February 10th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Sandy Fielder

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163 comments posted.

Re: Vendetta (7:25pm June 13, 2016):

I really think stories about missing people are fascinating. You always wonder where did they go? Some people just seem to vanish off the face of the earth!

Re: The Diva Serves High Tea (7:21pm June 13, 2016):

My daughter had a tea instead of a bridal party. The food was so amazing! I think the tiny little shortbread cookies have to be my favorite with some raspberry flavored whipped cream!!!

Re: Jordan's Return (7:17pm June 13, 2016):

My most favorite vacation place is Estes Park, Colorado. Rocky Mountain National Park is so close and it is such a beautiful park! What a great place to enjoy the scenery and relax!

Re: Into the Whirlwind (7:13pm June 13, 2016):

I can't even imagine what it would be like to have 2 authors in one house! How fun! I hope you do write your own romance story someday!

Re: The Bones Will Speak (7:05pm June 13, 2016):

WOW! The books sound amazing! My next stop is Amazon to see if they are in kindle form!

Re: Broken Ground (6:32pm May 6, 2016):

Your book sounds AMAZING! Can't wait to read it! I love that quote about how well behaved women don't make history. I don't remember exactly how it goesd. When I was little, my grandmother worked in a factory making clothes for pregnant women. She and my granddad had a rooming house. She was such a strong woman and she made an incredible impression on me. I've always tried to be strong for my own daughter.

Re: Tide And Tempest (1:17pm April 5, 2016):

My dream vacation would be to stay in a lighthouse. There are some lighthouses that have accommodations. Lighthouses have rich, interesting histories.

Re: The House by the Lake (1:12pm April 5, 2016):

I would erally like to know what happened to Amelia Earhart. I've always hoped that her story would finally have an ending. She was such a courageous lady, and she was so far beyond her time.

Re: Slavemakers (4:14pm December 21, 2015):

Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury is my favorite! I also loved his short atories. I Sing the Body Electric was so classic!

Re: Divorced, Desperate, and Daring (4:06pm December 21, 2015):

I watched a crime on Investigation Discovery that was really weird. A disgruntled husband poisoned his wife with carbon monoxide. They had a leaky water heater and he closed off the entire house from the gas except her room. It could so easily have been thought to be an accident.

Re: A Skeleton in the Family (3:56pm December 21, 2015):

Listening to a CD while you're driving is fun! Sometimes the radio is just not how you want to spend your time, so listening to a good story is a much better choice.

Re: Justified (3:48pm December 21, 2015):

I love recipes that are handed down! Those are the very best recipes of all! THANKS so much for sharing!

Re: Once Upon a Grind (12:41pm December 9, 2014):

My favorite fairy tale is The Nightengale. I would love to hear the little bird sing!

Re: Flame (3:58pm August 1, 2014):

Some of the world's most terrible villians were religious leaders. Jim Jones immediately comes to mind. There have been quite a few cult leaders that have lead their followers to a very bad end.

Re: The Tenth Chamber (3:49pm August 1, 2014):

What a great plot for a book! A map to a treasure hidden in a cave! I'll have to read this one.

Re: Small Town Spin (7:13pm April 14, 2014):

OK, I took this directly from an AP release:

Two Minnesota burglary suspects are arrested after police say one of them accidentally called 911 and left the line open as the pair discussed the crime.

Maplewood Police Chief Paul Schnell says the dispatcher got a call and hang-up, then another call that stayed open.

Isn't it true that fact is often much stranger than fiction?

Re: Mad About You (1:06pm April 2, 2014):

I think it's great to be friends and know you really like the other person's company before the love factor comes into place.

Re: A Killing Notion (1:03pm April 2, 2014):

It never hurts to get a little romance with your mystery! My favorite were the old gothic stories.

Re: The Winter Bride (1:02pm April 2, 2014):

Beta hero is an interesting term. I always like my heros to be flawed and not the perfect superheroes you find in books sometimes. I love muffins. I like to bake sometimes, and muffins are easy and fun to bake.

Re: Pretty Reckless (3:55pm March 24, 2014):

For me, rodeo cowboys have always been so much fun to watch. I grew up in Texas, so rodeos were a weekly event. Watching a cowboy try and stay on a bronching horse (or even worse a bronching bull) is exciting!

Re: Mystery Spring Fling (12:01pm March 21, 2014):

I love a great mystery! And you really can't beat 10 at such a great price! THANKS!

Re: The Tycoon's Socialite Bride (3:05pm February 19, 2014):

I like realistic romance, but the setting should be interesting. My favorite books were the old gothic stories where a lady goes to work as a nanny at a castle... and soon afterwards things get really interesting.

Re: Lord of the Sea (2:48pm February 19, 2014):

A perfect hero doesn't know how brave he is. He goes into a bad situation only thinking of the other person and how that person needs to be rescued. A perfect hero is not self centered. He is a good person with a great, open, loving heart.

Re: Baden-Powell's Beads: Aksum (11:55am February 4, 2014):

These books sound facinating! I live in Tucson, and we are right now having our Bead Shows. I know I would love your books! I am a total beader.

Re: The Roses Underneath (1:09pm January 31, 2014):

When my kids were little, we were members of the Kimble Art Museum in Ft Worth, Texas. They have excellent exhibits! We saw the Barnes Exhibit which is an exhibit of impressionists' paintings that were collected back when France was overflowing with wonderful artists. It was so terrific to see all those paintings at one place and at one time. We also saw an exhibit of Renoir's portraits which was facinating. I love fine art. I have great respect for the Monuments Men. I have heard for years about the struggle to get those art treasures to their original owners. I recently purchased a book about the Monuments Men, and I look forward to seeing the movie. I think art is the BEST of what who we are as human beings. Now I have to read your book, too!

