February 18th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Erin Fender

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102 comments posted.

Re: Flirting Under A Full Moon (9:49pm April 11, 2013):

thanks for sharing! This sounds like a lot of fun! COngrats to
Ashlyn on the new release!

Re: Bite Me, Your Grace (9:48pm April 11, 2013):

THis sounds fantastic! Thanks for sharing and congrats on the
new release!

Re: Hot Ticket (10:15am March 1, 2013):

loyalty, a good sense of humor and a great sounding board!
Thanks for sharing!

Re: The Eldritch Conspiracy (5:25pm February 12, 2013):

Depends... I loved the HP movies and books but there have
been some that were terrible. Congrats on the new release!

Re: The Autumn Bride (3:21pm January 31, 2013):

congrats on the new release! I don't belong but I would love

Re: Christmas On Mimosa Lane (11:23am November 8, 2012):


Thanks for the fun post and congrats on the newest release :)

Re: Conjure (11:55am November 2, 2012):

Thanks for a fun post and congrats on the new release! Bleh...
I don't like zombies!!! But I love to watch/read about them :)

Re: Night Thief (11:41pm October 25, 2012):

thanks for a great post and congrats on the newest release! I
love PNR historicals :)

Re: Sultry With A Twist (10:41am October 19, 2012):

LOL! I can only imagine the awkwardness! People can be sooo
rude! This book sounds fantastic! Thanks for the wonderful
post and giveaway :)

Re: Tall, Dark, and Divine (8:36am October 16, 2012):

thanks for a fun post and congrats on the newest release!
Sounds fantastic!

Re: Run The Risk (3:42pm October 11, 2012):

thanks for a fun post and congrats ont he new release!

Re: Lady X's Cowboy (1:55pm October 8, 2012):

Thanks for a fun post!!! And congrats on the new release!

OmG... yes!!! My family is very religious so I learned the
fine art of swapping dust covers and making mmp covers. Now,
it's not so bad. I'm an avid reader (and an adult) and
friends and family pretty much leave me alone. But... I
love, love, love my Kindle. I can finally read at work some
of the more "scandalous" books that I would've kept at home
in the past.

Re: Against His Will (1:51pm October 8, 2012):

thanks for a fun post and congrats on the new release!

Re: Wild Encounter (3:19pm October 7, 2012):

thanks for the great post and congrats on the release! it's
sounds intriguing!

Re: Charming Blue (10:20am September 21, 2012):

Thanks for a great post and congrats on the new release! I
just got the first two books and I can't wait to read them :)

Re: Deadly Little Lies (12:00pm September 18, 2012):

Thanks for a great post!! Congrats on the newest release!
Ummm... I think the book(s) that springboarded my love of
reading was the Harper Hall Trilogy by Anne McCaffrey

Re: Finding Sarah (10:12am September 17, 2012):

Thanks for a great post! I don't really have a preference. I'm
along for the ride and I'll go where ever the author wants to
take me :)

Re: The Curse (1:23pm September 16, 2012):

Thanks for a very thoughtful post! While I have a Kindle and
love it, I still buy a lot of books in paper format. 1)
because while I love the Kindle, the prices are still a bit
high and if I'm going to buy full retail price, I'm gonna
get a paper book 2) I still the look, feel and experience of
reading a paper book and that won't change. My "Keeper"/TBR
bookshelves (yes, plural!) will always be full (also b/c I
love, love, love the half price bookstore). So I'm a mixed
bag b/c the Kindle allows me to try new authors b/c they are
cheap and buy favorites but I'm still always going to still
buy paper.

Re: A Place Beyond Courage (6:43pm September 7, 2012):

thanks for a great post and congrats on the new release :)

Re: Death on a Longship (10:47pm September 4, 2012):

Congrats on the new release! WOW! I would love to know how to
sail. It sounds fun :)

Re: Magic Gone Wild (11:43pm August 31, 2012):

thanks for a fun post and congrats on the newest release :)

Re: Fool For Love (10:44am August 29, 2012):

Thanks for a fun post! Sounds fabulous :)

Re: In the Line of Duty (11:24am August 26, 2012):

thanks for a great post! Congrats on the new release!

Re: Blame It On Texas (11:24am August 26, 2012):

Sounds fantastic! Thanks for a fun post!

