Lisa Richards
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277 comments posted.
Re: Florentine's Hero (12:02pm August 26, 2012):
for 20 years I don't think I read anything but contemporary romances and though I read read a lot of other genres now, they are my go to any time I need a little vacation as once I start one, I'm lost to the real world for hours
Re: Bruja Brouhaha (7:04pm August 25, 2012):
Seriously, you went into a Fortune Telling shop all by yourself and they didn't speck English! Weren't you afraid that you would wake up hours later sold to a white slaver? We are so thankful you survived to tell (write)the tale!
Re: The Big Beach Book (8:43am August 24, 2012):
As one who lived 5 hours from Myrtle Beach, I spent years making that drive about every other weekend with a car load of friends. We were in hog heaven if we actually had a three day weekend. We'd bake in the sun all day and party till the wee hours of night and then start all over again. God, what I wouldn't give to have that energy again.
Re: Allergic To Death (12:25pm August 19, 2012):
Cozies are my fall back books when ever I need a break from the YA, PR, UF. They tend to clear my mind much the way sherbet does your palate.
Re: How To Worship A Goddess (3:53am December 14, 2011):
I never got interested in Hockey but when my son was in college he was a fanatic about the Raleigh team. My sport is baseball. Now I can holler with the best of themj.
Re: Mistletoe and Margaritas (8:09pm December 11, 2011):
I live in the foothills of NC and would not change it for the world. We definitely have seasons, snowy weather and hot pool weather. I don't like alligators or 2 feet of snow! While we NEVER have the alligators on occasion we do get bitterly cold weather with 1 foot of snow. This means I don't leave the house but pile up next to the fireplace or woodstove with a pile of books till the thaw happens.
Re: Shield of Fire (2:59pm December 9, 2011):
I have to agree with Marjorie "Teenage boys want teenage girls" so I suggest Axe deodorant as most teenage boys thinks baths are an every other day or so occurrence. :)
Re: Dreaming Of The Wolf (1:02pm December 8, 2011):
Creamy potato soup with lots of grated cheese on top.
Re: The Cowboy's Pride (2:14am December 7, 2011):
I love babies in books as they are much less trouble than in real life.
Re: The Earl's Mistaken Bride (8:31pm November 30, 2011):
Personally, I like to take the lemons and make lemon pound cake for the hubby. He's the one that makes all our lemons into pies.
Re: Learning To Trust (8:41pm November 27, 2011):
There's noting quite as satisfying as reading about wounded people and seeing them overcome their trust issues and love again.
Re: Waking Up Dead (11:46pm November 26, 2011):
Isn't it wonderful that a simple read can do so much more than simply entertain!
Re: The Return Of The Stranger (4:25pm November 20, 2011):
I love dark & dangerous!I love reading a new take on an old classic!
Re: Romancing The Countess (11:34am October 28, 2011):
A lot of romances are about bad boys finally getting it right. Someone that loved them gave them yet another chance. Well, me and my bad boy just celebrated 30 years so yea I guess those HEA were definitely an influence.
Re: Ecstasy Untamed (12:43pm October 26, 2011):
I probably don't go to the movies more than 2 or 3 times a year, I'm a reader not a watcher. So probably the final Harry Potter movie would be mine.
Re: Studenstein (4:43pm October 2, 2011):
Sounds awesome off to check out your web site.
Re: Chaos Tryst (4:39pm October 2, 2011):
Gotta love it! Can't wait to see this in print! I MUST HAVE!
Re: Once Upon A Groom (11:52pm September 23, 2011):
I too believe in fairy tale ends. Unfortunately, you may have to kiss a few frogs before your Prince Charming comes along. One thing that does, though, is make you appreciate PC more.
Re: The Dragon And The Pearl (6:44pm September 14, 2011):
I imagine costuming helps actors and actresses get into their character as well. I've got to admit, Scarlet's dress made out of draperies was the first thing that popped in to my mind.
Re: Lord and Lady Spy (12:07pm September 9, 2011):
Sounds like an interesting twist. Can't wait!
Re: The Wedding Affair (9:22pm September 6, 2011):
I love remodeling and designing houses (in my head). When hubby and I go motorcycle riding, one of the things I do to occupy myself while hanging on for dear life as we whip around the mountain curves, is work on a design for a house that I've been building for 30 years(again, in my head). Money is no object and I get to design, redesign, increase, decrease, the house at a whim.
Re: Bel Air (5:20pm September 5, 2011):
Strawberry ice cream.
Re: Sweet Justice (5:53pm September 3, 2011):
Steven King has had a few that that gave me some sleepless nights (Cujo being the worst), but Mary Higgins Clark's were the ones that made me afraid to go to sleep. Some of her villains were so scary because for much of the book I didn't recognize them as the bad guy and once I did, well lets just say, they scared the crap out of me.
Re: Lady Of The English (11:43pm September 2, 2011):
As a lover to the historical fiction genre, I'm continually amazed at the number of new royals that continue to pop up.
Re: Redeeming The Rogue (4:17pm August 31, 2011):
It happens frequently which is why I tend to read series books. The only problem with that is once you've invested years in this character when the series is over it's as if a good friend has passed away. Then I just desperately look for that next great series to take me out of my mourning.
Re: Desire and Deception (2:19pm August 20, 2011):
While families will always influence the way we act, everyone is capable of change.
Re: The Orphan Sister (7:34pm August 17, 2011):
This summer, I had my 6 year old granddaughter 3 days a week. We went picnicking,for walks in the woods, ate ice cream and went skinny dipping in the pool. We read books, made up stories and went to the movies. As much as I enjoyed it, thank goodness it's time for her to go back to school and for me to relax. (lol)
Re: The Vampire Next Door (1:34pm August 15, 2011):
This trilogy is next on my list. Sounds like it would be a hoot and as the last trilogy had me in tears half the time, exactly what I need.
Re: The Landlord's Black-Eyed Daughter (5:52pm August 11, 2011):
Life is always iffy so HEA are a must in what I read.
Re: Midnight Fear (10:49pm August 7, 2011):
Nothing I like better than a good series to read during the summer!
Re: Pleating for Mercy (10:56pm August 5, 2011):
Reading is my luxury reading. It's like taking a small vacation and oh!so much cheaper.
Re: The Lady Of The Storm (10:55pm August 4, 2011):
The story paints a picture much the way going to the movie does for others. In fact I usually have such a firm idea what the character looks like that if the book goes to the big screen I'm constantly challenging in my head what he SHOULD look like with what he DOES look like.
Re: Too Hot To Touch (6:35pm August 3, 2011):
First crush was my first hubby. Needless to say at 16 you are NOT going to be the same person at 22. So of course it's not going to last. Enjoy your crushes but wait for the real thing, much less messier.
Re: The Full Moon Bride (10:32pm August 1, 2011):
I don't think I've ever read a romance where the couple was from India, either. Sounds like one I MUST add to the wishlist.
Re: The Marked Son (11:58am July 31, 2011):
My friends and I discuss characters from books much the way our grandmothers did their favorite soap opera stars--as if they are people we intimately know and see each week at the grocery store. Doesn't everyone?
Re: Dying For Justice (9:13am June 29, 2011):
My greatest fear is that my husband's diagnosis of lymphoma goes from watching it and waiting to actually dealing with it. Every little ache, pain, or extra tiredness on his part has me bracing for this blow. My hubby is a big strong athletic guy and as his father lived to be 92, I've always expected him to out live me.
Re: The Soldier (1:11pm June 2, 2011):
Family is the beginning, end and middle of life. i can't imagine not having my family close by. Although all my kids are adults, they and their family have supper with us several times a week. Since we have a family business, my son sees my husband nearly every day. I can't imagine going more than a few days without seeing or talking to all of them.
