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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Tina Ullrich

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April 16, 2014

133 comments posted.

Re: Taming His Rebel Lady (2:24am September 18, 2015):

I will admit that my age is showing on this advise. Yes,
"accidentally" brushing up against him is good, or
whispering to him, or things of that nature. However,
since your marriage came about in an unusual way the best
think I can tell you is to TALK to him. Just because you
think he is attracted to you may not be the true case. I
would say that if you really want to do it with the FUN
in mind make a game out of it. Ask questions and bid
articles of clothing to see if that works. Be creative.
Get to know him better and you might find that is what he
is really looking for. Mind most men will be good with
the flirting but when it comes down to it they want
someone that will take the time to get to know them.

As a side note. This book I will be getting one way or
another, it sounds very, very intriguing.

Re: The Highlander's Bride (12:52pm September 4, 2015):

I love a story that has the bantering back and for from
the conflicts the characters are facing. If you can have
a lively discussion and it gets heated but then turns to
laughter that is what makes the story more interesting.
Giving them the conflict and how they use it to their
advantage and try to get their way. Teasing each other or
just disliking showing thru. Having them earn the HEA,
not just giving it to them.

Re: From One Night to Wife (12:46pm September 4, 2015):

My hero is a Highlander of old.. I want someone who is
Tall, Strong, Family Values, Laughter, Argumentative, and
LOVING. He has to be someone that you can have a good
heated discussion with but still allow your own point of
view. Someone that will make you laugh, love family, and
most of all cherish the person they are with, ME.

Re: Last Chance Cowboys: The Drifter (12:38pm September 4, 2015):

We had simple rules in the house growing up.. Other than
the normal, If you can't say something nice, don't say
anything at all.. or Silence is golden.
No, are's were more like this.
1. If you want something ask, the worst you can be told
is NO
2. If you walk away from the table hungry it's your own
damn fault.
3. If you don't like the rules, there's the door don't
let it hit you on the way out
4. Screw me once shame on you, screw me twice shame on me
and I don't do shame on me.

These were what we were taught. Be nice, kind, helpful,
and respectful and you will be treated the same way.
I do not judge people by the color of their skin, I judge
them by their actions. I know I am different from you and
that is ok. I will treat you with kindness until you
prove otherwise.
My mom would say I get new meaning to the phrase.. Hell
hath no furry than a woman scorned... you get on my bad
side and I will not be kind.
My boys are like Knights with they way they help women,
open doors and such.
My daughter acts like a spoiled princess and we but heads
all the time.
This is how I was raised and how I raised them.

Re: 50 Ways to Ruin a Rake (9:48pm July 5, 2015):

What did I find... ALOT...I lost my house a few years
back and had to put my stuff in storage. I had to
condense a LARGE 4 bedroom, living room, dining room,
kitchen, garage, 2 sheds into a 10X10 storage locker.
THAT was rough. I got rid of things I didn't know I had
in the attic, shed, or garage. I had a tall wardrobe box
full of empty collapsed boxes that was from my mother. I
found 3 mishmashed christmas trees, 4 sets of crutches,
empty toy boxes and some with broken/mutilated toys. and
SOOOO much trash. Old receipts, 20 year old tax papers
and the like. It was shocking how much junk we collected
that we kept and didn't get rid of. Amazing what it can
do to your memories.

Re: London Tides (8:48pm June 12, 2015):

why do you read fiction? To escape to another world that
has a happy ending and that makes me laugh.

Re: Love's Rescue (8:44pm June 12, 2015):

Do you favor those who sail the high seas, military men,
cowboys, highlanders or something else? What makes your
favorite hero stand head and shoulders above the rest?
Lets put these in my order of like... HIGHLANDERS, just
something about them that make you want to curl up with
them and see what is under their kilts. Lords that are
the good guy spy they have that mysterious quality to
them. Pirates just make you want to be a little
devilish. Then you have the Military and Cowboy modern
day heros that just are AAAHHHH.... but what ever the
hero they are the ones that while reading the story I
want to have for my hero.

Re: Five Brides (8:19pm June 12, 2015):

If this was the coveted dress that would get me my ONE
then yes I think I would. I would have to know them some
in order to first be roommates with them and second to
purchase something with them. Also it would be a
wonderful way to keep connected to someone that was
important to me.

Re: Never Resist A Rake (8:08pm June 12, 2015):

What’s your ideal romantic evening? I have a few but my
most favorite is a picnic on the beach with music and the
ocean. Just the two of us under the stars. Walking hand
in hand and just talking or maybe get a game of Whist in.
You just never know.

Re: 50 Ways to Ruin a Rake (11:44am June 6, 2015):

I suck at patience. I have to tell myself everyday that
it is not always easy to be an adult with kids in the
house and I have to realize they don't always get to have
fun either. With ages comes wisdom is a saying that my
grandmother was fond of, she told me once that being a
grandparent is easy being a parent is hard but being a
kid is torture. To some extent that is true but when you
never want to grow up then being a kid all your life is
really kinda fun but the patience part, I want it now and
that is not always gonna happen.
I love your books and your Q & A's they are fun to read.
thanks for the chance to win...

Re: Night of the Highland Dragon (9:28pm June 4, 2015):

As Shapeshifters go, I don't normally read them but I have
and depending on the author enjoyed them. I like
Sherilynn's characters and there are so many to choose
from. I like dragons so this should be a good one as I
love anything Scottish.

Re: At the Spy's Pleasure (1:33pm May 27, 2015):

I do believe in 2nd chances and like stories with them. I
love stories that have great banter and tit-for-tat. The
more they do this the better the story. When you add to
that the 2nd chance theme it makes for great reading. Best
of luck on your book. Can't wait to read it..

