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On Strike for Christmas, November 2007
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St. Martin's Press
November 2010
On Sale: October 26, 2010
Featuring: Kylie Gray
176 pages ISBN: 0312594488 EAN: 9780312594480 Hardcover
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Women's Fiction
On a blustery afternoon, Kylie Gray wanders into an antique
shop and buys a beautiful snow globe. There's a story behind
that snow globe, the antique dealer tells her, and explains
that the original owner lost his wife and son right before
Christmas. When he received the handcrafted snow globe as a
Christmas present, the grieving widower saw the image of a
beautiful woman beneath the glass--a woman who would
eventually come into his life, mend his broken heart and
bring him back to the world of the living. For years, the
snow globe has passed from generation to generation, somehow
always landing in the hands of a person in special need of a
Christmas miracle. When Kylie shares the story with her
best friends--two women with troubles of their own--they
don't believe it. But they're about to discover that at
Christmastime, sometimes the impossible becomes possible and
miracles really do come true.
No awards found for this book.
36 comments posted.
Re: The Snow Globe
My daughter had gifted me a snow globe for Christmas and we just sat and watched it and spoke of how beautiful and wouldn't it be wonderful to be captured in that scene. She and I still look at the globe at Christmas and it brings back that time of sharing. (Joanne Reynolds 6:26am November 3, 2010)
If we could put the night our granddaughter was born in a snowglobe, it would be wonderful. Such an emotional night for all our family. The love and closeness was almost palpable. (Karen Gervasi 8:01am November 3, 2010)
Sheila -
I love snow globes because they remind me of my childhood grewing up in up-state New York where we never had a lack of snow!
My "snow globe" moment is a moment caught in time. When my younger son was 5 he had to get a full leg brace. We worried that the other children might make fun of him and that he wouldn't be able to be a "kid". My "snow globe" moment came when his little league team cheered him on as he rounded the bases (slowly) wearing his brace to score a home run when his bobbling hit rolled thru not one, not two but three players legs in the outfield! I think his guardian angel was with him that day. (Jeanne Miro 9:10am November 3, 2010)
I love snow globes. They reflect "Happy Childhood Memories". The Snow sparkles like diamonds, making snow angles & snowmen plus making up snow games. Indoors or out the snow sparkles and looks like a fantasy land where you can make it into whatever your dreams maybe. (Shirley Sego 9:26am November 3, 2010)
What a heart-warming column. Snowglobes as a metaphor for life--that's lovely. (G S Moch 10:44am November 3, 2010)
I'm a huge snow globe collector. I wish there was a way to take "moments" and put them in a a snow globe. Now that would be a true collection!! (Stephanie Strausberger 10:49am November 3, 2010)
I love snowglobes! My snow globe moments would include my wedding, the births of my 2 sons, special Christmases with all the family, family vacations...ah, gee, I am getting teary-eyed just thinking about these special memories! (Cheryl Castings 12:28pm November 3, 2010)
I've had many of those snow globe moments and hope to have many more to come. I remember having snow globes growing up, and still love them. (Leni Kaye 2:09pm November 3, 2010)
Snow globes are so beautiful... we gave my sister one that you could place a pic inside... she placed a pic of her sons in it... My other sister collects them... so many interesting types and themes... (Colleen Conklin 2:30pm November 3, 2010)
I have a snow globe that a very dear friend sent me from the States.
Also, every time our whole family gets together, it is certainly a snow globe moment. There are eleven kids!!!
