Karen Gervasi
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95 comments posted.
Re: Beeline To Trouble (8:08am January 19, 2013):
Loved cozy mysteries from the first time I read one. This sounds like so much fun. Everyone needs a little romance in their life and juicy is good!
Re: How I Came To Sparkle Again (3:32pm November 29, 2012):
Directions to our house are pretty straightforward as we live close to a state road. One caveat - if you're relying on gps be aware it will say our house is on the wrong side of the road no matter what direction you're coming from.
Our old house was easy too - just over the hill and turn at the second gate to the cemetery. We're across the street.
Re: A Christmas Bride / Christmas Beau (6:57am November 27, 2012):
I love Christmas books! Such a generous giveaway. Wishing you peaceful and joyous holidays.
Re: A Brew To A Kill (8:17am August 7, 2012):
That's interesting about Murder by Mocha - really good book by the way. I enjoyed it! Looking forward to the latest.
Re: The Last Victim (8:11am August 6, 2012):
I think Shakespeare said it best - "to thine own self be true". Follow your own heart and you will be in good stead. Your books are fabulous the way YOU write them.
Re: Wicked At Heart (6:48am July 28, 2012):
SOunds fantastic! That was a truism about the hero setting the tone. You really took it to heart and ran with it. I like strong heroines who can steer their man in the right direction.
Re: Dark Crossings (11:20am July 11, 2012):
I love Amish fiction! Marta Perry is one of my faves as is Vanetta Chapman and Barbara Cameron. Would so love to read this one. It sounds fantastic!
Re: Copycat Killing (8:59am June 6, 2012):
Well, sort of - the actor Alex O'Loughlin ¢¾ (plays Steve McGarrett on HI - 5-0) is so gorgeous and likeable. It's a little embarassing to admit seeing that he is 30 years younger than I am. I can see your fascination with Matt Lauer, though. :)
Re: Homefront Hero (7:38am April 25, 2012):
I like a hero with the strengh of his own convictions. No wishy washy spineless heros for me!
Re: The Zen Man (6:50pm April 18, 2012):
Not "hot" in the traditional way, but I always liked Ellery Queen - so smart!
Re: A Plain Death (8:04am April 14, 2012):
Nicole sounds like one smart cookie! I love Amish stories and can't wait to read yours.
Re: Mariana (7:31am April 12, 2012):
Whatever format your books are in - they are terrific! I loved The Winter Sea and The Rose Garden. So goood!!! I like reading stories that are set before all this technology took over our lives. Thank you for many hours of sheer enjoyment.
Re: Woodrose Mountain (11:27am April 4, 2012):
Sounds wonderful - I've always been on the side of the "underdog" so to speak. It's heartwarming when someone overcomes difficulties and become stronger because of it.
Re: A Light On The Veranda (2:21pm March 30, 2012):
Setting is definitely a character. Your book Cottage by the Sea (one of my favorite all time reads) is a good example of that. I felt like I was There!!
Re: True Highland Spirit (2:19pm March 30, 2012):
Thank you for not featuring a simpering female!!! We need strong women to look up to.
Re: Sticks and Stones (11:24am March 23, 2012):
My daughter, Steph. She's clever, witty and erudite.
Re: The Needle In The Blood (7:25am March 16, 2012):
I've read a little bit about this tapestry before but I had no idea it was 230 feet long. Phew! That's a lot of stitching. The whole concept is just amazing!
Re: The Angel Of Blythe Hall (6:56am December 30, 2011):
The unexpected kindle - now I can take my books with me everywhere.
Re: Finding Felicity (5:49am December 23, 2011):
Keeping in mind this is NOT a commercial holiday. Merry Christmas to you and yours. Your books sounds absolutely wonderful.
Re: Mistletoe and Margaritas (7:40am December 10, 2011):
I lived in New England for 52 years and have been in FL for 12 - I'd move back to New Eng. in a heartbeat but hubby loves it here! Of course I'd have to take a 3 month vacation during Jan, Feb and March.
Re: Wild Thing (8:45am December 5, 2011):
Definitely!!! The men my daughters married are the polar opposites of them.
Re: The Earl's Mistaken Bride (6:26am November 30, 2011):
Sounds like a great story. I love books where there isn't too much unhappiness too. The world is tough enough. Give me an uplifting lemonade ending and I am one happy reader!
Re: Risking Trust (7:15am November 8, 2011):
Definitely overrated! The "perfect" individuals seem like plastic to me.If everyone were perfect we could be like robots! In books, who doesn't love the character that makes mistakes and learns from them.
