Both Wyatt and Julianna had their lives changed forever in
the summer of 1986 in Oklahoma City. As a young teenager,
Wyatt is spending the summer working in a movie theater and
hanging out with his friends. It all comes to an end when
masked gunmen break into the theater
I have fallen completely in love with Ann Aguirre's new
adult series! Even though these characters are young enough
to be my children (sigh), Ms. Aguirre uses them to address
universal themes to which we can all relate. I know what
it's like to struggle with uncertainty, fear
Lucky O'Toole and her colorful assortment of friends and
family are back with a new and outrageous Las Vegas murder
mystery. Lucky is adjusting to her new relationship with
Jean-Charles Bouclet, chef at the family owned Strip
casino/hotel where Lucky is VP of Customer Relations. Her
I am a big fan of KJ Charles' Magpie series so I approached
THINK OF ENGLAND with a bit of hesitation. Would I enjoy
this m/m historical romance that lacked the supernatural
elements I found so intriguing in the Magpie books? I am
happy to report that I thoroughly
Sweet Haley Summers wants to do something special for her
neighbor's birthday so she writes the McMillian Charitable
Foundation and asks that they help Dr. Maureen Chandler find
the baby she gave up for adoption a long time ago. The
foundation doesn't usually fulfill these types of requests
I have to start by admitting that I have resisted the whole
"new adult" genre that has entered the romance market. I
think it's a combination of not being impressed by the one I
read and the fact that I deal with college students on a
daily basis so
Gina Gray is a brilliant scientist with a penchant for
finding simple solutions to complex problems that can change
the world. She has chosen to focus her current efforts on
the science and application of sonar and satellite
technology for use by the Navy in order to better protect
President Peter Matthews was introduced in The Night is
Mine as the childhood best friend of Captain Emily Beale
and a man whose very life was in danger due to the actions
of some of those closest to him. As a widower and sitting
president of the United
COLD SNAP is an atypical addition to the Lucy Kincaid series
but just as thrilling and exciting as any book from Allison
Brennan. Set in the days just before the entire Kincaid
family gathers in San Diego for Christmas for the first time
in many years, COLD SNAP is basically
With the Come Again series, centered on a group of old and
new friends with ties to the sex shop Come Again, Miranda
Baker writes erotica for the 21st century. Though she
generally adheres to the boy-meets-girl expectations of the
romance genre, Ms. Baker has crafted intriguing characters
I am fascinated by K.J. Charles\' A Charm of Magpies series
featuring Stephan Day and Lucien Vaudrey, the Earl Crane,
and set in an alternate version of Victorian England in
which magic is an acknowledged presence in the world.
Stephan is a justiciar who polices abuses of magic and Read more...
Fans of Shannon McKenna's McCloud series have learned to
love geeky, techy,
not-quite-as-tough-and-handsome-as-the-brothers Miles
Davenport. While his contribution to each mission has always
been valuable, it has often been background support. When
he last went on a covert operation, Miles was Read more...
My favorite
Heather Wells, is back and determined to have a murder free
academic year so she can focus on getting her long-delayed
bachelor\'s degree and planning her wedding to Private
Investigator Cooper Cartwright. As is typical in Heather
Bryce Bishop, a Chicago coin dealer, is thinking and praying
about feeling bored and dissatisfied with his life when he
encounters a mysterious woman waiting for him outside of his
shop. He is horrified when this woman, Charlotte Graham,
leads him into the store next to his and he discovers Read more...
Raven Smith, the straight-talking tattoo artist who has
woven her way through the Lauren Dane's Brown Family saga,
is someone the other characters either love or distrust. She
lives her life honestly and by her own rules, something not
everyone understands. Raven is loyal to those she loves Read more...
Allison Leotta has become my go-to author when I\'m in the
mood for a legal thriller. SPEAK OF THE DEVIL more than
satisfied my craving for a well-crafted and suspenseful
story full of unexpected twists and turns. I am a life-long
reader so it takes a
Maddie Callahan, forensic photographer at the Delphi Center
crime lab, never expected that her side-business taking
engagement and wedding photos would put her life in danger.
After photographing a couple in the park, Maddie is mugged
and almost hit by fleeing vehicle. When the FBI starts
asking questions, she
Rebekah Blake is worried about her brother Dave who is
recovering from an accident that may have left him paralyzed
(see Hot Ticket). She's thrilled, though, to be asked
to fill-in for him as Sinners' front of house engineer.
