Michelle Marcos | Top 5 Scottish Hotties
July 26, 2011
There’s only one thing I like better than a man in a kilt: a man out of one.
The great thing about reading romance novels with Scottish heroes is that there
are lots of Scottish actors that we can mentally cast in these roles. I’m a
serious Anglophile when it comes to those of the opposite sex, and men of the UK
have always held a special place in my fantasies. But no matter what
nationality of man you prefer, few are more drool-worthy than the hunky
Highlanders listed here. 5. Ewan McGregor
This Scot has a fine, braw shape to him. I could swim in his gorgeous smirk and
warm, blue eyes. God help me if he decides to open his mouth up and sing—I
would be putty in his hands. This guy can be both tender and forceful, perfect
material for those nocturnal daydreams, if you take my meaning. And if you ever
want to get a look at what he has under his kilt, check him out on Velvet
Goldmine. Full frontal scenes reveal that this particular Scot is, shall we
say, a remarkably healthy specimen of manhood. 4. Sean Connery
The King of Suave himself. Whether a 32-year-old in Dr. No, or a
60-year-old in The Hunt for Red October, this man could always make me go
gooey. Those kissable lips and that deep voice are unmistakable. Connery’s
slabs of muscle and trademark hairy chest are the epitome of masculine.
And did I mention that the man knows how to wield his weapon? 3. Billy Connolly
You may wonder why this wild and woolly Scot is on my list. The bottom line is
that Billy Connolly is just plain funny! (“I've always wanted to go to
Switzerland to see what the army does with those wee red knives.”) Whether he’s
on stage giving comedy concerts or in movie roles, the man always makes me
laugh—and laughter is a definite turn-on. Check him out in Mrs. Brown,
sharing the screen with my favorite actress of all time, Judy Dench, and another
hottie on our list, Gerard Butler. Best of all, Connolly’s the only one on the
list whose Scottish accent is as thick and pure as the day he was bairn. 2. Gerard Butler
Gasp! Not many men come sexier than this (no pun intended). Whether showing
off killer abs (and bum-cheeks) in 300 or romancing his wife from beyond
the grave in P.S. I Love You, this guy is the über fantasy man. Who
wouldn’t want to be enfolded in 6’2” of Scottish muscle? Not forgetting all the
tenderness behind his gruff exterior. One of my favorite performances of his
was in Dear Frankie, in which he masquerades as a boy’s long lost father
for a fee, but finds that he grows attached to the family. He displays what I
find irresistible in men: hidden depths. Those, and a set of highly kissable
lips. Don’t worry, ladies; I don’t mind sharing him with you. There is enough
of Gerard Butler to go around. 1. Malcolm Slayter
The hottest Scot of them all, in my honest opinion. Malcolm is my hero in
SECRETS TO SEDUCING A SCOT, and he embodies all of the characteristics of the
other Scottish hotties on my list. Malcolm has borne the brand of
slaighteur (knave) since the age of thirteen when his parents were
brutally slaughtered. Now a fugitive hunter for the Crown, his fearsome
appearance and cunning abilities make him the perfect protector for the English
ambassador’s daughter. But even after Serena Marsh’s life is threatened, the
spoiled socialite wants nothing to do with her protector. He is brutish and
unsophisticated, and damn him, he is also completely immune to her sway. She
bristles under the restrictions that Malcolm puts upon her, and she can’t wait
to leave the Highlands and return to her fashionable life in London. But it
isn’t long before Serena begins to appreciate his battle-honed body and his
gruff Scottish ways, and she discovers that his constant presence in her life
just isn’t enough. Soon she wants to go beneath the scowl to somehow unclench
the fist of the man who seems to hide a brutal secret and a haunting past. And
she learns that he wants to offer her a lot more than just his protection. Malcolm Slayter definitely heads the list of Scottish hotties. I couldn’t help
but fall in love with this man. And I think you will too. Check out SECRETS TO SEDUCING A SCOT,
and let me know if Malcolm makes your list of top hotties as well. One lucky reader will win an ARC of SECRETS TO SEDUCING A SCOT just by
leaving a comment here today! And for extra luck sign up for Michelle's
62 comments posted.
