February 18th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Legend Of The Highland Dragon by Isabel Cooper


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Also by Isabel Cooper:

Blood and Ember, August 2021
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
The Nightborn, May 2021
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
The Stormbringer, January 2021
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Highland Dragon Master, March 2018
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Highland Dragon Rebel, November 2017
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Highland Dragon Warrior, September 2017
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Night of the Highland Dragon, June 2015
Paperback / e-Book
The Highland Dragon's Lady, December 2014
Paperback / e-Book
Legend Of The Highland Dragon, December 2013
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Lessons After Dark, April 2012
Paperback / e-Book
No Proper Lady, September 2011
Paperback / e-Book

Legend Of The Highland Dragon
Isabel Cooper

Highland Dragon #1
Sourcebooks Casablanca
December 2013
On Sale: December 3, 2013
Featuring: Stephen McAlisdair; Mina
352 pages
ISBN: 1402284675
EAN: 9781402284670
Kindle: B00ENQEMBA
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
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Romance Historical | Romance Paranormal

He Guards a Ferocious Secret

In Victorian England, gossip is often as precious as gold. But the Highlanders are a more mysterious bunch. And if anyone found out that Stephen MacAlasdair really was, he'd be hunted down, murdered, his clan wiped out. As he's called to London on business, he'll have to be extra vigilant—especially between sunset and the appearance of the first evening star.

Mina just wanted to find out more about the arrogant man who showed up in her employer's office. Some might say it was part of her job. She never thought the stranger would turn into a dragon right in front of her. Or that he'd then offer her an outrageous sum of money to serve as his personal secretary. Working together night and day to track a dangerous enemy, Mina comes to see a man in love is more powerful and determined than any dragon.

No awards found for this book.

Highland Dragon


40 comments posted.

Re: Legend Of The Highland Dragon

I've never been a secretary, but I can just imagine Mina's shock when Stephen transformed in front of her. LOL
(Marcy Shuler 12:19pm December 6, 2013)

Wow, Congrats on your new book: LEGEND OF THE HIGHLAND
DRAGON. I love the book cover too! Yes, I was a Secretary
for many years and studied to be a Legal Secretary in
college too. Your book sounds so fascinating and I would
love to win it and read it this Christmas. Happy Holidays
and Thank You very much. Cecilia CECE
Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 12:19pm December 6, 2013)

I worked as a Secretary when I first started out in the workforce and am glad I learned those skills to help me organize and cope with the work I do now.
Darci Paice 1:23am December 6, 2013)

I had to substitute for a secretary on one of my jobs. All I had to do was answer phones and total time sheets. I was so nervous. I have nothing but praise for all secretaries and the work they do.
Kathleen Yohanna 4:56am December 6, 2013)

My mother was a secretary as was my mother-in-law.
Betty Hamilton 7:49am December 6, 2013)

my sister is a secretary i could just imagine what she is
thinking when she seen him change
Denise Smith 8:45am December 6, 2013)

Just mention Highlander and I'm in. I was a secretary for many years. I can't imagine that happening to me. HA
Bonnie Capuano 8:47am December 6, 2013)

Over all the jobs that I had in my working career, being a secretary was the job that I enjoyed the most. I was fortunate that at the place I worked at, the bosses I had respected me, as well as my position. I also gave them my all in return. Your book sounds like a great read for the Winter, and will be my first dragon book, so I'm really excited about it. Have a great Christmas and New Year!!!
Peggy Roberson 9:39am December 6, 2013)

I love books about shape shifters and those around them. Tjis sounds like a book that will be enjoyed by many.
Melissa Taylor 9:53am December 6, 2013)

Thank you all very much!

And I'm with you guys: hardest jobs I've ever had, but they
can be really rewarding too. I really enjoyed getting to
meet all kinds of people--though none of them were dragons.
Or hot Scottish guys, sadly.
Isabel Cooper 10:16am December 6, 2013)

This sounds fantastic. I worked as an office assistant for a
dance studio and you would not believe the parents of the
dancers. It is incredibly stressful. ;-)
Karin Anderson 10:27am December 6, 2013)

I have been a secretary a PA and a shop assistant. The most stressful was shop assistant especially at this time of year - Good will and cheer to everyone except shop assistants is how some customers make you feel. I work in a school now, mostly the children are happy to see me!
Barbara Hanson 10:36am December 6, 2013)

