February 9th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

The Art of Losing Yourself by Katie Ganshert


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Also by Katie Ganshert:

Say I Do, December 2022
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book (reprint)
Say I Do, January 2021
Paperback / e-Book
No One Ever Asked, April 2018
Trade Size / e-Book
The Art of Losing Yourself, April 2015
Paperback / e-Book
A Broken Kind Of Beautiful, April 2014
Paperback / e-Book

The Art of Losing Yourself
Katie Ganshert

April 2015
On Sale: April 21, 2015
ISBN: 1601425929
EAN: 9781601425928
Kindle: B00N6PFBZA
Paperback / e-Book
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Women's Fiction | Inspirational

Just like in my dream, I was drowning and nobody even noticed.

Every morning, Carmen Hart pastes on her made-for-TV smile and broadcasts the weather. She’s the Florida panhandle’s favorite meteorologist, married to everyone’s favorite high school football coach. They’re the perfect-looking couple, live in a nice house, and attend church on Sundays. From the outside, she’s a woman who has it all together. But on the inside, Carmen Hart struggles with doubt. She wonders if she made a mistake when she married her husband. She wonders if God is as powerful as she once believed. Sometimes she wonders if He exists at all. After years of secret losses and empty arms, she’s not so sure anymore.

Until Carmen’s sister—seventeen year old runaway, Gracie Fisher—steps in and changes everything. Gracie is caught squatting at a boarded-up motel that belongs to Carmen’s aunt, and their mother is off on another one of her benders, which means Carmen has no other option but to take Gracie in. Is it possible for God to use a broken teenager and an abandoned motel to bring a woman’s faith and marriage back to life? Can two half-sisters make each other whole?

No awards found for this book.


25 comments posted.

Re: The Art of Losing Yourself

Sometime but things happen for a reason.
(Marissa Yip-Young 5:53am April 24, 2015)

What if ... all people had the opportunity to follow their
educational dreams. What a richer, happier world this
would be.
Deb Philippon 12:02pm April 24, 2015)

Yes. What if is always a dream and a thought since that is
Sharon Berger 12:48pm April 24, 2015)

Thanks so much for hosting me! Always a pleasure meeting new readers!
Kate Ganshert 1:12pm April 24, 2015)

nope can't really say that I play the game of what it. life is a little to full with the family and job to do any real what if daydreaming.
Angela Parrish 2:28pm April 24, 2015)

Yup, I 'what if' a lot!
Joanne Schultz 3:35pm April 24, 2015)

Sometimes I ask what if??? I think I did it most when I was
on my cancer journey and wondered what if my sister and mom
had not passed away but they were here and that they could
help and encourage me. But then reality sets in and you just
have to deal with what life sends your way. My faith does
help a lot so I try to trust more and stop wondering what
Maryann Skaritka 7:32pm April 24, 2015)

What if you could go back in time? Would you make different choices, and
if you did, wouldn't it impact the rest of your life as you know it? For all the
missteps and mistakes, I wouldn't trade my life because I wouldn't have the
family or friends that I have.
Saundra Thompson 9:19pm April 24, 2015)

I have always been an optimist and don't take time to ponder "what ifs"
Joy Isley 9:32pm April 24, 2015)

Maryann Skaritka & Marissa Yip-Young - I really like what
you posted and although it is meant to answer the author's
question and to win a prize I agree and I'm grateful you
posted this.
Holly Loch 11:22pm April 24, 2015)

I used to think what if but I'm happy with life as it is now.
Nadine Stacy 4:20am April 25, 2015)

I often think "what if" I could travel back in time and meet Queen Elizabeth and tell her about her descendants Queen Victoria and her namesake Queen Elizabeth II. However I wouldn't want to stay there, I'm to attached to my comfortable life!
Lesley Walsh 7:22am April 25, 2015)

Yes, sometimes when I re-read a book and come to some tragedy,
I always wish the characters were makingvdifferent choices.
Rebecca Dewey 9:08am April 25, 2015)

When I was younger, I used to play "what if" in my mind a
lot, but never acted on it, thank goodness!! I think some
of those would have gotten me arrested, or perhaps a
different life. Now that I'm older, I still play, but my
"what ifs" are quite toned down, as am I. I hope that makes
sense to you. Perhaps some of them would have made for a
good book, such as you have done. For now, I only have one
book in my mind, and all I'm waiting for is the spare time
to put pen to paper. Your book sounds really good, and I've
put it on my TBR list to read this Spring. The cover is
beautifully done, too!! Congratulations on what I'm sure
will be a big hit!!
Peggy Roberson 11:19am April 25, 2015)

This seems to be a "story" about real people with real feelings like you and
me. We all have felt these feelings all the time. Some expressible. Some
not. I think I understand where you you were when Carmen Hart was
Kantu Malhotra 1:59pm April 25, 2015)

Yes, I do - like, what if I had the money to pay every thing off then I could afford to work part time, go on more vacations, read more, and drink more tea.
Debra Wolsleben 8:49pm April 25, 2015)

Yes, I play "what if" also . What if I could go back in time and do lots of things different. I tell myself I would do things very much different .But who knows ?
Joan Thrasher 4:28pm April 26, 2015)

I was thinking about things I had not done yesterday but said
that was OK because I did something else with that time. If I
think what if; it is I wish I could have done more for
Leona Olson 8:07pm April 26, 2015)

What iffing doesn't really serve a purpose, does it? But the book sounds interesting non the less.
Christine Schultz 8:40pm April 26, 2015)

Not really I live more in the moment!
Denise Austin 10:29am April 27, 2015)

When I used to drive from Kentucky to South Carolina and
back, I would look at houses I was travelling past and
wonder what that family was doing. What was their life
like? I would always think "What if that were me?" My
husband and I always play the what if game. What if we just
picked up and left where we are? What if we were in a
position to pursue our dreams? Go where we want to go? Do
what we want to do? For right now, those things aren't
possible. We are always waiting for one more child to leave
the nest. When they are all gone though, that's when our
what ifs will become reality.
Val Pearson 11:35am April 27, 2015)

I hope I'm not too late to enter. It would be awesome to win. =)
Ashley B. 12:04pm April 27, 2015)

Yes, but if I do 'what if' too much, I get discouraged.
Connie Sahn 12:29pm April 27, 2015)

My husband and I play what if all the time. Mostly about vacations. What if
we could go to Portugal, etc.
Connie Williamson 7:50pm April 27, 2015)

I like to play the 'what if' game. It scares my husband . . .:-)
Julie Robinson 5:48pm April 29, 2015)

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