Re: Michelle Marcos | Top 5 Scottish Hotties
Hmm, I can definitely love another Scot, but I thought they usually do the seducing, don't they? Or is it just mutual? Now I really have to find out what Malcolm Slayter does or doesn't do. (Sigrun Schulz 3:26am July 26, 2011)
How could you not love him?? Just fabulous!! (Mary Preston 3:31am July 26, 2011)
That is an interesting list of Scots. Sean Connery will always be the best for me. Does anyone remember "Darby O'Gill and the Little People". He played an Irishman but oh so well. (Kathleen Yohanna 4:33am July 26, 2011)
Scotsmen!! Love them!! (Cate Sparks 6:00am July 26, 2011)
Love their accents! (Mary Smith 6:14am July 26, 2011)
One thing about scots I love their accents and they always seem bigger than life. (Connie Rowe 6:21am July 26, 2011)
Kilts, isn't it wonderful how we love the men in them! Blessings, Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 6:29am July 26, 2011)
HUNKS IN KILTS...I AM IN IT TO WIN IT! (Silvana Moscato 6:39am July 26, 2011)
Scotesmen are just wonderful. Now Sean Conner her is just great.....anyday. (Diane Castiglione 6:43am July 26, 2011)
Gerard Butler for me! (Lisa Garrett 6:53am July 26, 2011)
a man in a kilt is an amazing thing (Heather Pearson 6:55am July 26, 2011)
Oh my, they are "lovely" guys. Do save one for me! Connie Fischer [email protected] (Connie Fischer 7:11am July 26, 2011)
Wow, what a way to wake up-much better than any amount of caffeine! Gerard Butler is definitely at the top of my list; but I am sure I can make room for Malcolm too-he definitely looks hot on the cover of your book. So happy that you included photos in your list! (Jody Hollenbeck 7:27am July 26, 2011)
I love a scottish accent and if the man if a hunk to go with it all the better! (Barbara Hanson 8:31am July 26, 2011)
Goes without saying!! Malcolm would be at the top of my list!! (Dawn Staniszeski 8:47am July 26, 2011)
Wow--oh, Wow! Do you realize what you have done? I read this post just before heading out the door to work, and now I have face another day with people who are not Scots!!! Quite a list, and I agree with them all--especially "GB" : )
Ach, Malcolm!!! Highlanders are brawny, brave, intense Alpha males. The “Alpha” male is the dominant leader of the pack. They have qualities and strengths which make them “number one”! Along with all that greatness can come arrogance, a “my way is the only way” attitude, and a sometimes ornery personality. However, their fierce devotion to their loved ones, their loyalty and their innate honor all go together quite nicely to smooth the rough edges. I love big, grumbly, tough men who have even bigger hearts and an inner core of compassion. I also appreciate intelligence and humor, but kindness is the essential quality. At any moment of any given day, I prefer the gruff, but genuine, gentlemanliness of a Highlander wearing his clan plaid! Especially if he has great legs : ) (Virginia Campbell 8:55am July 26, 2011)
Thank you for making my morning!! So many men, so little time!! Since the only thing available is your book, I'm very anxious to read it!! Don't take that remark as an insult. I mean it as a compliment. I'm sure that it will leave me quite satisfied!! The cover alone is hot!! (Peggy Roberson 9:12am July 26, 2011)
Oh my! Scotmen, kilts, accents... Stuff dreams are made of. (And that's a mighty fine list!) (Jane Limback 9:26am July 26, 2011)
Oh wow... :) That made my morning... :) Love Ewan McGregor too... :) Those eyes... :) (May Pau 9:46am July 26, 2011)
I might be a little biased but my Hubby will always be my number 1 Scot! I'm willing to take auditions for the number 2 spot though :) (Michelle McMichael 9:49am July 26, 2011)
Mmmmm...kilts. That is sooo hot. Can't wait to read this book! (Nadine Reinheimer 9:56am July 26, 2011)
