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Catherine Mann | Christmas Wish Lists!

Hot Zone
Catherine Mann




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December 2011
On Sale: December 1, 2011
Featuring: Amelia Bailey; Hugh Franco
384 pages
ISBN: 1402244983
EAN: 9781402244988
Kindle: B005SHNW28
Paperback / e-Book
Add to Wish List

Also by Catherine Mann:
Lightning in a Mason Jar, June 2025
Add to review list
A Maverick's Road Home, March 2025
A Fairy-Tail Ending, August 2024
Maverick's Secret Daughter, February 2024


We can learn so much about people from what they have on their Christmas wish lists.  So I decided to ask some of the characters in my new "Elite Force" book – HOT ZONE – to share their Christmas lists with you!  So, here goes, the Christmas lists for the heroine, hero and a few of his squadron buddies....

Amelia Bailey: "Christmas is going to be amazing! I have a new nephew since my brother and sister-in-law are adopting a toddler in the Bahamas.  So I could use new flip flops and a sarong.  A Kindle too, please, so I can bring lots of books to read on the beach!"

Master Sergeant Hugh Franco: "No Christmas list.  The season brings too many painful reminders of my family.  They're... uhm... There's no easy way to say this.  They're dead.  I'll be working over the holidays so that others in my unit can stay home.  If you have to buy me anything, I'll take new strings for my guitar."

Liam "Walker" McCabe – "Kitchen gadgets.  Every time I get divorced, the ex-wife gets all the kitchen stuff, which sucks since I really enjoy cooking."

Wade "Brick" Rocha – "Only junk food in my stocking, please.  Seriously, I adore my wife.  She's fantastic.  But she eats totally organic.  I've got granola and tofu coming out of my ears.  I would kill for some Double Stuff Oreos."

Jose "Cuervo" James –  "New running shoes (Mizuno's are my favorite.)  Running shorts.  Water bottles. Anything to do with marathons.  I'm ready to roll, dude."

Marcus Dupre – "Sudoku puzzle books.  New computer.  Are you calling me a nerd? I'm cool with that."

Bubbles  –  (Long brooding stare.)  "I'll get back to you."

Cathy Mann here again!  I hope you enjoyed hearing from the HOT ZONE characters.  As for my list, honestly, I have exactly what I want for Christmas.  Hubby and I are thrilled that all four kids will be home for the holidays!

What's on your wish list this December?  Two lucky commenters will win a copy of HOT ZONE.  (US and Canada only) 

Happy Holidays!



He'll take any mission, the riskier the better...

The haunted eyes of pararescueman Hugh Franco should have been her first clue that deep pain roiled beneath the surface. But if Amelia couldn't see the damage, how could she be expected to know he'd break her heart?

She'll prove to be his biggest risk yet...

Amelia Bailey's not the kind of girl who usually needs rescuing...but there are anything but usual circumstances.

USA Today bestselling author Catherine Mann delivers another hero from the Air Force's celebrated Pararescue Jumpers–"The PJs"– an ultra-elite force who put themselves at extreme risk in the most dangerous emergencies so that others may live. A sizzling thrill-rise of action and attraction, HOT ZONE will leave your pulse pounding.


USA Today bestseller Catherine Mann is a RITA Award winning novelist with over two million books in print, in more than twenty countries.  She resides in Florida with her military flyboy husband and their four children.  For more information, she can be found online at:
Website:  http://catherinemann.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CatherineMannAuthor
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/CatherineMann1




94 comments posted.

Re: Catherine Mann | Christmas Wish Lists!

It is nice to have the whole family together and I hope you have a lovely holiday with your family. I don't worry about myself too much, it's just nice to get everything done without too much stress.
(Maureen Emmons 6:38am December 1, 2011)

I like your Christmas wish best. :) What I want for Christmas is nothing you could put in wrapping paper. My brother home for the holidays and for my father to feel better.
LadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com
(April Harvey 7:14am December 1, 2011)

You have the best Christmas gift of all - family together - that is ALWAYS the best! My Christmas list? You mean besides more books and music? LOL - a better new year and family health and happiness.
(Felicia Ciaudelli 8:00am December 1, 2011)

seeing my two nephews for as much of the holiday as possible
(Pam Howell 9:14am December 1, 2011)

