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Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

This year I thought I’d dispel some myths about me, even though I have spent hours in the kitchen today making four cheesecakes (two for my neighbor and two for the actual Turkey Day feast).

There are people out there, including a few friends of mine, who are under the illusion that I’m a gourmet cook. This is only marginally true . . . any skills I have were acquired from watching my mom in the kitchen and then operating in a kind of “monkey see, monkey do” fog over the years.

Mom had a great sense of humor. While she did make fabulous dishes like Moroccan Moussaka, German Sauerbraten, Spaghetti Sauce Milanese and Coq au Vin, she also made something that she called “Mexican Hairless.” I can promise you that it wasn’t a small dog smothered under that sauce and cheese! I would not have eaten anything of the sort.

Anyway. The people who refer to me as a gourmet cook are, well, taking you for a ride. (Nothing to do with my November release, TAKE ME FOR A RIDE, which is the third in my series about an agency that recovers stolen art.)

Because I have exploded the oven and set things on fire in my kitchen. I have tried to stuff a turkey backwards (that was one phone call my mother-in-law will never forget!). I have made a “cake” in a crock-pot that turned out more like the Blob that ate Chicago. And for one memorable dinner “party” I created a chicken marsala but forgot to take the lid off, so the alcohol in the wine never burned off. This resulted in gagging and scrunched-up noses all around the dinner table.

That same evening, I forgot the rolls in the oven, so they came out like little boulders. After a couple of guests had too much wine, they began throwing them at each other. Thank God I’d made two different desserts, because that’s all we ate that night. Serving the green beans alone didn’t seem, um, elegant.

So what disasters have you had in the kitchen? Thanksgiving or not? I’d love to hear about them! The reader with the best story wins a copy of TAKE ME IF YOU CAN, the first book in my latest series.

For more information about me and my series, please visit www.KarenKendall.com. And again, Happy Thanksgiving!




33 comments posted.

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The worst experience that happened to me at Thanksgiving was years ago. While helping my sister-in-law make Divinity (candy), she got her hair long (thick/red) hair caught in the electric mixer and it was a h*ll of a mess.....had to spend a good hour getting most of it untangled and ended up cutting some of it off. What a disaster!!!
(Mitzi Hinkey 2:06am November 25, 2009)

The worst that happened to me was having left the innards in the turkey. Discovered it after the fact and didn't tell anyone, things went fine.
(Joanne Reynolds 6:32am November 25, 2009)

The worst thing I can remember is when I was supposed to be making brownies for a holiday party for one of my children's classroom and forgot the eggs. When I look at the mess cooking in the pan I realize the eggs are missing and then try to add them which leads to the eggs cooking around the brownies and me running to the store for store made brownies.
(Maureen Emmons 10:55am November 25, 2009)

You name it I have probably done it some time in the kitchen! I have cooked for years but I still screw up all the time. Like let thing boil dry on water and burn them to the kettle, bad mess to clean up. One time I caught a cookie on fire and threw it on the counter yep let a hugh burn spot on the counter. One time my girlfriend and I made cup cakes to take to school and cooked them the same amount of time you would cook a cake. We put frosting on the burnt cup cakes and took them to school anyways.
(Gail Hurt 12:05pm November 25, 2009)

You're a new writer for me. The series sounds interesting.
Happy Thanksgiving to you, too.
(Elaine Carlini-Davis 12:52pm November 25, 2009)

My husband and I were living in a small upper duplex at the time, after my guests arrived I was moving the pies and dropped it on it's top on the floor, one less pumpkin pie. Then when my husband was carving the turkey, he found I left the innards in the bird. We still had alot of fun and good food but I'll never forget my first Thanksgiving as a new bride.
(Theresa Buckholtz 12:58pm November 25, 2009)

Before I was comforatable cooking, I made my first pie- a pacan chocolate torte. After 3 hours in my mother-in-law's oven it never got firm and I gave up on it. I've grown more confidant and become a more instinctive cook since then, but it also taught me to never to a recipe for the first time on the big day. Now I do a test one in my own kitchen with no one watching in case things don't go as planned.
(Sara Edmonds 3:10pm November 25, 2009)

I remember making Thanksgiving dinner for everyone when I was 19 and was first married. I had a very old oven which always cooked unevenly. My turkey and pies turned out good but something happened to the dressing. It was a mess! I had too much seasoning, the celery and onions didn't cook; it was just awful! The rolls turned out so hard; we could have played baseball with them. I tried! I cried! Times has past and my cooking skills are far better so now when I cook Thanksgiving dinner everyone gets full, slump around the t.v. for football and nap! Thankgoodness!
(Lisa Glidewell 4:32pm November 25, 2009)

No kitchen fires here. No disasters from me because I don't do the cooking. I have seen my cousin struggle to keep the rest of the turkey moist while making sure the drumsticks finish cooking.
(Jane Cheung 5:35pm November 25, 2009)

I was helping my grandmother bake pumpkin pies. So I opened the oven to place a pie in it, the pie tilted, all the filling spilled into her oven!

