Rosemary Krejsa
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255 comments posted.
Re: At the Spy's Pleasure (2:43pm June 5, 2015):
I enjoy second chance stories. I believe that we all deserve another chance at happiness.
Re: Fallen Angel (9:23am December 29, 2012):
I'm grateful that I have my family and that as the years pass we grow closer. There are times I wish I could get a do over but unlike your characters I can't time travel. I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year!
Re: Holiday Buzz (7:43pm December 4, 2012):
I love cozy mysteries! Holiday Buzz has all the ingredients for a great read. There is plenty of action, numerous suspects and romance. What more could a reader want.
Re: Tall, Dark, and Divine (5:33pm October 15, 2012):
TALL, DARK AND DIVINE has an interesting spin. Mixing the gods and goddesses with us mere mortals adds a new flavor to romance. I have added this book to my TBR pile.
Re: Sleight Of Paw (5:33pm December 18, 2011):
My daughter and I went to Disneyland for a girl's weekend in early December. We loved riding the Buzz Lightyear ride and rode it numerous times. They take a photo while you fight the evil enemy. Each picture was exactly the same. You couldn't tell one from the other. Amazing when you consider that we rode 25 times. Now you can thank us for saving the universe.
Re: When Tony Met Adam (5:18pm June 12, 2011):
How exciting! A new creative experience that gives you a new outlet to tell your story. I am anxious to see the finished results. Good luck!
Re: Forced to Kill (6:13pm June 5, 2011):
A very timely topic and a great story! I am looking forward to reading it.
Re: Deadly Ties (9:49pm February 7, 2011):
The moral dilemmas and how we face them makes for a compelling story and on a deeper level makes us wonder what we would do if we faced that situation. Congratulations on a great book!
Re: Rajmund (11:16am December 6, 2010):
Your vampires have all the qualities that we love, but they also have a wild side that we want to tame. Your books will make a good read on a cold winter night.
Re: Twins Under His Tree (12:06pm December 2, 2010):
You have come up with a very compelling storyline. Our society tends to neglect our veterans. How sad. I am looking forward to reading 'Twins Under His Tree'.
Re: Second Chances (8:10pm November 30, 2010):
Everyone deserves a second chance both in love and in life. I'm glad that your novel got it's chance. It sounds like a great story.
Re: No Way Out (7:50pm November 29, 2010):
After reading this I would like to visit Kansas City. You made me realize how much the location adds to the story. One of my favorite authors is Les Roberts who used Cleveland, Ohio as the setting for Milan Jacovich mysteries. I enjoy reading about an area that I can relate to.
Re: Holiday Sparks (9:38am November 24, 2010):
This is such a special time of year that I celebrate by reading my romances. They are perfect for the cold blustery weather and make me appreciate my hubby and family. In today's world HEA is just what I need.
Re: Somewhere Along the Way (8:02pm November 16, 2010):
Hard work has it's rewards. You achieved your goals and have many readers great books to enjoy.
Re: The Christmas Clock (9:06am November 15, 2010):
This books is a story that came deep from within your heart. I love Christmas stores, but this one sounds very special. I am anxious to read it.
Re: The Snow Globe (9:04pm November 3, 2010):
It is so hard to pick a snow globe moment. I love the times when we are together as a family, but in today's busy world that almost never happens. If I could just get everyone together that would be a moment I would want to capture in the glass ball.
Re: No One Lives Twice (5:43pm November 2, 2010):
It takes a special person to make everyday situations humorous. I always enjoy the unexpected to make my day brighter.
Re: Holiday Affair (8:19pm November 1, 2010):
I love the holidays, but I learned long ago that Martha need not worry. Perfection is not my strong suit. Staying up very, very late the night before is my holiday tradition.
Re: Simply Irresistible (8:43am October 29, 2010):
Jill, I love the story line and the setting (which is always important to me). I am looking forward to reading about the sisters. Thank you!
Re: Petals From The Sky (7:53pm September 20, 2010):
Your stories approach women and their ultimate destiny with a different prospective and cultural difference. I am anxious to read them.
Re: Guarding Grace (6:40pm August 30, 2010):
When I read I want to be able to relate to the characters even if they are vampires or shape-shifters. I enjoy the paranormal elements but we have to be connected with them to feel the full impact.
Re: The Quick and the Thread (5:00pm August 6, 2010):
It's funny to think that the author might be as nervous as we, the readers, are at a book signing. Thanks for the insight.
Re: To Conquer a Highlander (8:41pm July 12, 2010):
Besides all my books (both paperback and hardcover), I collect baseball mascots in any form (bobble heads, stuffed animals, statues, etc.)
Re: The 1st Wife (9:29pm July 9, 2010):
If I'm confused or upset, I wash dishes. It gives me a feeling of normalcy but allows my mind to process my feelings and emotions.
Re: The Wild Irish Sea (3:05pm July 8, 2010):
Your top ten had everything I love in a romance. 'The Wild Irish Sea' is on my summer vacation reading list. Thank you.
Re: Crush On You (9:13pm July 6, 2010):
I love a friends to lovers story. It never happened to me but when I read about it I get a warm happy feeling. 'Crush on You' will be a great summer read.
Re: Hidden Wives (8:34pm June 26, 2010):
I hate it when I can't find that special book. When bored, I usually check out my favorite authors. Sometimes that puts me in the right mood.
Re: Sworn To Protect (6:34pm June 25, 2010):
These stories sound great! It's about time that the heroine is able to give as good as she gets. Times have changed and we need to get rid of the old stereotype.
Re: Tempting a Proper Lady (8:35pm June 23, 2010):
In the chaotic times we live in I enjoy reading a romance that celebrates the power of love. We all need to feel the power of happiness.
Re: The Devil She Knows (9:43pm June 22, 2010):
Gareth certainly knows his own mind. It would be fun to match wits with a man so stubborn.
Re: Summer Sanctuary (9:23pm June 21, 2010):
'To Kill a Mockingbird" was the book that made the greatest impression on me. It still moves me 50 years later.
Re: Dragon Unmasked (3:56pm June 16, 2010):
I do understand. My problem is that there are times I don't know what I want to read. I have piles and piles of books, but when that feeling hits I struggle to find one that keeps my attention. Thank goodness it always passes.
