Danielle McDonald
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85 comments posted.
Re: No Heartbreaker Required (4:59pm June 14, 2019):
THis book sounds like its for me :)
Re: Pure Chocolate (4:31pm April 22, 2019):
I dont drink coffee but love chocolate
Re: American Duchess (4:30pm April 22, 2019):
Sounds interesting i love the old photos
Re: Foul Play on Words (1:37pm April 10, 2019):
Sounds like a funny read cant wait to read this book
Re: Death Blow (1:35pm April 10, 2019):
I have to read this i love mysteries
Re: A Shot of Murder (1:34pm April 10, 2019):
Sounds like a great read
Re: Falling for her Fiance (2:18pm January 25, 2013):
He has to be Honest , understanding to my feelings , caring , romantic , bad boy image :) ( so hot ) .
Re: Undercover Wolf (11:07am January 24, 2013):
both books sound intriguing to me I cant wait to read them
Re: Real Men Don\'t Break Hearts (10:56am January 24, 2013):
Sounds great cant wait and the cover is cute !
Re: Fall Into You (11:13pm January 20, 2013):
well to be honest with you I have caught myself a few times reading the book that caught my eye then in the middle of it I realize I am confused as to what is going on so then I would put the book down and buy the first book of the series read that and say to my self okay I get it now and by that time I am really hooked and I read the whole series from the first book on. I wish more authors that write series would tell us if we need to read them in order or now sometimes It is hard to guess.
Re: The Wicked Wedding Of Miss Ellie Vyne (10:40pm January 20, 2013):
Sounds like a fun read !
Re: Thread On Arrival (9:52pm January 20, 2013):
thanks for the tease I look forward to reading your new release
Re: Doomed (9:50pm January 20, 2013):
all mythology is great !
Re: Thrill Ride (9:48pm January 20, 2013):
I love the covers of these books ! I have to agree with Donna I wanna grab that behind as well hehe Romantic suspense is one of my favorite genres I can wait to pick up these books and start reading them
Re: Beeline To Trouble (3:53pm January 19, 2013):
yeah to juicy romantic moments !!!!
Re: South Of Surrender (2:14pm January 11, 2013):
your upcoming book sounds amazing cant wait to read it . Love the whole Greek god and vampire all in one : )
Re: A SEAL's Seduction (12:39pm January 11, 2013):
if the book I am reading is hard to put down and I dream about it it is usually a keeper for me .
Re: Chance Of A Lifetime (9:03pm January 9, 2013):
i love small towns and harmony sounds amazing
Re: Prince Of Power (3:35pm January 5, 2013):
the cover of the book and the back of the book description is what gives me an idea if I want to buy it or not
Re: For The Love Of A Goblin Warrior (3:33pm January 5, 2013):
thanks for the excerpt
Re: Against The Odds (1:44pm January 3, 2013):
the angel goes up on christmas eve
Re: The Ravenous Dead (10:45am January 3, 2013):
im thankful to be here on this planet with my family and friends and most importantly my love of my life
Re: A Taste Of Ice (10:38am January 3, 2013):
romance settings anywhere were there is great scenery we can image and tranquility. Paranormal needs to be set in scary places like a cave or something . Not good with geography :(
Re: Gabriel's Inferno (10:36am January 3, 2013):
wow I am on my edge of my seat cant wait to read this !!!
