Author Self-Published
November 2013
On Sale: November 18, 2013
ISBN: 0045367116 EAN: 2940045367110 Kindle: B00GQOZBVM e-Book (reprint) Add to Wish List
From sweet to sizzling, these three Scottish time travel
romances celebrate the magic of love that transcends time.
A Scottish Time Travel Romance Boxed Set, including three
full length time travel romance novels by bestselling and
award-winning authors at a very special and limited-time
introductory price!
In USA Today and NYT bestselling author Claire Delacroix's
THE LAST HIGHLANDER, Morgan LaFayette's every fantasy comes
true on her Scottish vacation when a medieval highlander
insists she's his destined love, and that he's traveled
through time to win her heart forever.
In the first installment of bestselling author Eliza
Gordan falls headlong through time and into the arms of one
dangerous and sensual Highlander. Together they embark on a
daring, passionate affair where secrets are uncovered, souls
bared and spirits transformed. **WARNING: this book contains
erotic themes.
In bestselling author Terri Brisbin's A LOVE THROUGH TIME,
Alex MacKendimen and Maggie Hobbs visit a Highland faire and
find themselves thrown back into Scotland's past. As the two
work together to find a way to survive and make it back
home, neither one knew that falling in love was part of
Fate's plan for them!
If I could go back in time I think I would like to travel to England and Scotland during the Regency Era, to see exactly what it looked, sounded, and felt like to be there during that time. (Sandy Kenny 12:48pm November 29, 2013)
I'm greedy. All of the British Isles pre-1700. That is IF I could come home again to my family. (Sharon Mitchell 2:10am November 29, 2013)
There are so many eras I'd love to pick, but one leaps out at me for mainly selfish reasons. I'd love to go back to the late 1800's, so that I could live during the time of my Grandmother and Helen Kelller. They were both my Heroes, and I tried to live my life in their footsteps. I'd also love to live during the life of streetcars, and see technology take hold, such as airplanes flying for the first time instead of zeppelins, for example. It was an exciting time in History, and I would be able to share it with two Women who I adored. All three of your books sound exciting in their own way, and will make for great reading this time of year!! Bring on the hot chocolate!! (Peggy Roberson 9:29am November 29, 2013)
If I could go back in time, I would want to have my family all be with me, those that are gone forever and those that are still part of this world. Your books all seem to capture the spirit of days of yesterday, making one want to see just what it was like then (C Culp 10:15am November 29, 2013)
Hmmm, I think I would like to see Pagan Ireland, some balls during the Regency period in England, and maybe the Wild West... :) (Colleen Conklin 11:21am November 29, 2013)
The Old West, love that era (Lisa Avila 11:23am November 29, 2013)
Wales centuries ago (Liz Cranage 11:38am November 29, 2013)
I would like to revisit the 1940's and the 1950's once again where I grew up. (Sharon Berger 1:08pm November 29, 2013)
To meet my mom... (Michelle Schafer 3:29pm November 29, 2013)
I would go back to the iceage . . . kidding! I would go back to either the old west or the Regency times in England. But if I had a choice for time only, I would go back 10 years ago, so that I would have another 10 years with my brother. (Assuming I have my memories that I already have now) (Lazydrag0n Puff 4:21pm November 29, 2013)
The West of the 1800's (Jean Patton 5:04pm November 29, 2013)
I would like to go back into my past to make things right. (Kai Wong 5:13pm November 29, 2013)
I would love to travel back in time and discover history as it was being made. (Sue Farrell 5:20pm November 29, 2013)
I would go back to the 60's with what I know now! Age does make you wiser. (Barbara Wells 6:05pm November 29, 2013)
Regency England with long luxurious vacations in the Scottish Highlands. (Betty Hamilton 6:37pm November 29, 2013)
I love Medieval romances so I'd like to go back to Scotland in that time. The book version since I'm too fond of soap to want the real time. LOL (Marcy Shuler 8:09pm November 29, 2013)
England in the late 1800's. (Jackie Stieghorst 8:32pm November 29, 2013)
I would go back to Revolutionary times in this country. (Maureen Emmons 8:57pm November 29, 2013)
I'd do a few things differently... (Linda Townsend 10:32pm November 29, 2013)
I think I would go back to the 5o's. It seems like it was an easier time, a fun time to be a teen and great music! (Melanie Backus 11:03pm November 29, 2013)
I would love to go back to the 50"s and spend more time with my Mom and Dad (Amy Milne 12:46pm November 30, 2013)
I would love to travel to either the late 40s or to the 50s, for the excitement of the birth of rock and roll (Wilma Salas 1:33am November 30, 2013)
I think I would like to go back to the south in the 1920's or to England in the 1800's. I wonder how I would fare in those times. (Val Pearson 2:27am November 30, 2013)
Id def love to go back to the 1800s and find meand old fashioned guy that knows how to treat a lady and also to scots back then yummy (Rachael Kennedy 4:31am November 30, 2013)
If I could go back in time, I would like to visit my past and undo a few things. But if that's not possible, then I would like to visit the 50's and buy some stocks and property. ;) Congrats on this new release! (April Harvey 6:50am November 30, 2013)
to see my mom and dad (Denise Smith 7:18am November 30, 2013)
