Rita Wray
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219 comments posted.
Re: An Inconvenient Duke (7:48pm February 27, 2020):
I like to read about different times in history and learn about how people were at the time. It's interesting to see how different it was then compared to now.
Re: The Book Charmer (2:51pm August 10, 2019):
Sounds like a book I will enjoy reading.
Re: The Summer Cottage (11:25am March 31, 2019):
I love your books and already have this one on my must read list.
Re: Murder in Morningside Heights (7:50pm May 7, 2016):
Just finished the laundry and will be starting dinner in about an hour. I read in the evenings.
Re: Romancing the Ranger (6:03pm March 19, 2016):
Good upbeat music makes house cleaning go a lot faster.
Re: Miriam (6:01pm March 19, 2016):
No I don't know anyone with the name Miriam. It is a lovely name.
Re: Moments of Truth (7:28pm August 22, 2015):
I always have a list and cross things off as I do them. My sister-in-law laughed at me and then decided she would try it because she was overwhelmed. She does agree it makes life easier.
Re: Meet Me At The Beach (3:31pm February 24, 2015):
I've never had a working partnership. I don't think it would work with my husband because we would both want to be the boss. lol
Re: Billionaire Blend (6:58pm August 25, 2014):
I'm looking forward to reading the book and checking out the recipes.
Re: Muffin But Murder (11:08am July 1, 2014):
Love cozy mysteries.
Re: Wild About Her Wingman (8:19pm April 23, 2014):
A good book and my bed.
Re: Mad About You (12:44pm April 1, 2014):
I've never had that kind of relationship but I do enjoy reading about it.
Re: Her Summer with the Marine (2:56pm March 19, 2014):
I love small town series. They are always fun to read.
Re: The Rancher's Second Chance (5:20pm March 12, 2014):
Cowboys are strong, rugged and hard working. They also look cute sitting on a horse.
Re: How Sweet The Sound (11:22pm March 7, 2014):
Yes to Spring, I spent the day outside with my grandsons and I didn't need to wear a sweater.
Re: Hot Rock (10:59am February 26, 2014):
It's the attitude, they do what they want.
Re: Mint Juleps and Justice (6:46pm February 22, 2014):
I'm very sorry for your loss.
I prefer an alpha male.
Re: The Cowboy's Mail Order Bride (3:37pm February 20, 2014):
I love western themed books.
Re: Teacup Turbulence (10:08am January 28, 2014):
They sound like great books.
Re: Wishing On Buttercups (9:54am January 26, 2014):
Sounds like a great read.
Re: Love Songs for the Road (6:39pm January 21, 2014):
Congrats on your first book. Sounds like a good read.
Re: More Than A Touch (7:12pm January 17, 2014):
Love the ten things list. Thank you.
Re: Sadie's Secret (7:11pm January 17, 2014):
Sounds like an interesting series.
Re: Shadowed By Grace (9:58am January 10, 2014):
Sounds like a compelling story. I'm looking forward to reading it.
Re: Songs of Shenandoah (9:56am January 10, 2014):
When I read I feel like I know the characters. If I really like them I'm sad to see the story end because I will miss them.
Re: Paws For Murder (5:09pm January 2, 2014):
I love that Dixie Chicks song, I have it on a CD. The book sounds great, I can't wait to read it.
Re: The Bad Boy Billionaire's Wicked Arrangement (5:14pm December 31, 2013):
I'd want to meet him on the beach. Then we could go for a romantic walk together. And after that I can only hope.
Re: The Scandal in Kissing an Heir (5:08pm December 31, 2013):
I enjoyed the excerpt, thank you.
Re: Murder on the Orient Espresso (1:55pm December 31, 2013):
Sounds like a good book.
Re: If Wishes Were Earls (1:54pm December 31, 2013):
Great post, the book covers are fabulous.
Re: Freezer I'll Shoot (10:18am December 28, 2013):
I don't make them because I feel bad when I don't keep them.
Re: Welcome Back To Apple Grove (1:43pm December 21, 2013):
I love gingerbread cookies.
Re: Thrown (9:19am December 17, 2013):
I love the Top Ten Reasons. Sure looks like a winner to me.
Re: Tangling with the CEO (10:18am December 11, 2013):
I enjoy both
Re: A Perfect Distraction (10:20am November 30, 2013):
I love sapphires and amethyst.