Re: Against the Tide (1:29pm May 27, 2015):

Although I would love to do several road trips here in
the US, my heart has always wanted to do a LONG leisurely
trip of SCOTLAND. I have done Route 66 for the most
part, I have done south to north and northeast to
southwest. I still have route 1 in California and Alaska
as well as Canada to do. But to get to Scotland would
the BEST.

Re: A Family for the Bull Rider (7:31pm May 26, 2015):

I do not have a fav as I am not a Rodeo watcher. I just
wish them all luck since they have chosen a very difficult
and dangerous profession.

Re: Passionately Yours (7:24pm May 26, 2015):

It is not easy to pick a favorite. I love all the heros
and hellions. I have not had the pleasure of reading your
books but I will say this: When asked for my fav it will
usually be all of them.LOL!!

Re: SEAL My Home (12:29pm May 21, 2015):

An interesting question you have posed. I would have them
work as handymen. That way they can keep their physic,
skills, and still blend in. They can gain access to homes
and buildings without causing issues or fanfare. OR have
them dress as FIREMEN. WOO HOO.. everyone loves FIREMEN

Re: What Caroline Wants (12:23pm May 21, 2015):

There is the Swings, Tetter Totter, the lake (camping),
driving on a motorcycle (interesting, not me thought). in
the bed of a truck while someone else is driving down the
freeway (again not me but know of someone that did this).
That would be my top 5. I happen to be nervous around
motorcycles, so that one I will just have to wait until
someone writes it to get the feeling.

Re: The Artisans (12:37pm May 19, 2015):

Have you tried using margarine instead of butter?? I have
an allergy to butter and just wanted to know if you have
tried it the other way.... Your book sounds just like
something my granddaughter and I could get into reading
together. I wish you the best of luck with the book...

Re: 50 Ways to Ruin a Rake (3:25pm May 5, 2015):

I almost forgot... shame on me.. the TEQUILA JELLO SHOTS..

Re: 50 Ways to Ruin a Rake (3:24pm May 5, 2015):

Happy Birthday Jade, You are a year younger than me and
you DO NOT look your age. I don't either, my kids only
admit that I am 21 so that I pay the bar tab when we
leave. With this being CINCO DE MAYO, being in AZ it is
celebrated WILDLY. So I will have the Margarita,
Tequila Kamikaze, and the nachos party for you tonight.
I may even make the fish tacos (don't like them but you

Re: Cupcakes and Crushes (11:46pm April 25, 2015):

I am the family favorite with several of my aunts and
uncles that I dont really talk with. My grandfather
spoiled me. My mom is my friend, my kids and grandkids are
important to me. My brothers and sisters think of me as the
odd man out.

Re: Duchess By Mistake (11:41pm April 25, 2015):

Marriage of Convenience stories are wonderful. They have
the best bantering back and forth between them and they
usually work out because the couple has to work. They have
to compromise and learn each other.

Re: The Cozy Cookbook (2:44pm April 13, 2015):

My grandmother got me cooking at 2yrs old. I enjoy it
and love to try new recipes. My favorite memory of her
is going thru magazines looking for recipes to "tweek".
We found one that was for Jambalaya.

1 pkg Smoked Sausage - or Sweet Italian Sausage (or
1 large can of chunked pineapple. We used 2 cans
4 cups cooked rice we used 2 and 2 boxes of rice a
roni's Rice Pilaf
1 large can diced tomatoes.
mix all ingredients together in dutch oven simmer on low
until sausage is cooked.

We added 1 bag of mixed vegies that had zucchini,
mushrooms, squash, peppers.

serve with honey cornbread. Thats cornbread that you pour
honey over when it comes out of the oven hot. LOTS OF

Re: Heartbreak Cove (11:01pm March 9, 2015):

Most people would say that I did not grow up in a small
town. However, I would disagree. I may have grown up in
Charleston, SC but the area that I grew up in was very
small. We lived across from the AirForce base and there
was only 25 houses in our circle. I do mean circle, as
you drove into our housing area it went into a circle and
back out again. I remember going to the 7-11 to get
things and it was great. We had "Joe's Cafe and Grill"
and yes that was the name. Our hair got done by the
local lady in her shop attached to her house. If that is
not small town I don't know what is.

Re: As Gouda as Dead (10:46pm February 7, 2015):

Very beautiful necklace. My favorite event that I
attended, well I have to say was the Romantic Times Book
Lovers Convention in Orlando several years ago. I had
such a time meeting the authors and models. I was even
asked to be a photographer at the event. I had brought
my camera with me since I had read what would happen I
wanted to get several good photos for prosperity sake. I
sent in 12 discs of photos that I had taken and had
several printed in magazine as an attendees view of the
event. I had period dresses that my mother made for the
occasion. My friend Vicki and my mother were with me. We
attended one of the author's chat sessions and some of
the questions she asked our answers were put into stories
in her books. Several of my answers she loved and we
chatted for some time. It was so wonderful.

Re: Meow If It's Murder (10:32pm January 14, 2015):

This sounds like a fun fast read. I too loved to watch
Natalie Wood. Mysteries are fun to read between my other
books as it gives my mind something to focus on and try to
solve the puzzle. I love puzzles, word ones mostly.
Thanks for the chance.

Re: How to Plan a Wedding for a Royal Spy (10:28pm January 14, 2015):

This series has a great combination of what I love to read.
I have read 2 of the books and I have this book but would
love to send it to my mother. Mine copy is ereader.
Thanks for the chance to win.

Re: More Than A Duke (10:25pm January 14, 2015):

What am I looking for.. that is easy.. ability to banter
with the other person, not necessarily fight just banter
back and forth (which your books do)someone out to help
others not him/herself, someone to take up for the little
guy, also someone who can laugh at themselves, has to be
talk for the guy and medium height for the girl, but to
know that they are right for each other to come out in
the writing and flow of the plot.