Re: Teacup Turbulence (2:55pm January 27, 2014):

We had a teacup chihuahua when our kids were little, and we loved that dog! If I had to rescue a bunch of teacup dogs, I'd probably have to keep a few. :)

Re: Wishing On Buttercups (4:24pm January 24, 2014):

I think we all have things in our past that are best left in the past. And, I was so much taller than the boys in middle school that I totally felt out of place. And, I have worked wioth handicapped kids for many years now, so I have a little insight into how devastating being even just a little different can be sometimes. I think Beth and I would easily get along. :)

Re: Poison Town (4:21pm January 24, 2014):

I read A Civil Action, and this story reminds me of it a bit. Sounds like a great read!

Re: The Splendour Falls (4:19pm January 24, 2014):

I'm so sorry I misspelled Susanna's last name! It's Kearsley!

Re: The Splendour Falls (4:17pm January 24, 2014):

I adored Mary Stewart! No one wrote the gothic story better than she did. It would be amazing to be one of her heroines! My first Susanna Kersley book was Shadowy Horses, and it was really excellent! Now, I look for her books whenever I can, and I have never been disappointed. I wanted to be a Social Worker when I was a teenager, because of a fictional Social Worker in a TV show named East Side/West Side. I have been a Social Worker for 30 years now, so I totally fulfilled that dream! I honestly don't think I could chose just one favorite character to be in a book, though.

Re: Love Songs for the Road (2:15pm January 21, 2014):

When we were in gym class, sometimes we had to dance with the boys. I was tall and often taller than the boys, so this could be really not fun for me! One time one of the boys I kind of liked ended up being told to dance with me by the teacher. He said, "I can't dance with her! She's tall, fat and ugly!" I have carried that comment with me forever. Once we were grown up, the same boy asked me out. I told him I couldn't go out with him, because of the trauma he caused me as a child! He said, "I don't remember saying that! And, I always had a HUGE crush on you!" Well, didn't he have a lovely way of showing it?!

Re: Sadie's Secret (2:59pm January 17, 2014):

I really like the idea of a lady Pinkerton detective. I don't think I've ever heard that there were any. Hooray for Mr Pinkerton for be so progressive!

Re: More Than A Touch (2:53pm January 17, 2014):

I really like to read a story where the characters are flawed. They have a past and they're not that proud of it. But, they're looking to change and be the person they have always wanted to be. My favorite characters need to have a back story. Karin Slaughter's character Will Trent is a wonederful example of my favorite kind of hero.

Re: One Rogue Too Many (7:24pm January 16, 2014):

My first crush was a handsome young man that had teased me all through middle school. We went to the Junior Senior Prom together when I was a junior in high school. I thought dating him was a dream come true. Then, a friend of a friend took me to lunch to let me know that she had gotten pregnant with him, and her parents had to send her to New York for an illegal abortion. Abortion was not legal at the time, and New York was one of the best places to go for one at the time. Her new definitely ruined my romance! I was really disgusted with him after that!

Re: Between A Rake And A Hard Place (7:17pm January 16, 2014):

I think I would take rustic house parties. An older house has a history and a rustic older house in the country would be a perfect setting for an intriguing party. I think it should be a masquerade party! Mardi gras is just around the corner you know!

Re: Now or Never (1:37pm January 15, 2014):

As long as your heart is still ticking, it's never too late for love!

Re: The Purchase (3:15pm January 8, 2014):

One of my dad's cousins was doing some research on family history. He was looking at land titles. One of the documents that he came across and that my dad shared with me shook me up quite a bit. There was a document that stated that piece of land had been traded for "an 8 year old slave girl". Thinking of that child as a piece of property that could be bought and sold really brought the meaning of slavery home to me! I was stunned that anyone could think of a child as property!

Re: Thrown (11:03am December 16, 2013):

I love horses. A few years back, I was working with a young lady who had been devastatingly abused by family members. Her self esteem was lower than low. She started taking riding lessons, and within a year she was # 1 in the hunter jumper class. She wins so many ribbons that they decorate her wall. It was so exciting to see her gain confidence and learn to really love herself and see her worth!

Re: Billionaire Blend (3:05pm December 9, 2013):

I have to buy your book now that you've listed the recipes! I definitely want some Bailey's Irish Cream Fudge! That sounds amazing! We love coffee and sweet treats at our house.

Re: Undressing Mr. Darcy (3:01pm December 9, 2013):

I always thought Davy Crockett was probably an imposing, handsome, adventurous guy. So, I would want to go to an undressing party for him. Wonder what he wore under those buckskins?

Re: Everlasting Enchantment (4:32pm December 6, 2013):

I think a panther is a beautiful animal! I think I could be attracted to a sleek, black panther shape shifter!

Re: Tempest's Course (3:14pm December 5, 2013):

Gothic Romance! I have read so many of the oldies but goodies! Mary Stewart was another of my favorite authors from that genre! Phyllis Whitney and Victoria Holt were awesome, too! Barbara Michaels brought it all to a scary level, so she has always been fun! My grandmother had a rooming house that was a 1910's wooden home, and it was my favorite house EVER! Old houses are so much fun, because sometimes they have such wonderful suprises! My grandmother had cedar planks under her house as a foundation! And there was so many beautiful features in the house that you would never see in a house now. My grandmother's house had a sliding door that separated the front hall from the front bedroom. it was probably 11 feet or so tall! The door had always been locked, and I didn't even know it was there until after she died!

Re: Stranded (2:57pm December 5, 2013):

I thought I spell checked...that should have been subject not sunject. :)

Re: Stranded (2:56pm December 5, 2013):

Dani sounds like a true multi-tasker. I can relate. Me,too! I'm a Social Worker. My daughter got married last year, and the wedding turned out perfect! It was lovely! And, on another sunject, I have heard our sense of smell is supposed to be the one that brings back memories and recollections more clearly then any other sense. I think that's why the holidays brings such intense emotions to all of us. The smell of bread cooking brings back the smell of my grandmother's biscuits! One of my favorite memories! :)

Re: Billionaire Blend (3:38pm December 4, 2013):

I had no idea that Hugh Jackman has a coffee company. We love coffee at our house. And, thanks for the recipes! Coffee and sweets... can't beat that combination! OR coffee, sweets and Hugh Jackman! That would definitely be a winning combo!