Re: Primal Possession (11:32am August 16, 2012):

Thanks for a fun post and congrats on the upcoming release! I
love strong heroines who are smart, have a great sense of
humor but aren't so stubborn that they get themselves into
trouble :)

Re: Hell On Wheels (12:02pm August 10, 2012):

Congrats on the new release! I've been reading such great
reviews for this book, I really, really want it :)

Re: Hearts Of Darkness (10:18pm August 9, 2012):

thanks for the fantastic post! I've been *dying* to read this
book :) Congrats on the new release and best of luck for the

Re: A Brew To A Kill (3:06pm August 7, 2012):

congrats on the new release and thanks for a fun post :)

Re: Wild Texas Rose (4:23pm August 6, 2012):

thanks for a fun post and congrats on the new release!

Re: The Last Victim (4:22pm August 6, 2012):

thanks for a great post and congrats on the newest release!

Re: I Own The Dawn (10:29am August 2, 2012):

congrats on the latest release! Thanks for a fun post :)

I love reading about two people getting together, finding out
that they can't live w/out each other and enjoying w/ them a
new relationship :)

Re: Lady Amelia's Mess And A Half (11:42pm June 28, 2012):

Congrats on the newest release!

I gotta go w/ the classics... Romeo and Juliet ;)

Re: Kiale Dream (11:37am June 13, 2012):

Thanks for the great post and excerpt! Definitely going to
have to check out this book!

Re: The Reason Is You (10:30am May 21, 2012):

Thanks for a great post! I've had terrible book lust for
your book, ever since I started reading such awesome reviews
for it around the blogverse :)

I think you explained it perfectly. I like smexy times in my
romance, but the insta-sex is a bit jarring. For me, the
thrill of a romance is getting caught up w/ the
characters... the giddiness of falling in love... eye
contact... small touches... the first kiss... :)

Re: Karma (11:41pm May 8, 2012):

Thanks for the great post! I've always read such awesome
reviews for this trilogy and I would love a chance to read
them :)

I'd have to say that for my contemporary romance, I'm not
picky. I love rom-coms and I like more suspenseful romance.
And just to be contrary and not pick between, the two, I
even like a mix too! I'll read practically anything :)

Re: The Proposal (3:51pm May 4, 2012):

Thank you for a fun post! I live under a rock and have just
discovered Mary's books. The nice thing about starting late is
that I have a lot of books to read :) Can't wait to work my
way up to this newest book!

Re: Tempting the Best Man (3:49pm May 4, 2012):

Thanks for a great post! Amen to all of that :)

Re: Lady Maggie's Secret Scandal (3:48pm May 4, 2012):

Thanks for a great post! I've got a vanilla, steady life and
I'm not complaining :)

Re: Darkest Caress (3:47pm May 4, 2012):

Thanks for a fun post and giveaway! I'm too pragmatic to
believe in coincidences. So maybe that's why they never happen
to me :) Your book sounds fabulous! Definitely on my wishlist

Re: Untouched (3:33pm April 28, 2012):

Thanks for a fun post! I have always liked that Hawaiian
song/singer... What a Wonderful World :)

Re: Lessons After Dark (3:43pm April 6, 2012):

Thanks for a fun post! I loved, loved, loved No Proper lady
and I can't wait for this newest release!!!!

I'm a bit more skeptical, I don't believe in curses or
ghosts etc. But I do believe in the power of the mind to
convince oneself that he/she is cursed... power of persuasion :)

Re: A Light On The Veranda (3:58pm March 30, 2012):

Thanks for the fantastic post! I love the premise of this new

Re: The Needle In The Blood (12:17pm March 16, 2012):

Thanks for the great post! I love reading about real
historical events and I love the premise! I can't imagine what
it would take to create a tapestry of that size and detail...
let alone while living the events.

Re: A Seal In Wolf's Clothing (12:16pm March 16, 2012):

Thanks for a great post! I think that when I 1st saw the title
(and the gorgeous cover model) I thought tongue in check
*hawtness* :)

Re: Secret Confessions of Lady H ? Book 1 (7:58pm March 14, 2012):

Thanks for a gerat post. I'm with everyone else. While I love
the idea of a serial, I'd have to have e-mail reminders to
check back for the next edition.

Re: Sketch a Falling Star (10:23am March 12, 2012):

Thanks for a lovely post! LOL... I lose time when I'm reading!
I get so involved that I fall into the story and next then I
know, it's hours later. Must be transferrance from the author
to the reader :)

Re: Against The Night (12:02pm March 9, 2012):

Thanks for a great post! You have listed all my favorite
movies! Gotta go and find Quigley... haven't seen that movie
in ages :)

Re: Dire Needs (2:49pm March 6, 2012):

Congrats on the new release!!!!!

