February 19th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Jeanne Miro

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143 comments posted.

Re: Enticing Miss Eugenie Villaret (9:55am August 13, 2014):

Hi Ella!
I just wanted to let you know how much I've enjoyed reading
all the books(so far) in The Marriage Game series and how
excited I am that Amazon already has Madline's Christmas
List available for pre-order! October can't come soon

I hadto let you know that I got a kick out of Enticing Miss
Eugenie Villaret because my father (whose name is Eugene)
wanted that to be my name (I was suppose to be a boy and
named after him!). Fortunately my mother prevailed and I
ended up being Jeanne instead!

Keep writing and we'll keep reading!

Re: Moonlight on My Mind (5:13pm March 30, 2014):

Congratulations to Jennifer on the release of Moonlight on my
Mind earlier this month! I had downloaded on my Kindle so
tonight I'll be staying up to finish reading it!

Re: Desperately Seeking Suzanna (8:10pm March 15, 2014):

Hi Elizabeth!

Congratulations on your release of Desoeratekt Seeking Suzanna on the 4th!

I love baking cherry covered cheesecake even though I can't eat it myself because I'm a Type I diabetic. A friend sneaked her "secret family recipe" for it out of the house to give to me and the secret of it's great taste is to use crushed Zwieback instead of graham crackers when your making it (with lots of butter cut in!).

It's the family expected dessert for me to make for every holiday and there's never any left by the end of dessert (and while everyone else is enjoying it I'm eating a small serving of sugar free jello or homemade applesauce - with no sugar added!).

Re: The Bride Insists (7:59pm March 15, 2014):

Hi Jane!

I already loves A Bride Insists just by the title alone! While a don't have a favorite "black sheep" hero I already love James because I'm the "black sheep" of my family! Believe me it's a fun thing to be! I decided at a young age that I'd make my own way in the world instead of just doing what my parents "expected" of me and have never looked back!

I've always thought of "black sheep" as being someone who goes against the dictates placed on them by their families of society and instead picks their goals and goes against the grain of what's expected of them and on top of that make the very best "mate". Fortunately my husband of 44 years agrees!

Re: Sapphires Are an Earl's Best Friend (9:29pm March 7, 2014):

Hi Shana!
I didn't realize that you had been looking over my shoulder while I've been reading your books! You wouldn't believe the times when I've finished a book and my favorite character has been a secondary character instead of just the hero and heroine! In fact I new as soon as I met them that Lily and Andrew were meant for each other in the first "scene" they met each other! Call it a mother's instinct since as soon as my first son was born I knew I was doomed to be the only female to grace our home! Fortunately at least I was gifted with one grand-daughter but with all the males in the family out numbering us it's a problem at times (since of course she and I are always right while they don't seem to know how to behave!).

I knew that Lily was up to putting Andrew in his place and can't wait to see it happen when I read Sapphires Are A Girl's Best Friend because I know that Lily's is up to the challenge!

Re: Must Love Dukes (2:27pm March 3, 2014):

Hi Elizabeth!

Congratulations on the release of Must Love Dukes on the 4th of last month! I'm so excited that Desperately Seeking Suzanna is coming out this month because I love reading books in the same series one right after the other!

I must admit that my most ackward moment happened over 45 years ago when my father showed up at my apartment one Saturday morning to find my soon to be husband there with me! Trying to explain why he was there so early in the morning was fortunately solved by my dear soon-to-be mate, who was in the Navy during Vietnam at the time, when he told my father that he he had just gotten some unexpected to order that he would be leaving on deployment later that day. Fortunately he was leaving but for deployment for more training in Arizona and not in Vietnam! Trying to explain why someone in the Navy was going to Arizona was even harder to explain to my dear old Dad! Fortunately it was because he was in a Navel Air squadron and where they went for additional training!

Re: Lord of the Sea (2:56pm February 20, 2014):

Hi Danelle!
I think if a man is "perfect" he's not really a hero! What makes him a hero is going against all odds to do what's right and not necessarily what he's told to do or that society says is right! I think with all the unrest going on in the world today that we are more in tune to what a true hero is and it's someone who is prepared to do the right thing, not the easy thing, to protect those who can't protect themselves.

My hero is one that sacrifices what he may want to do but instead does what has to done in good times and bad.
ove really does conquer all

Re: The MacGregor's Lady (3:58pm February 8, 2014):

Hi Grace!
I love all of your books and you are so wonderful that they seamlessly make them a delight to read but I always wondered which one was the hardest for you to write because of a connection that you had made with one of the characters?

Re: What The Groom Wants (3:53pm February 8, 2014):

Hi Jade!
Loved everyone's idea but how about him dragging her into the cook's pantry and sitting her onto a shelf while he drives her by kissing her - everywhere?

Re: Miss Molly Robbins Designs A Seduction (3:47pm February 8, 2014):

I already like Lady Mercy and only wish I was one of her friends! I'd love to see how she somehow gets involved in making her brother see Molly Robbins as she sees her, as someone worthy of love!

Re: Love in the Library (11:00pm January 29, 2014):

Thanks Cheryl!

Re: Love in the Library (10:23pm January 29, 2014):

Hi Cheryl!

I think that you already know how much I love your stories!

I love all sorts of heros and have found that after many years it's how the author writes those heros that make the difference if I like them or not. I love a Rogue who also has a soft side for the one he loves but I also like reading about the one who has a quiet presence and often surprised you.

When I'm reading there are many times a character remind me of my husband of 44 years who is gruff on the outside and a caring generous person who is thoughtful and kind.

Ironically the story that first made me love "historical romance" was Don Quixote. I do so love a man who may make blunders at times but it's because he's dreaming the impossible dream and would rather see only the good in someone instead of judging them!

I also often think of my Grandmother's words to me when I was young to "judge not hat ye be not judged". I think when I start reading and may not particularly like something about a character whether they're a primary or secondary character I try to remember her advice and "give them a chance" to redeem themselves until I know all the background of what made them the way they are!

Re: One Rogue Too Many (8:47pm January 16, 2014):

Hi Samantha!

I loved your excerpt from One Rouge Too Many! Often the excerpt that are shared really don't give us as readers a true "feel" of the story but this one did in spades!

Even though I'm in my 60's now (okay to be honest "late" 60's) I'll never forget my very first "crush". I lived in a small village at the time and at the end of my road was the baseball field that the boys in the neighborhood used to play "pick-up" games and that's where I first saw "Corky" and lost my young heart. I think I was probably in 6th grade and it's where I got my first kiss (okay more like a peck) from Corky and never missed going to watch the boys play for the entire summer. I finally figured out that the only reason he gave me that kiss was so the "team" would have someone routing for them (they were really bad baseball players and I think won once!).

Of course back them "kissing a boy" really wasn't the "done" thing but at least I knew as the next few years passed that once upon a time a had gotten my "first" kiss!

Re: Between A Rake And A Hard Place (8:36pm January 16, 2014):

Hi Mia!
I must admit that while I do love reading about the rout's and romantic balls I LOVE the house parties! Is it just me that sees at those country parties that the characters are more relaxed (and willing to let their true selves be in attendance) then are the "fancy" balls in the city that must meet the Tons "rules"?

I love when they finally let their guard down and show the person they really are instead of trying to meet the strictures that "society" put on them and allows you to see they really are and not the one they pretend to be to meet the structure of society!

Re: Shadowed By Grace (5:09pm January 12, 2014):

Hi Cara!
I love your post and it brought back memories of my father telling me stories back in the 1960's about how many in our family were part of the Allied Forces in the time just before my birth. I didn't realize at the time it wasn't just something that meant something to me of the bravery of those strong men and the families they left behind but would also mean so much to me in the late 1960's and early in the 1970's when my husband was in the Navy during Vietnam.

My first thought is "never forget" and hopefully your story will remind people today of not just what went on before us but what all those who are in the military are doing today for us to defend not just our country but of those people in places all over the world who are facing the horrors of war on a daily basis.

Re: The Groom's Gamble (11:21pm January 8, 2014):

Hi Jade!
I love that The Groom’s Gamble came out last month and we don't have long to wait for What the Groom Wants will be available next month! I love series but sometimes I love when we don't have to wait for almost a year for the next book to become available!

I must admit that sometimes I'll buy a book but then wait so I can read all the books at one time!

Whoever does your covers does such a good job that they really give the reader a sense of the story before you even open the cover!

Re: The Scandal in Kissing an Heir (6:54pm December 31, 2013):

Hi Sophie!
I fell in love with your stories as soon as I read How Miss Rutherford Got Her Groove Back before you even started reading books in a series. I hope everyone has had a chance to read it and also your story in Five Golden Rings and your Summberby's series as well but I must admit ever since I read the first book in your At the Kinsboraugh Ball, The Trouble With Being A Duke, I've been waiting for The Scandal of Being An Earl to be released! Yeah! It's finally available today (but of course I had to work so it will be days before I can get to a bookstore!

What I need Sophie is for you to give me a call when The Danger in Tempting A Duke comes out next year or at least to let me know now when it will be released so I can write it on my calendar!

Best Wishes on a Happy New Year! Happy Reading to All and to All a Good Night!

Re: Meet the Earl at Midnight (10:10pm December 22, 2013):

Hi Gina!

Best wishes for a Merry Christmas! The one tradition our family has is for the youngest person in attendance put the star on top of our Christmas tree! We started doing it the year my older son was born (December 6th) because we were so excited he was finally home with us. He had been born prematurely by two weeks (but weighed in at 9 lbs. 9 oz.) and had a problem with his lungs when he was born so had to stay in the hospital for a while. Don't worry - this year he celebrated his 41st birthday and is over 6 feet tall (to my 5 feet, 2 inches!). We still have the picture I took showing my husband lifting him up and "helping" him with the star!

