Linda Conrad | Holidays to Remember
November 28, 2012
Gage Chance wants to forget Christmas—for good. It used to be a
favorite holiday. But that was before he lost his wife on one snowy Christmas
Eve five years ago. This year he intends to skip Christmas by tracking down the
family's baby sister, kidnapped twenty years before. The search takes him to a
quaint ski resort town in the southern California mountains. Bah humbug on
quaint Christmas towns. That's how Gage feels about the whole thing...until...he
spots a woman who looks remarkably like his dead wife. And it turns out this
Christmas will change everything. Elana Kelly has been on the run so long, she has almost forgotten why.
That is, until Gage Chance shows up and both her memory and her lonely
heart return with a poignant thud. It doesn't take her long to remember that
she is running to save both Gage and her child. I love writing reunion stories about troubled souls who were always meant to
be together. And Christmas time is a wonderful time of year to rekindle
romance. So this story has turned into a special favorite of mine. CHRISTMAS CONFIDENTIAL
is a two-book anthology with my Chance, Texas story called A CHANCE
REUNION and another unusual Christmas story by Marilyn Pappano called
HOLIDAY PROTECTOR. If you like a little suspense with your romance, I
know you will enjoy them both! I just love Christmas! Did I say that? And I love Christmas traditions. My
mom used to make us spaghetti and meatballs every Christmas Eve while we
decorated the tree. I miss that. To celebrate A CHANCE
REUNION and Christmas, I'll be giving away a $10 Amazon gift
certificate and a copy of the book to one lucky commenter. Tell us about
your Christmas traditions, I'd love to hear your story! A CHANCE REUNION Who is the mysterious woman who looks so much like his dead wife? Gage Chance doesn't know, but he has to find out. And when bullets begin to
fly, he'll risk his life to save hers and get to the bottom of things. Will the
truth be more than he can handle? "An intriguing plot and sizzling chemistry will keep readers turning the
pages." RTBookReviews
97 comments posted.
Re: Linda Conrad | Holidays to Remember
Making a gingerbread house with my youngest son and putting his brothers names on special cookies. (Darci Paice 12:11pm November 28, 2012)
Is it terrible that we don't have any Christmas traditions? We really don't. Some years my sister and I bake cookies and make fudge. Some years we don't. We put our tree up somewhere between December 1st and December 24th. The last 5 years it's been Christmas Eve when it gets up. So maybe that is my family's tradition. Procrastination.... a family tradition LOL. (Christina Torgerson 2:53am November 28, 2012)
We all get together on Christmas Eve and exchange presents. We have a nice dinner and the rest of the evening we laugh and talk and try out our presents. No friends allowed because they would feel left out anyway. (Kathleen Yohanna 3:31am November 28, 2012)
Our traditions are phoning relatives abroad and walking on the beach to watch the kitesurfers. Sometimes one or other of us is working the next day so we can't put too much in place, but we always relax and enjoy the day. (Clare O'Beara 7:27am November 28, 2012)
Family traditions are the biggest part of our holiday. Unfortunately, as people age and pass on, and younger ones are now growing up it seems liks its harder every year to instill the importance of these traditions. Gathering my holiday reads for the year and would love to add this book to my collection. Thanks for sharing with us!! (Stephanie Strausberger 8:47am November 28, 2012)
Always have our Christmas with the grandkids...Love family traditions!! (Bonnie Capuano 9:23am November 28, 2012)
One Christmas tradition established with my grandparents is taking gifts and visiting the elderly Christmas Eve day. Oh how their eyes light up when they see us coming laden with colorful packages. Our children are grown and not living nearby, but they are carrying on this tradition with their own families. (Beth Charette 9:31am November 28, 2012)
Oh, I remember making a gingerbread house when I was a kid, Darci! Once. I think my mom decided that was way too much trouble. but I loved it. (Linda Conrad 9:57am November 28, 2012)
I feel alone on this. I have no traditions. I'm alone on holidays. I take the day and read. No cleaning, no laundry, just reading and relaxing. Cathy (Cathy Thomas 9:57am November 28, 2012)
LOL, Christina. You and me both. Especially this year. :) (Linda Conrad 9:58am November 28, 2012)
Nice, Kathleen. I like it. Since I became an adult we go to my sister's m-i-l house. Everyone brings a unique tree ornament and we hang them on a huge ten foot tree. Fun. of course, we also eat too much. LOL (Linda Conrad 10:01am November 28, 2012)
Nice, Clare. Sounds lovely. We live near the beach too. (Linda Conrad 10:02am November 28, 2012)
Thank you, Stephanie! Have a great holiday! (Linda Conrad 10:03am November 28, 2012)
Christmas is really for kids, isn't it, Bonnie! (Linda Conrad 10:04am November 28, 2012)
Wow, Beth, I love the idea. Makes you remember what Christmas is all about. (Linda Conrad 10:05am November 28, 2012)
Well, Cathy, it sounds like you need to win. Good luck! (Linda Conrad 10:06am November 28, 2012)
Well... mostly just putting up the christmas tree together and eating lots of cookies...