I love series. Especially b/c we can see the characters
grow and mature. However, there are some longer series that
have grown stagnate and I wish they'd end them. And I do
love stand alone books too. I guess it all depends on the
author ;)

Re: Sweet Enemy (2:31pm March 6, 2012):

Thanks for a wonderful post and congrats on the new

I'm with you. I love the anticipation of a budding/building
romance. The first glances, the witty banter, the accidental
touches... Those thrill me so much more than them jumping
into bed right away. When done right, the thrill of
anticipation sustains the romance so much better than the
physical scenes. Thanks again!

Re: Miss Hillary Schools a Scoundrel (12:33pm February 28, 2012):

Thanks for the great post and giveaway! OMG, schools have
changed so much as to be unrecognizable by those previous
generations. But sometimes, I wonder if bigger/"better"
especially when it comes to technology, is not really
benefitting our students.

Re: A Scandalous Countess (12:11pm February 17, 2012):

Oh wow. Awesome post! Can I say that I like them both? These
are some of my favorite authors and I can't pick just one
period over the other. If the story is engaging and I can fall
in love with the characters, I don't care what time period it
is :)

Re: Stud (9:56am February 9, 2012):

This series looks awesome! Thanks for the great post and
giveaway! I also love the covers :)

Re: Alpha Instinct (11:12am February 2, 2012):

Thanks for a great post and giveaway! I love PNR b/c the sky's
the limit as to what can/will happen. Everything can be made
new again and magic normal :) It also seems that the romances
are hotter b/c the stakes are higher, the danger more
involved. Congrats on the new release!

Re: Chosen By Sin (10:43am January 31, 2012):

Thanks for a great post! I've been looking forward to reading
this series :) Congrats on your success!

Re: Hold Me If You Can (5:39pm January 26, 2012):

Thanks for a great post! I've heard such wonderful things
about your series, hope I get a chance to read it :)

Re: Sex, Lies and Surveillance (10:34am January 19, 2012):

Thanks for the great excerpt! This book looks haawt!!!! Adding
to my wishlist :)

Re: Risking Trust (10:53am January 13, 2012):

Thanks for a great post! I've actually just got over a reading slump and I'm feeling awesome (especially since my TBR pile is ginormous - physical and electronic). I just finished Lord and lady Spy by Shana Galen. It was very fun and I stayed up a wee bit late to finish it.

Re: Sins Of The Highlander (10:50am January 13, 2012):

a sense of humor ;) Thanks for the wonderful post and excerpt!

Re: Hot Rain (10:58am January 4, 2012):

Thanks for a wonderful post! I agree... online dating is definitely making people slow down. However, the trust is a bit harder to give as people can "become" anyone they want and it's harder to fact check. So pros and cons.

Re: Sleight Of Paw (3:48pm December 18, 2011):

lol.. great post! I'd have to say that as an asian woman, it's hard to take pics where it doesn't look like my eyes are closed... Now, I'm usually the photographer so I don't have to worry about any pics of me floating around :)

Happy Holidays!

Re: How To Worship A Goddess (4:25pm December 13, 2011):

Thanks for lovely post! I love winter... as long as I have nowhere to go and lots of books to read ;)

Re: Dreaming Of The Wolf (12:20pm December 8, 2011):

Thanks for a great post and recipes! I love old fashion, homemade chicken with egg noodle soup. Especially if I'm sick or cold!

Happy Holidays!

Re: Hellsbane (12:19pm December 8, 2011):

Thanks for a lovely post. My family doesn't really do "traditions". We just gather together to catch up, exchange presents and eat!

Re: Busted in Bollywood (10:50pm December 3, 2011):

fav finger food is flour chips and homemade salsa/guacamole :)

thanks for the great post, I coincidently read about your book first from one of the blogs I follow. Added to my wishlist!

Re: The Earl's Mistaken Bride (2:46pm November 30, 2011):

Thanks for a lovely post. Your book sounds fantastic!

Re: The Spy Who Left Me (2:50pm November 25, 2011):

Thanks for a fun post and great reading-time ideas :) I will read anytime/anywhere and everyone knows I have a book on me at all times Thanks for the giveaway and Happy Holidays to you too!

Re: The Storm That Is Sterling (10:38pm November 22, 2011):

Congrats on your new release! Thanks for the wonderful post and giveaway! I don't have a specific hero that I absolutely love but for the most part its the hero of the book I'm currently reading.

I love spending Thanksgiving with my family, enjoying good food and just relaxing.

