Joanne Reynolds
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213 comments posted.
Re: The Virtuoso (9:59am November 2, 2011):
It must be wonderful to get your characters into fixes, and then get them out of them!
Re: Storm Of Reckoning (8:16am February 19, 2011):
Love your interaction with the Evil Overlord and the fact that you won!
Re: Outcast Mine (1:04pm February 17, 2011):
The process you both used sounds so interesting. Great that you can trust each other to write together and amass the novel that became. The plot sounds awesome, by the way! And I have added this movie to my TBW list.
Re: RiverTime (9:01am February 16, 2011):
I so agree with your interpretation of escapism. That is definitely the reason that I read.
Re: Love Me If You Dare (6:26am February 14, 2011):
Thank you for the insight into how you make Valentine's Day special. I am not huge on the day, but you have made me understand that it doesn't necessarily have to be about candy & roses & diamonds, it really can just be about loving another person for what they mean to you.
Re: Dangerous Secrets (6:26am February 11, 2011):
The book sounds great and good for you for making the choices that you did!
Re: The Mistress' House (6:14am February 10, 2011):
Ah, the romance of the lost times!
Re: Deadly Ties (6:30am February 7, 2011):
This sounds like such a good story! And how wonderful that you felt so tied to it, and were able to see both sides of the issues.
Re: The Mysterious Lady Law (6:19am February 4, 2011):
This book sounds fascinating and very deep.
Re: Everyone Loves A Hero (6:12am February 2, 2011):
I had a moment with my nephew jumping into a pool at about the age of 3 or 4 and I jumped in after him. Just an instinct. I guess you never know until the situation arises.
Re: The Irish Princess (8:01am February 1, 2011):
This story sounds so interesting! Definitely going on my TBR list!
Re: Burning Darkness (6:24am January 31, 2011):
Betrayal of trust would be my biggest unforgivable act.
Re: Haunting Jasmine (6:49am January 30, 2011):
Your books sound fascinating and captivating. Thank you for revealing your inspirations.
Re: Wild Man Creek (7:56am January 29, 2011):
Thank you for the preview of what sounds like a great book!
Re: Immortal Champion (9:00am January 27, 2011):
Romance just takes you away and adds a little bit of fun to your day.
Re: At Hidden Falls (6:15am January 25, 2011):
I discovered books in a manner quite like you. Had a difficult childhood and books were a total escape. I think that it is wonderful that you took your escape and made it something that you do so wonderfully.
Re: Real Wifeys (8:18am January 15, 2011):
How wonderful that you get to share all of you with readers! Very commendable to be able to write in all of those genre's. Great work! Keep at it!
Re: Pleasure Me (6:20am January 14, 2011):
You write such wonderful books!
Re: Kiss At Your Own Risk (6:33am January 12, 2011):
More power to you for finding the strength to continue. Glad that you found the power within you to overcome your obstacles and carry on with hope.
Re: The Fire In Ember (6:24am January 10, 2011):
Don't we all want to be princesses?
Re: Mercy Kill (7:40am January 9, 2011):
I think that reading about "the dark side" is good, as most of us don't really deal with that. I think it takes true grit to be able to write it, not having lived it, and keep someone mesmerized enough to want to find out the ending. Keep up the great work!
Re: Fatal Justice (6:26am January 6, 2011):
Sounds like really good reading! Cudos to you for taking on the challenge of writing a series and keeping it fresh each time.
Re: Real Vampires Have More To Love (6:30am January 4, 2011):
How much fun it must be to write about people with that kind of history! Sounds really good!
Re: Deadly Identity (6:18am December 30, 2010):
You sound like an awesome teacher! I don't have any desire to write, only read the great books that others write, but if I did, you would be the teacher I would want.
Re: Red Ink (6:30am December 29, 2010):
How wonderful to pull yourself out of your comfort zone and venture into cultures and environs that are foreign to you and make yourself more comfortable with making it a part of what you are so good at. Learning is always a wonderful thing!
Re: Pay Up (6:24am December 23, 2010):
I like a heroine who is feisty and doesn't take crap from anyone, but is still vulnerable to the hero and the little things that make us human.
