Completing The Pass, May 2016
Fight to the Finish, March 2016
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Against the Ropes, October 2015
Paperback / e-Book
Takes Two to Tackle, September 2015
Below The Belt, April 2015
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One Night with a Quarterback, June 2014
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The Officer And The Secret, July 2013
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The Officer Breaks The Rules, January 2013
Paperback / e-Book
The Officer Says I DO, July 2012
Paperback / e-Book
The Game of Love, September 2011
What Happens in Vegas, follows him home
July 2012
On Sale: July 3, 2012
Featuring: Skye McDermott; Timothy O'Shay
352 pages ISBN: 1402265409 EAN: 9781402265402 Kindle: B0083JC6O8 Paperback / e-Book
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Romance Contemporary
He's a Marine...she grew up on a commune.
He always puts duty first...she's a free spirit with an unshakable belief in Fate.
He loves routine and order...she brings chaos and creativity wherever she goes.
They're going to balance each other perfectly—or drive each other completely, utterly insane...
On a wild pre-deployment celebration in Las Vegas, Captain Timothy O'Shay encounters free-spirited beauty Skye McDermott, and for once lets down his guard. Now his life is about to take off in directions he never could have imagined...
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32 comments posted.
Re: The Officer Says I DO
I don't know any acronyms. But I will be checking back to learn more, as they are quite amusing. (Pam Howell 10:57am July 19, 2012)
Hi I do not know many acronyms, so my knowledge is limited. I do find myself texting a lot so I guess those are a type of acronym (or maybe just a butchering of spelling) so I would have to go with SUP which means "whats up" kind of fun.
Thanks for the chance. (Pam Brewer 11:01am July 19, 2012)
I searched for acronyms and found numerous sites and wide variety of lists... military, business, funny, etc. I've always liked POTUS... sounds so pretentious.. (Cate Sparks 11:06am July 19, 2012)
It's been a while since I've been in the military acronym neighbourhood, so I guess I'd have to fall back on the standard "SNAFU" (Situation Normal, All F**ked Up) or "FUBAR" (F**ked Up Beyond All Repair).
Since I don't do testing, I can't say that I'm too familiar with that group of acronyms, aside from the ubiquitous "LOL", which has multiple definitions of it's own.
Fun posting!!
Lynn (Lynn Rettig 11:12am July 19, 2012)
Your book sounds great - and I would love to win a copy. Thanks for the chance. Best of luck with it - and all you do. (Nancy Reynolds 11:17am July 19, 2012)
The company I work for is MAJOR into acronyms. So I've had to learn plenty. One that has nothing to do with specifically my company but with life in general is KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid. Or CYA - Cover Your A**. But I'll always love SWAK!! Sealed With A Kiss!! (Kelli Jo Calvert 12:03pm July 19, 2012)
The acronym I can relate to is AARP. Book sounds like a great read. (Sheila True 12:30pm July 19, 2012)
Computer people have lots of acronyms, or used to. If asked a silly question they might growl RTFM meaning Read The Fecking Manual. (That's what we say in Ireland anyway, it's not a bad word.) Botanists (I'm one) have a name for all the tiny little yellow daisy type flowers that grow wild, because there are page after page in all the botany books, each slightly distinct from the others and growing in a different environment - we call them GDYF meaning Gosh Darned Yellow Flowers (or something similar). (Clare O'Beara 1:06pm July 19, 2012)
I will be keeping an eye on the comments. Love to expand my vocabulary. Unfortunately, I don't know any amusing acronyms, myself. Alas. (G. Bisbjerg 1:25pm July 19, 2012)
Sounds like a great read! (Dianne McVetty 1:29pm July 19, 2012)
I've always liked the way STFU sounds when you say it fast, haha ;-) (shut the f*** up)