It seems everyone is talking about e-readers. I want one, don't know which one, but I want one.
(Elizabeth Banda 9:29am December 1, 2011)

While I wish I could be with all of my family this year, I'm having to settle for
part of the family. The things I want are books and jigsaw puzzles. A secret
wish in my heart is for our country's leaders to clean up their act and start
doing their jobs so we can again be a productive and safe country again.
Bring our soldiers home. I'm sorry. I guess I'm not supposed to be political
and will understand if you delete this.
(Connie Fischer 10:17am December 1, 2011)

Being with my kids (aged 18 - 25) and also I'd like Jelly Beans. Not so easy to get in England.
(Barbara Hanson 11:31am December 1, 2011)

My wish list contains being able to visit my mom for at least
a few days and to be able to get all of my gifts done on time.
(Victoria Gillilan 11:43am December 1, 2011)

For all of my family to be well, content and employed.
(Sandra Spilecki 11:44am December 1, 2011)

Always love your books - and would love to win a copy of Hot Zone. Very happy holidays.
(Nancy Reynolds 12:01pm December 1, 2011)

I really, really want a kindle.
(Sue Farrell 12:02pm December 1, 2011)

My wish is to have family near, and to be able to see a few because they are getting close to passing. For my family and loved ones to have peace of mind, heart, body, and spirit.
(Carla Carlson 12:19pm December 1, 2011)

Lucky you - this year none of my five children will make it
home for Christmas :(

Hope you make the most of it and enjoy every second of
Christmas with them :D
(Ilona Fenton 1:39pm December 1, 2011)

I want to spend christmas with my dad and kids but not sure if that can happen for my son may have planned a hunting trip and my dad doesn't like to drive all that much anymore so were planning a New Year's Day dinner.
(Carole Fiore 2:02pm December 1, 2011)

Happy Holidays!
My wishlist has a bunch of books on it... along with a new computer and some cds...
(Colleen Conklin 2:07pm December 1, 2011)

Congrats on the new release. Just want to be able to spend the holidays with family and swap presents.
(Jane Cheung 2:11pm December 1, 2011)

I really want a Kindle Fire for Christmas. Thanks for the giveaway!
(Stacie Deramo 2:19pm December 1, 2011)

Christmas has always been a huge deal for me and I have my best memories from that Holiday as a child. First time my husband spent Christmas in Sweden with my family he was amazed with how special we made it and he was excited to incorporate all that into our own house. This year I am honestly not doing too much since my husband is deployed with his ship and is missing Christmas and our children is quite upset daddy is not there for Christmas. Our best Christmas gift could be a call from him and possibly an earlier homecoming that was is currently scheduled. Merry Christmas from our house to your house!
(Andrea Robinson 2:21pm December 1, 2011)

Hi Maureen - I completely agree the holidays are best enjoyed when we decrease the stress - it's about the people, not the stuff & mayhem!!
(Catherine Mann 2:21pm December 1, 2011)

Hi April - Hugs on your father's health worries! I hope both of your wishes come true!!
(Catherine Mann 2:22pm December 1, 2011)

Felicia - My family is like you - we have LOTS of books & music on our lists. :)
(Catherine Mann 2:23pm December 1, 2011)

Hi Pam! Hugs to you and your nephews! My nieces & nephews live far away - I especially miss them at the holidays!!
(Catherine Mann 2:24pm December 1, 2011)

Elizabeth - I looooooove my Kindle! Happy shopping!
(Catherine Mann 2:24pm December 1, 2011)

Connie, each year at Christmas my family does a really tough jigsaw puzzle together. We set it up in a corner and work on it the whole holiday. One year we had a Ricky Martin puzzle - my sister in law and I put together his hips first. ;-)
(Catherine Mann 2:26pm December 1, 2011)

Barbara, our kids are close to the same age! (Mine are just a couple of years younger.) I adore jelly beans - Jelly Bellies especially11
(Catherine Mann 2:27pm December 1, 2011)

Victoria, good luck finishing up with your gifts!!!
(Catherine Mann 2:28pm December 1, 2011)

Sandra, amen! That's an awesome wish!
(Catherine Mann 2:28pm December 1, 2011)

Thank you, Nancy!!! XXOO!
(Catherine Mann 2:29pm December 1, 2011)