Re: Double Cross (6:25am December 22, 2010):
This story sounds compelling!
Re: Precious and Fragile Things (6:16am December 17, 2010):
The story sounds very captivating. Definitely going on my TBR list in short order.
Re: The Heir (6:32am December 16, 2010):
It is thrilling to know that you were able to take all of those childhood fears and create wonderful books that help you venture into those memories.
Re: Icecapade (6:20am December 13, 2010):
Mystery is certainly an aphrodisiac! This story sounds really good! Definitely going on my TBR stack.
Re: Unguarded (7:39am December 11, 2010):
Laura Bickle, Chris Masuda & Sean Noonan are three of the new-to-me authors that struck me this year. I try very hard to read books from new authors. Hopefully, 2011 will be filled with many more.
Re: Outrageously Yours (6:24am November 30, 2010):
Nerds are wonderful! I have one living in my home (my son) and think he is the most fascinating individual there is.
Re: Second Chances (6:21am November 30, 2010):
I believe that if you are given the opportunity for a second chance at love with a person, and nobody else is getting hurt, go for it. There is a reason that two people were drawn together twice.
Re: Gemini Night (7:31am November 27, 2010):
This information is absolutely fascinating. Am always spell-bound listening to an author describing their method of writing. Just keep doing what you are doing and I will continue to read.
Re: Her Kind of Hero (6:09am November 23, 2010):
We started as work buddy friends, but I attended a party for his sister and he ended up being one of my best friends and from there we became a couple. Things didn't work out eventually, but I will never forget him and his love/friendship.
Re: Marked By The Moon (6:20am November 4, 2010):
I also love monsters. Especially when they have very human traits that mix with their primal traits.
Re: The Snow Globe (6:26am November 3, 2010):
My daughter had gifted me a snow globe for Christmas and we just sat and watched it and spoke of how beautiful and wouldn't it be wonderful to be captured in that scene. She and I still look at the globe at Christmas and it brings back that time of sharing.
Re: Simply Irresistible (6:29am October 29, 2010):
Looking forward to reading about the sisters! The books sound awesome! Thank you for sharing a part of it with us!
Re: An Accidental Seduction (6:14am October 28, 2010):
How wonderful to have an animal hero! Who says a hero has to have 2 legs?
Re: Mr. Darcy's Obsession (6:28am October 27, 2010):
I think that a familiarity with characters who are facing different obstacles and circumstances is always a comfort. You know them so well, just learning how they will overcome things that have been turned on them.
Re: Pinned for Murder (7:47am October 26, 2010):
What a wonderful process, really getting to know the quirks of the characters and building around that.
Re: A Darcy Christmas (6:24am October 22, 2010):
I think it is so powerful to be able to watch a child and the personalities that they exhibit all through babyhood. You drew me in with your excerpts.
Re: Twilight Hunger (6:21am October 21, 2010):
Your books sound fascinating and I am so glad that you were one of the first to start this particular genre.
Re: The Making of a Gentleman (6:28am October 20, 2010):
I like to read anything but love to learn, so reading about something I don't know about always thrills me.
Re: Captive Spirit (6:20am October 19, 2010):
That history has always intrigued me also. Totally abandoning your land? Where did they go?
Re: Highland Hellcat (1:55pm October 15, 2010):
Coffee. Not too strong, but strong enough to give me that kick that I need to get going. I am also a tea drinker, but coffee wins hands down!
Re: When Wicked Craves (6:19am September 29, 2010):
The Culdesac Vipers? How cool to think of using your current surroundings and all of the possibilities that it means!
Re: One Touch of Scandal (7:23am September 26, 2010):
My goodie list is the purchase of a new cologne. Have such a thing for scents. And I would go for baking the cookies also, by the way.
Re: Love Me (6:18am September 24, 2010):
Definitely the cover of Take Me, with the couple. I love a book in my hands, so I would have to say print books over ebooks.
