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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Shades of Twilight by Linda Howard


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Also by Linda Howard:

After Sundown, December 2020
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book (reprint)
After Sundown, April 2020
Hardcover / e-Book
The Woman Left Behind, November 2018
Mass Market Paperback
The Woman Left Behind, March 2018
Hardcover / e-Book
Troublemaker, January 2017
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book (reprint)
Frost Line, September 2016
Paperback / e-Book
Lake of Dreams, May 2016
e-Book (reprint)
Troublemaker, May 2016
Hardcover / e-Book
Duncan's Bride, April 2016
e-Book (reprint)
Mackenzie's Mission, April 2016
e-Book (reprint)
White Lies, March 2016
e-Book (reprint)
Mackenzie's Mountain, March 2016
e-Book (reprint)
Jeopardy, February 2016
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book (reprint)
Diamond Bay, February 2016
e-Book (reprint)
Heartbreaker, February 2016
e-Book (reprint)
Shattered, December 2014
Paperback (reprint)
All That Glitters, August 2013
Hardcover (reprint)
Shadow Woman, January 2013
Hardcover / e-Book
Running Wild, December 2012
Paperback / e-Book
Prey, September 2011
Hardcover / e-Book
Veil Of Night, July 2011
Ice, December 2010
Mass Market Paperback
Veil Of Night, August 2010
Blood Born, May 2010
Mass Market Paperback
A Mother's Touch, May 2010
Almost Forever/For The Baby's Sake, March 2010
Mass Market Paperback (reprint)
Ice, November 2009
Burn, July 2009
Death Angel, May 2009
Mass Market Paperback
Tears Of The Renegade, March 2009
Mass Market Paperback (reprint)
Under The Mistletoe, November 2008
Hardcover (reprint)
Raintree, October 2008
Trade Size
Death Angel, July 2008
Loving Evangeline, May 2008
A Game Of Chance, May 2008
Paperback (reprint)
Up Close and Dangerous, July 2007
Raintree: Inferno, May 2007
Drop Dead Gorgeous, December 2006
Sarah's Child, August 2006
Trade Size (reprint)
Cover of Night, July 2006
Killing Time, June 2006
Paperback (reprint)
MacKenzies' Honor, September 2005
Paperback (reprint)
Mackenzie's Legacy, August 2005
Paperback (reprint)
Killing Time, June 2005
To Die For, December 2004
Kiss Me While I Sleep, July 2004
Cry No More, April 2004
Dying to Please, November 2003
Mass Market Paperback
White Lies, October 2003
Mass Market Paperback (reprint)
Kill and Tell, October 2003
Mass Market Paperback
Strangers in the Night, November 2002
Mass Market Paperback
Open Season, June 2002
Mass Market Paperback
Heartbreaker, February 2002
Mass Market Paperback (reprint)
Mr. Perfect, July 2001
Paperback / e-Book (reprint)
Tears Of The Renegade, January 2001
Mass Market Paperback
All the Queen's Men, June 2000
Mass Market Paperback
Under The Boardwalk, June 1999
Now You See Her, May 1999
Mass Market Paperback
Independent Wife, April 1999
Mass Market Paperback (reprint)
Upon a Midnight Clear, November 1998
Mass Market Paperback
Night Moves, October 1998
Paperback (reprint)
Cutting Edge, June 1998
Mass Market Paperback (reprint)
Diamond Bay, June 1998
Paperback (reprint)
Against The Rules, June 1998
Paperback (reprint)
Dream Man, January 1998
Mass Market Paperback
Angel Creek, January 1998
Mass Market Paperback
After the Night, November 1997
Mass Market Paperback
Heart of Fire, October 1997
Mass Market Paperback
The Touch Of Fire, September 1997
Mass Market Paperback (reprint)
A Lady of the West, September 1997
Mass Market Paperback
Shades of Twilight, September 1997
Son of the Morning, March 1997
Mass Market Paperback
Everlasting Love, May 1995
Mass Market Paperback
Midnight Rainbow, January 1986
Trouble, November 0000

Shades of Twilight
Linda Howard

September 1997
On Sale: September 1, 1997
Featuring: Roanna Davenport; Webb
384 pages
ISBN: 0671019716
EAN: 9780671019716
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Romance Suspense

Roanna Davenport was raised a wealthy orphan on her grandmother's magnificent Alabama estate, Davencourt, where she had a passion for horses, a genius for trouble, and a deep love for her cousin, Webb. But everyone expected Webb to marry their ravishing cousin, Jessie. When he did, Roanna's desire became no more than the stuff of dreams -- until the night Jessie was found bludgeoned to death.