Re: A Family Affair (11:39am May 6, 2011):
A family is one that will love in spite of the stupid things you do and not be afraid to tell you they are stupid.
Re: The Legend Of Michael (11:10am May 2, 2011):
The perfect hero, though bigger than life, has got to be believable. He has got to be putty in he's woman's hands without being weak. I especially like one that likes kids and old people.
Re: Bastian (12:31pm May 1, 2011):
Wow! This sounds like an amazing series. I was just checking my bookcase for a new series to start and I have the first three in this series (I tend to collect until I have 3 or 4 books to start a series). Though it's been decades since I was balancing the friendship or love in relationships, once you crossed that line you couldn't go back. Sometimes a great friend is better than a possible lover.
Re: Never A Gentleman (4:40pm April 26, 2011):
I haven't read "Never a Gentleman" but I did just add it to my must read list.
Re: Vowed In Shadows (12:07pm April 11, 2011):
I've always said that reading a book allows me to take a mini vacation, to places and worlds I'll never see and to become a character I'll never be.
Re: Snowball in Hell (2:41pm April 8, 2011):
I love historical fiction in general but it's got to have more than history going for it. It's got to be exciting and keep my attention. An prime example, P Gregory's books on Henry VIII's wives were fascinating but her series the Cousin's War were boring as they didn't have the mystery, romance, or excitement in them that the earlier books did.
Re: Collision Course (2:27pm April 8, 2011):
Oh, I was a Star Trek fan, a Star Wars fan and loved Ray Bradbury. After reading The Time Travelers Wife, I ran down a copy of an old scifi book at the library to reread, it was "The Man Who Folded Himself". This was one book that really stuck with me.
Re: An Unlikely Countess (6:19pm March 19, 2011):
I enjoy reading about lives from both sides of the stairs-up and down.
Re: It Happened One Bite (2:29am March 14, 2011):
WooHoo! NC State fan here. Didn't realize we had such awesome writers living in Raleigh. I'll have to watch for book signings there. My daughter goes to NCSU so I always have a place to crash.
Re: Angel's Rest (11:39pm March 12, 2011):
I think a rebirth is something we can all relate to. As I get older it amazes me how many thing I do that are brand new. I'd have thought(at 25) that by the time I was 50, that there would have been little or no things that were new.
Re: Seducing The Governess (9:38am March 8, 2011):
The "what if" is the whole reason I read.
Re: A Lady's Wish (9:37am March 8, 2011):
Always a great day when there are more books being published by a reputable publishing house.
Re: Staying At Daisy's (9:35am March 8, 2011):
This book definitely sounds like a "Calgon" moment.
Re: Wicked Seduction (7:06pm March 2, 2011):
I don't think it's madness but if they haul you off you'll have all your loyal readers by your side egging you on.
Re: Against the Law (7:04pm March 2, 2011):
Series are my favorite as we get to visit the same place, say hello to old friends and then get down to brass tacks that much quicker.
Re: Against the Law (5:12pm March 1, 2011):
I'm so glad you authors have the "can't let it go" syndrome as that's exactly the way we readers are. I have several series that I've read and followed for a decade or more and still hope to be reading new ones for the next decade.
Re: Beaglemania (5:07pm March 1, 2011):
Our little dog Chloe is a rescue animal and our baby. She has separation anxiety and is always so happy to see me when I return. I get much tag wagging and hand kissing whether I'm gone an hour or just minutes.
Re: Operation Forbidden (8:38pm February 26, 2011):
Your book sounds like a treasure. Can't wait to read it.
Re: A Light at Winter's End (2:35pm February 24, 2011):
JL's book are always a joy to pick up and lose yourself in.
Re: Love Script (8:14pm February 23, 2011):
Though I loved and read paranormals twenty years before Twilight, I'm still not burned out on Vamps, weres & faeries. I think that as long as the writers can keep a fresh face on it, I'll be reading them another twenty years.
Re: Faking It (2:57pm February 21, 2011):
How I missed your book I can't image as it's exactly my type. After reading about a dozen of the 100+ glowing reviews on Amazon, it went straight on my wishlist.
Re: Storm Of Reckoning (4:17pm February 20, 2011):
Thank goodness you didn't "put down that book/notebook and go outside to play". If you were like me you simply snuck your book to the woods or barn and then read to your hearts content.
Re: Bitten in the Bayou (4:02pm February 20, 2011):
Yeah, I gotta voted for Pretty Woman too!
Re: RiverTime (8:06pm February 16, 2011):
Reading romance is a great escape for me. I don't really need to escape as I have a great life, but it's great mini vacations every time I open a book. I always say that it's my "Calgon" moments.
Re: Love Me If You Dare (6:42pm February 15, 2011):
We had a great Valentine's this year. The "baby" was home for the weekend from college, we had a great family meal together, and attended a baby shower for friend's first "two" grandbabies. Both her daughter-in-laws are due April Fools Day! Could not have been better!
Re: Lucky Stiff (6:38pm February 15, 2011):
Oh, darling, we join you each and every time we add the most recent book in our series love affair to our "preorder" at Amazon. You really didn't think you were in it alone, did ya? At least you have the keys to the car, the rest of us "crazies" are just along for the ride.
Re: True Colors (4:33pm February 13, 2011):
Gotta love Castle. This is one I never miss. I even often rewatch it or watch the reruns.
Re: Breaking the Rules (4:30pm February 13, 2011):
As a loooong time visitor to Myrtle Beach, Sex on the Beach gets my vote every time!
Re: Society's Most Disreputable Gentleman (3:59pm February 9, 2011):
I love reading about bad boys. But I think most women know that while they may not be able to "tame" them they may be able to harness that energy a bit. Been there, done that, and no way in hell would I marry it. The high highs can't begin to overcome the low lows.
Re: The Color of Heaven (10:15pm February 8, 2011):
Thanks for the free download.
Re: These Things Hidden (1:52pm February 6, 2011):
I think a good mom puts her kids first. Yes, a mom is still a woman, but how can she be happy if the kids or miserable. It's a fine balancing act that's for sure.
Re: Midnight Caller (4:28pm February 5, 2011):
I love romantic suspense. I have a copy of your first book on the way to me now. Is this a series or standalone?
Re: The Mysterious Lady Law (1:41pm February 4, 2011):
As long as the characters are believable and the story a page turner, I don't care if a dog does the writing.
Re: Everyone Loves A Hero (3:26pm February 2, 2011):
I haven't had my moment unless you count this moment. My mom picked up three of us after school each day. We were all neighbors so she drops of Susan, then stops to drop of Pam and then precedes home to drop me off. We live on the street in front of Susan and Pam, with Pam's house being directly behind ours. By the time we had turned the corner and pulled into our driveway, there stands Pam with blood pouring out of her arm. We put her in the back seat where luckily I have my gym clothes, so I dig out a towel and wrap it around her gushing arm. Her younger brother had slammed the door in her face as she ran up on her porch and she had put her hand up, missing the wood and running her arm through the glass. Luckily, we only lived 5 minutes from the hospital. I held the towel on her arm and went with her into the emergency room while my mom called her mom. They let me stay and hold her hand till her mom got there, which only took another 5 to 10 minutes as she worked very close. They put over 200 stitches in her arm, most of which I witnessed. Finally,her mom arrived and they let me go out into the hall where I promptly passed out. I woke up on a stretcher next to her. We still laugh about it today!
Re: The Irish Princess (1:58pm February 2, 2011):
Since watching the TUDORS on Showtime, I've become fascinated with that era and the people. I've read and loved almost every book I've got my hands on and are always looking for "one" more. So this one is definitely going on the top of my wishlist. Any chance there will be more in this time period?
Re: Haunting Jasmine (9:25pm January 31, 2011):
Awesome interview!