Re: Three Timeless Loves (10:17am November 30, 2013):
The 1800's, I love the old west.
Re: A Cadence Creek Christmas (11:22am November 9, 2013):
I love Christmas stories, I can't wait to read it.
Re: Upon a Winter's Night (7:15pm November 7, 2013):
I love watching my grandsons open their gifts.
Re: Because Of Audrey (5:29pm October 26, 2013):
I've never dressed up for Halloween but it sounds like fun.
Re: The Sweetest Hallelujah (1:23pm October 25, 2013):
Sounds like a book I'll enjoy.
Re: Christmas Quilt (7:40pm October 21, 2013):
I have held a baby recently. My little granddaughter was born Sept 30th. So sweet, I love her very much.
Re: Murder At Hatfield House (7:36pm October 21, 2013):
Sounds like a great book, I love the Elizabethan period.
Re: Behind the Shattered Glass (1:48pm October 17, 2013):
The choices aren't very good, but the book sounds like a good read.
Re: Newton Neighbors (2:56pm October 5, 2013):
Sounds like a fun story.
Re: Kisses On Her Christmas List (7:50pm October 3, 2013):
Christmas stories are always heartwarming.
Re: Severed Trust (10:12am September 23, 2013):
I love reading about the Texas Rangers.
Re: Dark Road Home (10:10am September 23, 2013):
Sounds like a great book, I can't wait to read it.
Re: Gideon's Call (10:08am September 23, 2013):
Yes, I'm a book hoarder. I keep buying more bookcases. There are books I will never part with and I read them over again.
Re: Bran New Death (8:39pm September 19, 2013):
I can't wait to read Bran New Death, it sounds like a good book.
Re: Tempted in the Tropics (12:59pm September 14, 2013):
It has to be Chocolate Mousse.
Re: Traces Of Mercy (5:49pm September 11, 2013):
Sounds like a lovely wedding. I'm looking forward to reading the book.
Re: The Good Wife (3:37pm September 3, 2013):
Sounds like a good read, I've added it to my read list.
Re: The Mysterious Death Of Miss Jane Austen (9:41am August 30, 2013):
Sounds like a good, I'm looking forward to reading it.
Re: What the Bride Wore (9:39am August 30, 2013):
I just finished Fool For Love and The Trouble With Love by Beth Ciotta. I loved both books.
Re: Cowboy Seeks Bride (11:36am August 24, 2013):
I love a series.
Re: Strung Out To Die (3:32pm August 21, 2013):
The characters are usually very likeable and I like the humor.
Re: A Little Bit of Charm (6:02pm August 7, 2013):
I love Amish stories. I'm looking forward to reading the book.
Re: Winter in Full Bloom (6:00pm August 7, 2013):
Sounds like a compelling read.
Re: Death Al Dente (5:09pm August 3, 2013):
No, I didn't move back. The book sounds like a good read.
Re: Plain Fear: Forgiven (9:43am August 2, 2013):
I like reading about both, bad and good.
Re: Rugged Hearts (10:11pm July 25, 2013):
My mom instilled values in me that I have passed on to my own two children. Being kind, caring and honest are the standards she lived by and that I live by also. My mom passed away ten years ago and not a day goes by that I don't think of her. I will see her again one day and when I do we will laugh until our stomachs hurt like we used to do.
Re: Kissing My Old Life Au Revoir (3:18pm July 22, 2013):
I would love to own a cottage in Ireland. What a wonderful adventure. That is what life is all about, taking chances.
Re: Raspberries and Vinegar (1:14pm July 21, 2013):
I love farmer's markets and the fresh local food. I also like cooking from scratch.
Re: Meet Me At The Cupcake Cafe (9:28am July 19, 2013):
I already have the book on my to read list.
Re: Rancher to the Rescue (7:33pm July 17, 2013):
I know him too well. I tell him all the time not to tell me any BS because I know better.
Re: Merger to Marriage (10:36pm July 13, 2013):
I like tried and true. I love Lucy on the chocolate assembly line. I've seen it many times, it's hilarious.
Re: Jungle Fire (11:19pm July 11, 2013):
I love stories set in small towns. The people all seem to be connected in some way.
Re: Pennsylvania Patchwork (11:17pm July 11, 2013):
I love Amish stories, I have read many of them.
