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Gwendolen Gross | Bread, Puppets, and Summer

The Orphan Sister
Gwendolen Gross



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Powell's Books


Indie BookShop

July 2011
On Sale: July 19, 2011
Featuring: Olivia; Odette
304 pages
ISBN: 1451623682
EAN: 9781451623680
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Also by Gwendolen Gross:
When She Was Gone, March 2013
The Orphan Sister, July 2011
The Other Mother, August 2007
Getting Out, June 2002

Because it is summer, and because a woman at Oberlin College, Ma'ayan Plaut, gave me adjective sandwich recipes for THE ORPHAN SISTER, as I wait for the kids' camp bus I am thinking of bread, and wondering what my mother used to do in the summer. There were three of us, my sisters and I, and mostly we didn't go to camp, we went to the summer house and were creatively, actively, deeply bored in the sweet green timothy grass and lupines. We drew pictures and pretended moss banks were enchanted beds. We bickered and cleaned a thousand dead flies from the windows. Claudia and I made face paint from ground-up rocks: mica chips silver, iron oxide red. We read, and read, and read and made birthday ice cream with a wooden hand-crank machine and cream we got from working on the dairy farm. We grew.

We used to ride up to Greensboro, Vermont from our house in Newton, Massachusetts, three girls, parents and the dog, taking turns in the way back of the Jeep Wagoneer, bouncing on the wheel well that sounded like going, going, going and made your bones buzz. Once we were there, dad would go back home for work, and Mom would shuttle us to early-morning swim lessons at the lake (deep! cold! Perhaps it's there my sister Claudia Rose fell in love with open-water swims) or let us roam to the local farm to help, or we'd travel to town where one gift shop and the Willie's general store would occupy hours of slow summer meandering. I wrote letters to my friend Lisa, decorating envelopes like the Queen of Hearts, the Monopoly board.

Then there was one summer we went to Bread and Puppet Theater. My youngest sister was too young to go, but Mom drove us—maybe it was an hour from Greensboro?—and left us to help make puppets and prepare for the summer performance. That year in particular, it was about the Resurrection of the Washer Women. Probably it was about the downtrodden taking back beauty and life, also there was probably some religious thematic material, but to me (coming from a not religious household), it was about learning to walk on stilts (climb atop the hood of the school bus to strap these six-foot babies on—nothing like the hand-held ones Dad made us at home), to lift and animate the thirty-pound stick of washer-woman wing while running down the bowl of green hill, to paint puppet birds the size of the Jeep and to watch adults take collective delight (never mind the possibly illicit 70s sorts of activities and the charismatic director, wild eyes and supposedly many-wived—I write only from childhood recollection and rumor here, nothing factual) in creating a spectacle thick with meaning.

What did my mother do? Did she take photographs while my sister Becca napped in a stroller? Did we even have strollers? I think of this because it is summer and I wait for camp buses. There is some inconvenience, sure, but Mom must have had to do a lot to allow us our magics. And doubtless we demanded distractions.

When the performance came, the sky was steel and the green grounds gray and brown with several days of rain. We danced on stilts, the man who made his bread and garlic aioli opened his free bread booth. It was indeed a circus, though the animals were all puppets, animated by children and adults who meant every flap of the great white birds' wings, all the nuance of elephant dance. It rained—we ran. Then, at the last, when we came down the hill with our resurrected washerwomen, the sky peeled back gray and the sun flashed forth and it was one of those moments it doesn't seem possible there isn't some plan of some sort, from someone, something, fate or God or nature. The bread made your mouth hurt with intensity, and after running down the hill into the sunset, we wanted more.

I realize this is a mouthful for a single blog post, but it starts with sour bread and garlic aioli. Perhaps if it were an adjective sandwich it would be Revolutionary. Perhaps it would simply be a noun that works both ways: Summer.

Gwendolen Gross

Tell us about YOUR summer and you might win a copy of THE ORPHAN SISTER, two winners US only




46 comments posted.

Re: Gwendolen Gross | Bread, Puppets, and Summer

This summer I have enjoyed making a rock garden and putting my beautiful white chairs by it, so when I need to get one on one with nature and away from all the stressors of the day, I sit outside in my chairs and let my mind and body relax and take in the summer breeze. This is great for the soul. And best of all it's free.
(Cheryl English 3:39am August 17, 2011)

My wonderful childhood summers were spent at my cousins in Staten Island, NY. That was considered "country" by my siblings and I. I got to ride a bicycle all around town. It was such a thrill, I didn't have one at home. Tree's and grass, flowers and bushes it was just fantastic. The best part were the friends getting together and playing Monopoly and Life on somebody's porch. My husband call's Uncle Bobby's place my little Utopia. And it was, my summer place.
(Mary Shaw 4:28am August 17, 2011)