Re: The Paris Secret (10:51pm January 22, 2011):
Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs (Jane Jameson, Book 1) by Molly Harper--absolutely the funniest take on a poor librarian. When Jane's atrocious boss fires her and she goes off on a bender she thinks her life couldn't get worse messed up. However when a drunk mistakes her for a deer, shots her and she gets changed into a vampire, she realizes how easy her "life" used to be.
Re: Ten Ruby Trick (2:36pm January 20, 2011):
Eve's Roarke in the In Death books is my favorite rogue.
Re: Yours For The Taking (2:34pm January 20, 2011):
My dream day starts somewhere around noon, only getting up when I absolutely have to (usually right before I wet my pants. Taking a cup of my favorite coffee to the computer to check my email and the phone not ringing till after the first cup is gone.
Re: Highborn (12:28pm January 18, 2011):
I'm not a writer but a reader but I can see your points.
Re: Stay Tuned For Murder (8:22pm January 16, 2011):
What a wonderful story and a great promotion for your book. You'll have to let us know when you are going to promote STAY TUNED, maybe some of us can tune in.
Re: Real Wifeys (7:30pm January 15, 2011):
As an older reader the antics and adventures of the young help keep us up to date and young (if only in our minds).
Re: Kiss At Your Own Risk (5:21pm January 12, 2011):
I loved your "Immortally Sexy" series(they were sexy and made me laugh out loud) and am glad to hear that you have another series to take us on a new mind trip. I'm sorry to hear that the last couple of years have been hard. Just know that while your writing helps you heal, you are helping others escape and heal with your stories.
Re: The Fire In Ember (11:01am January 10, 2011):
I throughly enjoy historical fiction. I love reading about their homes, clothes, food, and experiences that it took to survive in the less technological times.
Re: Mercy Kill (10:58am January 10, 2011):
If I were a writer I don't think I'd worry about it empowering me as much as giving me nightmares.
Re: Senseless (12:10pm January 9, 2011):
When I read it wouldn't matter if ACDC was blasting through the house, if it's a good book it takes me places that I've yet to imagine.
Re: Fatal Justice (8:51pm January 6, 2011):
Sounds like an awesome mystery.
Re: I Dream of Genies (10:11pm January 5, 2011):
I read the first two books in the trilogy and loved them. The 2ndary characters were as charming and laugh out load funny as the main ones. Super series!
Re: Deadly Identity (10:23pm December 30, 2010):
Another book that MUST go o0n my wishlist.
Re: Red Ink (9:22pm December 30, 2010):
Great advice to new writers.
Re: Cowboys Never Cry (9:20pm December 30, 2010):
I've always heard "Write what you know", so maybe that's why readers assume the characters are based on real people.
Re: Haunted Honeymoon (12:06pm December 28, 2010):
I love to read. I read every night before bed anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours. I hop around from PR, UF, contemporary romance, historical fiction to chick fic. It totally depends on my mood and what I've recently been reading.
Re: Pay Up (7:17pm December 23, 2010):
I like a kickass, no holds woman who can also be tender and use common sense.
Re: The Viking's Captive (6:43pm December 22, 2010):
I love to reread but with as many great new books coming out monthly I don't do as much of it as I once did.
Re: The Winter Sea (6:35pm December 22, 2010):
I love historical fiction. It has always fascinated me reading about the day to day activities, the clothes, the parties and just life in general in times before the mod cons that we have were available.
Re: Precious and Fragile Things (6:43pm December 17, 2010):
I like to pick up a book sometimes that not romance or suspense. sometimes different is exactly what I want to read.
Re: Wolf Fever (12:25pm December 16, 2010):
Chicken soup, egg drop if I can get it and sleep tend to do it for me. I make me a nest on the couch with a fuzzy blanket, a good book, something cool to drink and a box of tissues. Then I'll sleep or read off and on all day.
Re: The Heir (12:18pm December 16, 2010):
I don't do basements or attics if I'm by myself as I've always figured if I was the bad guy, those would be the places to hide. Nothing I enjoy more than a historical romance, throw in a few secrets and you got got me hooked.
Re: Dark Slayer (9:10pm December 15, 2010):
I remember when I read my first Feehan book, I was surprised at how few paranormals were available then. Up until then a Gothic mystery was the only type that might have a vamp or shape- shifter in it. Thank goodness the publishing world soon realized what a gold mine this genre could be.
Re: It Happened On Maple Street (8:16pm December 9, 2010):
I love the cover. It instantly conveys innocence and first love. I immediately feel as if I'm on a school/college campus. Can't wait to read this newest romance.
Re: Royal Blood (3:19pm December 4, 2010):
My hubby would go shopping on Christmas Eve and end up with more stuff for himself than those he was shopping for. I guess that will happen when you only go once a year.
Re: Sparks (3:15pm December 4, 2010):
A salamander is definitely not the normal pet so I can see him getting into and out of lots of predicaments.
Re: Twins Under His Tree (4:16pm December 2, 2010):
My father-in-law was in WWII. My kids grew up hearing many stories of his 666 days in combat, from Africa to England. He drove commanders to prison camps and laid communication wires all over Europe. My daughter, a senior in college, plans to teach high school history, was influenced a lot by his war stories. He passed this summer shortly after his 92 BD and not a day goes by that he or his stories are remembered.
Re: Outrageously Yours (6:04pm December 1, 2010):
Nerds rule! It's so much easier to live with someone who is brainy than someone who is in love with them-self.
Re: Her Kind of Hero (9:56pm November 23, 2010):
My future husband asked me to dance while I sat with a group of friends waiting on my then boyfriend to show up. As I was more than a little POed because I'd been waiting awhile, I said yes. Danced two or three dances with him until the tardy boyfriend showed up. Needless to say, a couple of weeks later I was free again. I again danced with the future hubby and this time he asked me out. He had noticed that I appeared to be single and took a chance and asked me out. Needless to say, 30+ years later, we still go out dancing.
Re: Dating Mr. December (7:51pm November 22, 2010):
You writers may think you add only a dash of magic, but when we read it, it's all magic.
Re: Stronger Than Sin (2:31pm November 21, 2010):
I just recently finished "Sins of the Flesh" and am waiting anxiously for Monday when "Stronger than Sin" should be on my doorstep. Excellent, excellent start of a great new series.
Re: Angel in My Arms (2:26pm November 21, 2010):
I don't think I've read a story that is set against the backdrop of the civil war. But sounds intriguing.
Re: Feline Fatale (12:03pm September 21, 2010):
Books with animals or children are ones that I can so get into.
Re: Return To Paradise (12:02pm September 21, 2010):
This is exactly why I'm a series whore.
Re: Wicked Highlander (12:00pm September 21, 2010):
Totally in love with "What ifs?"
Re: Captured by Desire (11:59am September 21, 2010):
I love historical fiction and love it when it's about normal common people.
Re: Petals From The Sky (11:57am September 21, 2010):
I love historical fiction and this is an area that I'm totally unfamiliar with so WOOHOO! new books to add to my list. Sounds absolutely fascinating!
Re: Royal Blood (9:10pm September 8, 2010):
Scary and laugh out loud funny. My type of book to a T.
Re: Warrior (9:07pm September 8, 2010):
That cover--I love it! Indiana Jones lives!
Re: Desperate Deeds (9:03pm September 8, 2010):
Start with a romance, add a little suspense, a little mystery and you've got a recipe for a best seller.
Re: Royal Blood (11:39am September 5, 2010):
I too fell in love with your earlier books so this one is on my wishlist.
Re: Thrilled to Death (10:10am September 3, 2010):
Totally agree with you. I love many genres, crime drama at it's purist being only one of them. Crime drama of a type figures quite prominently in many of the other genres I read. Paranormal suspense and Urban Fantasy has the basic crime drama to thank for many of it's facets.