Re: Royal Captive (9:41pm June 15, 2010):
Wow! I didn't see that one coming. I'm hooked!
Re: Death Threads (9:17pm June 14, 2010):
This mystery sounds great. I love the variety of characters that comprise the sewing circle. I am looking forward to reading this book.
Re: Hidden Wives (2:33pm June 13, 2010):
HIDDEN WIVES deals with a topic that we have all heard about, but really don't know how it effects the woman/girls involved. I am anxious to read their story.
Re: Seducing the Knight (9:07pm June 11, 2010):
SEDUCING THE KNIGHT sounds great. It is exciting to think that history can be changed or clarified based on someone finding an undiscovered artifact. Who wouldn't want to be part of that discovery.
Re: The 1st Wife (8:28pm June 9, 2010):
I have never lived in a small town but I want to read about Chandler, Ohio. I'm sure that I will find that the place and the people are worth knowing.
Re: Desire Me (1:58pm June 8, 2010):
A scavenger hunt always made me feel like an intrepid girl detective who would solve the mystery and save the day! Desire Me sounds great!
Re: Guardian (5:54pm June 7, 2010):
Thank you for giving us a behind the scene look at your newest saga. I enjoy seeing the core family grow and develop and I love how the stories are intertwined. Thank you for giving us a behind the scene look at your latest saga. I enjoy seeing the core family grow and develop and I love how the stories are intertwined.
Re: Night Myst (2:23pm June 4, 2010):
When I love, I love with my whole heart so I would read both series. The author's style is apparent in what ever they write. I am in awe of a writer who can write more than one story at the same time.
Re: I Love This Bar (5:01pm June 3, 2010):
I enjoyed the excerpt! It gave me a good laugh. Now I will have to read I LOVE THIS BAR to see what happens. Great job!
Re: The Making Of A Duchess (8:41pm June 2, 2010):
Your new novel, THE MAKING OF A DUCHESS, will be a perfect summer read. I am looking forward to this guilty pleasure.
Re: Strange Neighbors (9:13pm June 1, 2010):
It is wonderful to see a group of people with different goals work together so that each individual can accomplish their dream. I am looking forward to reading STRANGE NEIGHBORS.
Re: Ancient Whispers (5:13pm May 31, 2010):
First of all let me congratulation you on the release of your debut novel, ANCIENT WHISPERS. Second let me say that going out of our comfort zone is never easy. I remember how nerve racking it was to trying to get back in the job market after 20 plus years spent raising my family. It was a whole new world out there!
Re: Dead in the Family (7:05pm May 29, 2010):
What perfect timing. I just visited my book store today to pick up some summer reading. I chose a nice mix. They are HIGH MARKS FOR MURDER by Rebecca Kent, TOWN IN A BLUEBERRY JAM by B.B. Haywood and DEAD IN THE FAMILY by Charlaine Harris.
Re: The Journey Home (6:59pm May 28, 2010):
What a touching tribute to your father. It is unfortunate that time slips away so quietly and quickly. Once we lose our past it can never be regained.
Re: Die Twice (7:59pm May 27, 2010):
It sounds like you had a fabulous time. The only thing that beats great food is a great book.
Re: His At Night (8:05pm May 25, 2010):
I thoroughly enjoyed learning about the Regency Period by reading Georgette Heyer. She vividly described the social scene of that time and made me enjoy myself.
Re: Haunting Warrior (9:47pm May 12, 2010):
If I could travel through time, I would go back to see my parents meet and fall in love.
Re: Silent Truth (9:34pm May 11, 2010):
What an exciting and frightening thought! If I were faced with the decision to leave my family and friends forever, I don't know what I would do. I want to read 'Silent Truth' and find out what happens.
Re: Rumor Has It (10:34pm May 6, 2010):
Your excerpt hooked me. I will definitely read "Rumor Has It'. I need to know what happens.
Re: In Shelter Cove (8:43pm May 4, 2010):
I love to read about a hero who is not afraid to express his love and has the courage to follow his beliefs. Congratulations on your new release!
Re: His Border Bride (8:38pm May 3, 2010):
I wish that I could pick one hero, but I can't. They change with each new book. I love variety! I want to go from charmer, to bad boy to rake.
Re: Think Twice (9:17pm May 2, 2010):
In April I tried a new author - Julie Hyzy. I enjoyed her 'State of the Onion' which is the first book in the White House Chef Mystery series.
Re: Blood Of The Demon (12:40pm April 30, 2010):
With the wide variety of books available, I always enjoy try new authors or genre. That's half the fun of reading!
Re: The Fallen (5:29pm April 29, 2010):
People seem to think that if you write a novel that it must be about you or someone close to you. Sometimes we seem to overthink rather than to sit back and enjoy. Your Derek Stillwater series sounds good!
Re: Chasing Perfect (7:56pm April 28, 2010):
I guess I'm an in-between-er. I live in a mid-size city that really is a cross between big city and small town. I have only moved twice. I started on the west side of the town and now I live on the east side.
Re: Just Like Me, Only Better (1:48pm April 27, 2010):
Carol, I enjoyed your post. Don't you think that at one time or another we all want to be a writer? I think it's because our written words will be around long after we are gone. It's our way to guarantee imortality.
Re: A Thread So Thin (6:20pm April 26, 2010):
Hind sight is always 20/20 and we all have made some bad choices but I wouldn't want to change anything in my life, even if I had the chance. I love who I am today.
Re: The Teaberry Strangler (8:02pm April 25, 2010):
I am constantly looking for new authors. I am really excited when I find one that stirs my imagination and interest. If I like them I would continue to buy their new releases, but if the author is just so-so I doubt if I would buy more of their books.
Re: Rule's Bride (10:49am April 23, 2010):
I enjoy reading romances where the course of true love has a few roadblocks and detours. This trilogy is on my list of summer reads.
Re: Maid for the Millionaire (1:00pm April 20, 2010):
You are a remarkable person. Your zest for life makes me tired, but you made me want to read your novels. Good luck!
Re: Silent Truth (6:17pm April 19, 2010):
My passion is reading and history. One thing I found is that my interests are going full circle. By the end I will be back where I started.