even as a young girl I knew sean connery was sexy -- and that was before I understood what sexy was ;) lovely list which provides me with plenty to daydream about while at work today ;) and if your new hero can top that list, I'll have to try to check him out for myself. Congrats on the release (d Kenney 9:58am July 26, 2011)
I love a kilt on a man--gives me a chance to checkout his legs. Men can be legmen so kilts give us women a chance to even the field. (Sandra Spilecki 10:01am July 26, 2011)
I agree with Sandra ya just gotta lone a man on a kilt, I also like legs but I LOVE a great ass. (Vickie Hightower 10:08am July 26, 2011)
Love a Scot hero and the Scottish accent! (Deborah Rudd 10:29am July 26, 2011)
I love your selections! (Beth Elder 10:33am July 26, 2011)
Scottish men light a raging fire in our hearts! Bring on the Scotts. (Susan Jeffers 10:41am July 26, 2011)
Michelle - I can picture it now - Malcom in a Kilt poster handing on my wall! Now that would be cool to wake up to! I'm of Scottish and English heritage but the man in a kilt wins out every time!
Malcom might be sexy but I can't wait to read more about Serena. I have a feeling that she is going to have to be fiesty to attract someone like Malcom. (Jeanne Miro 11:05am July 26, 2011)
Scottish men make good characters in a book. (Wilma Frana 11:12am July 26, 2011)
I've always loved reading about the Highlanders. This book sounds really good. Most people want to know what's under the short skirt of the Highlanders. I always wanted to know how they kept their socks up and where they carried their big swords if not using them in battle. (Joy Isley 11:26am July 26, 2011)
Butler, McGregor mmm Connery still has it. Even Craig fergerson. There is something to those Scots. Their voice, their eyes, the way their body moves,.. they have a certain underlying hunger that definitely makes you hungry for them. (Then again it could be the kilts ) :) (Carla Carlson 11:30am July 26, 2011)
Excellent list! I also like Craig Ferguson (something about that accent & the naughty twinkle in his eye). Wish there was a Scottish Highlander movie with an HEA. (Diane Sallans 11:56am July 26, 2011)
I do love those scots.And i secound on Craig Ferguson. (Peggy Quidor 12:06pm July 26, 2011)
Oh for sure any braw man in a kilt and a scottish accent sends my heart a sorring.. I would have to put Sean at the top of my list, but Malcom would sure be on it as well as the rest of these scottish hotties. (Kathleen O'Donnell 12:08pm July 26, 2011)
You had me at Sean Connery. (Pam Howell 12:13pm July 26, 2011)
There is definitely something about a Scotsman's accent! Sean Connery and Gerard Butler are always tops of my dream man list. I always love a good scots romance especially with a heroine that can challenge them. (Wasanaa Smith 12:15pm July 26, 2011)
I had never heard of Billy Connolly but I will have to check him out. (Maureen Emmons 12:38pm July 26, 2011)
I love Scottish men in stories and it's not because they wear a kilt. It's because they always seem so strong, capable and dashing. Plus there is that brogue! (Na S 12:46pm July 26, 2011)
Love the cover to your new book. As for the list, I would have to add David Tennant to it:). (Robin McKay 12:58pm July 26, 2011)
I have a friend going to Scotland next year and I told her the one thing she needs to do for me is to find out what they wear under the kilts. Never seen a Scot in a kilt or with a kilt. Hmmmm, interesting. (Vicki Hancock 1:06pm July 26, 2011)
Ohhhh! Gerard Butler!! Yum :-) Thanks for the giveaway! Count me in. Would love to read StSaS. (Saskia Kanstinger 1:14pm July 26, 2011)
Love your list of Scots... I would have to look at my bookshelves to add some others to the list... have to look for your book! (Colleen Conklin 2:32pm July 26, 2011)
Love the Scots, but, of course, I would as the descendent of a beautiful, gutsy, brunette Scots woman from Airdrie.....my great-great grandmother Elizabeth Stewart Wilson who, with her Australian husband Samuel Millington, moved to New Zealand, San Francisco, then British Columbia where she is buried.