Re: Hustlin' Texas (3:34pm December 4, 2013):

I was raised in Dallas. I love horses and miss all the green fields. Texas is so beautiful! What a wonderful setting for a book!

Re: Rugged Hearts (3:25pm December 4, 2013):

I'm grateful for my kids, including the married in one, my (patient) husband and all of our dogs. Our Frenchton had puppies. She is 1/2 French Bulldog and 1/2 Boston Terrier. My daughter's dog is a French Bulldog. They mated, and our Frenchton had 8 adorable puppies by C-Section. She and all the puppies lived. We have a lot to be thankful for this year!

Re: Home for Christmas (12:29pm November 25, 2013):

We live in Arizona, and my favorite Christmas decoration is the saguaro cactus that we decorate with lights and a santa hat! We never decorate before Thanksgiving.

Re: Otherworld (12:23pm November 25, 2013):

oops! I meant I would love to run a bed and breakfast.

Re: Otherworld (12:22pm November 25, 2013):

My dream would be to be a "keeper of the light"... a lighthouse keeper. Since that is not really an option any more, then the next best thing would to live in a lighthouse. I would love to run a bead and breakfast in an old lighthouse.

Re: Aloha Rose (12:18pm November 25, 2013):

If you ever want to escape, read a good book and it will transport to a new place. I always have told my kids that, and I truly believe it. I get so involved in reading sometimes that I almost feel like I am whever the book takes me.

Re: Texas Tango (2:38pm November 15, 2013):

I'm a transplanted Texan. My whole family... including grandparents were all born in Texas. I especially miss it during the holidays! I went through a really rebellious stage in my teenage years. I definitely sewed some wild oats. :) Thank Goodness I lived to tell about it.

Re: The Namesake (2:29pm November 15, 2013):

I think one of the biggest lessons I learned was when I went to work for Family Assistance Administration, otherwise known as the "welfare office". We had to ask young ladies who got them pregnant and how they got pregnant. I thought I was a really liberal person, but I found that I was actually really conservative. I was shocked daily by some of the stories I heard.

Re: Upon a Winter's Night (2:21pm November 6, 2013):

OOOOPPSS! I wrote about Thanksgiving and meant to write about Christmas! And, I didn't check my spelling. Sorry. My grandmother's Christmas was also about family and food witrh few commercial trappings. How did we get so far away from that? She would have the grandchildren (like me) read the bible version of the Christmas story. All us grandchildren would sit at a separate table for Christmas dinner, and we had more fun that way anyway! Grandma was a very religious lady, and she was my foundation and rock. I sure miss her still.

Re: Upon a Winter's Night (2:16pm November 6, 2013):

I really miss Christmas at my maternal grandmother's house. She never had any money, so Christmas was always about family and food and being close. Her giblet gravy was to die for! One year my mom had had hand surgery close to Tahnks giving, and my grandmother cooked Thanksgiving dinner at our house. That was the most wonderful Thanksgiving I can remember! I try and make Thanksgiving about giving thanks for all our blessings. We always tell what we are most thankful for at our house. And we have so much to be thankful for!

Re: A Cowboy for Christmas (11:39am November 5, 2013):

We have a few traditions for our family Christmas. One is to go to the movies on Christmas Eve. When we come home from the movies, we all open just one present. Mom and dad have veto power over what can be opened. On Christmas morning some presents are unwrapped. Santa brought those. He doesn't have time to wrap all of the presents he gives out. Another one is to go to Waffle House on Christmas morning. My husband always tips really well, because we all feel bad for anyone who has to work that day.

Re: Scion of the Sun (11:25am November 5, 2013):

I was brought up on Young Adult Fiction as a young person. I usually will read YA books when I want something different. There are times when you just don't really want to read something heavy and time consuming. Sometimes you just want to read for fun and escape. I used to tell my kids when they were younger that you don't have to use drugs to escape...just read a good book.

Re: Born Wild (4:57pm November 1, 2013):

There's something to be said for a man who is rugged and sensitive at the same time! Eve is a lucky girl!

Re: Hunter's Moon (12:23pm October 29, 2013):

My favorite paranormal romance hero would be Icabod Crane. I love the new show Sleepy Hollow! Icabod never looked so good. :)

Re: The Wicked Wallflower (4:24pm October 24, 2013):

I had some "fantasy crushes" when I was a young girl. I would be madly in love with a teen idol that I would never meet or have any contact with. :) There was a teen magazine called "Tiger's Beat" that I loved!

Re: The Holiday Serenade (4:18pm October 24, 2013):

If I were in that situation, I would definitely want Rhett! A little mystery and danger could do a girl some good!

Re: Milkshakes, Mermainds, and Murder (4:15pm October 24, 2013):

When I was 13 years old, I had a tremedous crush on Dean Martin, Jr. I sat outside his house for over 2 hours until he rolled out of his driveway in his beautiful lamborghini. I was star struck! I had a camera on my neck. He asked if I wanted to take his picture. I was so shy I couldn't talk. I remember him laughing and saying, "I could take your picture, but then I wouldn't be in it." He was a charmer.

Re: Cinderella Screwed Me Over (4:09pm October 24, 2013):

I have always loved Tinker Bell. She's a sassy little sprite. It always seemed to me she was jealous of Wendy, and that Wendy basically screws her over by getting too close to Peter Pan. But Wendy does grow up and Tink lives in Neverland forever, so Tink gets the last laugh!

