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Jessica Andersen | Who's Your Favorite?
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Mayan lore and modern science warn that 12/21/2012 could bring a global cataclysm ... a threat that is far more real than we imagine. Dark forces stand poised to overrun the earth and crush humanity beneath a vicious rule of terror and blood sacrifice. Our only hope rests with a group of saviors living in secret among us: modern magic-wielding warriors called the Nightkeepers.

Now, in the last few years before the 2012 doomsday, these magi must find and win their destined mates in order to protect the barrier of psi energy that forms humanity’s last line of defense against an ancient and powerful enemy.

Greetings, Fresh Fictioners!

I’m often asked, "Who is your favorite hero so far in the Nightkeeper books?" And when I’m asked that, I usually do a lost sort of guppy-gaping routine while I try to come up with a witty answer. But really, there’s only one answer to that question for me: I love each of them for different reasons. Every time I sit down to write, I fall in love with my hero and heroine, and get to watch them fall in love with each other.

The first book in the series, Nightkeepers, introduces almost all of the characters who will be in the nine-book series arc (each book stands alone as a romance, but they’re tied together in the overall save-the-world story).

Because there are so many characters are on the page, I worked to make them very different from each other, each with distinct flaws and virtues. And because of that, each of my heroes (and heroines, and supporting cast), have different things to like--and sometimes dislike--about them.

TITLEThe hero of Nightkeepers, Strike, is a reluctant king who has to grow into his responsibilities ... and in the process falls for a woman the gods have chosen as their next sacrifice. In Dawnkeepers, shapeshifter Nate struggles against the idea of predestiny, refusing to let the gods define his life. I think perhaps the most sexual hero so far has been Michael, the hero of Skykeepers. He’s very dark, very dangerous, and very hooked in to his own sensuality.

But for me, perhaps one of the most lovable characters is Lucius, the hero of my new release, Demonkeepers. He’s my ‘nerd that roared’ character; he’s not the biggest or strongest among the Nightkeepers, and he doesn’t even have true magic (at least not at first), but he’s always wanted to be a hero.

But when demonic possession and a twist of magic leaves him with the powers of a prophet and he becomes the swashbuckling, magic-wielding Indiana Jones he’s always wanted to be, he quickly realizes that being a Nightkeeper isn’t the solution to all his problems ... it’s the start of a whole new set of them!

I love watching him grow into the hero he’s always wanted to be, even though he makes some really Big Mistakes along the way.

Then again, ask me the same question in a few months, and I’ll probably say that Brandt or Dez are my new favorite heroes. Part of my writing process is falling in love with each of these guys, and loving who they become with their heroines.


Today I’m giving away a signed copy of Demonkeepers, which is in stores now. All comments are entered to win--tell me who’s your favorite Nightkeeper, ask me a question, comment on the books, or just say ‘hi.’ I’ll be here all day, and would love to hear from you!

For more information on Demonkeepers and the other Nightkeeper novels, please check out my website.




63 comments posted.

Re: Jessica Andersen | Who's Your Favorite?
Comment to win!

WOW!! This sounds like a great book. I have not read anyof your books and you are a new author to me so I have added you to my to buy list.
(Brenda Hill 5:28pm April 11, 2010)

I must admit, from what you have told us about Lucius, he will be my favorite. I tend to root for the quiet/little/different/ignored etc etc type character and love to see them emerge into someone that others (especially those who used to shun them or make fun of them)now admire. Lucius sounds like my favorite type of charactor...one that is, sort of, least likely to become a Hero. Sure hope that I can win this book and be able to read all about Lucius...he sounds perfect! Thanks for being so generous to your fans by having this contest for us. :)
(Cheri Minott 4:52am April 13, 2010)

I love the sound of all the heros, each has his quirks that makes him appealing. I have not read any of your books yet but am keen to now read them. Thankyou.
(Barbara Hanson 5:20am April 13, 2010)

They all sound like wonderful characters.
(Joanne Reynolds 7:00am April 13, 2010)

I liked Strike but I think Michael. But look to meeting Lucius
(Pat Wilson 9:48am April 13, 2010)

I can't wait to start reading these books! I have them on my to buy list!
(Cassie Holloway 9:50am April 13, 2010)

Can't wait to read the latest. The characters are so interesting.
(Donna Hay 11:06am April 13, 2010)

Please enter me.
(Sherry Russell 11:15am April 13, 2010)

Jade has been my favorite character so far. Can't wait to read her story.
(Purna Ripke 11:48am April 13, 2010)

I just love the "nerd that roared" description. It made me laugh!
(G. Bisbjerg 8:13pm April 13, 2010)

I haven't read any of your KEEPER series books ~ yet . . . but they are on my shopping list.
(Christy Hawkes 10:26pm April 13, 2010)