After the shocking murder of his wife, Webb left for Arizona, abandoning the legacy that he had once believed was all he wanted. But then an all-grown-up Roanna walked into a dingy bar in Nogales to bring him home; the mischievous sprite he had known ten years earlier was no more. Gone, too, was her fire. In its place was ice that melted at his touch. Webb is drawn back to Davencourt, to Roanna, and to the killer that once destroyed his life and waits only for the chance to finish the job....

No awards found for this book.


49 comments posted.

Re: Shades of Twilight

Thanks for sharing your experiences. Unfortunately, I have yet to attend an author signing but I am hoping to someday as well as my first conference. These things will probably have to wait at least until my 2 year old and 6 year old are a few years older.
(Cherie Japp 8:57am September 26, 2009)

I have never been able to attend an author signing but your experience sounds exciting.
Maureen Emmons 9:55am September 26, 2009)

Over 10 years ago, I found a book at the doctor’s office. It was written by a local author and it was about the county’s historical past. While glancing through it, I found pictures of the farm I was raised on. When I returned home, I searched for the book but it was out of print and copies were scarce and extremely expensive. Fast forward 8 years….

I was reading the local paper online. In the county section, I stumbled upon a book signing and lecture, by the same author I had discovered 8 years ago! Needless to say, I registered it and dragged my parents with me. I actually had the opportunity to speak with the author about the area, too. I was thrilled!

Tracey Dent 11:45am September 26, 2009)

Not many chances around here to go to Author's signings, not a big enough city! Hopefully some will start dropping in on one of our few bookstores for a signing.
Thanks for sharing your experience!
Sharon Knight 12:39pm September 26, 2009)

I have never been to a book sighning but would love to go to one. There is just not many in the area where I live!
Gail Hurt 1:05pm September 26, 2009)

I love your story. I have never been to a book signing. I think I would have to start out small, like at my local Barnes & Noble. You jumped in both feet first!
Erica Greca 1:22pm September 26, 2009)

My favorite book signing came about 10 years when I took my daughter to a signing by childen's author/illustrator Jan Brett. It was wonderful to see so many kids excited about books!
G S Moch 1:22pm September 26, 2009)

I've never been to a book signing. I was all set to go to a book signing when my husband fell ill. I stayed home with my hubby, and I asked my daughter if she would go just so she could come back and tell me what it was like. My daughter came back and said how nice MaryJanice Davidson was and she signed some books for me. As a result of going to the book signing, my daughter started reading MJD's books and loves them! :)
Anna McKenrick 1:28pm September 26, 2009)

I've never been to a "real" book signing or a virtual one. I do hope I get to meet some of my favorite authors someday.
Jane Cheung 1:52pm September 26, 2009)

I'm going to my first book signing in October. I've wanted to meet the author forever and now have the chance. I hope they don't mind if I bring ALL her books to the signing, because I sure plan to. And I plan to get there very early so I can get a good place in line!!!
Mitzi Hinkey 1:52pm September 26, 2009)

I can't remember exactly how many signings I've been to--up to a dozen, I guess. The biggest was at an RT convention (similar to one shown.) All the authors were very kind, as far as I can remember. I spoke a little more with Heather Graham/Shannon Drake. She had just brought out her first vampire book, and so I told her that I didn't like vampires and didn't want to buy the book, although I had bought all her other books up to then. She agreed that not every book was for every reader and was very amiable about the whole matter. I can't remember if I bought that book or not. At any rate, I had brought along some authors' books to have signed and one may have been hers. I had to travel farther for this one too, but we've had a few single author signings here in our city--notably 2 by Diana Gabaldon which I attended. It was a reading as well, and her sense of humor as she related some of her experiences as a teacher and read from her latest book had us all in stitches. Our local university and public library has put these on. Since she now has a new book out, I'm hoping there will be another signing soon.