Re: Secrets Volume 29 Indulge Your Fantasies (7:24am September 21, 2010):
I hope that you enjoy your trip to Scotland. It really does sound like a magical place.
Re: Petals From The Sky (8:12am September 20, 2010):
This story sounds so fascinating and has prompted me to put your other novel on my TBR list also.
Re: The Bride's Necklace (7:01am September 18, 2010):
Unfortunately, you are right about the covers of books. I personally don't buy a book based on the cover alone, but I am sure that many people do. Would read your books if the cover was plain!
Re: Feline Fatale (6:28am September 16, 2010):
Animals are such a huge part of our lives. Glad you incorporate that into your novels.
Re: Wicked Highlander (6:23am September 15, 2010):
I can't think of a legend that has stymied me, but I love that you have let loose with your imagination and written such an interesting book using that legend.
Re: Rebel (10:37am September 14, 2010):
This sounds so interesting.
Re: Just One Taste (8:38am September 12, 2010):
It sounds like so much fun!
Re: Desperate Deeds (6:24am September 8, 2010):
Romantic Suspense is such an exciting genre. So glad that you have stayed with your passion and thrilled us with us your stories.
Re: One Fine Cowboy (1:28pm September 7, 2010):
Oh, yes!!! Cowboy, cowboy, cowboy!
Re: Royal Blood (7:30am September 4, 2010):
Your adventures sound awesome. The book sounds fascinating.
Re: Atlantis Betrayed (6:12pm August 31, 2010):
Just keep your chin up and don't let minor details throw you. Most things will get solved if they happen. I try to live my life hoping and trying to remain calm.
Re: Deadly Fear (6:22am August 26, 2010):
I am sure that with a monster, you have more liberties than with creating a human monster. We humans are so complicated and it must have been much harder to create a "human" monster than a creative monster.
Re: Seduced by the Wolf (6:33am August 24, 2010):
Playing is always the best!
Re: Assassin's Heart (6:32am August 24, 2010):
I think that whatever you believe is wonderful, as long as it isn't harmful to anybody, who has the right to tell you anything.
Re: Don't Cry (7:36am August 22, 2010):
I have a huge TBR pile. I am constantly acquiring new books. I know that I will definitely read them all. My biggest tension is which book to pick up next after finishing one.
Re: Whisper Kiss (6:28am August 20, 2010):
These books sound awesome!
Re: Hero (6:25am August 18, 2010):
In writing reviews, I try to be as helpful as possible. But, I am not a writer. Just an avid reader. Really glad that the reviewer from Fresh Fiction wrote a good review for you.
Re: Roast Mortem (7:01am August 14, 2010):
How could you not love pancakes and firefighters!
Re: Hell, Yeah (6:20am August 11, 2010):
I would ask Travis about his derring-do!
Re: The Quick and the Thread (6:20am August 6, 2010):
Would always stop and at least say hello and tell all of you what wonderful jobs you do with your writing.
Re: The Goddess of Fried Okra (8:46am August 4, 2010):
This sounds like an absolute fascinating read!
Re: The Smuggler And The Society Bride (6:18am August 4, 2010):
The RWA conference sounds like such a fun and learning experience. How wonderful to have that many people all interested in creating novels that readers love to consume.
Re: Monster in Miniature (6:24am July 30, 2010):
I pick a book because of the story and am also a little confused as to a labeled genre. Add me to your line-up for rearranging the book shelves!
Re: The Ark (6:27am July 28, 2010):
How crazy that the book is so close to what is happening right now! Sounds like such a great book!
Re: Knight Of Passion (6:24am July 23, 2010):
This book sounds so good! I love it when a hero has to make a decision between heroics and love.
Re: The Tutor (6:20am July 21, 2010):
Wow, Having 7 of the hottest nights, even for memory keeping, that would be awesome! What fun to be able to write something like this! Will have to read this for sure!
Re: The Burning City (6:22am July 20, 2010):
In life, as in novels, women should always have their back-up family & friends to be there when they need them.
Re: Tomb With A View (6:36am July 19, 2010):
Ghost stories are so fascinating. Is the spirit evil, lost, etc?
