February 16th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Jeri Dickinson

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177 comments posted.

Re: A Room With a Brew (5:23pm October 13, 2017):

I like and collect some series. this one sounds good thank you

Re: A Room With a Brew (8:30pm October 12, 2017):

Thanks for the chance to win a good book

Re: The Amish Christmas Candle (6:25pm October 1, 2017):

Wish I had had this years ago

Re: Wrong Side of the Paw (4:46pm August 30, 2017):

I saw trash, boxes in the back of one and they were not tied down I got around them as soon as I could, I was afraid they would fall out and not knowing if they were empty or not. Can't wait to read this book I always try to find ones that have cats in them

Re: Wrong Side of the Paw (12:22pm August 29, 2017):

I saw dogs sitting and standing up in the back of a truck not restrained and they were bouncing around, I was afraid they would hit a pot hole or a bump and everybody goes flying out in traffic

Re: A Tangled Yarn (6:43pm August 28, 2017):

What about the cat hope he/she didn't do it but if it had a good reason protecting the sea gulls

Re: Muffin to Fear (6:41pm August 28, 2017):

blueberry always

Re: Wrong Side of the Paw (6:40pm August 28, 2017):

I saw little kids by themselves in one that was speeding down the road. I said a silent prayer for them

Re: Chime and Punishment (5:54pm August 12, 2017):

I have clocks all over the house, need one or two in every room

Re: Bookman Dead Style (7:02pm February 28, 2017):

I took typing in high school on a typewriter just like that oh and the mistakes and you had to start over

Re: War and Peach (7:00pm February 28, 2017):

My sister and I read Nancy Drew and pretended we were her and solved all the mysteries we could find

Re: Sleigh Bells Ring (5:47pm December 21, 2016):

Thanks for a great read,

Re: Picture Perfect Wedding (6:41pm November 18, 2016):

I like stories with kids in them this one sounds good would love to read it

Re: A Sure Thing (3:54pm November 11, 2016):

watching tv, eating chocolate, and reading, and hot weather and sunshine

Re: A Family Under the Christmas Tree (8:53pm November 4, 2016):

sand tarts flour, butter, pecans, powder sugar

Re: A Family Under the Christmas Tree (4:59pm November 2, 2016):

Sand tarts made with flour, butter, pecans and baked and rolled in powder sugar yum hot

Re: A Family Under the Christmas Tree (5:03pm November 1, 2016):

I liked the desserts the best there was always lots of different ones, so if you didn't like one there was always another one

Re: A Family Under the Christmas Tree (12:03pm October 31, 2016):

on the sand tarts I mentioned earlier I forgot the butter, wish I could have found my receipe

Re: A Family Under the Christmas Tree (12:52pm October 30, 2016):

I love German Chocolate cake but we never made it, just bought it

Re: A Family Under the Christmas Tree (2:30pm October 29, 2016):

The only thing I can remember is making sand tarts which were so good, butter, flour and forget what else but after baking we rolled them in powder sugar and hot, oh yes pecans too.

Re: A Family Under the Christmas Tree (5:29pm October 28, 2016):

It was Sand Tarts butter, flour, can't remember what else but baked and then rolled in powder sugar um delish especially hot

Re: Every Bride Needs a Groom (4:01pm October 11, 2016):

Since I don't laugh a lot when I watch or read something funny it really makes me happy

Re: Grilling the Subject (8:48pm August 4, 2016):

German chocolate cake is sooo good

Re: Grilling the Subject (4:56pm August 3, 2016):

What doesn't go with chocolate nothing

Re: Grilling the Subject (10:02pm August 2, 2016):

Anything with chocolate can't be all bad

Re: Daughters of the Bride (10:14pm July 16, 2016):

her books are always good and easy to read

Re: Daughters of the Bride (3:50pm July 12, 2016):

This book sounds very interesting and a book I really want to read

Re: The Courtship Basket (5:59pm July 4, 2016):

A match of course this book sounds really good and I want to read it thanks for a great contest

Re: Title Wave (5:58pm June 27, 2016):

Great giveaway, I like the funny mysteries, nothing scary

Re: The Diva Serves High Tea (7:21pm June 16, 2016):

chicken salad with mayo on a crossiant

Re: The Diva Serves High Tea (3:41pm June 15, 2016):

chicken salad sandwiches with mayo only Virginia girls like us know best

Re: Jordan's Return (2:54pm June 14, 2016):

a sunny beach

Re: Into the Whirlwind (6:27pm May 28, 2016):