Congrats on your book! (May Pau 11:00am November 28, 2012)
We don't do Christmas any more. My mother got fed up with us not joyfully celebrating it the way she wanted to and the work and said no more. Since we were all teens and above by that time, we were all quite thankful, not that we've ever voiced that to her. I remember my dad coming up to me the first year after her edict and whispering "Isn't it so much better?"
If any of us had kids, I'm sure we'd do more of the traditional stuff, but I much prefer the calm season we now have from the highs and lows of before. (Anne Muller 11:05am November 28, 2012)
We attend a candlelight service at church, and then come home to open presents as a family. On Christmas Day we travel to another town to celebrate with a big gathering of in-laws. (Cheryl Castings 11:18am November 28, 2012)
Every Christmas Eve we go to my in-laws to celebrate and we open presents. I had to get use to this when I got married since my family always opened presents on Christmas day.
Thanks (Pam Brewer 11:23am November 28, 2012)
Christmas traditions... we always make M&M cookies for the holidays... always have my grandmother's pumpkin pie... each family member & pet gets their own ornament... Happy Holidays! I really like the sound of your book! (Colleen Conklin 11:44am November 28, 2012)
I have homemade pasta with meatballs and sausage on Christmas, on Christmas Eve - no meat - homemade pizza, fried bread dough, homemade italian cookies, and cannolis. Enjoy family and off to Midnight Mass. It was a lot more extravagant when I was younger, but since people have passed and others moved on, it is good to keep those that you can. (Carla Carlson 12:39pm November 28, 2012)
Our tradition is to make a "non traditional" meal each year and to spend time with family (Julie Parrish 1:09pm November 28, 2012)
Thanks, May! And each Christmas is special in its own way, isn't it? (Linda Conrad 1:52pm November 28, 2012)
For many years, we celebrated Christmas at my house. We had a special meal, opened presents and enjoyed being together. Now that I'm older, I've passed the torch to my daughter-in-law. (Anna Speed 1:53pm November 28, 2012)
Our Christmas tradition was to have supper at Mom and Dad Deline's home, go to our midnight service and then my husband and I would exchange our special gifts at home, before the kids got up on Christmas day. Both of them are gone now, but my daughter continues with the traditional Christmas Eve dinner and the rest goes on. The presents are not necessary, but the tradition is! (Linda Deline 1:53pm November 28, 2012)
Anne, I have to say there might be some relief to skipping Christmas. But on the other hand, I love some of the warmer traditions too. Maybe you could make cookies???? (Linda Conrad 1:53pm November 28, 2012)
Nice, Cheryl. We have the big party on Christmas Eve and then a few of us go to a beach resort for their Christmas Day buffet. It's very pleasant. Hope you enjoy yours! (Linda Conrad 1:55pm November 28, 2012)
Hi Pam, we were allowed to open one present on Christmas Eve and the rest came from 'Santa' the next morning. Now the kids get so many gifts they just keep opening for twelve hours straight. :) (Linda Conrad 1:57pm November 28, 2012)
If you like a little suspense with your Christmas romance, I think you might like this book, Colleen! (Linda Conrad 1:58pm November 28, 2012)
Unfortunately, when my children were young I had to work on Christmas day (at the world's largest theme park), so now that my children are older, we are just beginning traditions. I am all gingerbread housed OUT (had to make them for my job). (Barbara Calder 1:59pm November 28, 2012)
Hi Carla. Pizza sounds good. and a lot less trouble than my mom's meatballs. ;) (Linda Conrad 2:00pm November 28, 2012)
Family is what it's all about, right, Julie? (Linda Conrad 2:00pm November 28, 2012)
Hi Anna, sounds like you have a lot less work now. Clean up should be a breeze. (Linda Conrad 2:01pm November 28, 2012)
How right you are, Linda. And the tradition reminds me so much of my mom. it's a good thing to do once a year. (Linda Conrad 2:03pm November 28, 2012)
Oh, dear, Barbara. I can understand how you feel. But there are other things (like cookies and spaghetti) to make a new tradition. Glad you are free for the holidays this year! (Linda Conrad 2:05pm November 28, 2012)
