Mary Shaw
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12 comments posted.
Re: Ward Against Death (12:45pm August 27, 2011):
Re: The Bone House (2:17pm August 22, 2011):
I liked the fact that you get to the heart of your characters and empathize with them. The fact that you are able to get inside the heads of your characters is fantastic. I want to read a book like this!
Re: The Orphan Sister (4:28am August 17, 2011):
My wonderful childhood summers were spent at my cousins in Staten Island, NY. That was considered "country" by my siblings and I. I got to ride a bicycle all around town. It was such a thrill, I didn't have one at home. Tree's and grass, flowers and bushes it was just fantastic. The best part were the friends getting together and playing Monopoly and Life on somebody's porch. My husband call's Uncle Bobby's place my little Utopia. And it was, my summer place.
Re: Only Mine (11:22am August 8, 2011):
Only Yours
Re: Making Waves (11:15am August 8, 2011):
I'd go with Kate Hudson any day, she would be sure to make the movie a hit.
Re: Demons Prefer Blondes (8:29pm June 20, 2011):
I know you can be happy and married reading romanaces
Re: Hard Bitten (11:21am June 14, 2011):
I love my library, they get your book from other libraries if necessary. They also have an excellent book sale section from donations. The hardbacks are a dollar and the paperbacks are twenty-five cents, I love it.
Re: Cover of Darkness (2:51pm June 5, 2011):
ooh, love that cover.
Re: Forced to Kill (2:50pm June 5, 2011):
This will really help on my drive to work
Re: Cover of Darkness (2:34pm June 5, 2011):
I love to read about military close calls and the romance sounds great.
Re: Real Vampires Have More To Love (3:19pm January 4, 2011):
Eternally choices sounds wonderful, and fantasies do too.
Re: Red Ink (8:18am December 29, 2010):
I haven't read the series yet but look forward to it. I am glad you branched out of your comfort zone. I am even more glad that God showed the way.