They both sound great looking to read them both Thanks for the chance to get them

Re: Into the Whirlwind (3:41pm May 27, 2016):

Just want to know who kidnapped her son

Re: Into the Whirlwind (6:48pm May 26, 2016):

looking to find out about her son who took him and if she gets him back

Re: Murder at Lambswool Farm (6:54pm May 14, 2016):

my fear is fire I am afraid of being burned in a fire

Re: The Seduction of Kinley Foster (5:59pm May 11, 2016):

mine is being "chained" to the tv for my soap opera every day but I will stay chained until the end of it

Re: Murder in Morningside Heights (4:15pm May 8, 2016):

I do as little as I can away with. you know housework, cooking, cleaning. I love my soap opera

Re: Murder in Morningside Heights (2:24pm May 7, 2016):

Since I don't work, my days are usually, cleaning, fixing meals, and watching my soap opera

Re: Murder in Morningside Heights (9:43pm May 4, 2016):

I watch my soap opera and I read, and sometimes house work if I have to

Re: Murder in Morningside Heights (10:31pm May 3, 2016):

clean house, watch my soap opera every day the same, except I don't clean every day

Re: Love Walks In (6:08pm April 14, 2016):

I am too old to do crazy stuff

Re: Romancing the Ranger (6:05pm March 22, 2016):

I still like that old time rock and roll, it helps me get thru all my chores as I sing along

Re: Romancing the Ranger (3:05pm March 21, 2016):

Old time rock and roll relaxes me and I can get more work done

Re: Romancing the Ranger (4:16pm March 20, 2016):

Listening to that old time rock and roll makes me relax and think of fun times

Re: Romancing the Ranger (2:47pm March 19, 2016):

listening to that Old Time Rock and Roll takes me back and helps me to relax and daydream of olden days

Re: A Father's Second Chance (5:17pm March 9, 2016):

Love the ones that have kids in them especially ones where the kids do everything they can to get people together

Re: A Father's Second Chance (5:21pm March 8, 2016):

I really like the ones that have kids in them they are usually really sweet and fun to read

Re: A Father's Second Chance (1:10pm March 6, 2016):

I have always liked the ones with children in them especially when they try to get their parents together

Re: Island Hope (1:08pm March 6, 2016):

heroes should be nice and not a jerk

Re: A Father's Second Chance (2:42pm March 5, 2016):

I like books that deal with people who have kids and the kids want to get the ones together with their Mom or Dad they are always cute and fun to read on the things on how they do it

Re: Island Hope (2:30pm March 5, 2016):

One that does selfless things to the people around them, and steps up when he is needed or not needed too

Re: A Father's Second Chance (5:33pm March 4, 2016):

I have read them and especially like the ones that have children in them that try to get the couple together

Re: Island Hope (5:31pm March 4, 2016):

My favorite heros are the ones that are believable and make you like them

Re: Chicken Soup & Homicide (2:52pm February 24, 2016):

I won't eat anything that is strange looking, smells funny

Re: Chicken Soup & Homicide (7:20pm February 23, 2016):

I too had a strange food, and I didn't know it was squirrel unto I ate a bite and said ugh what is this, and I said never again

Re: To the Stars (4:49pm February 14, 2016):

This book sounds awesome

Re: A Father's Second Chance (8:54pm February 8, 2016):

collecting my frogs and keeping them dusted and on the shelves where my cats can't get to them

Re: For Cheddar or Worse (8:50pm February 8, 2016):

Williamsburg va it is historical and lots of malls to shop

Re: A Father's Second Chance (3:16pm February 7, 2016):

Kittens that is what I like

Re: A Father's Second Chance (6:25pm February 6, 2016):

My three cats who need me some of the time to eat, and the frogs I collect

Re: Linny?s Sweet Dream List (2:24pm January 24, 2016):

He would have to love my cats

Re: Divorced, Desperate, and Daring (4:09pm December 26, 2015):

My cat would scratch their face up and have them screaming

Re: Divorced, Desperate, and Daring (6:43pm December 24, 2015):