Re: Pieces Of The Heart (11:14pm July 11, 2013):
PTSD is a very serious condition and these brave men and women who suffer from it should get all the help they need.
Re: Winning a Bride (5:47pm July 5, 2013):
Novellas are okay but I prefer a longer book.
Re: Paradise Valley (10:15am July 4, 2013):
I have read many of your books and I love them. I'm looking forward to reading Paradise Valley.
Re: It Happened One Midnight (9:45am July 4, 2013):
Great excerpt, thank you. Yes, it will happen again.
Re: Wish You Were Here (10:30pm June 28, 2013):
I grew up in Australia and I remember falling in love with reading after I read The Secret Seven Series by Enid Blyton. I can't even imagine a life without books. My son and daughter are both avid readers now too.
Re: All Out of Love (9:22am June 26, 2013):
I had D's except for one. That was a fun quiz, we need to do that more often.
Re: The Look of Love (5:19pm June 22, 2013):
Sounds like a great series, thank you for the chance to win.
Re: The Lady Mercy Danforthe Flirts With Scandal (9:14pm June 20, 2013):
The excerpt was great, thank you.
Re: It Had To Be You (5:56pm June 6, 2013):
Sometimes I listen to music while reading, it really doesn't bother me. I love Pink, she has some great songs.
Re: The Secret Life of Lady Julia (4:20pm May 27, 2013):
I had two children, I wish I would have had more. Family means everything to me. I love the cover of the book, it's stunning.
Re: Paige Torn (4:08pm May 27, 2013):
I would have a cedar wood gazebo where I can sit and read. A rose garden and a regular flower garden. Also a vegetable garden, I love vegetables.
Re: The Begonia Bribe (5:14pm May 24, 2013):
Sounds like a great book, the cover is lovely.
Re: When The Morning Glory Blooms (12:54pm May 22, 2013):
I have lost many friends due to moving away. The book sounds great, I'm looking forward to reading it.
Re: A Healing Heart (12:52pm May 22, 2013):
Sounds like a good read. I enjoyed the post, thank you.
Re: Flora's Wish (6:06pm May 21, 2013):
I love the premise of the story, it sounds great.
Re: Last Chance For Justice (10:43am May 20, 2013):
I read to relax so I don't mind a slow paced story as long as it is interesting.
Re: Past Due (2:16pm May 17, 2013):
What a lovely story, it made me cry. I learned that life is very short and it goes by very fast. Do what you want to do and tell those you care about how much you love them.
Re: Changing Lanes (7:54pm May 16, 2013):
I would have spent more time with my mom and dad before they passed away.
Re: Acadian Waltz (9:35am May 14, 2013):
I love a good love story.
Re: Angora Alibi (7:08pm May 11, 2013):
That is a great story about your daughter and grandson.
Re: What A Mother Knows (9:30am May 7, 2013):
I think sometimes we worry for nothing.
Re: Father By Choice (2:11pm April 30, 2013):
I recently read a book about a woman who had a young daughter. She was adorable and really funny.
Re: The Seven-Day Target (11:27am April 29, 2013):
I love romantic suspense, it's hard to put the book down when you start reading.
Re: The Last Telegram (1:57pm April 25, 2013):
How very interesting that your story was based on your father's memories, that's wonderful. By the way I don't think your desk is messy at all.
Re: The Summer He Came Home (7:44pm April 18, 2013):
I loved Elvis and still do. I was lucky enough to see him in concert, he was fabulous.
Re: Night Demon (9:48am April 16, 2013):
Oh yes, love a man with a brain
Re: Sweet Madness (1:31pm April 5, 2013):
I like blue. I wear a lot of blue because it brings out the blue in my eyes. Heather I read Sweet Enemy and I loved it.
Re: Darius (6:51pm April 4, 2013):
Reading the comments I was happy to see other people make lists too. I've always made lists, they are great to keep everything in order including my thoughts.
Re: A Shot Of Sultry (3:02pm March 28, 2013):
A single rose.
Re: Identity Crisis (1:35pm March 27, 2013):
I think when a forger is caught they should serve a very long sentence. You are so lucky to have gone to the Louvre, I'm jealous.
Re: Nickeled-And-Dimed To Death (7:28pm March 23, 2013):
I think everyone deserves a second chance.
