Joanne Schultz
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108 comments posted.
Re: Crazy for Her (2:58pm October 25, 2016):
Tammy was our dog when we were growing up, and she was my favorite(she was also our first pet@!)
Re: Torrents of Destruction (2:53pm October 25, 2016):
Spunky heroines are those who don't cower and hide behind a strong male.
Re: For Love or Money (2:50pm August 14, 2016):
Petting cats & dogs brings me joy! Thanks for the giveaway!
Re: Viking Warrior Rising (2:41pm August 14, 2016):
Great news is meant to be celebrated, so we'd go out to dinner and have a drink! Thanks for the giveaway!
Re: A Promise of Fire (2:40pm August 14, 2016):
I cry when I'm reading a book and an animal dies. Thanks for the giveaway!
Re: Every Time with a Highlander (2:38pm August 14, 2016):
My perfect weekend would be a B&B in the mountains, hiking when the weather is good, and curled up with a good book when it's not! Thanks for the giveaway!
Re: Rose Bride (2:09pm July 18, 2016):
I love brainy men! They can hold a conversation on topics the average man wouldn't even think about.
Re: Daughters of the Bride (2:07pm July 18, 2016):
Sounds great - Single mothers do struggle, and I like to read about how they overcome their problems.
Re: Live and Let Psi (2:04pm July 18, 2016):
I'm really not into super heroes,so I'll say Superman
Re: Cowboy Player (2:02pm July 18, 2016):
I like my steak medium rare.
Re: In The Line Of Fire (1:54pm July 18, 2016):
I really love the mountains in Colorado! Our family spent a month in Denver while my father attended school for his company. Each weekend we'd go check out some different sites. It really made an impression on me. Maroon Bells of course was my favorite place !
Re: Vendetta (4:37pm June 11, 2016):
Thrillers are my favorite genre!
Re: The Bones Will Speak (4:36pm June 11, 2016):
ooh I love serial killer books!
Re: Jordan's Return (4:32pm June 11, 2016):
I like your list of favorite vacation places! I have great memories of beach vacations, so that would be my number 1 choice toO!
Re: Into the Whirlwind (4:31pm June 11, 2016):
I really enjoy your books! I look forward to reading INTO THE WHIRLWIND too!
Re: Rock Steady (4:30pm June 11, 2016):
Sounds great!!Hope it becomes a bestseller!
Re: Murder in Morningside Heights (4:15pm May 3, 2016):
my days are pretty boring - go to library to use their wifi and read! Some days I even mow the lawn!
Re: Close To You (4:04pm May 3, 2016):
CLothes are pretty Manky - must be time to do laundry!
Re: By Break of Day (2:32pm February 4, 2016):
I love series because you get to see the characters develop and grow.
Re: Will's True Wish (2:28pm February 4, 2016):
I love that dogs are so affectionate and forgiving.
Re: Love Walks In (2:21pm February 4, 2016):
yes I DO want to know what happens next!
Re: Linny?s Sweet Dream List (2:36pm January 24, 2016):
It would be best if he didn't have any family, so it would be my family we were involved with. And it would be wonderful if he were well off, so we didn't need to scrimp and save.
Re: Remaking Ryan (2:34pm January 24, 2016):
The worst part of a road trip for me is when you run into bad weather, especially if you are close to your destination. Do you stop, or continue on and hope you make it safely.
Re: Enchantment of a Highlander (2:31pm January 24, 2016):
After I started working, one of my goals was to spend a month's vacation in Colorado within five years. I cut down on anything I could think of to save money. Bye-bye cable tv. I also started eating more legumes instead of meat, simply to save money. During that time I also bought a small house and an economical new car. I saved enough money and vacation that I could actually go. Oh, and I stopped at San Diego on the way to Colorado to visit some family! I had a list of the places in Colorado I wanted to see and I saw them all! That was the best time in my life- I worked hard for it, and enjoyed every stress-free second!
Re: Heir To The Duke (2:20pm January 24, 2016):
at work, there was this guy who kept playing tricks on me. I made it so that he couldn't log in to his computer one day. Funny how he stopped playing tricks on me after that!
Re: Montana Wild (2:16pm January 24, 2016):
I'd move for a job I really wanted, but not more than a day's drive from my family.
Re: Justified (5:11pm December 22, 2015):
We always made spritz cookies and would use food coloring and sprinkles to add some color to them!! They tasted great, although my father would have preferred them without the added color!
Re: Divorced, Desperate, and Daring (5:08pm December 22, 2015):
I think a stapler would make a great weapon, especially a heavy duty staple gun!