The only problem we ever had was when my younger son (who wasn't expected to make it) showed up on the doorstep (thanks to a friend giving him a ride from Charleston, SC were he was going to The Citadel after his flight was cancelled because of a snow storm at secondary designation) just in time to put the star on the tree! I have a picture that year of him tipping the tree over (he takes after be and is "under-tall" at least compared to my husband and other son!

Even after all these years we still laugh every Christmas Eve when the star is going up! Yes, both my sons have carried on our tradition and we always enjoy seeing our youngest grandchild putting the star up to celebrate the holiday!

Re: Three Timeless Loves (7:35pm November 30, 2013):

I love time travel stories and I think one reason is that ever since my husband and I took a trip to Scotland and visited the towns and cities my ancestors once lived I have wanted to be able to travel back in time and find out how they lived during their time there. We're they caught up in any of the fighting for independence from England? Did they lose their homes? I'd love to find out why they left the land of their birth and ventured across the wide ocean to settle in the United States (before it even became a united country) and how did they end up settling where they did!

After traveling to Scotland and see the beautiful places they came from I often wonder if they would do the same thing today and make the same hard choices they made to move to an unknown country and start their lives all over again.

Was it fate that forced their decision or did they simply have to face the reality of the times and either move or have their families die because of either the fighting or from hunger or on the other hand did they look forward to making a better life for themselves.

Those questions are the reason I love to read time-travel books. I wonder if they could have done it themselves if I would still be able to ask why they did move but instead would be living in the beautiful land of Scotland today myself!

Re: How To Handle A Highlander (10:25pm November 10, 2013):

Hi Mary!

I love all your books no matter the genre but I must admit I love your books set in the Highlands because they take me back to the time my ancestors lived there.

My mother designed and made wedding gowns when I was a teenager but while sewing has never been something I've wanted to do I must admit that when my boys were 2 and 4 year old toddlers I was forced to make there most of their cloths because our small village didn't have a store that sold them and we only had one car at the time.

Because of that I discovered that I could also make clothes for myself. How wonderful freeing it could be that you could make something that you looked good in and actually fit correctly! Since I'm undertall with the skills I developed I was actually able to also make clothes for myself that were age appropriate and I finally didn't have to try to find clothes in the "teens" department to wear on my 28 year old body!

Re: A Midsummer Bride (12:23pm November 3, 2013):

Hi Amanda!

I loved the except and what I like best is a heroine who has a mind of her own! My favorite genre is historical romance and I love when the heroine is more concerned about what is happening around her and not afraid to do things out of the bounds of what society feels is the "norm". I love when she has a mind of her own and isn't restricted to only doing what society thinks is "proper" and instead follows her dreams.

Re: Once a Rake (3:38pm November 1, 2013):

Hi Eileen!

I love reading books set during the Regency because so much was going on at the time. First you have King George III until he it was determined he was unfit to rule and was taken over by the Prince of Wales as Prince Regent and then "thanks goodness" Queen Victoria became the ruler!

Is it just me that she was an outstanding monarch and did more for the country and people than any of those that preceded her? It may have taken us awhile but as far as I'm concerned she was a wonderful example of "women's lib" and way ahead of her time!

One of the reasons I love reading historical romance is that the problems and successes of the country as a whole changes quickly and is always interesting to read not only how the economy changed but at different periods the good and bad of how people lived.

With every book set in this period I get to enjoy the changes both good and bad and expectations of the subjects of the characters in the story.

Re: The Wicked Wallflower (8:22pm October 25, 2013):

Since I'm "under-tall", okay I'm short, I somehow always managed as a teenager to have a crush on "boys" that were either football or basketball players that never noticed me! Of course I always blamed it on them never seeing me since as they walked down the halls of our High School they probably were looking right over my head!

Imagine my surprise when I went to college and somehow always managed to be asked out my the tall men in my classes! I hadn't grown in height but I did learn how to talk about things they were actually interested in!

This year my husband who is just over 6' tall (to my 5'2") celebrated our 43 anniversary so to all the other short women out there don't give up because someday that perfect man for you just might look down and fall in love with you for who you are no matter how tall you are!

Re: A Lady's Secret Weapon (4:17pm October 18, 2013):

Hi Tracey!

While I read a little bit of all genres my favorite are historical romance. One reason I love your stories so much is that I've learned to expect the unexpected! I love a dash of danger and the unexpected and that's one of the things that keeps me coming back for more!

Re: Gideon's Call (4:55pm September 22, 2013):

Hi Peter -

I'm trying to type this as fast as I can so my husband doesn't see it because he thinks I'm a book hoarder which I firmly deny! I keep telling him all the bookcases are full because I'm saving them for posterity! He keeps telling me the encylopedia set we have are out of date and I tell him they're a note in history and how we view it! He tells me I really don't need to hold onto the old history book that refers to the Indians as "aborigines" and I tell him it shows how far we've come.

Yes, I also have those books I read while in High School during the 1960's - most of which are now on the banned book list along with some from earlier years of my life like Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn! I read them to my grandchildren to teach them about how "things used to be".

Of course there are also history books, historical fiction, fiction, romance (both contemporary and Regency, etc.) but there are also Dr. Suess books, make-your own adventure books and numerous others so the grandchildren always have their pick as well (yes - they have their own bookcase).

Did I mention there are large books cases on either side of the fireplace as well as in the living room, the kitchen, and of course ALL the bedrooms?

So in some peoples mind I may "hoard" books but as far as I'm concerned I'm saving them for posterity!

Re: What the Bride Wore (12:41pm August 30, 2013):

Hi Jade!

Many years ago I was pretty stuck in reading only contemporary and historical romance. One day I went to our local bookstore and they had just put a display of a book by a new author and one ob the booksellers told me I should check it out. She said it was by a new author, some guy named Tom, but I might think it would be a good book for my husband The name of the book was The Hunt for Red October. I decided to pick it up for him because at the time he was in the Navy flying on P3's.

Since he wasn't going to be home for a few more weeks I decided tor read it while since he was chasing subs on a P3!

Needless to say he loved the book but more surprising is that so did I! I never would have picked it up much less read it if that one bookseller didn't tell me about it - a book by the way he hadn't read, if she hadn't pointed it out to me!

Who would have thought back then that it would become such a huge success not only in the book world but as a movie as well!

Now I find myself reading some of the books my husband reads so we can talk about them - but I still haven't gotten him to read any of my beloved romance novels!

Re: The Arrangement (12:18pm August 25, 2013):

Hi Mary!
I've been reading your stories in this series as they've been released and love them. My husband not only served during Vietnam but also was in the Navy Reserves as a "week-end" warrior until he retired. I love that your addressing the issue how men and women are affected by the either being in a war themselves but how it also affects those around them.

You may write historical romance but your stories help us understand what so many of our men and women who are serving their country are going thru today as well.

Thank you from all of us who have been affected by the ravishes of war whether in the past or currently. Not only are the books in this series wonderful to read they help educate us all to stop and think how war affects not only those who served but all of us.

Re: A Most Devilish Rogue (11:54am August 21, 2013):

Hi Ashlyn!

I loved your "Five Ways a Regency Hero Might Land Himself in Trouble" but having just sons just give me a call anytime if you want some more to add onto your list!

I love Julia and Benedict's story and I'm so excited that A Most Devilish Rogue is being released next Tuesday for Kindle! I can't wait to read what mischief George has up his sleeve and how he ends up being the perfect hero for Isobella.

From my experience raising sons (and taming my husband) is that a "reformed" rouge is not only the the most fun but also the most protective of his family a well!

Re: Love On A Midsummer Night (3:40pm August 9, 2013):

Hi Christy!
When you're a Senior Citizen like I am you come to a time in your life when you look back and reflect on "times past". I've found that looking back on the "worst times" in my life were actually an entrance to a brand new world full of wonder instead.

When I was in college I was engaged when suddenly the "love of my life" broke up with me. The devastation I felt at the time I thought would rule my life. Instead I moved across the country to finish my education as far away as I could.

Who knew back then that one decision would bring me to realize that I could determine my own destiny. After realizing that I was the only one who could make myself the person I was suppose to be and that I might remain single for the rest of my life I was able to become my own person instead of a person someone else thought I should be.

Several years later when I met my husband who had gone through a similar experience we were both not only older but wiser and found in each other the perfect match although we had totally different personalities.

This year we celebrated our 43rd Anniversary!

I read my first historical romance back in the 1960's and it was Don Quixote by Cervantes. When I met my husband my own personal "Impossible Dream" came true!

Re: The Officer And The Secret (11:42pm July 20, 2013):

I met my husband when he was in the Navy during Vietnam and he was serving on an aircraft carrier. Of course back in the 1960's they didn't have anything like Skyp so you could keep in touch so we knew when he left that corresponding wasn't going to be possible.

What helped to get us through that time was confidence in our love for each other and that nothing was more important than our trust and love in each other.

After he finished his duty during Vietnam he joined the Navy Reserves and was a "Week-end Warrior" until he retired. I had friends that would ask me how I got through his deployments especially when he was going into some area of unrest as well as putting himself in harms way. They asked when he was in foreign ports if I worried about him be faithful my I told them there was no doubt in my mind that our sons and myself were what was helping him get through all the danger he faced every time he left.

The most important thing is your commitment to each other and even if you couldn't keep in touch back then I knew that he worried about his family back home as much as I worried for him. Dedication to you're loved one will always make the time pass quicker and knowing that fortify your loved one and give him the best reason in the world to come home safely.

To all those serving today I wish them fair winds and following seas!

Re: One Night With A Rake (9:46pm June 20, 2013):

Hi Mia!

