February 6th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

An Earl to Enchant by Amelia Grey


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Also by Amelia Grey:

Love, The Duke, April 2025
Mass Market Paperback
Sincerely, The Duke, April 2024
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Yours Truly, The Duke, April 2023
Paperback / e-Book
The Rogue Steals a Bride, January 2023
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
A Gentleman Says "I Do", May 2022
Mass Market Paperback
An Earl to Enchant, December 2021
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Kissing Under the Mistletoe, October 2021
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
A Gentleman Never Tells, June 2021
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book (reprint)
How To Train Your Earl, May 2021
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Only a Duchess Would Dare, November 2020
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
A Duke to Die For, September 2020
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Gone with the Rogue, May 2020
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
The Earl Next Door, June 2019
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
It's All About the Duke, June 2018
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
To the Duke, With Love, December 2017
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Last Night with the Duke, March 2017
Paperback / e-Book
Mistletoe, Mischief, and the Marquis, December 2016
Wedding Night With The Earl, March 2016
Paperback / e-Book
The Duke and Miss Christmas, October 2015
The Earl Claims A Bride, August 2015
Paperback / e-Book
The Duke In My Bed, January 2015
Paperback / e-Book
The Rogue Steals A Bride, July 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Bewitching, March 2013
e-Book (reprint)
A Gentleman Says "I Do", May 2012
Paperback / e-Book
A Gentleman Never Tells, July 2011
Paperback / e-Book
Fall In Love Like A Romance Writer, February 2011
Never a Bride, September 2010
Mass Market Paperback (reprint)
An Earl to Enchant, April 2010
Paperback / e-Book
A Marquis To Marry, October 2009
Paperback / e-Book
A Duke To Die For, April 2009
Paperback / e-Book
A Taste of Temptation, December 2005
A Hint Of Seduction, September 2004
A Little Mischief, October 2003
A Dash Of Scandal, November 2002
Never A Bride, June 2001

An Earl to Enchant
Amelia Grey

A Rogue's Dynasty #3
April 2010
On Sale: April 1, 2010
Featuring: Arianna Sweet; Lord Morgandale
384 pages
ISBN: 1402217617
EAN: 9781402217616
Kindle: B0038KT3WU
Paperback / e-Book
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Other Editions
Mass Market Paperback (December 2021)

Romance Historical

In An Earl to Enchant, Arianna Sweet has a secret. Her recently deceased father discovered a formula which could be the fabled fountain of youth. But because of suspicious circumstances surrounding her father's death, Arianna is certain whoever killed her father is after her too. For help, she turns to Lord Morgandale, the rake of London Society. After years of living on the edge of London's underground intrigues, Lord Morgandale wants only to accept his title and live a quiet life at his country estate. But once Miss Sweet arrives, the notorious bad boy finds himself in the unaccustomed position of having to keep the enchanting innocent out of harm's way.

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Rogues' Dynasty


50 comments posted.

Re: An Earl to Enchant

"Wer're dominoes--we fall one way or we fall another." "I don't care. I only know I'd love you whichever way it fell out."
Seize the Fire-Laura Kinsale
(Sue Ahn 1:49am March 30, 2010)

Sher now that you but me on the spot i can't renember a one of them.I will more then likely go all night trying to think of them.
Stacey Smith 2:15am March 30, 2010)

"God bless us, every one" - A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens. It never gets old and brings a tear to my eye each time we read it at Christmas.
Sharon Mitchell 4:03am March 30, 2010)

Arnie's 'I'll be back' is one my family and I use lots and lots and when we do the rst start laughing, no matter who said it or why, it always gives us a laugh.
Barbara Hanson 9:10am March 30, 2010)

When I was teenager we would always make fun of the Wendy's commercial "where's the beef".
Sherry Russell 9:50am March 30, 2010)

Your book sounds great. The first line is wonderful. Some of my favorite movie one-liners:
“This could be the start of a beautiful friendship.” Casablanca (1943)

“What we have here is a failure to communicate.” Cool Hand Luke (1967)

“I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.” The Wizard of Oz (1939)

