobs - what so you think? work material!

Re: One Touch of Scandal (9:56am September 27, 2010):

My cat'Jinx' would shred me if I tried to put her in a kitty harness - she broke the lampshade the vet puts on them when they have stitches and has managed to 'lose' 5 collars with magnets.
My treat is cakes all round!

Re: The Bride's Necklace (9:48am September 27, 2010):

Although I like the Raines covers best, I will buy all!

Re: Love Me (1:22pm September 24, 2010):

I always find it disaponting when the cover has very little to with the people in the books.

Re: Secrets Volume 29 Indulge Your Fantasies (11:00am September 22, 2010):

I loke variety in the scenes I read about, I love the scottish (am part scottish myself) I love a strong brave hero with a kind heart.

Re: The Bride's Necklace (8:18am September 18, 2010):

I must admit the cover does effect whether I pick up a book or not! Given a choice between the neckless trilogy and the Raines Brother Trilogy book cover, the Raines Brothers win hands down...

Re: One Fine Cowboy (7:55am September 7, 2010):

'Cowboys' just the image that word gives you says it all - can't get enough!

Re: Warrior (8:14am September 6, 2010):

Sounds great, can't wait to read it. Cover reminds me of Indiana Jones!

Re: Royal Blood (10:39am September 4, 2010):

I love when I read books and learn something at the same time - it's amazing when that information can come in handy - like kids homework!

Re: Hell, Yeah (3:54am August 11, 2010):

What a great interview. It has got my interest and I will be going out to buy the books, can't wait.

Re: The Smuggler And The Society Bride (3:54am August 5, 2010):

I love a fiesty heroine who plays hard to get but all is resolved in the end - a bad guy helps too.

Re: Knight Of Passion (10:44am July 23, 2010):

I have loved all your books and can't wait to read this one.

Re: Love and Scandal (9:00am July 22, 2010):

I love the sound of your book, can't wait to read it.

Re: Murder in the Abstract (8:17am July 14, 2010):

I love hearing authors talk about how the characters in their stories take over, so much fun.

Re: To Conquer a Highlander (8:33am July 13, 2010):

My husband even brought me a large bookcase to put my books - I think he got fed up of finding them everywhere, I knew where they were!

Re: Ice Cold (8:31am July 13, 2010):

That sounds like a great story and really scary about the incident in 1968.

Re: To Conquer a Highlander (8:30am July 12, 2010):

Tiny little cottages are what I collect as well as all the books of course!

Re: The Wild Irish Sea (10:38am July 9, 2010):

I don't read books with a sad ending - life is short I like to read about happy endings.

Re: The Wild Irish Sea (8:36am July 8, 2010):

Sounds like a great book, can't wait to buy it.

Re: Money, Honey (10:32am July 7, 2010):

I like the variety that comes with romances, they are never the same.

Re: Crush On You (10:27am July 7, 2010):

I was at school with my husband, he was 2 years older and seemed to go out with my friends before he got aroud to me! We have been happily married for 27 years so far and going strong.

Re: Unchained (9:00am July 5, 2010):

Mine is Christmas too. My mother comes to stay and my Grandmother comes too. We remember fondly when my father in law and grandfather came too (sadly departed) and always fell asleep in the armchairs after lunch, my grandfather asking for an orange juice and then would whisper 'put a little drop of whiskey in that' so that Nan did not know.

Re: Hidden Wives (6:45am June 27, 2010):

I love to vary the genres I am reading to try to keep it fresh - but yes sometimes they do seem to blend. I love the films you mentioned so will be trying warrior and if I like it as much as you say will be looking for scoundrel too!

Re: Dark Flame (6:38am June 27, 2010):

I haven't read any books by Allyson yet! How lucky are you!, glad to hear you are having fun.

Re: Fatal Affair (6:35am June 27, 2010):

A hero that looks after you, will do anything for you, protect you and admit they are sometimes wrong, how great would that be. Or would it be annoying after a while? Well as a fantasy he's great!