Re: The Firefighter's Secret Baby (3:46pm April 16, 2010):
I enjoy reading about a hero who puts his life and love on the line and at the end I want them to have a 'happy ever after'. It sounds like this book does just that. Congratulations!
Re: Shadow Games (12:05pm April 15, 2010):
I enjoy reading romantic suspense, even when it frightens me. It is always disturbing to see how the mind of a madman works. Good luck on your new release. It sounds great!
Re: Dead Head (1:10pm April 13, 2010):
Everyone has such a hectic life that it would be easy to hide in plain sight. Who would know! Good luck with your new release.
Re: The Mage In Black (1:04pm April 12, 2010):
I have been a reader all my life. My books are a part of me and I can't let them go. Today my house is filled with my old friends. I would be lost without them.
Re: If I Were Your Woman (8:03pm April 9, 2010):
I believe that you have to write what your heart and mind tell you to. Difficult subjects shouldn't be ignored because we are afraid to face them.
Re: Reunion (7:47pm April 8, 2010):
Seeing the necklace took my breath away. I enjoy paranormal stories. I look forward to the new books in the Warriors for the Light series.
Re: Just Fooling Around (9:32pm April 2, 2010):
When April 1st arrives, I run and hide. I'm always the one who is pranked and (sadly) I fall for it.
Re: The Highest Stakes (9:08pm April 1, 2010):
A very imaginative combination of fact and fiction. This sounds like a very intriguing twist to an established historical fact.
Re: A Certain Wolfish Charm (7:15pm March 31, 2010):
What exciting and dangerous characters. I can hardly wait to see how they find happily-ever-after!
Re: An Earl to Enchant (8:41pm March 30, 2010):
One of my favorite first lines is "Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again." from Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier.
Re: Flirting With Forever (8:22pm March 29, 2010):
Time Travel opens up so many possibilities. I love the concept. The past seems so romantic but adding a modern heroine to the mix makes it irrestible. I can hardly wait to read 'Tumbling Through Time'.
Re: Aries Rising (6:34pm March 26, 2010):
Your blog was very informative. I never realized how hard you need to work to work to get a novel published. Good luck with your new release,'Aries Rising'.
Re: Small Change (6:10pm March 25, 2010):
Sheila, you hit the nail right on the head with this very practical (and timely) advise, but when I'm faced with that 'great sale" I have a hard time resisting. I am trying harder and harder to walk by that wonderful bargain (can you guess what my New Year's Resolution was).
Re: On The Steamy Side (8:26pm March 23, 2010):
I love the fact that 'On the Steamy Side' includes a child in the relationship. I think that it adds so much to the story. I am looking forward to a good read.
Re: Big Girl (8:42pm March 21, 2010):
I remember reading an adult novel on Queen Elizabeth I (I don't remember the author). Since I was a child, my mother had to make a special trip to the library to take the book out. Do I feel old.
Re: Something About You (8:13pm March 19, 2010):
Since I love Hitchcock's stories, I am very anxious to read 'Something About You'. The book sounds great and the characters sizzle.
Re: Do They Know I'm Running? (7:00pm March 18, 2010):
Today's post gave an interesting looking into the development of your characters. It is always nteresting to get a peek behind the curtain. Thank you for explaining your creative process.
Re: The Cowboy From Christmas Past (8:03pm March 17, 2010):
How lucky you are to have a grandmother who lived life to the fullest!
Re: The Highlander's Sword (7:56pm March 17, 2010):
Thank you for an interesting blog. It was very educational. I enjoy reading historicals especially about the Irish. I am looking forward to reading 'THE HIGHLANDER’S SWORD'. Thank you!
Re: Forget Me Not (9:12pm March 16, 2010):
I agree that we all need to be good to ourselves or we will not be any good to others. We need to throw away the guilt and enjoy the fun side of life.
Re: Take Me If You Dare (7:55pm March 5, 2010):
I love to watch the red carpet procession. I try not to jinx my favorites by giving any predictions. That would be the kiss of death.
Re: SEALed with a Ring (7:36pm March 5, 2010):
Your post today made me realize that you have to throw caution to the winds if you want to gain your heart's desire. Congratulations on your new release
Re: Plaster And Poison (8:04pm March 4, 2010):
Wow! What a strange coincidence. I have not read any of your Do-It-Yourself Home Renovation mysteries, but now I have to. They sound great.
Re: Naked Edge (8:21pm March 1, 2010):
My husband and I started out as opposites but after 40+ years of marriage we are now clones of each other. Strange but true.
Re: Cowboy Trouble (8:02pm February 26, 2010):
This is definitely different to the romances I generally read. I will have to get a copy and find what I've been missing. Congratulations on 'Cowboy Trouble'.
Re: The Texan's Happily-Ever-After (8:20pm February 25, 2010):
I like that your novels discuss the hard issues that people face, but it's even nicer that you combine them with love and romance. I am looking forward to your lates book!
Re: Easter Promises (5:20pm February 24, 2010):
How perfect that you could combine both of your loves in one special project. I am anxious to read 'Easter Promises'.
Re: Saving CeeCee Honeycutt (8:10pm February 22, 2010):
Friends accept us for who we are. It is so wonderful to just be yourself. I love being able to be me!
Re: The Edge of Winter (6:53pm February 21, 2010):
One seasonal book that comes to mind is 'A Promise of Spring' by Mary Balogh. Another is 'One Summer'by Karen Robards. Both are oldies but goodies.
Re: The Cowboy From Christmas Past (7:47pm February 19, 2010):
I have to disagree. Anthologies leave me wanting more.
Re: Chick with a Charm (7:40pm February 19, 2010):
I'm a cat person. It is amazing how quickly they take over your heart and your house.
Re: Accidentally Demonic (7:11am February 18, 2010):
After this miserable winter, I could use a good laugh and I think your "Accidental" series will provide it. Thanks!
Re: Promise Me Tonight (3:13pm February 12, 2010):
I think that I would go with the Bad Boy. Rhett Butler still makes my heart beat faster. Thank you for an interesting post.
Re: The Dead Travel Fast (3:10pm February 11, 2010):
I never realized how much work is put into chosing the title or how important the cover art is. I enjoyed this behind the scenes look. Thank you.
