February 11th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Moments of Truth by Sandra D. Bricker


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Also by Sandra D. Bricker:

Sleigh Bells Ring, October 2016
Paperback / e-Book
From Bags to Riches, March 2016
Paperback / e-Book
Moments of Truth, October 2015
Paperback / e-Book
Be My Valentino, June 2015
Paperback / e-Book
On a Ring and a Prayer, March 2015
Paperback / e-Book
Rise And Shine, May 2014
Paperback / e-Book
Raw Edges, September 2013
Paperback / e-Book
If The Shoe Fits, June 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Always The Baker Finally The Bride, April 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Always The Designer, Never The Bride, April 2012
Paperback / e-Book
Always the Wedding Planner, Never the Bride, October 2011
Always the Baker, Never the Bride, September 2010
Trade Size
The Big 5-Oh!, February 2010

Moments of Truth
Sandra D. Bricker

Bling! Romance
October 2015
On Sale: September 28, 2015
Featuring: Regan Sloane
ISBN: 1941103952
EAN: 9781941103951
Kindle: B012QBBYFA
Paperback / e-Book
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Women's Fiction

Regan Sloane was married once. Eight years, no kids, she got the house. In the years since the divorce, she's managed to keep afloat with the only real skill she has: Writing. She hadn't really noticed how her readership had blossomed until a well-known reviewer noticed her sweet little lifestyle blog. When had it transformed into a single woman's go-to? With the life and loves of her four BFFs to fuel the content and have her back at every turn Regan realizes that something magical happens when women join forces. Girl Power just might be the new super power!

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37 comments posted.

Re: Moments of Truth

Gosh, yes, there are tons of details in life that can bog
one down. I have to take an occasion break to decide what
the priorities are.
(Deb Philippon 10:01am August 21, 2015)

I also write lists, and have more paper around here than you
could shake a stick at!! Because my mind is always working
and thinking about more than one thing at the same time, I
need to have a list for each thing that I'm thinking about.
There's my home list, a list for the knitting class that I
volunteer to teach, one for things coming up, personal
things, and things that have to do with where I live, since
my Husband and I are managers of the apartment building.
Some days there are multiple lists, and other days there are
only a couple. There is also the running shopping list that
I keep nearby to add items to as I run out of items. It's a
good feeling when I can finish a list and throw away the
paper!! I'm looking forward to reading your book, and true
to form, have it on my TBR list!! ha Congratulations on
your latest book. I'm sure it will do well. I also
apologize for the long-winded answer.
Peggy Roberson 10:16am August 21, 2015)

When i get bogged down, i take a break. I stop what i'm
doing and find something else that I can do while i try to
get back to where i need to be.
Nicole Bouchey 11:29am August 21, 2015)

I'm with you Sandie, I have lists of lists and more lists! Being in my forties, my memory is NOT what it used to be, so those little slips of paper are my lifelines.
Amy Hatfield 12:01pm August 21, 2015)

Thank you so much for supporting my list-making! And for stopping by today. I love Fresh Fiction, and was so pleased to be invited to visit with you all.
Sandie Bricker 12:29pm August 21, 2015)

When I get bogged down, I try to look back and see the greatness that came from other situations when I thought there was no hope!

Excited for your readers to check out this book!
Mrs. Lopez 12:47pm August 21, 2015)

Finding direction in a maze of changes can be hard and trying to tweak
your hopes and dreams into what is the right path is often difficult. Friends
play a huge role in this and for my life the changes have often been so
drastic that they have taken my breath away...friendship have been the key
to surviving divorce, deafness, new beginnings and life that is free.
Sandies books display this and so much more in her writings she is real
and she writes as if you see apart of her inner circle. Another book well
Cathie Gerhart 1:00pm August 21, 2015)

When I get bogged down with details I just stop and take a deep breathe.Helps me refocus.
Jean Benedict 3:10pm August 21, 2015)

Yes, I do get bogged down. I will have to remember to climb
a tree. I am glad you decided to do that because this is an
excellent book.
Susan Johnson 9:05pm August 21, 2015)

Oh my gosh, lists are my life. I mean I would not have a chance to get anything done, never mind remembering it, if it were not for my lists. I do grocery lists for three stores each week, a list for Wal Mart, a list for my husband to do his errands with lists of instructions for anything he needs to pick up for me, and lists for ordering books, and so on. I have lost a lot of lists so now I have a huge notebook on my desk which is like my master list and every time I get some information that I know I will need again, but don't want to lost the note it is written on, I put that info. into my book along with the date. I have kept track of many things this way that would have gotten misplaced or forgotten otherwise.