Re: The Thornless Rose (11:10pm January 7, 2015):

Where and When. That would depend on a few things but I
would have to say Scotland would be where but the when is
hard to pin point. I would want it to be a time when it
was no so much hardship, like the famine era, that would
not be a good time to be there. nor during the Jacobite
war era, too much loss... But I would love to have me a

Re: The Millionaire Rogue (11:00pm January 7, 2015):

I can't remember the movie it was in and the people
kissing became stars from that scene. I remember it had
a beach, and rain. (not From here to eternity) I know
that it was a movie from like the 40's or 50's. I think
it was with Cary Grant. You knew that they were just
shocked that it happened and thrilled at the same time
and they just clicked. I love a good book that has
bantering between the characters that end up with them
kissing because you know that they will be good for one
another and it will last.
I just hope one day that I will find that. Like the old
saying "You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find
your prince!" I just want to know when that will be. He
has kept me waiting 50 years!!

Re: Two Week Seduction (10:48pm January 7, 2015):

Ohh.. you ask the tough question. What Market?? Indeed.
I would say the soda market since I am a Pepsi drinker
(my Coffee) and I do not care for Coke/products. As well
as the chocolate and book market. I would want to make
sure that there were enough books to let everyone read
something and have a refreshing drink and you can't read
a good book without CHOCOLATE! that would be just wrong!!

Re: You're So Fine (10:07pm January 1, 2015):

What do you want to be brave about in 2015? Tell us about
an ending in your own life that really helped you learn a
I had my truck totalled in 2008 and in 2009 I lost my
house (long story), due to getting laid off I did not
replace my truck. I am however, getting it replaced this
month FINALLY!!! The lesson I learned it DON'T lend your
truck out. It has taken me this long to be able to get a
What’s an absolutely necessary thing you have to see in
your favorite kind of book endings?
I want to know what happens to them. Do they get their
happily after or do they split? I want to know that what
I invested reading the book was worth it. Did it all
come together or did it just leave me hanging and get no
closure. Closure is a big deal to me in books. Unless it
is a series and there will be more characters introduced
and the others continued then I can handle the cliff
hanger endings.

Re: It's A Vampire Christmas (1:10pm December 13, 2014):

Sounds like this will be a very good series. will have to
read them. Congrats on your new series. I wish you all

Re: Once Upon a Grind (10:55pm December 10, 2014):

I am a Disney fan.. I love all of them.. My fav is Lady
and The Tramp. I love the 7 dwarfs with, of course, Dopey
as the best one. There is good in all of the fairy tales
and there is also the bad.. I love the way they have been
remade into Once Upon a Time TV show. It gives new
dimension to the characters and stories. Here's wishing
you a Very Happy Holiday.

Re: The Gentleman Jewel Thief (10:48pm December 10, 2014):

I do read history and historical romance. When it is
combined, a few authors are able to do this, it is great.
I do think that if you have the talent to write it should
be explored fully. I am not good at writing so I stick
to reading them. Congrats on your books and best wishes.
Happy Holidays.

Re: Twice Tempted (12:52pm December 3, 2014):

I love reading series books! However, I also despise
them. I like to read them one after another so that I
can just go on from book one and read them in a row to
the end. Some times I have the books for a few years
before I even read the first just so that I have two or
three to go thru and the four is coming out. But then
there are some that I just devour them as they come out.
The Dark Hunter series or Stephanie Plum series for
example I just read once they are out and I am ok. Lady
Whistledown/Bridgerton series, I started with the Duke
and I and when she announced she was doing the 7 others I
knew I was going to get frustrated waiting. But they are
so worth it.

Re: Geared For The Grave (12:44pm December 3, 2014):

I watches by 2 older sister and my older brother and
figured I could do that. I took my brothers 10 speed bike
and just started peddling. The only thing I didn't learn
was how to break. But, skinned elbows, knees, back, and
forehead are healable. Right?

Re: A Spy Unmasked (4:51pm November 12, 2014):

So what do you love about spies in books? they are the
ones that try their best to be incognito, usually without
meaning to they reveal themselves to someone. they
always get the girl. they help so many that don't even
know they are being helped. usually get hurt and heal
very fast. they are bold, daring, sexy, and in my
imagination have the most sexy bedroom voice when they

Re: The Doctor's Fake Fiancee (12:09pm October 24, 2014):

The only thing that I do not see on your list which is a
personal one on mine but by no means a deal breaker
(sometimes) is TALL and RUGGED.. and if he happens to have
a Scottish accent then all the better..

Re: The Lady's Disgrace (1:51am September 11, 2014):

When I was younger, I could not sit and read. I would
get one maybe two sentences and fall asleep. It just was
not something I could do. My teachers thought I had a
learning disability. When I was in 7th grade my
English/Reading teacher gave us a test that you had to
read a paragraph and answer questions. I could not do
this. She pulled me out of the class room and asked me to
read it, which I did and she was amazed that I could read
and understand what I was reading. She asked me if I had
issues with my other classes, which I didn't but that I
did all of my class work at home and returned the next
day. When I had to do history, I told the teach what I
usually do and he was not happy with that. He gave a
reading assignment in class to do and I promptly fell
asleep. When he asked what the issues was I told him, if
I can not read outloud then I would not be able to do the
assignment. So again I was to read the assignment for the
whole class. Due to my reading tendencies I was up and
down in volume and the class learned more by what I read.
I was in my late twenties when I started reading books
due to insomnia and it took me six months to read the
first 150-200 pages and only 6 weeks to read the
remaining 150 pages. Thanks to Andrew Greeley I can now
read books and love all types. My favorite is Historical
Romances but do read westerns, contemporary, time travel
and many more. I got my daughter, mother, and grand
daughter hooked on them.
Thank you for listening.

