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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Lisa Kendall

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177 comments posted.

Re: Play Me Wild (12:26pm November 28, 2014):

I think I will pick 3 books from my ever growing TBR and surprise even myself with what I choose to read. Thanks for asking.

Re: Hard to Come By (9:44pm November 27, 2014):

This would be my first!

Re: The Autumn Bride (12:30pm January 31, 2013):

I recently became a member of a book club, but I'm still a little on the shy side. I love it.

Re: Return Of The Border Warrior (10:53pm October 17, 2012):

In music I love Heart and many other varied artists and styles. True secret treasure is silly, watching Duck Dynasty and other "reality" shows with hubby on TV.

Re: The Taming Of A Scottish Princess (8:47pm May 23, 2012):

I like all kinds of heros, but sexy nerd is one of my favorites.

Re: Tempting the Best Man (11:51pm May 5, 2012):

Great description "baby alpha male". I certainly daydream about a man who wants to and CAN take care of me. Completely agree there is a need. Thanks for the post.

Re: Untouched (1:20am April 29, 2012):

Paradise by the Dashboard Lights reminds me of being way too young to be out so late.

Re: A Lady's Revenge (11:39pm April 26, 2012):

With the right motivation I would cheer her on.

Re: Enraptured (11:38pm April 26, 2012):

Hanibal Lector.

Re: Blackmailed by the Italian Billionaire (12:16pm April 23, 2012):

The evolution could be age reversals.

Re: The Zen Man (3:36pm April 17, 2012):

It's Rockford for me. The Underdog, but always out for the little guy.

Re: Trouble Me (10:29pm April 9, 2012):

Sounds great.

Re: The Devil and Miss Jones (11:30pm April 8, 2012):

One title that drew me in was a two word phrase: Simple Need, another was Ink Spots, another was The Swing, they each painted a picture that meant something to me.

Re: One Hot Cowboy Wedding (11:26pm April 8, 2012):

All of the above!

Re: Vigilare (1:12am April 7, 2012):

I love a strong herione but i agree she has to be soft when it.

Re: Lessons After Dark (1:02am April 7, 2012):

I love friends or even enemies to lovers.

Re: A Light On The Veranda (11:43pm March 30, 2012):

Informative post, I enjoy learning the history behind the story and I enjoy learning the setting.

Re: True Highland Spirit (11:41pm March 30, 2012):

I enjoy loyalty, love of family, strenght of one's convictions, and ability to act on those convictions. Thanks for the post.

Re: Vicki's Key (11:40pm March 27, 2012):

I think of musical notes when I hear it.

Re: Sex, Lies and Contracts (1:39am March 24, 2012):

I like a hero who is loyal, strong, knows when to back down and when to push his love, knows what family means, can laugh at himself, knows how to have fun and knows how to laugh with his lady love and has an accent..

Re: Believe It or Not (12:12pm March 23, 2012):

Violet sounds like my kind of person. I'll readily admit I love it when secondary characters have such wonderfully fun sounding names, and when they hold ideas like names are too confining.

Re: Assassins In Love (12:07pm March 23, 2012):

Either setting would work for me dependent upon the story and the depth of the world building. The off world could be so much more exciting with the right storyline.

Re: The Underside Of Joy (9:55pm March 21, 2012):

Great post great right place right time memory.

Re: Sticks and Stones (9:49pm March 21, 2012):

I would write a book with my neice Angie.

Re: Secret Confessions of Lady H ? Book 1 (1:18am March 15, 2012):

I enjoy serials. It's like summertime soap operas from my school days.... following the story. Thanks for the post.

Re: Under The Covers (11:47pm March 10, 2012):

My empty nest hit more when my oldest left home to join the navy, than when #2 left to go to school, or even when he moved back, then moved out to move in with his girlfriend. So it hasn't really been too bad. stripped their rooms, made myself an exercise studio and started taking little weekend trips about ever 4 months or so. Not bad.

