February 19th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Susan Coster

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194 comments posted.

Re: He Loves Me ... KNOT (2:47pm November 18, 2017):

I love current fiction of any kind...romance, chick lit, historical fiction, new releases so HE LOVE ME KNOT would fit me perfectly. I admire authors who think out of the box and come up with a novel to make you THINK.

Re: Summoner (9:50pm September 17, 2017):

Dolby from Harry Potter!

Re: Freedom's Ring (5:53pm August 15, 2017):

Boston Strong will forever hold a place in my heart and soul. Thank you for writing such an important story for your readers, Heidi.

Re: The Attraction of Adeline (11:07pm April 14, 2017):

Eddie Redmayne is my choice for Jack. He is handsome yet a bit on the nerdy/smart side and he could definitely pass as a tutor/fake fiance to Adeline.

Re: When Water Was Everywhere (10:45pm February 22, 2017):

The Help comes to mind first. Set in Jackson, Mississippi in the early 60's, it is an awakening of justice for those who served the white community and were mistreated.

Re: A Family Under the Christmas Tree (6:20pm November 4, 2016):

Persimmons were my mother's favorite treat! When my mom would say, "I'd like something EXOTIC to eat", I knew she craved persimmons. I can bet she would have loved the persimmon cookies as well. Many thanks for the giveaway.

Re: Christmas Tsar (6:16pm November 4, 2016):

Kudos on the publication of your latest romance novel!

Re: A Family Under the Christmas Tree (3:20pm October 29, 2016):

My mother was not the best cook in the world but she tried. Imagine how happy she was when Swanson gave the world the first "TV" dinners. But for the Jewish holidays, she made brisket. She tried. Yes, it was tough. Yes, it may have been stringy, but, we had to have brisket. I sure do wish she was here to make it.

Re: Daughters of the Bride (7:24pm July 15, 2016):

I hope this isn't just another fluff book!

Re: Irish Stewed (6:37pm June 5, 2016):

I would love to be able to gift this to my favorite Irish friend for her birthday. Many thanks. Ya'll rock!

Re: The Seduction of Kinley Foster (5:14pm May 10, 2016):

My guilty pleasure is new shoes and purses! The key for me is that they must be on sale or clearance--that's the fun of it--the thrill of the hunt for the best bargain I can find!

Re: Romancing the Ranger (3:39pm March 19, 2016):

I, too, love to write. Listening to my favorites, Cyndi Lauper and Cher, inspire me to write and FEEL more........think True Colors or Believe and you will be inspired as well.

Re: Divorced, Desperate, and Daring (7:05pm December 22, 2015):

I have a rock from the Klondike. I look at all the time and think---BETTER NOT! But, oh, so tempting!

Re: A Remarkable Kindness (5:27pm August 29, 2015):

I love it when a character has feelings for both men and women. It makes the book real.

Re: Food Baby (5:25pm August 29, 2015):

I won't drink orange juice! When I was young, I had to take castor oil with orange juice before a gastro exam....now, I have a phobia against it.

Re: Murder Under the Desert Moon (5:07pm June 30, 2015):

I would say, Maria, to keep your settings still in the Arizona you love, but maybe, just maybe, up in the White Mountain area--where the Phoenicians go to cool off. I'm suggesting Heber-Overgaard or Show Low, Arizona.

Re: On Shifting Sand (6:02pm April 4, 2015):

The traditional Southern tomato & mayo sandwich!

Re: The Mystery Writers of America Cookbook (4:35pm March 31, 2015):

My coconut pineapple ice cream disappears faster than you can say chocolate cake!

Re: The Vigil (5:17pm March 6, 2015):

I said I would never judge anyone by their looks and I did so recently---and am very sorry--because she's a wonderful person, and, now, friend.

Re: A Killer Retreat (4:13pm February 17, 2015):

Doe Bay looks like my kind of place precisely...something along the lines of Sanibel Island, although, I know they are on different coasts. Please enter me to win the Amazon card..either prize would be welcomed.

Re: Beyond Limits (5:57pm January 26, 2015):

Your thrillers rock!

Re: Meow If It's Murder (7:31pm January 12, 2015):

Sounds very intriguing indeed!

Re: Stirring The Plot (12:34pm September 30, 2014):

Sounds heavenly....love to curl up with a good fall mystery!

Re: How Sweet The Sound (6:47pm September 20, 2014):

I love Southern fiction/ Thank you for the giveaway. I am in a book club called Nifty Fifty...it has bloomed from 5 gals to nearly 20...we pick one classic per year and the rest of the titles are put in a hat..and that's how they're chosen.