Her freshly cleaned oven!

Mind you, this was a LONG time ago. Back then, you didn't clean ovens by pushing a button. You sprayed it with Easy Off and got on your hands and knees and scrubbed it.

(Tracey Dent 6:02pm November 25, 2009)

My story is more along the lines of fixing someone else's problem. The family cookie recipe that my grandmother gave my mother calls for "1 quart" of flour, which to my mother was 4 cups. Her cookies were always hard as rocks. Gramma's were perfect. Then one time when we were visiting the grandparents, us kids convinced (read: nagged) Gramma into making the cookies. My mother came into the kitchen just as she was measuring out the "1 quart" of flour, and when she was done, my mother pointed out that she only had 3 cups, not 4. You guessed it. My great-grandmother's "quart" was three cups, not four, and my mother never made the cookies again. Out of desperation, I began baking them, and have been the family baker ever since.


(Lynn Rettig 6:09pm November 25, 2009)

I offered to have Thanksgiving
at my house the first year my
hubby and I had married. I
figured my sisters-in-law had
all hosted the holiday and it
was my turn. I was all set on
impressing them with my
culinary skills, I was 20 at
the time, I had all these
great dishes prepared. When it
was time to plate up the
stuffing an carve the turkey I
was mortified to realize I had
left the plastic bag with the
giblets and the gizzard inside
the bird along with the
stuffing! YUCK! On the upside,
I have never been asked to
host another Thanksgiving
again! (Haven't volunteered
again either) I am officially
in charge of the pumpkin cheesecake and the sweet
potato casserole!
Happy Thanksgiving Karen and
thanks for the great post!
(Erin Thompson 6:36pm November 25, 2009)

Hi Karen sounds like you have fun in the kitchen.
It seems like I have a knack for burning biscuits, garlic bread anything like that.
It has gotten to the point I just tell the family the charcoal is good for them.

You have a great Thanksgiving.
(Gigi Hicks 7:14pm November 25, 2009)

When we first purchased a microwave I tried to cook a whole meal with it: the carrots never got cooked, the potatoes were overcooked, the meat was tough.
That was the last time I used it to cook from scratch.
(Diane Sadler 7:28pm November 25, 2009)

I remember the year that someone forgot to take out the gizzards. It was me and boy was I embarrassed.
(Alyson Widen 8:38pm November 25, 2009)

I remember the Christmas dinner where the goose exploded in and all over the oven. I'm glad everyone had a sense of humor! It brings smiles now but many tears on that holiday.
(Rosemary Krejsa 8:41pm November 25, 2009)

When my sister first started cooking,
she decided to make a cake. She
saved back some of the batter, divided
it into smaller bowls while the cake
was baking, and added different food
coloring to each bowl. When the cake
cooled, she "frosted" it with a rainbow
of raw cake batter. It was interesting.
None of us knew what the frosting was
until we ate it. The sad thing was she
didn't believe us when we told her that
wasn't the way it was done.
Hope everyone has a great
(Patricia Barraclough 9:58pm November 25, 2009)

My worst disaster in the kitchen happened last year at Thanksgiving. I was trying to bake my pumpkin pies. The aluminum pan I had the two pies on in the oven buckled & promptly unloaded the pie filling onto the racks & the bottom of my oven. It was such a mess! I had to try to clean the pumpkin filling up while the oven was still hot so that my house wouldn't smell like burnt pumpkin for days! I was able to combine what was left of the pie filling into one pie shell & tried to bake that. Well, needless to say, it was the worst pumpkin pie I have ever made.
(Cheryl Snyder 10:22pm November 25, 2009)

For some crazy reason, I always feel compelled to try a new recipe for a special meal instead of either sticking with the tried and true dishes or at least having a dry run before the big event. Pies that didn't set, gravy that didn't thicken, meat that was too dry. I've done it all.