Re: Raining Cat Sitters And Dogs (3:37pm February 10, 2010):
It always amazes me where our life experiences take us. It is our destiny. Thank you for an imformative blog.
Re: Viking in Love (2:28pm February 4, 2010):
Sandra, I love your books. They are a fun read. I have just discovered Teresa Medeiros. I find that tracking down an author's older books is as much fun as reading them.
Re: The Phoenix Charm (5:26pm February 3, 2010):
Celtic mythology and their symbolism bring an exciting element to the story. I definitely want to read 'Magic Knot'.
Re: Deadtown (5:20pm February 3, 2010):
This book sounds great. I love that it mixes mythology with the paranormal.
Re: Down River (10:17am January 25, 2010):
Karen,'Down River' sounds great. I have loved all your books. It sounds like your travels have been very fruitful. My husband and I hope to travel to Alaska one day.
Re: Fugitive (12:12pm January 5, 2010):
With all the bad weather we are having, I needed a laugh. Thanks for a hilarious interview. The book sounds great! Congratulations!
Re: Dangerous Highlander (2:36pm January 4, 2010):
Your comments were very enlightening. It must be very hard for an author to give up control of their creation. I realize that the title and the cover have to grab the reader's attention, but it is your 'baby'. Thanks for giving us a look behind the curtain.
Re: Deadly Liaisons (7:25pm December 31, 2009):
As in so many things, it depends on your mood. I can see myself with either one since they both have qualities that I love.I could never make the choice.
Re: Angel Lane (3:52pm December 30, 2009):
I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year! I plan to follow your excellent example and make no unattainable resolutions. However, I did make one which I know that I can keep. It is 'read more books'.
Re: Breakfast In Bed (6:03pm December 28, 2009):
Great interview! I want to learn about Rich and Becca and their love story. Please tell me more about Vinny. He really made an impression.
Re: Kitty's House Of Horrors (3:46pm December 27, 2009):
After the busy holidays, we all deserve a good book as a reward. I will be looking for the Kitty Norville series.
Re: Searching For Pemberley (10:27pm December 22, 2009):
Reading Jane Austen made me fall in love with her writing once again. I enjoy reading the new novels that continue where hers ended. I can tell how much research went into these books.
Re: Paraworld Zero (8:34pm December 21, 2009):
Fantasy fiction is a great read and a fun way to leave our world behind. Have a great holiday and an even better new year!
Re: Gentlemen Prefer Succubi (8:48pm December 18, 2009):
I have a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other. What a difficult decision! I'll have both. Congratulation on the release of your first book!
Re: The Beautiful Being (8:48pm December 17, 2009):
I have found the perfect profession. I am an avid reader and book collector. I know that I will not write the next great novel, but you know what I am happy with that.
Re: Divorced, Desperate and Deceived (7:08pm December 16, 2009):
Christie, your list certainly gave me a good laugh. Thank goodness my husband has never said any of those things. I certainly am lucky!
Re: The Sweethearts' Knitting Club (9:10pm December 15, 2009):
I have read many of Lori's books and have enjoyed them very much. It is interesting to know which is her personal favorite (SAVING ALLEGHENY GREEN).
Re: Prime Evil (8:57pm December 15, 2009):
My dearest friend would love this story. She is an avid reader and a generous person. This would be a wonderful gift for her. Thank you!
Re: Wild Heart (8:30pm December 14, 2009):
You wrote a very enlightening article. It is amazing how little control that the author has on his/her creation. With the face of publishing changing yet again, I wonder what new challenges authors will face.
Re: Rainwater (9:32pm December 13, 2009):
My definition of a historical is one where the writer tries to depict accurately the customs and mentality of a specific period in time. The plot (of the story) allows us to learn how the character(s) deals with the social conflicts of that era.
Re: Kitty and the Midnight Hour (9:16pm December 13, 2009):
I'm sure that my friend would enjoy reading this book. I know that she would lend it to me when she's done so both of us would enjoy this exciting story.
Re: Love in Translation (4:42pm December 10, 2009):
My sister-in-law just returned from 3 years in Rome. Her stories about her time there were eye-opening. It takes a strong and confident person to be able to become part of another culture.
Re: Keeper Of The Way (4:37pm December 10, 2009):
I would love to send this book along to my dear friend who has just discovered the paranormal. She would enjoy having this as a surprise gift.
Re: Sins of the Flesh (9:27pm December 7, 2009):
Problems with schedules has been the bane of my exsistence. Holidays only make this apparent to everyone near and far. To try to get things done I get up earlier and stay up later. After all who needs sleep!
Re: Dancing On The Head Of A Pin (12:52pm December 6, 2009):
My grandson would enjoy 'Owlboy', the adventures of Billy Hooten. He is a great reader.
Re: Searching For Pemberley (2:50pm December 3, 2009):
What a great idea using Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice as a base for your novel, Searching for Pemberley. It sounds like talking to yourself paid off with a great story. Congratulations!
Re: Sex Drive (7:28pm December 2, 2009):
A series allows you to see the hero/heroine grow and mature. They (and their family) seem more like our friends than characters in a novel.
Re: Scorched (8:19pm December 1, 2009):
I'm very anxious to find out what happens to "Mac". He is such a great tortured hero. Congratulations on the release of 'Scorched'.
Re: Snow Angels (6:40pm November 30, 2009):
I have just finished reading "Greedy Bones" by Carolyn Haines. I really enjoy the Sarah Delaney Booth mysteries. Now to get in the holiday mood I am going to read 'The Christmas Cookie Killer' by Livia J. Washburn.
Re: Dark Lover (8:11pm November 29, 2009):
The first grown-up book that I read was by Agatha Christie. I ordered it through the weekly reader program at school. Now I read many genres depending on my mood. There are so many great books that I don't want to take a chance on missing one.
Re: Over My Dead Body (9:15pm November 27, 2009):
I would like to nominate my daughter. We have shared many good times discussing and recommending books to/for each other.
Re: Knit The Season (9:13pm November 27, 2009):
I do not knit, but I wanted you to know that I loved your book, 'The Friday Night Knitting Club'.
Re: Take Me For A Ride (8:41pm November 25, 2009):
I remember the Christmas dinner where the goose exploded in and all over the oven. I'm glad everyone had a sense of humor! It brings smiles now but many tears on that holiday.