Re: Dragon Unmasked (8:56am June 16, 2010):

Same goes for me as for Joanne Reynolds. My family put a stop to reading books for me as I found myself looking after them and reading to them. They all love books too now and as young adults have different likes regarding books. My job is in school teaching young children to read and trying to get them addicted to reading too. Now I have time to read what I like but still have to stop and listen when my youngest (17 years) daughter wants to tell me what is happening in her book - she revises for exams like that too!

Re: Hidden Wives (12:56pm June 12, 2010):

Sounds like fun, cake is always a hit regardless of where you are!

Re: Crush On You (8:23am June 10, 2010):

I firsted saw my husband at the school disco, so I was all dressed up - short skirt, the works. I was 11 and he was going out with my friend. We finally got together at age 15. We've been together 27 years ( he's a leg man luckily for me).

Re: Desire Me (10:56am June 8, 2010):

When my children were younger, every easter I would leave clues that led to the next clue and then the next clue and so on until they got to the easter egg at the end. I had them running all over the house and garden so they had really earned the egg.

Re: Night Myst (5:24am June 4, 2010):

I usually read them all - only once have I not liked a new series, I did try - I read 2 books but did not enjoy them so have not gone back to the series. Usually I love reading different genres as I read a book every 2 days. I haven't read any of your books but they sound great and are on my to buy list.

Re: I Love This Bar (5:12am June 4, 2010):

I would be thanking my lucky stars if he fell on me! I would have taken my time to get up off the floor too!!

Re: The Making Of A Duchess (5:10am June 3, 2010):

No, I have never pretended to be someone else, I have one of those faces that says guilty as charged so would not be able to get away with it. Your books sounds so goods!

Re: Ancient Whispers (10:18am May 31, 2010):

The bigger the challenge the better we are.

Re: Blown Away (9:57am May 31, 2010):

I like Maggie Shayne and will look for her trilogy this summer.

Re: Blown Away (5:20am May 30, 2010):

I read them as they are released, sometimes I have to reread the ones I have just before the next is released. I am currently waiting for the next book from Elizabeth Holt about the soliers - tecnically 4 books not 3! Really enjoying them.

Re: Dead in the Family (1:49pm May 29, 2010):

I too am going to read Haunting Warrior - just finished Haunting Beauty. I am waiting for Pamela Palmers next book rapture untamed - I just love this series. Can't wait till my holiday as we are going to America again and I can hit the bookshops - my family are so understanding; they do the rollercoasters and I get new books!

Re: His At Night (10:05am May 25, 2010):

I love the historical facts you pick while reading a romance. Sometimes I have even learnt something that I can pass onto my daughter when she is working on her ancient history!

Re: The White Shadow Saga (8:41am May 21, 2010):

That just makes me appreciate the authors word even more - thanks for the insight.

Re: Sex And The Single Earl (8:29am May 19, 2010):

I prefer the small village. I grew up in a village and moved to a town, after my children arrived I wanted them to have the experience of a village life and they love it. Their friends do not always know where we live and have to have detailed directions to get to us bu my children aged 17-25 love living here.

Re: Web Of Lies (8:59am May 17, 2010):

I like a wide range of romance:historical futuristic, magical and urban fantasy. I get bored if I read the same genre too many books in a row so like to have a varied choice to meet my fancy of the time. Your book sounds just my cup of tea, can't wait to read it.

Re: Haunting Warrior (8:28am May 12, 2010):

I would travel to Victorian times but in Scotland as I am a sucker for the Scots!

Re: Some Like It Rough (8:49am May 10, 2010):

I like gossip magazines to read when I want to let my mind wander - no stress reading them and flicking through until I find something of interest. Novels are my favourite and then I like to sit and relax while I read into another world or time!

Re: A Thread So Thin (7:18am May 9, 2010):

My mother is a YA fan and often shares books with my daughter. When they get chatting about the books they have just read it is like listening to a foreign language. I like my daughter explaining them to me rather then reading YA and because of this, this is how she revises for exams - we talk about the subject and even if it is one I know I still ask questions as she talks as if I do not have a clue. She revises really well this way and is doing well - I am so proud.