Summer in Scituate MA meant fishing and going to the beach on a daily basis. It's funny reading your post as it made me wonder what my mother did while my friends and I went to the beach.
(Karen Gervasi 5:51am August 17, 2011)

Growing up we had a summer home, not near the beach, but there was a lake with a beach. Our parents would drop us off at the supervised lake, come back later with our lunch, pick us up in time for supper. Some of my fondest childhood memories are on that beach. I am very anxious to read this book.
(Stephanie Strausberger 8:41am August 17, 2011)

My childhood summers were just spent at home doing nothing! :) My brother, my sister and I just ran around the house, play games and watch tv. Gosh, it was nice not having to worry about work or school... :)
(May Pau 10:43am August 17, 2011)

I spent several childhood summers at camp, and enjoyed the new experiences.
(Shirley Nienkark 11:06am August 17, 2011)

This has been a great summer. My fiancee and I have been doing alot of renovations on my house. And he finally moved in with me, August 1st! yeah.
(Kim Strader 11:15am August 17, 2011)

My childhood summers, 50yrs ago, were spent playing with my cousins. They are the happiest memories of my life.
(Kathleen Bianchi 11:22am August 17, 2011)

Childhood summers consisted of being "thrown" outside by mother and only coming back for meals :) Getting sooo brown that we look like we were from India and spending hours playing make believe. Wish I could go back! Thanks for the interview!
(Erin Fender 12:23pm August 17, 2011)

My summer has consisted of working overtime and babysitting my grandkids...I am ready for a vacation!!
(Dawn Staniszeski 1:13pm August 17, 2011)

My childhood summers consist of a never-ending supply of camping trips. Some were spent at Tamsin Lake Park where each of the sections had a different animal name like Deer Lick. The latrines had every kind of insect and moths galore, so it wasn't anywhere you wanted to spend much time in. The lake had slides with a hose to keep it wet and platform docks to jump and dive off. There were even teeter-totters tricky to balance without being bumped off.
(Alyson Widen 1:34pm August 17, 2011)

I've been working this summer and bbqing on the weekends. Haven't gone away anywhere yet.
(Sandy Giden 1:48pm August 17, 2011)

My summer hasn't been the best in the world. I have spend some time working on the house, its been two hot to get out and do the work outside I usually do. The past month I have has some problems with a tooth that had a root canal go wrong. So between spending time in dentist office and oral surgens offices it hasn't been a fun summer. This weekend have to move son back to college, maybe things will settle down after that.
(Gail Hurt 1:58pm August 17, 2011)

My summer has been quiet but still productive. I've been working on getting donations for two very special events. I was supposed to take an incredible trip (one of the two events I was working on) but unfortunately got sick at the final hour and couldn't fly... but all was not in vain I made some new friends, new contacts and other doors have been opened.
(Holly Caulfield 3:06pm August 17, 2011)

My summer has gone by quickly. My husband has been in
treatment for cancer, so 2 days a week we drive a 60 mi
rountrip to his treatments. This seems to take the whole
day. We were able to take 3 of our grandkids for a 9-day
vacation to Pigeon Forge. It was great! Things are looking
up for us so hoping to have a wonderful fall! And of course,
I've read several books over the summer..that's my
(Leanna Morris 3:12pm August 17, 2011)

I love thinking about my childhood summers!
(Lisa Garrett 3:23pm August 17, 2011)

This summer, I've spent a lot of time editing two books,
trying to keep cool in the killer heat that swept the
Northeast, and just enjoying time spent with my daughters.
(Margay Roberge 3:39pm August 17, 2011)

I would spend my summers at my grandparent's farm. I loved playing with the barn kittens, being spoiled by my aunts, uncles and grandparents, and going into town for ice cream or A&W. This summer, I'm trying to keep up with an active 2 1/2 year old and wishing I could slow down time. Your book sounds wonderful, I love stories about families and siblings!
(Yuka Liew 3:43pm August 17, 2011)

Sounds like a great read.
(Angela Clark 3:54pm August 17, 2011)

Because of this Hot, Hot summer in the South I have spent only an 1 or 2 working in my yard each day. I have read, read and read all Summer long and tried to keep up with the blogs I follow. When I do travel it is usually in the Spring or Fall and travel with my sister and cousin. I would love to read The Orphan Sister. I grew up with an older sister and younger brother so I always felt like an orphan or that I was adopted. lol
Thanks for the opportunity to enter your giveaway.
(Brenda Hill 3:59pm August 17, 2011)

I have enjoyed this summer at the beach in Cape May and also at our home in PA. The weather has been hot but I have tried not to complain too much because I know the ice and snow is coming. And the beach or around the fireplace would both be an excellent place to read The Orphan Sister
(Shirley Younger 4:23pm August 17, 2011)