Re: Captive of Sin (10:21pm November 24, 2009):
A man who will put his wants and needs on hold so that he can do the right and honorable thing makes us all feel that true love is alive and well. That never goes out of style. My personal hero would be Rhett Butler.
Re: It Happened One Night (8:29pm November 23, 2009):
That is such a deep question. I have had many joys that make me say that was worth the wait such as my husband, my children, and re-entering the job market. I hope that I will have many more to add to that list before my life is over.
Re: The Accidental Werewolf (7:52pm November 17, 2009):
Today we have so many ways to discover new authors and try different genres. Publishers and authors have excerpts and/or free reads. I especially love the video trailers. Reading the reviews on new novels is always useful and, of course, we have the old stand-by (word of mouth). E-books certainly have changed our buying and reading habits.
Re: Over My Dead Body (8:30pm November 16, 2009):
The holidays bring such bitter-sweet memories. The past seemed so much simpler. As I grow older being with my family is a very precious thing to me. We need to appreciate what we have. It will disapear to quickly.
Re: Prime Evil (8:19pm November 16, 2009):
It amazes me how the image of the vampire has changed in a relatively short period of time.
Re: Dead Pan (3:22pm November 14, 2009):
I think you have a winner with this series. I read an excerpt and now I want to read the whole book. Daphne Martin is such a interesting character. Congratulations!
Re: Kill Zone (6:34pm November 13, 2009):
What a positive outlook you have. It is to easy to take the 'safe' choice. Your post gave me much to think about. You are fortunate to be brave enough to do what you love. Congratulations!
Re: Love You To Death (3:27pm November 12, 2009):
This book has it all. Characters that you want to know more about as well as action and suspense. Sign me up! I am anxious to read 'Love You to Death'.
Re: Willoughby's Return (11:18am November 12, 2009):
Your book "Mr. Willoughby's Return" has me hooked. I want to know the outcome. Your post gave great insite on how fashion helps define a character as well as a long ago historical period. Thank you!
Re: Children of the Night (8:37pm November 11, 2009):
I have to admit that I am a great fan of Sookie Stackhouse. I love the fact that Charlaine Harris can combine suspense with her special brand of humor. Her Southern vampire series is a great read.
Re: Spinning Forward (10:27pm November 10, 2009):
What an inspiring post! We all have our dreams and desires, but you had the courage to follow your heart. Congratulations!I am anxious to read 'Spinning Forward'.
Re: Wild Blue Under (11:58am November 9, 2009):
You and your characters have a wicked sense of humor. I have to read Wild Blue Under. Congratulations on your new release.
Re: Kindred In Death (9:40pm November 8, 2009):
I do enjoy the long series. The characters become friends. You see how they grow and how their lives change, but, as in real life, friendships end. I have had to adjust my reading habits as have many of my friends.
Re: Rainwater (9:13pm November 6, 2009):
I recently started checking on the book trailers and I have to say that I like them. It gives a new perspective and makes the characters come to life. Congratulations! 'Rainwater' sounds like a wonderful read!
Re: One Lucky Cowboy (2:25pm November 5, 2009):
If the book is as good as your interview with Jane Day, it will be a great read. Definitely on my TBR pile. Congratulations!
Re: Captive Desires (1:40pm November 2, 2009):
I love watching people dance or create something beautiful. I, however, have no such talent. My favorite escape is reading. I can be whoever I want in a book. Congratulations on your new release, 'Captive Desires'
Re: Remembering Ashby (3:45pm October 31, 2009):
What powerful writing. Your words drew clear images of the carnage. Great work!
Re: Mr. Darcy Vampyre (9:32pm October 28, 2009):
I found the history of the vampire fascinating. It shows how the myth started and changed over time. Your new book has all the romance and excitement that I love. Congratulations!
Re: My Unfair Lady (9:50pm October 26, 2009):
What a fun way to introduce Summer Wine Lee. This book should be a fun read. I can't wait for it to come out in December. Definitely a must read.
Re: The Cowboy From Christmas Past (8:50am October 26, 2009):
I really enjoyed reading your column. It gave me much to think about. What a great way to start the day!
Re: Santa Honey (3:48pm October 23, 2009):
What a frightening thought! I love to read and save many of my books. In an e-book world my house would be nice and tidy but I couldn't browse through my books and see what catches my interest at that moment. I hate the thought that I could be told what I need to read!
Re: Possess Me At Midnight (9:27pm October 22, 2009):
The complex relationships in this world or any other keep us transfixed. How hard we all work to understand someone that we love. You couldn't have said it better in your post. Congratulations on your new release.
Re: Scary Stuff (8:02pm October 21, 2009):
If writers are shy so are many of their readers. I think that it would be very satisfying for both for them to meet. As a reader I have many questions (probably too many) that I would love to ask. "Scary Stuff" sounds like a perfect Halloween read.
Re: Finger Lickin' Fifteen (2:27pm October 18, 2009):
Generally I like enough details to keep the story moving, but (there is always a but)if I am familiar with a location it distracts me if it's not accurate.
Re: The Other Mr. Darcy (10:42am October 16, 2009):
This will be an exciting story. I love a book that goes beyond the bounds of a known story and expands our understanding of the characters. Congratulations for having the courage to do this.
Re: Out Of The Darkness (1:09pm October 8, 2009):
I found it interesting that your characters make you work so hard keeping track of them. Congratulations your new book sounds great. It is definitely on my must read list.
Re: The Lute And The Liar (9:35pm October 7, 2009):
I found your post very interesting. You are correct. We have a world of knowledge at our fingertips and we should use it to expand our horizons.
Re: Demon Ex Machina (8:19pm October 5, 2009):
Congratulations on your new book. 'Demon Ex Machine'. I love reading books that take us to a magical place and make the ordinary extraordinary'.
Re: Hex In High Heels (8:10pm October 2, 2009):
I do love reading paranormal stories and your new release certainly caught my attention. With the addition of those nasty holiday elves I'm hooked. Congratulations!
Re: Angel Lane (5:13pm October 1, 2009):
Your book sounds so good! And I loved reading about your baking experience. I had to laugh! I'm glad someone (besides me) has kitchen problems.
