Christine Mead
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58 comments posted.
Re: Wish Upon A Christmas Star (4:45am December 2, 2012):
My wish for this Christmas is for my kids to have a happy day with all of their dreams come true! Happy Holiday's!
Re: Under the Mistletoe (4:40am December 2, 2012):
You have gotten some interesting gifts! Happy Holiday's!
Re: Mistletoe, Merriment, and Murder (6:46pm December 1, 2012):
I have never been to a white elephant party, but would like to! It sounds like a lot of fun!
Re: Double Time (5:46am December 1, 2012):
I love all kinds of music! Your book sounds awesome, thanks for the chance to win a copy!
Re: Heart Of A Texan (5:43am December 1, 2012):
I really enjoyed your post on cowboy's! Thanks so much for a chance to win your book, which sounds great!
Re: How I Came To Sparkle Again (3:06am November 30, 2012):
I loved your thoughts on directions! I have never thought of directions in this way. I think directions to my house are pretty straight forward.
Re: Christmas Confidential (6:51am November 29, 2012):
Every year my family get's together to eat, drink and be merry at my brother's house. We also exchange gifts and the kids just love it!
Re: A Christmas Bride / Christmas Beau (12:14pm November 27, 2012):
I love your books and can't wait to read this one as well! Happy Holiday's!
Re: The Prince's Gamble (6:06am November 27, 2012):
What a wonderful thing to do! Your book sounds awesome, I'm on my way over to check it out!
Re: The Clue Is In The Pudding (6:00am November 27, 2012):
Your series sounds fantastic, I will be checking it out!
Re: Taming the Outback (11:10pm November 25, 2012):
I do love a feisty heroine! Your book sounds really good! Thanks for the giveaway!
Re: Holiday in Crimson (11:30pm November 24, 2012):
My favorite Christmas memories are of my kids when they were really small waking up early to open presents from Santa. They are teenagers now and Christmas is not near as fun as it was when they were small. Thank for the giveaway, your book sounds really good!!!
Re: Untamed (12:44pm November 23, 2012):
My family and I love to relax the day after Thanksgiving. I can't do the Black Friday thing either. All of the crowds and chaos is just to much for me! Thanks so much for the giveaway!
Re: Wolfishly Yours (12:40pm November 23, 2012):
Your books sound like a lot of fun! thanks for the giveaway!
Re: Unmasked (8:20am November 21, 2012):
My weight is what embarrasses me the most. your book sounds wonderful! Thanks for the giveaway!
Re: Rogue Rider (5:31am November 20, 2012):
Sounds like an awesome series! Thanks so much for the chance to win!
Re: Playing at Love (5:28am November 20, 2012):
My favorite sport to watch is baseball. As far as the hottest quarter back, I think Kurt Warner, formerly or the St Louis Rams, is hot! Thanks so much for the giveaway!
Re: Ashes Of Twilight (4:52am November 18, 2012):
Your book sounds wonderful! Thanks so much for the chance to win!
Re: A Wedding In Apple Grove (10:32pm November 17, 2012):
Your book sounds really good, I've been wanting to read it every since I first saw it! Thanks so much for the giveaway!
Re: Texas Wide Open (10:21am November 16, 2012):
I love the sound of your book and would love to win! Thanks so much for the great blurb and giveaway!!!
Re: The Twelve Clues Of Christmas (6:48am November 12, 2012):
My favorite memories of Christmas are the ones from my childhood. I loved waking up early to see what Santa left for my siblings and I.
Re: What The Cat Saw (6:22am November 10, 2012):
This sounds like a really good book! I often wonder what m pets are thinking! Thanks for the giveaway!
Re: Enslaved (5:13pm November 9, 2012):
I don't recall ever reading about a hero who was too damaged to be redeemed. I love reading about a hero is working on overcoming his issues to find his hea.
Re: The Snow White Christmas Cookie (7:54pm November 5, 2012):
How fun it must be to kill off people who have annoyed you in your stories! Your book sounds wonderful, thanks for the giveaway!
Re: The Warrior (1:51pm November 1, 2012):
I love Gerald Butler and castles too! I have read several of your other books and I have loved them all! Thanks so much for the giveaway!
Re: Death In The Floating City (7:23am October 31, 2012):
I'm currently reading Immortally Yours by Angie Fox, set in an paranormal Mash unit, in Limbo. It's a very interesting setting. Thanks for the giveaway!
Re: Kissed By A Vampire (6:52am October 30, 2012):
I love to read about vampires and the paranormal! Thanks for the giveaway!
Re: Down for the Count (6:49am October 30, 2012):
Your book sounds really awesome! Thanks for the giveaway! I am not one for dares.
Re: Midnight Exposure (6:44am October 30, 2012):
I love historical heroines. They have to overcome odds that are much harder than what we do in this day and age. Your book sounds fantastic, thanks for the chance to win a copy!