Re: Firewall (5:21pm July 9, 2014):

I absolutely love this brief guide to creative writing and will pass it along to my would-be writer friends, DiAnn!

Re: Shenandoah Dreams (3:58pm July 5, 2014):

I always have the same dream...that I am stuck out in the 'burbs and am trying to get home BUT if I were in an exotic locale, I would probably want to stay and explore.

Re: Muffin But Murder (6:26pm July 1, 2014):

Cute title ~ Kudos!

Re: Crime Rib (6:25pm July 1, 2014):

Very clever book title since a neighboring suburb is having a RibFest this very weekend! Count me in to win!

Re: Monday, Monday (5:09pm June 16, 2014):

I already read Monday, Monday, and felt like it was going to be a book with "good vibrations" but instead it was a largely sorrowful story....check my review on Goodreads. I would love to win this as a gift for a close friend of mine who went through the 60's with me.

Re: House Of Jaguar (5:35pm May 20, 2014):

Kudos to you. My husband and I bravely drove up to Breckendridge, Colorado because we won a trip there. By the time we got there, we were green around the gills and had to go back to Denver.

Re: Everything to Lose (12:55pm May 19, 2014):

Good luck on your new release. You are in good company with James Patterson.

Re: A Sweet Life Boxed Set (1:16pm May 11, 2014):

Good luck with your auction. I'm a huge believer in the Pay it Forward credo too!

Re: Cottonmouth and the River (1:15pm May 11, 2014):

I used to work as an assistant in a school so I love children's books! Your new release sounds so magical!

Re: Rise And Shine (1:14pm May 11, 2014):

I love reality TV....#don'tjudgeme!

Re: The Language Of Silence (5:54pm May 8, 2014):

Loved The Sweetest Hallelujah....can't wait to read your new release. P.S. I review on Goodreads.

Re: The Memory Garden (5:13pm May 6, 2014):

My perfect garden would be a combination of flowers and vegetables....mainly vegetables for healthy eating for my family.

Re: A Shot of Red (4:48pm April 23, 2014):

I have never been abroad but it sure is on my bucket list. In fact, I hit the jackpot and won a trip through a radio station and am going to Breckenridge, Colorado on Monday! Check Rocky Mountains off my list.....

Re: Wild About Her Wingman (4:46pm April 23, 2014):

Oysters with a Corona!

Re: Paige Turned (7:13pm April 18, 2014):

I never expected I would lead a life in poor health. I've been dealt a bad hand, no doubt, but I've tried to do my best to be STRONG! And, each day I live life to the fullest!

Re: A Promise In Pieces (3:06pm April 4, 2014):

Good luck with your new release and wonderful Starbucks giveaway.

Re: The Red-Hot Chili Cook-Off (3:05pm April 4, 2014):

Count me in to win a spicy read or two!

Re: Dash of Peril (3:59pm April 2, 2014):

Love the name, Dash! So clever!

Re: A Killing Notion (5:31pm April 1, 2014):

I like when I'm reading a book and don't know its a mystery but, of course, turns out to be one...one that comes to mind is Julie Kibler's Calling Me Home.

Re: Dyed and Gone (4:12pm March 30, 2014):

What creative ideas for the bobby pins...I think they are making a comeback! Vera Bradley even has a line of them in their new and colorful patterns....I guess they could be turned into a necklace as pictured above. Thanks!

Re: Her Summer with the Marine (9:29pm March 19, 2014):

Any book set in a small town, especially if its in the South, captures me. Small town characters are the meat and bones of literature...just my two cents!

Re: Dating, Dining, and Desperation (6:23pm March 14, 2014):

Although I have always lived in a big city, I spent many a summer in a small town in Tennessee that had a population of 800. Life was so laid back and everyone was content to just sit on their front porches or swing and drink sweet tea. Our recreation was going to the DQ for a cone and honk the horn at your friends to say HEY!!!! I could definitely live in a small town where there is less stress!

Re: Hot Rock (7:38pm February 26, 2014):

I think you may be referring to Rod Stewart!!!!! He's hot as hell!

Re: Mint Juleps and Justice (5:44pm February 22, 2014):

Please enter me to win, alpha male or beta male, it doesn't matter in the long run, right?

Re: High-Heeled Wonder (6:14pm February 17, 2014):

I am more of a Minnetonka moc gal but I love a good read!

Re: The Wedding Game (4:40pm January 31, 2014):

My son got married in May. It wasn't the wedding I had hoped for but he's happy & that's all that matters, isn't it?

Re: Control (6:41pm January 30, 2014):

Control over yourself is a good thing but when you demand control of others, then it becomes toxic.

