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Eileen Dreyer | I'm Writing a Series. Help Me


It seemed like such a good idea at the time. I started with this concept of a historical romantic adventure trilogy, which would have taxed me enough. I mean, I've never written a series before. I've always thought I wasn't organized enough. And mostly, I wasn't.

But I had tested my wings on my faery trilogy as Kathleen Korbel for Nocturne. I ended up having a great  time flinging characters around and intermixing story lines. I even realized that my muse was still working, because I would write something in the first book without knowing what it meant, and voila! In the third book it played out(I can't tell you how comforting that was.)

So, I thought. Easy peasy. I can do another trilogy. But then, as I was writing BARELY A LADY, all of these extra people started showing up. And most of them were manly spies. Okay, I thought. That's fun. But focus on the trilogy. You have enough people you're playing traffic cop for to get distracted.

Nah. Right in the middle of NEVER A GENTLEMAN, the other men started to really separate themselves into different personalities; they each had a different task. They had backgrounds I needed to find out more about. (It actually happens to me all the time. When I did the Kendall series as Kathleen Korbel, I was initially going to just write JAKE'S WAY. Then his family showed up, and damn! They wanted their own stories).

Well, I'm now in too deep to back out. I have this so-complicated-it-looks-like-tangled-yarn overview plot that suddenly went from three books to….God help me, nine books. Nine Rakes. Nine heroines and enough villains to keep them all hopping. What was I thinking?!

I was thinking how much I love these characters. I'm so excited that I finally got to give Lady Kate her story in ALWAYS A TEMPTRESS, and that I (hope) I found the hero worthy of her in Major Sir Harry Lidge. I got to play again with  Lady Bea and Chuffy and Thrasher. I had an absolute blast. I really hope you do, too. And then, I hope you want to read about the rest of the Rakes.

What is your favorite series? And why? GIVEAWAY: a signed copy of ALWAYS A TEMPTRESS along with trading cards to one lucky person who posts a comment below.

Drake's Rakes

Drake's Rakes #1

Drake's Rakes #2

Drake's Rakes #3




50 comments posted.

Re: Eileen Dreyer | I'm Writing a Series. Help Me

Amy--thanks. I don't think I have a chance. Actually characters can be pretty dictatorial. "I want to do this. I want to do that. I want to shoot that fellow over there." Thank heavens they usually end up making sense-at least for me.
(EILEEn Dreyer 12:56pm November 3, 2011)

Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series coupled with the Lord John spin off series seems to be my FAV series at this time. The novels go on and on (for twenty years now) seemingly without end, readers HOPE.....and do so in a milieu of paranormal romance in historical settings.....and I am definitely NOT alone as a fangirl of the principal characters! We fans live for the next twists and turns in the complicated lives of Outlander characters. We fans engage with and are addicted to the very human and very earthy struggles of the heroes and heroine and their adventures across history. Between publications, we fans search for other series to slake our literary thirsts.....biding time until the next installment of the Outlander series.
(Carla Schuller 1:01am November 3, 2011)

I have a lot of favorites...it's hard to pin it down to just one. I like Gena Showalter's LOTU, Pamela Palmer's Feral Warriors, Lora Leigh's Breeds, JR Wards Black Daggers and Fallen Angels, Christine Warren's Others, Lauren Dane's Brown's Siblings and Chase Brothers, Jaci Burton's Wild Riders, etc. I like series because it's a continuation of each of the characters stories and how they interact with each other. They are a family of sorts...a community and it's easy to get yourself tied up in wanting to know everything little thing about everyone...from as far back as the author will take you. Sort of like watching a soap opera...you never want it to end. If it's good enough...you want to just keep reading about the existing characters...and new ones that are added in. And with Paranormals...there's a huge mess of possibilites as far as their abilities are concerned and then there's species/sub-species/cross-species, to deal with, so that's an endless bucket to pull from. Not to mention the adventures/trouble these folks can get themselves into! Too many realms (worlds) too choose from...and then throw in time travel to boot. Shoot, no wonder it's such a popular genre! Anyway...that's my 2 cents.
(Barbara Battaglia 1:41am November 3, 2011)

Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series is my favorite.
(G. Bisbjerg 2:33am November 3, 2011)

I have to say Diana Gabaldon's Outlander is my #1 pick for series. Then there is Monica McCarty's Elite Guard Highlanders, JR Ward's BDB, Gena Showalter's LOTU,Pamela Palmer's Feral Warriors. There are many and I love series books.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at)aol (dot) com
(Carol Luciano 5:13am November 3, 2011)