Valerie in Germany (Valerie Bongards 2:50pm November 3, 2010)
I really don't have a snow globe moment other then I somehow became the owner of my very own scooby-doo snow globe collection simply because my sister in law got me 1 for christmas one year and it just snowballed from there and sort of became the running gag gift present (Amanda Boyer 7:01pm November 3, 2010)
Moments are memories shared together with friends and family. Homemade gifts are the best and sometimes simply being present is enough. (Alyson Widen 8:32pm November 3, 2010)
The first time I held my first grandchild. I had been given the most precious gift ever. (Pamela Stewart 8:33pm November 3, 2010)
The first time I laid in bed with either of my newborn children. All that love and possibility. That moment you realize you never ever knew how deeply you could love someone. Oh the fierceness of that love!! (Michele Powell 8:35pm November 3, 2010)
It would be wonderful if we could put our wonderful family memories in a snowglobe and be able to go back and enjoy them over and over
It would be wonderful if we could put our wonderful family memories in a snowglobe and go back and enjoy them over and over again!! (Betty Miles 8:48pm November 3, 2010)
It is so hard to pick a snow globe moment. I love the times when we are together as a family, but in today's busy world that almost never happens. If I could just get everyone together that would be a moment I would want to capture in the glass ball. (Rosemary Krejsa 9:04pm November 3, 2010)
Having my first child, a moment that is etched in my brain, heart and soul forever. (Darci Paice 9:37pm November 3, 2010)
I love snow globes and if I could put a time in my life in one it would be the day I married the love of my life, Or the days we brought our kids home. (Vickie Hightower 9:49pm November 3, 2010)
I haven't seen a snow globe in forever. The story sounds magical though. I think I have too many special moments to fit in just one globe.... (Ivy Truitt 10:21pm November 3, 2010)
I have always love snow globes. I have round globes, square globes, bottle-shaped globes. Snow globe with Thomas Kinkaide's art would be a great addition to my collection. (Kai Wong 10:24pm November 3, 2010)
I'm looking for a good Christmas read.congrats on the Lifetime movie. (Catherine Myers 10:33pm November 3, 2010)
I think the moment I would like to capture in a snow globe is when my son got married and after the ceremony they released two white doves from a heart shape wicker basket.Beautiful memory! (Teresa Ward 10:42pm November 3, 2010)
I think watching the wildlife out my kitchen window would make a good snowglobe moment--often I see a squirel teasing a crow or a dear closely inspecting a rabbit--or even chasing one just like they are playing. (Sue Farrell 10:44pm November 3, 2010)
SO many moments. The births of my children. My wedding. But probably the last day I spent with my grandmother. She was the most special person in the world to me, my rock, my support, my surrogate parents. Yes, that would be my moment. (Kirsten Kimball 10:44pm November 3, 2010)
I, like you, have many moments that I would like to capture in a snowglobe, but one stands out in my mind. My Mother passed away from Alzheimer's 6 years ago. I would love to capture her in a time when she was well and happy, and we were together. She always said I made her laugh, and we did so many things together, from crafts, or me taking her shopping, or just talking while she cooked dinner for my Dad. I just miss her so much!! (Peggy Roberson 10:53pm November 3, 2010)
The time that my Dad and christopher (grandson) was putting a train together and they were having so much fun as Christopher had his way to put it together.I hope him way remember that for his whole life. As my Dad passed a way in 2004 (Patricia Kasner 10:59pm November 3, 2010)
aw, I love snowglobes. And if there's a moment I wish I could capture in one, it would be one of those nights I spent in my old apt with my boyfriend watching late night tv, laughing and eating lots of snacks,lol simple but really happy times:) (Bella Franco 11:16pm November 3, 2010)
I would capture a Christmas of past in a snow globe where everything was simple and both my parents were alive. The Holiday sparkled with expectation and snow gently falling. (Barbara Ryan 11:17pm November 3, 2010)
Life is full of snowglobe moments. There are some I would love to go back in time and revisit. (Ginger Hinson 11:50pm November 3, 2010)
Great comments ladies! (Sheila Roberts 12:29pm November 4, 2010)
I have never done a snowglobe. But I use to do all sorts of crafts with my sister's kid (I babysat them for years). I even had a stack of books to give us ideas and help them understand the directions. They still ask if I will come over and do "projects" (big boys don't do girly crafts!) with them. We have pictures of different projects done over several years and a few have even servived! That would be something to save for future story telling to their kids. (Victoria Colyer-Kerr 6:13am November 4, 2010)
Snowglobes are fasinating. If I could capture a special moment in a snowglobe it would be of my beloved husband-alive and well-saying, "I love you." (Mary Mclain 8:21am November 4, 2010)
Sheila, I love your books. I love the idea of the snowglobe...it is like a small vignette of life. (Robin McKay 10:06am November 4, 2010)
Thanks for the kind words Robin! I'm actually very happy with how this book turned out. I hope readers are going to enjoy it. And, speaking of enjoying books, my novel "On Strike for Christmas" was made into a movie and is slated to air Dec 5th on the Lifetime channel. How cool is that?! (Sheila Roberts 10:13am November 4, 2010)
I have children, so snow globe moments are abundant. Thankfully!! (Mary Preston 6:10am November 5, 2010)
Everyday with my family & friends are snowglobe moment. (Venus Montoya 12:34pm November 7, 2010)
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