Re: Buried In A Bog (9:42am March 18, 2013):
I have never been to Ireland but have read many books set there. It sounds like a beautiful place.
Re: Trouble In The Tarot (9:32am March 17, 2013):
Humor is always welcome, it adds to the story.
Re: Assaulted Pretzel (8:53pm March 13, 2013):
No I haven't dreamed up anything but I may have to give it a try. I have read several books about the Amish and have enjoyed them.
Re: A Risk Worth Taking (10:13am March 11, 2013):
I like to read both. Sometimes I like to read about regular people like myself and sometimes I want to escape to another place.
Re: The Blue-Ribbon Jalape?o Society Jubilee (10:43pm March 7, 2013):
Sounds like a fun read.
Re: The Christie Curse (4:55pm March 3, 2013):
My mother has passed away but if she were here I would have loved to have written something with her. My mom wrote short stories that were absolutely hilarious. My siblings and I told her to try to publish them but she never did.
Re: Into the Spotlight (10:22pm March 2, 2013):
I was married in Vegas. Nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there.
Re: X Marks The Scot (10:32pm February 21, 2013):
Congrats on the release. I love those Scottish bad boys.
Re: The Mistress Memoirs (10:40pm February 20, 2013):
Sounds like a good read. I love rogues, can't wait to read the book.
Re: Murder Hooks a Mermaid (11:48pm February 19, 2013):
I would love to go to Alaska, it sounds like a beautiful place. I would also like to go to Hawaii. I grew up in Australia so I have been back there many times to visit family. I was born in Finland and we moved to Australia when I was a child so it would be nice to see the country I was born in.
Re: Seven-Night Stand (10:36pm February 9, 2013):
I usually prefer small towns but I have also read stories set in big cities and have enjoyed them.
Re: Fly Away Peta (12:51pm February 8, 2013):
I don't have a favorite. The book sounds great, thank you for the giveaway.
Re: Once Again A Bride (10:22am February 8, 2013):
I have a roll top desk which I love. I also have several bookcases full of wonderful books.
Re: In From The Cold (9:28am February 4, 2013):
Sounds like a wonderful adventure. I don't think I could go dog-sledding because I hate the cold. The book sounds great.
Re: The Autumn Bride (10:15am February 1, 2013):
I don't belong to a book group, but it sounds like fun. I love the cover of the book.
Re: Deck the Halls With Love (9:55am January 31, 2013):
Most of the time I like a character they have gotten their own book, I love that. Thank you for the giveaway, the book sounds great.
Re: Murder for the Halibut (3:20pm January 27, 2013):
I love your Top 10 reasons and I don't want to slap you. You scare me so I'd better plan on buying the book. lol
Re: Cupid?s Shaft (10:52pm January 25, 2013):
Very interesting post. I will have to read your new book.
Re: Falling for her Fiance (9:13am January 23, 2013):
Someone who is kind, caring with a great sense of humor.
Re: Real Men Don\'t Break Hearts (9:12am January 23, 2013):
Sounds like a good read.
Re: Fall Into You (7:13pm January 21, 2013):
I like to start in the beginning of a series. It drives me nuts if I don't.
Re: After the Rain (7:11pm January 21, 2013):
I don't think you should look back with regrets. A person should go forward and learn from your mistakes. Just let it go and move on.
Re: Beeline To Trouble (10:02pm January 19, 2013):
Juicy romance is okay with me.
Re: The Wicked Wedding Of Miss Ellie Vyne (8:25pm January 17, 2013):
Sounds like a good read. Thank you for the giveaway.
Re: Thread On Arrival (12:09pm January 16, 2013):
Sounds like a good read. If I win I'd like the paperback. Thank you.
Re: Finding Home (9:44am January 14, 2013):
I grew up on a farm in Australia and I remember the hard work. The book sounds great.
Re: Waking Up With A Rake (9:20am January 11, 2013):
Thank you for the excerpt, it was great.
Re: A SEAL's Seduction (6:42pm January 9, 2013):
I have books on my shelf I will never part with. I love the characters in those books and will reread them. I have finished books and missed the characters like they were friends. But I can visit them again when I open the book.
Re: South Of Surrender (6:35pm January 9, 2013):
Love the excerpt. Thank you.
Re: In His Brother's Place (10:29am January 6, 2013):
I like contemporary and historical romance. The last couple of months I've been reading more contemporary.