First and foremost a job, then books, books, and more books!
I loved Cover Me and can't wait to read this new release!
Merry Christmas!
(Deborah Rudd 2:29pm December 1, 2011)

Sue, I really, really hope you get that Kindle! I love mine! It's an earlier version, but still ROCKS!
(Catherine Mann 2:29pm December 1, 2011)

Carla, it sure is tough having family live far away - that's one of the parts of Air Force life I have not enjoyed - always being so far from loved ones. Luckily, everyone's good about traveling. Still, being able to meet up for an impulsive lunch would be nice!
(Catherine Mann 2:31pm December 1, 2011)

Ilona, I'm so sorry your kids won't be home for Christmas this year!! Big hugs to you!!!! Hope your day still turns out to be joyful in other ways. Hugs again!
(Catherine Mann 2:32pm December 1, 2011)

Carole, your plans for a New Year's day dinner sound lovely!
(Catherine Mann 2:33pm December 1, 2011)

Colleen, books are always a great gift in my house! We give lots of books as gifts as well. Happy Holidays!
(Catherine Mann 2:34pm December 1, 2011)

Hi Jane! Thank you for the good wishes on HOT ZONE! Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season!!! :)
(Catherine Mann 2:34pm December 1, 2011)

Hi Stacie - I'm so curious about the Kindle Fire! My oldest son is thinking about getting one. I look forward to hearing how he likes it.
(Catherine Mann 2:35pm December 1, 2011)

Hi Andrea! Hugs to you and the kiddos - I do hope you get the call and the early homecoming!! One of my new friends is from Sweden. I'm enjoying learning more about her holiday traditions!
(Catherine Mann 2:36pm December 1, 2011)

Hope you have a great holiday.
I'm hoping to get seat covers for my car. I trundled the dog to obedience classes this summer and the car got full of dog hair. LOL
(Cathy Ward 2:51pm December 1, 2011)

I also have what I need for Christmas, my family :) Happy release to your book, Catherine. Of course, I could use an ereader this Christmas. That tops the list.
(Na S 2:58pm December 1, 2011)

Deborah - Thank you for the kudos for COVER ME!! Hope you enjoy HOT ZONE too. :) Sending positive vibes your way for the job hunt!!!
(Catherine Mann 3:03pm December 1, 2011)

Cathy W, lol about the dog hair! I've yet to figure out how to get it out of my van. If you find a way, PLEASE do let me know. ;)
(Catherine Mann 3:04pm December 1, 2011)

Hey there, Na!! Fingers and toes are crossed Santa brings you an ereader! :)
(Catherine Mann 3:05pm December 1, 2011)

There is nothing more important then family...that's all you need for Christmas!!
(Bonnie Capuano 3:10pm December 1, 2011)

I have COVER ME by Catherine Mann and would love to win a copy of HOT ZONE. Happy Holidays everyone.
(Kathleen Richter 3:19pm December 1, 2011)

My Christmas Wish List is: Peace on Earth. The soldiers would come home for good. Being with my children and grandchldren during the Holidays. Family means alot to me. Finding a job and being able to financially pay all my bills. Regarding my health, I hope it will be much better in 2012. This years has been rough. I wish you a blessed and happy holidays.
(Joanne Altieri 3:19pm December 1, 2011)

happy holidays all, wish i could get my 2 kids and their families together but it's also always nice to just go and visit them all

(Julie Barett 3:23pm December 1, 2011)

I would love an ipad for Christmas.....hope Santa worked some overtime this year! Actually, I love watching the expressions on my daughters' faces when they see the presents Santa left for them and their excitement when they open them. I could do without any of the other Christmas trimmings as long as I get to see that every year!
(Debbie Kennedy 3:46pm December 1, 2011)

Bonnie - I agree! Having my family at Christmas is the best gift!
(Catherine Mann 4:01pm December 1, 2011)

Hi Kathleen! Thank you for picking up a copy of COVER ME! Hope you enjoy HOT ZONE!!
(Catherine Mann 4:01pm December 1, 2011)

Joanne A - I hope 2012 brings better health for you!!! XXOO! Thanks for stopping by the blog to comment!
(Catherine Mann 4:02pm December 1, 2011)