Re: Against The Night (9:27pm March 9, 2012):

I love movies, almost any kind of movie. I love action movies, Rom.Coms, and thrillers, but no horror for me. We recently enjoyed Super 8, enjoyed Unstoppable a few months ago, and the Expendables was a favorite not too many, many months ago. I enjoyed One for the Money. I don't know if I have a real favorite.

Re: Sweet Enemy (10:37pm March 6, 2012):

In a story where one of both don't realize the depth of their feeling for the other, and the truth finally hits home, is my most enjoyable anticipated story moment.

Re: Dire Needs (9:26pm March 5, 2012):

I like both types of reading, but I really get investing in a series and I love them.

Re: A Sliver Of Shadow (1:18am March 1, 2012):

I believe a very few number of people actually experience true instant love but it does exist for some

Re: Miss Hillary Schools a Scoundrel (12:45pm February 29, 2012):

A lot of what we saw before our kids graduated in the last 8 years or so was that the kids are taught to pass their standardized tests rather than being taught to learn.

Re: Donovan's Bed (9:00pm February 27, 2012):

I love that Sarah printed the stats on Jack. Well played.

Re: The Rogue Pirate's Bride (2:54am February 25, 2012):

I read it for the happy ending, but also for the travel and adventure.

Re: The Risque Target (1:20am February 24, 2012):

Confidence, loyalty, strength in many forms including strenght of character and family ties.

Re: King of Darkness (1:15am February 23, 2012):

I usually only drink coffee when I'm cold. I'm a Mountain Dew person. Thanks for the trivia!

Re: The Night Is Mine (11:56pm February 16, 2012):

I have never had one of those moments, but I'm looking forward to one... I'm sure it is coming. thanks for the giveaway.

Re: Secrets of the Knight (2:38am February 14, 2012):

The movie/tv show Highlander is still a favorite of mine. I enjoyed Evageline Anderson's "Claimed" series recently. There are so many wonderful books out there it is hard to pin them down.

Re: Ride With Me (2:32am February 14, 2012):

I can't think of a time i've ever dared anyone to eat something. Although I have a nephew who from a very young age, always loved peppers, the hotter the better.

Re: Stud (1:19am February 9, 2012):

I don't think there has ever been a movie that matched the idea in my head of the characters, but Kathryn Heigel came pretty close as Stephanie Plum.

Re: The Duchess Diaries (1:04am February 8, 2012):

Thanks for the information. I don't think I have read any of these titles yet. But now I'm on the hunt.

Re: Darkest Highlander (11:40pm February 6, 2012):

I do like mixing my history with magic. What is more magical than dragons and wizards like Merlin?

Re: Alpha Instinct (10:48pm February 2, 2012):

I like paranormal because of the romance behind the species of the characters.

Re: Chosen By Sin (2:28am February 1, 2012):

So many interesting thing going on here. Such great world building.

Re: Touch Me (1:24am January 31, 2012):

I like friends that become more. Some of my favorite heros are military, firefighter or cowboys. Touch Me has been on my wish list for a while. Thanks for the post.

Re: Double Dare (12:44pm January 28, 2012):

I think I would have to say Military man. Thanks for asking.

Re: Fever (11:07pm January 25, 2012):

Thanks for the interview I enjoyed it. I like setting small goals. I find it is easier not to set myself up for failure that way.

Re: Falling For The Fireman (11:00pm January 24, 2012):

I love the hero. Thanks for asking.

Re: Amazon Heat (7:27pm January 23, 2012):

I do enjoy novellas. I would love a novella series. Dependent upon the story and how it moves, 50 pages give or take ia about the shortest story I enjoy most.

Re: Banshee Charmer (5:52pm January 22, 2012):

I look for loyality, I look for a sense of humor, I look for strong character.

Re: Sex, Lies and Surveillance (9:27pm January 19, 2012):

My favorite spy is Annie Walker from Covert Affairs. I really like the cover.

Re: Scrumptious (8:36pm January 16, 2012):

Not really, I just fell into what I currently do. Still hoping to find that one thing that I would love to do.

Re: Dylan (8:50pm January 15, 2012):

Oh wow what a first meeting. Thanks for the excerpt

Re: Sins Of The Highlander (8:31pm January 12, 2012):

My must have trait is loyalty.

