Petra is vexed by Cheveyo, the mysterious shapeshifter who captured her heart
but walked out of her life. He's been watching over her from the shadows, but a
supernatural evil threatens Petra and her people, forcing him to step in and
protect his beloved. Now she must become a warrior to face down enemies with fur
and claw … and dare to love a man whose darkness could destroy them both.
I know, it sounds like a YA novel about first … love, I guess. See, the funny
thing is, I never planned to write about shifters. I read a couple of series
about werewolves and werelions, but creatures aren’t my thing. I like to write
about psychic stuff, people who have these crazy abilities to, say, set fires
with their minds or remove view. I like to write about things somewhat based on
So this guy pops into the beginning of book 2 in my Offspring series, OUT OF THE DARKNESS,
and freakin’ turns into a panther. Really, I was like … whaaa? I had no idea who
he was, why he was saving the heroine, and I already had her hero figured out.
If you read romance, you know that the expectation is, if there’s a hot guy
introduced in the beginning, and he doesn’t kill the heroine, he’s probably the
hero. So I had this problem, because this guy was definitely hot. What was I
going to do with him?
It turned out that Cheveyo’s role was to take Zoe to people like her so she’d be
safe. And he has a psychic connection with Petra, whom he summons from sleep so
he can turn Zoe over to her. And they have this spark. Then he tells her he
can’t stay and off he goes into the night. When he makes another appearance in
it’s her life he’s saving, her mouth he’s kissing, and again, he tells her that
even though they’re soulmates, he cannot be around her for her own safety.
Still, I did not know who this guy was or why he couldn’t be with her. But
clearly, I was going to have to write his story or Petra would kill me. I only
found out those details when I started working on their story: BEYOND THE DARKNESS.
Writing the Offspring has been very interesting in that aspect. I’m a plotter,
in general, though open to meanderings and, obviously, surprises. But there were
aspects to the series that I didn’t trouble myself to pin down. Like why my
people had extraordinary psychic powers. I’ve had a lot of fun watching it
unfold. First we thought the Offspring had the DNA of aliens, but no, that
didn’t sound right, and so the next book revealed it was actually people from
another dimension, and out came the physics books! Guess what? It could happen.
And with that came the possibility of other interesting creatures. Not your
typical weres, however. I like to forge my own path, so we have some different
sorts of villains for Petra and Cheveyo to contend with.
And remember Pope? He appeared in the first book, A PERFECT DARKNESS,
consorting with the villain. He was another of those mysterious characters whom
I had no idea how he played into the scheme of things. Along with my readers, we
found out in BURNING
DARKNESS, and now he plays a bit more of a role in the new book. And from
early responses, and my own, it looks like he’s going to have his own story to
tell later on.
Life can be that way, too, leading us in directions we would never have
imagined. Something that seems bad may, in fact, throw you into a situation
where you grow and even excel. It may expose people to be imposters, or even
villains disguised as friends. The one thing I hope you take away is that you
should follow that meandering path of life. Wherever it leads you will be
another adventure, and isn’t that why you’re here?
Win a copy of A
PERFECT DARKNESS, the first book in the series! Leave a comment, either
general or tell us how life's meandering road changed your life for the better.
