Brooklyn Ann | Angelica Winthrop: A Love / Hate Relationship
April 11, 2013
As the reader responses for BITE ME, YOUR GRACE come
in, I see a common theme with the heroine, Angelica Winthrop. They either love
her or they hate her. On the bright side, everyone seems to enjoy the story
either way. This extreme spectrum of receptions delights me because I suffered the same
alternating emotions while writing Angelica's story. She can be quite a handful
sometimes; for me as well as for many other characters in that series. While writing BITE ME, YOUR
GRACE, I often wondered what inspired Angelica. She was so different from
previous heroines I've written. Really, almost everything about BITE ME, YOUR
GRACE was a departure. At first I concluded that it was a response to the death
of my mother. I needed a total escape from everything. Regency England is
completely different from present day U.S.A. Angelica's mother was the polar
opposite of my mom, who was awesome and supportive. Angelica was so naïve and blindly optimistic in comparison to my jaded self.
Often she made me laugh. Other times I wanted to slap her. But it was fun to see
her grow. And she's a writer and a cat person like me and has great taste in men
and literature. Now that her story is out in the world, the reader responses, as well as the
literary analysis classes I'm taking for my English degree have me thinking more
about Angelica. Why is she so impulsive and rebellious? I blame her mother, who married below her station (a bank manager who
::gasp:: works for a living!) and was punished for it. I blame her
grandfather for cutting off their inheritance until Angelica makes an
"acceptable" marriage. Because of this, Angelica has been inundated with her
mother's obsession with social status, money and titles since day one. It's a
concept that makes no sense to her because her father makes decent money so
she's never wanted for anything. The fact that her father accepts her for who
she is while her mother is constantly trying to change her naturally incites an
urge to rebel. Of course, Angelica may just suffer from "Oppositional Defiant Disorder." Either
way, she was fun most of the time.
44 comments posted.
Re: Brooklyn Ann | Angelica Winthrop: A Love / Hate Relationship
Interesting read! Hoping to win! (Brittany Savage 10:49am April 11, 2013)
I think having a character that is either a love them or hate them person really adds a spark to a story. It also means they are well crafted. (Pam Howell 11:02am April 11, 2013)
Sounds like a great story, I'd love to read it. (Wilma Frana 11:09am April 11, 2013)
that sound like a great book i love the cover and then they are stand oout hope you will do good with the book this year (Desiree Reilly 11:19am April 11, 2013)
Hopefully I can read this and let you know what I think. The cover is very pretty by the way! (Lazydrag0n Puff 11:24am April 11, 2013)
I love the title. Definitely different and it sounds great! (Vicki Hancock 11:41am April 11, 2013)
very interesting book. Sounds intriguing. (Lisa Fitzgibbons 11:58am April 11, 2013)
makes me want to read this book, thanks (Debbi Shaw 12:56pm April 11, 2013)
Love the title of your book! Love the sound of it! (Colleen Conklin 1:07pm April 11, 2013)
Thanks so much to Fresh Fiction for having me today! And thanks so much to everyone for the kind words! (Brooklyn Ann 1:10pm April 11, 2013)
Sounds very interesting, thanks. (Deb Pelletier 1:28pm April 11, 2013)
Looks really great. (Kent Cook 1:59pm April 11, 2013)
I understand, believe it or not. I write terrible mothers as often as I write nice ones. And I had the best mother in the world. (Ashlyn Chase 2:09pm April 11, 2013)
I love the photo of you in the top hat! (Amanda Beachum 2:12pm April 11, 2013)
This sounds like a good read! I love finding 'new to me' authors. I have found many great reads that way!! Best Wishes! (Betty Hamilton 2:59pm April 11, 2013)
Thanks, Amanda and Betty! And Ashlyn, I totally hear ya. I miss my mom every day. She would have laughed so hard at Angelica's mother. (Brooklyn Ann 3:42pm April 11, 2013)
Love the cover and catchy title. Frances LoGiudice April 11 2013 (Frances LoGiudice 4:04pm April 11, 2013)
Angelica sounds like an intriguing character. (Maureen Emmons 4:05pm April 11, 2013)
I am so sorry for your loss. I think it is amazing that you were able to redirect yourself and create an amazing book. (Carla Carlson 4:35pm April 11, 2013)