Re: The Jaguar Prince (9:18am May 7, 2010):

What a great way to get ideas - I have annoying pigeons that nest in my garden every year. The noise they make when plying alone is loud enough but when they start coo cooing it grates on your nerves very quickly and is not romantic regardless of what you have heard. Can't wait to read the stories.

Re: Touching Darkness (8:59am May 5, 2010):

The best part about my job as a learning support assistant is when the child I am working with are finally able to succeed as a task with out my help needed anymore - the smile on their faces says it all. The worst part is having to nag at them to do their work and learn their spellings and read each day - they don't like to be nagged!

Re: Think Twice (11:23am May 2, 2010):

All those listed by |Lindsey Ekland - I too have read those - weren't they great! Will finish Christine Feehan Wild Fire today and then I have J R Ward Lover Mine to look forward to!

Was disappointed with Dragonbound by Jade Lee - not what I expected maybe.

Re: Silent Truth (9:04am April 19, 2010):

My passion at work is helping special need kids achieve a higher reading, spelling or mathmatics score. The look on their faces when they can achieve it is like nothing else.

Re: Building Iphone Apps With Html, CSS, And Javascript (7:11am April 18, 2010):

My book stash got so bad my husband brought me my own stack of book shelves just for my books. I am at present doing my NVQ which involves reading about how to do my job - boring as I know how to do it - however I can't seem to stop reading from my stash - I will have to soon but it does seem too much like work!

Re: Demonkeepers (5:20am April 13, 2010):

I love the sound of all the heros, each has his quirks that makes him appealing. I have not read any of your books yet but am keen to now read them. Thankyou.

Re: Big Bad Wolf (9:30am April 10, 2010):

I hate it when you pick up a book read it and really enjoy it so buy others by that author and after starting another realize you should have read that one first as it now ruins the other books.
Surely publishers should think about this!

Re: Reunion (5:42am April 9, 2010):

I love when I can pick up interesting facts in the romance books I read - I even manage to stun the children with little snippets I have picket up. Can't wait to read this book!

Re: A Certain Wolfish Charm (10:27am March 31, 2010):

I hate books that do not have a happy ever after, I love the ones about reformed rakes, werewolves, vampires - you name it really, just give me a good happy ever after.

Re: An Earl to Enchant (10:19am March 31, 2010):

From Crocodile Dundee my husband is always quoting 'I don't need a gun, I've got a Donk! and 'That's not a knife - THIS is a knife!

Re: An Earl to Enchant (9:10am March 30, 2010):

Arnie's 'I'll be back' is one my family and I use lots and lots and when we do the rst start laughing, no matter who said it or why, it always gives us a laugh.

Re: The Highlander's Sword (12:26pm March 17, 2010):

I love stories where the heroine gets to kick the heros butt a few times, but they have to have a good happy ending.

Re: The Scarlet Lion (11:17am March 11, 2010):

How unique, I have never heard of a sound track for a book. The book sounds very interesting.

Re: Lake Magic (10:11am March 2, 2010):

I could never write a book and have great respect for those that can. I read all the time, about a book every 2 days. My first book was Dark Prince by Christine Feehan - I got it in a charity shop and haven't stopped reading romance's since.

Re: Cowboy Trouble (9:37am February 26, 2010):

I love all sorts of different romance books and especially like those that make me laugh. Yours sounds a hoot and I can't wait to read it.

Re: Chick with a Charm (6:14am February 19, 2010):

We have had both but at the moment we have one cat, Jinx. She, of course, rules the house. I love how she manages to look down her nose at me when she is sat on the floor! She will climb on me in the night for a cuddle but if I ignore her she will go and wake my daughter instead. She will not drink from a bowl only a glass - one in each of my daughters rooms and will wake them in the night when she is drinking!! But no matter how much a pain she is, she is one of the family.

Re: Drive Time (10:00am February 1, 2010):

I can keep a secret as long as keeping it does not hurt anybody - some secrets need to be told for the persons own good!

Re: Hold On Tight (9:36am January 26, 2010):

As long as there are not too many strange words I look them up I find books with its own list of words meaning hard going as you have to keep referring to the list all the time and keeping the story flowing is difficult.