To the time when Stonehenge was still being used. I'd love to know for sure why they built it. (Glenda Martillotti 8:40am November 30, 2013)
I've often thought living in the late 1800s might be nice. On a farm or ranch, doing the kinds of chores that are just hobbies for many women now: gardening, canning and preserving, baking bread, etc. (Darla Zimmer 8:42am November 30, 2013)
I love historical romances and these books look wonderful!!!! If I had to go back in time...I'd want to see my sister one more time. I lost her to lung cancer at the age of 54! (Bonnie Capuano 9:05am November 30, 2013)
I love to win books from new authors. That way I get a chaces to read them. Thank you for a chaces to win. (Judy Ferguson 9:32am November 30, 2013)
The 1800's, I love the old west. (Rita Wray 10:17am November 30, 2013)
Historical time travel books are among my favorite. I would love to win this set to add to my library. (Angelina Daniels-Shaw 11:33am November 30, 2013)
I would go back to a time before I got married and had kids, so that I could find my dad, and have him in my families life. I have not seen my dad since I was two (42 years ago) and I just recently found a cousin after I saw the obituary of her father's death in the paper. I found out that he died a few months after my last child was born (a son who is now ten). My children and I never got to know my father or his side of the family, so a big part of our history is missing. kbinmich AT yahoo DOT com (Kimberly Mayberry 12:12pm November 30, 2013)
I wouldn't time travel. I like my air conditioning, education, soft bed, and vaccinations. I like reading about the possibility of different times and time travel. They can be very fun reads. (Laura Gullickson 2:44pm November 30, 2013)
I'm not to sure I would want to go back. I like the knowledge and the viewpoints I have gained and fear going back in time and learning the realities of whatever period I visit would be both dangerous and disappointing. (Sandra Spilecki 3:08pm November 30, 2013)
I would love to travel back in time to the period where my entire family were together. But, to really time travel to places and times which I am fascinated by it would be to Italy and England during the eras 600 to 1600. (Vennie Martinisi 3:11pm November 30, 2013)
I think England in the 1800's would be a interesting time to visit. Thanks for having a great giveaway (Julie Parrish 3:42pm November 30, 2013)
I love time travel stories and I think one reason is that ever since my husband and I took a trip to Scotland and visited the towns and cities my ancestors once lived I have wanted to be able to travel back in time and find out how they lived during their time there. We're they caught up in any of the fighting for independence from England? Did they lose their homes? I'd love to find out why they left the land of their birth and ventured across the wide ocean to settle in the United States (before it even became a united country) and how did they end up settling where they did!
After traveling to Scotland and see the beautiful places they came from I often wonder if they would do the same thing today and make the same hard choices they made to move to an unknown country and start their lives all over again.
Was it fate that forced their decision or did they simply have to face the reality of the times and either move or have their families die because of either the fighting or from hunger or on the other hand did they look forward to making a better life for themselves.
Those questions are the reason I love to read time-travel books. I wonder if they could have done it themselves if I would still be able to ask why they did move but instead would be living in the beautiful land of Scotland today myself! (Jeanne Miro 7:35pm November 30, 2013)
I'd travel back to 9th century Ireland or Scotland (Laurelyn Lane 7:38pm November 30, 2013)
I would go back to the 1950's to a prosperous United States with jobs and cheap education. (LeAnn Knott 7:41pm November 30, 2013)
I lover reading everyone's comments! Not sure where I would go if I were to travel back in time. (Amber Kuehn 7:53pm November 30, 2013)
i would go to Germany in 1964 before i was born. so i could see my father before he died. thanks for the chance (Jennifer Beck 8:11pm November 30, 2013)
I would love to back to Victorian Times. Everythig seemed so elegant. Thanks for a chance to win your book. (Linda Hall 8:33pm November 30, 2013)
I would love to meet my mother as a young woman. full of promise, in the late 1940's, and to see my beloved grandmother, aunts and uncles at ages when they were most happy. I only knew them when they were middle-aged, and they had so many stories about their younger selves. (Beth Fuller 8:55pm November 30, 2013)
As time travel romance is one of my favorite genres, I think I would love to travel to the British Isles in the 1700's-providing I could return home after a short visit. (I would miss my w.c.) (Lynne Mauro 9:04pm November 30, 2013)
I'd time travel back to the days of the Wild West - to larger than life cowboys and the pioneers of the West. (Chris Coulson 9:14pm November 30, 2013)
I would love to go back to the 1800's. (Courteney Moore 10:24pm November 30, 2013)
I'd go to a house party in Regency England. (Janie McGaugh 11:04pm November 30, 2013)
I don't know if I'd want to go back in time. I'd rather go into the future. (Kristin Bingham 11:41pm November 30, 2013)
I'd love to go back to Victorian England. Queen Victoria was quite amazing. (Mary Preston 12:29pm December 1, 2013)