Re: A Dark Love (8:37pm September 30, 2009):
Thank you for an interesting incite into the character of a victim and the aggressor. It's hard for some people to deal with a difficult situation head-on and understand that they are not at fault. Congratulations on your new book!
Re: The Cowboy From Christmas Past (8:28pm September 29, 2009):
I loved reading your post. It brought a tear to my eye. Pets love us unconditionally and become one of our children.
Re: Lucky Break (8:12pm September 29, 2009):
Carly, I have read your books for more years than I care to count. I love your Lucky series because when I read I want a humorous romantic story. Please keep them coming!
Re: Bluegrass Christmas (9:19pm September 28, 2009):
With the holidays approaching, I find that I am in the mood for a 'happy ever-after'Christmas story with real-life characters. That is my gift to myself.
Re: Shades of Twilight (6:22pm September 26, 2009):
Unfortunately I have never been to a book signing, but my good friend, Jan, went to one. She had several authors sign their books to me. How special that was! What a true friend. I treasure those books!
Re: Lakeshore Christmas (1:53pm September 25, 2009):
Susan, your comments made me laugh. We have very few book signings in Cleveland, Ohio so I'm not sure if I would attend or not, but it would be nice to talk with one of my favorite authors. The personal connection is always nice.
Re: Killer Dolls (8:49pm September 24, 2009):
I think that most of us people watch. It is our natural curiosity showing. I would never have the nerve to ask but I would speculate. Thank goodness you have a creative imagination so you can provide me with great reading material!
Re: The Accidental Family (8:47pm September 23, 2009):
Congratulations on your new baby. It has been many years since my children were small, but the memory of that sleepless period have never left me. Good luck with your new book! I know that you will preserve and it will make sense when you're done.
Re: Oscar Wilde And The Dead Man's Smile (7:30pm September 22, 2009):
Your mystery series sounds like it will be a very interesting read. The character of Oscar Wilde combined with the mystery will give the story a new dimension. Congratulations!
Re: A Christmas Ball (1:32pm September 21, 2009):
I know that it's Christmas when I see the movie, "White Christmas" with Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye. I really love that movie and the song is not bad either.!
Re: What I Did For Love (10:30am September 19, 2009):
When I have 'me' time, I always spend it with a good book or two (you never know if your reading mood will change). I have my pillows, my snugly blanket (depending on the season, my cell phone (for emergencies) and a large sweet tea. I leave my husband downstairs watching sports and I'm set. Unfortunately this doesn't happen often enough.
Re: Audrey's Door (9:57pm September 18, 2009):
I know that life and the world aren't fair. I love my family and I hope they are prepared for what comes. I read for myself.
Re: I Can Make You Love Me (4:27pm September 17, 2009):
Does life imitate art? I truly believe that it does. You find these true-to-life stories in our books and on television. We can't escape the reality of life today. Even if we want to. The pain, tragedy and fear are there.
Re: Beast Warrior (2:31pm September 16, 2009):
I learned so much from reading your post. It gave me a renewed respect for those beautiful animals. Your books will be a great read. Thank you.
Re: Guardian (7:47pm September 15, 2009):
Clair, this was a well thought out and clear, concise explanation of how to be published. Thank you!
Re: Cleopatra's Daughter (8:49pm September 14, 2009):
Michelle, the story of Cleopatra has always ended with her death. Your book tells the rest of the story. Michelle, I am anxious to read your new release. The story of your underwater adventure was fascinating. Congratulations on 'Cleopatra's Daughter'!
Re: The Splendor Falls (7:32pm September 11, 2009):
I am looking forward to reading Louisa Edwards' book, 'Can't Stand the Heat' which is a culinary romance. I also enjoy JoAnna Carl's chocolate mystery series. Food and books what a great combination!
Re: Loving Mr. Darcy (9:49pm September 10, 2009):
Thank you for giving us the benefit of your research. I wish that I could visit Derbyshire. I love your series and am lookforward to the next installment.
Re: Treasure Of The Golden Cheetah (6:47pm September 8, 2009):
We all dream about being a heroic figure. A person who knows no fear, but few of us want to be faced with that situation. If confronted we do what we must do and that makes us 'larger than life.
Re: The Trouble With J.J. (1:22pm September 7, 2009):
my hero is the strong silent type. A man who will always come through for you and be by your side when you need him, but will allow you to be who you are and not dominate you.
Re: Tie Me Down (8:52pm September 4, 2009):
You had the strength to follow your instincts. Not everyone can do that. I hope to go to New Orleans one day and enjoy the history and the sights. I can't wait to read your new release. Congratulations!
Re: Highland Rebel (8:45pm September 3, 2009):
What an interesting perspective. I never looked at it in the way before, but now that I have I see the truth in what you are saying. Congratulations on the release of 'Highland Rebel'.
Re: Tears Of Pearl (7:19pm September 2, 2009):
You gave so much interesting and educational information. I'm anxious to read 'Tears of Pearl'. The story sounds fantastic!
Re: The Sari Shop Widow (10:16pm September 1, 2009):
Thank you for your books. They enlighten and entertain which is a gift. They show romance with different moral values and cultural influence.
Re: Within Striking Distance (7:49pm August 31, 2009):
Your comments made me smile. What a ray of sunshine on a Monday. I think that readers have some of the same symptons. We just have more fun with them than you writers do. Congratulations on your latest release!
Re: Haunting Beauty (9:46am August 28, 2009):
I wouldn't want to change the past. Would my life be better? I don't know but I love who I am today and my previous mistakes helped me become that person. 'Haunting Beauty' sounds like a wonderful book. Congratulations!
Re: The Treasures Of Venice (4:35pm August 27, 2009):
Congratulations on your new release and 'the call" that started it all. Your new book sounds great. I am anxious to read it.
Re: Air Time (4:18pm August 25, 2009):
I love that you and Jonathan celebrate "You Never Know" Day. Unfortunately we are always expecting something bad not the opposite. I am anxious to read your new release. I loved the previous books. Congratulation!
Re: In the Master's Bed (8:06pm August 24, 2009):
For me Back to School makes me anxious. I need to learn new things and new ways of doing them so I can work with my grandchildren on their school work. I hope that I will be prepared!