“I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore.” Network (1976)

“Show me the money!” Jerry Maguire (1996)
G S Moch 10:20am March 30, 2010)

Frankly my dear I don't give a damn has always been my favorite and I have used it quite often myself!
Gail Hurt 11:49am March 30, 2010)

Sue Ahn - Good quote. The author sums up in a few words complex emotions.
Amelia Grey 1:17pm March 30, 2010)

Stacey - there are so many quotes it's tough to narrow down favorits.
Amelia Grey 1:20pm March 30, 2010)

"Yada, yada, yada" from the Seinfeld show comes to mind.
Cheryl Snyder 1:21pm March 30, 2010)

Sharon - a favorite of mine too. Written perfectly in the old English.
Amelia Grey 1:23pm March 30, 2010)

Barbara - who could forget Arnie? And his Hasta La Vista Baby!"
Amelia Grey 1:25pm March 30, 2010)

Sherry - "failure to communicate" can be used at home and work! You picked some great quotes.
Amelia Grey 1:26pm March 30, 2010)

I always think of " Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get" F. Gump :)
Colleen Conklin 1:29pm March 30, 2010)

G S - four words says it all, "show me the money". I wonder if the author had any idea how popular that phrase would become?
Amelia Grey 1:30pm March 30, 2010)

Gail - love Gone With the Wind, and love that phrase too.
Amelia Grey 1:31pm March 30, 2010)

Cheryl - I saw that episode. Lot's of good quotes from Seinfield
Amelia Grey 1:46pm March 30, 2010)

Colleen - And Tom Hanks said it perfectly!
Amelia Grey 1:47pm March 30, 2010)

I've always loved Browning's,
"Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be".
Eileen Blackmore 2:32pm March 30, 2010)

Congrats on the new release, Amelia. One of my favorite lines is "It was a pleasure to burn" from Ray Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451."
Jane Cheung 3:33pm March 30, 2010)

Eileen & Jane - Two more great quotes. Thanks for checking in.
Amelia Grey 4:07pm March 30, 2010)


Thank you for visiting my blog at Fresh Fiction today. It was lots of fun reading the quotes. I love to hear from my readers so you can reach me at [email protected] or visit my website at ameliagrey.com

Happy Reading,

Amelia Grey
Amelia Grey 7:41pm March 30, 2010)

One liners are the best!
Marjorie Carmony 7:59pm March 30, 2010)

One of my favorite first lines is "Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again." from Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier.
Rosemary Krejsa 8:41pm March 30, 2010)

Edgar Allen Poe: "Once upon a midnight dark and dreary..." "quothe the raven: Nevermore". but yes, original Star Trek had some great ones. "Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor; not a ...
Susan Driskill 8:43pm March 30, 2010)

"Life is tough, its tougher when you're stupid." john wayne

Not sure I agree, but I like it.
Mary Lynn Hayes 9:11pm March 30, 2010)

"Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears..." Julius Ceasar
Kai Wong 9:27pm March 30, 2010)

"Tomorrow is another day" is one of my favorites.
Dorothy Swingle 9:45pm March 30, 2010)

I enjoy witty books. Conversations between the heroes/heroines with double entendres make me happy. Perhaps that's because I have a one-track mind, or so I've been told.

I use "Wuzzup?" a fair bit ... and, of course, the "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn" is used too often ... then there's "A horse is of course a horse of course...." when I'm out on the farm ... and "is that your final answer?" is used frequently when playing games with family ... or "I can't believe I ate the whole thing" ... or sometimes when we have a picnic I sing, "my bologna has a first name, it's O-S-C-A-R" (always a favorite).... Don't get me going!
Elaine Seymour 10:56pm March 30, 2010)

I always liked 'Make my day'
Karen Blossom 12:00pm March 31, 2010)

I love the bumbling Secret Agent Maxwell Smart & his many notable one liners. " Missed it by that much." & my all time favorite " Good thinking 99" which I think everyone has said at one time or another.
Mary Preston 7:58am March 31, 2010)