Re: Murder At Hatfield House (12:57pm October 23, 2013):

There are a few historical figures that stand out in my mind. One period of time that facinates me is the Gold Rush. I would love to meet the unsinkable Molly Brown. She was such a survivor! I loved the musical about her. And Colorado in the Gold Rush times had to be amazing! The land was unspoiled. The views breathtaking.
Another person I would love to have met would be Cynthia Ann Parker. I read Ride the Wind, and I thought she was such a larger than life kind of person. She was supposed to have been related to my grandmother's family. We used to have our family reunions at Fort Parker. She was kindnapped by a Comanche warrior and later fell in love with him. What a wonderful story.
Matin Luther King, Jr would have been another person I would have like to have met. It would be wonderful to spend some time talking to him about his philosophies. He was a brilliant man. I did get to listen to his dad talk one time when I was in college. The Reverend Martin Luther King, Sr was an amazing person. He lost his wife and his son to racial violence, and yet he loved all people.
Marilyn Monroe is another person that I have always been facinated with. She was so fragile yet so dynamic. She's in icon today. She had relationships with some of the world's most interesting people of her time... Carl Sandberg, Arthur Miller, and the Kennedys to name a few.

Re: The Sweetest Hallelujah (6:09pm October 22, 2013):

I already have The Sweetest Halleujah on my Amazon Wish List. The story line is amazing! I have a friend who is now in hospice amd I'm not sure how her children and grandchildren are going to live without her! I can't even imagine not being able to watch your child grow up. This story has to be about a very brave lady who has to make some really difficult decisions before she can say, "Goodbye."

Re: A Lady's Secret Weapon (11:59am October 18, 2013):

I only read romance stories that have some intrigue or mystery. danger is an added bonus! :)

Re: The Patterer (7:26pm October 7, 2013):

I enjoy reading Dickens and Monty Python has always been a favorite, so this book sounds like fun!

Re: The Good Wife (3:40pm September 3, 2013):

It depends on who you love "too much", and what "too much" means. Sometimes you can give too much of yourself and feel vulnerable. If you put your trust in someone you can count on, then I don't think you can love "too much". It's just difficult to know who you can count on sometimes.

Re: The Mysterious Death Of Miss Jane Austen (4:23pm August 29, 2013):

WOW! Historical fiction at it's best! A murder of a well loved author! AWESOME!

Re: It Had To Be You (3:27pm June 4, 2013):

I do like peace and quiet when reading and my daughter said recently she remembered I had a bookmark that said, "SHHHHHH! I'm reading" when she was younger. But, a good book will grab my attention and I could read anywhere anytime if enthralled. If I do listen to music, it will be instrumental... no words... and usually jazz.

Re: The Seven-Day Target (12:33pm April 29, 2013):

Romantic suspense is such a fun kind of read. I used to love reading those wonderful gothic romance stories where there is adventure, romance, intrigue and an exotic setting.

Re: An Encounter at the Museum (11:25am March 1, 2013):

I remember once when my husband was my boyfriend and he had been gone for a few weeks on a family trip, we had to do his night job together. He was a janitor. We had a heated encounter in the janitor's closet. That was the strangest place ever to have a "date". As far as being inspired. Nothing inspires me more than seeing the ocean through an upper window of a lighthouse. I have done this just a few times, but it was so awesome and beautiful. I envy the lighthouse keepers!

Re: Once Again A Bride (11:34am February 7, 2013):

I find the ocean very calming. Every new office I go to, and there have been quite a few, I always want a picture of the ocean there or a picture that reminds me of the ocean like lighthouse pictures. I love Andrew Wyeth's muted colors, also. I have a framed print of his Wind from the Sea in my office now. When I get stressed, I just look at it, and I feel so very much better. :)

Re: Lady Eve's Indiscretion (11:28am February 7, 2013):

I am a social worker and I work with "handicapped" kids. I worked with a young lady that wanted to ride horses and we used her SSI dedicated account to give her horse riding lessons for therapeutic reasons. She was shy and not very social. Within a year, she was number 1 in her region in the "hunter jumper" class and number 4 in the state! She is now doing dressage, and she is amazing! I have always loved horses, but it took a "handicapped" girl to teach me how therapeutic horses can be.

Re: Holiday Buzz (11:33am December 7, 2012):

I really enjoy reading holiday books close to Christmas! It just helps me get in the mood for a great season!

Re: Rancher's Son (11:31am December 7, 2012):

I'm originally from Texas, so western stories are dear to my heart!

Re: The Bridegroom Wore Plaid (11:30am December 7, 2012):

I think there is a lot of magic in the Victorian era, and a great book only helps!

Re: Holiday Buzz (3:26pm December 6, 2012):

Love, love, love Christmas! And, your candy cane icing sounds delish! I will have to peek at your Holiday Buzz!

Re: Kiss Of Steel (2:17pm September 14, 2012):

I have been reading the All Souls Trilogy. Matthew Clairmont is currently my favorite vampire. My first favorite vampire was Barnabas Collins from Dark Shadows.

Re: A Lady And Her Magic (2:12pm September 14, 2012):

One time I went to work with my dad. He let me play in the stockroom. There were some old toys back there that were damaged or could not be sold. But I found a treasure. He had a shy smile, and he was a jester doll. He had on the pointed cap and jingle bells of a jester. I called him Jingles. He became my best friend. He always knew all my secrets. He was a true and steadfast friend! he was probably my first love. :)

Re: Take it Like a Vamp (1:24pm July 25, 2012):

Damian is my favorite vampire on Vampire Diaries. Dean is my favorite on Supernatural. I had a hard time reading The Vampire Diaries, so I don't have a favorite there. I actually put ther book down after I was about 1/3 the way through. I am now reading the second book in Deborah Harkness' All Souls Trilogy. Matthew Clairmont is my favorite vampire since Barnabas Collins! He is vulnerable and strong. He is very protective of people he loves. He has an interesting back story that makes him very endearing.

Re: Luscious (12:59pm July 19, 2012):

I love a book that has flawed characters...characters with a past. And, I love a little romance with my thriller.