Rebekah needs a chance to prove she
I don't typically read m/m romance or books with paranormal
themes so I'm not exactly sure what drew me to THE MAGPIE
LORD, the story of a man who falls in love with the magician
he hires to remove the evil haunting him. Maybe it was the Read more...
Fans of Joey W. Hill's Knights of the Boardroom series have
wondered about super-efficient admin Janet Albright and sexy
limo driver Maxwell Ackerman. In WILLING SACRIFICE, we're
treated not only to their backstory but to their discovery
of each other as more than co-workers. Ms. Hill Read more...
Maria Munoz
One of six children, and the middle
daughter to boot, I very rarely got
control of the television while growing
up. So I entertained myself by
reading, and found a passion that has
lasted a lifetime. My love of reading
comes from my love of language. Words
fascinate me. David Tennant is my
favorite Dr. Who, in part, because he
regularly plays with words (Allons e!).
My favorite book is The Time Traveler's
Wife because I love the lyrical quality
of the writing. I read many different
genres, but lean towards contemporary
romance, romantic suspense, cozy
mysteries, and anything humorous. I can
always be found with a book and never
hesitate to pull it out if I have time
to kill. In addition to my day job, I
am a copy editor for FreshFiction, and
co-host of the Fort Worth chapter of
the DFW Tea book clubs.
This isn't a genre I'm usually drawn to but with this kind of fan love, I'll have to check it out. I shudder to think what our world would be like if the Vampires were part of the battle.
I've been in the same place for about 5 years, which is a new record for me since I began living on my own. Haven't livid anywhere exotic, but each place had it's own charm.
I'm a big fan of the reality shows- particularly the competition shows like Top Chef. I will definitely have to read your book since it includes my other favorite thing- suspense.
I can see why the police might have thought you were stalking or stealing. I get really pulled in by dialogue, but good world building is what makes a book special.
Loved your True Colors and True Visions. When will Sam's story be out? I can watch that episode of Buffy over and over again. I also like Oz seeing Willow from afar and falling instantly in love, and how this built over several episodes until they finally met.
I'm really intrigued by the plot of your book. I agree that the hero/heroine need to contrast to make it interesting, as long as the attraction makes sense (however illogical that sense may be sometimes).
I would have to go with family gathered around the tree to open presents on Christmas morning. I guess that's three- family, tree, and presents. When we can, we make tamales, which are always a special occasion food because they are so time consuming to make (but worth the effort!). Your book sounds exciting.
DFW Tea Readers group and Readers 'n 'ritas have been a great source for discovering new authors. This year I was introduced to Louisa Edwards, Nikki Duncan, and Annette Blair, among others.
Now that I understand it's just stress, my teeth falling out dream doesn't bother me. But I must admit, the first thing I do when I wake up is check my teeth.
I remember at least part of my dream on most mornings. My dreams are very story-like, probably from I'll the books I've read. My recurrent stress dream is all my teeth falling out. Which reminds me, I need to make a dentist appointment.
I am a life long fan or romance or books with romantic elements, going back to "The Witch of Blackbird Pond", "My Sister Mike", and Meg and Calvin in "A Wrinkle in Time"
I feel like I'm in a reading funk now. You give a great description of how it feels. Maybe I'll see if Zoe Archer can get me out of it. Thanks for the suggestion.
Hi. I am not good a keeping track of what I read. I just pick up a book. I'm guessing I read 8-12 books in May- lots of Shelly Laurenston and Susuan Wiggs.
When I'm too tired or stressed to deal with a new book, I pull out my old favorites for comfort and (imaginary) friendship. Going way back- Jo Beverly, Loretta Chase, Evelyn Crowe, Jennifer Cruise. More recent favorites are Robyn Carr and Shelly Laurensten.
Had a great time at the last Readers and Ritas and am looking forward to going again this year. You can't beat a day talking about books and meeting authors.
I pay attention to the background description if it helps define the characters and/or move the story forward. Too much description and I start skimming.
Hi. I'm behind on reading Novak and Anderson, I'll have to catch-up. I was enjoying Laurien Berenson's dog show mysteries and was sad to see she won't be writing any more. Maria