I've always loved our pets (both dogs and cats) but must admit that our cat Charlie (aka Atilla the cat) was my favorite above all. Like many pet owners we form a special bond with our beloved pets who manage to run our homes instead of us and when Charlie passed away recently we realized how much he had added to our lives.

He got his nick-name when he was just a few weeks old when he managed to open our heavy sliding glass door in our kitchen and managed to escape and terrorize the "wildlife" in our back yard! Who would have ever guessed when we "adopted" him fro the Rescue League that my husband who vowed he never met a cat he liked that Charlie favorite place to sleep would be on top of my husband!

We've found that pets have minds of their own and can sneak into your hearts without you even realizing it. They can't talk back and never stay mad at you for long and freely give you their love - even when you do forget to pick up "kibble" or treats for them when you go shopping!

A pet's love is freely given and they add joy to your life without expecting you to thank them. They love without restraint and up-lift you when the skies are cloudy and the rain seems like it will never go away.

Re: The Lady Mercy Danforthe Flirts With Scandal (9:07pm June 20, 2013):

Hi Jane!

I fell in love with your stories as soon as I read The Most Improper Miss Sophie Valentine and can't wait to read Lady Mercy Danforthe Flirts With Scandal!

I can't wait to find out just how improper Mercy can be and how long it will take for Rafe to be tamed!

Re: Widow Of Gettysburg (3:04pm June 19, 2013):

Hi Jocelyn -

Book trailers can definitely help draw a reader into a story and help them "picture" in their mind the overall sense of a story but to really experience the story as a complete picture it's the authors words and sense of connection that makes the scenes come alive in our minds and hearts.

I think of a book trailer much like some of the guides who our family has followed and listened to on our journey to many historical sites from walking the Freedom Trail in Boston to the battlefields in Gettysburg and the surroundings helping you to hear thru time the beat of the drums, the feet tramping across the field and the sounds of gun shots so loud that you can no longer hear the soldier walking next to you. It opens your eyes and mind to those small details that would otherwise be missed.

Re: Seducing Charlotte (10:34pm June 1, 2013):

Hi Diana!

I like having a story open with a "hot scene" as long as it's relevant to setting up the story itself. In fact I think you can learn a lot about the characters in how they interact and relate to each in an intimate scene and it can set up how you relate to the characters as well!

Re: Seducing Charlotte (8:46pm May 26, 2013):

Hi May and Vicky -

I love when a book starts off with a "hot" scene and especially when the story follow up on it! To me it shows that Camryn is a man with strong feeling and I love that what he feels shows in his actions. Charlotte better beware!

Re: Lady Vivian Defies A Duke (12:30pm May 24, 2013):

Hi Samantha!

I've loved reading the first three books in the Beau Monde Bachelors series and can't wait to read Lady Vivian Defies a Duke! I must admit while I hate to see the series come to an end that I can't wait to find out even more about Rival Rogues series and was thrilled to find out we'll only have to wait until January for the first book to be released!

I love for characters to reappear in books and must admit that I some times fall in love with a secondary character and then get upset when they don't get a book of their own. I really don't have a favorite but then Cervantes was the first "historical romance" author I ever read and that was back in the 1960's and there have been to many "series" I've read since to pick just one!

Re: Far Beyond Rubies (9:15pm April 15, 2013):

Hi Rosemary -

I'm so glad that I stopped by Fresh Fiction today and had the chance to find out more about you and your books.

I fell in love with historical romance in the 1960's when I was in High School and our teacher had us read Don Quixote by Cervantes. I already loved history but after reading it I fell in loving with historical romance. Fortunately my husband loves reading history and historical fiction and he's always amazed with the facts I've learned about ethics, the political climate and the structure of the government of England and Scotland from the books I've read.

I had visited Amazon before stopping in today and ironically just found out that you had released Far Beyond Rubies in March but but was wondering if I would get more out of it if I read Tangled Love, Sunday's Child and False Pretences first?

Re: Last Chance Book Club (12:12pm April 9, 2013):

Hi Hope!

It's tough to not fall in love with a baseball hero and I must admit I did when I was 12 years old. The baseball field was just 2 blocks from my home and the boys playing look so handsome running around the bases and wow when they looked up in the stands and smiled at you your young heart melted just a little, at least mine did.

Of course as I matured and grew up I had forgotten about those handsome baseball heros but that changed when I got married and ended up with an all male household. You learn to love sports and since we live in New England then it's the Red Sox all the way - at least that's what all the men in my family think anyway.

I on the other hand would rather travel back to the Regency era and go to a house party and watch the men in their tight clothing go off on a hunt or better yet pulling back the string on a bow to fire an arrow at the target - then you can really see their muscles flexing (as well as those nice thighs with the tight pants they're wearing).

If you're lucky you might want to position yourself near the stables when they come back from a brisk ride around the manor and decide to "cool off" (while you'll heat up) and take their shirts off and pour glistening water over themselves! Yes, hiding in the loft of behind a stall door is a good idea to keep your reputation in tack - that is if you want to!

You'll note that I like a little humor in my reading and that's exactly what Last Chance Book Club sounds like as well! Ah, good friends, good books, handsome gentleman - what more could a girl want?

Re: Sweet Madness (10:21pm April 5, 2013):

Hi Heather!

Yellow is my favorite color because it remind me of spring and the yellow daffodils that pop up from a long cold winter to spread cheer and bring back the sunshine that we've been waiting all through the cold winter to return once again. To be yellow brings me the wonder of springtime all year long and always brings a smile to my face. Like your wonderful books yellow is the color of hope and happiness all year long!

Re: An Encounter at the Museum (3:24pm March 3, 2013):

An Enconter at the Museum sounds like it's going to be so
much fun to read!

The most unusual place I ever fell in love was when I was
driving some friends from work to a Tupperware party and a
car kept passing us and then letting us pass and ended up
following us all the way to the party!

When we finally arrived and they got out of the car and
introduced themselves we found out that they were stationed
at the local Navy station and asked if we'd meet them when
we were done with the party. My friends agreed and since I
was the one driving I felt I had no choice but to go along.

When we met them later they "paired" off when two of the
sailors and the other sailor and I ended up talking while
they danced and I was so impressed with his personality and
kindness. This was during the war in Vietnam and they were
getting ready to be deployed once again and he asked me to
right to him.

Before the night was over I felt a kinship with him I'd
never experienced before and agreed to write to him. It was
through the letters that we shared that I fell madly in love
with him and three months after his deployment ended he
asked me to marry him! This year we celebrated our 43rd

You never know where you'll find love but it can happen in
the least expected times and places so follow your heart!

Re: Checkmate, My Lord (8:54pm February 24, 2013):

Hi Tracey -

I'd love to tell you all the secondary characters I've
fallen in love with but the list would be too long! I must
admit that sometimes I'm side tracked by them like Bingham
in A Lady's Revenge because of having a grandmother with the
last name of Bingham (even if it was her second husband).
Of course as soon as I met your Bingham I had to stop and
remember my grandmother teaching me how to bake in her old
coal stove when I was in grade school!

Of course there also the times that I read a book and want
the secondary character to have a book of their own and am
disappointed when it doesn't happen!

Have you ever gotten an email for one of your readers asking
why you haven't written a story for a secondary character
that they've fallen in love with?

Re: The Mistress Memoirs (9:47pm February 21, 2013):

Hi Jillian!

I always love your stories because I have an all male
household (one husband and two sons) and your "heros" are
always as clueless as my gaggle of men! I already have a
feeling that somehow you'll mange to have Colin realize that
what he thought he wanted isn't true at all and Mrs. Lawson
will soon not seem that important after all while her
governess he won't be able to forget!

I'm not only intrigued - I'm dying to find out what type of
mischief is going to happen next!

Re: Lady Eve's Indiscretion (1:27pm February 8, 2013):

Hi Grace!

I loved your outlook on remembering our dreams and no matter
what to face them and just do it!

My problem isn't with the starting it's with the finishing!
On the other hand when it comes to your books and especially
your series like the Windham Sister it's not a problem!
After reading the first three books in the series there's no
way I'm going to miss reading Lady Eve's Indiscretion!

Thanks for all the hours of wonderful reading you've shared
with me and all your readers!

Re: Once Again A Bride (11:30pm February 7, 2013):

We have some very special pictures as well as items in our
home that have been passed down through the century in our
home and each has a special place not only in our home but
also in our hearts.

Two such pictures are of my maternal grandmother and of my
Dad when he was about 4 years old. The unusual thing is
that both pictures have the exact same frame even though my
maternal grandmother and my Dad lived in different far away
towns in New York. Both pictures are from somewhere around
1915 - 1920. Another picture is one my mother painted from
a picture my Dad took with a brownie camera of the woods on
a snowy day and it always reminds me of Robert Frost poem
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.

We also have an old sea chest and a banjo that my Dad got
while on his adventure on a ship after he finished High
School and went on as a crew member and set sail. He bought
both from an seaman who wanted some money to go on shore
leave. I love that the trunk has a place inside to store
bottles! We also have the telegraph message my Dad received
from his father when he had sent home a message that he
wasn't coming home he was going to the "east". It's a
telegram from his father and bluntly says: Son, you are
going to college!" His trip ended and he graduated from
Union College in up-state New York!

We also have an old Seth Thomas clock that was my maternal
Grandmother's that had tynetype photos hidden inside of
relatives but there are no notations written on the back so
we'll never know exactly who they are.

The most unusual are some old letters from a husband writing
back to his wife who lived in New England of his trip to the
west coast to pan for gold. He talks about what is now
around Buffalo, NY as the western frontier and fighting the
Indians as well as being a Judge for a while "out west" (who
knows where) and constant exclamations of how surprised he
is that his "poor dear

Re: Deck the Halls With Love (8:50pm January 30, 2013):

Hi Lorraine!