Re: Live And Let Love (3:21pm December 28, 2012):
Thank you for the giveaway.
Re: Christmas On Mimosa Lane (11:00am December 28, 2012):
Watching my grandsons open gifts brings back memories of when my two children were little and all the excitement of Christmas. It is a wonderful time of the year.
Re: The Billionaire's Christmas Baby (8:34pm December 27, 2012):
My wonderful family.
Re: Against The Odds (2:38pm December 19, 2012):
We open our gifts on Christmas Eve. I was born in Finland so this was something my parents did when I was growing up so I have followed the tradition.
Re: Deadly Patterns (10:22am December 16, 2012):
I love homemade fudge. yummy
Re: Love Thy Sister (11:36pm December 11, 2012):
What a wonderful post, I enjoyed reading it. Good luck with the Italian launch of Love Thy Sister. I'm looking forward to reading Bosom Bodies.
Re: Counterfeit Cowboy (10:15am December 11, 2012):
My hero must have dark hair, I don't mind if it's a little long. A nice smile and he must have a good sense of humor.
Re: Rancher's Son (4:33pm December 9, 2012):
I had no idea they had cattle ranches in Florida.
Re: Jane's Gift (4:31pm December 9, 2012):
I have a lot of books on my wish list including The Next Always by Nora Roberts.
Re: The Bridegroom Wore Plaid (2:50pm December 6, 2012):
I enjoyed reading the tidbits, they were very interesting. I love reading books set in the Victorian times but I wouldn't have liked to live in those times.
Re: Holiday Buzz (9:49pm December 4, 2012):
Sounds like a great read. Thank you for the giveaway.
Re: Wish Upon A Christmas Star (10:56am December 2, 2012):
I wish for good health for my family.
Re: Heart Of A Texan (8:37pm November 30, 2012):
I love cowboys, I grew up watching westerns. Kids nowadays don't know what they're missing.
Re: How I Came To Sparkle Again (1:19pm November 29, 2012):
I had a good laugh at the directions. It reminded me of the first time I went to my friend's new house. She told me the land marks and then told me to ignore them and keep driving. This went on and on.lol I live in a small town and the directions are very easy. The first time my son and his wife came over they said they laughed at my directions because they were so precise to the exact miles.
Re: Christmas Confidential (10:17am November 29, 2012):
I was born in Finland so we would celebrate on Christmas Eve. We started baking a couple of weeks before Christmas. Delicious Christmas cookies. My parents have passed away but the wonderful memories will be with me forever.
Re: A Christmas Bride / Christmas Beau (2:42pm November 27, 2012):
I love a good Christmas story.
Re: Taming the Outback (12:41pm November 25, 2012):
I grew up in Australia so I can't wait to read the book. I love reading about a fiesty heroine.
Re: Untamed (1:03pm November 23, 2012):
Just like to relax and read a good book.
Re: Playing at Love (2:25pm November 19, 2012):
I'm a huge hockey fan so I'm upset that there haven't been any games this year.
Re: How To Tame A Willful Wife (3:08pm November 16, 2012):
A love that stands through good times and bad.
Re: A Wedding In Apple Grove (3:05pm November 16, 2012):
I love books about small towns, I can't wait to read your book.
Re: Christmas On Mimosa Lane (10:24am November 8, 2012):
Tinker Bell. The book sounds like a great read.
Re: The Warrior (2:26pm November 1, 2012):
I love old castles and love to read about them. It is so interesting to think about the people who have lived there.
Re: Down for the Count (11:56pm October 29, 2012):
I wish someone would dare me, I'd like to know what I would do.lol
Re: Midnight Exposure (11:53pm October 29, 2012):
Number 2 is really funny. I always have thought it is really stupid to run into the woods.
Re: Iced Chiffon (4:35pm October 28, 2012):
I love mysteries but haven't read one lately. Iced Chiffon sounds like a great read.
Re: Lady Louisa's Christmas Knight (8:33pm October 26, 2012):
Love the holidays and seeing the faces of my grandsons when they open their gifts. It is a magical time.
Re: Mistletoe Cowboy (8:31pm October 26, 2012):
The people in a book become so real I miss them when the book ends. Yes, I love to see a cameo appearance of favorite people.
Re: Losing Control (9:34am October 25, 2012):
I love linked books. Robyn Carr's Virgin River series is great.