Re: Risking Trust (11:06pm January 11, 2012):

I zone out to the newest Jayne Ann Krentz book, every time. I just picked up Copper Beach, so I'll be zoning out Saturday.

Re: Hot Rain (10:00pm January 4, 2012):

Actually I have never really thought about online dating, but I can definitely see your point of it being a mechanism for getting to know one another.

Re: The Last Slayer (8:50pm December 26, 2011):

I am interested to know if Jack will be the center of the next story. Thanks.

Re: Wedded In Scandal (10:41pm December 22, 2011):

I have to check out all the blogs I subscribe too, go through all my good emails. Read just a few more pages. I can always get a better score on jewels if I try just one more time. All of these things are infinately more fun than doing something I'm supposed to be doing.

Re: Lady Seductress's Ball (12:54pm December 19, 2011):

My favorite cookie is Oreo... but if we are talking home made, then it would be Chocolate Chip or peanut butter surprise. I am currently reading a couple of books including Darn Good Cowboy Christmas by Carolyn Brown.

Re: The King's Mistress (12:27pm December 18, 2011):

Sadly, I can't ever remember being kissed under the mistletoe. Maybe this year I will get lucky!

Re: Hellsbane (9:23pm December 7, 2011):

My favorite part is driving around looking at the Xmas lights and visiting with friends and family. We don't really have a lot of traditions and our family is far and wide.

Re: Wild Thing (11:45pm December 5, 2011):

I do see that instead of opposites, or same, people are sometimes different sides of the same coin. Intesting.

Re: Hushed (11:30pm December 4, 2011):

I think some of my favorites are friends to happily ever after love(rs).

Re: Beyond The Darkness (11:28pm December 4, 2011):

My life changes have all been fairly simple and easy, nothing exciting.

Re: She Can Run (10:21pm November 29, 2011):

I love almost all types. My favorites include suspense and historical.

Re: Waking Up Dead (10:37pm November 27, 2011):

I am terrified of surgery in all forms. It never goes well for me.

Re: The Spy Who Left Me (10:35pm November 27, 2011):

I am so sorry I missted this one. I read every night, even if it is only my favorite blogs, and web sites for news and updates.

Re: White Dawn (1:21am November 22, 2011):

I am extremely untalented. Not in my young years or now, I have learned through my children that I'm not as easy going as I always thought I was.. hm. I wish I could write, but I have no imagination.

Re: Under The Moon (6:13pm November 19, 2011):

I have pets, and I love when pets play a part in a story, but I can understand how they would be cumbersome to "keep up with" in the story. I also feel for your MNL, poor thing and poor kitty not to have been praised for her hunting skills.

Re: Fortune's Son (10:30pm November 18, 2011):

Thanks for the interview, a shining example, indeed.

Re: The Highlander's Heart (10:47pm November 16, 2011):

What about if the hero is tortured by both?

Re: Until There Was You (8:51pm November 15, 2011):

I so want to read about Posey and Liam.

Re: Knight of Runes (12:20pm November 15, 2011):

I love time travel books. This one sounds yummy.

Re: Because Of You (12:17pm November 15, 2011):

This sounds like a very indepth book, series, and I look forward to them all.

Re: Genie Knows Best (12:13pm November 11, 2011):

I love the out take, newly snipped, he he he

Re: The Last Rising (10:46pm November 9, 2011):

Cora from Much Ado about Vampires.

Re: Risking Trust (10:50pm November 8, 2011):

It takes some flaws to make us human and give us life.

Re: Tall, Dark And Cowboy (10:45pm November 7, 2011):

I think I might choose Washington state. I know it would be really hard, but I think it would be fun, I'd pick something totally different from my normal customer service type job. and just feel free, I think.

Re: Liver Let Die (11:21pm November 6, 2011):

Yes the names do grab me at times, take Jazz and Ryder, don't they just sound perfect together?

Re: Engaged in Sin (11:19pm November 6, 2011):

Sorry I missed this giveaway.

Re: North of Need (11:18pm November 6, 2011):

Owen sounds just downright perfect.