My heavy pocket book

Re: Divorced, Desperate, and Daring (4:54pm December 22, 2015):

My heavy pocketbook

Re: Slamdunked by Love (7:20pm December 20, 2015):

I have too many favorite songs to name

Re: Pouncing on Murder (3:07pm December 15, 2015):

I like learning about new places that I will never get to see

Re: A Skeleton in the Family (3:04pm December 15, 2015):

I want to read this thanks for the contest

Re: Pouncing on Murder (2:01pm December 14, 2015):

I like ones with exocic places so I can day dream that I am there seeing the places with them

Re: Love, Dogs And Other Catastrophes (1:54pm December 13, 2015):

I love cats and I would love to read this book

Re: Love, Dogs And Other Catastrophes (2:10pm December 12, 2015):

I would love to read this book, thanks for the chance to
get it

Re: Here Today, Gone Tamale (2:36pm December 2, 2015):

I like the story line of this book, looking to read it

Re: Crazy Little Thing Called Love (2:25pm November 30, 2015):

Mom couldn't cook well at all, so nothing was ever named
after her, so neither my sister nor me ever learned the
fine art of cooking so nothing from us either

Re: Here Today, Gone Tamale (2:23pm November 30, 2015):

I want to read this, sounds good

Re: Crazy Little Thing Called Love (10:28am November 29, 2015):

we never really cooked anything or had big family dinners
don't have a big family to do these great things

Re: Crazy Little Thing Called Love (3:11pm November 28, 2015):

Unfortunately we don't have any our family was never big
on great food

Re: Crazy Little Thing Called Love (3:23pm November 27, 2015):

nobody ever in my family had a favorite recipe that was
named after anyone but my Mom made a recipe that we all
loved to eat it was really sweet and messy to eat

Re: Katie in Waiting (6:05pm November 21, 2015):

we see who can make the weirdist shape any thing goes

Re: Murder Under the Mistletoe (7:36pm November 19, 2015):

Having my cat come up and lay with me when I am on the
couch seems like she knows when I need something

Re: Murder Under the Mistletoe (3:31pm November 18, 2015):

Watching my soap opera, reading, and doing nothing

Re: Chance of a Lifetime (3:30pm November 18, 2015):

I would like a really nice vacation

Re: Murder Under the Mistletoe (3:11pm November 16, 2015):

Watching my soap opera helps me to forget and relax

Re: A Gentleman for All Seasons (3:14pm November 12, 2015):

Thank you for a great contest. Can't wait to win and read

Re: Recipes For Love And Murder (10:17pm November 6, 2015):

pecan sandy cookie that has powederd sugar, butter and

Re: Forever And Always (6:43pm November 5, 2015):

Would love to have this book to read

Re: Recipes For Love And Murder (6:39pm November 5, 2015):

most brownies with nuts

Re: Recipes For Love And Murder (3:04pm November 4, 2015):

chicken is always good

Re: Forever And Always (3:01pm November 4, 2015):

All of your books are great,so this one will be good too,

Re: Recipes For Love And Murder (5:47pm November 3, 2015):

I like pecan bites made with butter, powder sugar and
pecans, rich and good

Re: Promise to Keep (3:15pm October 27, 2015):

I have only read a few of books about the Amish but the
ones I have read have been interesting, looking forward to
reading more of the stories

Re: Welcome to Hickville High (6:43pm October 19, 2015):

I have not been to Texas or anywhere west of me

Re: This Love of Mine (2:10pm October 8, 2015):

No I haven't depends on the guy if I would or not

Re: This Love of Mine (5:51pm October 7, 2015):

No never did that it's a hard thing to do

Re: This Love of Mine (5:47pm October 6, 2015):

No I haven't Hope I never have to

Re: Smart, But Dead (4:37pm October 4, 2015):

I guess I am weird because since I am female and love
football (Redskins) and baseball (Nationals) and watch them
when ever they are on TV.