Re: Revenge for Old Times' Sake (7:36am July 17, 2010):
People watching is fun, and I think that it is great that you can incorporate that passtime with the creation of a character. Think of all the possibilities!
Re: Murder in the Abstract (6:30am July 14, 2010):
I would love the opportunity to read your book. The bad boy is always so much fun to watch.
Re: To Conquer a Highlander (6:23am July 12, 2010):
I have a real thing for butterflies. Don't have much in a collection yet, but I have candle holders, prisms, welcome signs, etc that are all butterfly related. Even my car has butterflies on the windows.
Re: The Wild Irish Sea (6:29am July 8, 2010):
Great reasons to want to read this book!
Re: Crush On You (2:44pm July 7, 2010):
I think that it is so romantic when best friends find another aspect to their friendship and opens new avenues for them to explore.
Re: Money, Honey (2:41pm July 7, 2010):
I would have to say that your take of the hero being the insecure, but gorgeous one, would be a great take on this genre.
Re: Unchained (9:07am July 5, 2010):
Thanksgiving, because it is all about being together and not so much about gifting and the competitiveness that can go with that tradition. Thanksgiving is just sitting, eating and reminiscing.
Re: Rapture Untamed (6:26am June 29, 2010):
I am usually a stand-alone type of reader, but the Dark Tower series from Stephen King, The Lord of the Rings from Tolkien, Vampire Academy series from Richelle Mead are a few of the series that I have read and loved. Will definitely read your series in the near future.
Re: The Master & the Muses (6:27am June 28, 2010):
The perfect hero is one who is ever-changing to life in general. Strong, but open to new feelings.
Re: Dark Flame (6:00am June 27, 2010):
Sounds fascinating!
Re: Fatal Affair (7:10am June 26, 2010):
A strong and down-to-earth hero is my favorite.
Re: Sworn To Protect (6:28am June 25, 2010):
I love reading about daring and strong women who know what they want and aren't afraid to take care of it themselves.
Re: The Lies We Told (6:28am June 18, 2010):
The trailer wants me to delve into the book so much! Really good job!
Re: Dragon Unmasked (6:56am June 16, 2010):
I went through a reading drought about 12 years ago. Just was so busy with children and jobs that I really couldn't find the commitment time to engage in the immersion of a good novel.
Re: Death Threads (6:26am June 14, 2010):
The books sound fascinating with all the different personalities being brought together.
Re: Crush On You (6:24am June 10, 2010):
We were working in the tobacco fields on a very hot summer day, so I probably had shorts and a halter top on.
Re: Desire Me (6:21am June 8, 2010):
Have never taken part in a scavenger hunt, but sounds so exciting.
Re: Night Myst (1:46pm June 4, 2010):
I fall in love with characters, but really read books by my favorite authors because of who they are, not just the amazing characters that they have created. Always love to delve into new series, with new adventures, by a good writer.
Re: I Love This Bar (6:22am June 4, 2010):
Wow, let me step into that bar and slip on some beer!
Re: Strange Neighbors (6:39am June 1, 2010):
How awesome to support each other with different goals. Such fortitude and hope for one another.
Re: Ancient Whispers (7:04am May 31, 2010):
Congratulations on the temertity and faith that you had in your book! It is definitely on my must read list now!
Re: Dead in the Family (7:54am May 29, 2010):
I really need to finish the Vampire Academy books. I have read the first two, but need to continue.
Re: The White Shadow Saga (6:28am May 21, 2010):
Sounds like you have to be so well-rounded and gifted also. Sounds pretty tough, and I hope that authors stick to it. We need your books!
Re: Sex And The Single Earl (6:15am May 19, 2010):
Small town settings seem to pack more punch, people know more about each other and therefore, a little more steamy.
Re: On Folly Beach (6:28am May 18, 2010):
Your "second" life sounds just as fascinating as your first one. Hope that you maintain both sides of your life and enjoy doing them both!
Re: Web Of Lies (6:24am May 17, 2010):
These books sound so awesome! Imagination gone so wild!