Re: Miss Lavigne's Little White Lie (12:54pm October 20, 2012):
I trust first impressions. I trust my inner voice.
Re: Death, Taxes, and a Sequined Clutch (1:10pm October 17, 2012):
It is better to just move on and learn from the experience.
Re: The Shadowy Horses (3:43pm October 12, 2012):
This sounds like a great book. Hope I win.
Re: In The Barrister's Bed (5:34pm October 10, 2012):
You can find sexy in any profession.
Re: Run The Risk (5:32pm October 10, 2012):
I can't think of anyone dishonorable. I hope I still get a chance to win.
Re: Construction Beauty Queen (8:22pm September 30, 2012):
I grew up in a small town in Australia and I loved it. Small towns have a lot of things going on. I live in one today, it's great.
Re: Until My Soul Gets It Right (8:18pm September 30, 2012):
I don't belong to a book club but recently heard of one in my town. I thought I may check it out. Just today I told my husband I wish he would read my books so we could discuss them. He looked at me like I was nuts.lol
Re: Secrets Of A Wedding Night (10:14am September 30, 2012):
I know nothing about Faro.
Re: Renegade (10:39am September 28, 2012):
I never get rid of my keeper books. There are certain authors I will read again and again.
Re: A Home For Nobody's Princess (11:31am September 25, 2012):
I think it's people who make you feel at home. It's the warmth that comes from some people.
Re: Got Game? (11:04am September 22, 2012):
I am very proud of our women athletes.
Re: Where There's A Will (11:00am September 21, 2012):
I like romance that starts with dislike and turns to love.
Re: Deadly Little Lies (8:49pm September 18, 2012):
I love my books and there are many I'll never part with. I moved recently and started to put some aside to give away but the stack was very small. I didn't realize how many books I have until I started packing them. I love my Victoria Holt books and will never give them away.
Re: Three River Ranch (12:45pm September 17, 2012):
I haven't posted anything embarrassing yet and will be very careful after reading about your experience. It was funny though.
Re: The Curse (4:36pm September 16, 2012):
I read only print books. I love to hold a book in my hands. I recently moved and didn't realize how many books I have until I started packing them. But I will not get rid of the keepers, as I read them over and over again.
Re: A Lady And Her Magic (12:50pm September 14, 2012):
I don't want to talk about first loves but your book sounds great.
Re: Chasing a Dream (11:44pm September 11, 2012):
I can't remember anyone telling me I couldn't do something. Maybe it's because they know I would prove them wrong.LOL
Re: Temptation In A Kilt (11:56am September 8, 2012):
I love to read about them.
Re: When You Give A Duke A Diamond (11:54am September 8, 2012):
I don't like the spoiled heroine. If they annoy me I don't warm up to them even if they change later.
Re: Treacherous Toys (3:11pm September 5, 2012):
This sounds like a great book.
Re: Return To Willow Lake (5:47pm September 4, 2012):
Thank you for inviting us into your home. It was interesting to read about your house and where you write your wonderful books.
Re: Every Breath She Takes (4:03pm September 3, 2012):
I can't wait to read it. Thank you for the giveaway.
Re: Lucky Break (7:11pm September 1, 2012):
I grew up in a small town and I liked it. I like stories set in small towns because you get to know the people really well and you can have many connected books.
Re: Blame It On Texas (10:44pm August 26, 2012):
Laughter really is the best medicine. My mom would make us laugh all the time, sometimes at the wrong time, like in church. My sisters and I would burst out laughing at her facial expressions. Then she would act like she didn't do anything when my dad gave us a dirty look.
Re: In the Line of Duty (10:37pm August 26, 2012):
Sounds great, I can't wait to read it.
Re: Not the Marrying Kind (12:44pm August 25, 2012):
I am looking forward to reading it.
Re: Florentine's Hero (12:42pm August 25, 2012):
Sounds like a great book.
Re: The Big Beach Book (9:55am August 24, 2012):
I love walking on the beach. It's so relaxing.
Re: Allergic To Death (2:30pm August 18, 2012):
An afternoon with a good mystery sounds good to me.
Re: Hearse And Buggy (1:00pm August 17, 2012):
Sounds like a great book. I watched Little House every week, I loved the show. Still catch it on reruns. The books were wonderful.