Debbie - An iPad would be AWESOME for Christmas! hope you get your wish!
(Catherine Mann 4:03pm December 1, 2011)

Hoping for a new and better job next yr... Been looking for jobs online for a while but nothing good unfortunately...
(May Pau 4:33pm December 1, 2011)

I want books for Christmas. Hoping to win some books here.
(Tammy Yenalavitch 5:00pm December 1, 2011)

May, I hope you find happiness in a new job for the new year!!
(Catherine Mann 5:14pm December 1, 2011)

Tammy, good luck!! I do love to win books too. :)
(Catherine Mann 5:15pm December 1, 2011)

I love most, family getting all together and watching the little ones excitement and enjoyment of their gifts. I would wish for unemployed people to find jobs to lift their spirits during this time of year. It is so difficult in our area. I would be happy with anything I receive. I wouldn't mind some books and an e-reader. HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU AND YOUR LOVELY FAMILY!
(Linda Luinstra 5:26pm December 1, 2011)

Besides wishing that I could be together with my entire Family, which I know isn't going to happen this year, I would really love to have a Kindle. There are so many contests that are popping up on this site in an e format, and I'll never be able to afford one - not even a used one. That would be the ultimate. Of course, wishing for books is always on my mind as well. Have a wonderful and Blessed Christmas. You have a very beautiful group of children, and I can tell how proud you are of them. They keep you young, because you don't look old enough to have kids that old, by your picture on the blog today!! It also comes out in your writing. Can't wait to read your book!!
(Peggy Roberson 5:29pm December 1, 2011)

What's on my Christmas wish list is finding a good job and then, I might then have some money to buy a few gifts to give. Everyone keeps getting laid off, due to cut-backs. Manufacturers aren't doing as well as they once were. I keep searching and am keeping my hopes up and fingers crossed. I need some books to read to fight the boredom! Thanks for the contest.
(Rich Cook 6:19pm December 1, 2011)

What a great picture!

I would like Bubbles with that long brooding stare!
(Cynthia Netherton 6:26pm December 1, 2011)

I have nothing on my list in particular. But I'm helping a friend make those less fortunate than we are have a happy holiday by getting toys, etc for children and food baskets for the families
(Shirley Younger 6:38pm December 1, 2011)

There is nothing I'm dying to have. I'll be extremely happy with my son being home and my sister's family with us.
(Maude Allen 6:42pm December 1, 2011)

I want an e-reader!
(Cheryl McEwen 6:57pm December 1, 2011)

Linda, I agree the expressions on children's faces make the holidays all the more special. :)
(Catherine Mann 7:11pm December 1, 2011)

XXOO! Bless you, Peggy, for the sweet comment about my photo!! I actually struggled with getting a professional photo done - disliked all the results. Then I *had* to have a new photo made last year, so I asked my youngest daughter to take photos - she told me to sit down, right then, and she took a bunch of photos, no prep (and no expense!) They are my favorite - I think it's because she saw me with eyes of love! And yes, I am so very proud of my kids!!
(Catherine Mann 7:14pm December 1, 2011)

Rich, best of luck with your job hunt!! It definitely is tough out there right now. Thank you for stopping by here to comment!!
(Catherine Mann 7:15pm December 1, 2011)

Cynthia, OMG your comment totally made me laugh so loudly my dogs all woke up!! Love it! Bubbles just sent you a sexy wink. ;)
(Catherine Mann 7:17pm December 1, 2011)

I love all the family get togethers, so my wish list has everyone
dropping by for a Christmas Eve dinner. Plus an Amazon gc would be
pretty cool too.
(Cathy MacDonald 7:17pm December 1, 2011)

Shirley, that's awesome!! Making Christmas special for other kids and families too is definitely what the holiday season is - and should - be about!!
(Catherine Mann 7:19pm December 1, 2011)

Cathy--love the picture of your kiddos! One of my wishes for Christmas this year is good health for my brother who is experiencing health issues. The other I already have--spending as much time as I can with my hub and our dd and sil and the two most beautiful grandbabies in the world.
(Mary Perry 7:19pm December 1, 2011)

Maude, sounds like you're going to have a blast with your company!! :)
(Catherine Mann 7:19pm December 1, 2011)

Fingers are crossed for you, Cheryl!
(Catherine Mann 7:20pm December 1, 2011)

Cathy M - We all adore out book GCs are Christmas too!! (And Starbucks GCs. ;)
(Catherine Mann 7:21pm December 1, 2011)

Mary P, please do give those precious grandbabies and extra Christmas hug from me!!
(Catherine Mann 7:22pm December 1, 2011)

Hi Cthy, sorry I'm late to the party. Don't count me in for the contest...I
picked up my copy of Hot Zone today. I can't wait to get into it. Just
wanted to show you some love, my friend. Will check schedule to see
where you'll be next. Love you.