Re: Beef Stolen-Off (11:46am July 16, 2012):

I remember when I worked as an aide at a state institution called Denton State School. There was a sweet lady who had worked at the same job for many years. I was being grouchy and saying how hard the job was and how demeaning. She said, "Sweetheart, this job will teach you humility." It did. And, there were days when I would tell Irma, "I think I've had enough humility for one day, but the shift isn't over yet!" She would smile.

Re: Jesse (2:17pm July 13, 2012):

I always enjoy Friday, the 13th. It has never been an unlucky day for me. I was born on a Saturday and Saturday's child works hard for a living. It fits! I'm a social worker and have been for over 30 years!

Re: Gwen's Ghost (12:14pm July 12, 2012):

I really like ghost stories! I watch Celebrity Ghost Stories on Bio Channel ALL the time!

Re: Dark Crossings (11:52am July 11, 2012):

I miss Borders, too! I did get some really great reads when they were closing, though. I have never read Amish fiction, but I LOVED the movie The Witness. It was awesome.

Re: The Reluctant Matchmaker (12:04pm July 10, 2012):

I had a really tall boyfriend once. It just did not work out between us. I think the difference in our heights was just a very, very small reason for us not staying together. The main reason we did not click was that our thoughts and beliefs were astronomically different.

Re: Deep Autumn Heat (11:45am July 6, 2012):

When I was in high school, I was really shy. I took Drama and Speech and Debate. The classes were scary for me. When I took Speech and Debate, it was my first year of high school. I really got teased by the senior guys! I found out how clueless I really was. It was an eye opener, but completely necessary to give me the independence and confidence that I needed. It worked for me! I never even worry now when I have to talk in front of a crowd.

Re: Lord Of Fire And Ice (11:51am July 5, 2012):

I enjoy historical romance, and to pair it with paranormal sounds like a really good story idea! And, one of my favorite old movies is The Vikings! I'm sure I will love Lord of Fire and Ice!

Re: It Begins with a Kiss (12:00pm July 3, 2012):

I took astronomy in college. I can remember going to astronomy lab on a cold winter evening in Texas. The air was not as dense and the stars were really amazing. Our telescopes were set up on an old missle base out in the boonies. I LOVED that class, and the lab was AMAZING!

Re: My Lady Mage (11:54am July 3, 2012):

I love horses! It looks like I have some reading to do. :)

Re: Invitation To Scandal (11:29am June 26, 2012):

I'd like to be my daughter's French Bulldog. He really has a great life! Everyone loves him. He gets tons of attention. He never wants for anything. And, he is the world's best snugger!

Re: Starlight (12:13pm June 25, 2012):

I loved the haikus!

Re: Home For The Summer (7:44pm June 4, 2012):

When we were kids, my grandmother's house was the meeting place for all the cousins in the family. My cousin would always say, "Aunt Sue will take us to the zoo." He loved to tease the raccoons. He would get some cotton candy and feed it to the raccoons who always wash what they eat. The cotton candy would disappear in the water, and the poor little raccoon would just get so angry! That was the same cousin that would pull a feather OUT of a bird if he thought it was pretty....or try and take an egg home one of the birds had laid.
We all had so much fun together! Sleeping at grandma's house was such fun! We would all bunk up together and talk until we just could no longer keep our eyes open.
Grandma would go to the Farmer's Market and buy the double yolk eggs and make a cake that would be so yummy you felt like you were in heaven. And sitting at the "kids table" was such a blast! We had much more fun without the grownups!

Re: The Homesteader's Sweetheart (12:10pm May 29, 2012):

I remember seeing My Dad, My Hero and loving it! I honestly cannot remember reading a book about a single dad. I have the book $h#t, My Dad Says...but I haven't read it yet.

Re: A Gentleman Says "I Do" (12:13pm May 25, 2012):

I love the synopsis! Catalina sounds like someone I would like. She's sassy and full of spunk! I love that kind of heroine. And her last name is fun...Crisp. Iverson sounds like a very attractive rogue.

Re: Where There's Smoke (12:06pm May 25, 2012):

I did not enroll in my last class in high school, so that I could make it home in time for Dark Shadows! Barnabas Collins often was in my dreams. He used to chase me until one time I killed him with a supoerball made of silver. :)

Re: The Reason Is You (12:55pm May 21, 2012):

I always think it's fun when the main characters have a magnetic draw to each other, and yet they manage to try and keep those feelings from the other person. I remember Alex Kava having a guy who was automatically drawn to her heroine. Nick would always "feel weak in the knees" when he loooked at Maggie. But, he was Mr Tough Guy, so he had to keep up a facade. I loved that guy!

Re: Capitol Murder (12:11pm May 8, 2012):

My most favorite Phillip Margolin book was Heartstone. I was guessing what happened and "who done it" until the very end of the book! My kids had the book signed at the Tucson Festival of Books. The kids said he was surprised that I had found a hardback. Gone But Not Forgotten was also excellent as was After Dark.

Re: Karma (11:57am May 8, 2012):

My favorite contemporary romances have a mystery involved in them. It doesn't have to be a murder mystery. It can be something like an aged out (over 18) foster or adopted kid wanting to know who or where his/her birth parents are...or just wanting to know more about them. Or the history of a piece of jewelry that was found in mom's old jewelry box. Or a love letter mom kept for many years or a picture of a man not the protagonist's dad found in mom's momentos. Or maybe it looks like the boyfriend or girlfriend has a scary past that the person didn't share. I just like a little myster, which means I do like some darkness in my stories. I also like some humor. It helps to have comic relief.

Re: Wedded In Scandal (12:56pm May 2, 2012):

Oh, I forgot my prom story. I went to the junior prom with a young man that I had been "in love" with for several years. He danced my favorite dance with one of my friends. And it was one of the few "slow dances" the band knew!!! Needless to say, I didn't marry that one! And, my daughter is getting married next January. We have had a BLAST looking at dresses!