Re: Teacup Turbulence (2:12pm January 28, 2014):

My friend's daughter write a blog for Orphans of the Storm in the Chicagoland area. You would appreciate it. Thanks for the giveaway.

Re: Poison Town (6:50pm January 25, 2014):

This sounds like Cleveland.....but could be anywhere, anyone. Thanks for the giveaway. Lowe's is the best for just about anything.

Re: The Splendour Falls (6:48pm January 25, 2014):

My dream of a European vacation namely to London and Paris have yet to be met, sorrowfully....

Re: Sadie's Secret (4:06pm January 17, 2014):

I love Southern historical fiction....your book fits the bill!

Re: More Than A Touch (4:05pm January 17, 2014):

Books are the essence of the soul.

Re: Songs of Shenandoah (6:12pm January 10, 2014):

Southern fiction, especially historical, is one of my favorite genres. If its set in the South, count me in to win! Thanks!

Re: The Purchase (4:37pm January 8, 2014):

Southern fiction, especially historical, is my favorite genre. Having said that I was wondering if you have read Page From a Tennessee Journal, Mudbound, The Kitchen House, etc. They are breathtaking!

Re: Paws For Murder (1:48pm January 2, 2014):

What a clever title and great giveaway. Count me in!

Re: Freezer I'll Shoot (6:58pm December 28, 2013):

No, I usually don't make resolutions. But Elizabeth Berg (author) posted something on Facebook today about writing letters ~ if only a brief note, a recipe sent, and it touched my heart, so maybe I'll try and make some wrongs, right, with a few heartfelt letters.

Re: Welcome Back To Apple Grove (2:05pm December 20, 2013):

I love peanut butter cookies all year round & for the holiday, if I can find those fancy Italian lace cookies, count me in.

Re: Undressing Mr. Darcy (5:42pm December 9, 2013):

This is way out in left field for me......I don't know who I'd like to see undressed but I think I'll go with Michael Caine. I've loved him since Alfie and always will.

Re: Tempest's Course (7:11pm December 5, 2013):

Perhaps....for instance, who reads Booth Tarkington's Penrod these days..anyone?

Re: Stranded (7:10pm December 5, 2013):

I LOVE Alaska! Not enough novels set in the north woods like yours...good luck on your new releases.

Re: Rugged Hearts (8:52pm December 4, 2013):

I don't receive random acts of kindness but I give them. I am a true believer in paying it forward & have done so throughout the year.

Re: Billionaire Blend (3:52pm December 3, 2013):

I love it when authors intersperse recipes with a novel.

Re: A Perfect Distraction (3:27pm November 28, 2013):

Opal is my birthstone (October). I have a pair of pretty opal earrings....I have had an opal ring but it cracked. They are brittle stones, somewhat like our feelings, vulnerable & easily injured. I wouldn't call it my favorite gem ~ I don't have one, but if you must know, I'll take a diamond any day of the week. Sending greetings you way over the pond to you....

Re: Hard As It Gets (2:16pm November 25, 2013):

I can't think of any books with an animal character..but enter me anyways....

Re: Reign (6:43pm November 24, 2013):

I'll pass on the calamari!

Re: The Wedding Game (6:41pm November 24, 2013):

No, never...if he has to pay for someone to marry him, then surely he must be damaged in some manner.

Re: The Bitches of Brooklyn (5:01pm November 19, 2013):

Boots! At the and of last winter, they were 75% off....& who could resist Minnetonka black suede boots & Bareskin boots for a song...literally! Better than shopping at Goodwill, which, of course, I ADORE!

Re: Texas Tango (5:22pm November 14, 2013):

I am heading over to your blog and contact page RIGHT NOW to snag some swag!

Re: The Namesake (5:17pm November 13, 2013):

I am sure your book will be a hit with the Christian crowd. I wish you the best of success on your new release.

Re: Bikers and Pearls (6:52pm November 11, 2013):

I think my 8th grade teacher, Miss McKenna, inspired a love of the classics. We had to read 50 pages a night, and, you could not cheat! I was called out because I put down I had read only 29 pages one night. Things were different back in 1963! But never will I forgot My Antonia, The Yearling, Oliver Twist and Little Women.

Re: Daughter Of The God-King (7:13pm November 8, 2013):

Don't be worried about what you write or whether your readers would be creeped out by a 15-year old heroine/romantic figure. That's what poetic license or creative writing is....and in those days, it wasn't uncommon for a 12-15 year old to be married off or sent to live with a much older man.

Re: A Cowboy for Christmas (7:05pm November 5, 2013):

We celebrate both Hanukkah and Christmas. We light the menorah, decorate the tree, and also open presents on both holidays. What joy!

