February 18th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Jody Hollenbeck

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52 comments posted.

Re: Bel Air (7:53pm September 4, 2011):

I love all kinds of ice cream; but my absolute favorite is Purity Chocolate Raspberry Truffle-real truffles in the ice cream-it is too yummy and worth every calorie!

My favorite quote is from John Wayne "Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway.". I used this quote a lot when I was training my mare. Another favorite quote is "When you fall off the horse, get right back on." That can apply to everything in life. My passion is horses, I love everything about them!

Loved your questions!

Re: Diaries Of An Urban Panther (12:27pm August 31, 2011):

I would like to say I would knock the person/creature out with a karate chop then run like heck to get away; but I would probably freeze in place and hopefully scream to get someone's attention.

Re: Red's Hot Cowboy (8:35am August 24, 2011):

Love the cover! If that hot cowboy was holding me like that and giving me those smouldering looks there is nothing I wouldn't do for him!

Re: The Edge Of Grace (1:13pm August 21, 2011):

Thank you for making me laugh! I have always wanted to write a romance novel; but always been afraid to start (which is probably a good thing as I am not a writer). I will continue to be an avid reader and leave the writing to you!

Re: Fall From Pride (4:30pm August 20, 2011):

Horses are my passion so I love seeing the Amish working the draft horses in the fields and driving their horses to town. They also bake the best baked goods-Neopolitian Angel Food Cake, pies of all kinds, cookies-yum! Not to mention their jams and cheeses. There are several small communities of Amish about an hour from me and I love visiting Lancaster PA. Last year we visited a harness shop which was not open to tourists; but I own a mare that drives so we went in and talked to a young Amish man about harnesses and horses, he was so polite and helpful. I love reading about lifestyles that are different from mine.

Re: Desire and Deception (10:17am August 19, 2011):

I believe that everyone has a bit of bad girl and good girl in them and can become whatever they decide to be. Also, that a person can change throughout their life depending on situations they encounter. I also believe that 2 friends that are opposites can greatly influence each other. Looking forward to your book.

Re: Love Me Twice (4:22pm August 18, 2011):

I'm a reader, not a dancer. Oh, I've tried to dance, but with 2 left feet it is just not possible. I will stick to reading and fantasizing that I am gracefully dancing.

Re: The Landlord's Black-Eyed Daughter (10:58pm August 10, 2011):

I love happy endings; especially when you don't know if they will be happy or not. I love horses like you do; everything I wrote or read in school revolved around horses. Your books sounds awesome!

Re: Making Waves (7:28am August 9, 2011):

Love Gerard Butler! Gerard is gorgeous and funny and sensitive. If I had to choose a current actor that I would most like to meet it would be him. I can understand why you picked Pierce though, he is definitely a brooding type. Meg Ryan was always one of my favorites-cute, bubbly and fun. But I agree with Kate Hudson for your character as she has all those characteristics too. Definitely Dwayne, Jane and Jason as the crew-OMG, that would be such an awesome movie! I rarely watch an entire movie though and never without multi-tasking at the same time-just not enough hours in the day. However, I do read at least a few chapters of a book every day and many times an entire book (there are always a few free minutes here and there to spare for reading!). Your story sounds so fun!

Re: Pleating for Mercy (8:26pm August 5, 2011):

I have several luxury hobbies. Riding my horse, riding with my husband on his Harley, reading-just got a kindle and love it! Scrapbooking is a passion and I have just started making beaded jewelry. Now if there were only more hours in each day!

Re: Too Hot To Touch (4:41pm August 3, 2011):

My first crush was a dark haired boy in grade school; chased him, but never caught him. Have always had a thing for dark hair. Can't wait to read your book!

Re: The Full Moon Bride (7:32am August 1, 2011):

I love this genre and want to thank you for writing it; even if there are people who may think it is beneath them. Stay strong and follow your beliefs.

Re: Notorious (7:07am July 29, 2011):

I would ride astride a spirited horse (not sidesaddle)and not marry an old man for his money; but luckily for me the handsome man I loved is wealthy, so I won't have to cook or clean!

Re: What A Goddess Wants (3:01pm July 28, 2011):

Your book sounds hot! Don't you wish there were a lot more hours in each day and at least half of them could be spent alone so you could actually get something done in the peace and quiet?

Re: The Genesis Key (2:58pm July 28, 2011):

As long as I could be healthy I would love to live a long time.