Re: Liver Let Die (8:43am November 5, 2011):
They are important and should not be given frivolously. Why someone would name their child "Apple" to me is just plain stupid. Doesn't make me think well of the parents and consequently who would take seriously someone named after a fruit?
Re: Always a Temptress (7:54am November 3, 2011):
Love Nora Roberts Bride trilogy and Susan Wiggs's Lakeshore Chronicles. Fabulous characters!
Re: Utterly Charming (8:52am October 19, 2011):
Not sure about the lawyer angle ;) but sleeping beauty is such a classic.
Re: Attracted to Fire (9:31am October 18, 2011):
Pecan honey butter sounds yummy! Unfortunately, the only place in TX I have been is a layover at the Dallas airport. I guess that doesn't count!
Re: To Sketch A Thief (7:54am September 17, 2011):
I wanted to name our daughter Kristen until just a couple of weeks before she was born, the hubby says he didn't really like that name. I said it's been my choice for about 8 months now and he said, I figured you'd "get over it". Then I had to come up with another one. I saw the name Stephanie in a magazine and loved it and that was ok for him too.
Re: The Dragon And The Pearl (6:32am September 14, 2011):
Oh, this sounds so wonderful! I love stories set in China with a lot of history and romance.
Re: No Proper Lady (8:31am September 12, 2011):
This one soounds so exciting!! I'm into Simon's world already! You had me at "occult societies".
Re: Deep Disclosure (8:40am September 7, 2011):
I live in the now as the past is something I can't change and the future looks pretty bleak so just taking it a day at a time. I loved Dark Deceptions!
Re: Deadly Descent (6:25am September 5, 2011):
Sealed with a Ring by Mary Margaret Daughtridge was a very enjoyable book. Love those Seals!
Re: Bel Air (6:53am September 4, 2011):
I thought I was the only one in the blogisphere whose favorite ice cream is peppermint. I love it! For some reason the world thinks it is a s easonal flavor and I can only seem to find it around Christmas. I love the cover of your book - so enticing!
Re: Red's Hot Cowboy (6:12am August 24, 2011):
If it's half as good as One Lucky Cowboy, I'll be thrilled. Sounds like a real hot read.
Re: Lucky Girl (6:51am August 23, 2011):
My first date gave me a nickel since Valentine's day was the next day and now after 45 years of marriage he still gives me a nickel on Feb 13th.
Re: The Orphan Sister (5:51am August 17, 2011):
Summer in Scituate MA meant fishing and going to the beach on a daily basis. It's funny reading your post as it made me wonder what my mother did while my friends and I went to the beach.
Re: The Vampire Next Door (8:01am August 15, 2011):
Strange Neighbors was such a fun read! I'd love to catch up with the characters in this new one. Sounds great!
Re: Fezariu's Epiphany (6:30am August 13, 2011):
This sounds like a colossal epic and an exciting one at that. I too am a lover of history. Your mention of the 500 maps really grabbed my attention. What is more intriguing than a map?
Re: The Landlord's Black-Eyed Daughter (8:07am August 10, 2011):
I always loved The Highwayman as a poem and Lorena McKennet singing it. Great!
Re: Making Waves (6:26am August 8, 2011):
Great choices! I'd be hard pressed to come up with current actors too. Meg was a cutie in her heyday but Kate Hudson is a good choice now.
Re: The Lady Of The Storm (7:01am August 4, 2011):
I love it when the writer is able to mentally transport me to the scene and make me feel I am actually there. Such talent!
Re: Lie for Me (6:48am August 2, 2011):
A dilemma for sure! Sounds like an exciting read.
Re: Undead And Undermined (4:36pm July 22, 2011):
Giggles for sure on your posting! Thanks for sharing your whining. What kind of cheese would you like to go with that?
Re: A Spark of Death (6:50am July 15, 2011):
Sounds like an auspicious start to a new series. I wish you much success with your new sleuth!
Re: The Crepe Makers' Bond (8:34am July 13, 2011):
self assured - I am not! In fact I feel I have low self esteem and it shows so I was stunned when a co worker said you're always so confident and outgoing. Huh? Me? Wow, do I have you fooled! Unconsciously of course. Your book sounds terrific!
Re: Magnificent Passage (4:19pm July 12, 2011):
Wow, I haven't heard that term (bodice ripper) in ages. You're right though - they were a fun read!
Re: Fallen (7:27am June 29, 2011):
Law enforcement doesn't get half the credit they deserve these days. I've read such fantastic reviews of your books, I can't wait to read this one.
Re: Night Veil (8:26am June 27, 2011):
Batman! He's much more believable than superman and seriously, who wouldn't want to have a batcave and Alfred the butler?
Re: Missing Persons (6:37pm June 25, 2011):
Sounds most intriguing!