having an Italian feast dinner on Christmas Eve with family and friends. (Sharon Berger 2:05pm November 28, 2012)
Hello, Our Christmas traditions are usually quite simple but Joyful. Every year, usually about December 21th, my mother and I we go to our town's Women Center in order to prepare Holiday meals for the unfortunately less priviledged people. We cook apple pies, cookies,etc, and we have a lot of fun with the other women while doing it.
At home, we enjoy making Christmas crafts. This year, we made a Christmas Tree out of used coffee cans. It made quite a nice decoration actually! Thank you for your books. They are a must buy for us. P.S: This is my second comment because my first one has somehow disappeared. Probably a glitch on my part. (Judith Venne 2:06pm November 28, 2012)
When I was a little girl, we made a Santa Claus castle every year. You make it by whipping up shavings of ivory soap and water. Once it is a consistency for spreading you then start covering different shapes of boxes. I wish I had pictures to share. I first learned how to make this when I was in grade school. We made one in our 5th grade classroom one year for Christmas. We then selected a number that the teacher had us draw. She then drew a number from her box. The number 13 was drawn and I had number 13 and so I won this castle. I was able to take it home after our Christmas Program. (Judy Burgi 2:07pm November 28, 2012)
We put up the tree, eat a huge dinner with family and go light-seeing :-) I absolutely adore Christmas... (Chelsea Brooks 2:12pm November 28, 2012)
I love Christmas too! I love the craziness! Every year we cut down a tree. In our house we can get up to a 16 foot tree. Since those are hard to find we usually end up with a 12 - 14 ft. I collect ornaments so besides the big, real tree I have a 9 ft fake tree with all girly ornaments (since I have 3 daughters) and a 4 ft fake tree with all my mini ornaments. I decorate the house inside and out. The week before Christmas I start my baking. I do about 7 different types of cookies including my Grandma's Kolachy cookies. The girls and I bake cut out sugar cookies and they get to decorate them. Sugar crystals and frosting are all over my kitchen but that's the fun of it. Now that they are teens they at least look more appetizing! We go to Christmas Eve 4:00 pm mass and then everyone comes over our house for the Christmas Eve meal of lasagna every year! After everyone leaves and the kids are in bed, my hubby and I always give our ornament to each other before we go to bed. The house is quiet and just the tree is on. This has been our traditions for the last 24 years! (Sue Galuska 2:25pm November 28, 2012)
Our town has a carole sing every Christmas Eve - so we have dinner, head to the center of town where we gather around the green, then to church for a candlelight service & back home for dessert. (Diane Sallans 2:57pm November 28, 2012)
WE all get together in my kitchen - family, friends, neighbors and anyone that they bring with them - to bake cookies. We bake about 2 dozen different kinds. Some are taken home, some are distributed to my neighbors as a Christmas gift and the rest remain for family to share. It is a day of Christmas carols, general hilarity and wonderful memories, especially the wonder on the faces of little ones making their first batch by themselves and their pride when they succeed. (Sharon Mitchell 3:26pm November 28, 2012)
We always get together and have a special dinner. Family has always been big on family traditions and they get passed on down from generation to generation. (Jean Benedict 3:39pm November 28, 2012)
Getting together will all of the family and extended family and spending time together and hearing all the family stories, and what is going on with everybody. (Cynthia St. Germain 3:47pm November 28, 2012)
Ah, Sharon, sometimes I think the Italians do Christmas best. :) (Linda Conrad 3:55pm November 28, 2012)
That's all quite lovely, Judith. Thanks for making sure we saw the post. My mother would've loved the way you celebrate. (Linda Conrad 3:56pm November 28, 2012)