This is a new series for me and I can't wait to dive in and get acquainted with all the hot heroes *sigh*. I love the book covers if you haven't guessed by now and the plotline sounds quite intriguing so all signs point to this being on my must have asap booklist.
(Anna Hoque 1:08am April 14, 2010)

I Wish i could tell you but have not read your books.thay do look like something i would read but right now can't aford books.maybe some day i will get to read them.
(Stacey Smith 1:20am April 14, 2010)

I don't have one favorite hero from any book that lasts past the reading of the next book. My fave hero(or heroine)is usually the one I'm reading at the time I'm asked the question.
(Carol Cobun 5:45am April 14, 2010)

2012 seems to be on everyones mind these days, the news book sounds as wonderful as the rest.
(Theresa Norris 6:06am April 14, 2010)

As you do I love each of the characters for their individuality. I can not wait for the next book in the series Demonkeepers to make it to the stores in my area.
(Cindy Olp 6:09am April 14, 2010)

We need a few Demon Keepers around.
(Marjorie Carmony 7:08am April 14, 2010)

@ Brenda-- Thanks for the shout out, and do please check out the books! I write the kind of stories I love to read (big, sexy, lots of action and detail), and I love sharing them with readers :)

@ Cheri-- Thanks for the post! Yes, Lucius is definitely the 'nerd that roared'-- he grows into himself and becomes the man he always wanted to be ... and in the process realizes that other people's opnions don't matter nearly as much as he used to think. Except for Jade. SHE matters a ton!

Good luck in the contest!

@ Barbara- Yes, each of the heroes is really individual, even though they're all big, sexy magic-using alphas in their own way. I love these guys!

@ Debra-- Thanks, and good luck! If you'd like to try the stories out a little, there excerpts and a bonus short story are posted at www.jessicaandersen.com

@ Joanne-- Thanks for checking them out!

@ Pat-- I totally agree- Strike has got that 'muscle up and do what's right' thing going on, Michael is just a flat-out sex god, and Lucis is all sexy and intellectual... (sighs). Love me some Nightkeepers :)

@ Cassie-- I hope you'll pick them up! With four (of nine) books out, you can get a good start on the series before hitting the 'wait for the next one' stage!

@ Donna-- Thanks so much for being on board with the series!! Hugs.

@ Sherry- Best of luck in the drawing! Thanks for checking out the blog :)

@ Purna- (cool name, btw) I'm glad you're a Jade fan! She's been a little overshadowed up til now, so it's great to see her really step up and kick some butt!

@ Cheryl- Thanks! Good luck in the drawing :)

@ G.-- LOL- The nerd-that-roared image is (imho) perfect for both Jade and Lucius, in part because they have to figure out that their actual nerdism (nerditis?) wasn't really the problem to begin with ... it's a strength, not a weakness. Go, brainiacs!

@ Christy -- THanks for having them on the list! I hope you love them when they reach the top of the list :)
(Jessica Andersen 8:43am April 14, 2010)

@ Anna-- Thanks! Yes the cover gods (and art department) have been very good to the Keepers. *drools*

@ Stacey-- Thanks for checking out the blog! Good luck in the drawing ... is there a library near you? Maybe you could ask them to order the books? I'm a big library fan :)

@ Carol-- So true! I'm always most in love with the hero I'm writing at that moment... but then I look back at others and think 'but I love him, and him, and him...' LOL. Happy reading!

@ Theresa- Thanks! Yes, 2012 is starting to hit the media more and more these days. I'm happy that the series is already up and running, so there are a bunch of books for readers to pick up all at once now that the 2012 thing is starting to gain more and more attention ... :)

@ Cindy-- I hope DemonK gets to you soon, one way or the others!!

@ Marjorie-- ABSOLUTELY! I love the idea of having these guys working behind the scenes to keep us safe.

(Jessica Andersen 8:49am April 14, 2010)

Hi Jessica. I love your series. Strike is my favorite Night Keeper.
(Crystal Broyles 9:33am April 14, 2010)

This looks like a great series.
(Pam Howell 9:47am April 14, 2010)

Sounds like a great book and I am sorry to say I have never read your books before!
(Gail Hurt 11:52am April 14, 2010)

Hi Jessica, Thanks for posting. I havent had a chance to read your series yet but it sounds great. I love the sound of it.
(Donna Simmonds 12:13pm April 14, 2010)

Yea! A new paranormal book!
(Lori Roche 1:02pm April 14, 2010)

Yes!! we've been waiting for the new book. My daughter and I have read all the previous ones in this series. Have to say I like all of the "hero's" for different reasons. You have made them so attractive and believable.
(Elizabeth Parzino 1:19pm April 14, 2010)

I have to admit that I have not had the pleasure of reading your books yet... adding your name to my list of authors to read! :)
(Colleen Conklin 1:49pm April 14, 2010)

@ Crystal-- Thanks for loving the books, and for being a Strike fan! He's got a way tough job, and deserves the love :)

@ Pam-- Thanks! I hope you'll check out Demonkeepers :)

@ Gail-- There are lots of great books out there, so it can be tough to know which ones to pick up. Hopefully this post has whetted your interest a bit!