You do know how to write a character that we will fall in
love in and I especially like how you write your secondary
characters so we want to see more of them!

I loved Lord of Temptation and Chetwyn had a lot to do with
my feelings! Yeah! He's back! Who can resist a man who
knows exactly what to say and you don't even realize at the
time how wise he truly is!

Thanks so much for giving all your readers and followers the
chance to win a copy of Deck the Halls with Love!

Re: A Christmas Bride / Christmas Beau (2:26pm November 27, 2012):

Hi Mary!

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving and that you are looking forward to a very Merry Christmas!

I love Christmas and I think that every year I, like many others, look forward to the holiday with the same wonder we had as children! Every year I still look forward to the snow falling and covering the fallen leaves. It time to light the fireplace and settle in my favorite chair for a long winter's "read"!

Christmas not only is the time we look forward to a bright New Year but a time of reflection on the the year past. It is also a time for forgiveness and redemption as well as committing to unconditional love! It's my favorite time for reading romance and looking forward to a Happy New Year!

This year one of the things I was thankful for was that The Secret Mistress also had a surpise when it cam out in July - it came with a bonus short story - Now A Bride! It was like having Christmas in July!

Re: Lady Louisa's Christmas Knight (2:53pm October 26, 2012):

Hi Grace!

I love the Christmas season with snow covering the lawn and the baking Christmas sprinz cookies and the smell of a newly cut Christmas tree filling the house.

I love the soothing sound of Chirstmas music playing in the background while the grandchilren ask to have their favorite Christmas stories read in front of a warm fire after building a snow man outside.

I also love that quiet time at the end of the day to curl up in a chair and read a Christmas book after a hectic day at work. You always now that the happy ending is coming and that you can just sit back and enjoy the pranks any misunderstandings because you know in the end there will be a "happily ever after".

This year I'm already starting to gather together my favorite Christmas books and right on top I have Lady Sophia's Christmas to read. Last year when I first read it I loved the interaction between Vim and Sophia from the time they first met at the Inn until they found their own happy ending!

For me Chirstmas isn't truly complete without a story of love and a happy ending!

Re: Secrets Of A Wedding Night (1:00pm September 30, 2012):

Hi Valerie -

When I posted before I didn't get to mention that when I had read the excerpt that spoke of hosw Devon was still affected by his father was inept at gambling and drew Devon into the clubs with him how much it reminded me of how my husband first explained me to his hatred of gambling. When he was a child his father used to take him with him to the horse racing track and he used to think of it as his supper running around the track! If his father lost he knew that the family would only be having beans for dinner!

By the way I met my husband in Jacksonville, FL when he was in the Navy durning Vietnam and stationed at Cecil Field! I grew up in up-state New York, went to college in Arizona before moving to Florida which I now think was the best decision I ever made! We celebrated our 42nd anniversary this year!

Re: Secrets Of A Wedding Night (11:48pm September 28, 2012):

Hi Valerie!

I just wanted to let you know that I'm not stalking you but I am having a lot of fun reading all your posts about Secrets of a Wedding Night!

Each post I've read I've loved finding out more about you and in every post learning more about Devon and Winfrey!

I really don't know very much about faro but even though there are casinos in the state where I live have never been to one. The main reason is that my husband can still remember going to the horse races with his father and watching dinner run around the track!

I love ahero who a cahllenge and outwardly is a "man in control" while on the inside has a secret self that he hides from all but that one special woman who will be his true "mate" in life.

I love a hero who may be intelligent and wise to the ways of the world but is still "incomplete" until he opens up his soul and mind to the wonders of the world that only come when he makes himself volnerable to placing his faith in the woman he never dreamed he would find.

Re: Temptation In A Kilt (11:29am September 8, 2012):

My favorite quote was the line with Rosalia opinion that she "doesn't care about hardship and discomfort, if only she can become master of her own life."

Blame it on being a teenager in the 1960's but that has always been my own "motto". My husband of 42 years says I feel that way because I'm stubborn but I think that it's because I've always wanted to be able to make my own decisions in life.

I can only begin the imagine the restrictions put on someone like Rosalia! A headstrong lass likeher needs a hero who will be strong enough to see the real person within and a hero like Ciaran sounds ightsflike a perfect hero who is able to love as well as he protects those he loves!

Re: When You Give A Duke A Diamond (11:14am September 8, 2012):

Hi Shana!

The only type of heroine I don't like are if they are boring! What I look for is a heroine who has a mind of her own. I love finding out the "back story" of the character, both the heroine and the hero and what formed their character and their outlook on life and their hope for the future.

Since I'm "forward thinking" myself, what my husband refers to as stuborn, I want my heroine to think "outside of the box" from what is the norm or expected.

I love heroines who are strong enough to make their own place in the life they have and to have the courage to make their own decisions.

I blame my attitude on being a teenager in the 1960's and feeling that I could beat the "odds" at the time and to make my own way in the world and not just accept what was considered "the norm" at the time!

Re: The Secret Mistress (8:43pm July 31, 2012):

Mary -
I think that our perception of men can be skewed by how we
each see them from our own perception whether in our
personal life of while reading a book.

How many alpha male heros that are featured in romance turn
around to become that perfect caring husband and the beta
male who steps up and becomes the hero of not only the
heroine but the people of his community.

When I'm reading I wonder how much I'm influenced by my own
experience and personal situation and how much by the
writers ability to project a certain characteristic into a

I remember reading a book review once and then following it
up with an interview by the author who said that the
reviewer didn't come close to what the author had been
thinking and what he had actually written.

My favorite saying is from a Latin class I had way, way back
in High School - "De gustibus non est disputandum" -(forgive
the spelling, it really was a very long time ago when I was
in High School!) which loosely translares to "Everyone to
their fancy said Nancy as she kissed the cow"!

Re: Scotsmen Prefer Blondes (4:15pm July 24, 2012):

I must admit I love reading Regency romance because it covers a time period noted for its achievements in the fine arts and architecture as well as it's elegance. It was an era at a time of great social, political, and even economic changes.

However the Regency was also a period of great differences within the social structure of England. White the Regency is noted for its achievements in the fine arts and architecture as well as it's elegance it was also a time of great social, political, and economic change. Even though war was against Napoleon was being waged it was also a time of refinement and cultural achievement, shaping and altering the societal structure of Britain as a whole.

Against the glamor and excess of Regency society was the squalor that existed is sharp contrast to the upper classes and the inequality of the classes and poverty, starvation and living conditions in the rookeries was only marginally addressed.

I have found that when reading Regency romance the dramatic differences in the classes are usually mentioned but the full impact of the differences and expectation of the different classes is never confronted in depth.

Re: It Begins with a Kiss (7:51pm July 3, 2012):

Hi Eileen!

I'm thrilled that you have a novella to go along with the
series! Drake's Rakes series has been so much fun to read
and I'm thrilled that you've saved the best for last and
hopefully Drake will finally get his come-upings! I can't
wait to find out you you've "picked out" for him! I have a
feeling she's going to be one sassy lady who will be able to
stand up to him!

My one regret is that with Drake's book the series will come
to an end. Look closely and you'll see me looking sad!

I just know though that when it's done you'll have something
else fabulous for us!

Re: It Begins with a Kiss (3:04pm July 3, 2012):

Eileen -

Oh how I love your books because they always make me not
only laugh but cry as well!

All I know is that I'm hoping the Pig, the the Great Black
type, falls in love with the hero's horse!

Re: The Proposal (12:38pm May 5, 2012):

Mary -

Congratulations on the release of The Proposal!

When I read A Summer to Remember Gwen was a character that I
definately remembered when I finished the story and kept
hoping to "see" her again when I read the Slightly and
Simply stories.

I'm thrilled that we will be "meeting" her again when the
Survivor's Club series is released. I love to read books
where characters, whether they are the hero and heroine or
simply a secondary character re-appear in later books. I
fall in love with your characters and must admit that I
often wonder what happened next in their lives!

Thanks for all the wonderful hours of reading you've shared
with me and all your readers. Also please thank your new
editor for seeing your vision because we know that we will
always recognize that when you have a new book releaed that
we will be reading a story written by one of the grand dames
of historical romance!

Re: Sins Of The Highlander (10:21am January 12, 2012):

Mia -

I can't reading an excerpt that was this much fun! I wish I could have sat in on one of your sessions with Connie when you were colaborating on this story. I'm sure there was more laughing between you than arguing on the story line.

I really got a sense about Rob in the excerpt and now I can't wait to find out more about Elspeth as well in fact I can't wait to find out how she reacts when she sees Rob for the first time without his kilt! Hum, in fact that's the best thing about a kilt - how easy it is to remove it!

Re: Always a Temptress (12:53pm November 3, 2011):

Eileen -
I fell in love with your Rakes when I read Barely A Lady, waited patiently for Never A Gentleman and can't wait to read Always A Temptress. The only thing I can say is only 9? There must be some others hiding out there in the library just waiting to have their own story!

Yup, you guessed correctly - your's is my favorite series so please keep the Rakes coming or maybe even a Rakess! I'm sure there are some ladies out there just waiting for a series of their own!

Re: Lord and Lady Spy (8:42pm September 8, 2011):

Shana -
You got me fascinated as soon as you told us the premise of Lord and Lady Spy and I can't wait to read it. Then you mentioned secondary characters. Now you have to understand that for some reason in every book I read I always ended wanting to know more about one of the secondary characters and for them to have their own book. As soon as you mentioned Adrian reminded you of Hugh Grant you got me hooked. I think Hugh is a master at portraying characters that are a little outside the normal "hero" or love interest and I love, as you said it, to appear "bumbling and unsure. Right away it endears him to my heart and he always makes me laugh (with an occasional snifle or two)!