A virtual signing is when, under an author's direction, you pay for a new book before it's released at a certain bookstore and the author signs it there for you. You have to pay for the postage as well. Quite a number of authors now do this instead of traveling around. Two who do this are Suzanne Brockmann and Jayne Ann Krentz, aka Jayne Castle and Amanda Quick. Go to your favorite authors' websites and see if they do such signings. If you sign up for their newsletters, they will notify you when a new book is available, and if you can have it signed virtually.
Sigrun Schulz 2:08pm September 26, 2009)

I live in Germany, getting English books is limited, but thank God for amazon!!! We had a small, tiny romance conference here a few times and I went for about four years in a row. I met the lovely Sherrilyn Kenyon, Dianna Love, Kathleen Givens, Lindsay Sands. Ellora's Cave came over one year, with some of their authors and cover models....yum. It was such fun, but unfortunately it's no longer on! Boohoo.
Valerie Bongards 2:36pm September 26, 2009)

I have never had the pleasure of attending a book signing. I live in a small area and in the middle of nowhere land and no one ever comes this way. Sad because to me that would be the absolute ultimate.
Vicki Hancock 2:38pm September 26, 2009)

I lived up North until 11 years ago. There were book signings all the time. Here in SWF there haven't been very many so you snowbird authors the weather is great down here, okay so it's the rainy season. But it's almost over so think about coming down here. There's lots of shopping centers with book stores.
Evelyn Day 2:57pm September 26, 2009)

I would love to attend a signing.....if they would ever hold one here in my hometown!
JoAnn White 3:09pm September 26, 2009)

I have met and chatted with authors online, and they have mailed autographed books to me. I have never, however,had the pleasure of going to an author signing. I would love to meet some authors in person one day.
Cheryl Castings 3:12pm September 26, 2009)

I have never experienced a virtual signing. I have never even had the pleasure of a real signing since I live in such a rural area. the best I have gotten is some signed name plates for the inside of the book. I also have gotten signed books via the internet which I adore.
It would be so exciting to go to a real signing and meet a few or my favorite authors one day.
Gigi Hicks 4:40pm September 26, 2009)

I enjoy interacting with authors online.
You can have a more meaningful
conversation online, than the one that
takes place during a one minute author
Sue Ahn 4:47pm September 26, 2009)

Unfortunately I have never been to a book signing, but my good friend, Jan, went to one. She had several authors sign their books to me. How special that was! What a true friend. I treasure those books!
Rosemary Krejsa 6:22pm September 26, 2009)

Thank you for your blog, Sara (without an "h").

I've never been to a book signing. There weren't even any broad-market bookstores where I live, a small town in Arkansas, until a Hastings store opened up here five years ago.

There have been a few signings there, but mostly for books of local interest. And I already know quite a bit about my town!
Mary Anne Landers 7:02pm September 26, 2009)

My first was to a local RWA author's and readers luncheon and book signing. It was such a thrill to meet and chat with authors whom I had admired as well as meeting ones new to me. They and the other readers attending were gracious, fun, and welcoming. I haven't attended a virtual signing so will be reading up on comments hoping to learn something about them.
G. Bisbjerg 7:23pm September 26, 2009)

My wife took her author friend to some signings here in London, and also in Niagara, and you need to be polite all the time you're there. Fans are everywhere.
Sean Pynaert 8:07pm September 26, 2009)

I've never been to a book signing I live in a small town with one small bookstore, but I did win a book and the author signed it for me. Maybe one day I'll got to go to one.
Sherry Strode 8:28pm September 26, 2009)

BTW, I'm a big Elswyth Thane fan myself. I read the whole Williamsburg series while I was in high school. Little by little I managed to collect them until only THE LIGHT HEART was left. I looked for it everywhere I went and did so again on a trip to visit friends in the DC area. I went to Williamsburg and looked even harder here. On my drive to see Jamestown, I discovered a used book store and to my great surprise, they had 2 copies (strange, isn't it.) One of them had the name Mrs. William Beebe on the inside cover with a date. I've never been able to verify if this was truly Elswyth Thane's autograph because I've never been able to find a copy of her handwriting--but as some will know, this was her legal name. I also have about a dozen of her other books.
Sigrun Schulz 8:35pm September 26, 2009)

I have never been to a book signing, real or virtual. I agree with Sue, I like interacting on line with authors much better. Even blogging like this is much more intimate, you can learn a lot about your favorite authors
Theresa Buckholtz 11:21pm September 26, 2009)

I never really understood "virtual signings" and have never been to one. I've been to a number of regular signings though. Only two left a bad taste in my mouth. I can't remember which was my first time at an author signing but I got my first signed books by handing them over to my third grade teacher because the author was his mother-in-law. She signed all of them and also personalised a laminated promotional poster too. :D
Jacqueline Lam 12:30pm September 27, 2009)

Sara, I spent the 70s in Germany, 6 years close to a U.S. army base--actually where they had some of the Pershing missiles in the 80s. When I went home to Canada for a visit in 1976, I went to a used book store--as I'd been wont to do when I lived in here--and saw some of the great new historical romances. Thereafter, I got special permission to buy books at the bookstore beside the PX at the base; after all I was an English teacher.
Sigrun Schulz 1:52am September 27, 2009)