Re: The Lost Summer Of Louisa May Alcott (10:51am June 15, 2011):
Little Women and Little Men will always be favorites of mine. I've read Little Women several times and still enjoy it.
Re: Louisa And The Missing Heiress (10:50am June 15, 2011):
Oh, definitely! Sometimes I find myself wondering what they are up to months after finishing a book. That's the mark of a good writer who can flesh out the characters so much it's hard to believe they aren't real.
Re: Money Shot (5:45am June 10, 2011):
I think setting has a lot to do with it.I'm drawn to places in New England by the water or England lake district for some reason.Where ever it is, I want to have a sense of place. The author needs to be able to put me in the scene emotionally and mentally.
Re: The Gin & Chowder Club (7:08am May 31, 2011):
This sounds like such a memorable story, one that will stay with the reader. Your example from The Bridges of Madison County brought that scene back clearly to my mind. I love books set on the Cape as I am a transplanted New Englander and miss it like crazy!
Re: Wickedly Charming (7:38am May 16, 2011):
Sounds like a terrific read! Who doesn't love a HEA ending?
Re: The Hat (8:11am May 9, 2011):
What a heart wrenching story of your Mom and such an honor to read something so personal. The most vivid memories I have of my mother are of her valiant struggle with cancer. I was only 13 when she was diagnosed and she fought so hard to live to see me graduate from high school and then go to college and get married.She died when I was 20 years old and I often wonder how my life would have been different if she had lived for at least another 15-20 years. I would have liked my children to have known their grandmother.
Re: Deadly Promises (10:21am May 8, 2011):
This sounds like a wonderful read. God bless the Navy Seals!
Re: The Shadow Guard (6:41am April 5, 2011):
Ha! Ranger from Evanovitch's Stephanie Plum books. Yow, he sounds hot!!
Re: An Unlikely Countess (7:14am March 19, 2011):
I love the "glitz and the glamor" in books. My life has no glitz or glamor so it's sheer escapism to read about it in stories.
Re: Angel Sister (6:18am March 18, 2011):
This sounds like a wonderful read! For some reason, this time frame never fails to intrigue me.
Re: Angel's Rest (8:18am March 12, 2011):
If Susan Wiggs says to read it, I'd love to! Her books are wonderful and if yours are in that vein, then I'd really like to read the series.
Re: Against the Law (10:08am March 1, 2011):
$4000.00 is probably more than you would net in selling real estate now the way things are. You did the right thing, or should I say the "write" thing! Romantic suspense is one of my favorite genres.
Re: RiverTime (11:13am February 16, 2011):
Reading is the best escape for anywhere in the world. Your books sounds not only a great escape but a really exciting read.
Re: Dangerous Secrets (7:38am February 11, 2011):
That was a life altering decision for sure. Must have been fate. Love the title - anything with a secret in it is bound to be a good book. Thanks for the drawing.
Re: The Mistress' House (6:40am February 10, 2011):
sounds like the perfect read for Valentines day!
Re: Deadly Ties (9:51am February 7, 2011):
you couldn't be more right about things are not always what they seem and who knows what goes on behind closed doors. Your book sounds most intriguing.
Re: The Mysterious Lady Law (6:38am February 4, 2011):
Wow, does this sound terrific! I like the Victorian time frame aspect and strong women are appealing in a story.
Re: The Irish Princess (2:13pm February 1, 2011):
Sounds fantastic - there's just something so compelling about Ireland and this one sounds really good.
Re: At Hidden Falls (7:38am January 25, 2011):
I can remember going to the library with my mother at a very young age. I used to love The Bobbsey Twins and The Five Little Peppers and then on to Nancy Drew. (I'm really dating myself)! To this day, I still love to escape in a book - no day is complete without reading for a few hours.
Re: Fatal Justice (6:23am January 6, 2011):
Love these types of books! This one sounds really exciting too. It must be hard writing a series just to keep it fresh and not sound repetitive after a while. Any time you can get your daughter to help you will be a plus. Who knows, maybe she'll follow in your footsteps. Have a wonderful 2011!
Re: Cowboys Never Cry (10:40am December 29, 2010):
Sometimes it's easy to see yourself or someone you know in a character but I guess they are all an amalgamation of differing personalities and traits. I think your hubby should tell "Deb" he's the sexiest, strongest most loveable one of your characters of course. How could she not know? Lol!
Re: Double Cross (9:33am December 22, 2010):
Sounds interesting like rooting for the underdog but with a twist. Happy holidays to you!