Here's hoping you have a wonderful holiday!

Re: Genie Knows Best (11:25am November 10, 2011):

Thanks for the lovely post and "outtake". I love those!!! I just got your first book for my kindle and in print :) and I can't wait to read it. Thanks again!

Re: The Last Rising (3:39pm November 9, 2011):

Thanks for a lovely post. Gotta throw in my vote for Eve also. She's grown tremendously over the 30+ books and she definitely fits all your categories.

Re: Risking Trust (12:04pm November 8, 2011):

when it comes to books and/or movies/TV, perfection is boring and overdone. I love a flawed hero/heroine but on the flip side that same character has to grow/change in a way that stays true to their character and not just as a plot device.

Thanks for a nice post!

Re: North of Need (12:09pm November 7, 2011):

Sounds like your hero has it all :)
Thanks for the great post and giveaway!

Re: Always a Temptress (10:38am November 3, 2011):

I'd have to say that for HR, this is my favorite series!!! I've waited anxiously and impatiently for each new Drake's Rakes and I'm thrilled to hear that there will be 9!!! Awesome!!!! I'm currently reading ALWAYS A TEMPTRESS on my kindle and I would love to get this series in paperback b/c I hoard the books that I love in paper :)

Thanks again!

Re: The Virtuoso (11:34am November 2, 2011):

I have really enjoyed this series! I love this family and it's been so fun to read each of the siblings' stories. Congratulations on your newest release and I'm really looking forward them :)

Re: Embrace The Highland Warrior (4:07pm November 1, 2011):

I am someone that would get spooked if there were strange noises late at night versus during the day. But I also have a herd of dogs that would protect me :) Thanks for the great post and giveaway!

Re: A Maverick For Christmas (4:52pm October 30, 2011):

Thanks for the giveaway! I'm very thankful for my boyfriend and my best friend, as they are awesome with encouragement and help whenever I need it. I just hope that I'm just as good to them as they are to me.

Re: Radiant Desire (4:49pm October 30, 2011):

Awesome post! I'd have to agree a good alpha male that you wouldn't want to shoot on spot would be one that was confident without being overbearing and strong without overpowering. I also agree that Brad Pitt isn't an alpha. He seems pretty easygoing and zen in his real life so maybe just some of the characters he plays. When he was Achilles in that movie, Troy(?), he played it pretty well.

Re: His Last Duchess (3:09pm October 28, 2011):

Thanks for a wonderful post! Your "boy" is very darling :) It's nice to hear about your routine, I could never do it so I'm in awe of how dedicated you are!

Re: Romancing The Countess (3:06pm October 28, 2011):

Thanks for a lovely post! I've heard such wonderful things about this book and I can't wait to read it. I sorry to hear about the troubles you experienced while pregnant. At least it gives you that great mom blackmail material for later in life. I haven't really inspiration to change my life from a book. Often I escape into a book for a break form real life but haven't had a lightning bolt experience... yet. Thanks again!

Re: Ecstasy Untamed (2:59pm October 26, 2011):

Thanks for the great post! I haven't had a chance to try this series but I've heard such wonderful buzz all over :)

I'd have to agree w/ everyone else. I don't go the movies/watch TV b/c I read :) But I did like the Harry Potter movies. And of course they were awesome b/c they were based on books!

Thanks again!

Re: The Comforts Of Home (9:34am October 21, 2011):

Thanks for a great post! I love the cover and I'm really interested in reading now :)

Re: Flawless (11:25am October 20, 2011):

Thanks for a lovely post and giveaway! I've really been wanting to read your book for a while now, especially since the buzz has been so positive!

I think that anyone can be redeemed. Despite what has been done (reasonably) , as long as the person takes responsibility for the backlash and makes decisive, permanent change then I'd say welcome back. But like all things, there are lines that can be toed but not crossed. For me, the only thing that will have me disbelieve a hero's redemption is when it's too "quick" and his behavior only changes toward the one person, his "love". He's had an epiphany and *boom* new person. This after having been verbally and/or physically abusive to the heroine and/or others. The alpha males toe the line a lot it seems lately so this is definitely a relevent topic. Thanks again!

Re: Against The Storm (4:12pm October 17, 2011):

Wow! What a career! Thanks for an inspirational post. I'm no writer but I appreciate all the hard work!

Re: The Rose Garden (2:53pm October 12, 2011):

Thanks for the great post! Can't really add much but I agree w/ everyone else. A good support cast can definitely add depth and enrich a story.

