Linda Conrad | TEXAS MEN!
March 27, 2012
I'm thrilled about the start of my brand new series, beginning this spring for
Harlequin Romantic Suspense, called Chance, Texas. The series features
rugged Texas men. My all time favorite. The first book in the series is on shelves in print now (April 1 on Kindle and
Nook!) Called TEXAS BABY
SANCTUARY, it features Sam Chance, the oldest brother in the large ranching
family. A strong, quiet man of the United States Secret Service, Sam's job is
to guard witnesses in the protection and security program. The one witness that
gets to him, running from his protection and changing his life, is Grace Brown.
Hiding from the Mexican drug king who kidnapped her, killed her parents and then
made her his mistress, Grace wants to become self-sufficient enough to protect
her baby son. But she discovers she must also learn to trust Sam. Finding unique plots and interesting characters is always a challenge. Yet I
know those are the very things that make readers happiest. I know because
that's what makes me happiest as a reader and a writer. My favorite settings
are in Texas. The romance of the great American West stirs a passion in my
soul. I've told many of my stories from a western perspective because I think
it's so romantic for a hero and heroine to face challenges from mother nature
along with challenges of the heart. That's why I am so happy to be back writing a series about a large Texas
family. And in the TEXAS
BABY SANCTUARY, Sam Chance must go back home in order to protect his witness
and her child. Sam has stayed away from the Chance ranch deliberately, to avoid
seeing his own guilt reflected in the eyes of his brothers. But his heart
belongs to Texas and that's where he feels at home. It's up to him to make
Grace see the value in Texas and want to stay there too. Here's a small excerpt of the beginning when Sam first catches up to Grace: Stinging cold rain ran off the brim of his hat and dripped down the
back of U.S. Marshal Sam Chance's neck. Shrugging deeper into his lambskin coat, Sam felt chilled through
and bone-weary. So flipping bone-weary, in fact, that he figured sleeping for a
hundred years would make a great way to spend his next time off—whenever
that might happen. But as he stood on the pavement in the rough March drizzle staring
through the smudged front window of a run-down highway café, his body got a shot
of much needed adrenaline. And suddenly, he had no need for sleep anytime
soon. She was there. Bending over to wipe
down an empty table. After searching for the last six weeks, he'd finally found
his woman. The information he obtained from those truck drivers a few days ago
had been the key to finding her. They'd said she was working as a waitress in
this dingy joint. And there she was. But look at how fragile she seemed from this distance. He'd never
known her to be so thin. And she'd changed her hair color again. He had grown
rather partial to the bright red, but he supposed honey-blond was not all
bad—if what you needed the most from your hair color was a temporary
disguise. Where was her baby? Did she bring him to work with her? Was the
child in the backroom of the café? Wanting to go to her, to hear her voice again, he fisted his hands
at his sides instead and tried to clear his mind. But he didn't move. He didn't as much as blink an eyelash.
Focusing his eyes past the left-over Christmas decorations on the window, that
were by now looking pretty ratty, he simply gazed at her. He shouldn't be here. Never should have started this quest to find
her in the first place. He'd taken a leave from his job in order to begin the
search. But now that he'd found her, he couldn't take his eyes off her. That
she was still well and breathing free air felt like such a relief he could
barely think. ..... There you go! Just a little taste of Sam's journey. From here the story takes a
fast turn and becomes a grand adventure right to the end. I think you're going
to love meeting Sam and Grace and her baby. I know I loved writing their story. So what do you think of books about Texas? Like them or hate them? Have any
questions about me, the new series or about TEXAS BABY SANCTUARY? Please
comment to be eligible for a drawing to win an autographed copy and a $10 gift
Amazon gift card. You can find out more and sign up for Linda's newsletter at: or catch up with her
on facebook and twitter. facebook @LindaConrad
69 comments posted.
Re: Linda Conrad | TEXAS MEN!