Re: Atlantis Betrayed (9:40pm August 31, 2010):
Love the Atlantis books! Can't wait to add this one to my collection.
Re: Guarding Grace (8:44pm August 30, 2010):
I love when the writer takes the time to build a whole new world of heroes (vampires)and then makes it a series where we get to come back time after time and play.
Re: Bond With Me (9:14pm August 28, 2010):
I love your cover. Can you tell us without ruining the book (which is on my wishlist since reading your BBB interview)if their is a significance that Brends tattoo seems to go right from his arm to Mischka's(I'm assume they are the ones on the cover)?
Re: Deadly Fear (9:11pm August 28, 2010):
You know, I find it twice as scary being in the mind of a human monster as a paranormal one.
Re: Dark Warrior Untamed (9:10pm August 28, 2010):
I've got to admit Zsadist tops my list. Though it's been awhile since I read his story, it continues to resonate in my mind.
Re: Seduced by the Wolf (7:09pm August 24, 2010):
Love this series to death, hope it's around many, many more years.
Re: Assassin's Heart (6:44pm August 24, 2010):
Taking responsibility for the one life I have now and my families is enough for me. But I do enjoy listening to tales of other peoples former lives.
Re: Rule's Bride (11:30am August 22, 2010):
I love series books, but I'm a purest and must read read them in order.
Re: The Star Necklace (11:27am August 22, 2010):
I was recently flashed by an elderly neighbor who I'm sure did not realize that when she was bending over to pull weeds out of her flowerbed at the roadside she was showing the girls off in all their glory. She was apparently bra-less and ever time she bent down to pull a weed the girls were swinging free. If we hadn't been on the motorcycle riding by, I'd have stopped and told her but now I don't if it would just embarrass her.
Re: Hero (11:14am August 22, 2010):
I imagine it's a lot like sending your child to a new school and hoping that they will fit in.
Re: Amelia Island's Velvet Undertow (11:03am August 22, 2010):
While I loved the column, making hubby purchase a romance novel would be paramount to making him pick up "feminine products" at the pharmacy.
Re: Don't Cry (10:53am August 22, 2010):
My TBR pile is worse than the national debt.My bookshelves always look like they would like to explode. As a lover of series, I tend to collect 4 or 5 in every series before having a marathon reading feast. Drives my husband crazy.
Re: Such A Pretty Face (7:27pm August 9, 2010):
Your book sounds fascinating. Off to put it on my list to get right now.
Re: The Quick and the Thread (7:25pm August 9, 2010):
Aren't kids the greatest!
Re: The 1st Wife (7:19pm August 9, 2010):
I've never really met anyone who changed my life unless you count my hubby and kids.
Re: Veil Of Night (1:32am August 5, 2010):
Sounds like fun was had by all!
Re: The Unexpected Son (1:30am August 5, 2010):
This sounds like fascinating that I've just recently added to my wishlist. Can't wait!
Re: The Goddess of Fried Okra (1:28am August 5, 2010):
Sounds like a fascinating read.Off to add it to my wishlist.
Re: The Smuggler And The Society Bride (1:25am August 5, 2010):
I think the part I enjoy most is seeing the wonder on their faces and hearing in the voices when they realize that they have met their soul mate. Watching them overcome the obstacles to their love, especially if there is humor involved. One thing I don't see much of and wish authors would capitalize on is revisiting the happy couple for a later story when the everyday things in life have caused one or the other to wonder if they made the right choice and seeing them rediscover their love.
Re: The Millionaire Meets His Match (7:36pm July 31, 2010):
I love this list! Getting him married keeps him off stupid reality shows too!
Re: Wait for Dusk (7:28pm July 31, 2010):
I read Nightwalker (and loved it) when it first came out but never got back to the series. Going to have to see if I have the rest of the series and dive into it again.
Re: Monster in Miniature (7:24pm July 31, 2010):
I do like my books "labeled" by genre as depending on my mood my taste varies from YA to Paranormal to Sci-Fi. I'd love to be shut up in a bookstore for a re-shelfing party.
Re: The Ark (7:46pm July 30, 2010):
My type of book so throw my name in the pot.
Re: Barely A Lady (2:33am July 28, 2010):
My fav at the moment, Matt, is the one in the book I'm reading, Suzanne's Letters to Nicholas. It varies with each book as there are just so many great villains out there.
Re: Love and Scandal (11:04pm July 25, 2010):
While compiling some family tree information, I soon realized that most 1st babies tended to be "premature", often arriving after only 5 or 6 months of marriage. While the "known"(to family members) wedding date might have been a year earlier, upon checking court records, the real date was often a year later. As you said, ‘plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose’.
Re: Knight Of Passion (10:58pm July 25, 2010):
I also tend to collect all the books in a series before diving in and this one sits on my TBR shelf calling to me each time I pass.
Re: Fortunate Harbor (10:18pm July 20, 2010):
Friends are very important. You can often discuss things with them that you would never, ever talk about with your family.
Re: Suck It, Wonder Woman! (10:15pm July 20, 2010):
A new author & actress for me. Off to check her out!
Re: Ice Cold (10:12pm July 20, 2010):
I also just discovered Gerritsen's Rizzoli & Isle's series. Love that Angie Harmon got a shot at this wonderful series!
Re: Tomb With A View (10:08pm July 20, 2010):
Sounds like a hoot of a book. Can't wait to read it!
Re: Revenge for Old Times' Sake (10:05pm July 20, 2010):
I've always been a sound sleeper except for the phone ringing or a child crying. I use to tell my husband to wake me and let me know when he was going to bed if I had gone to sleep before he got home. I'd wake in the middle of the night and jump when I realized that he was in the bed. I always told him, he could put a dead body in the bed and I'd never know it unless I rolled over and the body was cold!
Re: The 1st Wife (7:43am July 15, 2010):
As crazy as it may sound, I hope on my rider mower. I can spend hours riding around and around in a circle, cutting wide swatches or narrow bands and lose myself to outside noises. I tend to go almost in a dreamlike state where I there but I'm not. I write conversations or whole chapters over and over in my head.
Re: Money, Honey (9:10pm July 8, 2010):
My favorite is when a younger man falls for an older woman. So many of those stories have had me in tears with the tenderness that the hunky guy show to the woman who generally has a few more wrinkles and isn't quite as buff as he is.
Re: Crush On You (9:07pm July 8, 2010):
I love friends to lovers and can't imagine a relationship would work without it.
Re: Unchained (9:06pm July 8, 2010):
Our Christmas is probably the longest running tradition but we love to get together anytime at the drop of a hat for a meal so that's pretty traditional for us too!
Re: Home is Where the Bark is (9:04pm July 8, 2010):
My little Jack Russel wanna be Chloe is as much a part of the family as any of the kids so putting them in your stories seems only natural.
Re: Dark Embers (9:02pm July 8, 2010):
I look forward to diving into this new series, not to many out there on dragons.
Re: The Wild Irish Sea (8:59pm July 8, 2010):
How wonderful it must be to travel and then write these amazing stories that take place in the areas you have visited.
Re: Rapture Untamed (10:16pm June 29, 2010):
I read a stand alone from time to time just to take a break but greatly prefer series. There is one drawback to the way I read them though, I must read them in order (they are a series you know) and I like to have 3 or 4 to read back to back. Unfortunately, this means that all the excitement of a new book coming out in a series is kind of lost on me, cause I'm just going to buy it and then shelf it till later. I do from time to time run my hands over them but I am strong so I just look for another that has been neglected for awhile and have a marathon reading feast with it instead. I seldom reread any books and feel like I forget so much from book to book if I don't read them in this manner. If there's a year wait between books, and most of them are, then I've likely read 150 to 200 other books so you can see where this might be a problem.