Re: My Highland Spy (1:40am September 11, 2014):

Like you I would love to go to Europe and visit just about
most of it. However, Belgium is on my list to visit. I
have only been in the us and one trip (via work) to Mexico
but did get to the Bahamas. My only bucket list is to go
from one end of Europe to the other and Australia.

Re: A Duke's Wicked Kiss (12:48pm September 3, 2014):

Unlike most people who you have asked to set aside time for
their inner self, I have done this for about 35 years now.
I am unique in my thinking as my quiet time is when I live
the house for work and until I get home that day it is my
time. Time for me to do something for myself. Add to that,
I take the bus/train to work each day so my time is extended
with not interruptions from more outside forces and allows
me to unwind so that I do not bring my work home with me. I
have my biological children, adopted and foster children,
grandchildren from all of my kids and this gives me such joy
to see them and do things with them but makes it easier to
do the trek to work on the bus/train each day. Most would
say I am a Red Wood: tall, sturdy, solid, unbreakable and
dependablily comforting.

Re: Betting on Julia (2:14pm August 30, 2014):

My Hero, he has to be tall, strong. good sense of humor is a
must. He needs to have a sense of family and what it means
to be there for them. Most important any any hero he needs
to be devoted to the one he loves no matter the flaws or
situation be ready to listen and understand and not judge.
That is hard to find and when I do that will be the last
time I say "I do". Looking forward to your book and
reading it. Best wishes!

Re: Breathing Room (12:59pm August 26, 2014):

That was one of the first contemporary romances books that I
read. I have a friend that got me into SEP's books and have
loved them since. She has the ability to make the
characters come to life and her bantering witty
conversations just make me LOL and have everyone staring at
me. (I take a bus to work) So yes, I read a lot and love
SEP book. Thank you Vickie for that give and thank you SEP
for all of you stories I love to read.

Re: Natural Born Charmer (12:51pm August 26, 2014):

I know what you mean about Blue. I have always enjoyed SEP
books and her characters. She is one of the reasons I read
today. Like Blue and yourself I love to sleep in Ratty old
T-shirts that have been adjusted on the neckline, thanks to
my mom. Blue is one of those characters that stays with you
and give you the spirit to do things. Love that book!!

Re: Ain't She Sweet? (12:42pm August 26, 2014):

I have to agree with you to a point that we are all Sugar
Beth to a point in our lives. Some by being mean and cruel.
Some by being the person that was trashed. But some by just
wanting to be loved more than anything. It is what we do
with our lives that makes us a Sugar Beth and how we cope
with it. I am just sorry that I have not read this book. I
have pretty much read every one of her books and somehow I
have missed this one. I am just gonna have to find me a
copy and read it. Thanks for the great review and I look
forward to reading the book.

Re: Across the Line (12:32pm August 26, 2014):

I love watching hockey in person, but not so much on the TV.
Not sure why. However, I did not know they like to play
pranks but I can certainly see why. I have read one of your
books and found it to be funny and very witty. I would not
mind having both but either one would be nice. I have not
read them yet. Thank you for the chance to win and keep
giving use those wonderful stories.

Re: Billionaire Blend (12:28pm August 26, 2014):

Like you, I have grown up cooking at the feet of my
Grandmother, great grandmother and mom. You may have been
with your Aunt but I know you have wonderful memories and
recipes that will last a life time. My mother has a picture
of myself with biscuits going up my arm from my first
cooking experience at the age of 2. I have been cooking
since and my kids just didn't get that gene. However, my
grandkids do have it and my love of cooking has been shared
with them. My love of reading did pass to my children and
some level has passed to the grandkids. I have enjoyed your
recipes and made several with my granddaughter. Thank you
for the ability to pass your recipes to her. Also thank you
for the book.

Re: Saving Gracie (9:11pm August 22, 2014):

I try to take life one day at a time as sometimes I do not get
the luxury of having more than that. With my household it
can't be more than on most days. Too many children,
grandchildren, mom and myself to worry about so I just say
"Enjoy it while it lasts!!!!"

Re: Her Secret, His Surprise (1:07am July 31, 2014):

I have a few close friends and a few friends. My mom is
still my best friend and has stuck with me thru some really
weird things. But I would not change much if I had to do it
all over again. My close friend moved back to her parents to
finish school and has been trying to get back here since she
graduated but when she comes into town we PARTY 2 nights and
just let our hair down. We have a DD so we are safe and can
have our fun.

Re: Firewall (9:57pm July 9, 2014):

That is also good when writing reports for work and papers
for school. I do something along those lines when I do
school work and there are few changes to what I do when
doing work reports. It makes your process clear cut and
gives you the means to complete what you have to without
getting frustrated.

I am currently reading one of your books and find it very
much follows what you have here. I am enjoying it
immensely. Thank you.

Re: The Return of the Rebel (9:49pm July 9, 2014):

That is an easy one.. WATERPROOF.. if it can withstand water
then it is a good beach read.. LOL.. but I would have to say
your list is just as good.. If there is bantering back and
forth like you have shown then I would imagine it will be a
good read and that is what makes a GOOD BEACH READ..
thank you.

Re: A Doctor for Keeps (12:29pm July 2, 2014):

I know what you mean. I have done this too many times to
count. I even avoided my so called best friend by
pretending to talk with someone else. She was with my,
thought he was, boyfriend and they were kissing. Another
time I avoided my boss only so I would not have to hear her
want to talk about work. I usually go with someone now so
that it is easier to do the ignoring and get away with it.
Best of Luck with the new series, looking forward to reading

Re: Muffin But Murder (1:02am July 1, 2014):

I like books that can make me laugh. The characters are a
big part of that and the ability to be realistic while still
telling a story is not an easy thing to do. I do enjoy your
books and find that it is like dealing with an extended part
of the family that unless you know them well it is hard to
figure them out and how to take them. When you do you
realize that what they are doing is normal for them and just
laughable to you.