Re: Unleashed (3:54pm October 10, 2011):

Thanks for the awesome post! I'd have to say that I'd love to be a dog for all the reasons presented before. Good home, lots of love, long walks, sleep all day! :)

Can't wait to try your book!

Re: Chosen By Fate (11:48am October 9, 2011):

I don't mind mixing genres as long as the story is engaging and the plot runs smoothly. In fact, the more unique the premise the better as I read so much after a while, they are start to sound the same. Thanks for the great post and giveaway!

Re: The Goblin King (12:43pm October 6, 2011):

Thanks for the great post and giveaway! Can't wait to read this!

I'm not a very creative person, so nothing really inspires me to create. However, I can be a motivated person, and that can be spurred on by a things that need to be done ie cleaning. I hate putting things off ;)

Re: Roommates (4:03pm October 4, 2011):

I'm a sucker for the older names. Edward, Henry, Jonathon, David... I've really gotten into Falling Skies w/ Noah Wylie and the Walking Dead. I like how differnt they each were.

Have a wonderful day!

Re: Chaos Tryst (2:00pm October 2, 2011):

I haven't had any truly awful dates, just meh. No one was as blatantly terrible as yours just a few induendos. Which is funny considering I'm an Asian American girl living in the Midwest. Maybe it's the misconception that all Asians know martial arts that kept them in check :)

Your book sounds fantastic! Thanks for the post and giveaway!

Re: The Norse King's Daughter (12:32pm September 29, 2011):

OMG! I know exactly how you feel! My boyfriend is always exasperated w/ me whenever I'm in a slump bemoaning the lack of something to read and he points to my giant TBR bookcase full of books. Sometimes, I'll get into a slump if I read too many books in a row of the same genre or they are all dark and violent. Then I have to force myself to pick up something completely opposite/different to kinda "reset" myself. I'll also go to the used bookstore and do exactly what you do. Go to the dollar rack and pick out some one I haven't read before. Cheap enough so no guilt if I don't like it and fabulous if I do.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Re: The Seduction of Sophie Seacrest (12:53pm September 26, 2011):

Definitely depends on my mood :) My reading is all across the board so I love em all. Favorite brooding hero would have to be Mr. Rochester from Jane Eyre. Love, love, love that book.

Re: Fitzwilliam Darcy, Rock Star (1:18pm September 21, 2011):

I've heard awesome things about this book! It's on the top of my wishlist! Thanks for the great post!

Re: The Dragon And The Pearl (12:39pm September 14, 2011):

Loved Butterfly Swords! I'd say that anytime clothing is drastically different than what is worn on an everyday basis, it does change your outlook and the way you carry yourself. Especially when they are so different like the hanfu robes or a sari or a fancy cocktail dress.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Re: Out in Blue (2:33pm September 13, 2011):

I love anything paranormal so I don't really have a preference. As long as the story is not ridiculous and is engaging... I don't care if it's a shape shifting tortoise who is turned into a vampire as long as the plot is good :)

Re: Stone Cold Seduction (5:08pm September 12, 2011):

Great Post! I'm kinda OCD so I'm always being accused of planning a couple of steps ahead.

Re: No Proper Lady (5:01pm September 12, 2011):

This sounds like such an exciting and interesting new premise! Thanks for the post and giveaway!

Re: Wings of Fire (11:24am September 11, 2011):

Thanks for the great post! Definitely look forward to your books :)

Re: Lord and Lady Spy (3:05pm September 8, 2011):

OOOH... I like Rachel Weisz and Daniel Craig. They make an awesome couple. Thanks for the giveaway!

Re: Deep Disclosure (10:14am September 7, 2011):

I agree with the previous posters :) I mostly live in the present although I have been working on trying to plan a bit better for the future. I try to allow my past to help me in the present by learning from my mistakes, but I'm pretty much moment to moment.

Re: Love Me Twice (11:35am August 18, 2011):

I'm the same... no rhythm or coordination! Thanks for the excerpt and giveaway!

Re: The Orphan Sister (12:23pm August 17, 2011):

Childhood summers consisted of being "thrown" outside by mother and only coming back for meals :) Getting sooo brown that we look like we were from India and spending hours playing make believe. Wish I could go back! Thanks for the interview!

Re: Deadly Obsession (11:54am August 16, 2011):

book sounds awesome! I'd have to say a good hero would be one who can take charge w/out taking over and let's the heroine be strong too.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Re: The Vampire Next Door (1:01pm August 15, 2011):

Sounds fanastic! Thanks for the giveaway!

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