Every choice I've made in my life has led to twists and turns and I embrace all of them. My life has been like one of those crazy Choose Your Own Adventure books where one little change shakes up the entire outcome. I haven't read any of the books in this series, but I'll definitely keep an eye out for A Perfect Darkness :-) (Kelly Mullins 12:17pm December 4, 2011)
I have been helping my parents financially since I was 18 while attending university. I felt that if I skipped work for even a day, something would go terribly wrong and I would be wholly responsible. Then, impulsively, my best friend and I decided to go on a trip to Europe with money I'd put aside in my savings. It was one of the best decisions of my life. I realized that I could take a break once in a while in life and that sometimes, I just need to breathe. :) Thank you for this opportunity! (Hyunjin Jeon 1:14am December 4, 2011)
Life is an adventure and for me I like to embark on it with a positive attitude. It can really make a day that much better or just good in general. This series is new to me and I like the sound of it. (Na S 2:15am December 4, 2011)
What a fantastic sounding novel!! I am so excited about the whole series, especially since I have never read a book about "Shifters". Hmmm, your first series with "Shifters in regards to writing them and my first series about "Shifters" on the readers side. Sounds like a perfect match to me! LOL Yes, my life is constantantly changing but being an optomist, I try to approach each day as an exciting new challenge. It is to be a long winter (as usual up here in the Northern part of the US)so having a great new series to read will be amazing! Thank you for the opportunity to have a chance to win the first book of this series of intrigue (sort of a Christmas gift!! Yaay!) Good luck to all of you who are also hoping to be the LUCKY ONE to be chosen!! Happy Holidays to you and yours, Ms. Rush and to everyone reading this blog. :) Toodles.... (Cheri Minott 2:37am December 4, 2011)
Life's meandering road has changed my life for the better. Thanksgiving Day my father suffered a stroke; this was after my brother-in-law had colon cancer surgery. The combination of the two trips down the "sad paths" really brought our family together. We have become closer than ever ... God works in mysterious ways. (Diane Brixius 8:40am December 4, 2011)
Love the stories about change!
Kelly, you have a great attitude! Life is an adventure.
Ashley, you've had quite the cross to bear but you've learned such an incredible lesson: take a break. And taking a conscious breath throughout the day is great for taking a mini-break. Be good to yourself. You deserve it.
Na, you've got that great adventure attitude, too!
Cheri, new beginnings are great, aren't they? Love your attitude, too!
Good luck, everyone! (Jaime Rush 8:41am December 4, 2011)
I can't wait to read this; sounds like a great book! (Mary Smith 9:08am December 4, 2011)
Thanks for this opportunity to win your fist book in the series! I don't have a life changing story to tell I'm afraid or maybe that's for the best! Very quiet life, married 32 years, two kids and very happy! (Diane Sadler 9:16am December 4, 2011)
I went from merchandising in a major department store to driving a tractor and harvesting corn and soybeans. Best thing I ever did!! Blessings, Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 9:43am December 4, 2011)
"The one thing I hope you take away is that you should follow that meandering path of life. Wherever it leads you will be another adventure, and isn’t that why you’re here?" I think that is what I did in my life and it got me in a mess of trouble!! (Kathleen Bianchi 10:06am December 4, 2011)
I went from living a good life in the city, to losing my house about 4 years ago, after my Husband lost his job. We packed up what we could in our little pick-up, and our pop-up camper, grabbed the dog, and went to the nearest campground, which was our new home. The rest of our belongings were put to the curb by the mortgage company - our furniture and appliances, most which were fairly new. Anyway, now we found a place to live in the country, a long distance from friends and family, and it gave me a chance to get my life back together mentally. I have found peace, and I love it out here. I only go to the city when I have to. As for my belongings, I'm living bare-boned at the worst time of my life, but wouldn't change it and won't be able to replace anything, but at this point I don't think I care anymore. The main thing I have to concentrate on is my health problems, which are getting worse, and that's the main priority. Reading a book can take me away from my problems and take me to another world for the duration that I'm turning the pages. I would love to read yours. The cover resembles someone that I knew a few years ago. Have a Merry Christmas, and all the best in the coming Year!! (Peggy Roberson 10:11am December 4, 2011)
I am in the process of a major change in my life right now. It will be less money but more rewarding. Sometimes it is just what a person needs in their life...a change! (Dawn Staniszeski 10:14am December 4, 2011)
I love those covers - would want to own the books just for them ;) However I really like the write up about them so want them anyway to read all about these wonderful characters :D (Ilona Fenton 10:35am December 4, 2011)
Really looking forward to reading your latest book. (Diane Pernick 10:44am December 4, 2011)
Diane B, ((HUGS)) on your father's stroke. We lost 3 family members last year, and it's great when you can take something from those kinds of trials and losses. Family and friends are so important.