Hopefully Adrian will someday have a book of his own because it always seem the bubbling ones end to actually be not only smart but loveable and a little cunning as well.

Who knows he could actually be a spy himself!

Re: Notorious (8:24pm July 30, 2011):

Since I would probably be the spinster cousin of the debutante making her debut I would probably be in the corner of the ballroom with the chaperones but just close enough to her the gossip all around me.

Oh my, is that handsome newcomer Lord Hastings? Didn't his late wife die in an accident while on a secret meeting with her lover? Hum, I'm sure that he would need someone to converse with since everyone seems to be avoiding him. Perhaps I need to go to the other side of the ballroom to make sure cousin Chasity is behaving herself.

Of course I'll gracefully trip and tear the flounce on my gown right as I'm passing Lord Hastings - surely he'll come to my rescue ......

Re: Louisa And The Missing Heiress (9:22am June 15, 2011):

Anna -

I am remember visiting the library in the little village I grew up in and checking out Louisa's books when I was 11 or 12 years old. The library was next to a park and I'd go sit under a tree and start reading. I spent many hours that summer under that tree reading her stories.

Thanks for bring her back to life with your series!

Re: Forced to Kill (8:34pm June 4, 2011):

I'm definately buying a copy of Forced to Kill for my husband. He was an aviation ordinanceman during Vietnam serving on The Forestal and The Randolph. When he got out he was in the Navy Air Reserve and was on P-3's and had duty in Spain, Italy, Iceland, Columbia, Granda, and Panama, Key West (how did he get to go there?) and Columbia to name a few before he retired. I'm definately buying it for him and he's going to love your book and I know that he'll get me to read it when he's done so we can discuss it.

Thanks for giving me a chance to win a Kindle for him!

Re: The Soldier (12:58pm June 3, 2011):

My Uncle Bob was my shinning light. He was a quiet man who never spoke of his own courage but instead showed you what was important by always being a shinning light in the darkness. He never boosted about his accomplishments but instead lived a life of giving not only to others but always living a quiet life and by his deeds alone inspire to accomplish your dreams.

He was a PT boat captain and served along side John Kennedy during the war but never boosted or spoke of his accomplishments. He was an accomplished electrical engineer and spoke to my younger son when he was young about always following your dreams but to keep in mind that service to others was more important than the things that you could accumulate. With his encouragement he gave my son the knowledge to overcome what others thought of as the impossible. My son had a full leg brace at a youngster to compensate for a birth defect and my uncle encouraged him to not let that hold him back. In grade school he ended up not only playing little league baseball but also soccer wearing the bracde. When he struggled in school Uncle Bob encouraged him to never give up.

I'm proud to say my son learned from my Uncle Bob to follow his dreams and to do all that he could do and be considerate of others short falls and hardships. Because of my Uncle Bob's encouragement and wise advise my son strived to be all that he could be. He ended up playing football in high school as well as wreastling, getting a full scholorship to The Citadel, to earn his electrical engineering degree as well as an MBA and today is a manager for a large national company!

Re: My Favorite Countess (9:53am April 28, 2011):

When I was growing up my father's best friend was not only an old college chum but also a docter just starting his practice. He also lived on the same street as we did. I grew up thinking of "Uncle Dick" as one of my Dad's fishing buddies not as a docter. I remember him in beat up old clothes playing in the dirt with his children.

I think because of this I think of docters as regular people. I adore the docter that saved my first son's life when he was born and the docter who saved mine when I had a heart attack. I respect them for their skill, their hard work and their dedication.

When I read stories with docters what I want to read about are their personal feelings and hardaches - just like any other hero. I feel the same for firefighters, public servants and those in the military defending our country. The funny thing is I also feel the same way about the plummer who comes out in a blizzard to get my water to work.

It's what the hero does that makes him a hero not his profession.

Re: Haunting Desire (10:51am April 7, 2011):

Haunting Desire definately sounds like what I call a "Week-end Book". I qualify this as a book that you're going to want to set aside all entire weekend to read (or a very long day and night).

From the excerpt I can't imagine even taking the time to make dinner - order out for pizza and be sure to have it delivered because I know I won't be able to tear myself away.

Love your stories!

Re: The Return Of Black Douglas (5:30pm April 1, 2011):

Elaine, I really appreciate when an author takes the time to do the research before writing a book. I guess I'm one of the readers that notices when an author pays attention to the details. I know it may be time consuming but it is appreciated!

The Return of the Black Douglas sounds fascinating and since I have ancestors from both the Lowlands and the Highlands I particularly enjoy all the facts I learn reading historically accurate books.

Re: Yukon Wedding (10:26am March 31, 2011):

I would definately take advantage of my husband's talents if I had something to hide (unless I wanted to hide it from him!). He is a Master Mason - that means he works with stones and bricks to create things of beauty and things that are necessary. We even have a brick wall in our kitchen (which all my friends are envious of me having).

One of his specialties are stone walls (of course we have one on our property). If you've ever been to New England or in England and seen the beautiful stoneswalls you'll know what I'm talking about. Here they originally were built as a neccesity - clearing the land of the stones so they could "plant the land" to survive. Think of it - who would ever think to look much less beable to find your treasure if it were hidden in a stone wall that could be anywhere from a few feet to miles long?

Re: Highland Heat (1:12pm March 22, 2011):

Mary - This sounds like one of your best books yet! Your writing is devine and not to be missed!

Re: Hummingbird Lake (1:10pm March 22, 2011):

Emily - Sorry. I always click the wrong button. Just wanted to say that I really want to find out more about your books. They sound fascinating and I want to find out more about them. I love Facebook because it let's me find out more about authors I haven't known about before.

Your book sounds like something I'd really love to read. I agree that new books are like new babies - they must be pampered and loved with lots of attention to the "small" details! Good luck with fabulous sales.

Re: Hummingbird Lake (1:07pm March 22, 2011):

I just tried to connect with your Facebook link and it showed as "expired". Help!

Re: An Unlikely Countess (10:52pm March 19, 2011):

Jo - I love your books and no I don't read the excerpts because that takes the fun out of opening the cover and starting on a new "adventure".

Why would someone be upset because the hero or Hero or Heroine don't always lovet their place in Society? They could be in a situation where their parents had died and they had to go live with a guardian who shipped them off to the country or they could even be abused. I think a reader with that attitude should put themselves in the character position. Right now with the economy we all know at least one person who is living in "reduced" cifrcumstances and because we are friends or even just acquaintances we feel empathy for them. Why should our feelings be so different when it's a character in a book instead of someone we know.

Thanks for in your own way bringing some of the hardships being faced by people today into your book!

Re: Tyler (10:13am March 17, 2011):

My sister-in-law and her family live in Baggs, Wyoming and ever since they got married I've been fascinated by the rough and tumble hardworking cowboys of the west. This story really definately sounds like it will be fun to read!

Re: A Taste of Seduction (5:00pm March 11, 2011):

Mary, I'm so glad that I checked out the Fresh Fiction blog today. This books sounds terrific and now I most find out more about Anthony!

Re: What I Did For A Duke (2:43pm March 10, 2011):

I'm signing on late so I'm not in the running for a signed book but I wanted to let you know how much I love the Pennyroyal Green series and hope it continues for many more boks to come! Some things should never end and this series is definately one of them!

Re: Treasure Me (10:50am March 3, 2011):

Robyn - Don't put me in the drawing because I already read Seduce Me and Desire Me (which I just re-read getting ready to read Treasure Me), but I hope that at some point you return to this series which I've loved. I know I'll love new your series but what about a Treasure Hunter book titled "Adore Me" - come on - just one more!

Re: Wicked Seduction (10:45am March 3, 2011):

Jade, you are such a dynamic writer and I love your books. I love the way you develop your characters in a way that the reader feels they have actually met!

I'd love to win a copy of Wicked Surrender.

Re: Against the Law (10:46am March 1, 2011):

Kate - Thanks for never giving up during the tough times because your dedication has given us such wonderful books over the last 25 years!

Re: Love Me If You Dare (12:10pm February 14, 2011):

Carly -
Sometimes unromantic gifts can actually show how much you are loved. Our first Valentine's Day my husband gave me chocolate covered cheeries (his mother's favorite) which I hate. For the 40 years since he has made it a point to get me something more awful than the last so this year I am expecting a broom or something similar. Every year we laugh so hard our sides hurt that he COULD actually outdo himself.

I think it can be so much more romantic when the flowers you receive are not for some "special" date on the calendar. It means so much when he gets me flowers or a new plant on an "unimportant" date just to show he cares.

Re: The Mistress' House (10:54am February 10, 2011):

Leigh - What a perfect month to release this book and I'm thrilled it's set during the regency period. I love a time when a touch was exciting and a flash of skin was scandlous. This books sounds triple times good!

Re: Society's Most Disreputable Gentleman (3:04pm February 9, 2011):

Ah but everyone should love a rake because they make the very best husbands! I should know I married one 41 years ago!

Julia, I know you may have based some of your rakes on my husband and I really don't mind - just writing your wonderful stories!

I can't wait to read Society's Most Disreputable Rake sitting in front of a warm toasty fire while sitting next to my very favorite rake!

Re: The Color of Heaven (11:25am February 8, 2011):

Julianne -
I loved your post having gone thru several life changing moments myself. First was when I was in my 20's at the birth of my first son who was born 4 weeks early with a colasped lung and the power of prayer. The next two were when I can to have cancer surgury and quadruple by-pass within 4 years of each other which gave me a new appreciation of life and frienships when I was in my 40's and 50's. All of these experiences made me realize the fragility of life and of living in the moment, appreciating every day and the love of family and friends.