Re: The Lies We Told (4:51pm June 20, 2010):
I've got to say this is the first book trailer I've seen that wasn't cheesy. I tend to stay away from watching them as they are so bad that I'm afraid they may ruin the book for me.
Re: Smooth Talking Stranger (4:45pm June 20, 2010):
We had a combination Father's Day cookout and grandbaby's BD party at the pool.
Re: The 1st Wife (1:48pm June 9, 2010):
I also live in a very community outside a small town(5000) and would not trade it for the world.
Re: Desire Me (8:15pm June 8, 2010):
The youth at church frequently have scavenger hunts and they are always a hit.
Re: Blown Away (10:52pm June 7, 2010):
I don't participate in challenges as I promised myself once I retired that I would only read what I wanted, when I wanted.
Re: Guardian (10:43pm June 7, 2010):
Series books are my favorite read. I love returning time and time again to a place or a world where you already know some of the history and the characters.
Re: I Love This Bar (6:40pm June 4, 2010):
After being sure he wasn't married-- wondering if he carried protection and Yeehaw, was that a 3 cell flashlight in his pocket or what?
Re: Night Myst (6:36pm June 4, 2010):
Many of the authors I read (including you)have more than one series going at a time. I read more than one series at a time so why shouldn't you be entitled to write more than 1 at a time?
Re: The Making Of A Duchess (6:53pm June 2, 2010):
When I was in my early twenties, my friends and I did a 4 or 5 day trip to Myrtle Beach every spring as a kinda recharge your batteries type of trip. Well, when we out to the clubs dancing, we always took on an alternate personality. We used a character from the soaps, you know, like Nicki, Ashley, Jill from Y&R. Well, we also had to take on their personalities. It was all in fun and we still laugh about it today when we get together.
Re: Strange Neighbors (11:20pm June 1, 2010):
Sounds like a great group of people.
Re: Ancient Whispers (11:38pm May 31, 2010):
OMG, public speaking makes me barf. My kids are kinda spread out, 8 years between the first two and 7 between the last two. So needless to say, they were never more than one in any school at the same time. So the year my baby was graduating from the 5th grade, I decided that I would host a thank you tea for the teachers at the elementary school as I had had kids going there for 18 years nonstop. As we are a small school, probably only 25 or so teachers, I'd known most of them for a long time. I was just going to circulate and say a few words and thank some of them that had actually had all three of the kids and update them on the older ones accomplishments. Well, the principle thought I should stand up and say a few words. I did but I detest speaking in front of a group(even those that are friends. I was surprised that so many of them came up to congratulate me on the middle ones full ride to the state university and the oldest promotion at the fire dept. They were very sincere in their thanks for all the years we had helped at the school functions from planting flowers to helping move furniture over the Christmas holidays when the kids moved from a very overcrowded tiny school to a brand new school(across the road). It was nice to know that we would be missed. I did promise to provide them with the next generation of the family in a few years.
Re: Blown Away (4:27pm May 30, 2010):
I like trilogies as I'm a batch reader. What I mean is I never read them as them come out, I must have at 3 at a time to read. The only exception is Robb's "In Death" series, I collected probably 20 of them and read them in 6 book batches. Usually, I'll get burned out but not with these.
Re: Die Twice (9:20pm May 29, 2010):
Die Twice--humm need to check that out.
Re: The Journey Home (9:18pm May 29, 2010):
My daughter is home for the summer from college and her one purpose this summer was to get copies of recipes and make them together so that she could visualize them later. And while I'm by no means an excellent cook, we do have certain "family" recipes. She is doing this cookbook both as a tribute to me and her relatives and a gift to the rest of the family. She has dated the same boy since a junior in high school and always "cooked" him a meal at our home about once a month. They now get together and cook at our house often when not in school. They like to practice cooking together as both want to be able to prepare the family meal once they are married. They both feel that cooking and eating together as a family is a important part of being a family.
Re: Dead in the Family (9:06pm May 29, 2010):
I usually will save not books but a series as once I start I hate to stop. I have C T Adams "Sazi", Hamilton's "Anita Blake"(last 10 books), Kenyon's "Dark Hunter", they'll keep me reading long into the night.
Re: His At Night (10:29am May 26, 2010):
For some reason it doesn't feel like learning when gleaming historical facts from fiction. And they do tend to stick in my mind longer.
Re: Web Of Lies (10:58pm May 17, 2010):
It's more what genres I don't read. That would be religious, political, or self help.
Re: A Thread So Thin (9:40pm May 16, 2010):
Nope no imaginary friends either. Books always supplied someone(Nancy Drew) to solve a mystery with.
Re: Silent Truth (10:28pm May 15, 2010):
Sounds like a fun place to go.
Re: Silent Truth (10:28pm May 15, 2010):
I love a good suspense novel.
Re: Live To Tell (4:22pm May 10, 2010):
With kids 35,27, and 20, a younger brother 33, a 75 year old Mom and 92 year old father in law, if we don't have chaos and changes, it an't normal. As the one who does the all the cooking, I tell them when it will be ready and then they come and eat as it fits in with their plans for the holiday. I try to do meals that are more buffet and easily warmed in the microwave as they tend to come in waves. I generally try to let them eat early so that they can also eat supper with us and help dispose of leftovers.
Re: A Thread So Thin (9:40pm May 8, 2010):
I have found many, many YA books that I have fallen in love with. Why? Writers of YA have learned that you have to get to the point fast. You don't spend half the book trying to figure out what the story is about. Adult book writers tend to gradually build the story- which I like to but YA's want it immediately. They are the NOW generation, texting, IMing and they are not use to waiting.
Re: The Jaguar Prince (9:20pm May 7, 2010):
Those pesky birds have gotten me up at 6 AM the last two weeks and darn if that aren't still at it at almost 9:30 PM. I so enjoy sleeping with the windows open but may have to give up and close them and have the AC sing me to sleep.
Re: Rumor Has It (9:29am May 6, 2010):
I still live in a small town and believe me the grapevine has only gotten worse since cell phones and texting.
Re: In Shelter Cove (9:14pm May 4, 2010):
I love stories about the average guy stepping up and being the "hero". Joe the plumber, construction workers, the cable guy. I'm married to a very average guy, he's a heating contractor, and he's my hero every day.
Re: His Border Bride (2:28pm May 3, 2010):
Every woman thinks SHE can reform a bad boy. My favorite- -the one in my current book. At this time, it's Marton's Blackwolf from 1970 trying to deal with a woman from 2010.
Re: Blood Of The Demon (2:05pm May 1, 2010):
I too understand getting tired of a certain genre. Luckily for me, I love romance, historical fiction, YA, UF, paranormal romance, and pretty much anything other than self help or nonfiction. And I've read a few nonfiction books that I enjoyed. I try to read a variety so that I don't get that burned out feeling.
Re: The Fallen (8:33pm April 29, 2010):
Are you going to do anymore books in the Meg Malloy series?
Re: Chasing Perfect (5:58pm April 28, 2010):
Definitely a country mouse and I love it. We live in the foothills of NC, only about an hour to the mountains and 5 to the coast. We're only about an hour from a big city and that's plenty close enough. I love being able to walk in our woods and I can't imagine living in an apartment building full of people and no yard to piddle in. That would be hell for me.
Re: Just Like Me, Only Better (5:34pm April 28, 2010):
As long as they are happy with what they are doing and earn enough to feed and clothe their selves, the shy's the limit.
Re: A Thread So Thin (9:08pm April 26, 2010):
Who doesn't have choices they wished they could undo? The problem that would cause would be you'd probably never be satisfied as others decisions also effect yours.