Re: Live And Let Love (12:08pm January 1, 2013):
Sounds like a great book I definitely wouldn't want to be in a relationship with an assassin though lol
Re: The Seventh Victim (8:24pm December 31, 2012):
setting to me creates the atmosphere and the characters in the novel
Re: Fallen Angel (8:22pm December 31, 2012):
I AM grateful for my man . family and friends I am also grateful to be alive
Re: A Little Bit Wicked (8:20pm December 31, 2012):
Happy new year ! I do have a few goals in mind for the coming year: lose weight , quit procrastinating and stop smoking
Re: The Ravenous Dead (8:18pm December 31, 2012):
im thankful for my family and friends especially my love of my life
Re: Secret Santa Baby (1:07pm December 28, 2012):
Sounds like a great book I cant wait to read it
Re: The Billionaire's Christmas Baby (1:07pm December 28, 2012):
im grateful for my fiance, my home , my family and friends
Re: Christmas On Mimosa Lane (1:05pm December 28, 2012):
love xmas having family together singing, baking and opening gifts is a great time
Re: What a Texas Girl Needs (1:04pm December 28, 2012):
We bake a homemade cheesecake every year . Tradition is decorate the tree then on xmas eve hang the angel
Re: Captive Of The Border Lord (3:37pm December 27, 2012):
Re: Deliver Me From Temptation (3:21pm December 27, 2012):
great excerpt cant wait to purchase ! happy holidays
Re: Waltz With A Stranger (3:20pm December 27, 2012):
little house on the prairie of course !!!
Re: Perfect Misfits (10:06am December 27, 2012):
happy holidays ! have a great new year as well
Re: Renegade (6:21pm December 25, 2012):
There is really no specific books or movies I grab during the holidays but indefinitely if there is a good Christmas movie on that catches my eye I will watch it .
Re: Fortune's Hero (1:03pm December 15, 2012):
Love the idea of living under the ocean !! More jobs so the economy can get better. I wish they invented more homes for the homeless
Re: A Seal At Heart (12:59pm December 15, 2012):
my team is my husband without him I would be lost .
Re: Just A Cowboy And His Baby (1:57pm December 14, 2012):
your book sounds amazing .
Re: She Can Tell (2:02pm December 4, 2012):
i love books with animals in it especially animals that have saved lives . I have to agree with a comment about Old yeller was a favorite. All my cats I have ever owed have made a major impact on my life .My Cat right now is 7 years old and I don't consider her my pet she is my family/ my baby if it wasn't for her howling every time she can sense my fiance having a seizure I would probably never know he is having one half the time considering my home is go big.
Re: Under the Mistletoe (10:49am December 3, 2012):
You have gotten some great gifts ! Wished mine was so awesome .
Re: Wish Upon A Christmas Star (10:49am December 3, 2012):
I wish that we all have a safe and fun holiday while we are in the mountains celebrating .
Re: Double Time (8:47am December 2, 2012):
I enjoy music of all kinds . Guitars are my favorite instrument
Re: Mistletoe, Merriment, and Murder (8:41am December 2, 2012):
Love doing white elephant gift exchange. Your book sounds great cant wait to read it !
Re: Heart Of A Texan (8:36am December 2, 2012):
I agree with Leigh I cant wait to read your book it sounds great
Re: Untamed (12:03pm November 26, 2012):
our day after thanksgiving traditions is making a cold turkey sandwich with the leftovers :) I really dont shop black Friday only because I think it cuts into the meaning of thanksgiving and the time with the family .
Re: Wolfishly Yours (10:29am November 26, 2012):
would love to read this book !
Re: Taming the Outback (9:30am November 26, 2012):
i love to read about a feisty heroines. They are always page turners for me especially if they are strong to there beliefs
Re: Holiday in Crimson (9:28am November 26, 2012):
Christmas has always been a joy to celebrate in my family . Togetherness with each other and the lord is always a blessing to celebrate
Re: The Clue Is In The Pudding (9:27am November 26, 2012):
Sounds like a wonderful series I will definitely be checking it out !!
Re: The Fangover (1:23am November 13, 2012):
I am not a writer but one of my best friends is and he says that music helps him write better. As a reader I have always put myself int the book as the main character so if there is a song or music of any sort mention I would most likely think about that song. Sexy music for me is jazz or something with violin as well . Sounds about love , romance , happily ever after are sexy and romantic to me
Re: The Twelve Clues Of Christmas (6:34pm November 11, 2012):
all my memories of Christmas are delightful . full of laughter and family togetherness
Re: Heart of Danger (3:00pm November 11, 2012):
I would have to say having a virus kill the world is my favorite .