@ Donna-- Thanks very much! I love these books (as I'm sure you can tell--lol), and am fascinated by the little details I get to slip in. For instance, Skykeepers deals a little with how the Maya developed chocolate, and Demonkeepers shows the Mayan ballgame. All very cool stuff, imho :-)

@ Lori-- Woot! Thanks for checking out the blog!

@ Elizabeth-- Thank you so much (and a shout out to your daughter too). I hope you can get your hands on a copy of Demonkeepers--in this drawing or at the store-- and that you love Jade and Lucius's story!
(Jessica Andersen 1:52pm April 14, 2010)

Congrats on the new release, Jessica. I'm looking forward to reading your Nightkeeperbooks.
(Jane Cheung 3:10pm April 14, 2010)

I enjoyed the first book and I am looking forward to reading the others. Thanks for guestblogging!
(Cherie Japp 4:03pm April 14, 2010)

I want your book Please. I have not read your books but they ALL sound so cool. Take me to the dark side with your adventures and excitment....They all sound so sexy with action and who knows what evil lurks around the next corner ...hummm??
(Shirley Sego 4:46pm April 14, 2010)

Hi Jessica,
Thanks for introducing us to your characters and to your book series. The books sound intriguing. I enjoy story arcs that continue through a series of books.
(Robin McKay 5:13pm April 14, 2010)

They all sound very interesting! I love series books - you get to fall in love with new heros/heroines but you still get to visit with old friends!!
(Kelli Jo Calvert 5:43pm April 14, 2010)

They all sound amazing, but Lucius, being the underdog gets my heart beating faster.
(Alyson Widen 6:00pm April 14, 2010)

@ Jane- Thanks for the post. Please do check out the books!

@ Cherie- Glad to hear you liked Nightkeepers, and I'm happy to be here :)

@ Shirley- LOL! Sounds like they're your kind of book! Luck in the drawing, and if you don't win, maybe think about picking one up or leaning on your local library to bring them in!

@ Robin- I'm a big fan of continuing storylines, as long as each book works on its own. Lots of readers are saying that Demonkeepers works well by itself, which is something I'm proud of! Thanks for checking out the blog :)

@ Kelli Jo-- Absolutely! The stories (and couples) are each new and different, but there are old friends to keep track of ... and maybe get into some new trouble along the way!

@ Alyson- underdog = Win for me, too! Thanks for hanging out with the Keepers today for a little bit :)
(Jessica Andersen 6:23pm April 14, 2010)

I think I have to say Strike is my favorite!
(Caitlin Usignol 6:23pm April 14, 2010)

Hi Jessica! My favorite Nightkeeper
so far is Strike. He started the series
out with a bang :)
(Amber Leigh Williams 6:28pm April 14, 2010)

WOOT! A new author (for me) to add---right up my alley!
(Felicia Sparks 6:31pm April 14, 2010)

Just sent the first 3 to my kindle :)
(Felicia Sparks 6:32pm April 14, 2010)

Looks like a great series, have to go with
Lucius as I feel the brain is under-
appreciated as an erogenous zone...
(Mary McCoy 6:35pm April 14, 2010)

This sounds great!I would love to win!
(Theresa Jaquess 6:38pm April 14, 2010)

So far Michael is my favorite but
Lucas sounds very lovable too!
(Lisa Richards 6:57pm April 14, 2010)

@ Caitlin and Amber-- Yay! I'm happy Strike has stuck with you-- he's a bit of a subtle alpha hero, in that he doesn't *really* want to lead, but knows it's his duty. I like that he's continued to grow into the role in the subsequent books.

@ Felicia- Yay! Thanks so much for grabbing the first three-- hope you love Strike, Nate, Michael, and the whole Keepers gang!

@ Mary-- Ooh, good line! (writes down 'brain is underappreciated as an erogenous zone...') I think I'll add that as a computer sticky for fun :)

@ Theresa- Thanks for checking out the blog, and good luck!

@ Lisa-- Michael... mmmmm... (drools a little, drifts off into fantasy land). Oh, right. Where was I again?