Re: Full Exposure (12:56pm July 1, 2014):

I would have a hard time picking just one. They are all so
my book boyfriend for different reasons. But if he is
Scottish he is higher on the list than others... but that is
not to say he would not be on the list. If he can make me
laugh and is strong both physically and mentally then he
would be my book boyfriend any time.

Re: Crimson Heart (10:07pm June 29, 2014):

I have read the other 2 books and can't wait to read this
one.. Love your stories and the characters are just wonderful.
thanks for giving us something to follow along with you on
this journey while you give a new places and people to meet
and enjoy... Best wishes on another spectacular book

Re: Mischief By Moonlight (1:16am June 25, 2014):

Traits for a hero would be Scotish, rugged, smart, can hold
his own at a dinner conversation with unusual dinner topic,
funny and willing to laugh at himself, BANTER with females.
Traits for a heroine would be smart, can cause mischief,
wiling to laugh at herself, BANTER with males.

Just about anything really., as long as the story is
attention grabbing, i am not picky.

Re: Once Upon A Kiss (1:06am June 25, 2014):

Love the book and I enjoy series books so I will be getting
this series. Thank you

Re: Once Upon A Kiss (1:05am June 25, 2014):

It was on my birthday and I had 3 Dinner dates.. My mother
thought it would be fun to "teach me a lesson" and had all 3
show up when I was to go on the first dinner date. Which
was only suppose to be for half an hour. Here I was with 3
guys ready to go for a night on the town.. Needless to say I
never told my mother about multiple date nights again.

Re: Montana Bride (11:21am June 24, 2014):

My mother got me hooked on these types of books along with
the author Andrew Greeley. I use-to be one of those that if
I read by the time I hit the 5 line of the book I was
asleep. Trust me when I say I was asleep that is no joke.
I would get into trouble at school when it came to reading.
I am smart and can comprehend it all with no problem but to
sit an read it was a task so when you say keeping them all
straight I understand on some level what you mean. I also
have insomnia and that is what got me to be able to sit and
read a book. Now I have something to do when it acts up,
which is often. My mother loves the western books and she
reads you all the time. I would love to win this for her. I
do enjoy your books and read them and look forward to the
next one. Thanks for the opportunity to win. Congrats on
you new line of new books, can't wait to read them.

Re: Once Upon a Highland Autumn (1:23am June 18, 2014):

I know what you mean.. A good old fashion history song can
get your heart going.. Scotland is on my bucket list and I
will get there one day.. I love both Karen's writing and
stories.. Have you read Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series
which has almost a whole book on the Culloden battle. Can't
wait to read your books. Congrats on your second book, best
wishes for more to come.

Re: Heart of Highland Warrior (7:48pm June 11, 2014):

Why not all? Pout..Pout...Pout.. don't like to choose.. but I
would take a Highlander over anything else.

Re: Out of Bounds (7:43pm June 11, 2014):

Pouring your thoughts and ideas out onto paper has been a
pastime of mine every now and then. I understand what you
mean that it does take work to write a book. It is
something that I just don't have the talent for but I am
very thankful for people like you that can do it and I can
loose myself in another world. Thank you

Re: The Troublemaker Next Door (7:37pm June 11, 2014):

Bantering Family Members.. add into that mix tricks and
jokes.. this should be very very very good reading... can't
wait to read it...

Re: Love Potions (12:15pm June 5, 2014):

Wow.. give me a Scottish Man in a Kilt any day of the week and
I am there..I would not kick him out of my bed for eating
crackers. If the characters are as good on the bit you put
here then I am getting this book one way or another. Thanks
and Best wishes for a number one hit.

Re: Wicked Temptation (1:53am June 4, 2014):

What do I want to be? Don't we all ask ourselves that
question at one time or another and sometimes more than
once. What I want to be when I finish growing up (I am 52)
I have not decided. My dream when I was young was a Peds
Doctor, then it went to a Dancer/Singer, and then I had
children and it was just MOM. I am still trying to figure
out what I want to be when I grow up.

Re: Love For Beginners (6:18am June 3, 2014):

I find that women mechanics are more honest and trustworthy.
they also understand the terms we use and sounds. I think it
would easier to explain them to a woman than a man since they
think technical terms not womans terms.

Re: Tempest In A Teapot (6:14am June 3, 2014):

It depends on the memory. I know that some of mine are just
childhood images that I smile at and let go back in my box and
others give me nightmares before hiding again. But if I want
to give details I will think on it and then be able to tell
you things.

Re: Rose House (11:29pm May 24, 2014):

I know what you mean. When you read you are transported to
a different place/time. You get to experience that place
and you just want to go there in person. With me I also get
that as I am a travel agent and book people all over the
world. When they ask if they can bring back anything I
always ask for the same thing. Something that is that
country in an ornament. Since I have been only a few place
outside the USA, I have a collection of them from all my
clients and I have a tree each year for Christmas that is
just those ornaments. I was given the ideal from my mentor
when I first started as a travel agent. I bet you have a
number of them yourself.

Re: Shadowed By Grace (12:28pm May 23, 2014):

That is a great thing to do and I do give thanks to each one I
see when I am out and I help as much as I can. Thank you for
the hope of keeping that Memorializing alive.

Re: Meet the Earl at Midnight (12:04pm May 23, 2014):

Okay, you asked 2 questions.. Here goes....
How Do You Like Tall, Dark, and Mysterious?..If he is
Scotish, and Adrian Paul.. send him my way.. but if he is
not Adrian Paul then he would have to be able to support me
and make me laugh. Got any of them?!!

Have you ever had to sacrifice something for someone you
loved? I think each of us has probably done this once in
our lives, in our own opinion. As parents we do to take
care of our children, as well as children taking care of
parent when they get older. But for what I believe you are
asking, IF I really loved the person I don't see it as
giving up something. As the possibility that they are going
to give up something for me just makes it a compromise.