Re: When Fall Fades (3:50pm November 8, 2015):
bad luck seems to follow me around, so I always think about the worst case scenario. the one that really happened was when I won a $5,000 trip for 4 to the Daytona 500. I asked the sponsor to put my brother-in-law's name on hotel room/tickets in case there was a problem with my flight - we were leaving from two different airports. Sure enough, 45 minutes before my flight was to take off, Jet Blue canceled the flight. Of course they called security first to make sure that there weren't problems with any of the irate passengers. Nothing like paying income tax on a $5000 prize that one didn't get any part of. Needless to say I will NEVER EVER fly Jet Blue again - they really don't care about their passengers. In the past, when I've had airline problems, they always bent over backwards to help get me to my destination, even if it was not on their airline.
Re: First Time With A Highlander (3:31pm October 16, 2015):
I've never been to a release party(unless you count online!) And I don't get books the day they are release(or see movies just released!) That just doesn't fit my schedule.
Re: Welcome to Hickville High (3:28pm October 16, 2015):
I've never been to Texas, but I'd like to.
Re: Last Chance Cowboys: The Drifter (2:42pm September 5, 2015):
I do the best job I can, regardless of the task.
Re: From One Night to Wife (2:42pm September 5, 2015):
my sister- she sets a great example for her kids.
Re: The Highlander's Bride (2:41pm September 5, 2015):
I like it when the women have backbone and don't act like stupid ninnies!
Re: Merger of the Heart (1:56pm August 11, 2015):
my nephew is a pretty picky eater. If he doesn't like what is being served for dinner, he'll either eat hot dogs or peanut butter and M&M sandwich.
Re: Reunion of Souls (2:09pm June 6, 2015):
I pretty much stick to fiction, although I have been known to accidentally read non-fiction, and actually enjoyed it too!
Re: 50 Ways to Ruin a Rake (2:07pm June 6, 2015):
My nephew is really smart, but isolates himself in his bedroom when he's home. My sister has gotten some time with him by playing word games with him after dinner. My nephew memorized the scrabble dictionary of 2 letter words. When I play the word games with them, I know that I will lose, and I accept that! I get a thrill when I use a word my nephew doesn't know!
Re: What Caroline Wants (5:51pm May 24, 2015):
secluded cabin in the woods!
Re: The Wood's Edge (3:38pm April 24, 2015):
I'm passionate about whatever the lastest craft I'm involved in! Currently that is beading!
Re: Nobody's Goddess (3:37pm April 24, 2015):
sounds great! Wouldn't it be wonderful to live in a village like that where there is one true love for every woman, whether she chooses to accept it or not!
Re: The Art of Losing Yourself (3:35pm April 24, 2015):
Yup, I 'what if' a lot!
Re: The Last Heiress (3:34pm April 24, 2015):
I'd love to go to Germany and France!
Re: A Touch of Passion (3:33pm April 24, 2015):
Thank goodness for google. History was never my subject! The Battle of Waterloo was fought on Sunday, 18 June 1815, near Waterloo in present-day Belgium, then part of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands
Re: Cupcakes and Crushes (3:31pm April 24, 2015):
Our family is pretty small, so we stay close(even though we sometimes drive each other CRAZY!)
Re: Duchess By Mistake (3:30pm April 24, 2015):
i think marriages of convenience probably stand a better chance of lasting. There's no 'love' that will fade. Hopefully love will grow as the two parties grow to know each other better.
Re: Where the Staircase Ends (1:53pm April 16, 2015):
favorite movie - The Incredible Journey subject in school - Math color - Blue food - ice cream
I think I'd like Sunny, but unsure about the others. If any of them smoke that is an instant friendship disqualification.
Re: Wicked Stitch (1:49pm April 16, 2015):
I'm not into museums, but I do like to attend the Renaissance Faire that is held locally.
Re: On Shifting Sand (3:31pm April 3, 2015):
ice cream and potato chips :-) WHo needs dip when you can use ice cream!
Re: The Woman of La Mancha (3:25pm April 3, 2015):
I use a program called sweep to keep track of sweepstakes I enter. I also keep important information in there, urls, passwords. When I order something online, I put that info there too, and when I get tracking URLs, they go in there too! Not exactly what the program was intended for, but it certainly makes my life easier!
Re: The Vigil (1:29pm March 8, 2015):
LOL, yes. I had worked as a computer programmer and said I spend so much time at work on a computer, I would never have one at home. Well, then I got laid off. And ended up getting a computer to help with my job search!
Re: Heartbreak Cove (1:25pm March 8, 2015):
Book sounds great! Thanks for the giveaway!
Re: As Gouda as Dead (3:29pm February 6, 2015):
My favorite event so far was attending a football game between the NY Giants and the Washington Redskins. I had won the tickets. A friend of mine suggested I bring her fiance with me since he really loves football, and I didn't know a whole lot. Oh, did I mention that one of the executives at the small company where I worked was an avid Washington Redskins fan - he thought it should be illegal to give free tickets to someone who knows nothing about football. It was cold, but we had a great time watching the NY Giants not only win the game over the Redskins, but also get a spot in the playoffs!