(Jessica Andersen 7:16pm April 14, 2010)

This sounds minor, but I like when a series has something in the titles that make it obvious it is part of a group, like Keeper in these.
(Caroline Kolb 7:41pm April 14, 2010)

Oh, and the covers are so HOT
(Caroline Kolb 7:41pm April 14, 2010)

The Warden and all the Cellies have been raving about your books for sooooo long. I will freely admit that I haven't read them. I was reluctant to start buying a new author but a few days ago, I really wanted something to read and the only book that was remotely interesting was your latest. I just started it and I now realize that I've got to go and get the others before I can finish reading Demon Keepers.
(Maude Allen 7:45pm April 14, 2010)

I've only read Jessica's harlequins, so please enter me in the contest. Thanks.
(Kim C 8:20pm April 14, 2010)

It's too hard to pick a favorite hero. I like them all.
(Marlene Breakfield 8:23pm April 14, 2010)

I have never had the pleasure of reading this series, but it does sound interesting.I would give it a try.
(Vikki Parman 8:34pm April 14, 2010)

I've read NIGHTKEEPERS, mainly because of the Mayan connection. I've always been interested in their culture. And I really enjoyed the book and caught up in the characters and their stories. I've got DAWNKEEPERS from the library on my TBR pile. Hope to get to it soon.
(Sigrun Schulz 8:46pm April 14, 2010)

I've read NIGHTKEEPERS, mainly because of the Mayan connection. I've always been interested in their culture. And I really enjoyed the book and got caught up in the characters and their stories. I've got DAWNKEEPERS from the library on my TBR pile. Hope to get to it soon.
(Sigrun Schulz 8:47pm April 14, 2010)

This sounds great! I would love to give it a try
(Jeanine Lesperance 9:32pm April 14, 2010)

Hello Jessica, Please enter me in your fantastic contest and I love entering and winning contests from FreshFiction.com
God Bless Everyone, Cecilia
(Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 9:53pm April 14, 2010)

It was Strike at first. But now, Michael is my favorite hero in this series so far. I know my favorite hero may or may not change as the series continue.
(Kai Wong 10:16pm April 14, 2010)

Sounds like a fantastic book! I'd love to read it!
(Cheryl Bradley 10:31pm April 14, 2010)

Just sayinh HI!
(Diane Sadler 10:57pm April 14, 2010)

Wow! The cover looks great! Definitely on my list of must-reads.
(Kristen W. 11:31pm April 14, 2010)

This sounds so good!
(Raelena Pavey 11:43pm April 14, 2010)

Oops! before the first comment actually posted, I had several attempts with failure alerts. So somehow it doubled the entry.
(Sigrun Schulz 12:51pm April 15, 2010)

@ Caroline- Thanks for the cover props, I love them too! And yeah, I like 'recognizable' series. Some of the upcoming titles will be a little different, but 'Nightkeeper' will still be on the cover.

@ Maude-- I'm happy you've come over to the dark side. Welcome! We have cake!

@ Kim-- Thanks for posting, and best of luck!

@ Marlene- I know what you mean :) Thanks for checking out the blog :)

@ Vikki-- I hope you'll check the Keepers out! Best of luck in the drawing!

@ Sigrun-- I hope you love Nate and Alexis, and will pick up the others as well. Thanks for checking out the blog!

@ Jeanine-- Thanks for the shout out and good luck in the drawing!

@ Cecelia-- Thanks for the good vibes, and best of luck :)

@ Kai-- I hear you! Thanks so much for being a fan of the series, and I hope Lucius can become your new favorite (or Brandt, or Dez, or Sven ...)

@ Cheryl-- Thanks for checking it out! Best of luck :)

@ Diane-- Hi back!!!

@ Kristen-- Someone once described the cover of Demonkeepers to me as 'lickable'. I'm tempted to agree :)

@ Raelena-- Thanks! Good luck in the drawing!

@ Sigrun-- No worries, thanks for caring enough to keep at it when the cyber-gods were against you!!

@ All-- Thanks so much for hanging out with me today, and for posting your comments. Good luck to all, happy reading, and may you all find wonderful, fresh new fiction to enjoy!

(Jessica Andersen 7:35am April 15, 2010)

My next book will be Night Keepers, I have it sitting waiting for me to finish up my current read, and from what I have been hearing this is a GREAT series and I'm reading as fast as I can so I can start this book. I'll post to let you know how much I like it.
(Vickie Hightower 12:35pm April 15, 2010)

I have not yet read any of the Nightkeeper books. Something to look forward to.
(Mary Preston 12:30pm April 16, 2010)

I just wanted to add that I first found out about this series on this blog, the second time I found a new author to read.
(Sigrun Schulz 2:27am April 19, 2010)

Me likes a little Rabbit hi-jinx, he such a funny little Rabbit and I can't wait until I've gotten to the last book to see his part. What will Rabbit be by then? Screwed up in the head and (hopefully) with a new partner. Jessica's Rabbit is a very fun character. Hehehe Couldn't resist putting Jessica's name next to Rabbit.
(Christina Harrison 3:18pm December 30, 2010)

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