Re: Darn Good Cowboy Christmas (1:55am November 4, 2011):

I would whisper in Santa's ear how much I want a big, loud, old fashioned, family Christmas with both my kids home.

Re: Always a Temptress (1:38am November 4, 2011):

I'm hooked on the Lorelei James, Rough Riders series, just now.

Re: Embrace The Highland Warrior (7:43pm November 1, 2011):

I do have some fear of things that go bump in the night, we recently had a squirel in the attic rolling acorns around making noise, going bump in the night. I was concerned but managed my curiosity.

Re: Enchanted Destiny (1:39am November 1, 2011):

Thanks for the interview, very interesting.

Re: Radiant Desire (1:38am November 1, 2011):

I think the confidence does make the alpha male. He could have physical strength, and even be good looking but if he was lacking in confidence??? just wouldn't be the same.

Re: Romancing The Countess (12:24pm October 29, 2011):

I've learned to stand up for myself from my reading.

Re: His Last Duchess (10:32pm October 27, 2011):

Nice post, I don't think I've ever read anything set in Tuscany.

Re: Ecstasy Untamed (9:45pm October 26, 2011):

Well I haven't seen the movie so I'm not sure it is weird, but it sure has a weird name, Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium .

Re: Flawless (8:11pm October 20, 2011):

I do think you can redeem a bad boy. Love can conquer all, almost. I agree that abuse is that line. Cheating is a line for me as well.

Re: Utterly Charming (9:25pm October 19, 2011):

I am going to try the new show, and I think my favorite fairy tale is Snow White.

Re: Against The Storm (11:33pm October 17, 2011):

Trick or not, you have what it takes. I'd love to have the talent to write a book, much less to be good enough to get one published.

Re: Queeen of the Sylphs (9:48pm October 13, 2011):

I do enjoy it when a villian can be turned and characterized enough to become the hero. It makes a good twist on the story.

Re: Unleashed (1:15am October 11, 2011):

I think a beautiful BIG cat, or majestic wolf.

Re: Chosen By Fate (9:46pm October 9, 2011):

I have read your books, your brother is being annoying. He must not
know whata real book should be.

Re: Wilder (5:44pm October 8, 2011):

I admit, I'm not an adventurer. I wish I were more so, but I don't really have a desire to see Africa in person. I love the majesty of the animals, and wish I could see them in the wild, but that little something would hold me back.

Re: The Norse King's Daughter (8:38pm September 29, 2011):

I do get into a slump at times. It is hard to break out. I just look for the best book I can find and that usually gets me back on track.

Re: The Seduction of Sophie Seacrest (12:22pm September 27, 2011):

I think that Booth from the tv show Bones can be a little bit broody.

Re: Fitzwilliam Darcy, Rock Star (10:20pm September 21, 2011):

Wow very interesting take.

Re: The Rake And The Recluse (5:47pm September 18, 2011):

I don't think I've ever read an illustrated novel, adult book, anyway. I think it will be exciting, and make the story more meaningful.

Re: The Last Rising (10:38pm September 17, 2011):

the toe, foot thing makes me go ewwwww.

Re: Tempted (9:06pm September 15, 2011):

I agree with Stephanie Plum and I like it when Ranger comes to the rescue, with another car or uncuffing her from the shower.

Re: No Proper Lady (1:13am September 13, 2011):

I love the idea of the worlds here, an assassin from the future back in 1888 to make a change.

Re: Lord and Lady Spy (10:43pm September 8, 2011):

Hugh Jackman? Kiera Knightly?

Re: Deep Disclosure (7:52pm September 7, 2011):

I think I live in the now, but I do visit the past every now and again, and when I'm dreaming, it's always about some day, the future.

Re: The Wedding Affair (11:24pm September 6, 2011):

I've never had a dollhouse, but now I really really want one.

Re: Deadly Descent (11:01pm September 5, 2011):

Suzanne Brockman. thanks for the contest.