Re: Gordath Wood (7:24pm August 22, 2009):
Both of these fantasy books sound great and I'm sure I'll give them a try. It is always interesting to read something new. Unfortunately I am not able to do any marathon reading sessions. I use to and want to but age has caught up with me and I can't stay awake. There I am in the morning still holding the book with my finger as a bookmark. At least I didn't lose my place.
Re: To Tempt The Wolf (9:11pm August 20, 2009):
Who knew that there were so many ways to tell the same basic plot. Congratulations on your new release.
Re: Tortured (8:21pm August 18, 2009):
TORTURED is a very different story. Congratulations on a very unique character and storyline. It is always nice to learn while enjoying a good book.
Re: Beloved Vampire (7:36pm August 17, 2009):
I will have to give your Vampire books a try. Your explanation of their character traits makes me want to see how they interact.
Re: The Cowboy From Christmas Past (1:04pm August 15, 2009):
Your grandmother accepted what life gave her with grace and courage. I'm glad that you have wonderful memories.
Re: Trust Me (10:36pm August 14, 2009):
Your comments were very enlightening. It gives us a peak behind the screen. The stress sounds unbearable. Good luck with your new release.
Re: When A Man Loves A Weapon (10:17am August 13, 2009):
I love summer! We have great weather and so many great books coming out. Who could ask for more.
Re: Breaking Loose (10:15am August 13, 2009):
After a busy day, it is great to know that I can settle down with a great romance and if I can have any type of chocolate with it I'm in heaven! By the way your new book sounds great.
Re: Chosen To Die (9:13pm August 11, 2009):
I love books/series that are connected. It is so interesting to have these 'friends' grow and their lives change.
Re: Since the Surrender (4:45pm August 10, 2009):
Now the I read this excerpt, I'm hooked. I want to read the book to find out what develops between Chase and Rosalind and how/if they find the missing girls. I hope I have the patience to wait.
Re: It Happened One Night (11:33am July 31, 2009):
The mountains of the northeast, old and worn down but still a challenge to all who try to tame them. Your upcoming book sounds great. I'm glad that it has a happy ending. Good luck!
Re: Red, White & Dead (2:59pm July 30, 2009):
I do like the fact that the 3 books are being released in quick sucession. It's nice to read the next book while I still remember the prior story. These books sound great and Izzy should be an interesting character. Good luck!
Re: Seduce Me (1:17pm July 29, 2009):
As a reader the emotions and actions in a love scene flow so naturally that I never realized how difficult it would be to write. The author has to find the perfect balance between love and lust. Also, your new book sounds great!
Re: A Little Light Magic (9:11pm July 27, 2009):
The timing for this book is perfect. We are headed to the Shore for summer vacation. This will make the story come alive.
Re: The Plight Of The Darcy Brothers (10:05pm July 24, 2009):
Pride and Prejudice was such a wonderful story I hated to see it end. Now I don't have to I can keep up with all the romance and drama with these new books.
Re: Swimsuit (11:00pm July 17, 2009):
What an interesting story. Fate has a strange way of making things happen. I love the Women's Murder Club. The characters just pull you in. Congratulations!
Re: Bluegrass Blessings (9:35pm July 16, 2009):
I would rather laugh than cry, but that said some of my favorite books made me cry. I guess it depends on my mood, but regardless I have to have a happy ending.
Re: Earth Guys Are Easy (5:48pm July 15, 2009):
You have the perfect formula for a great summer. You found you had a green thumb, lost weight without trying and released a great new book. Way to go.
Re: Earth Guys Are Easy (5:41pm July 15, 2009):
It sounds like you found the perfect formula for a great summer. You found you have a green thumb, lost weight without trying and wrote a great new book. Way to go.
Re: In The Garden Of Sin (10:23pm July 14, 2009):
One reason I read is for the interesting information that I find in a good story.
Re: By Hook Or By Crook (10:01pm July 13, 2009):
I enjoy a good mystery. When it's combined with my other love,I'm hooked! Oh by the way my favorite sleuth when I was growing up was Judy Bolton. Good luck with 'By Hook or by Crook'.
Re: The Cowboy From Christmas Past (6:13pm July 12, 2009):
I was always to timid to do anything exciting. Now I can see what I missed.
Re: Mr. Perfect (6:05pm July 12, 2009):
'The Bride' by Julie Garwood was one that I read because of all the hype. I loved it so much. I'm glad that I gave it a try.
Re: Billionaire Prince, Pregnant Mistress (9:01pm July 2, 2009):
Times may be interesting, but how wonderful to go to another world where romance is always in the air and love just around the corner. Your book should take me there. It sounds great.
Re: A Stroke of Magic (10:55pm July 1, 2009):
It's true that a person's quirks draw us to them or make us run the other direction, but we may never be aware of what makes up our own character traits. This applies in real life or in fiction.
Re: Happiness Key (1:17pm June 30, 2009):
Emilie, your comments were very interesting. I thought that the title was usually given after the book was written. It is always interesting to see what goes on behind the scenes. Thank you.
Re: Wild Heart (7:13pm June 29, 2009):
What a roller coaster ride to get your book,'Wild Heart', published. I enjoyed your account and I know I will enjoy the book! Congratulations!
Re: Redemption (5:21pm June 26, 2009):
You were able to overcome your fears and keep going. That was a great accomplishment. Many of us never make it that far. Good job!
Re: The Best Of Everything (10:14am June 24, 2009):
You can learn so many things from reading as I did today. I have a pad and pen near me when I read. If I come across something or someone I want to know more about I write it down.
Re: Seducing an Angel (5:15pm June 23, 2009):
Mary, I've been reading your books for more years than I care to remember. The stories make me smile and ,also,shed a few tears. Love seems to be in short supply these days. We needed to be reminded that it does exist. Thank you.
Re: Pulling The Trigger (9:20pm June 22, 2009):
When I'm looking through a book rack, I'm often drawn to a book by the cover. I guess that I don't subscribe to the saying 'you can't judge a book by its cover.
Re: A Thread Of Truth (1:09pm June 21, 2009):
If I'm really into a book, typos won't bother me. I'm too involved with the characters and the story.
Re: Dial Emmy For Murder (2:26pm June 20, 2009):
Eileeen, is this type of writing team a common practice? It must be difficult to complete your book without killing each other. However, the process must work since you have written three mysteries. I definitely want to read this book. It sounds like a good summer read.