Re: To Charm a Naughty Countess (12:10pm May 22, 2014):

Well, I am not one for mushy "I love you" because most times
if you are just getting to know one another that is just not
there. However, it has only happened twice with me but it was
uttering the words "ALL NIGHT LONG" that melted me.

Re: Lady Gone Bad (2:44pm May 19, 2014):

I am not sure I would be able to survive that time period.
Yes it was exciting in its own way, but I have grown
accustomed to the conveniences of today. If I was asked
about another time period I would have to say the same
thing. Thank you but ONLY if I can have my running water and
electricity and etc. LOL

Re: The Duke's Obsession (10:19pm May 17, 2014):

I would have to say that you can have your perfume, I however,
have an allergy to most of them and can not be around them. I
do however understand that it can draw inspiration for some
and change their outlook on certain things. Very creative of

Re: Frisky Business (12:16pm May 15, 2014):

You brought the "Wine", I brought the "Vodka"! Congrats on
the wedding. As for your question of BAD DATES, I don't
know one person that has not had them. I have had my fair
share, however, I have taken them with a grain of salt as
the person that mad it a bad date was the one losing. I
would usually just cut my loses early and I always drive
myself so I have a way home. That is the key, having a way
home. I am a consummate flirt so I can always get over the
BAD date part and make it better.

Re: Her Perfect Mate (12:05pm May 15, 2014):

This will be a new way of looking at shifters. I like that
you put them in the positive. "Sherrilyn Kenyon's" series
has them in a positive view and I love that series. I have
read a few that by the time I have gotten to the 5th chapter
I get rid of the book because it just is really bad
characters with shifters as freaks. This makes the writing
not interesting to me and the book dull. I also like the
military aspect you have infused in the book. Will be
exciting to read. Thank you.

Re: Always Emily (2:26pm May 14, 2014):

I have a very good friend Vickie that would always be/has been
a good sounding board for me. We have been like two peas in a
pod at times and then there are times when we fight like
sisters. However, she has been there thru some very tough
times and always kept me sane.

Re: Wicked Little Secrets (2:21pm May 14, 2014):

The best historical fact I learned from reading was about
APRIL FOOLS DAY. I didnt realize it was due to a town that
was protesting the taxes and wanted the king to think the town
was all crazy. I didnt think it was true so I looked it up
and it was a true fact.

Re: Deep in My Heart (2:13pm May 14, 2014):

There are so many that you just want to have them all in the
books to make it where you can read about them when ever you
want. The old classics are great and then you have the
modern players, along with todays reigning couples. But for
me it is not someone in the movies. It was not a couple in
the traditional sense. I think it is the thought that there
will be someone there for you and you for them. Like Jackie
Kennedy or Princes Di.. those are the ones that you just
know when they find their match it will be the greatest love
story ever. But alas they are no longer with us..

Re: Risky Game (2:31am May 13, 2014):

I have read "This Heart of Mine" but not the others. I
enjoyed the book alot. I will have to check out the others.
Thanks for the advise. Yes it does give the book a little
something more.

Re: Wild Ways (12:23pm May 12, 2014):

It is the wind in the hair, the devil may care attitude, and
the piss on law that makes them so much the bad boy that
your just cant wait to reform them. Speaking as one that did
date a OMG once it was the wildness that I was attracted

I will be getting your books one way or the other. I cant
wait to see how you dedicate these books.. loved the last

Re: A Sweet Life Boxed Set (10:15pm May 11, 2014):

I have several people in my family that are Diabetic and I
support it any way I can. I know that it is not something
that is going to be easy and the road is a very long one. Best
of wishes for a great year on your auction.

Re: Cottonmouth and the River (11:35pm May 10, 2014):

A great story concept and I know my grandchildren would love
this. It reminds me of the Huck Finn series. It is our
imagination that fuels what we do with ourselves and our
children. You have given that the next step and put it into
a book that parents and children will like. Thank you. I
will be getting this book either by wining or buying it.

Re: Rise And Shine (11:28pm May 10, 2014):

I have not read any of your books but I am going to look for
them as this one sounds like it will be fun and a good read.
I know that not everyone gets their "happily ever after" but
it is fun to root for them to get it. And the journey we
travel is what it is really about.

Re: Playboy's Lesson (1:52am May 7, 2014):

OOOHHHH this sounds real good, do they banter through out the
book? I hope so. Best wishes. Can't wait to read it.

Re: What The Groom Wants (12:52pm May 5, 2014):

Green Frog-people... now Mr Tightpant's, him I can understand.
A book just for yourself that would be interesting to read.
Anecdotes from a Writers Mind. We'll just have to wait until
it is done... Keep us posted on the book

Re: Stop Dragon My Heart Around (12:49pm May 1, 2014):

That reminds me of and I Love Lucy show when the Mertz helped
with the chickens on the farm for Lucy... Good Luck.. hope you
get eggs soon..

Re: Out of Control (10:16am April 30, 2014):

Setting is important but to me it is mostly the characters
interaction that I look for. I love the books that the
characters fight over the stupidest things but that the
arguments are heated and create the friction that brings them
together. That is where the setting being brought in helps.

Re: Searching for Perfect (10:09am April 30, 2014):

Yes, I agree it is great and fun to see our favorite
characters pop up in other books... Julia Quinn's Lady
Whistledown or Sherilynn Kenyon's Dark Hunters or Geralyn
Dawson's Bad Luck series with the girls grown and then boys.
Yes I love series best as you can get to visit with old
characters as the new ones are getting their story. Oh there
are just so many that I would love to see the children of
get their stories.