Sounds cute, Judy! Wish you had pictures. 13 is my lucky number too (Linda Conrad 3:57pm November 28, 2012)
I forgot about the light-seeing! Such fun. We don't do it every year any more but I will insist this year. (Linda Conrad 3:58pm November 28, 2012)
What lovely traditions, Sue. I like the quiet part best. (Linda Conrad 3:59pm November 28, 2012)
Love the idea of a community sing, Diane. (Linda Conrad 4:00pm November 28, 2012)
We used to do cookie baking too, Sharon. I love it! Right now our littlest ones are too small. But it won't be long til we can all bake together again. (Linda Conrad 4:02pm November 28, 2012)
Good Jean. The family is what the holidays are all about. (Linda Conrad 4:03pm November 28, 2012)
Ah, gossip and old family stories. Wish we still did that too, Cynthia (Linda Conrad 4:04pm November 28, 2012)
Our Christmas tradition is putting up the Christmas tree with my sister and mom. This usually involves lots of teasing and laughs. It is all around a good time. (Rebecca Hagan 4:19pm November 28, 2012)
Nothing special here. I still cook as if all the kids are here and have loads of food for my hubby & me to left overs. Guess you could say this is our tradition. Always had extra case anyone pops by I can offer them something to eat. Wish a Merry Christmas to all the readers..enjoy your books. (Shirley Sego 4:22pm November 28, 2012)
ONe tradition I started with my daughter when she had her first Christmas was to get a bird ornament for the tree and each year try to find a different bird the time she was a young woman she had quite a collection of various birds which I handed over to her for her home. Some years they were plentiful and some years we had to search and search for a bird ornament....I enjoyed the times of shopping for an ornament with my daughter throughout the years. (Jackie Wisherd 5:01pm November 28, 2012)
No special traditions, but we usually open presents on Christmas Eve. I usually go shopping the day after Christmas if I get a little cash as a present, but I don't buy much. (Michelle Fidler 5:18pm November 28, 2012)
Our traditions are cooking, baking, eating and visiting. (Cheryl McEwen 5:35pm November 28, 2012)
FANTASTIC GIVEAWAY LOVE TO WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Shelly Caggiano 5:39pm November 28, 2012)
Sounds like fun, Rebecca! Tks for sharing. (Linda Conrad 5:40pm November 28, 2012)
Thanks, Shirley! Merry Christmas to you too! (Linda Conrad 5:40pm November 28, 2012)
What a lovely tradition, Jackie. Hope your daughter keeps it up. (Linda Conrad 5:42pm November 28, 2012)
The day after is a great time to get decorations and wrapping, Michelle. Good thinking. (Linda Conrad 5:43pm November 28, 2012)
LOL Cheryl. Eating is my best tradition too. (Linda Conrad 5:44pm November 28, 2012)
Good luck to you, Shelly! (Linda Conrad 5:44pm November 28, 2012)
I love to collect a different angel ornament each year for my tree. I have quite an assortment from hand crocheted, crystal, handmade fabric ones, glass, etc. I love going to craft fairs/shows to find unique ones. A lady I used to sell Avon products to gave me the idea. She had angels all over her tree from around the world that she collected when she traveled. Her tree was so unique and beautiful! I also love cooking and baking cookies. So when my grown sons come over there is plenty to eat, and I keep things warm in several crockpots. One of my favorite traditions is driving around on Christmas eve (early) and looking at all the yard lighting displays around town. This has been done in my family since we were little kids. It's so pretty. There is a huge house in my neighborhood with such a beautiful huge display that they add something new to every year. They have so much to look at that we have to park to take it all in! They have a huge wide front yard for it all in front of their home with three garages on each side of their wide long driveway--six garages in all! (Linda Luinstra 6:27pm November 28, 2012)
Every Christmas my sister-in-law makes breakfast & after we eat we all open gifts. (Chelsea Knestrick 6:29pm November 28, 2012)
yes,a great contest (Kent Cook 7:31pm November 28, 2012)
LOVE YOUR BOOKS (Brenda Hook 7:41pm November 28, 2012)