I haven't been a Secretary but I do work at a Property
Management Office as an Assistant to my boss... I like to
refer to myself as the gopher or filing lady... As I go for
a lot of things mostly lunch for everyone one.. File a lot
and get buzzed to grab random files... When I do make phone
calls I am doing it on behalf of my boss or one of the
property managers and I have to be nice... Sometimes it
isn't that easy. Besides being the gopher i reconcile the
accounts and keep the books up to date (main job) but only
have to do that like 2 times a month... I like doing my job
but mostly when nobody is bothering me and I can actually
get the filing and accounts done. Hopefully the new year
will bless me with an actually accounting job so I can deal
with numbers and not people :)
Jeannie Platt 12:12pm December 6, 2013)

Oooh the words dragon and highland grabbed my attention! Love the cover... you have me curious about Mina and the book... thanks for sharing!
Colleen Conklin 12:34pm December 6, 2013)

I can say that being able to think outside of the box and
creative problem-solving is a necessary talent for that
particular position.
G. Bisbjerg 1:27pm December 6, 2013)

pretty man --- what were we talking about??
would LOVE to win & read
Pamela Faye Howell 1:44pm December 6, 2013)

This sounds really good. I hope i won
Misty Gee 2:47pm December 6, 2013)

This is sounding goood! Thanks for the giveaway. Fingers and toes crossed
Kimberley Coover 3:09pm December 6, 2013)

I remember the old Harlequins where secretaries were pretty common heorines.
Maureen Emmons 3:29pm December 6, 2013)

I love hearing about everyone's experiences--definitely bears
out my impression! Hope you like the book!
Isabel Cooper 4:26pm December 6, 2013)

Love Dragons
Leanne Jacobson 4:38pm December 6, 2013)

Would love a chance to read this. :) Thanks for the contest
and happy holidays.
Leslie Davis 4:38pm December 6, 2013)

Secretaries are jacks-of-all trades; their biggest job is to
keep the boss in line!
Diane Sallans 4:47pm December 6, 2013)

Love the sound of this book. But, even as a florist I think I'd be flabbergasted to see someone transform in front of me. But, it would also be very intriguing and I'd want to learn all I could about it from that person.
Vennie Martinisi 5:21pm December 6, 2013)

In the era before sticky notes and e-mail, the secretaries at my Dad's office would pin things to his coat so he would remember to tell Mom.
Laura Gullickson 5:28pm December 6, 2013)

secretaries rock
Janet Gould 6:32pm December 6, 2013)

I had to be a secretary for several years while I was putting myself through
college. I have great respect for them!!!
MaryAnne Banks 7:20pm December 6, 2013)

Sounds great! So he's a dragon among men? Sign me up!
Molly Wilsbacher 7:42pm December 6, 2013)

i have never been a secratary but I have been a
security guard. I think that would be worse.
Debby Creager 9:03pm December 6, 2013)

love the cover and would love to read!!!!!!!!!!!
Jennifer Beck 9:22pm December 6, 2013)

Sounds great. Love the cover. Thanks for giving me a chance to win.
Linda Hall 9:39pm December 6, 2013)

This sounds like a great idea for a story. I love the combination of a Highland dragon and a secretary.
Janie McGaugh 9:46pm December 6, 2013)

I'm an accountant and have always been jealous of the secretaries because I think they have more fun.
Sue Farrell 11:15pm December 6, 2013)

I have been a secretary for a boss who is a slave driver. Even when I'm sick, I still have to go into the office.
Kai Wong 12:16pm December 7, 2013)

Book sounds awesome! I love stories of dragons and scotsmen. As a former secretary I
get what you mean about being pulled in 16 directions at once and expected to have
whatever the boss wanted done and on his desk already plus the copies he wanted NOW!
and smile and great the grumpy appointment walking in the door. It's a big job but
then women have been multitasking since the beginning of time, lol...and looking
great doing it! Good luck with the release
Lenna Hendershott 1:26am December 7, 2013)

Loved Lessons After Dark and No Proper Lady - can't wait to
read Legend Of The Highland Dragon!
Mary C 1:34am December 7, 2013)

I've been there and done that for years. There is little that a secretary doesn't know, she is the eyes and ears of the office. I'm sure the hair on the back of my neck would stand up, but I would keep typing!! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year of good writing.
Rosemary Simm 2:27pm December 7, 2013)

Poor Mina - secretaries have such tough jobs. They are the faces of the companies and have to put up with all the crap, know all the people, handle all the garbage, be organize, and on and on and on. I cannot wait to read your book. I want to find out how she handles the stress.
Michelle Willms 10:01pm December 7, 2013)

Wow, this sounds great! I love dragons.
Sharyn Lewis 3:39pm December 8, 2013)

Now that's a bad day in the office.
Mary Preston 1:08am December 9, 2013)

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