Re: Milkshakes, Mermainds, and Murder (7:10pm October 24, 2013):

We are regular visitors to Sanibel Island, also on the Gulf Coast of Florida. It was also a home away from home to McLean Stevenson, formerly of M-A-S-H! On the island, he was able to maintain his privacy, that's the way of the island, quiet and peaceful and that's why to this day, we surrender to its charm.

Re: Cinderella Screwed Me Over (6:17pm October 23, 2013):

Alice in Wonderland.....I think its been skewed in many a poor song.....

Re: The Sweetest Hallelujah (2:40pm October 22, 2013):

If its Southern Lit, historical or present day, count me in to win a copy!

Re: Christmas Quilt (12:31pm October 21, 2013):

I am looking forward to the birth of my new grandson or granddaughter and your blog post hit home with me.

Re: The Butterfly Sister (4:58pm October 19, 2013):

If this is anything like Butterfly's Child, count me in. If not, I still would like to win it because a good mystery is my forte.

Re: Plague Ship (5:33pm October 15, 2013):

I have been on a dozen cruises and over the years, I've witnessed the changed ~ for the good ~ regarding sanitary procedures....hand sanitizers abound.

Re: Death Of A Schoolgirl (3:39pm October 14, 2013):

Oh, the most endearing Jane Eyre, not read since 8th grade..would love to revisit the Bronte psych in this new twist.

Re: Paige Rewritten (6:09pm October 9, 2013):

Christian fiction appeals to many people and I know you will have great success with your new release. Congrats.

Re: Jude (6:08pm October 9, 2013):

I don't believe in the supernatural. I know many people do..so good luck with your new release. My son will love the Starbucks card.

Re: The Patterer (6:31pm October 7, 2013):

A humorous English Lit book would be a perfect holiday present for my UK cousin! Thanks for the offering and good luck to you on your new release.

Re: Kisses On Her Christmas List (5:27pm October 3, 2013):

I know your books are awesome but for some true joy, try A Redbird Christmas by Fannie Flagg.

Re: Long Shot (6:26pm October 1, 2013):

I love anything set in a small town and especially New England!

Re: Dark Road Home (7:05pm September 21, 2013):

Both sets of grandparents came through Ellis Island...as did my mother at age 2! Would love to win the Starbucks gift card for my son and his wife. They just got married in May and spend a fortune at Starbucks at break time!

Re: Severed Trust (7:03pm September 21, 2013):

This is a subject near and dear to my heart. Prescription drugs either prescribed or not, are hard to kick, and I commend the Texas Rangers for helping with this horrific problem. And, I am so curious what the western item giveaway is! Yes, enter me!

Re: Gideon's Call (7:00pm September 21, 2013):

I am not a buyer of books but I do go to the LIBRARY at least once a week. I have a stash of special books, some signed, some not, that are near and dear to my heart. My absolute favorite genre is Southern Lit and I would love to win Gideon's Call!

Re: Traces Of Mercy (5:59pm September 12, 2013):

Prairie meets romantic cowboy ~ an awesome duo + goodies to boot! Count me in and thanks!

Re: Shades Of Mercy (5:55pm September 12, 2013):

Thanks for taking the plunge into fiction. It must have been a scary endeavor for you. Thanks for the giveaway including the chai tea!

Re: When Mountains Move (5:53pm September 12, 2013):

I like nothing better than a novel that is set in the South as I am a lover of Southern Lit. I read other books as well but I have a tendency to reach for those with a Southern setting either historical or present. If you liked The Poisonwood Bible, then you will surely like Kingsolver's new book, Flight Behavior. If you haven't already read it, its a must! And, although I get the motive behind you giveaway, it would mean more winners if you chose one book per person....& a small Starbucks card for each. Thank you!

Re: The Dervish (9:08pm September 7, 2013):

Istanbul is on my bucket list!!!!!

Re: The Good Wife (5:22pm September 3, 2013):

I think love can turn obsessive/possessive and that's not a good thing. Would love to read another one of your books!

Re: Cowboy Seeks Bride (2:52pm August 22, 2013):

Dewer ~ what a clever, masculine name for your hero! Good luck on your new release!

Re: Wicked Beat (2:51pm August 22, 2013):

Humor is the key to good health!

Re: Surrender To Sultry (2:50pm August 22, 2013):

I love the name Colton or Colt....so masculine. Good luck on your new novel!

Re: Last Chance Reunion (6:07pm August 21, 2013):

Besides a great name for a town (Chance), I also see it being a strong name for a male or female character! Good luck with your new novel!

Re: The Amish Seamstress (2:06pm August 18, 2013):

The Amish lifestyle and language is intensely unique and amazingly a stronghold in many communities. I have never read an Amish novel therefore I would love to read yours!