Sean, I live in London, ON. Who's your wife's author friend?
Sigrun Schulz 1:58am September 27, 2009)

I have never been to a book signing but I would love to go to one I live in a small city on top of Ca. not miny authers vist here and if that do I don;t no about it.But I have won some contest were authors have sent me signed books so I have a few.
[email protected]
Stacey Smith 4:18am September 27, 2009)

Have never been to a book signing, but I bet they are fantastic. Have such a great respect for authors and their wonderful ability to keep you mesmerized with their writing.
Joanne Reynolds 7:41am September 27, 2009)

I've never had the opportunity
to be at an author signing,
virtually or otherwise, but I
sure would love to!
Margay Roberge 8:24am September 27, 2009)

I have only been to one signing at a local RWA conference so it was very small, but the authors I met were very nice.
Michelle K 9:14am September 27, 2009)

I unfortunately haven't yet been to any author signings nor have I experienced any virtual one. But I very much would like to one of these days.
Eva Minaskanian 10:23am September 27, 2009)

Oh, what military base in Germany? I, too, lived in Germany in Baumholder which is one of the largest bases in Germany. Absolutely loved it.
I've yet to attend an author signing but would so love to. Not many author's come to my small town. Thanks for sharing your experiences maybe one day I'll get the opportunity to as well.
Jessica Gugel 10:59am September 27, 2009)

I have only been to one. Sherrilyn Kenyon. She was fantastic. Yes it was one of those you get a ticket & wait for your number to be called, but Diana Love was w/ her & kept the crowd busy while Sherrilyn signed books. It was great.
Jo Ann Jansing 11:44am September 27, 2009)

I have been to several book signings in Florida. I have also won several books. Bot ways are okay with me. It is the interaction with the author that I treasure. I buy more of their books when I feel a connection.
Karin Tillotson 3:23pm September 27, 2009)

I have never gone to a signing at a bookstore, but I have won giveaways where the author signs her book.
Armenia Fox 3:38pm September 27, 2009)

Ann w 5:46pm September 27, 2009)

I wish I could have met Linda Howard, she's one of my favorite authors; I'm waiting for her next book Ice in November and her next audio Shades of in October.
Diane Sadler 5:52pm September 27, 2009)

I have been to one book signing. The talk beforehand was most inciteful. I loved this. I have been on the lookout for more in my area.
Mary Preston 7:04pm September 27, 2009)

I love going to booksignings and have been lucky to have such funny and wonderful speakers as Nora Roberts - yes, Nora, Barbara Delinsky, James Patterson who said he can write anywhere and more than one book at a time, Nicholas Sparks, Dave Barry, & Erin Brocovich. I feel like I am forgetting someone. Yes, Suzanne Brockmann also a great speaker and very generous in giving out prizes at the signing. I was supposed to be somewhere else that day, but plans got cancelled so I got to see Suz speak.
Pat Lieberman 8:11pm September 27, 2009)

Never been to a book signing none are ever in my area.
Jeanette Bowman 12:04pm September 28, 2009)

I have never been to a signing. Would love to though.
Helen Livermore 11:27am September 28, 2009)

What a great story .Had such a good time reading about your life. Only been to three signings- for my daughter,very special. Chris Burd
Chris Burd 4:17pm September 28, 2009)

I have never been to a signing, not many authors come this way.
Catherine Lemanski 5:13pm September 28, 2009)

only signing so far was L E Modessit, from utah, who came to a now regretably closed bookstore near philly; he not only talked with me, but signed both my book and a copy from my local library; a real gentleman and my closest meeting with a writer-god. dan dayton
Daniel Dayton 9:51pm September 28, 2009)

I have only been to a few book sighnings. It makes it so real when you can put the writer with the book, almost like to best friends talking late at night. Thanks so much for brighting my days.
Judy Hendrix 9:57pm September 28, 2009)

I've never been to an author signing, but liked listening to your expereinces.
Margo Novak 10:53am September 29, 2009)

Very entertaining experience, Sara. My first experience was not so rememberable (is that a word?) Mine was in Okla City at Haliberton's department store - big book selection area in the late 50s. I met one of the authors of the Nancy Drew team. Don't remember who and don't have the book but I've read ever since I can remember. Our biggest treat at Christmas was 2 books under our stockings at Christmas.
Vicki Patterson 9:54am September 30, 2009)

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