Abingdon Press
February 2010
On Sale: February 1, 2010
Featuring: Olivia Wallacea
288 pages ISBN: 1426702353 EAN: 9781426702358 Paperback Add to Wish List
Olivia Wallace has a birthday curse . . . or so she thinks.
It was a broken heart on her 16th, a car accident
on her 21st, pneumonia on her 30th,
and a fall down a flight of stairs on her 35th.
There were Ohio blizzards on her 38th,
39th, and 40th; and six days before
her 45th, she lost the love of her life to a
heart attack. Numbing grief stole that birthday and a couple
more to follow and, on the morning of her 48th
birthday, she received the call she’d dreaded ever since
losing her mom so many years ago…she was diagnosed with
stage-3 ovarian cancer. The doctors didn’t hold out a lot of
hope, but Liv survived and maintained her faith. Months of
surgeries and chemotherapy and radiation treatments followed.
But now, as her 50th birthday creeps up the icy
Ohio path toward her, her hair has grown back, her energy
level is up, and she is officially cancer free. It makes her
nervous. After everything she’s gone through, Liv hates the
idea of driving on icy roads and returning to work as an
O.R. nurse in a local Cincinnati hospital.
Her best friend Hallie knows just the thing to break Liv out
of the winter doldrums, while providing a safe haven of
warmth, sunshine, and a time to regroup: a holiday in the
Florida sunshine!