Re: A Beautiful Distraction (2:50pm April 29, 2014):

I agree with Colleen.. a new author to read.. always on the
look out for new books and new adventures. The title drew me
in and the brief intrigued me. Can't wait to check them out

Re: The Paris Time Capsule (11:57am April 28, 2014):

I read the story from a link and about your book you were
doing. I think it will be interesting to see your twist on
this unfold in you book.
The most perfect true mystery I have come across.. true
mediums.. I have met a few and still do no believe they have
the gift.

Re: My Not So Super Sweet Life (10:30pm April 26, 2014):

Pepsi, chocolate, BBQ Chips.. BOOKS... BOOKS... beach

Re: A Broken Kind Of Beautiful (11:24pm April 25, 2014):

I love Antique furniture. Also old photographs.. to me it o=is
also sunsets and sunrises.

Re: The Miracle Thief (8:25pm April 24, 2014):

Yes, I do believe in Miracles. It takes a lot to get them
some times and then some times it is right before your eyes on
a daily bases.

Re: A Shot of Red (9:55pm April 23, 2014):

Being a travel agent I get to go everywhere and never leave
my home. I have been to Ixtapa Mexico, the Bahamas, a
cruise (got seasick) and of course all over the USA. My
dream vacation is to travel thru Europe seeing Scotland,
England, France, Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, Italy,
Greece, and Turkey. I would also like to travel thru Asia.

Re: Wild About Her Wingman (9:40pm April 23, 2014):

there are so many perfect combos that it would hard to pick my
favorite... I am a Pepsi drinker and mine has to have ice in
it... then there is the Lasagna and bread or rainy days and
a fire with a good book

Re: Rustler's Heart (9:27am April 22, 2014):

To me "salt of the earth" means downhome, honest, heartfelt,
some would say goodie too shoes type of person.
I plant a tree for Earth Day. sometimes even take the kids on
nature walk .

Re: Paige Turned (1:05am April 19, 2014):

My life turned so different when half way thru senior year I
got into a car accident. There went my full scholarship for
the first half of being a doctor, then I have a child and
that was so different that I ever thought it would be. But
all in all I would not change much. I have been a Mother,
Foster Mother, Office mom, Jack-of-all-trades at work,
Office Mgr, Trainer and the only thing I would do
differently is give my self more credit for things I have

Re: Home to Stay (10:35am April 16, 2014):

You know the say "Home is where the heart is or Home is where
you hang your hat." To some point those are true. Home is
where you feel you love the most and are the most comfortable.
Where you know your life is right and your family is happy.

Re: Unfixable (11:28pm April 15, 2014):

There are good things and bad things about both.. Maybe there
is a combination of both in Hero's in all books. Mostly
Broody but still Happy about some things. He takes his
responsibilities seriously and wants to have a Happy ending
but not sure how to get it which makes him Broody.

Re: Small Town Spin (5:38pm April 14, 2014):

Wow, the wackiest news story. HHHMMM.. let's see... there
is the one about the kids who tried to rob their parents
diner using a spoon or the one that the person robbed a
convenience store and left his wallet with his id inside or
then there is the one that hit a police car and left his
drivers license at the scene. Hard to choose one.

Re: One Bite Per Night (11:49pm April 11, 2014):

Congrats on the first book and now getting the second one
done.. It must be a relief for you. As for comparing it to a
"bratty kid" now that just made me want to read it more. Best
wishes on your books..

Re: The Ace (11:41pm April 11, 2014):

I am not a baseball person really but the un-assisted triple
play does sound too good to be true maybe that is why it has
only happened 15 times.. Me, I am more football, hockey or
basketball.. and there are so many plays... But Yelling at
the TV when you have no voice and your kids and mom send it
to AFV that is something..

Re: Desiring Lady Caro (8:16pm April 9, 2014):

Your muse must keep you entertained at times. I think it
would be a great thing to have a must, but at the same time
it would not. This sounds like a very good story. Can't
wait to read it.

Re: Playing It Close (3:27pm April 7, 2014):

I have not personally seen a rugby match, I have watched it
on TV. I know it can get exciting and the GUYS.. lets just

Re: The Red-Hot Chili Cook-Off (4:49pm April 3, 2014):

I don't really have any specific Texas recipes. I do have
Italian recipes. The most I would says is putting Honey or
Molassas in my cornbread. I do have a favorite HushPuppies
recipe that I like. It is 2c cornmeal, 2 eggs beaten for 5
mins, 1/2c margarine, 3 green onions chopped finely, 1/4tsp
minced garlic, 1/2tsp garlic juice/water, 1/4tsp salt,
1/2tsp baking soda, 1/4c flour, 1/4c water, 1/4c milk
beat eggs then add remaining ingredients. shape into balls
and fry for 5 mins turning at least twice.

Re: How to Handle a Cowboy (4:39pm April 3, 2014):

I love series books. They give you the chance to know the
characters more and to see what happens to them later on or
with other characters.

Re: Dash of Peril (4:35pm April 3, 2014):

I have not read this book yet. I have ready all the others
but have not gotten to this book of yours.. I look forward to
reading it.

Re: The Winter Bride (4:09pm April 3, 2014):

I enjoy both the Alpha and the Beta Hero. They have their
good points for each. I do like the walk on the lighter side
of romance as it has more conflict. As for muffins they are
a staple in my home. Not too fond of book clubs as they do
not always read book I will.

Re: A Killing Notion (10:27pm April 1, 2014):

How do I like my mysteries? I read one recently that I
thought I had it figured out but ended up totally surprised
by who did it. I like when there are hints but not blatant
clues. Funny situations, romance, great character, and the
main conflict are what makes the best mysteries for me.

Re: Mad About You (10:19pm April 1, 2014):

I just finished reading one and yes I do like them. It
gives the conflict and tension more depth. Some of them are
good and some are not. If there is not spark then it is not
worth the effort. Too much conflict just does not do it for
me either. There has to be a happy balance.
I think your book sounds very good so far. I can't wait to
read it.