Can't decide if the title is sarcastic or provocative. Guess I will have to read it to find out. Either way, I like it. (Amy Hamilton 4:38pm April 11, 2013)
Hope your classes are going well. I love the title. Since you're an English major, does all the bad grammar on the web bug you? (Laura Gullickson 4:53pm April 11, 2013)
Angelica sounds like a complex character. She should be interesting to follow, (Sue Farrell 5:31pm April 11, 2013)
This sounds like a great book. It's interesting to hear you talk about your heroine. I love seeing how writers approach their characters. (Jennifer L. 5:39pm April 11, 2013)
This truly sounds like a book I would love to read. Angelica sounds like she would be an interesting character to read about. I am sorry to hear about the loss of your mother. (Aimee Robison 6:38pm April 11, 2013)
"Works for a living", Gasp indeed!!! What fun! Blessings, Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 6:57pm April 11, 2013)
"works for a living" No! Say it isn't so! Excuse me while I swoon. Huge congratulations on your new novel! :-) (Chelsea Brooks 7:21pm April 11, 2013)
This book sounds interesting. Would love to read it. (Carol Woodruff 7:39pm April 11, 2013)
Sounds like a book I would like to read (Debbie Rudder 8:13pm April 11, 2013)
Now this is a book I'd love to read...hope I win it!!! (Bonnie Capuano 8:45pm April 11, 2013)
sounds like an interesting story.... (May Pau 9:01pm April 11, 2013)
Angelica sounds to be quite a handful. Which is so much better than a boring heroine. I am very interested in finding out how she gets along.. Good luck and happy writing! (Tracie Travis 9:17pm April 11, 2013)
Let me start by giving you my condolences on the loss of your Mother. Once that happens, it seems to give you a different slant on the way you look at things in general, and that's why your book turned out the way it did. Knowing that we have a common thread, I am very anxious to read your book. The title brought a smile to my face, and I love stories that are set in England anyway, so this is a book that is right up my alley!! This is a book I need to curl up with while the weather is still cold here, and I can lay back and really inhale your book in its' entirety!! It's definately on my TBR list, and I'll have to get my hands on it somehow!! Congratulations on your latest book!! (Peggy Roberson 9:22pm April 11, 2013)
This sounds like a book with characters I will love! Hope I'm a winner. Thanks (Lynne Mauro 9:42pm April 11, 2013)
I think that what mothers are for: to drive us crazy. They know what button to push on us. My mother is a control freak. Mine always see the grass being green on the other side. Most of the conversations are one-sided where she does all the talking. She loves the attention and yet she is always critical about everything I do. Mothers are very manipulative when they want their ways.
We could love them and hate them but we definitely can't live without mothers. (Kai Wong 9:43pm April 11, 2013)
THis sounds fantastic! Thanks for sharing and congrats on the new release! (Erin Fender 9:48pm April 11, 2013)
Your heroine sounds facinating. So different from ones that a reader usually meets. (Gladys Paradowski 10:29pm April 11, 2013)
sounds like a good read (Jennifer Hansen 10:29pm April 11, 2013)
Can't wait to read this one! (Renee Brown 10:31pm April 11, 2013)
"Bite Me, Your Grace" sounds like a fun read. Thanks for a chance to win. Happy Spring! (Gail Siuba 10:33pm April 11, 2013)
A fun read. Thank you. (Holly Vanderhule 10:37pm April 11, 2013)
Sounds like a fun read... Thank you for the chance (Jeannie Platt 11:31pm April 11, 2013)
I love the title! It shows all of Angelica's attitude and what she really thinks! This is definitely going on my TBR list. (Jennifer Boyett 3:34am April 12, 2013)
The social climber mother is definitely still out there, but maybe their children do get more opportunities in life, just because the mother looked around for them. I could have participated in youth award schemes but I never knew anything about them or how to apply or how to find out about them! No internet in those days and I was too shy to go asking myself. So your heroine can take good and bad from her mother. Good title, and I am sure the story is a fun read. (Clare O'Beara 7:56am April 12, 2013)
I'm looking forward to reading Angelica's story. I'm sure I will LOVE her. (Mary Preston 6:49am April 13, 2013)
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