Mary, thanks!
Diane S, Yes, take it for a good thing! I was writing my Christmas letter and realized nothing major happened this year. Yea! You are blessed, and 32 years is awesome!
Marjorie, isn't it wonderful when Life/God/Whatever you believe says, "You're in the wrong place--time to find what fills your soul."? Getting fired from a job I'd had for 6 years was also the best thing that happened to me.
Kathleen, uh oh! But can you look at the changes and see that you learned a lesson? The challenges in our lives are what makes us stronger and changes us for the better, if we can see through the chaos and pain. I know that can be hard.
Peggy, wow, you've definitely been through the ringer, but your story is a fabulous example of how losing it all can make you focus on what's really important. Not the "stuff" but family, your health, and yourself. I love your post because you see the things you've gained. Maybe it will help someone else gain that perspective.
Dawn, so true! That's so awesome for you and I wish you all the best in your new life!
Ilona, thanks!
Diane P, thanks!
((HUGS)) to those of you who are facing challenges, but I know you can rise above them. I really believe we come here to learn something. What we face in life, and *those* people who challenge/aggravate us the most, are here to help us grow. I too have had challenges but my beliefs put a "bigger" perspective on my life. I am eternal...whatever's going on, this too shall pass. (Jaime Rush 11:31am December 4, 2011)
I worked for a large blue chip company for 25 years which involved a lot of stress and deadlines. Since retiring I have been more relaxed and have time to devote to volunteering and helping others. (Shirley Younger 12:40pm December 4, 2011)
I have not had the pleasure of reading your books... sounds like I need to change that! Thanks for sharing! (Colleen Conklin 12:46pm December 4, 2011)
I always believe one door closes and a window opens. I'm here today by following my passion: reading and technology / marketing. And loving it!
Your stories are all inspiring because it's those who handle challenges and obstacles who are the quiet heroes (or heroines) (Fresh Fiction 12:51pm December 4, 2011)
The biggest challenge I've ever faced is going against my family's wishes to marry the man I loved. It created lots of problems and estrangement between myself and some family. I'm so thankful I did though because I'm married to a wonderful man and my family has dealth with the issue. You definitely have to take risks in life. (Tabitha Monroe 1:48pm December 4, 2011)
A Perfect Darkness sound like it would be great, Hope to win a copy. (Debbie Ellis 2:10pm December 4, 2011)
It's amazing who wants to appear in stories as you write them I find that characters appear because you need to bounce ideas off someone else who has a different view. Having everything perfect and all lined up doesn't make for much contrast so the flaws and situations make the story and sometimes you can predict how it will end good or bad. (Alyson Widen 2:22pm December 4, 2011)
I first discovered you in anthology - Bitten By cupid??? I have met several authors thru anthologies - keep up the great work - Pam (Pamela Faye Howell 2:46pm December 4, 2011)
I have yet to read any of your book but I am goin to now, thay sound greatand I'm not sure how I have not gotten to any of your book. (Vickie Hightower 3:02pm December 4, 2011)
Your book sounds terrific... Will look for it next time I head to a book store... (May Pau 3:44pm December 4, 2011)