Re: A Gentleman Never Tells (12:49pm July 25, 2011):

A long time ago, I read two different books by the same author that had the exact same paragraph in them. I was reading one and it sounded so familiar that I looked in the other book and there it was. It discouraged me from reading any more of that author's books due to the similarities. A Gentleman Never Tells sounds really intriguing!

Re: Touch If You Dare (5:43am July 21, 2011):

Wow! You have definitely convinced me. My maiden name is Jarvis; that made me initially caught my eye. After reading all those hot traits I cannot wait to read this book!

Re: Magnificent Passage (2:28pm July 12, 2011):

Nothing I love better than a book about rugged cowboys! I have had my own horse since I was 4 years old and have always loved cowboys and the romance/passion that goes with that era.

Re: Just One Season In London (4:31pm July 11, 2011):

I love to imagine which character I would be most like. Sophie sounds like she is fun and sweet!

Re: Runestone (10:46am July 9, 2011):

First the smile, then right on down from there. I will leave it to your imagination.

Re: Loved By A Warrior (8:33pm July 6, 2011):

I think curses are caused by superstition and that love is the cure for all curses.

Re: Break Out (1:44am July 4, 2011):

Break Out sounds so interesting! I love books that cross genres. Romance without adventure would not be as exciting. I especially love thrillers crossed with romance.

Re: Wild and Unruly (7:28am July 1, 2011):

One of my favorite movies is Back to the Future-since I like the comedy as well as thinking of what might be if we could go back and forward in time.

Re: Fallen (1:08pm June 29, 2011):

School shootings are so scary because it is just so unexpected. No matter how many times I hear about one, it breaks my heart and I wonder how we can prevent it. I hope this is a scenario we never become used too (and I really hope I never have to hear about one again). Your book sounds so intriguing and I loved hearing how you got your idea.

Re: Dying For Justice (10:03pm June 28, 2011):

My biggest fear besides losing anyone I love is losing my sight and being unable to read. I fear evil in books; such as someone doing harm to a child or innocent person.

Re: Night Veil (11:15am June 27, 2011):

I would have to choose the dark and steamy Batman. His flaws make him more realistic and who could resist that car!

Re: Missing Persons (9:42am June 25, 2011):

I can't wait to read your book! It sounds like a fresh concept and you have an insider's view of what you are writing about. I worked as a dispatcher for a small town police department for over 10 years; and became very cynical during that time. Although it is still a shock when you hear that the "nicest" person has committed the worst crime.

Re: City Of Promise (12:18pm June 23, 2011):

I read all the time (when I am not working or riding my horse). Doesn't matter to me what the season is, I will usually find time to read. I am reading a variety of books this summer from mysteries to chick lit. I usually will try to read a few chick lit books between a mystery to break things up.

Re: Demons Prefer Blondes (10:01am June 20, 2011):

I have been married for 29 years and I love romance novels. Only for the lonely-you have got to be kidding! My sister is single by choice and prefers mysteries. Guess your ex-friend has a bit of the male chauvinist thing going on. Keep on writing those romances; the idea of a good guy demon is intriguing.

Re: Under a Desert Sky (1:58pm June 18, 2011):

I can't wait to read your book! Happily ever after to me is a couple that have been through struggles and come through it stronger as a team (and of course they can't bear to live without each other!).

Re: Louisa And The Missing Heiress (8:30am June 15, 2011):

I do think about what experiences authors have had to bring originality to their characters and stories. I would be terrified to meet Stephen King in person; his stories are so scary, I just wonder how he came up with such ideas.

Re: Blood Of The Wicked (12:25pm June 13, 2011):

Women's intuition is likely to be perceived as witchcraft, especially by the men who have been caught doing something they shouldn't have been doing!

Re: The Soldier (2:48pm June 2, 2011):

Family is family; thank goodness the good usually outweighs the bad.

I love reading books where I can imagine that I am the characters in them; that is what I enjoy most about reading.

Re: The Gin & Chowder Club (8:34pm May 31, 2011):

I love the heartache type books, nothing like a good cry.

Re: Mind Games (11:18pm May 25, 2011):

I would love to meet those authors and have a chance to sit and talk with them; hopefully they wouldn't consider that stalking. I would consider stalking them to get an advance copy of their books-LOL!

Re: SEALed Forever (7:48pm May 20, 2011):

These books sound so interesting, I can't wait to get my hands on them!

