February 16th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Close To You by Kara Isaac


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Also by Kara Isaac:

One Thing I Know, February 2019
Trade Size / e-Book
Then There Was You, July 2017
Paperback / e-Book
Can't Help Falling, October 2016
Trade Size / e-Book
Close To You, May 2016
Paperback / e-Book

Close To You
Kara Isaac

Howard Books
May 2016
On Sale: April 26, 2016
369 pages
ISBN: 1501117327
EAN: 9781501117329
Kindle: B010MH1HQ6
Paperback / e-Book
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Romance | Inspirational Romance

A disgraced scholar running from her past and an entrepreneur chasing his future find themselves thrown together—and fall in love—on a Tolkien tour of New Zealand.

Allison Shire (yes, like where the Hobbits live) is a disgraced academic who is done with love. Her belief in “happily ever after” ended the day she discovered her husband was still married to a wife she knew nothing about. She finally finds a use for her English degree by guiding tours through the famous sites featured in the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit movies. By living life on the road and traveling New Zealand as a luxury tour guide, Allison manages to outrun the pain of her past she can’t face.

Jackson Gregory was on the cusp of making it big. Then suddenly his girlfriend left him—for his biggest business competitor—and took his most guarded commercial secrets with her. To make matters worse, the Iowa farm that has been in his family for generations is facing foreclosure. Determined to save his parents from financial ruin, he’ll do whatever it takes to convince his wealthy great-uncle to invest in his next scheme, which means accompanying him to the bottom of the world to spend three weeks pretending to be a die-hard Lord of the Rings fan, even though he knows nothing about the stories. The one thing that stands between him and his goal is a know-it-all tour guide who can’t stand him and pegged him as a fake the moment he walked off the plane.

When Allison leads the group through the famous sites of the Tolkien movies, she and Jackson start to see each other differently, and as they keep getting thrown together on the tour, they find themselves drawn to each other. Neither expected to fall in love again, but can they find a way beyond their regrets to take a chance on the one thing they’re not looking for?

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29 comments posted.

Re: Close To You

After two days with no sleep, I'm feeling completely knackered!
(Cynthia Powers 10:32am April 29, 2016)

I was expecting a phone call from my boyfriend but never got it so I packed at sad and went out with the girls!!!
Bonnie Capuano 10:51am April 29, 2016)

Living in Wop-wops would be calm, interesting and a big
Sharon Berger 11:06am April 29, 2016)

I loved all your Kiwi phrases. It's always so cool to learn new meanings to word/phrases you may hear but have NO IDEA what they actually mean. Your books sounds like it would be an amazing read and Congrats to you and your book. Wishing you great success.
Sabrina Taylor 12:08pm April 29, 2016)

Those are some very interesting sayings! My nephew is a box of budgies... he always brings a smile to my face.
Colleen Conklin 1:05pm April 29, 2016)

Seeing my first of the season crocus and daffodils bloom made me happier than a box of budgies!
Kathleen Bylsma 2:17pm April 29, 2016)

I will pack a sad if I don't have a coffee soon..

I love these. Sharing them with my daughter.
Kirsten Kimball 6:04am April 30, 2016)

My son just spat the dummy because I said no to video games this morning :)
Jolene Allcock 2:05pm April 30, 2016)

Oh, the joys of two countries being separated by a common language! In England,NZ, and Australia (and probably South Africa, too!), not to mention Ireland and Scotland, being knackered is to be tired, fatigued, exhausted. Here in the US, it usually refers to a horse that is too old or "broken down" (whatever the heck THAT means!), and said animal is now on the way to the glue factory. (Yes, that is what used to happen to horses that were too old for whatever they were originally bred/purchased for. Bad for the horse, good for your local Luther, as glue made from the horse's hide is the best ever found for holding a string instrument together, yet being flexible enough to work with the wood as the instrument is played.
Lynn Rettig 2:31pm April 30, 2016)

When I go mushroom picking I sometimes get lost in the wop-wops!
Richard Burr 3:16pm April 30, 2016)

Flying international always makes me knackered.
Nancy Ludvik 6:05pm April 30, 2016)

I discovered that cleaning out my garage was sure hard Yakka!
Lori Byrd 6:29pm April 30, 2016)

I have been taking care of my two year old granddaughter this
week so I am completely knackered tonight but tomorrow is
Sunday so I will be a box of budgies at my home in the wops-
Connie Saunders 9:35pm April 30, 2016)

Loving all of those cute sayings. There are many that I could
add to my conversations just to see people's reactions.
Susan Sebastian 9:47pm April 30, 2016)

This new book Close To You by Kara Isaac is a bit of a dang.
Daniela Caldarola 10:25pm April 30, 2016)

My book shelves are chocka.
I have been to both islands of New Zealand two times and
loved it.
Leona Olson 4:56pm May 1, 2016)

The dog's a bit manky after his walk in the park, time for
a good bath.
Nancy Krueger 12:16pm May 2, 2016)

It's a good thing it's trash day, my garbage can is chocka.
Laurie Bergh 10:58am May 2, 2016)

I'm knackered from 12 hours of driving on Saturday!
Sharlene Wegner 11:13am May 2, 2016)

thanks for this great chance!
Barb Devine 3:56pm May 2, 2016)

My mother was born in the Wop-Wops.
Mary Smith 7:00pm May 2, 2016)

CLothes are pretty Manky - must be time to do laundry!
Joanne Schultz 4:04pm May 3, 2016)

I am hard yakka from cleaning up some of the yard.
Marilyn Collins 6:04pm May 3, 2016)

thanks for the chance to read your book
Angie White 7:15pm May 3, 2016)

the laundry basket is “Chocka" so I need to get busy and do the laundry.
Melinda Marks 10:08pm May 3, 2016)

That boy is certainly a cracker-jack.
Joan Thrasher 10:34am May 4, 2016)

There is something disturbing about a person (child or adult) who continually spats the dummy.
Cathy Burkhead 1:58pm May 4, 2016)

Nice slang! I grew up in the wop-wops, myself.
Mary Ann Dimand 7:33pm May 4, 2016)

interesting slang. And the book sounds interesting.
Deb Pelletier 10:22pm May 4, 2016)

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