Re: Beneath the Dover Sky (2:04pm August 18, 2013):

Although your books is historical English Lit, it reminds me of Southern Lit because of the division within the house, the house slaves vs. the rich plantation owners. Back in the day, they called it consumption, right?

Re: Three Days on Mimosa Lane (5:37pm August 16, 2013):

I am a strong believer in paying it forward. I don't want to toot my own horn here but I just won 2 primo tickets to a Lionel Richie concert here in Chicago. My e-pal who I've never met is a die-hard LR fan. She even has him as her Facebook profile picture. So, I invited her from Minneapolis and she almost fainted...and she will be staying with me to boot!

Re: A Little Bit of Charm (5:17pm August 7, 2013):

There is an Amish village nearby in Indiana I would love to visit someday ~ they fascinate me too ~ especially their language....

Re: Pattern for Romance (5:15pm August 7, 2013):

It's nice that many couples choose a pattern but some don't! My son & his new wife like plain white plates ~ ce la vie!

Re: The Passion Of The Purple Plumeria (4:49pm August 6, 2013):

I love the art of linguistics and would love to win!

Re: A Brew to a Kill (4:48pm August 6, 2013):

What an adorable cup! Hooked on coffee & books!

Re: Death Al Dente (4:55pm August 2, 2013):

I never left my hometown ~ well, I did move to suburb, but my dream is to move to Sanibel Island...

Re: The Eskimo Hunts in Miami! (4:48pm July 31, 2013):

This sounds like a great mix of genres. Count me in to win.

Re: The Sweetest Hallelujah (4:47pm July 31, 2013):

YOu have to believe me when I say that Southern fiction is my all time fav and,Shakearag, OMG, count me in!

Re: Kissing My Old Life Au Revoir (11:01pm July 22, 2013):

You are a brave soul. I have regrets for not buying on Sanibel Island 40 years ago when the prices were reasonable...now I pay for 2 weeks for what I could have bought a house there back in the way. Good luck!

Re: An Open Heart (12:32pm July 21, 2013):

I WISH I could believe in life after death but I just can't. Once I see a body to go earth, it remains there. Souls, I think not!

Re: Raspberries and Vinegar (12:30pm July 21, 2013):

I think a good mix of both is in order. There are many times you just don't have the time to make a meal from scratch so you reach for the Stouffers....other times you do. Of course, homemade is better but sometimes just impossible with our fast paced age we live in.

Re: Meet Me At The Cupcake Cafe (12:16pm July 18, 2013):

Not only does the title grab me, but the subject matter is divine. This would make a great gift for the dessert lover (or me!).

Re: Rancher to the Rescue (7:01pm July 17, 2013):

After 40 years of HELL, I think I know my husband!!!! LOL!!!!

Re: Magic Rises (7:00pm July 17, 2013):

I've always wanted to visit Atlanta! My cousin lives there and loves it and there is such a huge author base in the Atlanta/Marietta area....are you going to the convention?

Re: Emeralds of the Alhambra (11:25pm July 16, 2013):

Have you read Fiesta of Smoke by Suzan Still??? Sounds a bit similar..enchanting!

Re: Masquerade (4:55pm July 13, 2013):

Lavinia ~ I am already hooked ~ seems like the perfect lady for a Southern Lit book, not a *bad* girl but I can't wait to find out!

Re: Wish You Were Here (5:05pm June 27, 2013):

When I was a kid, I was inspired by my 8th grade teacher, Miss McKenna to read. With her wonderful in-room library, we were given the opportunity to explore the classics, both in English class and on our own. I have never lost the spell that was cast over me in her class.

Re: All Out of Love (6:55pm June 25, 2013):

I am all over the board but picked 3-B's so that must mean Kristan Higgins! What a clever, creative & unique giveaway, Lori!

Re: The Fireman's Homecoming (7:30pm June 12, 2013):

I feel so materialistic saying that my hobbies include, reading (of course), traveling, shopping and entering contests....also am a bit of a picker, so my travels include going to thrifts, yard sales, etc. in search of that *perfect* item.

Re: It Had To Be You (7:56pm June 4, 2013):

Yikes! I don't think I know one song on your play list. I love Kelly Clarkson but am more of a Cyndi Lauper/Cher/Bette Midler type of gal, so that dates me. I don't listen to music while reading. I generally just like listening to music when in the car.

Re: Katie's Choice (5:46pm June 2, 2013):

It's astonishing to learn just how many Amish communities exist in America. I am looking forward to this new genre of literature, especially your new release.