Re: The Teaberry Strangler (11:00pm April 25, 2010):
If it's a new author or even a new series by an author I love, I read as many reviews as I can to see what they have to say. I only buy the PB, never the HB or Trade size. If an author I've loved and followed switches to HB after only being out in PB, I'll get it from the library or swap site. I read around 150 to 200 books a year so I'm careful which ones I buy. If I can get it used or at a library I'm much more likely to try a new author.
Re: In For A Penny (10:44am April 24, 2010):
As a Mom and a voracious reader,the toughest critique usually comes when I'm trying a new dish and the family are the test subjects. If it's thumbs down, I don't fix it again. As a reader I accept that while someone may rave on and on about a book, tastes and even moods are different, so it's quite possible that I may be 1 of 100 people who just don't get it.
Re: Beautiful People (9:50am April 22, 2010):
I love a book that while reading it will cause me to laugh out loud. Freeks my hubby and kids out as they are sure I'm having a senior moment.
Re: Maid for the Millionaire (8:24am April 21, 2010):
I love celebrating milestones, be they my kids or mine. Our 30th anniversary is still 16 months away and I've already started making plans. It's the only occasion that is in the summer and I'm determined to have all our friends and family(of which there are bunches). Just wanted to say how many of your books I've read and loved. A romance with kids in just adds a touch more love and humor to the storyline. Thanks for entertaining me over the years and I look forward to the "Maids" duo.
Re: Silent Truth (9:17pm April 19, 2010):
I'm semi-retired and am passionate about spending time with my hubby,kids, books and gardening. I love being able to start that next great read and staying up all night to finish it. I love taking off for the weekend with my husband and our friends for long rides in the mountains on our motorcycles. I love spending the day cooking for my kids and their families. And I love getting up early to walk through my yard, admiring my flowers and pulling a weed here and there.
Re: Building Iphone Apps With Html, CSS, And Javascript (10:32am April 18, 2010):
Once it becomes a job and not an enjoyment, I'll quit.
Re: The Firefighter's Secret Baby (9:33pm April 16, 2010):
I love any story that has babies or kids in it. They are my weakness when deciding which new titles I must have.
Re: Demonkeepers (6:57pm April 14, 2010):
So far Michael is my favorite but Lucas sounds very lovable too!
Re: Dead Head (2:47pm April 14, 2010):
With humor and suspense-how can you go wrong?
Re: The Mage In Black (3:55am April 13, 2010):
As a "bookworm" from old, thank you for providing yet more stories to lose myself in. It was once Nancy Drew and now the paranormal urban fantasy romance that sucks away hours of my life.
Re: Big Bad Wolf (8:49pm April 10, 2010):
If it's a series, I refuse to read them out of order. In fact I usually won't even start the series until there are are least 3 or 4 books outs.
Re: If I Were Your Woman (1:25pm April 9, 2010):
If the story line isn't a bit touchy, either in a good way or a bad way, then what's the point. As Karin said, it makes us sit back and wonder if we have done all we could. We don't need books that pat us on the head and say that it's okay. We need books that kick us in the seat of the pants and say "Why didn't you do more?"
Re: Reunion (6:57pm April 8, 2010):
As harlequin Nocturne's were my first real exposure to the paranormal, I bow at your feet. Your writing marathon just turned into a reading marathon for me. :)
Re: My Own Personal Soap Opera (2:18pm April 7, 2010):
Laughter and or tears, either is enough to make me give a thumbs up for a book.
Re: On Shadow Beach (3:52pm April 6, 2010):
The cover may entice me to pick it up, turn it over, and read the blurb. But I don't care how cute, or pretty, or exciting the cover is, if there's not a good story between these covers, no one's going to give them a second look. As I live in a small town and live miles and miles from a decent bookstore, most of my purchases are made on- line. With the help of numerous bloggers who help me decide which books are going to get my hard earned dollars plunked down for them, I read as many reviews as possible before purchasing my books.
Re: The Darcy Cousins (2:27pm April 5, 2010):
If the characters DON'T speak to the author, how can they expect to speak to me? The ability of the author to breathe life into the characters is what keeps me coming back for more.
Re: Just Fooling Around (4:33pm April 2, 2010):
My daughter is taking a yoga class at college and she told her boyfriend that as part of her class she had to teach someone who had never taken a yoga class(him) yoga positions and she had to tape it. Her boyfriend is 6'6" and no way could he contort himself like a pretzel but he said he'd do it -- then she told him he had to wear a leotard.
Re: The Highest Stakes (11:56am April 1, 2010):
I love historical fiction and this sounds like a sure winner. Horse & history & romance--Oh,my!
Re: A Certain Wolfish Charm (9:52pm March 31, 2010):
I've all ready put all 4 books of this series on my wishlist. Just love a series that I only have to wait months to get 4 books instead of 4 years
Re: An Earl to Enchant (8:23am March 31, 2010):
From "Return of the Night of the Living Dead"-they were discussing how you kill a zombie--"You mean they lied?!" And another from Wizard of Oz "I'm melting--melting"
Re: Flirting With Forever (11:03pm March 29, 2010):
I love time travel books and this one sounds like it's got a very nice twist. I had already put it on my wishlist but failed to notice the SHOES earlier when I saw the cover. Love them!
Re: Almost Home (9:26pm March 24, 2010):
MMP- I can two of them for the price of a trade size and almost 4 of them for the price of a HB. I don't reread or keep them. I pass them on so I go with the MMP or buy them used if only available as a HB or trade size.
Re: On The Steamy Side (1:56pm March 23, 2010):
Let's face it Harlequin has oodles of series that have babies or kids in them. For a reason, they usually manage to throw a kink or two in the romance or are desperate to replace a parent that is nonexistent. They usually manage to add an additional level of humor, all of which I love. Kids are part of life so of course you expect them to a certain extent in romance, which is what life's all about,right?
Re: Something About You (4:08pm March 19, 2010):
I love romance and suspense. Then if you mix in some laughter, you've got the recipe for a best seller. And anybody who loves Hitchcock, has got the cookbook with that secret recipe in it.
Re: Do They Know I'm Running? (8:49pm March 18, 2010):
Okay, I already thought writers(and all artists for that matter) lived in a totally different world than me. Now I know it. But thank goodness you do or I'd not think that every time I open a book that I'm privileged to behold a miracle.
Re: Forget Me Not (12:46pm March 16, 2010):
I've never let conventions define who I am, yeah, I take care of all the things that Mom's are suppose to(and then some) but if while laying at the pool(luckily we live in the boonies)I feel the need to skinny dip and sun bathe in the nude. No one knows or cares(except maybe the deers and my dog).
Re: The Stolen Crown (10:30pm March 15, 2010):
I love reading historical fiction and if there is so romance thrown in so much the better.
Re: The You I Never Knew (12:21pm March 14, 2010):
Definitely laughter although I don't mind an emotional scene that brings tears either.
Re: The Scarlet Lion (4:12pm March 12, 2010):
No music for me, unless it's in my head. When I'm reading, everything else around me blurs. If it doesn't, then that book gets replaced with one that takes me away.
Re: Truly, Madly (9:07pm March 3, 2010):
Only, when it comes to my kids. I think you can think it's love at first sight, but until you know someone and trust them, really would you trust your life and your future children's life with that?
Re: Lake Magic (9:04pm March 2, 2010):
I don't remember the title but i sure it was by Emily Loring.
Re: Naked Edge (6:41pm March 1, 2010):
Yeah, me and my hubby are fairly opposites. He's a sports jock, which I couldn't care less about. I carry a book everywhere I go and he hasn't cracked one in 35 years.
Re: Seeing Red (8:57am March 1, 2010):
February was a bust. Have had a family member with health problems and while normally I would do a lot of reading while sitting around the hospital and doctors office. i think I got 1 book read and have actually put it back to reread as I'm not sure how much I actually retained.