My Dad was in the Navy in WWII as well. I scrapbook and asked him some questions so I could create a page about it; well, once he started talking and sharing photos and his ribbons, it turned into an entire album. One that both of us loved and were very proud of. My Dad was a quiet guy and that is the most I have ever heard him talk. I have that album in a special place today so that others in my family can enjoy his memories.

Re: Awaken The Highland Warrior (2:01pm May 18, 2011):

I do feel there is a part of the author in each of the characters; not just the main characters. Whether it be a personality trait of the author's or of someone close to them or even someone they have known.

A well-written book makes the reader feel that the book is about them as well. It is all about imagination and that is why I love reading so much.

Re: Ashes Of The Earth (1:26pm May 17, 2011):

Personally I wouldn't want to be around to see it; I am not a survivor type; I am not handy with tools, mechanics, anything like that and I enjoy a comfortable, warm life. I think it would be terrifying. I do think people would become more strong because of necessity and do things that they would never have dreamed of (could I be one of them, perhaps, but I hope I will never find out).

Re: Wickedly Charming (7:40am May 16, 2011):

This book sounds unique and fun; it is on my list of must reads! I love fairy tales, romance and humor and this book sounds like it has them all. Glad your husband kept pushing you to do your own thing; keep it up!

Re: Grimoire (10:29am May 15, 2011):

A book just wouldn't be interesting without secondary characters. They are what makes the main characters come to life.

When there are too many secondary characters or they have similar names, it can get confusing though.

Re: Love Drunk Cowboy (12:16pm May 4, 2011):

Even though I live in NY, I am totally country! Actually I live in rural NY, right next to a hay field. I have my own horse that I ride-western, of course. I admit I don't own cowboy boots, I ride in Ariats as they are more comfortable. I have always loved horses, cowboys and reading and I would love to win your book (I plan to check out the rest of them as well!).

Re: The Legend Of Michael (7:48am May 2, 2011):

Strong and kind-hearted describe my hero. Your book sounds great, love the concept and I always love star-crossed lovers.

Re: Total Abandon (7:30pm April 30, 2011):

I don't have an e-reader yet; but I am hoping to get a Kindle in the near future. I love that e-books are making it easier for new authors because we will have a fresh outlook that way. As with many others I am on a budget, but I will never give up reading. I like to browse websites such as Fresh Fiction and GoodReads to discover new authors.

Re: Heart of Deception (8:55pm April 29, 2011):

My favorite hat is the helmet I wear when I am riding my horse; getting too old not to protect my noggin!

I loved seeing the hats at the Royal Wedding today and especially love seeing the different creations at the Kentucky Derby.

Re: My Favorite Countess (7:29am April 28, 2011):

Mash was one of my favorite shows. I read all the time, but haven't read too many books with doctor heroes; am looking forward to yours!

Re: Never A Gentleman (7:44am April 27, 2011):

I haven't read this book yet, but after hearing your description it is definitely on my list! I love it when it takes time for romance to bloom; makes the story so much more interesting.

Re: The Alchemy of Desire (2:59pm April 25, 2011):

I can't wait to check out your book! I love Alpha Heroes, but am ready to have a Beta Hero in my life too.

Love strong females too, as long as they aren't overbearing.

Re: The Devil in Disguise (5:50pm April 23, 2011):

I just signed up for your newsletter. Can't wait to get insider info!

Re: Cowboy Fever (12:01pm April 20, 2011):

Sounds like a fun party! Your book sounds like a great read, I have always owned and loved horses and equine therapy is a wonderful cause.

This book will be a must read for me!

Re: It Happened On Maple Street (1:01pm April 19, 2011):

This sounds like an amazing story, I cannot wait to read it. You are very courageous sharing your life with us, thank you.

Re: Tangled Threads (7:31am April 18, 2011):

Since Guiding Light went off the air I am not into TV at all; of course being addicted to Facebook helps stay away from tv!

I love country music though and a lot of those male artists are hot! Dierks Bentley, Tim McGraw, Blake Shelton, I could go on and on! They are my "secret" addiction!

Re: Drip Dead (7:18pm April 14, 2011):

I am really impressed by the student reactions. I wish we would have had career days in school when I attended. I would have loved to had an opportunity to meet an author like you; perhaps I would have been a writer. I am an avid reader and take a book along wherever I go; am happy to see that the youth of today are interested in reading and writing!

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