Re: Paige Torn (5:25pm May 27, 2013):

Ideally, a pond with a turtle and several fish ~ not necessarily Koi ~ but realistically, perhaps a bigger veggie area for heirlooms and more exotic Asian veggies.

Re: When The Morning Glory Blooms (6:08pm May 21, 2013):

I am heartbroken because I just lost my best friend of 50+ years. In the end, the friendship was one-sided (me) and she blew off my son's wedding (which, by the way, is THIS Saturday) because she thought she'd feel "uncomfortable." Why was it such a burden for her to come? She doesn't have panic disorder (like me), she is well and able, she promised she'd come but, in the end, I wasn't even a blip on her radar. Time to move on....:(

Re: Flora's Wish (6:04pm May 21, 2013):

I generally am a fan of Southern Lit but your new release set in the West is appealing as well. And, oh, how my son would love the Starbucks card!

Re: A Healing Heart (6:01pm May 21, 2013):

My dad suffered a heart attack in the 70's and underwent one of the very first innovative heart bypass surgeries. Twenty years later, he needed another operation but did not want to go through it ~ and subsequently ~ passed away from a massive heart attack. Heart health is important for everyone ~ Ask your physician if you should be on an aspirin regimen. I don't mean to preach but cradle your heart carefully in every way possible, both physically and emotionally.

Re: Yesterday's Echo (3:18pm May 20, 2013):

MY anxiety/panic disorder has held me back from doing many of the things I love to do. It's worse than cancer and that, I've had 3x! Wishing you the best of luck on your new release.

Re: Last Chance For Justice (3:16pm May 20, 2013):

There are so many BRILLIANT AUTHORS who write brilliant books time after time, I couldn't possibly keep up...but I try!

Re: The Last Telegram (6:32pm April 25, 2013):

My cousin lives in Great Yarmouth and I have a penpal in Ilkeston. I haven\'t never been to the UK but hope too soon. Your book sounds so intriguing!

Re: The New Rules for Blondes (4:52pm April 23, 2013):

You did what you wanted to do and now you can lay back and reap the rewards and sense of accomplishment.

Re: Lush (6:24pm April 3, 2013):

I am going with TART only because we have a local eatery here called THE THREE TARTS! Fate...perhaps!

Re: Identity Crisis (4:21pm March 28, 2013):

It's sad that many of the art programs are being cut in the schools due to budget restraints. Maybe art can't be taught....its a natural ability ~ you are either born with it or without it. And,how about all the famous works that have been found at yardsales for a couple of bucks ~ isn't it worth it to look?

Re: The Forsaken (5:46pm March 26, 2013):

I would say I have an angel on my shoulder. I have survived 3 bouts of cancer and am lucky to be alive to see my son married this May.....

Re: The Forsaken (6:23pm March 24, 2013):

I don't have any angel stories but my son is an angel on earth!

Re: Buried In A Bog (6:46pm March 17, 2013):

I have not been to either but I would surely love to kiss the Blarney Stone one day ~ a bucket list top ten for sure!

Re: Trouble In The Tarot (11:26pm March 16, 2013):

Why not....just look at Joan Rivers who at almost 70 has humor yet is seeking romance?

Re: Stranger on Raven's Ridge (8:32pm March 10, 2013):

How lucky to have had your first book published! My father, Albert Bernstein, was a writer. He wrote poetry, essays, quips and quotes, and short stories. I remember all the rejection letters he used to get. But he never gave up ~ that was his Yellow Brick Road. How I miss him!

Re: Out Of Circulation (8:28pm March 10, 2013):

Oh boy, a writer from Mississippi, state of the great Oxford and Faulkner! I love Southern Lit ~ its my favorite genre. And believe it or not, I used to work in a school library. I love books, books, and more books....We had a cat for almost 15 years, and BINGO was his name-o! All true!

Re: A Risk Worth Taking (8:24pm March 10, 2013):

I like books I can relate to. They don't have to be exactly like me but if I have some kinship with them, all the better. For instance, I love Southern Lit...although I am a Northern gal, I love the South. I love everything about it from its people to its unique foods to their wonderful Southern drawl....so it stands to reason, I will adore a Southern genre.

Re: The Blue-Ribbon Jalape?o Society Jubilee (3:48pm March 7, 2013):

Believe it or not, this is already on my TBR list. I wish I could show it to you! My favorite genre is Southern Lit and this book sounds amazing. Even the title is enchanting. Please enter me to win!!!!!! Thank you, Carolyn.

Re: The Survivor (3:45pm March 7, 2013):

Believe it or not, a little sticker on your door saying this is a Crimestopper watched area will help. And, by all means, keep a light or two on when you are gone for an evening out. Many people I know have a fake ADT sign in their yards too. Kariss is the ultimate crimestopper!