Peace and love,
Paula R.
(Paula Robinson 7:52pm December 1, 2011)

Awwww, Paula! You're so dear! Many thanks for picking up a copy of HOT ZONE! So exciting to think about it showing up in stores!!!!
(Catherine Mann 8:03pm December 1, 2011)

I'm so glad you already have all you want for Christmas with your family!

On my material wish list I have a 32" Vizio WIFI(to watch netflix on my tv instead of my laptop) LED LCD tv. I still have an old 20" big tv.
This is expensive for me, so I asked for cash or an Amazon gift certificates. The cash is so I can save up for the tv and amazon cert is to get some ebks for my kindle.
I feel selfish for even writing that.
I have bigger wishes like: peace and calm no tension no fights in my immediate family when we get together, a job for me, good health for my friends also peace and harmony in their marriages and wisdom in the US choosing our next president.
(Laurie Murray 9:20pm December 1, 2011)

i want all are service people home for good!!but i would love to have a kindle fire! merry christmas everyone!!
(Jennifer Beck 9:26pm December 1, 2011)

Laurie - We're big fans of Netflix in my family! I especially enjoy finding a TV series I may have missed and then having a marathon watching the old seasons. :) Hope things work out with lots of gift cards that add up to a new television!!
(Catherine Mann 9:49pm December 1, 2011)

Hi Jennifer - Lots of Kindle Fire wishes out there! Sounds like it's going to be a hot item for Christmas!!
(Catherine Mann 9:50pm December 1, 2011)

My wish list is small this year. Just a winning lottery ticketb ;)
(Jennifer Beyer 10:32pm December 1, 2011)

Well on my list is an e-reader, books and kitchen stuff. I would love to be able to see all of my children and grandchildren but since they are scattered around the country I will only be seeing the ones that live close-by. I will miss those that are far away but the little ones need to be at thier own homes for Christmas and I can't be in IL, TX and NJ all at the same time.
(Patti Paonessa 10:33pm December 1, 2011)

Jennifer B - Tooooo funny!! That would be cool though, wouldn't it?! :)
(Catherine Mann 10:37pm December 1, 2011)

Hi Patti P! Sounds like you will need more kitchen stuff to cook for the little grandkids close by who will be coming to Grandma's!! :)
(Catherine Mann 10:38pm December 1, 2011)

Goodnight, all!! It's been a delight hanging out here with you today! Happy holidays and happy reading!!
(Catherine Mann 10:50pm December 1, 2011)

I cannot wait to have this book on my tbr shelf....I just got a great pre-Christmas present. I am now the owner of a 40" Flat Screen LCD TV... It was a gift from my landlords...I was blown away...Happy Holidays
(Kathleen O'Donnell 12:11pm December 2, 2011)

Happy holidays. I always want gift cards to my favorite
bookstores and I am getting a trip to Phoenix to go to my sons
(Donna Antonio 1:33pm December 2, 2011)

What's on my wish list this December? I don't want to have to worry about writing anymore papers for classes for a while. I just want to relax for a while and read some really great books. And enjoy reading them instead of dreading to have to read like I do with my textbooks.
(Samatha Hodges 1:35pm December 2, 2011)

I have an iPad 2 on my wish list. Maybe???
(Mary Preston 7:12pm December 2, 2011)

Family and friends are the best wishes even outside of the holiday season for no one knows you better. And the care and sharing are somthing that warms the heart.
(Alyson Widen 8:53pm December 2, 2011)

Even though I know we can't afford it, I have a tablet on my wish list. A more reasonable wish is to see as many friends and family as possible over the holidays.
(Lisa White 12:00pm December 4, 2011)

Books and the time and peace and quiet to read them!
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