Re: Wedded In Scandal (12:53pm May 2, 2012):

I hope you enjoyed Dallas! I grew up there, and I miss "the city" so much!
And, have a WONDERFUL birthday!!! Have fun! And, as my dad used to say, "If you can't stay out of trouble, at least be safe." :)

Re: The Vampire Shrink (2:00pm April 27, 2012):

I've actually had a number of "ghostly encounters". When I was 6 years old, my favorite person died...my grandfather. He visited me nightly in "dreams" as long as I needed him. He explained death and helped me understand his own. It was a very "real" experience, and I have no doubt he actually did communicate with me after death.

Re: Enraptured (2:35pm April 26, 2012):

There have been a lot of favorite villians. Bad boys rock. They can be really dangerous. I think maybe my first exposure to mysteries were the Sherlock Holmes stories, so Moriarty was my first villian. Like a first love, you never forget your first villian.

Re: Somebody To Love (5:39pm April 24, 2012):

Back in 1999, my husband had been at the same job for 19 years, and another company bought the manufacturing plant where he worked. They didn't want the plant, they wanted the defense contracts. So, it was move or lose your job. I'm a social worker, so I can work anywhere. So, we moved. I was 42 years old at the time. I had never lived anywhere else than in the "Golden Triangle" in my life! It was a shock to the system. the kids were 11 and 13 years old. I loved my house and my friends back in Texas. My family was there. My parents were gone, so moving was easier than it could have been. Arizona was SO different! We had a custom home in Texas. We have a cookie cutter home here. A really funny thing happened, though. So many of the houses look exactly alike that my kids walked into the neighbors house thinking it was our house. Thank goodness we have a lovely neighbor. It was a great new start. I became closer to my kids and my husband. My priorities changed a lot. My family became my major priority. My kids had never had a mom who stayed home, so I did stay home for about 2 years. It helped us all through the transition. Now, I have been working for the state government for over 10 years. My kids are grown. We are all healthy, happy and successful enough. Life is good. Change is good, too, even if it is an unplanned change. :)

Re: Untouched (1:13pm April 20, 2012):

Mine would be 1, 2 and 4. It would be really fun to have options like these to chose from!

Re: The Deathly Portent (12:22pm April 19, 2012):

She enjoys "builder's tea" which is very strong, hot tea. She adds a little milk. sounds wonderful! I want some, too! :)

Re: The Deathly Portent (12:21pm April 19, 2012):

Elizabeth likes to drink what she calls "builder's tea". She says it is hot and strong. She drinks it with a little bit if milk. SOUNDS WONDERFUL! I want a cup, too :)

Re: The Zen Man (2:51pm April 17, 2012):

My number one favorite detective has to be Hercule Poirot and his "little grey cells". Agatha Christe really could write a good mistery! Poirot is superbly enacted by David Suchet in teh BBC version from PBS.
Taking you back to the movies of a long time back, there were the Matt Helm movies with Dean Martin. The books were written by Donald Hamilton, and they were fun to read. The movies were so much fun! And Dean Martin was a really good choice to play the sexy detective.
I read a lot, so I also have some favorites that have not made it to the movies or TV.
I love Alex McKnight! Steve Hamilton is a terrific writer!Alex is such a wonderful tragic hero, and he is always getting himself into MAJOR trouble! The hockey league player who is a little too old for the game but still tough enough. And he only drinks Canadian beer. He rocks!
Then there is Cork O'Connor. William Kent Krueger is another favorite ayuthor. Cork is dad, husband, friend. He is a loveable guy, but tragedy always seems to follow him, too. He is wonderful with his kids. A good husband (for the most part). A good friend to his pals. And really clever and insightful!
Jeffrey Tolliver is another tragic hero. Karin Slaughter has made him really flawed. He is a police chief. He is not a perfect character, but he is a really interesting character. I really fell hard for that guy. And then, Karin started writing about Will Trent who was an abused foster kid. WOW! That girl knows how to write about a detective that will keep your heart fluttering!
I could actually go on for a long time!
I like the choices for McGarret and Danno on the new Hawaii 5-0. I think the casting for the show is great! I didn't think anyone else could play the parts, but they have really done an outstanding job!
I just love detectives, and I think it adds a lot to know that Colleen and her husband actually live the life! That's GOT to make the books real!

Re: The Fallen Woman of Vil?gos (4:51pm April 16, 2012):

Deja vu is such a strange feeling. I have experienced it before. I just remember the feeling that I have either dreamed the experience or had the experience before. And, sometimes I will know exactly what someone will say next and what will happen next. The strange thing is that it goes as quickly as it comes. And the thoughts and feelings only last for second or a couple of short minutes. It is very disconcerting when it happens. You feel like you have no say so in how the episiode will pan out. It is almost like small moments of destiny. Deja vu hasn't happened to me in a long time, but I do remember the unsettling feeling it causes.

Re: Duty And Desire (4:18pm April 15, 2012):

I remember ready about Edgar Cayce when I was younger. he believed in the "universal mind". The concept is that we are all somehow connected and our thoughts come from the same universal source of knowledge. I like that idea, and I would like to believe it's true. If you believe in the concept, then it makes sense that you could think you are actually making something up when it is actually real. Maybe you tapped into the information unconsciously.

Re: The Wolf Who Loved Me (12:31pm April 12, 2012):

I'm usually an open book. I remember one time my grandmother sent my cousin and me to the store and we spent the change. We thought we would be stealth and not tell grandma. That really didn't work out well for us. We both got "switched". There is a psychological aspect to "switching". We had to get our own switch and it had to be green enough to not break. Since that very day, I have been a really honest person. I guess grandma knew what she was doing. We got into more trouble for keeping the secret than we did for taking the money. :)

Re: Mariana (12:09pm April 12, 2012):

I love your books. I think it would be fun to read one that was written early on to see how your writing style has changed. And, I would not want you to change a thing.

