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Kathy Lyons | A Writer's Day

Dream Nights with the CEO
Kathy Lyons



Barnes & Noble

By day they're professionals. By night, they're lovers.

Dream Nights #1

June 2013
On Sale: May 27, 2013
Featuring: Wyatt Monroe; Megan Bradford
163 pages
ISBN: 1622667808
EAN: 9781622667802
Kindle: B00CGFEI0U
Add to Wish List

Also by Kathy Lyons:
Locker Room Diaries (3 book series), June 2023
Pride Not Prejudice, June 2023
Were-Geeks Save Wisconsin, April 2022
Alpha Betrayed, January 2022


A Day in the Life of a USA Today Bestselling author Kathy Lyons (aka Jade Lee)

3:32 am -- it's still dark when the cat wakes me with the celebration song of her people. It is a joyous, come-hither cry filled with the excitement of food for the feline clan. Yes, the cat has brought in a half-dead mouse to share. This rodent is slower than usual, and I manage to slam down a shoebox on top of it. Husband stumbles in long enough to hold the cat as I slide a piece of cardboard under the box, thereby trapping the mouse. As he is wearing shoes and I'm not (we've done this dance a few times), I take the cat from him, he flips the cardboard box over and then tosses the still living mouse outside. A life saved. A cat miffed. We go back to bed.

6:30 am -- My husband's alarm goes off and he grumbles. I mutter before I roll over and go back to sleep. My last thought: empty nesting is wonderful. No children to roust out of bed, no carpool to drive, no reason to greet the day.

The huntress cat agrees with a contented purr as she settles on my stomach. We sleep while my husband gets ready for work.

8:11 am -- I have shifted enough to read my e-mail on my iPad. I have won countless millions from someone mysterious benefactor, there are sales going on at every site I have ever ordered from, and my sales rank for my latest book at amazon has bumped up a whole 17 points. Cause for celebration (even if we're looking at a ranking in the tens of thousands). I decide to internet shop rather than get out of bed.

9:23 -- not only am I dressed (in sweats) but I've gotten coffee and am drinking a green smoothie. This is my one nod to healthy living and I miss it when I travel. I have completed a badge at, double checked my twitter feed and ranking (no change there), and have even spent a lovely time looking at half-naked men on facebook. Well, that and cute kitty pictures too.

Elizabeth Hoyt rescues me from this pit of non-work with the following text: am failing to work at home. Going to Starbucks.

I agree. And after another 20 minutes of surfing FB, I finally pack up and leave.

10:20 am -- at Starbucks. We have exhausted today's store of gossip -- er, networking conversation -- and have agreed to get work done. The air is peppered with curses, questions about how to spell words like "curtseyed" (or is it "curtsied?"), and heavy sighs. After a very long time of this--eons and eons--one of us suggests lunch. The other heartily agrees.

1:21 pm -- We leave the temple of elegant (and cheap) dining known as Panda Express and are forced to admit we still have work to do. Among more groaning and despairing noises, we adjourn to Barnes and Noble where Elizabeth gets a healthy tea and I stare longingly at the cheesecake.

We wander the stacks, comment on people we absolutely intend to read, have read, or will eventually think about reading, then are forced to admit that work must be done.

More cursing, typing, and general sighs. We distract ourselves by looking at the cover of a SUPERNATURAL tie-in book. And the something desperately exciting happens: I reach my word count requirement for the day!

Oh happy dance! Hallo-hallay! I chortle in my glee because I have finished before her today!

Besides, it's almost four and I have a court time at 5.

4:35 pm -- I shove my body into spandex shorts that once fit, then rush to the racquetball court. There, I take great joy in humiliating middle-aged men. Truly, it is one of the greatest pleasures in my life.

7:15 pm -- I make it home usually limping. Join my husband for deeply intellectual television like THE BIG BANG THEORY and SMASH. Or current love is ORPHAN BLACK.

10:58 pm We head for bed. We'd meant to close the huntress cat inside tonight, but she's long gone by the time we head for bed. Smart cat knows if we catch her now, she's inside for the night, but it's too cold for us to lock her out. Then sweet, wondrous sleep before the call of the cat people wakes me again.

PS. You might wonder why you don't have anything in here about my latest book DREAM NIGHTS WITH THE CEO. Well, that's because I'm hoping the review here will be glowing. But here's the main points: 1. Shared Erotic Dreams. 2. They're funny and hot. 3. The whole book is funny and hot. 4. Kathy Lyons is funny, but hot only in the hot flashes sense. TMI? Well, how about you check out the review or my website Buy links are there!


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Jade Lee / Kathy Lyons /

What is YOUR day like? Comment to win a Kathy Lyons download




16 comments posted.