Re: Finding Mercy (3:19pm February 6, 2015):
I'll do anything other that what I was trying to do. Play video games, email friends & family, take a walk, read a book. Sometimes while my mind is on other things, inspiration hits!
Re: The Mulligan (3:17pm February 6, 2015):
My dream is to win a big lottery jackpot :-)
Re: Twice Tempted (5:03pm December 3, 2014):
I love series, and seeing the development of the characters. What frustrates me is when I get a book that is part of a series I haven't read, but NOT the first book. Some authors like to recap what happened in previous books, but unless it's essential to the character's development in the current book, I think it's overkill.
Re: Geared For The Grave (5:01pm December 3, 2014):
I can ride a bike, but my balance is very iffy!
Re: New Year's in Napa (4:52pm December 3, 2014):
no second chance romance for me or anyone I know. Books make the second time around so much better than real life!
Re: Charming (4:01pm September 15, 2014):
Poor Haley - she sounds like a modern-day Cinderella. Hope that she has a fairy-tale ending in your book.
Re: Flame (9:12pm August 3, 2014):
This book sounds really interesting! I will have to put it on my 'to be read' list!
Re: Frisky Business (12:14pm May 15, 2014):
aww how nice that your life has a romantic happy ending!! Book sounds good too!
Re: Wicked Little Secrets (12:09pm May 15, 2014):
uh, Atlanta was burned during the civil war! I'm sure i've learned other stuff, but i don't remember!
Re: Always Emily (11:59am May 15, 2014):
this book sounds great! I'll have to read it even if I don't win it :-)
Re: Dating, Dining, and Desperation (4:26pm March 15, 2014):
never lived in a small town where everybody knew everyone else, but I do enjoy reading about them!
Re: Free Falling (4:24pm March 15, 2014):
The books sound great! And I like that SE Jakes likes happy endings!
Re: Risk Taker (4:15pm February 1, 2014):
This series sounds great! You give enough detail so that readers have a good idea of what the books are about.
Re: Down Range (8:36pm December 1, 2013):
With your experience and all the research you did, bet this series is wonderful!
Re: Upon a Winter's Night (6:43pm November 6, 2013):
Christmas is the one time of year our whole family is together, so that is the best part.
Re: Paige Rewritten (8:11pm October 9, 2013):
Book sounds great! Hope Paige makes the better choice of the two men in her life!
Re: Jude (8:09pm October 9, 2013):
This book sounds great! Sounds like there will be a lot of angst for Jude, especially regarding his brother. I may have to read it even if I don't win it, LOL!
Re: The Good Wife (6:39pm September 3, 2013):
This book sounds great! I love when there is a series of books with the same people, so we really get to see the characters develop!
Re: Beneath the Dover Sky (3:36pm August 18, 2013):
This book sounds great! It's nice to know you do your own research instead of hiring someone to do it for you.
Re: The Amish Seamstress (3:35pm August 18, 2013):
I love reading about the Amish - thanks for giving us this chance to win THE AMISH SEAMSTRESS
Re: The Medic's Homecoming (4:44pm July 8, 2013):
I do not like zombies. I do like friendly ghosts :-) Thanks for the giveaway!
Re: True (1:25pm June 2, 2013):
college was fun, but there are both good and bad memories associated with it. Your book sounds great!
Re: Five Days in Skye (1:21pm June 2, 2013):
ooh, the book sounds great! I love when there's part of the author in one of the characters - because then the author really gives a vivid description of them!
Re: Katie's Choice (1:16pm June 2, 2013):
I love reading books about the Amish. We don't have to worry about half the book being about what they do in bed! Books about the Amish are nice!
Re: Changing Lanes (9:29pm May 15, 2013):
After having been laid off from two separate jobs after 15 years each time, I think I should have gone into a service career instead of programming. Service careers are always hiring. But no I didn't change 'lanes' although I had thought about after the first layoff.
Re: The Geek Girl And The Scandous Earl (5:29pm March 14, 2013):
This book sounds great! I like the idea of a 'geek girl' !
Re: The Eldritch Conspiracy (6:16pm February 12, 2013):
Almost without exception, books are so much better than movies based on the books. But I find that if I am watching a movie, it helps to have read the book, so that I understand what's going on.
Re: The Billionaire's Baby SOS (5:36pm February 1, 2013):
I do enjoy reading books with large families or extended families, as I grew up with a single sibling and few cousins, It's always fun reading about the interactions between them all, and the meddling!
Re: The Officer Breaks The Rules (2:11pm January 24, 2013):
I like it when friends become a couple. Much better than love at first sight!