I like books set in Texas. It seems like a state where heroes are larger than life and I love the tough edge to the characters I have read about in that setting. (G. Bisbjerg 12:47pm March 27, 2012)
I love a good cowboy/western story, both contemporaries and historicals. The great American West seems to breed strong heroes and heroines. (Cheryl Castings 12:56pm March 27, 2012)
I was born in Texas but haven't been back since I was a toddler. Love to read about it, fiction or otherwise. (Nan Zahar 1:14pm March 27, 2012)
I visited a friend in Texas last Fall. Everyone I met was so friendly and welcoming. I enjoy reading about these people and their lives. (Barbara Hope 1:26pm March 27, 2012)
I enjoy books that take me to places I have not had the pleasure of visiting... seeing their towns and locales through the character's eyes is always interesting. (Colleen Conklin 1:31pm March 27, 2012)
I have always liked books about Texas, the west and cowboys. I have to admit I like historicals best of all. (Joyce Bruner 1:34pm March 27, 2012)
I love books about Texas! I visited when I was 10 and have always sworn I was going back!! (Kelli Jo Calvert 1:36pm March 27, 2012)
I Love the West, the desert, mountains and the open land. Oooh and I'd love a sexy, tall, strong (he'd have to be strong to pick me up [5'9'' - 145#]) cowboy to pick me up and take me away (I'd have your book with me of course ;) ). MmmmMmmm, Hmmm, does that pretty much tell you what I think of Texas Men. This book sounds good for me, I will definitely be checking it out. Thank You. (Margie Gagarin 1:42pm March 27, 2012)
I (Rebecca Whitehead-Schwarz 1:53pm March 27, 2012)
Books about Texas are okay, I guess. (Michelle Fidler 2:04pm March 27, 2012)
Since I grew up in Alaska, I have a kind of love-hate relationship with all things Texan. I think I should hide the covers when I'm reading and enjoying them. (Sue Farrell 2:39pm March 27, 2012)
I love books from Texas. I'm looking forward to reading Texas Baby Sanctuary. (Mary Hay 3:02pm March 27, 2012)
Texas is my adopted home state. Of course I like books set here! (G S Moch 3:06pm March 27, 2012)
Cowboys remind me of that song" Save a horse ride a cowboy." (Deb Pelletier 3:35pm March 27, 2012)
I do enjoy books set in Texas - it has a certain adventurous & strong feeling about the stories set there. I'm just finishing a series set in the west and I'll need another one to start. (Diane Sallans 3:37pm March 27, 2012)
Congrats on the new release and series, Linda. I've enjoyed many books set in Texas like Laura Griffin's Tracers series. (Jane Cheung 3:43pm March 27, 2012)
Nice to hear from all Texas fans. And welcome to those of you with ho-hum feelings toward the state. I agree about Texas breeding strong heroes and heroines. That's a big part of the allure of our western heritage. This new series is all about strong men who like equally strong women. Yes, Deb, I hear that song in my head a lot. ;)) (Linda Conrad 3:44pm March 27, 2012)
I love books about Texas. I spent one year in Bay City, Texas. I try over and over to win your books. I have two I think in my tbr stack. (Jane Squires 3:47pm March 27, 2012)
I love Texas stories..thanks for another great one! (Cate Sparks 4:08pm March 27, 2012)
I absolutely LOVE Cowboy/Western stories that take place in TEXAS! I can't get enough of them. I just finished reading one by Carolyn Brown and one by Jodi Thomas (two great authors of cowboy books) with great strong Texas heroes. I'd love to read yours, Linda, as I'm sure it's equally as good from the excerpt I've read...thanks for sharing and giving us another great one to read!!! (Linda Luinstra 4:56pm March 27, 2012)
LOL Keep trying Jane!