Re: Trouble Me (1:46pm April 9, 2012):

Trouble Me sounds like a wonderful story! One night stands are usually a really bad idea, but this time it might have been the right thing to do. Interesting concept!

Re: Woodrose Mountain (12:52pm April 4, 2012):

I work with children who have disabilities. I see "little miracles" all the time! Children who have daily challenges will find their way into your heart!

Re: Obsidian (12:47pm March 3, 2012):

I've missed the X-Files. I always thought Mulder was at least part alien. :) This book sounds like a lot of fun!

Re: Darkest Highlander (12:46pm February 6, 2012):

History and magic are a great match! There are so many great stories that have combined both and done so very well. There was the Merlin Trilogy by Martha Stewart that started with The Crystal Cave. I have recently been reading Diana Gabaldon's Outlander. Time travel and historical fiction are the underlying themes in that book. Then there was The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane. And, there are many historical fiction books written about the Salem Witch Trials. I think you are in great company writing about magic and history. I'll look forward to reading your Highlander novels!

Re: Risking Trust (6:20pm January 12, 2012):

Right now I'm reading The Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. I'm lost in a different world every night when I pick up the book. It's really hard to put it back down! I used to tell my kids when they were younger that you don't need drugs to escape...just a really good book! I firmly believe that! And, I have had some wonderful escapes!

Re: Sins Of The Highlander (6:12pm January 12, 2012):

It sounds to me like Elspeth is not being kidnapped but saved to experience a more interesting, adventurous life with a handsome stanger! What a fun concept for a story!

Re: Hot Rain (2:17pm January 4, 2012):

To answer the question: At some point 2 people have to meet for there to be a romance. I would say that online dating cannot take the place of face to face dating. :)

Re: Hot Rain (2:15pm January 4, 2012):

I've been reading the excerps in my email, and this sounds like a really good book!

Re: A Demon Does It Better (1:23pm January 3, 2012):

I always say my husabnd and I work really hard to give our cat a nice place to stay. He rules our house.

Re: The Rose Garden (4:31pm October 12, 2011):

I have read Named of the Dragon and Shadowy Horses and both of those books were amazing! The characers were very well developed and complex. The setting were compelling. The stories were enthralling! I'm looking forward to reading more!

Re: Chaos Tryst (7:44pm October 2, 2011):

I will never forget when a roommate talked me into a blind date. The poor guy was so not my type that I didn't even make it through the date. Somtimes honestly is the only policy. :)

Re: The Norse King's Daughter (12:27pm September 30, 2011):

Our public library has a book sale, and I love to go. You can find some real gems! At the end of the sale the library features a $5 a bag sale. That's when everyone goes crazy, and it's really fun!

Re: Fitzwilliam Darcy, Rock Star (4:06pm September 21, 2011):

I love a good rock band. And, I actually saw the ultimate "bad boy" rock legend in concert...Jim Morrison.

Re: Tempted (4:35pm September 15, 2011):

This sounds like a great story! I enjoy stories where the heroine finds her inner strength! It always makes you feel more capable yourself. We all have inner strength and it usually shows up right when we least expect it.

Re: No Proper Lady (12:22pm September 12, 2011):

WOW! This sounds like a really fun read!

Re: Wings of Fire (5:32pm September 9, 2011):

Paranormal Romance.......what an interesting genre!

Re: Deep Disclosure (4:27pm September 7, 2011):

I really like your "live for now" philosophy! I sometimes do live in the past when I remember good times from what seems like just the other day. And, I live in the future when I daydream of what I would want for me if i could have whatever my little heart desires. But, honestly, "living for now" is probably the best idea.

Re: Redeeming The Rogue (12:12pm August 30, 2011):

Historical Romance! YAHOO! What a wonderful genre!

Re: Making Waves (5:05pm August 8, 2011):

Who hasn't wanted to be a stowaway? This sounds like a really fun book!

Re: Lie for Me (2:23pm August 2, 2011):

When we were kids, we were always told that if you told the truth you didn't have to remember how it went.

Re: Fallen (3:45pm June 30, 2011):

Last year Karin came to the Poisen Pen on a Sunday and I was able to go. This time it was during the week and I missed getting to see her yesterday. I have read everything she has written! I can't WAIT to read the new book. I have gotten very attached to her characters, and have forgiven her the loss of a favorite character, because the new ones are really complex and interesting. I'm sorry I missed seeing Karin this year! She is a delightful person! My husband is a history bug and he enjoyed how knowledgeable she is about the history of Georgia. I forward him the newsletters, because he is not much of a joiner kind of guy. He really liked Karin in person and thought she was adorable. I did too.

Re: The Violets Of March (9:05am May 6, 2011):

The violet is my favorite flower.

Re: A Family Affair (8:56am May 6, 2011):

Dads are not perfect. But...can't live with them and can't live without them. Mine passed away in 1995. I still get mad at him sometimes, and I still love him.

Re: Heart of Deception (6:15pm April 29, 2011):

WOW!!! I just read the Olympia Dukakis quote which I am always quoting!!! Isn't it so true! And I also think the ability to assessorize makes us the unique individuals that we are! Accessories really tell the story of who the person is, Don't you think?

Re: Heart of Deception (6:13pm April 29, 2011):

Re: Heart of Deception (6:12pm April 29, 2011):

I love hats, too. The ones we wear by choice and the ones that just happen to us. Both have merit! I have worn in the past: Brownie Scout, Girl Scout, Best Friend, and some really fun and wonderful Easter hats!! Now I wear the hats of: Mother, Social Worker, Friend, Wife, Confidante, and Best Friend. It's been awhile since I have worn a "real" hat! WOW! Shopping excuse! (Smile)

Re: The Alchemy of Desire (1:44pm April 25, 2011):

Alchemy is a great tropic for a book!

Re: It Happened On Maple Street (12:01pm April 19, 2011):

Thanks for telling a story that is so much a part of yourself! It couldn't have been easy, but what an inspiration you are for others!