Thanks for the oppportunity for the free download. Your story sounds like a peace of your soul.

Re: The Mysterious Lady Law (2:54pm February 6, 2011):

I generally read historical romance and mystery of all types. My husband definately won't read the romance novels but loves the Brother Cadfael mysteries by Ellis Peters (who is a woman).

Since he loves to read I often read Clancy, Archer and Dan Brown (who didn't love the Da Vinci code). Of course when the occasional movie is released we are usually disappointed because they don't meet the expectations of the books.

I'd love to win The Mysterious Lady Law because it sounds like a book we'd both enjoy reading and discussing.

Re: Everyone Loves A Hero (10:48am February 2, 2011):

The older I got the more assured I was that I could be heroic and courageous in a stressful time. I didn't find out how wrong I was until my best friend faced ovarian cancer and was told she had only a few years to live.

Sheilah was the most heroic woman I have ever known. She taught not only me but so many people in our community who is true hero is. She fought not only to live life for her sons but also for her grandchildren and taught us all how to be joyfull during adversity. Even when setting up her chemo appointments she would say I'm very busy living so let me check my calendar first! She lived far longer than any docter predicted but she will live forever in our hearts and prayers.

Re: The Irish Princess (11:00am February 1, 2011):

I really enjoyed hearing all the background to this book. My father always said our last name was spelled differently (RYON) because our families were "thrown out of Ireland".

I have a feeling that our ancestors were probably English but because of his story as a child I always wondered what they could have done to be made to leave Ireland. The mysteries of Ireland fascinate me and I'd love to read this story.

Re: Haunting Jasmine (8:26pm January 30, 2011):

I love the idea of having a woman reinvent themselves. The idea made me look back over my past 63 years I realize in all our lives we reinvent ourselves many times going from being a toddler to a teen to a student to a mother to a teacher to a leader to a member of society.

Our lives and our values touch so many lives that we sometimes never realize until years later when we receive that phone call about conversation we never thought about that had a profound influence on someones life. It's at times like that that we can reflect on all the different roles we have had in our lifetime.

Re: Wild Man Creek (6:58pm January 29, 2011):

Robyn - Just to let you know I'm glad that "Jack" stopped by to fill me in on the latest happenings in Virgin River. Sounds like things are really getting interesting around there right now and I'm real anxious to keep in touch to find out what's going to happen next.

I'm hoping to get some time to come on down and visit because I'd sure like to know what shenanigans Clay and Lilly are going to get into. Tell all the town folks that I said hello and hope to hear all about the going-ons and so to send me a hollar when they have time.

Re: The Werewolf Upstairs (6:49pm January 29, 2011):

Ashlyn - First I wanted to thank you for having the link to your website. You caught me interest with your "no power" story and I love the books I found on your site.

We live in Rhode Island so I know what your talking about with the feet and feet of snow this year. When we built our house we kept the weather in mind and besides the fireplace my husband built that includes a bake oven we also have a wood stove (and plenty of trees on our property to use to keep the fires and warmth going).

We never have to worry about keeping entertained when we lose power because with the fires going to keep warm and a few good books we are all set to keep toasty AND have a good time. Who needs TV as long as you a a supply of good books on hand - no eletricity needed!

Re: Eternal Prey (10:35am January 26, 2011):

Nina -

I love your books because you always bring excitment and something new with each of your books. You manage to make me feel like I'm in the scene with your characters and keep me spellbound from the first paragraph to last last final sentence.

Once again you've managed to come up with another original story line and to make us all wanting to keep coming back for more.

Re: At Hidden Falls (10:34am January 25, 2011):

Barbara -

Even though I already loved reading it was when I received The Secret Garden from my great-aunt that reading became not only my favorite thing to do but also my refuge.

I was in the 5th grade and shortly after receiving the book I had to go into the hospital. I ended being there for a month and reading hekoed me fill in those times I was alone - this was in the 1950's so no TVs in the room.

I think I ended up reading that book 5 times while I was there and I never felt alone. Reading is a passion of mine and it has encouraged me, given me strength and kept me company at different stages of my life. Fortunately my husband and children (and now grandchildren) all love to read and we love "sharing" our favorites and then debating them!

Re: Yours For The Taking (9:24am January 20, 2011):

My perfect "work day" would be living near my grandchildren and being able to read to them, play with them, pick them up from school and bake cookies with them!

Unfortunately they live in South Carolina and we live in Rhode Island and I work full-time. I'd love for the national economy to get straightened out so we might beable to sell our house, retire, and move to sunny, warm South Carolina!

While I'm waiting I'll just sit here dreaming of soft kisses and warm hugs from those little ones and set the alarm clock again tomorrow morning at 6:00 am so I can get to work on time!

Re: Wicked Seduction (11:36am January 11, 2011):

Jade -

I think I should become a writer so I have a logical reason for that pile of papers that covers my kitchen counter. You know the "to be filed" pile that makes it difficult to cook, write a note, find the phone book, find the phone?

I decided to simply blame it on the males in my household (otherwise everyone but me) and tell them it's a "girl" thing (okay I'm in my 60's so many it's a "senior moment".

Stick to your story that it's because of a deadline - now if only I could use it as an excuse - hmm, maybe there's a writer in me somewhere if only I could find a blank piece of paper to start!

Re: The Fire In Ember (11:28am January 11, 2011):

I love historical romance but I'm always looking for an author with a different "twist" - yeah - I found you! I fell in love with historical romance and since my husband is a history "buff" we often will be reading about the same era and characters but from two entirely different views. It's fun to compare and discuss the differances. We have even combined these "viewpoints" on trips where we have visited different locations that are pertinent in different books. It can put a whole new twist on sightseeing.

Re: Fatal Justice (1:39pm January 6, 2011):

I usually read historical romance but this really caught my attention. I love the mixture of politics, mystery and intrigue with romance tossed in for a plot that sounds like pure genius.

This is convinced me that it's time to expand my reading to a new genre.

Re: Against The Wind (9:10am January 4, 2011):

I love to read trilogies especially when they are released close together. How Do You Like Me Now? is one of my favorite Toby Keith songs. I loved it when I first heard it on the radio but when I got to get to hear him sing in at a concert it became my favorite Toby Keith hit of all times. I think we would all love to go back to the one person who always tried to put us down or make us feel inferior and be able to tell them that we made it in our own way and in our own time.

Re: Cowboys Never Cry (8:54am December 29, 2010):

I can't wait to read Cowboys Never Cry because my husband's sister and her family live in Baggs, Wyoming. My brother-in-law grew up on a ranch that was on the border of Wyoming and Colorado and had land in both states and his father was even featured in a TV special about the "last cowboys".

When I'm reading a book a often find circumstances that I can relate thru either from circumstances that happened to acquaintances or myself and often find that even if the time periods are different and the geological area the "aha" moment is always there at some point during the book.

Just like when we are reading a book we connect with certain characters for many reason I think that an author must also draw from that deep well of sometimes unrecognized connection to people, events and feeling that surround us all daily but are often missed. Maybe that ability to "sense" and understand are what translates so well into making a story great.

Re: Haunted Honeymoon (2:11pm December 27, 2010):

In January I need help keeping warm even if I'm sitting in front of a blazing fire so give me a historical romance. Take me back to those times of romance when a lady was swept off her feet and when there was still mystery in romance. Add in a brave sometimes funny hero and let the cold wind blow.

Re: Pay Up (10:28am December 23, 2010):

I like a heroine and hero to have some vulnerability and to make mistakes once in a while. I think that is what makes them real. The true heros we see in real life are the ones that are often unsure and even afraid when doing something heroic and actually that is one of the qualities that does make them a hero.

This is one book that I definately have to read.

Re: The Viking's Captive (3:28pm December 19, 2010):

I love your books and always feel they are "keepers" but unfortunately they keep disappearing from my book shelf! The re-issues with updates sound terrific. I thought they were terrific the first time around and now can't wait to read the up-dated stories.

Re: The Heir (11:45am December 16, 2010):

The Heir sounds fascinating. I love being "surprised" when reading historical romance and don't want to figure everything out by the end of the first chapter. The Heir definately sounds like a book that is going to be a "stay up all night" read(this way you also have an excuse for keeping the lights on).

Re: The Ghost Hunter (10:18am December 13, 2010):

I have two favorite places where I must return to and explore again. My husband and I usually travel and visit historic areas of the USA but we made a trip to England and Scotland and I was captivated.

My first moment of awe was at Winchester Catedral because the organ started playing when we opened the door! The architecture and history is awe inspiring. Another surprise for me was seeing the tomb of Jane Austin whose writing I first fell in love with when I was in the 6th grade. On the same trip we also visited Lithinglow Castle outside of Edinbourgh. The days visited we were the only ones there and you could literally "feel" the past around you.

The one place we didn't get to visit was the home of my anchesters in northern Scotland so we hope to plan another trip where we can visit both the Scottish Highlands for me and Naples, Italy for my husand to "connect" with his heritage as well.

Re: Unguarded (10:05am December 13, 2010):

I love reading new authors and love searching the shelf at the bookstore for new authors or even "seasoned" authors I haven't read. Three of my "finds" this year are Christie Kelly, Delilah Marvelle and Laura McKee. They all are wonderful and all have a fresh approach which is refreshing.

I haven't read Red Garnier yet so she is being added to my list of "must try" authors.

Re: Icecapade (8:52am December 13, 2010):

I had never considered before the "mystery" elements that had been included in the many romances that I've read. This is going to make be consider things is an entirely new way. I now also realize that many of the "classic" novels that I have read have had underlining themes of both as well.