My life-changing story would be having to learn to rely on myself and no one else (after an unexpected divorce) and facing the challenges of learning how to be thrifty and live with a lot less, in order to pay all the bills and home mortgage by myself. I discovered that if I could do it, only working part-time, anyone could, when push comes to shove. Yet, my wealthy sister and her wealthy husband, combined together, making well over a half-million per year, needed monetary help from my mother, to buy major appliances when theirs were ruined from a storm (according to her). They are major spend-a-holics and shouldn't need to rely on anyone with 50 times my income! My youngest brother also relies on my mother, because he has a gambling addiction and practically lives day and night in the casinos--which I'm proud to say, I've never set foot in, my entire lifetime. It's a rewarding accomplishment for me that I raised my 3 kids on my salary, kept my home and paid it all off, alone and didn't feel deprived not setting foot in any stores, except a grocery store. People do not need many things and are spoiled. My sister has 5 closets stuffed with top brand-name clothing, shoes, handbags, etc. which couldn't be worn in her lifetime. If she had half of what she squandered, she could buy appliances many times over! Your series of books look and sound like they'll be great to read. Thanks for the contest. You look like a very lovely young author. (Linda Luinstra 4:28pm December 4, 2011)
I recently retired from the military and have been undergoing a big change as I transfer over to the civilian workplace. It's a big change after 25 year of wearing a uniform but I know some of the changes will be very exciting. (Deborah Lary 4:33pm December 4, 2011)
I'm working a changing my career and goals. The job market is pretty tight, but I'm optomistic. I've settled for many menial-paying jobs in the past. Your books sound terrific and I would enjoy reading these. (Rich Cook 4:49pm December 4, 2011)
This series sounds awesome! I love books with Shifters!! Especially cat shifters!! (Ashley Applebee 5:07pm December 4, 2011)
I grew up thinking I would stay in my neighborhood like most people I grew up with. Then I went on a trip and met a wonderful man from another state. He has taken me all over the US and Europe. That one meeting has changed my life so much. I tend to enjoy books that are not the same old same old with new names. Your books sound different so I am interested. Thank you for posting and for the chance to win. (Patti Paonessa 5:13pm December 4, 2011)
Jaime love your Darkness series. We were discussing them at Thanksgiving. I hope to read your latest soon so we can discuss it at Chrismas. Have been waiting for a long time for Cheveyo and Petra story. (Annetta Stolpmann 5:29pm December 4, 2011)
Yeah for you, Shirley! It’s so nice that you aren’t at loose ends and are enjoying retirement.
Thanks, Colleen!
Yeah, Fresh Fiction, I agree.
Tabitha, I’m so glad you followed your heart. It’s funny how family can be. They have something in mind for you and feel you *have* to follow their dreams. Same with career choice. It’s wonderful that it worked out.
Debbie, good luck!
Alyson, so true. It’s kind of like the people who pop into our lives. They can surprise us, too, and alter our course.
Thanks, Pam! Yes, Bitten by Cupid. It was fun to participate in an anthology. I'll be doing a couple more novellas, but they will be released in e-format.
Thanks, Vickie! Hope you enjoy them.
Linda, how wonderful for you! I’m so proud of you. You have your priorities straight while you watch those around you trying to fill holes with clothes and gambling. What a fantastic example you have set for your children.
Deborah, wow, that will be a change, but I have a feeling you’ll master it. What wonderful opportunities wait for you!
Rich, you sound open to new opportunities, even if they don’t pay or fit exactly what you want. I know you’ll find the perfect job because you’re not rigid in what you will take.
Ashley, cool! I think you’ll like Cheveyo. I don’t write the typical shifter, but he’s still yummy.
Patti, what a great story! I love that you took a chance and have now seen so much of the world. My books definitely are not typical, and I like mixing up things so each book is different from the last. The only thing that’s certain is that love will triumph in the end. As you well know from your own life.