Re: Silent Truth (7:46am May 16, 2010):
Sounds like so much fun! Wish I had the ability to attend, but time and money play a part in that. Keep having fun!
Re: Live To Tell (6:58am May 15, 2010):
I haven't had to cancel anything recently, but have in the past, but not as interesting as meeting two great authors.
Re: Haunting Warrior (6:26am May 12, 2010):
I would definitely travel into the future, and probably be grateful for the return trip. What a great cover!
Re: Some Like It Rough (12:49pm May 10, 2010):
I think it is wonderful that you got a snippet in Cosmo! Such a popular magazine, so much publicity for you!
Re: The Jaguar Prince (7:25am May 8, 2010):
How imaginative and the reason that I keep reading!
Re: Rumor Has It (6:30am May 6, 2010):
What a neat premise for writing a book! Sounds fascinating.
Re: In Shelter Cove (6:24am May 4, 2010):
It's always fascinating to have an ordinary guy become a hero.
Re: Think Twice (7:14am May 2, 2010):
Haven't read as much as I would have wanted in April, but did read Have a Little Faith by Mitch Albom, which was uplifting.
Re: The Teaberry Strangler (6:49pm April 25, 2010):
I will try a new author if the story appeals to me. So willing to give a new author a try.
Re: In For A Penny (6:19am April 23, 2010):
It is never hard to be criticized, but working with it probably makes us better and stronger.
Re: Rule's Bride (6:17am April 23, 2010):
This sounds like a wonderful series to read.
Re: Beautiful People (6:29am April 21, 2010):
I love humor, just sometimes it might take a little bit for me to realize that something was really funny.
Re: Silent Truth (6:28am April 19, 2010):
I think that it is wonderful to have more than one passion, and those seem to change with age. I don't think that we ever lose those passions, they just get added to.
Re: Building Iphone Apps With Html, CSS, And Javascript (7:55am April 18, 2010):
I used to feel that way, but have grown to realize that a book should be for enjoyment and if I am not enjoying it, it needs to go.
Re: Demonkeepers (7:00am April 13, 2010):
They all sound like wonderful characters.
Re: Dead Head (6:59am April 13, 2010):
This book sounds absolutely fascinating!
Re: Big Bad Wolf (2:29pm April 10, 2010):
I am, like you, very hyper about reading books in order.
Re: Reunion (6:31am April 8, 2010):
Wow, such wonderful research that goes into your books!
Re: On Shadow Beach (6:23am April 6, 2010):
Covers are great, but to me, you can't judge a book by its cover.
Re: Just Fooling Around (1:40pm April 2, 2010):
I think April Fool's Day is such a unique holiday to write a series about! Pretty ingenious.
Re: The Highest Stakes (6:20am April 1, 2010):
Wow, how amazing these facts are! Tracing heritage back to 3 main horses! Small world, right?
Re: Aries Rising (6:22am March 26, 2010):
It sounds so hard to get a book published, but thankfully, you kept at it and did. Keep going!
Re: The Highlander's Sword (6:23am March 17, 2010):
My ideal image of a romantic hero & heroine are a man who cherishes his woman and a woman who appreciates that and cherishes him back. Whatever race, that is my ideal.
Re: The Stolen Crown (6:17am March 16, 2010):
I love these and knowing that the author spent so much time researching keeps me reading.
Re: The Cowboy From Christmas Past (8:00am March 14, 2010):
Mimi sounds awesome!
Re: Take Me If You Dare (7:33am March 6, 2010):
I haven't seen any of the nominated films, but will be watching the awards. I will finally catch the films through Netflix when they are released. Thanks for sharing your input on the films and the awards.
Re: Lake Magic (6:33am March 2, 2010):
Congratulations on finding a voice to your dream! Keep writing!
Re: Seeing Red (7:58am February 28, 2010):
Read The Sister and a collection of writings from readers to a men's magazine.
Re: Cowboy Trouble (11:44am February 26, 2010):
Chickens are wonderful!
Re: The Betrayal Of The Blood Lily (2:50pm February 20, 2010):
These books sound so awesome and a great way to spend a snowy day! Escape!