Re: Pretty Reckless (12:17pm March 25, 2014):

A good Bad-Boy cowboy is always in season. If he can ride,
charm, and kiss then that is even better.

Re: Mystery Spring Fling (2:19am March 21, 2014):

This is so awesome to have the proceeds go to a library. I
know that the one that wins will be so lucky. Our library
has many sponsors and I just hope that there is one out there
that can really use the help. I know that is how I will vote
for. Thank you all of the generosity.

Re: Safe in the Tycoon's Arms (5:57pm March 5, 2014):

I moved to a city and state with no job. I loved the area
but the job market sucked.

Re: What The Groom Wants (5:29pm March 5, 2014):

Awesome... that was great... I liked the answers as they were
mostly the same for me but there was one that was different..

Re: Must Love Dukes (1:30am February 28, 2014):

I was shopping with my mother, friend, and grandson when my
friend and grandson started arguing about toy. Both STOMPED
up to me and to me I had to decide who was right. My
grandson was 2 at the time and my friend is 4 years older
than I am. The argument lasted 2 hours, needless to say the
right home was loud...

Re: The Trouble With Honor (12:49pm February 26, 2014):

As with any book from Julia London this one promises the
banter and wit that I have come to love about her books. I
know this will be an outstanding success. Congrats on the
book Julia London.. can't wait to read the whole book.

Re: Hot Rock (12:23pm February 26, 2014):

Most Bad Boys of Music drink hard, play even harder, and
when they realize what they have done hide from the world..
they go into their music and lose themselves. As to why we
still love them.. it is the fantasy that we love since we
will never know the real person. But to know the real
person would be a dream..

Re: Teacup Turbulence (8:57pm January 27, 2014):

Cant wait to read it and I know it will be good. I have yet
to get one from the authors here that are not good...

Re: Now or Never (11:58am January 15, 2014):

Love is something that everyone has the ability to have
everyone "twitter patied" as OWL says in Bambi... You are
never to told to have Love

Re: The Temptation of Lady Serena (5:05pm January 3, 2014):

Hope some of the characters from the Marriage Game will be in
this one... But it does sound like a good read..

Re: Paws For Murder (10:22pm January 2, 2014):

Just read another of your books and I can't wait to read this

Re: Meet the Earl at Midnight (6:01pm December 29, 2013):

My mother usually has me wrap the gifts so every year since
I was 6 she has tried to keep one of my gifts aside so that
she can surprise me. And every year she forgets where she
puts it so when my birthday comes around I get the gift from
christmas as a bonus. One year she actually rememebered
where she put the gift and put in ON the tree half wrapped
in christmas paper and half in birthday paper.

Re: Welcome Back To Apple Grove (5:58pm December 29, 2013):

Try the website www.cookiereceipe.com this has all kinds of
cookies and some that are just not your normal cookies that my
grandkids and I are going through and trying them slowly but

Re: Restless Spirit (5:55pm December 29, 2013):

I wouldn't say I lived in a small town but I grew up on the
outskirts of Charleston, SC. There were 20 houses in our
area across from the AFB, but we had our own little
community. You could set clocks by things in our
neighborhood. Saturday morning at 9am, for example, doors
and windows open, music on, and cleaning begins. 5PM calls
from "moms" for dinner, or our case the dog coming to
collect the ball and chase us home. The Colonel with his
cart and wagon for Saturday cleaning and rides for kids.
This is what I wish my kids had.

Re: A Perfect Distraction (5:47pm December 29, 2013):

You forgot the other classic... Charlie Brown Christmas and
How the Grinch Stole Christmas (the original) but yes I always
watch Miracle on 34th Street all 3, It's a Wonderful Life, and
White Christmas.

Re: Needing Her (5:44pm December 29, 2013):

When I was in high school, the boys football team grabed me
and dragged me thru the boys locker room. It was home coming
week so I decided to make them a treat. Well, come game time
the majority of them were too busy arguing with the "Porcelain
God" to play. Exlax Brownies are good for some BAD Boys....

Re: Freezer I'll Shoot (5:37pm December 29, 2013):

I agree with most of you about not keeping to resolutions
thats why mine are just simple things that I can control
easily sometimes...

Re: Freezer I'll Shoot (5:19am December 28, 2013):

I do make them but not the normal kind. Like yourself the
losing weight and things just don't last. So when I had
children and then grandchildren my resolutions changed to
more simple ones.

1. Well behaved children, when out in public.
2. Make it through a day without going insane. (yet to
3. Make sure my kids know I love them, even if it kills me.
4. Enjoy my life, so far I have.
5. To not kill my kids for doing dumb things, so far so

These are just a few of the ones I do. I know it is not
easy sometimes but then what in life is.

Re: Wicked Little Secrets (12:13pm December 13, 2013):

family duty and backstabbing...who would not love this book..
cant wait to read it.

Re: Gentlemen Prefer Mischief (12:11pm December 13, 2013):

this book sounds like it will be a laugh and sigh, talk for
hours with my mother book. We go over the good parts of the
book and tease each other on what it is we like the most about
a passage or the book itself.

Re: Tangling with the CEO (8:43pm December 11, 2013):

I am reading more variety of authors not that I have my Kindle
than when I was just reading from paperback. I am finding all
kinds of authors that I really had not given a try to be very
good and keeps my attention as well as finding that I am
enjoying the books. Tina Ullrich

Re: A Promise Of Safekeeping (8:20pm January 1, 2012):

Some might think this would be strange but if you are in my family you would think it is normal. I am not one of those that collect dogs/cats/figurines things. I collect children. I have 51 and growing. If there is a lost child look at my house it mostly likely will be there. I have 33 grandchildren and growing. I am a foster mom.

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