I look forward to reading your new series Karen, but I must tell you that Open Invitation? is one of the cutest books I ever read. It's one that re-read periodically.
(Jill Hayden 10:44pm November 25, 2009)

I tried making a lemon meringue pie
for the first time in someone else's
kitchen. Everything was perfect until I
tried to brown the meringue under the
broiler. I left it too long inside of the
oven trying to brown it and instead I
ended up with the meringue collapsing
under the heat. We tossed out the
mess and had the tapioca pudding for
dessert that my friends had inside
their fridge.
(Sue Ahn 11:36pm November 25, 2009)

Have you ever boiled eggs and
let them boil really dry? Now
that's a hell of a mess. They
exploded in their shells. I
was picking pieces of eggs and
shells off the ceiling, the
ceiling fan, the cabinets, and
appliances for days. For
nearly a year, I would find a chunk of egg in the damnedest
places. OMG and the smell, you
would gag every time you
walked in there. Even leaving
the windows open didn't help
(Lisa Richards 1:25am November 26, 2009)

My biggest kitchen disaster I was 12 and cooking fried potato's and ground beef. It was just about finished when the ceiling fell down. there I was standing there dazed in plaster and lathe my dinner ruined. I had been so proud that I had cooked a great supper I cried. We ended up going to Pizza Hut. A big deal for a family of 11. Mom and I cleaned up the mess in the kitchen the next day while dad and Vincent went to work repairing the ceiling.
(Sarah Ulfers 12:48pm November 26, 2009)

My worst cooking disaster was the first year I tried to cook a turkey. I'd bought an organic one from a turkey farm, so it didn't come with the little directions sheet (I was 21 and in college at the time). I called mom and asked her how to cook a turkey and she told me how long to cook it (based on weight) and what temperature to use to cook it, but she never thought to ask, and I never thought to say that my turkey was frozen and had not been thawed. Suffice to say, we had pizza for dinner and turkey around Midnight that day... now I'm a great cook but I still make occasional mistakes.
(Donna Holmberg 1:07pm November 26, 2009)

Happy Thanksgiving to my American neighbors!
(Freda Mans-Labianca 1:38pm November 26, 2009)

When I was young bride (ages ago, now ex-husband), I spent the entire day cooking: duck a l'orange fancy potatoes and veggies. When I brought the last of my culinary triumphs to the table, I discovered hubby had eaten ALL the duck and nothing else. He chose that time to tell me he really didn't care for vegetables and I shouldn't have cooked them if I was not going to be happy eating them all myself. Last time I cooked him a nice meal!!
(Susan Driskill 2:38pm November 26, 2009)

Very early in our marriage (we've been married for 34 years so this happened a long time ago) I decided I would make a meatloaf for dinner. I always used crumbled up saltine crackers in it. I didn't have enough crackers so I substituted oats for the crackers because I was in a rush to get it done before my hubby got home from work. Needless to say, the meatloaf was AWFUL! LOL! To this day my hubby teases me about my "Oatloaf"! He also does most of the cooking and leaves the baking to me. It's worked out fine this way! :)
(Anna McKenrick 2:59pm November 26, 2009)

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

[email protected]
(Katherine Reese 5:50pm November 26, 2009)

Not a cooking disaster but a kitchen disaster. My ex decided to renovate the kitchen completely in our new home and promised to have it done before we moved in (we had a 2 year old). 3 months later still no stove so cooked thanksgiving dinner in a microwave (clay pots are wonderful!).
(Susan Kramer 6:30pm November 26, 2009)

i DO not cook, lol
kids says i try to poisin them lol
(Tami Bates 1:48pm November 27, 2009)

karen books is great
(Tami Bates 1:50pm November 27, 2009)

I recently baked two dozen date nut muffins and left them on the counter to cool. My husband ate one and returned for another a few minutes later. Our Dalmation had stood up on hind legs and pulled the platter to the edge of the counter and eaten the other twenty-three muffins (without making any noise!)
(Linda Gibson 12:42pm November 28, 2009)

I left out the sugar in a batch of cookies & you wouldn't believe how nasty they were.
(Mary Preston 7:25pm November 28, 2009)

Usually every Thanksgiving, I would be buying all the groceries to cook a Thanksgiving Dinner from scratch. My sister decided one year to do the cooking and since our Mom is not particular about turkey, she did not buy the turkey. Well, my other three sisters heard about it the day before Thanksgiving and decided Thanksgiving is not Thanksgiving without the turkey. We ended up having too many different conversation on who will buy the turkey and ended up a Thanksgiving without the turkey.
(Kai Wong 2:34am November 29, 2009)

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