I have only read a couple of your books, but looking forward to reading many more.
Thank you.
Cynthia Blain 10:45pm August 21, 2015)

I am looking forward to ready your latest inspirational book. It sounds fantastic and I need all the help and guidance that I can get these days of not being as healthy as I used to be and thinking about how to keep a good frame of mind. Thank you for the chance to win your book.
Cynthia Blain 10:47pm August 21, 2015)

I am a detailed type of person so I usually do not get bogged down with
details...I prefer detailed instead of big picture.
Jackie Wisherd 11:55pm August 21, 2015)

Take a few minutes for myself an breath.
Marissa Yip-Young 5:39am August 22, 2015)

I'm bogged down all the time seems like . I take a deep breath and sometimes just walk away for awhile . That seems to help the most ,and sometimes I tell myself to " take the bull by the horns and get after it".
Joan Thrasher 9:28am August 22, 2015)

I use my calendar a lot and also make a list at the beginning
of each work day off things that need to be done. I also make
sure I take breaks so I don't let the stress get to me. And
when I leave work and head home I do just that...leave work at
work and concentrate on home and family!
Maria Smith 3:44pm August 22, 2015)

I'm definitely a list person that way I worry less.
Lesley Walsh 4:55pm August 22, 2015)

I always have a list and cross things off as I do them. My sister-in-law laughed at me and then decided she would try it because she was overwhelmed. She does agree it makes life easier.
Rita Wray 7:28pm August 22, 2015)

new author for me. would love to read your work
Lorelei Frank 9:14pm August 22, 2015)

I worry about everything! Sometimes, a good nights sleep will help me put things in perspective...
Nancy Mejia 1:39am August 23, 2015)

I have to stay organized to keep me sane.
Rachel Simon 10:37am August 23, 2015)

Yes, sometimes I do go overboard with details. At some point, though, I usually say enough is enough and let's just get moving.
Nancy Marcho 1:12pm August 23, 2015)

My mom loved lists and my brother and I HATED THEM!! Now
that I'm older, I find that I can't live without my lists
(shhhh...don't tell my mom...I don't need an "I told you
so" smirk ;) )! We used dry board paint to create four
boards near our back door and mine always has a bunch of
stuff on it. When I finish, I erase it. Without this, I'd
never remember half the things I must get done!
Barrie MacLauchlin 1:23pm August 23, 2015)

I am a watercolor painter, and yes, I notice details. Especially light and dark
shadows on things.
Joy Isley 1:50pm August 23, 2015)

I would love to win and read
Kathy Church 2:32pm August 23, 2015)

i confess, i am a lister. every month i sit down and spend about three hours just making out a menu and a shopping list(s) for the entire month. i do this because we get food stamps and i must use them before everybody else make a trip to the local convenience store. LOL i pour through cookbooks and magazinees for recipes and ideas, and as i do that i write down every ingredient i need to buy for the month, then, i make the shopping lists out for aldis,dillons,wslmsrt, and dollar general. i know which store has the lowest price on EVERYTHING, i even make out thre lists by aisle in the store. am i bogged???
Sue Hieber 3:22pm August 23, 2015)

It is our family joke that I make nice lists for groceries
and always leave them at home. I used to be able to keep
track of events and outings, but the older the kids get the
trickier that becomes!
Carolyn Di Leo 5:44pm August 23, 2015)

Your book sounds wonderful! I would love to read it and post a review for you on Amazon or wherever you prefer.
Cindelu Crosby 11:04pm August 23, 2015)

Your right, it is easy to get bogged down. Sometimes, it can be so overwhelming, sometimes all you can do is take it a day at a time. I'm a new fan. Thanks for the opportunity.
Tammy Woodall 2:39am August 24, 2015)

Sounds like an interesting read!
Barbara Semeraro 9:02am August 24, 2015)

I would love to win a copy of your book! It would be a great read! Thanks for the contest!
Susan Patterson 4:22pm August 24, 2015)

When I get bogged down I stop and take a break and a big deep
Denise Austin 6:15pm August 24, 2015)

I make lists also :) but try to keep in mind that God has a plan :)
Dianne McVetty 7:12pm August 24, 2015)

I rely on friends and prayer.
Mary Ann Dimand 7:31pm August 24, 2015)

When I get bogged down and have the time, I take a nap. Most of the time when I feel overwhelmed its because I'm overtired. A little nap recharges my batteries and leaves me feeling refreshed and focused.
Heidi Ingalls 8:46pm August 24, 2015)

When I get bogged down I take a break and come back to it later.
Racquelle Robinson 10:05pm August 24, 2015)

It's not details it's my tendency to procrastinate that gets me behind.
Laura Gullickson 10:15pm August 24, 2015)

I myself am a HUGE list maker! When things seem to get
overwhelming I make a list to prioritize things and just
follow it until I feel like I have both feet on the ground
again. Your book sounds very intriguing, it's been added to
my TBR list. Thanks for the opportunity!
Jennifer Lessard 1:00am August 26, 2015)

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