I really love all of these great stories! And thanks for your comments about the book and series, too. I applaud all of you for your attitudes. (Jaime Rush 5:32pm December 4, 2011)
My life is an ever shifting pattern. Each fork in the road has led to adventures & misadventures. (Mary Preston 5:36pm December 4, 2011)
Buying a house is a life changing experience. I'm looking forward to have a place of my own to call home. (Kai Wong 6:05pm December 4, 2011)
aaahhh, meandering! First of all, these books sound GREAT and I love them already - my meanderings began 28 years ago when I became pregnant with my son when I was a sophomore in college - definitely a life-changer - and he was born on December 31, so he will be 28 soon - always the adventures! (Felicia Ciaudelli 7:18pm December 4, 2011)
I love the covers,and the books sound great. Thanks for giving me a chance to win them. Happy Holidays to everyone. (Linda Hall 7:43pm December 4, 2011)
i was heading down the wrong road when i was younger but i did learn alot. i am stronger because of it. thanks (Jennifer Beck 7:44pm December 4, 2011)
Cool, Annetta! I know, it took awhile, but it should be worth the wait! (Jaime Rush 7:48pm December 4, 2011)
Love ytour books - I always find it interesting when a character takes over! (Mary C 7:52pm December 4, 2011)
The covers on your books are totally awesome. The series sounds great. (Julianne Keller 7:52pm December 4, 2011)
My meandering road has led me to be a stay at home mom. After many years at home, it looks like I will be heading back into the workforce. (Jennifer Beyer 7:54pm December 4, 2011)
My life has been filled with overcoming the abuse I suffered from my father and my ex. It led me to find strength within me to care for my children, to always have an ember of hope even when the flame has gone out. I never give up, push myself to the limit, and love with my whole being. The road that I took might not be filled with glitter, but it is filled with wisdom, hard knocks, and the lessons of love. (Carla Carlson 11:19pm December 4, 2011)
My life changes have all been fairly simple and easy, nothing exciting. (Lisa Kendall 11:28pm December 4, 2011)
I haven't too many life changes that have affected me strongly but I would have to say that becoming a mother was a major thing in my life. Having my son made me realize how much you can love someone without thought to your own life. (Judith Mor 11:43pm December 4, 2011)
I'm wondering sometimes if we ever really know. I'm thinking accepting whatever path you take is the path you should be taking. There are so many times you could say "what if..." (Jeanne Sheats 12:17pm December 5, 2011)
Mary Preston, you have a great attitude!
Linda, where are you??? Hm, I confess I haven’t heard of a “whine” list, LOL
Yea, Kai, congratulations!
Felicia, definitely having a child changes everything!
You’re welcome, Linda Hall!
Jennifer, it’s great that you can learn from your early mistakes. And haven’t we all made those?
Thanks, Mary! Yes, do love when characters really come alive.
Thanks, Julianne!
Jennifer Beyer, best of luck with the new path you’ll be taking!
Carla, how beautiful that you’ve come through the storm and become the sunlight itself.
Lisa, that’s something to celebrate, too!
Judith, ah, that unconditional love. Wish everyone could experience that as a child.
Jeanne, isn’t ‘if’ the biggest word ever? Accepting that you can’t change the past is a big first step.
Thanks again to everyone for posting! This has been such a wonderful thread. Happy holidays to all of you! (Jaime Rush 10:12am December 5, 2011)
Sounds like an exciting series; I can't wait to read it. (Tara Smith 1:24pm December 5, 2011)
You are new to me. I really like the types of books you write. I guess we often find ourselves following the same authors because we know them. Lately I have branched out. We have moved 5 times and each time I discover what I really didn't need from the last move. My husband has learned to reinvent himself with each new job he takes. We have found wonderful people (and the other kind too) and have found new skills in adjustment to people, places and other things. Now we are in a somewhat stable state we can make choices we never had time to. I look forward to reading "new-to-me" author) you. (Sandra Spilecki 4:44pm December 5, 2011)
Jaime ~ This comment is late as I just found this post but... I LOVE THIS SERIES !!! and I wanted everyone who reads these comments to know. GET HER BOOKS, the series is different than everyone else's and I can't wait for this book about Cheveyo and Petra. She's been teasing us for a while :-). Thank you Jaime for sharing your writing talents and fantastic imagination with us. Life is very interesting and God does lead us down interesting paths, usually not the ones we expected. I thought I'd be an Architect, instead I've done furniture store display, legal secretary, food service manager, book keeper and most of all MOMMA. Enjoy a lovely Christmas. (Lenna Hendershott 5:46pm December 5, 2011)
Thanks, Tara!
Sandra, moving can always be a challenge, especially to a whole new area. Sounds like you have just the right attitude to deal with change.
Aw, thanks, Lenna! You are awesome, and your comment made my day :) (Jaime Rush 2:05pm December 6, 2011)