Re: Deep Blue (10:27am August 14, 2012):
Hi Kat, I love your books and have quite a collection. I've never been on a cruise but my son and his wife went and said it was fabulous.
Re: The Bull Rider's Brother (7:19pm August 13, 2012):
Everybody loves a cowboy.
Re: Seducing Cinderella (7:15pm August 13, 2012):
I like enemies to lovers. Thanks for the chance to win.
Re: Sweet Deception (7:12pm August 13, 2012):
I would have to say I'm very stubborn when it comes to finances. I don't like to charge things on the credit cards. So if my husband wants to buy something I just tell him we don't need it and I don't give in.
Re: Hell On Wheels (1:09pm August 11, 2012):
Great excerpt, I enjoyed it.
Re: A Brew To A Kill (7:55pm August 8, 2012):
Congrats on your new release. I can't wait to read it.
Re: Wild Texas Rose (10:45am August 7, 2012):
I love Historical Romance. I can't wait to read Wild Texas Rose.
Re: The Last Victim (3:09pm August 5, 2012):
Hi Karen, I love your books and have many in my bookcase. I can't wait to read The Last Victim.
Re: Married By Midnight (6:42pm August 3, 2012):
I don't wait for an author to finish a series. I look forward to the next book. Sometimes when a series ends I miss the characters.
Re: Can't Hurry Love (5:13pm August 2, 2012):
Age doesn't matter to me. I like them old and I like them young.
Re: I Own The Dawn (5:09pm August 2, 2012):
I love to laugh, laughter is the best medicine. I can't wait to read the book.
Re: Wicked At Heart (3:28pm July 29, 2012):
I love books set in England. Poor Damon sounds like a mess.
Re: Creating Fate (9:58am July 24, 2012):
I have learned to listen to that gut feeling.
Re: Scotsmen Prefer Blondes (7:15pm July 21, 2012):
I love Regency Romance. I wish I could have lived in those days. Maybe I did.
Re: Four Sisters, All Queens (11:50am July 15, 2012):
The book sounds very interesting. Thank you for the chance to win.
Re: Jesse (7:13pm July 13, 2012):
Sounds like a fun read
Re: Gwen's Ghost (7:48pm July 12, 2012):
They both sound like great books.
Re: Dark Crossings (7:40pm July 12, 2012):
I'm looking forward to reading the book. Thank you for the contest.
Re: It Begins with a Kiss (10:15pm July 3, 2012):
I am looking forward to reading your books. Thank you for the wonderful post, it was very informative.
Re: Lady Amelia's Mess And A Half (12:38pm June 29, 2012):
I love Gone With The Wind and Ghost
Re: Invitation To Scandal (5:56pm June 26, 2012):
Hi Bronwen I enjoyed reading about you. I would love to be the President of the United States for a day. What fun I would have.
Re: Honorable Rancher (10:58am June 22, 2012):
I love to read and so do my two adult children. My children always saw me reading so I guess it runs in families.
Re: The Casanova Code (8:14pm June 18, 2012):
Nice guy, who is kind and has a sense of humor.
Re: Chase Me (3:44pm June 7, 2012):
I'll take Roarke, thank you.
Re: Lady Maggie's Secret Scandal (7:05pm May 4, 2012):
I would love to win
Re: The Proposal (6:48pm May 4, 2012):
I'm looking forward to reading it
Re: The Zen Man (7:30pm April 18, 2012):
Columbo was my favorite. I also watched Hart to Hart and Rockford Files and many others. I miss those good programs. All we have on TV now is reality trash. I don't waste my time watching that.
Re: A Maverick For Christmas (10:37am October 30, 2011):
My sister has had a lot of problems in her life. I have made sure I'm there with a helping hand and an encouraging word. She calls me all the time because she said when she's down in the dumps I make her feel better. She's also there for me when I need someone to talk to.
Re: Diaries Of An Urban Panther (1:09pm August 31, 2011):
I would scream and start hitting. I have done that when anyone sneaks up on me. One time my brother in law came up behind me while I was vacuuming. I didn't hear him so when he tapped me on the shoulder I hit him with the vacuum nozzle.
Re: Under a Desert Sky (5:08pm June 18, 2011):
To me it means no more anxiety, no more stress about your future together. You have found what you have been looking for.
Re: The Devil in Disguise (10:48am April 24, 2011):
I would love to win. Happy Easter.