Re: Murder In Plain Sight (9:31am December 18, 2010):
I'm not sure what the Amish appeal is but I know it appeals to me. I love books with the Amish in them and certainly don't associate anything violent with this sect. So, a murder mystery sounds most intriguing. Maybe it's a simpler way of life and the fact that they all help each other so much that appeals to so many people. I read The Amish Cook in my local newspaper and it amazes me how they band together to do what is necessary and how they support one another.
Re: Sparks (6:30am December 3, 2010):
Your book sounds exciting! Count me in, please. Here's to a happy and healthy holiday season.
Re: Outrageously Yours (9:12am November 30, 2010):
I'm married to a nerd and wouldn't change him for anybody! Nerds rule!!
Re: Honky Tonk Christmas (7:52am November 19, 2010):
I'm so thankful they caught my cancer early and I just got a clean bill of health with the pathology report. I'm thankful for the love and support of my wonderful family. I wish you a most happy and blessed Thanksgiving with your family.
Re: The Christmas Clock (7:27am November 15, 2010):
My hubby's sister has had Alzheimers for three years now and does not even know her own husband or children. A Christmas miracle wish for any family who has been touched by this disease would be finding a cure.
Your book sounds wonderful. Have a happy holiday!
Re: The Forever Queen (8:09am November 11, 2010):
I love reading about strong women in history and Queen Emma sounds like an intriguing person.
Re: Holiday Grind (7:17am November 5, 2010):
today I'm just thinking about birthday cake but around the holidays, there's nothing quite like a nice gingerbread man ( in cookie form that is) with raisin eyes and buttons.
Re: The Snow Globe (8:01am November 3, 2010):
If we could put the night our granddaughter was born in a snowglobe, it would be wonderful. Such an emotional night for all our family. The love and closeness was almost palpable.
Re: The Spy Who Saved Christmas (8:05am October 4, 2010):
Quite the sense of humor you have- "who wants to created spreadsheets and pp presentations in their spare time?" No one I know! Painting is a great hobby. I'll have to check out your work. Personally, reading is my first leisure time love and then knitting.
Your book sounds exciting and full of action. Thanks for the giveaway!
Re: Sinful in Satin (11:58am October 1, 2010):
I'm always me but they are generally more like night mares when I am stressed out.
Re: Love Me (7:16am September 24, 2010):
Print books win with me. from a marketing stand point, I think just the man on the cover as the female book buyer would like to insert her own mental image with the hot guy.
Re: For the King's Favor (11:11am September 22, 2010):
I can't even imagine the amount of research this must take to write a book of this caliber. The cover is just gorgeous and I would love to read the story. Thanks for the contest.
Re: Petals From The Sky (2:28pm September 20, 2010):
This sounds so interesting. I find stories set in Asia riveting and strong women characters are the absolute best. Throw in a few sparkling cities like Manhattan and Paris and I would be in heaven reading this one. I find reading about Buddhism and other world religions fascinating.
Re: Wicked Highlander (7:30am September 15, 2010):
I'd love to read the book. We've watched Higlander on TV and really enjoy it. Have a great week!
Re: Warrior (3:09pm September 11, 2010):
Unfortunately I've not had any in person encounters but several times I reviewed books on my blog and the author left a very nice comment. Made me feel so honored! Cloudy and looks like rain here - off to finish my mystery. Have a great week!
Re: Royal Blood (6:17pm September 4, 2010):
I love seeing another part of the world through characters' eyes.
Re: Deadly Fear (2:00pm August 26, 2010):
i love those FBI kinds of books. Scary mind sets of the serial killers they chase.
Re: The Smuggler And The Society Bride (10:07am August 4, 2010):
I can't stand books set in the future so the past is my answer. I like strong heroines not wishy washy ones. Your book sounds like a lot of fun! Count me in the giveaway, please.
Re: The Goddess of Fried Okra (9:00am August 2, 2010):
This sounds fascinating. I wish I could find my sister's reincarnation.
Re: Monster in Miniature (8:19am July 30, 2010):
A close minded reader misses out on a lot of good books. Sometimes it's good to step out of your comfort zone. your book looks like a lot of fun! Count me in, please.
Re: The Ark (9:10am July 28, 2010):
This sounds fantastic! Hubby and I both love these types of thrillers. The coincidences of the oil rig are eerily chilling.
Re: Tomb With A View (8:24am July 20, 2010):
I truly believe in ghosts. My daughter and I both saw the same one several times in our old house. Your series sounds wonderful!
Re: Murder in the Abstract (4:54pm July 14, 2010):
What is it that is sooo appealing about the "bad boy"? Please enter me in your drawing. Your book sounds like a lot of fun. Thanks!
Re: Crush On You (2:35pm July 7, 2010):
Much better chance for the relationship to survive than the instant lover thing.