Re: Sweet Justice (10:50pm September 3, 2011):

I can't think of a villian that scared me in a book. In movies we don't watch horror, and the scarest things would be movies about serial killers. Because they are always described as seeming so normal

Re: Diaries Of An Urban Panther (1:12am September 1, 2011):

I'm a scaredy cat, so I would probably faint dead away. If not that then I hope I could run screaming into the night, and not just be frozen to the spot.

Re: Redeeming The Rogue (12:37pm August 31, 2011):

I love the Wild Wild West. Great show. I do miss the characters when I grow so close to them and I do feel depressed when I have to let them go. Coping is not easy and different depending upon whether or not we may get a chance to see the characters again in a future book?

Re: Claim Of Innocence (10:50pm August 29, 2011):

I don't really fear them, but I dread the chain letters, and certain work contacts because they are always gripe-ey.

Re: Secrets: Desires Unleased (10:54pm August 25, 2011):

We had a dog that loved to chase a ball. Once when the ball went up the wall he tried to climb up the wall after the ball. He was very surprised when he fell on his back.

Re: Red's Hot Cowboy (10:24pm August 24, 2011):

Car trips and Blake Shelton. Characters to love. Best days ever.

Re: Lucky Girl (10:31pm August 23, 2011):

Gosh, First Date, it was so long ago I can hardly remember, it was a Friday night at the roller rink. Met him there and I was maybe 13. Big times for us from the little bitty towns. My best friend's uncle drove us all to one of the favorite hang outs. It was 35 miles away in a larger town.

Re: The Edge Of Grace (8:20pm August 21, 2011):

Can I say I like # 24 best?

Re: Desire and Deception (10:33pm August 19, 2011):

I think there is always the ability to have will over destiny, I think you can break out of the mold.

Re: Love Me Twice (10:52pm August 18, 2011):

I have no rhythm no matter how much I want to be able to dance. I'd love to win this book. Please enter me. Thanks.

Re: Deadly Obsession (11:39pm August 16, 2011):

Heroic moments are the best, making sure you have your sweater if there is a chill, bringing you chocoloate when you've had a bad day, comforting you when someone hurts your feelings, agreeing with your opinion, just to make you feel better, those kind of things melt me every time.

Re: The Vampire Next Door (11:27pm August 15, 2011):

Paranormal beings with issues, who would think it? Sounds fun. Thank you for the contest.

Re: Only Mine (9:09pm August 14, 2011):

only yours

Re: Fezariu's Epiphany (8:56pm August 14, 2011):

Anyone who can world build is just amazing to me. And to include magic and to have a history for your world is something I can't even conceive of being able to do. Good luck with the book(s).

Re: The Landlord's Black-Eyed Daughter (9:43pm August 10, 2011):

I love happy endings. That is why I read the book... to get to the happy ending.

Re: Making Waves (1:02am August 9, 2011):

I'd pick Katherine Heigl, George, Jason, the Rock, Jayne. I love comedy in my romance.

Re: Midnight Fear (11:36pm August 7, 2011):

Good luck with the series.

Re: Too Hot To Touch (10:00pm August 3, 2011):

My mom worked at the local dairy queen hamburger joint and there were a couple of junior/senior girls who worked there, my crush at age 7 was the boyfriend of one of those girls. There were a couple of the high shool boys who taught me to play pool and pin ball. I thought I was pretty cool.

Re: The Marked Son (4:06pm July 31, 2011):

Wow. Very interesting sounding book. Thanks for the excerpt

Re: A Gentleman Never Tells (9:43pm July 25, 2011):

I see bloopers where characters get switched by name and not just he/she.

Re: Undead And Undermined (10:56pm July 23, 2011):

I think the news media can be very rude. Your whinning is well placed.

Re: Touch If You Dare (10:23pm July 21, 2011):

Vinter from Simple Need by Lissa Matthews made me melt. He just seemed to care so much about Elise. He fell hard and he fell fast and he was loyal to her and to his friends. just made me think warm fuzzy thoughts.

Re: In The Heat Of The Bite (11:48pm July 19, 2011):

One of my favorite secondary characters recently was Jillian from the Kindred series by Evangeline Anderson. I'm not sure she has enough substance to hold her own book though.