From "Return of the Night of
the Living Dead"-they were
discussing how you kill a
zombie--"You mean they lied?!"
And another from Wizard of Oz
"I'm melting--melting"
Lisa Richards 8:23am March 31, 2010)

No soup for you! from Seinfeld. Better than 'time out" or "go to your room", but they know what I mean!
Karin Tillotson 8:41am March 31, 2010)

Beam me up Scotty (Star Trek)
Diana Kirkwood 9:45am March 31, 2010)

Turn the candle back! from Young Frankenstein.
Cate Sparks 10:03am March 31, 2010)

From Crocodile Dundee my husband is always quoting 'I don't need a gun, I've got a Donk! and 'That's not a knife - THIS is a knife!
Barbara Hanson 10:19am March 31, 2010)

One of mine actually comes from a blonde joke - the punch line is "duh, big red truck"!, so when someone says or does something "stupid" or obvious, they get a "duh, big red truck!".
Kelli Jo Calvert 10:38am March 31, 2010)

"We're going to need a bigger boat."

Where I work we are always using the line from Jaws when we realize we are going to need more help to get something done.

The opening line from Mary Janice Davidson's Unwed and Undead always cracks me up.

"The day I died started out bad and got worse in a hurry."
Pamela Bolton-Holifield 11:13am March 31, 2010)

How about Columbo with his "...and I just one more question," as he turns when you think he's leaving the room and can predict without fail this line's gonna happen.
Alyson Widen 11:21am March 31, 2010)

I can't remember when I first heard it but my favorite line as a Mom, and now a Gramma. is "No is a two letter sentence" and I'm more than happy to claim it as my own!
Jeanne Miro 11:47am March 31, 2010)

"You talkin' to me? Do I amuse you?"
-Joe Pesci, Goodfellas
Freda Mans-Labianca 1:41pm March 31, 2010)

Where the heck was my brain?
The quote from Young Frankenstein is
"Put the candle back"
I sure like reading all of the above!
Cate Sparks 1:54pm March 31, 2010)

Oh, no! I can't remember any outstanding lines by myself (ditto for jokes) although I recognize them when I hear them. That shows how my mind works. It was rediscovered when I was playing Taboo with family the other day. You have to guess a certain word without having used 5 or 6 taboo words. I wasn't bad at recognizing words when my partner in the game tried to prompt me. However, I, a former teacher, was totally tongue-tied when I had to give the explanations myself. We two lost, of course, much to my partner's chagrin.
Sigrun Schulz 5:02pm March 31, 2010)

"Dave? Dave's not here!" Cheech & Chong, one of their earlier movies, I don't remember which one. It came up in a conversation the other day, in a place I would have never expected it to happen!

Also, "Keep turning left!", the universal Roller Derby slogan.


Lynn Rettig 5:35pm March 31, 2010)

Please enter me in your fantastic contest and I love winning great prizes from FreshFiction.com
God bless YOU, Cecilia
[email protected]
Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 11:20pm March 31, 2010)

Amelia et alles: It's hard for me to chose a single favorite one-liner. However, one that sticks in my mind persistently is the opening title in "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid": "Not that it matters, but most of what follows is true."
Mary Anne Landers 3:05am April 1, 2010)

The one that comes to mind first and foremost is "I was born"....By Charles Dickens.

I remember the discussions in my english class...a great intro vs a bad intro...Was it a correct way to start a story or the wrong way?

What is right is what works, IMO....and it did. And thank heavens for those authors that venture out on a limb and take a chance on a new beginning!!!
Mitzi Hinkey 4:19am April 1, 2010)

I really like "“What we have here is a failure to communicate.” and Clint Eastwood's "Do You Feel Lucky? "
I'd love to read An Earl To Enchant. My kind of book.
Carol L.
[email protected]
Carol Luciano 4:06pm April 2, 2010)

"It's deja vous all over again", always cracks me up.
Dorothy Swingle 10:25am April 3, 2010)

wow i just finished #2 and am trying to find out if b&n is open today since it's easter, oh well i'm gonna call anyway i've got to read An Earl....
Dorotha Holloway 2:41pm April 4, 2010)

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