Re: What The Cat Saw (4:54pm November 10, 2012):
my cat knows she is special . She is my campanion as well as my husband she knows when something is wrong . My husband talks to her and she understands him but when I talk she ignores me lol
Re: Christmas On Mimosa Lane (3:36pm November 9, 2012):
Sounds like a great holiday book to read !! Thanks for the contest
Re: The Hoard (3:31pm November 9, 2012):
I love horror stories !!! It is never a book that can be predicted you are always in suspense about what is going to happen next .
Re: Enslaved (3:29pm November 9, 2012):
Damaged heroes are great they have lots of stories to tell you and the courage they have to keep going even though they are hurt is great
Re: Blood Therapy (5:45pm November 3, 2012):
Sounds good but I wish you had print books
Re: Tempting the Best Man (5:37pm November 3, 2012):
Alpha males are hott i like that they are dominant and take action
Re: Losing Control (5:34pm November 3, 2012):
Re: Lady Louisa's Christmas Knight (5:04pm November 3, 2012):
i think Christmas stories are great ! Especially if they include the real meaning of Christmas
Re: Mistletoe Cowboy (3:39pm November 3, 2012):
if the book is good and grabs my attention then I would have to say the characters do come to life for me . i prefer series so the book can continue on about the life of the characters .
Re: Night Thief (3:22pm November 3, 2012):
i love paranormals but no too into historical
Re: The Warrior (7:10pm November 1, 2012):
all music inspires me . I couldn't live life without music
Re: Conspiracy Of Angels (7:39pm October 31, 2012):
Re: Death In The Floating City (7:22pm October 31, 2012):
I only read historical suspense not romance
Re: Midnight Exposure (6:29pm October 29, 2012):
i really dont have a favorite female heroine
Re: Down for the Count (4:19pm October 29, 2012):
I took a dare a few times in my life and it seemed to come out liberating !! Sometimes in lie you need to take a dare. All decisions you make that can impact your life is a dare and sometimes you need to just hold your breath and take the leap you never know if it will be worth it or not .That is what life lessons are all about right ?
Re: One Night with a Hero (12:02pm October 29, 2012):
I cant resist a man in uniform . For them wanting to fight for my freedom makes them that more appealing to me .
Re: Iced Chiffon (11:51pm October 28, 2012):
I love to read this book !!!
Re: Kissed By A Vampire (9:21pm October 28, 2012):
I love suspense so paranormal intertwined with suspense is perfect
Re: Escape (12:56pm October 23, 2012):
Sounds wonderful !
Re: Abigail And Mistletoe (12:55pm October 23, 2012):
they both sounds wonderful even if i dont win im going to buy me a copy !
Re: Sultry With A Twist (7:13pm October 20, 2012):
Sounds like a great book I cant wait to sit by the fire and read it :)
Re: Rev It Up (6:44pm October 20, 2012):
i lvoe books that break the rules a little I wanna be in suspense not knowing what to expect
Re: Miss Lavigne's Little White Lie (6:33pm October 20, 2012):
i trust first impressions
Re: The Shadowy Horses (7:19am October 16, 2012):
i think dialect makes the story !
Re: Run The Risk (7:18am October 16, 2012):
I love you books ! You are so talented thanks for coming out with a new one :)
Re: Shattered Silence (7:17am October 16, 2012):
Sounds like a great series I think I need to get cracking and find book one :)
Re: Tall, Dark, and Divine (7:16am October 16, 2012):
Thanks for the excerpt sounds great !
Re: Born To Be Wild (7:15am October 16, 2012):
Well I am still trying to conquer this fear every day of possibly being rapped again .
Re: Seeker Of Shadows (11:26am May 31, 2012):
this book sounds great ! I am an avid reader to me a good read is when I get immersed it in from the begging and I cant put it down until I get to the end of the story
Re: Loving Summer (11:01am May 31, 2012):
this book sounds good I love the fact it is set in malibu and on the beach