I am not really into book series..but I guess I have enjoyed all of Nicholas Spark's books, even though you may not consider them a series...love the realism and romance.
(Diane Brixius 6:33am November 3, 2011)

J. D. Robb's Eve Dallas is my very most favorite series, but I certainly enjoy and look forward to each book in many other series as well.
(Marjorie Carmony 7:39am November 3, 2011)

Love Nora Roberts Bride trilogy and Susan Wiggs's Lakeshore Chronicles. Fabulous characters!
(Karen Gervasi 7:54am November 3, 2011)

I just wanted to say that I LOVED Never a Gentelman! It was so great to have a heroine who was plain. My favorite series is the Sookie Stackhouse series. Have a great day!
(Renee Pajda 8:06am November 3, 2011)

Favorite series right now is the Hunger Games. Loved it.
(Pam Howell 8:55am November 3, 2011)

Love Philip Kerr's mystery/historical series--March Violets, The Pale Criminal, The German Requiem, If the Dead not Rise,etc--all are interesting reads.
(Shirley Younger 9:41am November 3, 2011)

I do love how characters come alive and surprise you in ways you'd never thought possible!
(Darlene Stewart 10:11am November 3, 2011)

The series that I got hooked on is the one by Janet Evanovich. With my lifestyle as it is, her books keep me laughing, and at the end of the book, which goes by so quickly, has me wanting more. I am hoping that your books do the same for me - not particularly the laughing part, but the wanting more part. Congratulations on your latest book, and I'm sure that you'll get your characters straightened out. Forgive me for not being familiar with you. I've been out of the loop with reading for a while. I think family emergencies that I had to tend to took precedent over my reading, and I lost touch with my books. I lost out on a lot.
(Peggy Roberson 10:13am November 3, 2011)

I'd have to say that for HR, this is my favorite series!!! I've waited anxiously and impatiently for each new Drake's Rakes and I'm thrilled to hear that there will be 9!!! Awesome!!!! I'm currently reading ALWAYS A TEMPTRESS on my kindle and I would love to get this series in paperback b/c I hoard the books that I love in paper :)

Thanks again!
(Erin Fender 10:38am November 3, 2011)

Bwahahaha! My evil plan has worked. You guys have once again given me new ideas for books to read. And I love to read series for the same reason. I don't ever have to put the characters away. I'm actually hoping to be like one of my favorite series authors Patricia Veryan, who kept spinning off characters for something like 50 years. I can't imagine what the inside of her head looked like!
(EILEEn Dreyer 11:42am November 3, 2011)

Peggy--I'm sorry you've had family stuff. I know very well what that's like. So don't worry about not catching up. I wouldn't say my books are like Evanovich. There is humor, but there's a LOT more angst before the HEA. I hope you enjoy the vicarious catharsis. And that life eases up.
(EILEEn Dreyer 11:44am November 3, 2011)

Erin--thank you! I'm so glad you love my Rakes. I'm working on Ian's story now(you'll see), and writing an e-short that sets up the heroines of the next trilogy. Turns out they all went to the same school, where their Rake brothers put them to keep them safe while the Rakes go off to save the country. Who knew? (and except for that, all the Rakes are in paper, too. I know what you mean. I still have to hold that paper in my hands when I can)
(EILEEn Dreyer 11:46am November 3, 2011)

My favorite series is Kaki Warner's Blood Rose series, I really got hooked on this one, she was also a new author and I love reading new to me authors. Your series sounds awesome will have to check it out.
(Gail Hurt 11:55am November 3, 2011)

Hi Eileen! You are a new author for me, but your books do sound like must reads. Again, I have found a new author to read. Right now I am reading Sabrina Jeffries books about the Sharpes. I love them! In fact, there have been many series books that I have enjoyed -- Sweet Savage Love among them, but I can't remember them all.
(Cathy Phillips 12:16pm November 3, 2011)

Eileen -
I fell in love with your Rakes when I read Barely A Lady, waited patiently for Never A Gentleman and can't wait to read Always A Temptress. The only thing I can say is only 9? There must be some others hiding out there in the library just waiting to have their own story!