Re: Night Walker (10:00pm July 18, 2011):

I'm not sure I would want to live forever, but no aging, being sorta bulletproof, and living a good long time would allow for time to do lots and lots of fun things.

Re: Just One Season In London (7:49pm July 11, 2011):

Three stories in one. Yay. I've added it to my list.

Re: Runestone (10:04pm July 9, 2011):

Loyalty and when he shows he loves his woman, that is sexy.

Re: Loved By A Warrior (8:16pm July 6, 2011):

Is a superstition like a myth? I've always heard you can't tickle a baby on his feet or he'll stutter.

Re: Break Out (6:59pm July 4, 2011):

Crossing Genres can be a good thing. I think you end up gaining new readers with that type of book.

Re: Never Cry Wolf (2:44pm July 2, 2011):

How about he needs lots of conditioner for his hair?

Re: Wild and Unruly (11:02pm June 30, 2011):

While time travel is intriguing, I think it is a while before we are able to actually able to take advantage of a trip. I enjoyed Jane's Warlord. I Also like the Back to the Future series.

Re: Night Veil (10:09pm June 27, 2011):

I prefer Batman. He is self made. He inherited money but he had to do everything on his own, bat car, bat signal and so on.

Re: Burning Skies (1:25am June 25, 2011):

My favorite part of having wings would be to have complete control while flying.

Re: City Of Promise (12:55pm June 24, 2011):

I don't get a lot of time to read any more but I'm looking forward to a couple of Maya Banks' books.

Re: Demons Prefer Blondes (1:36pm June 20, 2011):

Unrealistic or not, I love a happily ever after. That's why I read. or watch at movie.

Re: Under a Desert Sky (10:50pm June 18, 2011):

growing old together, satisified at where we find ourselves.

Re: Hard Bitten (11:36pm June 14, 2011):

When kids were home, library was a regular stop. Not so much any more... then there was a fire and it was closed for SEVERAL months... just reopened about 3 weeks ago. Need to check it out.

Re: Blood Of The Wicked (9:27pm June 13, 2011):

I do believe there are paranormal things that are real, even if it is nothing more than the power of the mind.

Re: Money Shot (1:48am June 11, 2011):

I love the talking ... I will sometimes skip over setting description when I get bored.

Re: Frostbound (9:24pm June 7, 2011):

I don't think I have read anything by Ms. Ashwood, but I sure would love to.

Re: Cover of Darkness (10:41pm June 5, 2011):

How about Suzanne Brockman?

Re: Forced to Kill (9:45pm June 5, 2011):

I hope you plan many McBride stories. Would love to listen to this CD. My husband and I love audio books on trips.

Re: The Soldier (10:25pm June 2, 2011):

My DH has 4 brothers, we are all very close. I have a half brother and half sister. I was always close to all six of my mom's brothers and her sister. Family is very important and I think growing away from family is sad indeed.

Re: Mind Games (12:11pm May 26, 2011):

oh, online stalking is so much fun.

Re: Dirty (12:24pm May 23, 2011):

As long as the book is well edited and makes sense, it doesn't matter how it was published. I love well rounded characters and enjoy secondary characters as long as they make sense to the story.

Re: Wickedly Charming (7:19pm May 16, 2011):

I love that you paired stepmommy with charming. Sounds fun.

Re: Grimoire (10:40pm May 15, 2011):

I love when a secondary character is so strong. and when they get their own book.

Re: Already Home (11:23pm May 11, 2011):

I usually prefer quick and easy. With just two of us at home now, it is more of a chore.

Re: Dragon Bound (5:03pm May 8, 2011):

I love funny characters.

Re: Love Drunk Cowboy (10:27pm May 4, 2011):

OK don't wear heels that much anyway. I'll take the cowboy boots any time.

Re: Total Abandon (1:17am May 2, 2011):

I do like choices. I have a sony. I have kindle and nook for pc. Love it.

Re: The Legend Of Michael (1:14am May 2, 2011):

I like a hero who knows what he wants, is strong, but soft for his woman, knows when he needs his woman.