Re: Night Thief (4:10pm October 25, 2012):
I love paranormal's with history woven in! Your book sounds great, thanks for the chance to win a copy!
Re: Tempting the Best Man (6:49am October 25, 2012):
I love me an alpha male and do find them addicting! Thanks so much for the chance to win your book!
Re: Losing Control (6:46am October 25, 2012):
I do enjoy reading linked series! Your series sounds very goo! Thanks for the chance to win!
Re: Blood Therapy (6:48am October 24, 2012):
Congrats on being on the best seller list, your books sound amazing! Thanks for the contest!
Re: Sultry With A Twist (7:22pm October 22, 2012):
Hi Macy. I don't blame you for not wanting to answer such questions, that would embarrass me to have people ask me those questions as well!
Re: Escape (7:17pm October 22, 2012):
Hi Maria, Thanks for a great post and giveaway!
Re: Abigail And Mistletoe (7:13pm October 22, 2012):
Hi Karen, I love your books and this one looks good as well! Thanks for the chance to win a copy!
Re: Born To Be Wild (9:31am October 16, 2012):
My family owned a horse for many years, I was never thrown thank goodness, but my father and brother were. They both over came their fears and were able to ride again, but I on the other hand was scared for a long time to ride after they were thrown.
Re: Tall, Dark, and Divine (9:25am October 16, 2012):
Your book sounds really good! Thanks for the giveaway!
Re: Shattered Silence (10:02pm October 14, 2012):
Your books sound awesome! Thanks for the chance to win!
Re: The Shadowy Horses (9:08am October 12, 2012):
it's interesting to me that there are three different languages spoken in the same country. Your book sounds wonderful, thanks for the chance to win!!!
Re: In The Barrister's Bed (5:42pm October 10, 2012):
I recently read In The Barristers Bed and I adored it!! I really want to read the first book in the series to catch up! I am looking forward to more of the series to come!
Re: Run The Risk (5:39pm October 10, 2012):
I love Lori's books, thanks for the chance to win!!!
Re: Lady X's Cowboy (9:26am October 8, 2012):
I have never really hid my romance novels from anyone. I have been teased and laughed at for reading them, but I just don't care because I love them!
Re: The Hallowed Ones (9:48am October 7, 2012):
I really enjoy reading about the Amish, i am fascinated with the lifestyle. Thanks so much for the chance to win!
Re: Wild Encounter (9:40am October 7, 2012):
I would do anything to protect myself and my pets if I were to ever find myself in such a situation! Your book sounds wonderful, thanks for the chance to win!
Re: Savage Hunger (9:33am October 6, 2012):
I think the Amazon would scare me but I would have to go if I was going to meet Mr tall, dark and handsome!!
Re: The Ruins Of Lace (9:25am October 6, 2012):
Sounds like a great book! I'm glad that you were able to figure out how to write it and then get it published!
Re: Contract For Marriage (3:36pm October 4, 2012):
I would tear those doors down trying to get at my child! I can't even begin to imagine what kind of panic that would put a parent in!!!
Re: Until My Soul Gets It Right (8:44am October 2, 2012):
I would love to be in a book club, I just haven't found one to join. Your series sounds very good! Thanks so much for the chance to win!
Re: Secrets Of A Wedding Night (8:14pm September 28, 2012):
I know nothing about faro, I hadn't even heard of it until your post! I love a smart hero with a plan up his sleeve! Your book sounds fascinating, I will be picking up a copy asap!
Re: Renegade (9:08pm September 27, 2012):
Oh I hate to prune the keeper shelf! Every book I've ever read is a keeper to me. I do however force myself to thin the shelves every once in a while or my husband threatens to do it for me!!!
Re: Diary of a Vampire Stripper (6:39pm September 26, 2012):
Your book sounds like a lot of fun! Thanks for the chance to win a copy!!!
Re: A Home For Nobody's Princess (6:30am September 25, 2012):
I think that it is family that makes it feel like home to me. Your book sounds wonderful, thanks for the giveaway!!!!
Re: Boyfriend From Hell (6:26pm September 24, 2012):
Your series sounds like a lot of fun! Thanks for the chance to win!
Re: Seduction's Shift (11:08am September 23, 2012):
I love shapeshifter stories and there is just something awe inspiring about a panther!
Re: Enemies at the Altar (7:36pm September 22, 2012):
Yes I think that love and hate are closely related. Your book sounds wonderful, thanks for the chance to win a copy!
Re: Charming Blue (7:32pm September 22, 2012):
I think your books sound like a lot of fun! You can't make everyone happy, so I say to write what you love and I know that others will love it too.
Re: Got Game? (7:26pm September 22, 2012):
Your book sounds wonderful, I am glad that you didn't give up and you decided to self publish! Thanks for the chance to win!