Yup, you guessed correctly - your's is my favorite series so please keep the Rakes coming or maybe even a Rakess! I'm sure there are some ladies out there just waiting for a series of their own!
(Jeanne Miro 12:53pm November 3, 2011)

I love series! It's like hanging out with great friends!! One of my fav's is the Malory series by Johanna Lyndsay. Your rakes sound dashing and I now long to read their stories. Sorry to say I haven't come across any of them so far. But will now keep eye out for them!
(Theresa Newbury 12:57pm November 3, 2011)

I love series! The characters become like family. One of my favorites is Robyn Carr’s Virgin River series.
(Marcy Shuler 1:37pm November 3, 2011)

I have enjoyed quite a few series... some short & some still on going. JD Robb's In Death is one of my favs!
(Colleen Conklin 1:40pm November 3, 2011)

I have a bunch of favorite series some of them are Johanna Lindsey's Malory Family, Lynsay Sand's Argeneaus, JR Ward's BDB, Kenyons Dark Hunters, Feehans Carpathians, Mercedes Lackey's Valdemar series, Maya Banks' Highlander series, Sue-Ellen Welfonder's MacKenzies and MacLeans and the list goes on and on. I can't wait to read these books too. I usually wait for a few to be out and read them back to back cause I hate waiting in between. LOL
(Patti Paonessa 1:45pm November 3, 2011)

I'll always have a soft spot for Georgette Heyer's These Old Shades, Devil's Cub, An Infamous Army. Other series I'm particularly fond of are Lois McMaster Bujold's Vorkosigan series, Dorothy L. Sayers's Lord Peter Wimsey books and Margery Allingham's Albert Campion books.
(Mary Ann Dimand 1:50pm November 3, 2011)

I've enjoyed a lot of series - Stephanie Laurens 'Bar Cynster'
and more recently really enjoyed Nora Roberts 'Bride Quartet'.
Besides good stories individually, I enjoy expansion of the
stories of supporting characters in early books & catching up
with characters in latter books.
(Diane Sallans 2:44pm November 3, 2011)

Hi Eileen,
I like your books.
My favourite series is Iris Johanson's Eve Duncan series. (Well, Eve's usually a main character, I don't know the name of the series). I always wsnt to know what's going to happen.
(Cheryl McEwen 2:47pm November 3, 2011)

My fave was Always a Temptress. I loved Kate - I thought she was funny you never knew what she would say, was a great character. I love reading series, and I alwasy look out for them. As soon Always a Temptress hit the stands, I was there. But of course I loved all ur books, Keep writing
(Elizabeth Sirk 2:56pm November 3, 2011)

Love many series... :) I did enjoy Barely a Lady a lot. As for other series: J.D. Robb's Eve and Roarke, Julia Quinn's Bridgeton, Julie Anne Long's Pennyroyal...
(May Pau 3:53pm November 3, 2011)

I love reading series. When you read a really enjoyable book you look forward to another by that author. I recently read a new book, "The Pack" by Jason Starr. I enjoyed it and wanted more, only to find out he's writing a sequel right now to it (paranormal thriller). I'm unsure if it will be a series. I enjoyed Robyn Carr's Virgin River series, Barbara Freethy's Angel's Bay series, and Nora Robert's Bride Trilogy series, among a few of my favorites. I'm always open to reading anything and looking for more good books in a series to read, and I am going to read yours, since I love anything with an enticing romantic story. Yours sound awesome!
(Linda Luinstra 6:29pm November 3, 2011)

Hi Eileen,
I love your books, I won an advance copy of Barely a Lady
on Goodreads when it was first coming out and I just fell in
love with the characters.
I think my fav. series is Lisa Kleypas' the Hathaway series.
I love how each member of the family is different from one
another and how they love each other. I like how they
accept the Cam and Kev into their family with open arms too.
Its one of the series I always come back to over time
(Lucero Guerrero 6:40pm November 3, 2011)

I have read Lydia Dare's series.The first one," A Certain Wolfish Charm "and four others books in that series. I'm not in to series, but it was a nice change.
(Deb Pelletier 7:17pm November 3, 2011)

So many series - J.D. Robb's In Death, Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunters and Stephanie Laurens' Cynster series, to name three.
I love connected stories and catching up with characters featured in previous books.
(Mary C 7:29pm November 3, 2011)

I would much prefer to read series than stand-alones. I
enjoy becoming involved in the characters' lives and see
what they're doing from book to book! I'm a huge fan of
Nora Roberts and her series, Three Sisters Island, is my
(Laura Henderson 7:47pm November 3, 2011)