My Husband and I open most gifts Xmas Eve unless I have to work (which I usually do) in which case we open one and save the rest for Xmas Morning. Thanks for the giveaway and best of luck to you! (Michele Hayes 7:52pm November 28, 2012)
Christmas Eve we all get together at our parents house than we go to midnight mass..On Christmas day we all get together again for lunch and hand out our presents..Thanks for the chance to win... (Tina Myers 7:53pm November 28, 2012)
I love when authors write Christmas-themed novels! Thank you! (Shari Santella 8:13pm November 28, 2012)
We are fortunate to have all family members together to celebrate the day along with friends unable to be with their families. (Mary C 8:52pm November 28, 2012)
We light the Hanukkah candles with all the family present. And give out presents one at a time until we're done. Then we eat latkes! (Susan Coster 8:54pm November 28, 2012)
We always make my Aunty Ruth's toffe pecan cookies. My son makes them now because she only taught him and he has the recipe. We have been treated to them since I was little. She sent us a box from Minnesota and we couldn't wait for it to arrive. (Ann Sheiring 9:26pm November 28, 2012)
Christmas is quiet and peaceful. We put up the lights and a small tree. We vist others and they come to see us. We stopped doing gifts, maybe a small gift here and there. We also mail cards to family far away. My huaband like to call his family on the 25th. It's not as busy,not so much rushing around.It's a nice time. (Deb Pelletier 9:57pm November 28, 2012)
Growing up, our family Christmas tradition was to eat a big breakfast of eggs, waffles, bacon and juice, then we'd empty our stockings and take turns opening gifts while Traditional songs by Bing Crosby. Nat King Cole, etc. played on the 8-track (Dana Wong 10:08pm November 28, 2012)
We get together on Christmas Eve, have pizza and chicken wings an play Trival Pursuit or Euchure.. Now that are parents are gone, we get together at my oldest brother's house. It is agreat time and then everyone can do their own thing on Christmas Day.. My one brother has three kids 15, and twins 11. So they want to be at home. My oldest niece goes to her mother's family and the rest of us just have a quiet day. (Kathleen O'Donnell 11:36pm November 28, 2012)
Our Christmas traditions include decorating the house--inside and out--listening to lots of Christmas music, baking (and eating) way too many cookies, and getting together Christmas day for a big turkey dinner. (G S Moch 12:03pm November 29, 2012)
Our family tradition is cooking two Chinese dishes and Chinese soup with the turkey, baked potatoes, mash potatoes, stuffing, pumpkin pie, and green bean caserole for the Holidays. (Kai Wong 1:15am November 29, 2012)
I miss my mom around christmas since she died in 1992,for her birthday is in December also so its a double whammy, but since I have 2 kids I couldn't stop from having christmas...I decided to start the tradition like my mom did with a christmas ornament that meant something to us, my son loved football so he bought alittle football and each year we add a new one, his sisiter did the same..of course I loved to bake so I'd make my mom's favorite brownie and cookies and I have added more to my my daughter bakes alot... (Carole Fiore 6:11am November 29, 2012)
Every year my family get's together to eat, drink and be merry at my brother's house. We also exchange gifts and the kids just love it! (Christine Mead 6:51am November 29, 2012)
I was born in Finland so we would celebrate on Christmas Eve. We started baking a couple of weeks before Christmas. Delicious Christmas cookies. My parents have passed away but the wonderful memories will be with me forever. (Rita Wray 10:17am November 29, 2012)
I have an unoffical tradition of baking sugar cookies. It's not something I always do but I love doing it. As a child we didn't celebrate Christmas, we were Jehovah witnesses so I didn't get a real Christmas until I was in the sixth grade. One thing we always managed to do since then was make sugar cookies, it just doesn't feel like Christmas when I don't make cookies. Now I have two kids and a husband who love to eat them. (Hannah Roberson 12:27pm November 29, 2012)