Re: Into the Spotlight (4:18pm March 2, 2013):

Las Vegas is not my cup o'tea.....everything is over-priced and the gambling does not appeal to my frugal tastes. I'd go back if Cher were performing and perhaps Bette Midler or Barbra but its not my idea of a relaxing vacation.

Re: Silence Of The Llamas (5:55pm February 25, 2013):

I get many of my ideas from the novels I read. My other ideas come from my day to day activities be it sitting in my favorite coffee shop or browsing in my awesome thrift shop. Can you imagine the memories that are hidden in each plate, each garment, each painting?

Re: Murder Hooks a Mermaid (8:01pm February 17, 2013):

What a question ~ where wouldn't I want to go? My #1 bucket list is Paris, followed by London....then Maui...and I think New Zealand would be such an adventure! YOu are so lucky to have traveled the world. Our fav place in Florida is Sanibel Island. We have been going there since the '70's and it still hasn't lost its charm or isolated island feel.

Re: Murder for the Halibut (7:44pm January 28, 2013):

When one one even wants to go for COFFEE with you, you become, indeed, insecure.

Re: Cupid?s Shaft (1:24pm January 25, 2013):

Once Upon a Wedding ~ is this erotic fiction as well?

Re: Falling for her Fiance (5:42pm January 23, 2013):

intelligence, sensitivity and goodness within.

Re: After the Rain (6:38pm January 21, 2013):

OMG, if this is Southern fiction in any way, shape or form, count me in. And set in a small town in Georgia....divine.

Re: Beeline To Trouble (6:00pm January 19, 2013):

I don't think a mystery book has to have heat but if it does, fine by me!

Re: Thread On Arrival (6:00pm January 16, 2013):

I used to embroider everything.......sounds like a great book. What a clever title!

Re: Finding Home (4:02pm January 14, 2013):

I am a city girl trapped in a country gal body. My next place on my bucket list is Deadwood, Rapid City, Wall Drugs, The Corn Palace. You get the picture and I hope I win the Amazon gift card!

Re: Live And Let Love (7:46pm December 28, 2012):

I am a bibliophile and proud of it!

Re: Secret Santa Baby (6:29pm December 27, 2012):

I love the title ~ how clever and unique! Good luck with sales!

Re: Jane's Gift (4:54pm December 8, 2012):

Garden Spells by S. Allen! Please enter me to win!!!!!

Re: Holiday Buzz (10:38pm December 4, 2012):

OMG, I love NYC and would love to win your book and the NYPD cup! Gotta have it!

Re: Christmas Confidential (8:54pm November 28, 2012):

We light the Hanukkah candles with all the family present. And give out presents one at a time until we're done. Then we eat latkes!

Re: Rogue Rider (6:41pm November 19, 2012):

Enter me to win today's blog contest ASAP!

Re: Ashes Of Twilight (9:26pm November 17, 2012):

This sounds like such a unique story-line. Please enter me to win a copy!

Re: The Twelve Clues Of Christmas (4:39pm November 11, 2012):

My memory is begging my Dad to get a tree even tho we were Jewish....so we walked to the tree lot and I selected a little *fake* tree which stood in the living room with no ornaments.....

Re: Christmas On Mimosa Lane (5:16pm November 8, 2012):

I surely could use a mimosa right about now.......

Re: Blood Therapy (4:50pm October 23, 2012):

With Halloween approaching, what better is the night than to cozy up with a great horror book and read?

Re: Born To Be Wild (4:20pm October 15, 2012):

When I was six, I went horseback riding; the horse saw another horse heading toward the stables and he BOLTED with me onboard....i fell sideways and held onto the reins ~ everyone was screaming at me to let go and fall which I did...it left me traumatized anti-horse for life!

Re: The Shadowy Horses (5:21pm October 12, 2012):

If you can understand Southern dialog, you can certainly understand a Scottish brogue......

Re: Diary of a Vampire Stripper (6:40pm September 26, 2012):

What an interesting concept!!!!

Re: Boyfriend From Hell (3:43pm September 24, 2012):

A boyfriend from hell does not love you, uses you for money and sex and drops you when the next target comes along......what gal hasn't had one? Thankfully, I have been happily married to a non-user for 39 years. Please enter me to win your new book!

Re: Seduction's Shift (6:55pm September 23, 2012):

Your book reminds me of one of my all-time fav authors, Dean Koontz. Did you draw on his subjects for the theme of you novels? Would love to win this especially for HALLOWEEN! Boo!