Re: Cowboy Fever (12:30pm April 13, 2011):

I am a Social Worker and I work with cognitively disabled children who are in the foster care system. I grew up in Texas, and horses and rodeo have always been very fun and appealing to me. This book sounds right up my alley.

Re: Demons Are A Girl's Best Friend (2:02pm April 12, 2011):

This one sounds hot....literally! And it sounds like a fun read.

Re: Vowed In Shadows (12:52pm April 11, 2011):

Nim sounds like a really compelling character...one you would think you will not like, but who wins your allegiance anyway. This book sounds very much like science fiction, and I have rediscovered science fiction lately, and I would love to read this one.

Re: Deadly Ties (1:41pm April 10, 2011):

I am a Foster Care Social Worker. I work with handicapped children. These children are very vulnerable, and always at risk for exploitation and abuse. Some of the children have endured incredible abuse, yet they have so much love and caring for everyone they encounter. When children are in danger, there is no task in the world more important than to keep them safe. This story sounds like one that would dearly touch my heart!
As a young girl, I made a really bad choice in a boyfriend. He was an old friend and very handsome. He had some problems that he could get past. He was abusive, because he had been abused. The abuse got so severe that I literally feared for my life. It took a lot of courage to leave him, but my life changed for the better. I decided I would help others and keep others safe.

Re: A Song For My Mother (8:21pm April 9, 2011):

My mom read classics to me when I was little. Her sister read Alfred Hitchcock to me (to help me go to sleep?):). I have always had such a passion for reading. When my kids were younger,I told them, "You never need drugs to 'get way'....all you need is a really good book!"

Re: Haunting Desire (11:36am April 6, 2011):

Time travel has always been a favorite concept for me. The old movie "The Time Machine" with Rod Taylor is one of my favorites.

Re: The Shadow Guard (1:10pm April 5, 2011):

I love a good book, and this one sounds like one I could read in just a couple of days....Because I would be so into the story.

Re: Rock Hard (1:25pm April 4, 2011):

This sounds like a really fun read!

Re: Hummingbird Lake (3:08pm March 22, 2011):

Hummingbird Lake is already on my Kindle Wish List! This sounds like a really fun read! I don't read a lot of novels that are just roamnce...but i do love romance that has some suspense or that is heart warming. This book looks like it will be right up my alley!

Re: Angel Sister (12:39pm March 18, 2011):

My mom and dad were raised during the Great Depression. My dad used to say, "There was really nothing 'great' about it." I can't even imagine the deprevation that families went through. I am very grateful that I was born in these times and not those times. I remember hearing that there is an old curse that says, "May you live during interesting times." I'd much rather live during easy times myself. No matter how much we all complain about the economy now, we are in great shape as compared to the less fortunate times our country has seen.

Re: So Close The Hand Of Death (1:49pm March 15, 2011):

Copy Cat murders are always interesting! And this sounds like a great thriller! I love thrillers, and can't wait to read this one!

Re: A Taste of Seduction (1:25pm March 11, 2011):

There is something very intriguing about scars. A scar temps your curiousity about how did it get there...what were the circumstances? Is there a good story behind the scar? I bet there is a very intersting story behind Anthony's scar. This sounds like a good "escape" kind of read....one that reduces your stress, because you are so caught up in the storyline!

Re: Seducing The Governess (2:28pm March 8, 2011):

My favorite of all time historical fiction is Green Darkness by Anya Seton. I learned so much about medieval England from reading that one, and dearly loved the settings and the story. I have done just a tiny bit of research and have found out that many of the places in her book are actual historical places that date back to 16th century England. WHAT FUN! No wonder the book seemed so real to me! I love historical fiction, especially when the author takes the time to do good research!

Re: Staying At Daisy's (4:06pm March 7, 2011):

I really liked the cover for the book! The little dog is adorable! And it looks so much like spring, it could give me Spring Fever! My grandmother ran a rooming house when I was growing up. I learned a lot of life lessons at her house. I've always wanted to go to England, and it's wonderful when an author can transport me there!

Re: Animal Magnetism (8:03pm March 5, 2011):

My parents in law live in Spokane, near Idaho. I LOVE that area of the country! And My daughter and her boyfriend just got a new puppy that my husband and I are calling the "grandpuppy"! Romance, a puppy and a beautiful locale. WOW! Sounds like a good one!

Re: A Tiger In The Kitchen (3:11pm February 8, 2011):

Pineapple tarts sound heavenly! I have had a pineapple empanada which is really yummy, but a tart sounds even better.

Re: The Forever Queen (3:13pm November 12, 2010):

WOW! This sounds like a great story! I love historical fiction! You learn so much, and when it is written well, it's just like reading a novel! THANK YOU, Helen! Now all I need to do is figure out how to download it to my Kindle. ;)

Re: Deadly Intent (3:17pm November 10, 2010):

I love a good mystery and this one sounds excellent! Can't wait to read it!

Re: Pinned for Murder (7:22pm October 26, 2010):

Mysteries are my favorite genre. And the south is my favorite place to be. What a fun excuse to escape into a good read!

Re: In Shelter Cove (3:25pm May 4, 2010):

I think the vest stories are about ordinary people who do extraordinary things! Anyone can be a hero or heroine given the right situation and the right attitude, add a little courage and self determination.

Re: Making Rounds With Oscar (9:24pm February 6, 2010):


I should have used spell check. Sorry about that!

Re: Making Rounds With Oscar (9:22pm February 6, 2010):

My mom wandered away from the house when my dad was sleeping and drowned in the lake near our home. She had Alzheimer's. Before her death, it was devastating to watch her self help skills get worse ans worse and my dad had to take more and more responsibility for her. It was hard on everyone.

I wish we had had a wonderful nursing home facility where I lived....and I wish I had had Oscar to make her death easier.

Our own cat who is a black and white we call Domino knows when we care sick or sad and he will sit with us and he ius such comfort.

Thank God for cats!

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