Two weeks each year of my my childhood summers were spent at my Grandmothers in West Virginia. We would wade in the creek, cook out on an open fire, and sleep on straw pallets. My, how I was blessed!!!
(Marjorie Carmony 4:43pm August 17, 2011)

This summer has been so hot and I have enjoyed it reading books both outside and inside and have discovered many good future reads through this website. This book sounds like it would be so enjoyable allowing readers to get lost in their own childhood memories (like being with their best friends, siblings, cousins, aunts & uncles, and grandparents) and what they did that brings back fond recollections. As a child I loved being with my cousins in the country (I am the oldest of eight) and we had seven cousins, so of course we couldn't wait for Sundays to go visit because we had our own softball team--because we were so matched in ages all being about a year apart. We'd pick berries from our grandmother's huge variety of berry bushes of every kind, asparagus the grew wild all over her property lines and back along the railroad tracks, corn, etc. Our aunt would make us a big meal that we'd be stuffed on an old-fashioned cookstove that was so beautiful. We'd go exploring and always have so much fun--no matter what we did or games we played! Can't wait to read this new book!
(Linda Luinstra 5:03pm August 17, 2011)

My summer hasn't been real exciting, but it has been good with my kids coming to visit.
(Wilma Frana 5:06pm August 17, 2011)

Summer has been so hot that I have only just begun to spend time in my yard, but I read everyday. I commute to work on the MTA here in Nashville & commute time is about 1 1/2 hours one way so 3 hours everyday. I read coming & going and since my stop is by the Public library I really am blessed. For about a month my boys & husband were out of the state so I really got yo hit my TBR list. I also loved your book The Other Mother & would love to read your newest publication!!!
(Marcelle Cole 5:22pm August 17, 2011)

My summer this year encluded my son his children moving in with us, after 6 years of being retired it has teted our patience and budget but invigorated our relationship with the grandkids. It seems to balance out good and bad. But it will be a relief when they find their own place.
(MaryEllen Hanneman 5:31pm August 17, 2011)

So far, my Summer this year has been filled with saddness and happiness. My sister became ill, but no she's on the road to recovery. Good news, we have 2 grandsons and now will be having a grandaughter come January!!!!!!!! How wonderful life is and enjoying my pool, friends and family and good books!!!!!!!!
(Joanne Bozik 5:41pm August 17, 2011)

When I was young I remember doing chores in the morning and then being out the whole rest of the day and night until curfew. Once I had kids it was about entertaining them all day once I completed the chores around the house. The last two years I've spent the summers taking care of my mom who has had surgery and needs the extra help. Someday I would love to have a summer to just play. oh and read...lol
(Patti Paonessa 6:09pm August 17, 2011)

Summer has been going by quickly as my son is home from college and it is already time for him to go back.
(Maureen Emmons 6:21pm August 17, 2011)

for the summer i have been seeing doc yuck and then i have been going to the fairs mo state and Springfield and then go to the blue grass festivals all most every week
(Desiree Reilly 6:25pm August 17, 2011)

This summer I am just trying to stay cool. I have a lot of time to read and sew so am enjoying those activities. I also have had my share of company. We went a lot of places and seemed like we were always eating. Got to get back to my diet.
Your book sounds really good and I plan to read it soon. .
(Joy Isley 6:25pm August 17, 2011)

This summer, I had to paint the exterior part of the house. I just couldn't look at the chipped paint chips anymore and it was becoming a sore eye in the neighbor. Of course, my Mom is the drama queen. She kept telling me to be careful. After 100 times of "Please be careful ..", I felt a premonition that an accident is waiting to happened.

I had to have my sister take my Mom shopping so I won't be distracted.
(Kai Wong 6:28pm August 17, 2011)

The first part of the summer was nice--planted flowers, enjoyed the outdoors. Then the doctor said I needed eye surgery---well, one month shot with two unsuccessful surgeries and another scheduled for Monday. Maybe fall will be nicer?
(Sue Farrell 6:51pm August 17, 2011)

My family didn't believe in vacations but in hindsight as I remember them, there was all the free time in the world to do as I pleased. No scheduled appts. and places to be. We had time at the library, to play with other children, to imagine and pretend, roller skating and lemonade stands and oh anything we could come up with.
(Jeanne Sheats 7:27pm August 17, 2011)

This summer, I had my 6 year old granddaughter 3 days a
week. We went picnicking,for walks in the woods, ate ice
cream and went skinny dipping in the pool. We read books,
made up stories and went to the movies. As much as I enjoyed
it, thank goodness it's time for her to go back to school
and for me to relax. (lol)
(Lisa Richards 7:34pm August 17, 2011)

I love remembering my childhood summers,most of the time we
went to Indiana to see my grandmother. Thanks for giving me a
chance to win your book.
(Linda Hall 7:43pm August 17, 2011)