Re: Got Game? (5:09pm September 22, 2012):

When my son was on the golf team in high school, there wasn't a girl's team but girls were allowed to play on the boy's team. Some schools have girl's teams and others do not but I think it depends on the school and the region you live in. My son was MVP and All-Conference all 4-years of high school yet apparently was not good enough to get a golf scholarship to college. He is now 27 and plays golf to this day with his fiance!

Re: Resurrection Express (6:51pm September 19, 2012):

Writing is such an art. Authors are so creative and getting published is so hard. Having said that, kudos to you on your new novel, Resurrection Express.

Re: Deadly Little Lies (5:37pm September 18, 2012):

I will have to say that the Bradbury book are my go-to books because of their creativity and my first glimpse into fantasy. OMG, would I love to win those chocolates!

Re: Plain Fear: Forbidden (4:50pm August 31, 2012):

The Amish are such a unique people....will have to see how this novel plays out.

Re: In the Line of Duty (6:04pm August 26, 2012):

Without first responders, I wouldn't be alive today. God bless them.

Re: Blame It On Texas (6:02pm August 26, 2012):

After having 3 bouts of cancer, what can a person do but laugh.....or cry? Would love to win y'all!

Re: Blame It On Texas (10:20pm August 25, 2012):

Southerners are a different breed of human in my book. They are down to earth, friendlier and not pretentious. They laugh loudly and cry behind closed doors. If my name is pulled, I would *love* an Amazon gift card for my son!

Re: Not the Marrying Kind (10:16pm August 25, 2012):

I got married 39 years ago. I am not so happy so perhaps I NOT THE MARRYING KIND afterall......LOL!

Re: The Big Beach Book (8:22pm August 23, 2012):

Have you ever been to Sanibel, the ultimate beach and shelling island? Well, if you haven't you don't know what you are missing....serenity and peace to the nth degree.

Re: Allergic To Death (11:20pm August 18, 2012):

Is it too late to enter????? I just saw this on Fresh Fiction! Kudos to you for your imaginative book!

Re: Hearts Of Darkness (7:00pm August 9, 2012):

Who doesn't love a good read in the summer?

Re: Going To The Bad (4:35pm August 4, 2012):

Sacrificing a book or movie character and killing off a real human being are like comparing apples and oranges. Having said that, I am reminded of the powerful characters that were killed off in Kitchen House by K. Grissom.....Hoping I win your blog contest. I am amazed at the talent of ALL authors and the diligence it takes to complete a novel.

Re: The Princess and the Outlaw (3:18pm July 1, 2012):

My son is getting engaged to a wonderful Korean girl and he just bought the stone for her ring! What a magical, celestial moment that was!

Re: Under His Protection (6:28pm April 29, 2012):

I prefer alpha females but of course, just as best friends!

Re: The Rose Garden (9:39pm October 12, 2011):

If I win this will go directly to my best cousin ever in the U.K.!

Re: Roommates (11:17pm October 4, 2011):

MARK is an extremely strong and to the point name......

Re: Baer Truth (3:55pm October 3, 2011):

If I win, I like to send this to noted author, S. Still, who is a vegetarian and lives off the land in the mountains of California.

Re: Wings of Fire (11:41pm September 9, 2011):

This will once and for all put an end to the fact that all librarians are stodgy & meek!

Re: Sweet Justice (4:57pm September 3, 2011):

If you want a really DARK DARK DARK read, try Sharp Objects by Gilliam or Room by Donaghue. Both absolutely hair-raising!!!!!!!!!

Re: Lady Of The English (4:39pm September 2, 2011):

My cousin lives in England as well as my pen-pal.......they seem so much more relaxed and happy. And beautiful gardens, oh my........

Re: Serendipity (5:08pm September 1, 2011):

Wow ~ romance novel trading cards! What's next?

Re: Making Waves (11:58pm August 8, 2011):

Emma Stone seems to be the latest quirky character.....and how about Richard Gere instead of George Clooney....we haven't seen him in a long time! The perfect gentleman!

Re: Pleating for Mercy (9:35pm August 5, 2011):

Southern fiction is my fav, hands down!

Re: A Spark of Death (12:56pm July 16, 2011):

My cousin works at the UW in Seattle and I know he would just love this fabulous mystery!

Re: Shadow Of A Quarter Moon (6:39pm July 8, 2011):

Yes, its all about the story but I still tend to select books with a Southern flair, i.e., The Help, The Kitchen House, Mudbound are just a few examples.....

Re: Loved By A Warrior (6:37pm July 8, 2011):

Beware of what you wish for & you shall get it......myth or curse, but I certainly do believe in the concept.

Re: Night Veil (10:38pm June 28, 2011):

Superman is the one and only Super Hero!

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