Re: Cowboy Trouble (8:58pm February 27, 2010):
I also would like to see some romances where the guy and the girl are normal people, who have normal jobs. You know, like the farmer, the construction worker, the average JOE who sells tires at the local Goodyear dealer. Why can't they have some HEA's that they deserve after finding the not bombshell lovely and surviving an up and down funny relationship. I think with humor even the dullest romance is a best seller.
Re: The Texan's Happily-Ever-After (10:21am February 25, 2010):
Checked out your list of published books and I can true-fully say WOW! I've read most of them. Not only do your write stories with babies(I love them) but you have a lot of mini series, which I adore. I love revisiting an area and getting caught up on earlier characters lives.
Re: Easter Promises (2:15pm February 24, 2010):
After my family, my biggest passion is reading with a side of gardening thrown in.
Re: Take Me If You Dare (5:12am February 24, 2010):
Me, I just read the next day's news to see the results.
Re: Saving CeeCee Honeycutt (5:25pm February 22, 2010):
There's nothing like night out with the girls. Whether it being catching up with each others life or bitching about the days troubles, they always understand.
Re: The Edge of Winter (9:08pm February 21, 2010):
I love the anthologies that come out at Christmas, Valentines, and other holidays.
Re: The Betrayal Of The Blood Lily (5:14pm February 20, 2010):
I don't have to go far. If the weather is cold I simply curl up on the loveseat that is in the room where the woodstove is and if it's warm outside, the hammock and MY lounge(no one else is allowed in it as it has all the trappings for a read fest, comfy pillows, sun glasses, plenty of cold drinks and extra books). One end of the master bedroom has not only a built-in bookcase for my TBR pile but a comfy sofa with lots of pillows. My husband did this for me when we were remodeling as he said I deserved a place for ME time. These corners of bliss enable me to travel miles and years away from stress or worry. Thanks to all the wonderful writers out there I can escape for hours at a time without packing a stitch.
Re: Kayla's Daddy (12:59pm February 19, 2010):
See there, just cause you hear voices in your head-it's not always a sign you're crazy.
Re: Lights, Camera...Kiss The Boss (9:09am February 18, 2010):
Congratulations and I hope to see more of your books in the future. Off to add this book to my wishlist. I love to see the ecology addressed in one of my favorite genres.
Re: Accidentally Demonic (8:27am February 17, 2010):
A great series from a great gal that treats her friends and acquaintances with love and encouragement. Glad to have made your acquaintance, DC. You rock, girl.
Re: Hot Stuff (3:23pm February 14, 2010):
My husband and I are terrible about remembering special dates so have agreed over the years to just be spontaneous a couple times a year and do something special. Who cares if we celebrate Valentine's Day in August?
Re: Promise Me Tonight (9:30pm February 12, 2010):
I love a good romance and a historical makes it perfect.
Re: Raining Cat Sitters And Dogs (1:24pm February 11, 2010):
Don't know if I'm an expert writer but boy am I an expert reader by this measurement :)
Re: Tragedy At Two (7:35pm February 9, 2010):
I love a good mystery that I can help solve along with the main character. Good luck on your new series.
Re: Island Of The Swans (10:52pm February 8, 2010):
Another reader-non-writer here and as a reader, the theme doesn't matter- only whether the book grabs me enough to make me forget that I AM reading.
Re: Triumph in Arms (8:26am February 7, 2010):
That's the way to tell 'em, Jennifer. If guy's would put half the energy they waste flipping channels on the tube or shootin' up the bad guys on the Xbox on making their ladies happy, world peace would soon be achieved (well, maybe)
Re: Viking in Love (6:42pm February 4, 2010):
I just discovered Anne Bishop and her "Black Jewels" series. I just love to discover a new series that has at least 5 or 6 books out there in the series!
Re: Deadtown (7:06pm February 3, 2010):
I love zombies.And i love the idea that a virus caused this to happen. Added this to my wishlist.
Re: Catch Of A Lifetime (11:36pm February 2, 2010):
Thanks for adding three more books to my wishlist. I just love to find new authors and this sounds like a hoot of a series!
Re: Drive Time (11:07pm February 1, 2010):
I'm pretty good at keeping secrets. But when someone asks me to keep a secret , the first thing I say is "Not if this secret would hurt someone" or with the kids something that their father should know.
Re: Down By The River (12:43pm January 31, 2010):
I've been working at getting a blog started on what I read and have spent most of the month on that and researching other blogs. I did read "My Soul to Save" by Rachel Vincent and "The Iron King" by Julie Kagawa, both of which were okay books. They weren't great but I'll still be back for more of both series.
Re: Forbidden Heat (9:26pm January 27, 2010):
Wow, you must love research as much as actually writing the books. Would be hard to keep my mind on what I was suppose to be doing(lol)
Re: Down River (12:41pm January 27, 2010):
Our next cruise is to Alaska- can't wait!
Re: Hold On Tight (11:41pm January 26, 2010):
No it doesn't bother me to stop and look up a word or a place. I frequently will stop and look up an area or city if I'm not familiar with it. Now I don't want to be stopping too often to do that but I like the opportunity to learn more about a place or incident that is mentioned in a book.
Re: The Keepers Of Sulbreth (2:10pm January 15, 2010):
Definitely, and I picked up titles where the title or art work also led me to put it back on the shelf. But most of my purchases are based of my own knowledge and love of an author's previous works(which has sometimes come back to bite me in the ass)or the reviews of others both on Amazon or on blogs. I am more likely to try an unknown author after checking out their website and reading others reviews of it. On the few occasions where the characters name doesn't fit for me I simply rename him in my mind until I finish the book. I am also prone to rename a character if his name makes me stop and think, now how was this pronounced again? Any of you who have read the Harry Potter series knows that JK Rowling has to be the Queen when it comes to assigning characters their names. Thanks for your insight on your book. I often visit authors websites before reading a new book or series to see their insights and thoughts on their books.
Re: Forget Me Not (5:46pm January 13, 2010):
Times like this make you stop and be grateful for what you have. Glad to know that are alright.
Re: Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy (1:32pm January 11, 2010):
Can't wait to get my hands on it!
Re: Come Hell Or High Water (4:05pm January 10, 2010):
Just a peaceful day, no drama and a good book.
Re: Sizzle (4:41pm January 8, 2010):
Eve definitely would not be the detective, woman, & wife that she is without the terror that her father was--so yeah, the villain does mold the actions of the hero. But I hate to say that the bad guy defines the hero- it gives the villain to much power over the hero. And the villain should never have that.
Re: My Dearest Mr. Darcy (8:59pm January 7, 2010):
I love Prissy's line, when I don't know how to do something I have been guilty of actually using that line but my favorite steal is "Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore." Oh, and the best is "I'm melting!"(though that's one strictly used on my hubby)
Re: Fugitive (7:21pm January 6, 2010):
Haven't read any of your books yet but just added them to my wishlist. I love the fact that it is a series as I love to revisit old friends from familiar places.
Re: Dangerous Highlander (3:56pm January 4, 2010):
I hate that the authors don't have more say on their covers and titles. I have frequently read a book that the cover in no way reflected the characters in the book. Say a dark haired hero who on the cover is blonde. I think the cover should reflect the story inside not an artist's rendering that never even picked up the printed word.
Re: Snow Angels (7:47pm November 30, 2009):
I have just started the Carrie Vaughn "Kitty" series. Oh, and if you want to start a fabulous series, don't let the size of Robb's "In Death" series scare you. This was a fabulous series and I wish I had another 35 books to look forward to reading in this series.