When you consider books in this light many other genres come to mind that also include both elements even books like Hunt to Red October, one of my husband's favorites since he flew on P-3's in the Navy. Wait until I tell him that he's been reading mystery and romance books all along!

Re: All She Wants for Christmas (1:07pm December 7, 2010):

Living in a small town myself really draws me to this story. I grew up in a village but when I was in junior high my family moved to a city. Moving to a city across the country for college and than another move and marrying in another city, I was thrilled when my husband and I moved to a small town before we settled down to have children.

While one still lives in the area the other moved and even though he lives in a city he and his wife decided to settle in an area that has that "small town feel". There is something about the sense of community that a small town has that can't be duplicated in big city life. The sense of feeeling safe in your neighborhood where neighbors become family and watch out and care for one another, are there to join in your celerations,encourage you when times are trying and support you through illness and sometimes are even the family you might never have had.

Thanks for setting your families in "my kind of town" - I can't wait to read it!

Re: Royal Blood (4:56pm December 5, 2010):

For our grandchildren my husband and I usually buy books and also send a check to add to their College Accounts. Our 4 grandchildren range in age from 2-5 so it makes shipping a little easier (PS - the post office has a special book rate so the cost is low). We are also having a "family reunion" at Myrtle Beach for everyone to get together since they are spread from Rhode Island to South Carolina that we are covering the cost on so everyone can just come and enjoy each other. This is definately going to be a no stress Christmas and the trip is alreay paid for so no need to worry about bills coming in later!

Re: Twins Under His Tree (4:07pm December 2, 2010):

My great-uncle was a true hero. He had to leave school to earn money for his widowed mother when he was in the 3rd grade so he taught himself to read and write. He joined the Merchant Marines at 15 and after being honored for his courage during an air attach went into the Coast Guard. He served in World War I and II and was sent to Germany several times to decommission ships and ended up retiring a Lieutenant Commander. He was not only a hero but a gentleman - my Aunt was several years older than he was but even after she died would never tell anyone her actual birthdate.

Because of my wonderful Uncle I knew I would someday marry a military man. My husband proudly served on aircraft carriers during VietNam and later on helicopters and P-3's in the Navy Reserve. Someone once asked me if it was difficult during the times he was deployed and I had to honestly answer no because he wasn't there just for me and our family but also for our friends, our neighbors, our community and our country and in return they were their to support me and our family.

Re: Outrageously Yours (11:46am December 1, 2010):

I can't wait to read Outrageously yours and I'll have to get a copy for my daughter-in-law who married my son, the "nerd".

Picture a short kid in grade school with a leg brace and a patch on one eye and then junior high with glasses & braces who grew up to be handsome, gentle, compassionate and smart enough to marry a beautiful woman who is even smarter than he is!

I loved your post and you don't have to be a nerd to love one!

Re: Second Chances (10:17am November 30, 2010):

I don't think it's as much about getting a second chance at romance but a second chance at life. Hasn't everyone faced a turning point at one time or another when they have had to get away (from a person, a job, a place, a situation) in order to be their own person and find out what is important in their desires, lives, needs and wants. Sometime only seperation can give you the space to realize what is really important.

Sometimes it's time to give yourself a second chance.

Re: On Strike for Christmas (9:35am November 26, 2010):

Sheila -

I definately won't misss seeing the moveie on the 5th and your receipe sounds delicious. I'm a juvenille diabetic but this sounds like a receipe that everyone will love and I'll definately be making for when family and friends stop over during the holidays! (Somehow I end up doing all the baking as well and then have to wait for feedback on how it tastes!)

Re: Holiday Sparks (1:52pm November 24, 2010):

Tomorrow I'm going to be thankful for romance novels because I won't have to watch TV! I've always loved reading but since getting married that pleasure has gotten be thru some very tough times - baseball season, football season, soccer, etc. First it was my husband and then sons growing at home. They both left and got married but since the addition of cell phone and the internet they can all be watching the ball game in different states and still be in constant contact! Thanks for all the wonderful romance books that have kept me from unplugging the TV and putting it the closet - backward (which in the past I have threatened to do).

Re: Dating Mr. December (9:33am November 22, 2010):

What inspires both with my family and at work is to find something in each day to be thankful for and something to inspire them. My husband kids me that I feel it's going to be a great day if I wake up and have to look DOWN to see the grass!

Re: Angel in My Arms (9:22am November 22, 2010):

Victoria -

I love your books and love how you came up with this story. You always manage to come up with something unique in your stories.

I had heard of women joing the army pretending to be men but never being spies. Can't wait to read this book.

Re: Honky Tonk Christmas (8:48am November 19, 2010):

I grew up in up-state New York and my first introduction to country music was in 1967 when I went the the University of Arizona and did I fall hard! It became the new love of my life at a time when I was working full time and going to school nights only. Back in the 60's that wasn't the norm like it is today. Those country songs kept me going and my favorite singer was Loretta Lynn and Johnny Cash their wonderful songs that helped teach me to hand in there thru the hard times.

I live in New England now and took me to Nashville last year to fufill my dream of going to the Grand Ole Opry at the Ryman which had been my dream and we also got to visit my niece who lives in Hendersonville. Our hearts and prayers went out to the wonderful people of Nashville during the floods but know they found solace thru their wonderful songs and heritage.

Re: Miracle Baby (10:06am November 18, 2010):

My fairytale husband can be cranky, over-bearing, and hard-headed at times but he is also a commited husand, father, helpmate and willing to go out of his way to help others.

He may night "work up to his potential" but always thinks of others before him self. He may not be a chef but can fend for himself in an emergency and is always there to handle any crisis.

I know, I've been married to him for over 40 years!

Re: Swift Justice (9:32am November 17, 2010):

I love Christmas and enjoy baking for the family (near and far) even though I've been a Type I diabetic since I was in my teens. My husband says he's a bah-humbug type of guy but is the one who loves to decorate and pick up hookey singing Santas, etc.

We're both pretty low key, with the exception of the grandchildren, on gift buying but I do enjoy making something homemade (cookies, mittens, scarves, etc.) to keep Christmas in prospective.

We started our low-key approach to Xmas when our children were young and times were hard like they are now. When they wrote out their "gift lists" they had to write down "gifts for others" before asking for their own. Fortunately they were thrilled getting a new "used" bike because they understood others had even less than them. A good lesson for times like now as well.

A love the holidays when the spirit of the season is the most important thing you celebrate.

Re: The Christmas Clock (11:55am November 16, 2010):

Kat -

You know how much I love all your books and I can't believe I never picked up The Christmas Clock. The story sounds fantastic and it's definately on my list to pick up to read over Thanksgiving week-end!

Re: Somewhere Along the Way (11:52am November 16, 2010):

Jodi -

Your attitude about writing is the same as all of us should approach life and I learned this lesson from my youngest son.

When he was 5 he had to get a full leg brace but it never kept him down - he just kept trying and succeeding. With the brace he managed to climb trees, play little league and soccer and participate in a regular gym class and only took it off to swim or take a bath. He even had to wear it with it's attached shoe to bed. He finally got it off in the 5th grade.

I'm proud of the fact that in high school he ended up wrestling, fencing and even playing football (okay mostly sitting on the bench)and went on to going to and getting an engineering degree from The Citadel!

It's amazing the strength you can learn from a child.

Re: Falling Home (2:29pm November 12, 2010):

I can't wait to pick up Folly Beach - my son and daughter-in-law got married that's where my husband and I rented a cottage and their wedding reception was held there.

I remember visiting the Huntley in Charleston (my son went to the Citadel so we spent a lot of time there) which also went down off the coast of South Carolina near Charleston. Did you find out if the two ships were lost in the same area?

Re: The Forever Queen (10:11am November 12, 2010):

The Forever Queen and when it's released the Chosen King are both on my list to pick up. My husand and I both love historical fiction as well as history books.

I have always known the history of the Battle of Hastings and it's surrounding story (my middle name is Hastings) but I never read anything before about Emma.

I believe it's important to study what "came before" a time in history to fully understand the politics and minds of the people of the ramifications of previous events.

Re: Deadly Intent (9:18am November 11, 2010):

Believe it or not my favorite and most memorable character was Don Quixote from the book of the same title by Miguel de Cervante.

The reason he was so memorable was because he WAN'T perfect. Maybe that's why my husband and I picked the theme song from the musical Man of La Mancha for our wedding song when we got married in 1970.

During our marriage it has helped us to remember that we don't have to be perfect just to try our best.

Re: The Devil She Knows (10:33am November 9, 2010):

One of my favorite memory as a child is of taking the bus from my little village to the city 3 miles away to visit my Gramma Bingham and great-grandmother Dunn.

They had a small second floor apartment and I spent many hours there with my Gramma teaching me to play go fish and having the best cookies of my life that had been cooked in an old coal stove.

I feel sorry for the children today that they can't enjoy some of the simple pleasures that we did growing up.

Re: Casting About (2:47pm November 8, 2010):

I'm a reader and find the more that I read the more diversity I enjoy. I find the most important thing is that the writing is good, intresting, and challenges me whether to learn something new, look at something a different way or to be more understanding.

I must admit that I do enjoy historical romance because of the history that I learn but I enjoy contemporary romance because I often connect with or learn about the area of world or the the city in which it is set.

To me reading is about enjoyment, learning and understanding of the world and people around us.

Re: Holiday Grind (11:49am November 5, 2010):

111My favorite holiday treat to make is Italian wine biscuits. My husband is Italian and begged me to learn how to make these when we first got married over 40 years ago.

I had to give them my own twist just like you do in your stories so my secret is that as soon as you take them out of the oven to put them warm in Tupperware container. It keeps them nice and soft and creamy tasting and they go great with coffe.