I love Chuffy. I think he has great potential. I have to say though that I was afraid you were going to turn him into a traitor in Always a Temptress... really had me worried.
(N Sum 8:18pm November 3, 2011)

OMG, that's a difficult question to answer. There's been so many... I've loved the Harry Potter series and the Twilight series... More recently, I've enjoyed a series by Thea Harrison and The Sicari series by Monica Burns. Sherilyn Kenyon's series is also very enjoyable. Thanks so much for the contest!
(Linda Townsend 8:32pm November 3, 2011)

Hands down my favorite series EVER is Kushiel's (the first trilogy) by Jacqueline Carey. Why is a complicated question. First, Jacqueline Carey is an amazing wordsmith. The world in the series exists in my mind. Second, Jacqueline Carey took real history and geography and political boundaries and twisted them into something extraordinary. The series actually spurred me into looking up the actual history. Third, and in my mind most important, the characters live and breath. Phedre is a woman that I would love to know. Jocelyn is a man I would love to know. I felt their pain and celebrated their successes. Gosh, can you tell how much I love the series?! Thanks for the giveaway.
(Jennifer Beyer 8:36pm November 3, 2011)

That's wonderful that your series is going to be nine books. One of my favorite series was the Wallflower series from Lisa Kleypas. I liked that the heroines didn't really fit into society and were unique individuals.
(Maureen Emmons 8:58pm November 3, 2011)

I love Eileen's books. I own the other two and would love this one too!
(MaryAnne Banks 10:20pm November 3, 2011)

wow, this is great. Even more recommendations. Jennifer. I have to try the Jacqueline Carey books. They sound amazing.
Noel--I'm so glad you liked Chuffy. He's so fun to write. And I'll ease your mind right now. He gets his own girl.
As for there maybe being more Rakes than the original group, well, you never know. Unexpected characters show up all the time in my books. I'll also say that I"m not finished with Barbara Schroeder, who actually is kind of an auxiliary Rakess.
(EILEEn Dreyer 11:21pm November 3, 2011)

I'm hooked on the Lorelei James, Rough Riders series, just now.
(Lisa Kendall 1:38am November 4, 2011)

Having just finished THE HUNGER GAMES - that would be it right now.
(Mary Preston 9:15am November 4, 2011)

The Stephanie Plum series, Feehan's Carpathians, all of Lauren's various series,
Robb's Eve Dallas--I could go on and on and on because I read all the time.
(Sandra Spilecki 10:26am November 4, 2011)

I love to read series. My favorite at the moment are Janet Evanovich, Stephanie Plum books and Ann B Ross, Miss Julia are fun reads.
(Sheila True 11:29am November 4, 2011)

My favorite series to date has been the Nalini Singh Psy/Changeling one. I was immediately drawn into the world she created with the first book,and although I could see that the overall plot had this long development pending, I was satisfied with the individual books because the H/H stories were completed by the end of each book. Although many ongoing characters reappear throughout the series, the focus is on the single couple each time.
(Dolores Feagin 6:35pm November 4, 2011)

You must continue with the Drake's Rakes series; so far, I'm most partial to Diccan, what a sexy, sexy rake. He is truly "the Perfection."
(Susan Shapley 7:01pm November 4, 2011)

I have to admit that one of my favorite Historical series is by Julia Quinn - I have never laughed so hard and enjoyed historical fiction as much as her books.
(J. Lee Chase 8:23pm November 4, 2011)

Les Roberts mysteries are my favorites since a lot of them are about the nearby Ohio cities and involve a Slovenian detective.
(Alyson Widen 8:49pm November 4, 2011)

Hi, Eileen. I've read quite a few of your "Korbel" titles, but I'm eager to get into your Dreyer ones, especially the historicals. They've been my favorites from my early youth, and not the romantic ones but the historic novels. I haven't read as much as I like lately but hope to read your new ones soon, as well as some of your medical mysteries. Maybe I can pass those on to my sister who's a nurse. Keep up the good work.
(Sigrun Schulz 9:52am November 6, 2011)

I have multiple series that I am fond of but must add another Eileen to the
list but her last name is Wilks. I also really like Dana Stabenow, Patricia
Briggs, Tamora Pierce, Robin Hobb...the list could go on for awhile!
(E Felder 12:40pm November 7, 2011)

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