Re: Take Me For A Ride (1:25am November 26, 2009):
Have you ever boiled eggs and let them boil really dry? Now that's a hell of a mess. They exploded in their shells. I was picking pieces of eggs and shells off the ceiling, the ceiling fan, the cabinets, and appliances for days. For nearly a year, I would find a chunk of egg in the damnedest places. OMG and the smell, you would gag every time you walked in there. Even leaving the windows open didn't help much.
Re: Prime Evil (9:11pm November 21, 2009):
Wow! Great to know that you are a published writer when you start hearing all those people in your head, if not the guys with the little white jackets might be right around the corner.
Re: The Monuments Men (2:07pm November 20, 2009):
Sounds like a great story. My father in law(91) often tells us stories of WWII. The History Channel has been showing some new footage recently which has really gotten him talking. His stories of WWII sparked sure an interest in our daughter that she getting her masters in History and planning on teaching.
Re: Men Of The Otherworld (1:27pm November 19, 2009):
I vote for Charles.
Now lets see a smackdown between the gals! bring it on!!
Re: Dark Legacy (1:25pm November 19, 2009):
"we were born to bring something to the world no one else can" Could not agree more.
Re: The Sari Shop Widow (7:35pm November 17, 2009):
I think that some people get off on putting out nasty reviews. This is the only way they can feel important. They are probably the same naysayer in person. It takes making someone else feel bad to make themselves feel good. Different people like different books thank goodness. Can you imagine if all of us read and wrote the exact same type of book. If I write a less than glowing review, I always offer up the possibility that it's just me. Putting down someone's sweat and tears is like telling them their child is ugly. There's just a better way to say it.
Re: The Accidental Werewolf (6:49pm November 17, 2009):
I've got to agree with the free books from contests, I've found several new authors that I love and read some books that I might not have bought but throughly enjoyed. Book blogs have probably introduced me to the most new books and authors. I love to read the reviews and hear about books that are coming out months down the road. My wishlist and TBR pile has increased beyond belief. I also have read several free reads posted by authors that have caused me to immediately look for more of their books, often even purchasing the one that I just read free. Thanks to sites like this, I have have found new books that I have spent hours enjoying.
Re: Over My Dead Body (5:12pm November 16, 2009):
My older family has passed on and passed the torch to me. My house is where they all come to eat and reminisce about other holiday get-to-gathers, and I love it. I have a daughter and daughter in law that both beg for recipes and advice. When we do family vacations at the beach each family has to provide a meal one day and surprisingly they seldom opt for take out.They like to show off what they have learned since last year. And the internet has become the go to place for all of us for recipes. When the college age kids are around they beg for home cooking. They have overdone on pizzas and subs and are happy with homemade soups and casseroles. And best of all, if I cook they clean!
Re: The Princess Bride (9:44pm November 9, 2009):
My daughter's favorite movie.
Re: Kindred In Death (3:07am November 9, 2009):
This particular series as a long running seres, yes. I hope it never ends. I only started this series about 18 months ago. Once I had the first 8 books, I starting reading them in bulk. I made sure that at each time I started the series again I had at least 4 more. Once you start them you can't put them down. I love the idea of visiting with old friends and seeing what everyone has gotten up to since the last time I saw them. I don't see them as characters in a book but old friends.
Re: One Lucky Cowboy (4:17pm November 5, 2009):
After reading the interview, I immediately went to put both books on my must read list. Love romance with a laugh or two.
Re: The Wrong Side of Dead (9:22am November 4, 2009):
Yuck! Unless the guy's a vamp, I think she got the short end of the stick.
Re: Frostbitten (9:11am November 4, 2009):
Charlene Harris's "Dead and Gone" was one that I struggled a little to finish. In general the storyline did not advance much and the continuity errors were very jarring. I have loved and laughed out loud while reading the rest of the series and was so disappointed after waiting so long for a new Sookie book( I actually had and read the first 8 books back to back).It felt as though this book had been rushed and not edited very well. Even though it had been about 6 months since I had finished the earlier books I noticed error after error in the continuity. Usually if it has been awhile since I read the last book I am less likely to notice these errors, but these were big ones and they made me stop and question myself. Now I love Sookie enough to give the next book a chance but this next one holds Sookie's life in its hand.
Re: The Red Pony (11:56am November 2, 2009):
I have read as long as I can remember, and most of the required reading for English sucked. The fact that it was required also seem to mean it was dull(IMHO).I recall my junior English teacher allowing us to read almost anything for extra credit as long as we read the required stuff and made "good" grades on those papers. I can remember reading a lot of Stephen King and romance in her class.
Re: Shadow of Turning (11:48am November 2, 2009):
I discovered that offers some of their books free and many the first few chapters. Michael Grant,Melissa Marr, & PC Cast were just a few of the wonderful YA authors that I discovered this year.
Re: Final Approach (9:53am November 1, 2009):
I always take it to work and leave a bowl on my desk and one on the break room table. It is gone in just a few days.
Re: The Guernsey Literary And Potato Peel Pie Society (7:36pm October 28, 2009):
For me it was Philippa Gregory's "The Other Queen". I loved all her books on Henry VIII's wives and was so disappointed in this book. Will never assume that every book by a beloved author will be great.
Re: Dead And Gone (7:30pm October 28, 2009):
Hey Sara, I refuse to see a movie that was from a book that I read unless it has been years since I read it. I'm always disappointed in the movie. I saw one episode of True Blood and refused to watch any more. Like you I had my picture of Sookie, Eric & Bill in my head and these actors on True Blood WERE NOT IT. Maybe in 6 or 10 years after the Sookie books are done I'll give it a chance but my imagination has Hollywood beat all to hell. There was one book that I liked the movie better"Cold Mountain", but the only one.
Re: My Forbidden Desire (7:24pm October 28, 2009):
An interesting problem. As many werewolf books as I have read, this has never crossed my mind.One solution could be that once she becomes pregnant, she wouldn't go through the change. And babies would not change till they come of age. The baby sitter problem could be solved by the babies( of which there would be only a few) would be care for the older females who had gone through the change(menopause) would no longer shift. Problem solved(maybe)
Re: Mr. Darcy Vampyre (7:14pm October 28, 2009):
The hairs stood up on my arms while reading the excerpt. Can't wait to read the whole book!
Re: The Shortest Distance Between Two Women (7:57pm September 28, 2009):
cool name for website
Re: Highland Rebel (3:47pm September 3, 2009):
I have often felt the way you mentioned when reading a book that has really grabbed me-as if I had fallen into the pages. I am seeing the cloudy sky and feel the wind whipping my hair about my face. At those times I don't feel that I am reading a book but living it. It is a most satisfying feeling.
Re: Gordath Wood (7:38am August 24, 2009):
Here, I thought I was the only one who was a sneak reader. I carry my current book in my purse while out doing errands and anytime I'm waiting, out it comes. Can't wait to add these two new authors to my list.
Re: Tortured (12:04pm August 19, 2009):
I love historical fiction. Can't wait to add this to my TBR pile
Re: Beloved Vampire (2:29pm August 17, 2009):
I love a series that I can invest some time in and revisit characters that I have previously met. I love revisiting a world where I already know the rules(at least most of the time)and don't spend half of the book trying to decide who the bad guys and the good guys are. I'd love to give your world a spin.
Re: Trust Me (9:31am August 15, 2009):
I can't imagine the agony of having a BOOK out there on a shelf and all this going through your mind. I took a creative write class at the community college and the nights of waking and realizing that a particular sentence was wrong, wrong,wrong- nearly had me sleepwalking. Oh, and driving down the road- I know every other driver thought I must be losing it as I was constantly rewriting a paragraph out loud while driving. Although the worst was while mowing the yard. My neighbor came over to see if I'd had a stroke or something as I had mowed around and around in a circle for an hour. Jeez, how do you handle the stress of actually having a book out there where thousands-gulp maybe millions of people are reading it. Yeah, that bottle looks pretty good right now.