Re: The Snow Globe (9:10am November 3, 2010):

Sheila -

I love snow globes because they remind me of my childhood grewing up in up-state New York where we never had a lack of snow!

My "snow globe" moment is a moment caught in time. When my younger son was 5 he had to get a full leg brace. We worried that the other children might make fun of him and that he wouldn't be able to be a "kid".

My "snow globe" moment came when his little league team cheered him on as he rounded the bases (slowly) wearing his brace to score a home run when his bobbling hit rolled thru not one, not two but three players legs in the outfield! I think his guardian angel was with him that day.

Re: Holiday Affair (2:48pm November 2, 2010):

Over 30 years ago when my boys were small I remember how guilty my husband and I felt that we couldn't do more for them for Christmas. It was a time when we were struggling to pay the mortgage and basic bills as well as buy groceries - the days when everything was paid for in cash so you waited to go shopping after cashing your paycheck. Looking back I think that those were the easy days after all. It was a time when you could explain to your children how lucky they were that they had a Christmas tree and were getting a used bike for Christmas and not underware and socks! The thing they would be the most excited about was getting a book that was bought just for them and not taken out of the library. I fun time was watching Seasame Street on our black and white TV that got 2 channels but since one would rather read than watch TV and the other was color blind they didn't care that they didn't have a color TV like all their friends. As they grew older and were inching toward being teenagers they would complain about all the gadgets their friends have that they didn't and I'd ask then why did their friends all want to be at our house? It really was a simpler time - a time when you could make the rules and they might not like them but followed them anyway. We always felt that our one grace was that both our boys used to read and that the one treat we could hold over them was we would take away their books if they didn't behave! We still love Christmas but it seems a little more hectic now and darn it's just not as much fun than getting a big thrill about all being in the kitchen together making homemade cookies and talking about how great and what a steal that used bike was to get and it was shiny red one too!

Re: Seducing The Duchess (3:09pm October 6, 2010):

Congratulations on your first release. My family was really surprised when I started reading romance and loving it. Considering that in the past my favorite book was the Diaglogues of Socretes than I've come a long way!

My husband who reads history all the time is always amazed about the historical connections and information in the historical romance that I love to read. I always find out something new about the culture, architecture or politics of the time. Of course most of all I look forword to the love connections. Once I pick up a good romance it won't be set down until I finish it.

Re: Dark Road To Darjeeling (3:59pm October 5, 2010):

My entire family (which now also includes grandchildren) always travel with books. My oldest son even got in trouble in grade school for reading in class (unfortunately he was reading The Trilogy of the Rings by Tokien but it was in math class - maybe the reading teacher wouldn't have gotten upset but the math teacher was not happy).

My husband and I don't get to travel as much as we'd like but we always end up planning on going to a location that we learned about in a book (Winchester Cathedral where the organ started playing when we enterred and Lithinglow Palace in Scotland that we had all to ourselves the day we visited). We think of them as our "treasure moments" that we might have missed if they hadn't been included in books we had read.

As parents and grandparents it can be a curse and a blessing with trying to plan the iternary around visiting places everyone wants to see. Did you know that Appomatox Courthouse is hours away from anything but on the flip side even though it's a national park there aren't any waiting lines!

Re: Sinful in Satin (11:14am October 1, 2010):

I believe climbing many ladders in a dream means looking for ways to do more, be more, experience more, love more. Reaching for the best that you can be!

I love having dreams but why can you never remember the ending of the best ones?

Re: One Touch of Scandal (11:28am September 28, 2010):

Since God has a sense of humor he decided when I was 18 that I should be a Type I diabetic. Oh by the way my favorite thing to do (after reading romance novels) is to bake! To this day my husband sons and gransons think this is amusing and have no problem eating all the cookies, pies, cheesecake, etc. I bake for them. Did I mention that if there is a family get together I get voted to do all the baking?

Charlie is the only one who doesn't find it amusing because he knows I'll be cranky and won't have a lot of time to pet and play with him. He has been known to get back at my family for me by snaging stockings of those mean aunties and sister-in-laws who think it's amusing to have me do all the baking. Don't worry he doesn't leave out the men and has been known to jump up on their laps and eat have of their pumpkin pie!

Revenge - your name is Charlie!

Re: Secrets Volume 29 Indulge Your Fantasies (1:30pm September 22, 2010):

Kris -

I grew up in Scotia which is not far from Saratoga and loved to go for the races in August. I know what you mean about American history. Whenever my husband and I go on a trip I have to schedule a trip to a history site or National Landmark. I took him to Cowpens battlefield in South Carolina years before they made the movie the Patriot (and a place not to miss). By the way do you know how far Appomattox Courthouse is from anything else? HOURS OF DRIVING but well worth the time. One consolation is that it's a National Park with absolutely no waiting lines!

Re: For the King's Favor (1:23pm September 22, 2010):

My favorite romance novels are those that are linked to historical figures. They don't necessarily have to be a main character but to me it brings realism to the story. I don't mind if occasionally there is a disclaimer at the end when historical facts, i.e. inventions, etc., may be slightly off the actual date as long as the author brings it to the readers attention. I enjoy your stories because knowing facts about the people, politics and values of the time let's us understand the characters points of view.

Re: Secrets Volume 29 Indulge Your Fantasies (11:20am September 21, 2010):

My husband and I Scotland several years ago and Scotland's beauty and mystery stole our hearts. We learned the most intresting facts and about places to go in the pubs and couldn't believe how friendly the people were and how willing to help us have a wonderful time. If you haven't already been there be sure to visit Lithinglow and the "ruins" there. It will not only take you back in time but also take your breathe away. The single malt scotch is pretty darn good too!

Re: Captured by Desire (2:48pm September 20, 2010):

Kira - One of the reasons I enjoy your books so much is because of the perspective you take. I think we all have that relative or friend who is a diva.

In my case it's an older sister who has enough money and things to care for an entire small country and can't understand why us underlings can't do things on a whim. Of course she's also the one who calls and tells me how "tough" things are. (The last time I told her to sell one her million dollar homes).

Give me a book I can relate to with people who work too hard but really enjoy and appreciate and love those around them.

Re: Dark Warrior Untamed (4:15pm August 27, 2010):

Alexis - I am so glad that you had this Blog - this is just the story I have been looking for. I am glad to have my own special warrior at home who was active duty Navy during Vietnam and is retired now from the Reserves. When he was on duty I knew he had to seperate himself mentally sometimes so he could do his "best to protect".

Re: Assassin's Heart (11:54am August 24, 2010):

I don't NOT believe in past lives I just hope I didn't have one. I say that because I think I've had enough of them in this life now! I still have nightmares of the 60's when I was working full-time and going to school nights - didn't make much - didn't eat much - good news was I didn't have to diet to stay thin!

I have a great husband, sons, daughter-in-laws and grandchildren now and wouldn't give up my "past life" for anything but for the present want to live my life in the today!

Re: Hero (10:18am August 19, 2010):

As a reader I try to never make a decision based on a review. As a juvenille diabetic it would be like asking me which is better - cherry or blueberry pie! Just trying to put it in perspective. Things you love, beauty and a good book are both in the eye of the beholder!

Re: Rule's Bride (8:56am August 17, 2010):

I love series and am still am trying to work out which is better - buying the books as they come out but waiting to read them all together or to start reading them the day they are released and then waiting (sometimes months) for the next to be released! My biggest problem usually is waiting for the next series to begin! I've never read one of your books that I haven't loved.

Re: A Highland Duchess (9:26am August 10, 2010):

I love the way you develope your characters and can't wait to read Emma's story. We all have challenges we must face in life and each of us face them from different perspectives. I admire how you bring that aspect of all of our lives to your characters.

Re: Barely A Lady (1:35pm July 27, 2010):

When I read I always look forward to the villian because without them what would bring out the hero in a person? What's can be even more interesting is when the villian can actually turn out to be the hero instead and think how much fun that would be to write.

Re: Silent Truth (12:51pm April 19, 2010):

My passion is finding more hours in a day. I wish I were retired because I have more things planned to do than I have time to do them!

I am a juvenille diabetic but it was when I faced having cancer in my 40's and then heart surgery in my 50's that I decided I was too busy to be sick and miss life. My passion is to make wonderful plans for not only today but also tomorrow. My passion is to live a wonderful life every day and think of problems as ways to make me stronger. Everyone is going to die some day but what's important is being passionate about living today.

Re: Dead Head (11:32am April 14, 2010):

We live in a small neighborhood on a lake (and just 3 miles from the ocean beaches) with only 24 houses. We all pitch in to help each other by feeding and walking pets while their owners are on vacation to keeping an eye on each others property. When my husband was out of state working two neighbors came over during last winter and helped me shovel out my driveway and walks so I could get to work on time! Talk about trusting the neighbors - we have lived her since 1974 and don't lock the doors even when we go on vacation!

Re: On Shadow Beach (2:53pm April 6, 2010):

Whenever I'm at store looking for a great (fill in the blank) I use the old maxim to try it first. I enjoy a cover that gives me just a hint of the story or characters. Like husbands (I've been married for 40 years) sometimes the "old" way can shine the brightest -just a "hint" of what's to come can tempt the most!

Re: An Earl to Enchant (11:47am March 31, 2010):

I can't remember when I first heard it but my favorite line as a Mom, and now a Gramma. is "No is a two letter sentence" and I'm more than happy to claim it as my own!

Re: SEALed with a Ring (11:28am March 5, 2010):

When my younger son was 4 years old he had to get a full leg brace for his right leg which he had to wear for 3 years. He not only managed to climb trees but play baseball (the other kids all cheered as he ran the bases). When he first started dating his wife one of their first dates was to take dancing lessons. One of my favorite memories (and yes I did cry) was watching them waltz at their wedding!

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