Re: Getting Lucky (10:16am January 18, 2010):

I have read the first 2 books and really enjoyed them - can't wait to rceive getting lucky. I love the continuation of the characters in series. To get a snippet of what they have gotten up to after their story has been told. I do not like the trilogys that run at the same time frame as you learn what will happen to some characters before you start reading their story.

Re: The Keepers Of Sulbreth (8:43am January 15, 2010):

I like the names to be easy to pronounce or I keep getting flumoxed trying to read it each time and lose track of the story as I am worrying that I am saying it right!

Re: Fugitive (8:27am January 5, 2010):

I really enjoyed the inteview and can't wait to read the book.

Re: Dangerous Highlander (9:40am January 4, 2010):

Being part scottish I have always been a sucker for a highlander story!

Re: The Gift (10:28am December 9, 2009):

We lost our great and great-great grandfathers a couple of years ago. Christmas is a time when all the family gets together and remembers them both falling asleep in the afternoon or Grandad asking for an orange juice with a little whiskey in it.

Re: My Unfair Lady (11:55am December 4, 2009):

Loved the blog interview, can't wait to reat my unfair lady.

Re: Searching For Pemberley (9:36am December 3, 2009):

I talk to y cat Jinx, she always agrees with me!
This book sounds great, can't wait to read it.

Re: Scorched (11:02am December 1, 2009):

I love series, I love remembering the players and really getting to know them. Book covers are important too as a good one can catch your eye and make you think Hmmm that looks good!

Re: Over My Dead Body (11:02am November 17, 2009):

My children still live at home and my mother and grandmother come to us over Christmas as well as boyfriends and girlfriends. They tell me that Christmas and boxing day will always be celebrated this way.

Re: Wild Blue Under (10:14am November 9, 2009):

I love your sense of humor, so I must read your books!

Re: One Lucky Cowboy (9:19am November 5, 2009):

Wow, I haven't read any of these yet but after reading that interview, I'm hooked. Can't wait for them to arrive!

Re: Silver Silence (6:18am October 29, 2009):

Wow, hat a teaser that is, I can't wait to read it!

Re: Fool Moon (5:43am October 25, 2009):

When our children were very young my husband used to take them for walks and tell them the latin names of plants (he is a nursery plant manager). Today our eldest daughter can remember the first one he taught her but no more, (she is now a primary teacher), our son cannot remember any, (he's a policeman) but our youngest at 16 can remember them all and is planning on being an egytologist as she can now remember data without any effort. Was it the training of her father giving her all these facts on trees? maybe!

Re: A Marquis To Marry (9:12am October 14, 2009):

Thanks for this snippet, I have not read any of your books (yet!) I certainly will do now.

Re: Highland Rebel (1:06pm September 4, 2009):

I think we are blessed to have so many great authors that are such great stoy tellers that you do enter the story - cheer with their achievements and cry at their sorrows.
I wish I had that ability but as I don't I just try to read as many books as I can.

Re: Tie Me Down (12:57pm September 4, 2009):

I always love reading stories placed in New Orleans, thank you for sharing your memories.

Re: Nothing But Scandal (11:39am August 7, 2009):

I always like a strong heroine and sometimes even the hero needs a good thump up beside his head to make him see reason. I love the heroines that will do that for them!

Re: Insatiable Desire (4:34am August 5, 2009):

I don't think it is our genes but our heart that determines if we are good or bad. Only we can decide what we learn from our experiences.

Re: Seduce Me (11:58am July 29, 2009):

I love the idea of finding Pandora's box and opening it, I can't wait to read what happens next!
I am sure this book will be as great as all your others!

Re: Seeing Red (11:48am July 27, 2009):

I grew up in a small town and live in a village near that town. The village I now live in is where my grandparents lived and my mother grew up. My kids love living here much more than they did the small town.

Re: Bending The Rules (3:38pm July 22, 2009):

When I get really angry I start crying, it doesn't quite give the right impression. I am also very proud of all my children and embarrass them regularly telling people about them!

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