Re: Smart, But Dead (3:13pm October 3, 2015):

define weird aren't we all a little bit sometimes

Re: Love Somebody Like You (3:09pm October 2, 2015):

i like that old time rock and roll which I can listen to
by myself

Re: Love Somebody Like You (7:17pm October 1, 2015):

That old time rock and roll always

Re: Smart, But Dead (7:16pm October 1, 2015):

I was born on Friday 13 so of course my Dad always said I
was weird

Re: Love Somebody Like You (6:01pm September 30, 2015):

I love that old time rock and roll

Re: Smart, But Dead (9:00am September 29, 2015):

I want to read this book to see who else is weird besides
my husband (not me of course)

Re: Every Bride Needs a Groom (2:53pm September 14, 2015):

get up do laundry don't do breakfast

Re: Every Bride Needs a Groom (2:08pm September 13, 2015):

Sleep in if I can except when my cats want food NOW

Re: Every Bride Needs a Groom (5:23pm September 11, 2015):

Get up read the paper, so my husband can take it to work
with him. Feed my three cats who all want something

Re: A Geek Girl's Guide to Murder (3:01pm September 8, 2015):

Always Days Of Our Lives, and frogs

Re: Royal Flush (2:59pm September 8, 2015):

I will get to Vegas one day she said hopefully. My son
has been and loved it

Re: Island Dreams (6:37pm August 18, 2015):

a beach and sand and water anywhere

Re: Island Dreams (3:29pm August 17, 2015):

I have been to Nassau

Re: Island Dreams (1:34pm August 15, 2015):

I've been to one island and I wasn't impressed would love
to to to one that has lots of things to do and things to

Re: Falling for Texas (5:36pm August 10, 2015):

The book sounds like it will be really good

Re: Falling for Texas (1:23pm August 9, 2015):

hope to read the book soon

Re: Falling for Texas (1:59pm August 8, 2015):

Can't wait to read the book

Re: A Peach of a Pair (1:56pm August 8, 2015):

Cosmo's are the best

Re: A Peach of a Pair (3:50pm August 7, 2015):

Cosmo is the only drink

Re: A Rancher of Her Own (4:48pm July 29, 2015):

I love the ones that have kids in them

Re: Calamity Jayne and the Sisterhood of the Traveling Lawn Gnome (5:27pm July 28, 2015):

Do you like reading all these comments?

Re: School's Out for Murder (3:28pm July 21, 2015):

Since I lived in the country we never had a chance to go
anywhere unless you drove for miles, so no excuse not to do

Re: Once And Again (3:26pm July 16, 2015):

I like to read on the beach

Re: Once And Again (5:28pm July 15, 2015):

Where I read is on the couch watching tv I can do both
really well and not miss anything

Re: Merger of the Heart (5:24pm July 7, 2015):

i am looking forward to reading this book

Re: Her Greek Doctor's Proposal (1:23pm July 4, 2015):

no rain on the weekends please

Re: Her Greek Doctor's Proposal (6:15pm July 3, 2015):

I would love to go to Greece one day

Re: Her Greek Doctor's Proposal (3:02pm July 2, 2015):

I have always wanted to go to Greece

Re: Mint Cookie Murder (3:00pm July 1, 2015):

Cats and cookies what could be better

Re: Murder Under the Desert Moon (5:09pm June 30, 2015):

How about Virginia

Re: Mint Cookie Murder (5:07pm June 30, 2015):

I like books that have cats that help solve crimes

Re: Mint Cookie Murder (2:40pm June 29, 2015):

love stories with cats in them

Re: Murder Under the Desert Moon (2:39pm June 29, 2015):


Re: Dead Dog Like Me (2:11pm June 27, 2015):

good dog

Re: Bushel Full Of Murder (2:41pm June 24, 2015):


Re: Courtship of the Cake (12:04pm June 22, 2015):

Anything blue berry

Re: Motion for Malice (12:03pm June 22, 2015):

want to read this one

Re: Five Brides (3:26pm June 14, 2015):

Strange idea not sure if most people would want to

Re: Murder Freshly Baked (8:20pm June 12, 2015):

I like it when animals help solve the crimes

Re: Reunion of Souls (3:16pm June 7, 2015):

I read only fiction, never been a fan of non fiction

Re: Reunion of Souls (3:55pm June 6, 2015):

I read fiction only, do not care for non fiction

Re: What Caroline Wants (2:38pm May 23, 2015):

on a beach

Re: What Caroline Wants (2:54pm May 22, 2015):

I can't wait to read this book

Re: What Caroline Wants (2:53pm May 22, 2015):

Can't wait to read this book

Re: Cupcakes and Crushes (2:46pm April 22, 2015):