Re: My Favorite Countess (8:09pm April 28, 2011):

I don't think I've read that many books with a doctor as the hero. Not that I dislike them. I have many favorite doctors on TV, Hawkeye from Mash of course, Dana Delaney's medical examiner character on the new Body of Proof TV show. I always liked Quincey. Dr. Andy Yablonski, Alex O'laughlin from Three Rivers. Dr. Who, David Tennant. I could go on. Thanks for the contest. I'd love to win.

Re: The Alchemy of Desire (10:01pm April 25, 2011):

Of course Alpha is #1 but getting a nice guy hero every now and again is always pleasant. Sometimes they make the better hero.

Re: Tangled Threads (11:01pm April 18, 2011):

Addictions are too many to name, and include many that are listed here. jewellust on my smart phone. gotta break these bad habits. thanks for the contest.

Re: A Marriage of Inconvenience (1:14am April 17, 2011):

I am a control freak Work and home

Re: Demons Are A Girl's Best Friend (7:49pm April 12, 2011):

I like the unpredictability in a witch book, the unknown possibilities.

Re: Vowed In Shadows (10:31pm April 11, 2011):

Today I would like to be Minerva Sharpe from Sabrina Jeffries' The Hellions of Halstead Hall Series. She is daring and has the guts to be a writer in 1825 and to publish and brag in her own name. She is strong but not hard. Of course my wish changes based on what I'm reading. Many times I revert back to wishing I was Pia from Katie MacAlister's Dark One series. lisa gk at yahoo dot com

Re: It Happened One Bite (12:59pm March 15, 2011):

Would love to win. thanks for the contest.

Re: Against the Law (11:20pm March 1, 2011):

Congratulations on the great news. I've been following the exceprts in my INbox. Can't wait to read the book.

Re: Bitten in the Bayou (9:43pm February 20, 2011):

27 Dresses.
Life or Something like it, with Katherine Hiegel and Josh Dumel.
Love romantic comedies.

Re: RiverTime (11:09pm February 16, 2011):

Story sounds interesting. Stranded together. I read to escape my dramatic boring life.

Re: Love Me If You Dare (8:57pm February 14, 2011):

Hope everyone has/had a pleasant Valentine's Day. It is always quiet in our house. Thank you for the giveaway.
[email protected]

Re: Breaking the Rules (4:34pm February 13, 2011):

I too haven't heard of most of these, but I'm gonna have to try a tie me to the bedpost.

Re: True Colors (4:27pm February 13, 2011):

Farscape was a never miss for me. I read, but I'm also a TV freak.

Re: Dangerous Secrets (7:25pm February 11, 2011):

I can't really think of a decision that changed my life, but I'm sure there was something. Lilly sounds very interesting. Thanks for the contest.

Re: Society's Most Disreputable Gentleman (7:48pm February 9, 2011):

Yes I love to read about the Rake, Rogue, general BAD boy, and yes I would love to try one for myself, but I also think that they can be tamed, if/when and only if/when they find their one and only true love! Thanks for the contest.

Re: Eternal Prey (11:53pm January 26, 2011):

I tend to love the hero in my current read as well. So I'll go with Fallon Jones from Jayne Ann Krentz books , most recently, In Too Deep.

Thank you for the contest.

Re: The Paris Secret (5:11pm January 22, 2011):

Favorite fictional librarian? Evy and Giles would be in a pretty close race. Seemingly shy bookworms who can really be tough when needed, who wouldn't want to be either one of them. Besides, Brendan Fraser from that time period, and David Boreanaz, do I need to say more?

Re: Deadly Heat (1:48pm January 22, 2011):

HI. Like most readers, I read a large variety of types, but I will admit my favorites will always include some humor. Even the dark, mysterious story lines often have an off guard, off the wall, humorous moment. Still other favorites are dark and moody. I often get caught up in the traits of the characters themselves and their dark history is extremely appealing. Thank you for the contest.

Re: The Fire In Ember (10:13pm January 10, 2011):

It is interesting how much you can learn when you read a historical.

Re: Warrior (6:25pm September 6, 2010):

Adventure, can't wait.

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