Re: Kathy Lyons | A Writer's Day

I enjoyed sharing your day. Surprised that you and hubby rescued the mouse. Most folks would have bid it farewell. LOL
(Gladys Paradowski 5:45pm June 5, 2013)

When we used to work we would wake up at 5:00 am every
morning and then commute to go to work at the Texas State
Govt. and would get to the job early so we had time to eat
breakfast before going to our 2 state agencies. Now, that we
are Retired, we are more laid back and can sleep in past
5:00 and now usually up before 7:00 am and then I get on
facebook and check emails and do hundreds of online contests
everyday. Yes, I have won some great contests here on too. Thank You for the great book and I
would love to read it and win it too. Thanks, Cecilia CECE
(Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 7:06pm June 5, 2013)

Sounds like you had a busy day! Love a funny and hot book. This sounds like a good one. Maybe, I could compare you with author, Karen Kelley. Pretty sexy purple book cover! I will have to be sure to read this one.
(Linda Luinstra 7:16pm June 5, 2013)

Wow, I thought I started my day early @ 4:10am.
(Shauna Rivera 7:16pm June 5, 2013)

im busy with kids all day long
(Denise Smith 7:43pm June 5, 2013)

Love your day... Mine starts at 6:30 am when my alarm tells
me i have to wake my oldest up for school... 7:15 he tells
me he is going to school... Back to bed till the youngest
(evil) wakes up normally between 8 and 9... Do mom stuff all
day, kids go to bed, then homework till about 2 am... Start
over... This is my life at least until Oct when i graduate
then i can have a good sleep and will have a job while my
kids go to school :)
(Jeannie Platt 7:55pm June 5, 2013)

Busy day, busy cat! Your book sounds wonderful and I can't
wait to read it. My day starts about 10 am. I take care of
my elderly mother and she stays up late and sleeps late.
(Cheryl Sanders 7:59pm June 5, 2013)

Love this post. I want to be an empty nester but they won't leave. No fair!!!!
(Vicki Hancock 8:09pm June 5, 2013)

I get up at noon. That's still too early
(Susan Falkler 8:41pm June 5, 2013)

Woke up at7:09am without an alarm. Checked my weight. Took my 1st med of the day. Did my pre-breakfast physical therapy workout. Ate breakfast, showered, and went out to do errands...including buying 3 new books. Lunch with hubby.Then home to take a "time out". Due to Fibromyalgia I have to listen to my body's signal to rest. A lite dinner followed by watching game 3 Boston-Pittsburg hockey game.
(Joanne Hicks 9:08pm June 5, 2013)

My husband's alarm goes off at 4am. I give him a barely conscious kiss good-bye, roll over and go back to sleep for a couple more hours until the dog starts barking and whining announcing that he's awake and would like to be let outside.
Can't wait to read this! :)
(Kristin Bingham 10:27pm June 5, 2013)

I'm awake at 5:00am. I hear my sister in the bathroom getting ready. As soon as she's out, I hear my brother going in. My alarm clock goes off at 5:30a.m. I hit the snooze button to give me 8 more minutes of sleep. I let the snooze goes off two more times before I decide I better get up. I get the coffee going and head on to the bathroom to get ready for work. I checked my email on my iPod. I clean the litter box before I get dress for work. I go back to the restroom to wash my hands and then pour a cup of coffee in the travel mug. I look at the time to decide if I have time to pick up breakfast. I get dress and get my car key before I head off to work.

Heading to and being at work is another story for another time. And of course, there's the evening story before my day is finally over.
(Kai Wong 10:52pm June 5, 2013)

Wow! We're all busy people, aren't we?! Keep the stories
coming! I love reading about other people's lives
(Jade Lee 11:19pm June 5, 2013)

busy with kids and getting through the Monday to Friday grind, look forward to a weekend downtime!
(Darci Paice 1:01am June 6, 2013)

I prefer to write when I feel that if I don't write I'll explode. Sighing and flicking through other stuff wouldn't be a good writing day - I would rather get the housework done if I didn't have words inside me scraping their way out.
(Clare O'Beara 7:52am June 6, 2013)

What is my day like? Depends on the day...MWF I'm up and off tho the pool for an hour of
deep water aerobics and then 3 miles on the treadmill (usually takes an hour), shower
and home. It's now noon & I finally get breakfast. Then computer internet & email trying
to win books or keep up on my authors. Then housework & errands with dinner sometime
after my husband wanders home (self employed). Evenings are reading & TV. Then to bed
sometime around 11pm. Tu/Th are without the exercise and more errand running. Housework
is put off as long as possible ;-). I hate housework but I love books, lol.
(Lenna Hendershott 2:56pm June 6, 2013)

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