Re: Chick with a Charm (6:23am February 19, 2010):
Like you, I love both, but am definitely a cat person. What independent little creatures they are!
Re: Accidentally Demonic (6:57am February 17, 2010):
I absolutely love the covers of these books and can't wait to delve into the stories.
Re: Ordinary World (6:23am February 15, 2010):
How wonderful to have someone that you are so close to! My father was a twin, but like you and your brother, very different individuals, but very connected. Thank you for sharing!
Re: Promise Me Tonight (6:25am February 12, 2010):
Thank you for the opportunity to win your book! Happy Valentine's Day!
Re: Island Of The Swans (6:23am February 8, 2010):
How wonderful to learn about what an author goes through in writing a great book. Thank you for the insight.
Re: Legend Of The White Wolf (12:55pm February 5, 2010):
Werewolves are wonderful!
Re: Catch Of A Lifetime (6:21am February 2, 2010):
This sounds like so much fun to read! Thank you.
Re: Drive Time (6:12am February 1, 2010):
This was such an enticing excerpt. Thank you.
Re: Hasta La Vista, Lola! (6:22am January 29, 2010):
Haven't read many mystery/romance series novels, but did read the first couple of Sue Grafton's alphabet books and thought they were good. Would love to read yours. Thank you for the chance to win a copy of your book.
Re: Forbidden Heat (6:29am January 27, 2010):
Sounds like the research is almost as much fun as writing the book. Would love to read the book and enjoy the fun too! Thank you.
Re: Hold On Tight (6:26am January 26, 2010):
Always am looking it up if I can't understand it. Takes away from the story if you don't want to figure out what it is that the author is trying to portray.
Re: Getting Lucky (6:22am January 18, 2010):
Series books are great! You get so much out of each book.
Re: The Keepers Of Sulbreth (7:15am January 15, 2010):
Absolutely have picked a book just by the title. Usually a one-word title gets me.
Re: Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy (6:29am January 11, 2010):
Wow, what a busy life! So glad that you find the time to write such awesome material.
Re: My Dearest Mr. Darcy (6:17am January 7, 2010):
This sounds fascinating! The research must have been fun, what with the field that you are in.
Re: Fugitive (6:21am January 5, 2010):
What a great interview! How fun.
Re: Dangerous Highlander (6:28am January 4, 2010):
I think the author should have more say on the cover. It is their story, isn't it?
Re: The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings (4:00pm December 24, 2009):
Gandalf would win in my book. Just a much stronger force than Dumbledore. I loved them both, though, and they both did what they had to do to defeat the odds.
Re: Paraworld Zero (6:23am December 22, 2009):
Hope this is a time for healing for you. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Re: Love in Translation (6:31am December 10, 2009):
Have never lived anywhere but here, but have a Japanese aunt whose daughter went there to teach students English. Love listening to her stories. Thank you for the opportunity to win your book!
Re: Searching For Pemberley (2:01pm December 3, 2009):
The visual of you cleaning your tile and speaking in different dialects is so wonderful. Thank you for sharing!
Re: Joss Whedon (6:47am November 29, 2009):
Would nominate my niece. She is having a bit of a rough time in her senior year and was always a Buffy fan.
Re: Over My Dead Body (9:22am November 28, 2009):
My daughter is having a very rough time learning about a second unplanned pregnancy and is currently unemployed.. She could use this for a gift for her daughter. Thank you.
Re: Take Me For A Ride (6:32am November 25, 2009):
The worst that happened to me was having left the innards in the turkey. Discovered it after the fact and didn't tell anyone, things went fine.
Re: Stolen Heat (8:42am November 19, 2009):
Secondary romances are wonderful when they are so interwoven into the storyline that you could never imagine any other way.
Re: Dark Legacy (6:27am November 18, 2009):
Really agree with your statement about being "you" to the ultimate. Nothing is more fulfilling. Thank you.
Re: Over My Dead Body (6:26am November 16, 2009):
There is never going to be anything like the smell of grandma's house. Just all of the love and joy that is there.