I love going to Florida and visiting all the theme parks I can squeeze in every
summer. Now, my poor adult kids and their kids have to go with me. It's often
hard for them to keep up!!
(Jane Nosonchuk 9:03pm August 17, 2011)

I use to spend my summers at our local city park swimming pool.
(MaryAnne Banks 9:04pm August 17, 2011)

I've had a pretty relaxed summer. A couple of days at the beach. A couple of days of hiking. Thanks for the giveaway. I saw this on Goodreads and I really want to read it.
(Jennifer Beyer 9:13pm August 17, 2011)

I'm a volunteer member in our community library. They manage to keep me busy and being surrounded by books is such a joy. I can read anything I want to!!
(Rosemary Simm 9:59pm August 17, 2011)

I had to chuckle after seeing the title of your book, because my Summer has sort of been like the title. I have had to move a couple hundred miles away from my family, so I sort of feel like an Orphan at the moment. My Summer has been busy, since my Husband and I are caretakers where we live right now. It's a big responsibility that we take very seriously. We currently have 2 apartments to get ready so they can be rented out again. Then there's always the landscaping to keep up. We sit on 300 acres, so it's quite a bit. I do volunteer work, and help teach a knitting class, so there's always something going on my needles. This was the year of baby presents. In between that, I find time to squeeze in a few books. There was also a family reunion that I was able to go to for the first time ever, and reunited with cousins and other relatives that I haven't seen in a long time!! That was worth the trip out there that took hours!! All of this isn't easy for me, due to some severe health problems, but I've managed to keep smiling for the most part, and I keep plugging with my "new normal" life. I love it here in the country, and wouldn't change a thing. Even though the Summer is busy, and I haven't had a chance to walk along the beach yet, even though Lake Huron is only a mile away, I plan on doing so before Fall gets here.
(Peggy Roberson 10:00pm August 17, 2011)

As a military brat, whenever we were stateside summer meant 32 plus hour car rides to the ferry in Nova Scotia, Canada to ride across the ocean to Newfoundland, Canada to visit my relatives on my mother's side of the family. My favorite memory of those summers was the year we got on the boat and discovered a family on board that we had been stationed with in Brunssum, Holland... their oldest son was one of my deepest crushes, and I spent nearly 10 hours hanging out with him on the boat. It was there that I got my first REAL kiss... it was a dream come true, and those 10 hours fueled my teenage dreams for the next year. Oh to be young again and kissing cute guys under the stairwell on a huge, rocking car ferry.
(Donna Holmberg 11:16pm August 17, 2011)

Thanks for making my summer by helping me remember that wonderful memory.
(Donna Holmberg 11:17pm August 17, 2011)

I haven't done much this summer except hibernate from the heat and humidity. But then, as a Canadian I can't win a book anyway. Oddly enough, our Canadian authors never run a Canadian-only contest.
(Sigrun Schulz 12:25pm August 18, 2011)

As a child, I had to be outside during the summertime. My favorite thing to
do was to take a bus to our local library; check out a bag of books (as many
as I could carry); take them home; climb the tree in my front yard and read all
day. Nancy Drew and biographies were my favorites. This summer, my
husband and I are spending our days hiking in the mountains of western
North Carolina. What fun. Don't coop me up. Gotta be outside - preferably
with a book.

Connie Fischer
[email protected]
(Connie Fischer 1:34pm August 18, 2011)

I had a pretty unhappy childhood growing up with a Dad who was an alcoholic. I did though get to go in the summers to stay at my grandmothers house up north, I had an Aunt who was only 3 years older than I and although there were a few years that we were apart by more than 3 years in growing and maturity, we spent so much time together. The carnival would come to Lakeview and set up on mainstreet. My Grandmpa was the editor of the nerwspaper and he got me free tickets for all the rides. I would make friends or ride alone it was so fun! One year I got involved with a summer project where we made our own moccasins and made dresess out of scratchy burlap bags and decorated them to look like Indians dress, and we learned a dance and performed for the crowd that year at the fair. It was so much fun and a summer I've never forgotten. I remember being on the Tilt a Whirl and my grandfather made them stop and check on me, my face was white and I looked ill. I told him I was ok why did he stop the ride? I was only on my fifth or so go round on that ride! LOL I rode myself sick and went back up to sleep in their apartment on main street over the newspaper and rested before going back. Summers were my saviour. I found out later that the man who I called Dad who was a drinker was not my biological father, I met my biological father at age 26 and he lived up north on a lake and he became the best Dad after Bob who was with me until he died at my age of 25 I think he was 52.
He had cancer and we became friends talking every day while I did the dishes at my apartment, he had to stop drinking for Chemo. I was glad for that year of his being sober before he passed away. Now I have a Dad who has done so much for me.
(Brenda Rupp 7:47pm August 28, 2011)

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