F.A.R.T. Fire Alarm Response Team. --No one thought that one might be a little to unfortunate?? ;-) (Chelsea Brooks 2:06pm July 19, 2012)
I can't think of any that are funny. At my university, we use lots of acronyms for depts., so many that most of us don't know what they stand for just in my college alone. (Anne Muller 2:07pm July 19, 2012)
I don't know any sorry! I would love to read your book-and thank your husband and all his marine buddies for their service.I send care packages to them for they need a little something from home. (Carole Fiore 2:10pm July 19, 2012)
When I worked we used to do estimates of the time & cost of a project - we would usually spend time investigating & write a BEG (Best Engineering estimate). But if they were in a hurry & wanted an idea of what it would take they would ask us to WAG it -> WAG (Wild Assed Guess). (Diane Sallans 2:32pm July 19, 2012)
I don't use acronyms, but your book sounds exciting. I'd love to win it. (Wilma Frana 3:14pm July 19, 2012)
The ones that I heard were KISS-Keep It Simple Stupid (Cindy Olp 3:14pm July 19, 2012)
I don't know any acronyms. Thanks for the chance to win! (Natasha Donohoo 5:52pm July 19, 2012)
One my family uses alot is PITA... pain in the a**. :) (Colleen Conklin 6:01pm July 19, 2012)
As a computer person who has sometimes worked with people who are pretty computer unsavvy, I was always fond of : PICNIC Problem in Chair Not in Computer Thanks for the giveaway! (Joanne Schultz 6:24pm July 19, 2012)
Oh wow - LOL - I had to really stop myself from laughing uncontrollably while reading your blog - never knew any acronyms other than the standard SNAFU and FUUBAR - and WAG :-) Thanks for the Acronym Lesson Tonight! :-) (Felicia Ciaudelli 8:13pm July 19, 2012)
pleasant reading on the warm sunny beach (Debbi Shaw 8:32pm July 19, 2012)
I don't know if it's the funniest but today I taught my mother the meaning of FUBAR. I just love that acronym. (Jennifer Beyer 9:12pm July 19, 2012)
My Husband always talks in acronyms, which tend to drive me crazy!! He was in the army in the 60's, and only started to do this a few months ago. He'll say something like - today we'll go to PH and go shopping. PH is short for a nearby city. He also says HB instead of Hummingbirds. Some days he'll say it totally out of the blue, and I have no clue what he's talking about!! He uses the initials for so many different words, and they take me a minute to figure out. Although they're not sexy, I'll always answer "OK!!" I'm looking forward to your book, so that I can be entertained, as opposed to be driven up the wall. (Peggy Roberson 9:38pm July 19, 2012)
sounds like a great read! (Jennifer Beck 9:44pm July 19, 2012)
There were some great acronym's above. The only one I can think of at the moment is one my mom used to use occasionally MLW which means Miss Last Word. (Chelsea Knestrick 11:04pm July 19, 2012)
When my grandmo would get really mad about something, she would say in exasperation, O.U.S.S.L.Y. Sadly, I never asked her to explain it even though I heard it many times. Does anyone know what it means? (Gladys Paradowski 1:05am July 20, 2012)
I heard this one a while back -
SWAG - Scientific Wild-A$$ Guess (Mary Preston 5:53am July 20, 2012)
I have always said that life is depressing enough so you have to laugh your way through it! (Barbara Hanson 8:32am July 20, 2012)
S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym that is supposed to make you get things done. Specific, Measureable, Action-oriented, Relevant and Timely. (Alyson Widen 6:55pm July 20, 2012)
I'm enjoying reading all these - my tech support team really loved PICNIC so thanks Joanne. (Clare O'Beara 5:04am July 23, 2012)
TTTT - These Things Take Time, FWIW - For What It's Worth, DEGT - Don't Even Go There, CRS - Can't Remember S**t, NM - Never Mind, WFM - Works For Me, IANAL - I Am Not a Lawyer (Expect a uniformed opinion) and WAG - Wild Assed Guess. Thought you'd enjoy these, also! TMI - Too Much Information! (Linda Luinstra 5:45pm July 23, 2012)
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