Re: Willoughby's Return (6:34am November 12, 2009):
I would have to agree that the Regency period was so lush with attire.
Re: Rainwater (8:07am November 7, 2009):
I don't usually watch book trailers. Don't usually watch movie trailers, either. This was exceptionally good, though. Would love to read the book.
Re: One Lucky Cowboy (2:37pm November 5, 2009):
What a unique idea, letting us get to know the character and leaving us with wanting more!!!
Re: Captive Desires (6:59am November 2, 2009):
Thanks for the opportunity to read these books! I would love to come to life as a butterfly and just fly away! My best creative escape is talking about books that I have read and how they affected me.
Re: Final Approach (6:34am October 30, 2009):
Have never done the Halloween recycle, but have waited until the last minute to shop, with the same thought that I could not eat what was not available.
Re: Mr. Darcy Vampyre (6:31am October 28, 2009):
Thank you for the chance to win!
Re: Silver Silence (7:32am October 27, 2009):
Wow! Quite taken by this writing! Thank you for the opportunity to read more!
Re: Fool Moon (7:37am October 25, 2009):
Have only recently been updated with a CD player in my car, so don't have any horror stories yet, but am sure that I will have some in the future.
Re: Santa Honey (1:27pm October 23, 2009):
I would so hate to have books go by the wayside. I so love the feel of a book in my hand. Hope that we can see an upturn in sales.
Re: Possess Me At Midnight (6:27am October 22, 2009):
Love your writing and would love to have a copy of your book.
Re: The Cowboy From Christmas Past (6:25am October 22, 2009):
Love reading your column! Thank you for the opportunity to win your book!
Re: My Wicked Vampire (6:32am October 20, 2009):
I think that you are so right. Humor is so "funny". People probably are more picky about funny than they are about non-humor.
Re: Finger Lickin' Fifteen (11:24am October 17, 2009):
Have never really been too into the background of a novel, unless, like you say, it is pivotal to the story. I read a book recently by John Boyne and found that the description of the wall and the house was really important to the story and found it fascinating.
Re: The Trials Of The Honorable F. Darcy (6:18am October 15, 2009):
Great insight into such a classic! Thank you!
Re: A Marquis To Marry (8:45am October 14, 2009):
Hope I have a chance to win the book and read all of the others also! Thank you!
Re: The Hunt (1:26pm October 12, 2009):
I think it is wonderful that you took a rough situation and made it work for you. We would definitely have missed out if you had decided to do something different!
Re: The Promise (8:25am October 11, 2009):
Read the books from your favorite authors, even if they are 20 years old. You have always enjoyed their books. Also read the newer ones. There are always newer authors who will strike your fancy. A good book is never too old.
Re: A Hollywood Ending (8:22am October 11, 2009):
I read so many different authors, but am always impressed with their ability to hold you for the time that it takes to read a good book. Kate Morton is currently on my list as someone to watch and also Sarah Langan.
Re: A Dark Love (11:43am September 30, 2009):
Strong or weak, as long as she stays true to her own self-image.
Re: Lucky Break (9:25am September 29, 2009):
Thank you for the opportunity to win one of your books!
Re: Shades of Twilight (7:41am September 27, 2009):
Have never been to a book signing, but I bet they are fantastic. Have such a great respect for authors and their wonderful ability to keep you mesmerized with their writing.
Re: Oscar Wilde And The Dead Man's Smile (7:34am September 22, 2009):
Can't wait to read this new series, sounds like such good reading!
Re: Audrey's Door (6:29am September 18, 2009):
I can't believe that your "fan" would blame you for things in a work of fiction. Not that it doesn't happen every day, but it really was just a novel. Turn on the TV some time and really watch what happens in this world of ours.
Re: Beast Warrior (6:24am September 16, 2009):
What a lot of wonderful information about a creature that is both loved and abhorred. They really are beautiful and interesting animals.
Re: The Splendor Falls (6:42am September 11, 2009):
Some authors put such description into their writing about food that you can actually taste it as your reading. That is a really great cover on this book, by the way.