Re: Bought (8:53pm June 19, 2009):
When I read a book I want to connect with the characters. My aim is to enjoy the story not spend time trying to figure out if they are based on a real people.
Re: Jump (9:45pm June 18, 2009):
A good mystery will keep me up all night. I love a story that has interesting characters and a story that keeps you guessing until you read the last page.
Re: Last Resort: Marriage (9:51pm June 17, 2009):
One of my favorite books is 'Tempted" which was written by Robyn Carr in the late 1980s. I would not part with my battered copy.
Re: From Friend To Father (9:03pm June 15, 2009):
Not only are the authors of Romance novels looked down on so are their readers. Many times complete strangers feel the need to comment on my choice of reading material. I love books that are about family, love and children. I want a happy ending that makes me feel good! Thank you for providing that.
Re: Undead And Unwelcome (4:13pm June 14, 2009):
Hi Sandi, I would love to meet Debbie Macomber, Johanna Lindsey, Jayne Ann Krentz. There are so many that I could fill this page. It is true that in Ohio there are very few book signings so I doubt that I will have the chance.
Re: The Beautiful Being (7:58pm June 12, 2009):
I find the more I've changed the more I've stayed the same. My past likes and dreams (from my youth) have returned. I hope that I understand them better this time.
Re: Spotlight On Desire (12:19pm June 11, 2009):
Is it easy to ignore 'tempting' sideline characters when you are writing a romance? Do they end up getting a book of their own?
Re: Deep Down (5:16pm June 10, 2009):
Karen, what a different spin you've added to 'Deep Down' and what a fun way to learn about ginseng. This book will be on my summer vacation list.
Re: To Ruin The Duke (8:17pm June 9, 2009):
I can't part with my books by Frances Parkinson Keyes. I also kept 'The Windflower' by Laura London (Sharon & Tom Curtis).
Re: Final Approach (4:40pm June 8, 2009):
At one time or another, I've definitely been guilty of all these 'good book' offenses. I've also traveled from book store to book store (not always in the same state) looking for that special book to complete a set/series. Of course the internet has made me less guilty of that offense.
Re: The Promise (7:11pm June 5, 2009):
The story and setting of 'The Promise' are unique and interesting. I will definitely will make this book a summer read.
Re: The Texas Twins (2:45pm June 4, 2009):
We all try and be patient but it is never easy especially when we want our favorite things to be ours immediately.
Re: How To Seduce A Texan (2:25pm June 4, 2009):
Your happiness and love comes through your '20 questions'. I have to read 'How to Seduce A Texan'. I need a good laugh.
Re: The 8th Confession (3:43pm June 3, 2009):
What difficult choices. There are so many great books to be read this summer. I do enjoy the Women’s Murder Club series.
Re: The Baby Bond (3:41pm June 3, 2009):
Linda, you were very lucky. The trade show sounds very interesting. When Bob and I travel, the first thing I do is scope out the bookstores. I have to have my 'book fix'.
Re: Lucky Streak (8:07pm June 2, 2009):
Carly, I am anxious to read your 'Lucky Books'. They sound like a perfect summer read. To me luck is being in the right place at the right time.
Re: Lip Service (8:06pm June 1, 2009):
I wish that I were brave enough to do new things and meet new people without being afraid of what might happen. Imagination can be our worst enemy.
Re: A Thread Of Truth (4:18pm May 29, 2009):
Your book sounds wonderful. It has heart and soul. We all love and sacrafice for our children/grandchildren.
Re: Killer Cuts (6:38pm May 28, 2009):
Summer is a great time for reading. So many great authors have new books out. I don't know where to start. I think my first read would be 'Seducing An Angel' then as a change of pace 'Beneath Bone Lake'
Re: Beneath Bone Lake (11:27am May 28, 2009):
My fear is snakes. I don't want them anywhere near me, but when my grandson wanted a picture at Gatorland with a snake and a gator. I smiled and said "sure". I even let them put the snake around my neck. It goes to show that love is stronger than fear.
Re: Dragons Prefer Blondes (3:06pm May 23, 2009):
I thought that I must be the only person who could never decide what I would be reading next. I'd rush out and buy a specific book that I just had to read immediately, but when I sat down to begin reading, another book would be in my hands. I think that indecision is just part of the fun of being a book reader.
Re: Killer Cuts (7:10pm May 22, 2009):
I love this time of year. The weather is beautiful and the selection of books that come out is outstanding. I don't know which one I would pick to read first.
Re: The Accidental Lawman (6:35pm May 22, 2009):
Hi Jill, 'The Accidental Lawman' sounds like the perfect book for me. I want to read a story that makes me laugh and believe in hope, love and the future happiness.
Re: Storm Glass (5:11pm May 21, 2009):
Maria, congratulations on your new book! Summer is a perfect time to read a new author. I am looking forward to trying your latest offering.
Re: Pretty in Plaid (4:42pm May 17, 2009):
I like to be early. I am always worried that something unexpected will happen and make me late.
Re: A Trace Of Smoke (6:18pm May 13, 2009):
'A Trace of Smoke' makes the past come alive. We can learn so much from history that can be applied to today.
Re: 6 Killer Bodies (8:36pm May 12, 2009):
These suggestions are what we need to make our lives productive as well as helping us develop a healthy life style.
Re: Fight Fire With Fire (4:02pm May 1, 2009):
I can hardly wait to read this new book. All the others have been "keepers".
Re: The Madness Of Lord Ian Mackenzie (11:35am April 29, 2009):
I like the unique/unusual hero. It broadens my knowledge. They give me the courage to try the unknown.
Re: Dragonbound (1:35pm April 6, 2009):
I believe that if a book is meant to be written that it will direct you as to the era, plot and characters. According to the saying "what ever will be, will be".
Re: Kiss Of Darkness (4:42pm March 27, 2009):
These books look so good. I'm ready for a good read. I want to kick back and relax with a good story.
Re: Vexing The Viscount (3:32pm February 13, 2009):
Hi Emily, that period in history had it all drama, intrique and style. I can't wait to read 'Vexing the Vicount'. Happy Valentine's Day.
Re: Shades of Dark (10:25am June 29, 2008):