You're most welcome, Cate! (Linda Conrad 4:56pm March 27, 2012)
Congratulations on the new series, Linda! I grew up in rural Oklahoma so I have mixed feelings about Texas. I love stories set there because the culture is so similar to the one I grew up with. BUT there will always be a friendly rivalry between OK and TX. ;-) (Stacie Deramo 4:57pm March 27, 2012)
You're welcome too. Linda L (Linda Conrad 4:58pm March 27, 2012)
This native Texan loves stories about Texas. What is more romantic that a cowboy? (Gladys Paradowski 5:19pm March 27, 2012)
OOps. That should have been "than a cowboy?" (Gladys Paradowski 5:20pm March 27, 2012)
I have found that Texas is one of the main venues for when you want to write a love story, the setting can't be beat!! As the saying goes - "Everything is bigger there," and that's true, including their hearts!! If you want to write about a cowboy, a rancher, a roper, an oilman, or a businessman, the perfect backdrop exists there in Texas. It's such a beautiful state with so much potential and beauty. People who live there have the beauty of a state with the gulf on one side of them. How could the beauty of the state alone, with the gulf, the plains, and the city, be enough to make you fall in love?? I'm hooked from your excerpt, and can't wait to read the book!! (Peggy Roberson 5:38pm March 27, 2012)
Congrats on the start of a new series, Linda! I don't care either way about books set in Texas, I just like reading your books. I do like books set in the southwest. I loved your 'Shadow' series. Looking forward to this new book. (Mary Perry 6:35pm March 27, 2012)
I love books about Texas and men from Texas. They have this polite and strong attitude towards women. Looking forward to reading your new series. (Roseann Moss 7:16pm March 27, 2012)
Thanks everyone! Most of you seem to love books set in Texas. Thank goodness. ;)
Glad you remember the 'Shadow' series Mary! Those were a lot of fun. Hope the 'Chance, Texas' books are just as much fun to read. (Linda Conrad 7:29pm March 27, 2012)
I like books set in Texas especially the more rural areas.. (Cheryl McEwen 7:46pm March 27, 2012)
I've never been to Texas but I have enjoyed many books set in Texas. It's my way of visiting it :) Congratulations on your release. (Na S 8:57pm March 27, 2012)
I love books about Texas I would love to visit one day (Pamela Hansen 8:58pm March 27, 2012)
I love reading Texas and family connected stories. (Mary C 10:36pm March 27, 2012)
Don't like Texas, it's been over done, would prefer maybe Arizona... (Diane Pollock 10:47pm March 27, 2012)
I love reading books about Texas, bring on those great looking cowboys. Thanks for giving me a chance to win your book. (Linda Hall 11:31pm March 27, 2012)
Texas men make hot love stories. They are strong, usually quiet and sexy. And even beter they know thier way around lady (when they want too (lol). This is my favorite type read. Please put me in the drawing! And thanks for having the drawing, I like reading all the comments! (Lynn Falin 11:59pm March 27, 2012)
Hi Linda,
I would read your book no matter where it was set. Really looking forward to your Texas men series. I already have the first book. (Tammy Yenalavitch 12:09pm March 28, 2012)
I have a sweet spot for books involving small children. Thanks for the contest. (Marilyn Legault 1:40am March 28, 2012)
Texas or not-Texas doesn't really matter if the setting isn't a character all on its own. If Texas is a character, absolutely love it. I love almost any setting that brings parts of the story to life in a different way. The stage is as important as the actors on it.
I like the premise for your series! (Jennifer Bird 2:13am March 28, 2012)
I love Texas! The people there are so friendly! (Susan Ashcraft 3:12am March 28, 2012)
thank you for the chance at such a great giveaway, i love the cover it's gorgeous and the excerpt was wonderful. i look forward to reading both this book and the rest of the series.
tammy ramey [email protected] (Tammy Ramey 5:00am March 28, 2012)
I've never been to Texas, so reading about it is almost like reading about a foreign country. :) Everything I've heard about Texas sounds exotic and bigger-than-life compared to my experience. (Deborah Anderson 7:16am March 28, 2012)
The setting of any book to me is secondary to the characters and plot. I've enjoyed many books set in Texas, but there was one Harlequin or Silhouette author who always used all capital letters and used the word TEXAS all the time and extolled it's virtues to a ridiculous level and it was quite obnoxious and we (my sister and I) stopped reading her books.