Re: Holiday Buzz (3:34pm December 4, 2012):
I love mysteries - this one sounds great! Thanks for the giveaway!
Re: The Snow White Christmas Cookie (3:36pm November 4, 2012):
Love the idea of killing off people who annoy me! Glad you only do it on paper, LOL! I just checked my library, and they have some of your books - I'll have to check them out(I really meant read them, LOL!)! Thanks for the giveaway!
Re: Boyfriend From Hell (3:56pm September 24, 2012):
Great title! Book sounds good too! I'll have to put it on my reading list.
Re: The Last Victim (6:26pm August 5, 2012):
Good for you, sticking to your guns and writing your book YOUR way. As the song says, "You can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself " I do love your books! I'm a great fan of suspense and romance, together or separate.
Re: Going To The Bad (6:22pm August 5, 2012):
This book sounds great - wicked sense of humor - that's enough to sell me on the book!! Thanks for the giveaway!
Re: The Officer Says I DO (6:24pm July 19, 2012):
As a computer person who has sometimes worked with people who are pretty computer unsavvy, I was always fond of : PICNIC Problem in Chair Not in Computer Thanks for the giveaway!
Re: Luscious (6:21pm July 19, 2012):
I love a strong woman in a romance. I love reading about them interacting with their nieces/nephews/pets.
Re: Finding Her Son (9:23pm May 28, 2012):
Finding My Son sounds great! I'll have to put it on my to-read list!
Re: Tangle Of Need (9:22pm May 28, 2012):
Book sounds great! I love it when characters appear in more than one book!
Re: Under His Protection (3:52pm April 29, 2012):
Your books sound wonderful!! Thanks for the giveaway!
Re: A Light On The Veranda (6:11pm March 30, 2012):
ooh, Natchez sounds lovely! I've never managed to go there ... yet! I imagine it makes a wonderful setting for your book!
Re: True Highland Spirit (6:07pm March 30, 2012):
This book sounds wonderful! I love reading books with strong women in them!
Re: Donovan's Bed (4:34pm February 26, 2012):
This book sounds great! I'll have to put it on my 'to read' list! I could use some laughter!
Re: Engaged in Sin (8:18pm November 6, 2011):
Sounds wonderful! I love it when the women in books have some strength and the men aren't perfect!
Re: North of Need (8:16pm November 6, 2011):
That guy sounds like one in a million-obviously he isn't based on a real man, LOL!! The book sounds wonderful! I think I'll put it on my reading list!
Re: Chaos Tryst (1:41pm October 2, 2011):
I was going out with a guy who did 'all the right things," including asking me questions about my day. But then he'd repeat the questions later in the evening- so he was asking but not listening! Needless to say, that relationship didn't go anywhere, LOL!
Re: Sweet Justice (3:27pm September 3, 2011):
I read so much, it's really hard to remember plot lines of specific books. I had read one book where a serial killer set up several people to take the fall for his actions. What's creepy is wondering - what would one do if one were set up by a stranger and how in the world could you prove your innocence.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Re: Fezariu's Epiphany (3:41pm August 13, 2011):
It's incredible to think that anyone could come up with such a wide range of years, lands, and creatures out of their imagination! WoW!
Re: The Hat (8:00pm May 9, 2011):
wow, what an all-encompassing recollection of your mother. My parents are in their 80's and still doing ok.
Re: Haunting Jasmine (8:18pm January 30, 2011):
That book sounds great! Thanks for the giveaway!
Re: Deadly Identity (11:12pm December 30, 2010):
I'm a reader not a writer! Your DEADLY IDENTITY book sounds wonderful! And I'll put it on my 'to read' list whether I win it or not! Thanks for the giveaway!
Re: Outrageously Yours (2:32pm November 30, 2010):
ooh this book sounds great! I love nerds! Thanks for the giveaway!
Re: Second Chances (2:30pm November 30, 2010):
I think second chances are wonderful. You'd figure they have to be more stable relationship since the two people already know each other. Sadly though, sometimes second chances just don't work out.
Re: Simply Irresistible (2:37pm October 29, 2010):
These books sound great! I love series of books with characters that appear in them all! I'll certainly be adding them to my 'want to read' list!
Re: Rapture Untamed (7:59pm June 29, 2010):
I prefer books that stand by themselves. I read so much that I mix up characters from different series and different authors - very confusing!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Re: Ancient Whispers (8:32pm May 31, 2010):
Yes, I had volunteered to be a proctor for an organization's test. I hadn't realized that part of the test had me reading aloud several paragraphs. I'm pretty shy and don't talk to groups of people, but I DID make myself do it, and the guy who was watching over my proctoring said I did really well!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Re: Killer Cuts (11:18am May 12, 2009):
ooh lots of good books! Thanks for the giveaway!