The Scots are sturdy and the man of your tale is so much more! What think you of American Scotsman John Barrowman who heads the cast of "Torchwood"? (Carla Schuller 2:55pm July 26, 2011)
WOW I love your list!!! I agree with all your picks, there's nothing hunkier that a Highland Scot in a kilt purring in a Scots burr. I've been a fan for all these guy since I first saw them. Your book sounds just the thing!!! (Lenna Hendershott 2:55pm July 26, 2011)
You forgot to mention yummy Craig Ferguson, I love going to bed with him every night.......LOL........that is watching him on tv after Letterman! (Shauna George 3:10pm July 26, 2011)
Sean Connery has always been so sexy in a kilt. Now you have written about another sexy man in a kilt. Can't wait to read this BOOK! Thanking you ahead of time for what I know will be a great read! (Constance Biller 3:29pm July 26, 2011)
Just make sure he has a voice like Sean Connery. (Sheila Smith 3:38pm July 26, 2011)
YUMMY!!!!!!!!!! Eat 'em up!!!! (Joanne Bozik 4:29pm July 26, 2011)
John Barrowman as mentioned above and David Tennant need to be added to the list. Otherwise, great! (Nancy Brandt 4:47pm July 26, 2011)
I can't tell you which is my favorite but Gerald is high on my list but Malcom surely has drawn my attention :) (Donna Newman 5:36pm July 26, 2011)
Hi Michelle and welcome! I loved your list of Scots and your blog. SECRETS TO SEDUCING A SCOT looks and sounds hot. Thanks for the giveaway! (Cathy Phillips 5:36pm July 26, 2011)
Scottish men---love those sexy accents! (Shirley Younger 5:58pm July 26, 2011)
Accents, kilts, did I mention accents and kilts??? I love Scottish men, and Secrets to Seducing a Scot looks great...can't wait to read it!! (Sheila Mulholland 7:21pm July 26, 2011)
i like the way the book look and wish the best with it and i like to win and read it (Desiree Reilly 8:14pm July 26, 2011)
kilts and men (scottish) ,what else do you need. (Deb Pelletier 8:28pm July 26, 2011)
I will always be a sucker for a Scot! Fingers and toes crossed for this one. (Patti Paonessa 8:28pm July 26, 2011)
Don't they have just the best accents!! I am going to add Craig Ferguson of Late, late night fame. Having a good sense of humor never hurts. I love all your picks and can just imagine them in a kilt with a sword!! (Jeanne Sheats 9:42pm July 26, 2011)
Malcolm sounds yummy. (Lisa Kendall 10:30pm July 26, 2011)
You could just seduce me with a Scottish accent! I love to read anything Scottish. Count me in on this one! (Renee Brown 10:35pm July 26, 2011)
Yum, Malcolm sounds great! (Robin Daily 11:10pm July 26, 2011)
Ladies, I truly relished reading your comments. It's thrilling that we have similar tastes. What a cozy sisterhood we are. Listen up, Scotland! We have a hankering for your men!
It's true, I left off Craig Ferguson. He's a hottie. Hadn't heard of David Tennant or John Barrowman, but I'll definitely look into it. See? THAT's the kind of homework I love to do!
SECRETS TO SEDUCING A SCOT comes out in just 7 days. I just know you're going to love Malcolm. If I could bring any one of my heroes to life, it'd be him. He's a keeper, ladies!
Thanks for making me laugh today. Blessings! (Michelle Marcos 11:52pm July 26, 2011)
Sexy men, sexy voices and sexy accents. Theresa N weceno(at)yahoo(dot)com (Theresa Norris 6:41am July 27, 2011)
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