My closest family beside my husband and son is my sister but she
lives about four hours away from me I really wish we were closer
to each other I don't get to see her very often and I miss her

Re: Meet Me At The Beach (6:14pm February 26, 2015):

Love the beach so I can't wait to read this

Re: Meet Me At The Beach (4:54pm February 25, 2015):

no partnership with any one working wise that is

Re: Driftwood Tides (3:42pm September 6, 2014):

Looking forward to this book

Re: Driftwood Tides (6:07pm September 5, 2014):

Story line sounds really good, can't wait to read it

Re: Heroes Are My Weakness (6:33pm August 30, 2014):

Glad you wrote this book, can't wait to read it

Re: Heroes Are My Weakness (5:27pm August 27, 2014):

great new book glad you wrote it

Re: Her Secret, His Surprise (6:28pm July 30, 2014):

Friends are great to have, unfortunely my best friend died,
and I really miss her.

Re: Perfected (5:30pm July 8, 2014):

I like stories with animals in them, it makes it more "human"
can't wait to read it

Re: Muffin But Murder (5:01pm June 30, 2014):

can't wait to read this one sounds gooood

Re: Huckleberry Summer (2:09pm June 28, 2014):

Sounds like the type of book I love to read, can't wait to win
it and read it

Re: Frisky Business (3:16pm May 15, 2014):

The book sounds great and congrats

Re: A Shot of Red (3:26pm April 24, 2014):

Never been abroad, can get lost in the books and feel like I
am there which is the closest I will ever get, also the charm
bracelet I would love to wear

Re: A Promise In Pieces (3:12pm April 4, 2014):

This story is amazing and inspiring

Re: A Killing Notion (4:08pm April 1, 2014):

Can't wait to read this story.

Re: A Killing Notion (4:07pm April 1, 2014):

I like the story line of this book, can't wait to read it

Re: A Killing Notion (4:05pm April 1, 2014):

This book sounds like my type of story I want to read

Re: Dyed and Gone (7:31pm March 29, 2014):

Sure could use some bobby pins, for lots of different

Re: Home to Stay (6:18pm March 26, 2014):

This book sounds like one of my favorite stories

Re: Mystery Spring Fling (2:32pm March 23, 2014):

Love to read and this book sounds good

Re: Mystery Spring Fling (5:27pm March 21, 2014):

This book sounds really good and I can't wait to read it

Re: Stealing the Groom (6:32pm March 19, 2014):

This book sounds really good

Re: Stealing the Groom (6:28pm March 19, 2014):

book sounds really good

Re: Dating, Dining, and Desperation (1:46pm March 16, 2014):

Grew up in the country but now live in a medium size city.
Love to read this one

Re: Dating, Dining, and Desperation (5:05pm March 14, 2014):

I grew up in the country but now live in a city.

Re: The Rancher's Second Chance (6:09pm March 12, 2014):

All of them sound ideal

Re: What The Groom Wants (5:27pm March 6, 2014):

Sounds like a great book and would love a squidgel

Re: Love in the Library (7:21pm January 30, 2014):

Sounds great thanks

Re: Teacup Turbulence (5:15pm January 28, 2014):

These books sound really good just the thing to read on the
stay in house snow days.

Re: Love Songs for the Road (6:13pm January 22, 2014):

This book sounds like the kind I like to read

Re: Love Songs for the Road (5:21pm January 21, 2014):

The book sounds really good can't wait to read it

Re: Aloha Rose (3:07pm November 25, 2013):

Books are great but so is Hawaii

Re: The Wedding Game (12:56pm November 24, 2013):

Yea I think I would especially at my age and not already
married, but if I were single oh yeah

Re: Date with Destiny (1:31pm August 4, 2013):

This book sounds great, can't wait to win it and read it.

Re: Wish You Were Here (2:27pm June 28, 2013):

Love to read when ever and where ever I am.

Re: Wish You Were Here (2:26pm June 28, 2013):

I read as much as I can. Love these books

Re: The Begonia Bribe (11:04am May 24, 2013):

Well since I live in Roanoke, VA I would love to read this

Re: One Month To Become A Mum (2:22pm April 19, 2012):

I like the idea of this story with the little girl in it, she sounds cute and will be fun to read.

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