My Mother was known for 2 things at Christmas- her special Christmas cookies, and her sweet home made bread. From the time I was small, I would be there to help her - adding the yeast, the sugar, and raisins, and helping her to mix the dough when it was getting towards the end. Back then, there were no mixers with dough hooks!! She always took over with the kneading, but I helped when it came time to add the butter and cinnamon. Then we always added the finishing touch to the top of the bread loaves. The cookies took hours, because only so much was pinched off of the big bowl of dough, and it was rolled out in a circle, on top of a sprinkling of powdered sugar, so it wouldn't stick. Then it was cut in 8th's, and we added our filling, and rolled them into crescents. This went on for hours, until the cookies were made, putting them in the oven in between, and sampling them, of course!! LOL My Mother may have passed away, but I am the only one out of my Sisters that still makes the cookies every year, and now have a fan base of my own. One of these days I will attempt to make her bread, but it's a lot of work. I say that every year, but my years are running away from me. I do have time to read your book, however!! Health problems limit the amount of work I'm supposed to do, so it would be the perfect excuse to sit down and take it easy. The stories sound like just what I need this time of year!! Have a wonderful Christmas, and Thank You for the great contest!! (Peggy Roberson 12:38pm November 29, 2012)
We hold a marathon baking session/party alongside a running mah jong game. (G. Bisbjerg 1:00pm November 29, 2012)
We have had this tradition since my children were young. Each child had to make the other children a gift. There were some very crude and unusual gifts until they got older. When I go to my oldest son's house at this time of year, he always has on display a pine cone decoration that one of his brother's made for him. It has glue and sparkle on it and not very neatly, I must say. However, it was the thought that counted. As they got older, the gifts seemed to fit their needs more and some were very clever. (Joy Isley 2:35pm November 29, 2012)
This tradition I started when my daughter, Hollie, was 3 because she wanted to open a present on Christmas eve (our tradition is on Christmas morning). I let her open 1 present which was a Christmas themed nightgown. It has be 20 years and she still asks about opening a present every year and every year she gets a nightgown. Even though she knows what it is - she still gets excited and so so happy to opened that gift and rush to the bathroom to put it on. This year I will start to include Colin, Hollies' 35month old son, in this tradition..
Life is good...Merry Christmas (Kimberley Coover 7:56pm November 29, 2012)
Our Christmas tradition is that we decorate the tree together and have eggnog. (Maureen Emmons 10:07pm November 29, 2012)
Christmas traditions are very important. We always open one gift on Christmas eve & the rest after church on Christmas morning. (Mary Preston 12:37pm November 30, 2012)
We bake Christmas coookies and candies together starting September 25. (Carrie Evans 7:49am November 30, 2012)
About the only thing that hasn't changed is the way we listen to the music. It is played nonstop from Christmas Eve to the day after Christmas. Love it (Leni Kaye 2:50pm November 30, 2012)
Our Christmas tradition is putting up all the decorations the day after Thanksgiving---and then taking them down on New Year's Day. (Sue Farrell 3:41pm November 30, 2012)
We're very typical. Put the tree up the day after Thanksgiving and take it down January 2. The holidays for us is all about family. (Theresa Norris 7:43pm November 30, 2012)
Stringing popcorn and cranberries on nylon thread and hanging it on the tree before the holidays and then afterwards putting the garland out for the birds and animals to have their treat is a fond memory. (Alyson Widen 8:41pm November 30, 2012)
One of ours wad to go get a tree. We would go to the apple farm with a big group of friends and family. Have lunch at a park on the way there. It was always a blast. This place had a giant teeter totter and a barn where they sold the best apple cider and pies. (Jennifer McCambridge 12:04pm December 1, 2012)
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