Re: Tie Me Down (6:26am September 4, 2009):
Thank you for sharing your memories of "The Big Easy". Must be tough after everything that happened there to remember the great times.
Re: The Cowboy From Christmas Past (6:25am September 1, 2009):
Such fascinating stuff!
Re: The Cowboy From Christmas Past (7:24am August 30, 2009):
How sad that her love of books was taken from her. I also have a deep love of books, and holding them as you describe. Glad that she had you and the family to help her cope with the changes in her body.
Re: Red Hot Lies (7:58am August 29, 2009):
I think that first-person books are great, but then I think most books are great. What a great cover to the book!! Thanks for the chance!
Re: Dragons Prefer Blondes (7:56am August 29, 2009):
I haven't ever really heard too many interviews, but the few that I have listened to have fascinated me. I really can't believe that some people have the ability to write so well that they can keep your attention for so many pages and that you want to keep turning the page. Authors inspire me.
Re: Haunting Beauty (6:40am August 28, 2009):
There was an instance in the past where I could have stopped someone from making the leap back into an addiction and didn't really do everything in my power to stop it. That is the moment in time that I would change, if it was possible. Would love the opportunity to read one of your books. Thank you.
Re: The Treasures Of Venice (6:31am August 27, 2009):
Congratulations on all of your September anniversaries. Would love to help you celebrate by winning and reading your novels. Thank you!
Re: Feels Like The First Time (6:26am August 26, 2009):
I would be dressed as a butterfly, you could flutter around and never have to stay in one area for too long.
Re: In the Master's Bed (3:38pm August 23, 2009):
As of this year, back to school kind of brings tears to my eyes, as this is the first year in 22 years that I don't have a child going back. My youngest just graduated this year and it kind of feels lonely, not having to shop, figure out the bus schedule, etc. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of your great book!
Re: Skykeepers (6:41am August 21, 2009):
Haven't read these yet, but would love the opportunity to envision who would best play the parts after having a chance to do so.
Re: To Tempt The Wolf (11:38am August 20, 2009):
Would love the opportunity to read all of these books. I agree that you can have the same plot, but with different authors, getting a whole different scenario.
Re: Tortured (6:25am August 18, 2009):
This one sounds so awesome! Would love to win a copy! Thanks.
Re: Beloved Vampire (8:46pm August 16, 2009):
Love reading anything by you!
Re: Trust Me (9:05pm August 14, 2009):
Very fun blog to read!
Re: Breaking Loose (6:36am August 13, 2009):
Just the image of writing a romance novel naked is intriguing!!!
Re: Dark Hunger (11:07am August 5, 2009):
Anything with a paranormal feel is my cup of tea! Sounds wonderful!
Re: Hot Pursuit (7:43am August 2, 2009):
I really think it is a shame that libraries are not being able to afford newer books. Reading is essential to life!
Re: Chosen To Die (7:42am August 2, 2009):
It must be great to take characters so far as to be able to create a series of books.
Re: It Happened One Night (6:42am July 31, 2009):
This sounds like an awesome book!
Re: Seduce Me (6:29am July 29, 2009):
I so agree about a love scene needing to be a real part of the characters.
Re: The Plight Of The Darcy Brothers (6:30am July 24, 2009):
The story sounds fascinating!
Re: The Diva Takes The Cake (6:24am July 23, 2009):
This books sounds fascinating!
Re: Waking Nightmare (6:26am July 22, 2009):
This book sounds so good! Keep writing!
Re: Swimsuit (6:40am July 17, 2009):
Congratulations for following your true dream.
Re: Earth Guys Are Easy (6:36am July 15, 2009):
I remember having the biggest pair of purple sunglasses in those days, and thinking they were the absolute grooviest things around!
Re: By Hook Or By Crook (6:53am July 13, 2009):
Sounds like a great mystery to be solved!
Re: The Texas Twins (7:07am June 25, 2009):
Love puzzles of any sort! That and books!
Re: Wild Heat (3:47pm April 30, 2009):
My grandmother always read romance novels. Had a pile of them beside her bed at all times.