I've visited Texas several times and enjoyed it. (Anne Muller 8:04am March 28, 2012)
I love your books. Would love to win this one! (Susie Kerner 8:24am March 28, 2012)
Appreciate hearing from everyone. Thanks for the lovely words. I wish everyone could win! (Linda Conrad 8:28am March 28, 2012)
Texas is a beautiful state and I love reading books about it. Been through Texas many times. (Bonnie Capuano 9:03am March 28, 2012)
It's been years since I've read any books set in Texas and those I did read where historical romances. I enjoy reading stories set in the old west especially since Texas has such a rich history. (Karen Haas 9:04am March 28, 2012)
My favorite book of all time is set in Texas, so I love them. (Mary Preston 9:12am March 28, 2012)
I haven't read a lot of books set in Texas. But I am fascinated by the landscapes and spaces of Texas, and would really like to read more novels that make good use of Texas anvironments and cultures. And foodways! (Mary Ann Dimand 9:35am March 28, 2012)
cowboys - Texas - sounds interesting (Pamela Faye Howell 9:45am March 28, 2012)
It is wonderful to experience things from different state points-of-view. Texas is a large state and I imagine there are as many ideas as there are alternate locations within the state giving an author a range of perspectives and scenery to work with. I like variety. Therefore I like Texas as a location. (Sandra Spilecki 11:20am March 28, 2012)
I love all states but especially like learning about real places I've never been. Gives me itchy feet lol. So if i've not been there I'd love to read a book set in texas. (Pam Kinsey 11:31am March 28, 2012)
I love books based in Texas....My hero, my daddy, was born and raised in Texas. He was a marine for 30 years, but Texas was always home. I love reading books with heroes that have the same characteristics as my Daddy....Honor, compassion, no nonsense type of man. (Kimberley Coover 1:15pm March 28, 2012)
Love your books would love to win this one (Lilian Gamble 1:46pm March 28, 2012)
I love books about heroes who live in Texas and it doesn't matter what period of time. Usually the hero is bigger than life. (Anna Speed 1:53pm March 28, 2012)
I love books set in Texas. There seems to be such a closeness in these places. More like a down home and cozy feel to them. and the reader gets to learn about places different from where they live. Thanks for the opportunity. Carol L Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com (Carol Luciano 3:14pm March 28, 2012)
I like books about Texas, but to be truthful I enjoy Westerns in general; especially if they consist of both Romance and Adventure. I cant wait to start reading, it will be a great escape from the hustle and bustle of NYC life. Thank you! (Amanda Weber 3:42pm March 28, 2012)
Sounds great. (Donald Highley 4:09pm March 28, 2012)
I love books set in the west. (Heather Poindexter 4:13pm March 28, 2012)
Since I have never been to Texas I do enjoy stories set there since it gives me the feeling of having visited. (Maureen Emmons 5:52pm March 28, 2012)
Sounds like a great read. I love books set in Texas. (Tara Woods 6:34pm March 28, 2012)
Never been to Texas, but I hear they do everything big, hair, house etc. Gotta love it. (Kiki Winn 6:58pm March 28, 2012)
Yes, there is just something about Texas, isn't there? It is a place I would LOVE to visit but since I am an armchair traveler, I am glad for the opportunity to do so through books! (Felicia Ciaudelli 7:54pm March 28, 2012)
i love texas but i had to move to oklahoma.i still miss texas!! (Jennifer Beck 7:59pm March 28, 2012)
I must love books about Texas because I am reading one right now! (Jennifer Beyer 8:44pm March 28, 2012)
Yummy cowboys! (Krystle Smith 9:00pm March 28, 2012)
I love books about Texas. I love cowboys and things like that. (Patti Paonessa 10:26pm March 28, 2012)
We had the pleasure in visiting Texas, and enjoying the scenery and bbq. Just love cowboys and their silent charm. WTG on your writing skills. Your plot sounds believable and very interesting to read. Would love to snag a big Texas cowboy book. cheers. (Dayle Butler 11:15pm March 28, 2012)
Yee Haw! I'm a Texan born and bred who loves all things Texan! You had me at "Texas Baby Sanctuary." Your book seems to have all the necessary ingredients: a conflic- ted lawman who is looking for his woman and her baby, both in need of protection, in Texas. And it's part of a series! Boy Howdy! I couldn't ask for much more!!! (Patricia Cochran 12:01pm March 29, 2012)
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