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Karina Cooper | Not Your Momma's Witches


Hello, my deliciously fresh fictionites! I'm delighted to see you here among all the other fabulosity that fills this page. And I'm quite pleased to be here! When I was asked to do a blog post, my initial response was, "Sure! ... Um, about what?" To which the response -- to wit: "Anything!" -- left me flailing for a while for subject matter. You'd think, wouldn't you, that being a writer for a living, I could manage to come up with something, huh? Good fortune! I happen to have something to address, right in this very blog. So, without further ado: Hi! I'm Karina Cooper. I write paranormal romance, and I'd like to talk to you about witches.

Because I love witches. No, really, I absolutely do! As I traveled through the United States, spending a few months to a few years in various locales, I really got to meet a whole gamut of people. Somehow, no matter where I went, I always made the acquaintance of at least one witch. Some were the stereotypical type dressed in black, wearing enough silver to choke a werewolf, with names that remind one of goddesses or constellations. Some were gentler on fashion, leaning towards flowing skirts and pretty hair and quick smiles. Others, still, looked no different than anyone else you'd meet on the street, but who could speak quite convincingly about soul and fate and balance and dreams. Some were men, some were women.

See, when I came up with the concept of BLOOD OF THE WICKED, I really wanted to focus on a broad range of what "witchcraft" could entail. In my books, "witchcraft" happens to be anything that is out of the ordinary: psychic ability, a bit of a knack with glamour, tricks or charms or anything else that doesn't seem squarely "human". Witches are anybody who a) displays a unique ability not overtly "normal", or b) threatens the stability of a world trying very hard to come back from the brink of destruction. Now, I happen to be a generalist, and I find that when it suits them, a lot of people will combine a lot of details into one giant picture just to give it a label. After all, look at the way we American slander each other based on political lines! Despite the fact that not all Republicans eat babies, we will point to them and accuse them of doing just that. And certainly, there are Liberals who don't actually kick kittens, but we like to say they do. And what about the Democrats, the Green Party, so on, and so forth. We'll lump everyone under the same banner and call it good. With this kind of precedent, who's going to tell The Folks in Charge that not all witches are the same? Certainly not the poor men and women struggling to make a living in the lower streets of a city run by the very same Folks in Charge. And certainly not the wealthy ones who live in the sun; they've got it made!

Does this sound familiar? Back in 1692, a plague of witchcraft accusations swept through Salem and nearby provinces, culminating in the deaths of dozens of innocent men and women. Over a hundred were accused. Am I saying not a single one was a witch? Well... No. I'm not saying that all. After all, I wasn't there. I have no idea who these people were or weren't, and as a paranormal author, I like to keep my mind open. What I can tell you is that as we looked back on those times, we uncovered evidence that many of the accused were victims of politics. Of false witness to lay claim to the victims' belongings, their status, their wealth. They were used as scapegoats and as excuses. And with that terrible precedent set, don't you think history would repeat itself, given enough push?

When I first contemplated writing about witches, I have to admit I hesitated. In my head, I kept envisioning sage-smudging hippies with chunks of amethyst and a trilling, "An if you harm none," motto. Not that there's anything wrong with this stereotype, when it's right! But it wasn't right. Not this time. I took my witches someplace darker. Someplace fueled by fear and anger; by generations of abuse and persecution. And, yes, by the hunger for power and recognition and hatred. All of my witches are different. They are individuals before they are a group. They are walking bombs or ambulatory targets. They're angry and bitter and fearful. And somehow, in that unique way that we humans seem to hold close, some among them still hang on to a ray of decency. Of hope and optimism and magic that doesn't corrupt.

These aren't your momma's witches, no. But I hope that as you read about them, you'll come to question who the real witches are. Who the bad guys are. Who the heroes could be, and who aren't even close. After all, don't they warn against judging a book by it's cover? In BLOOD OF THE WICKED, you'll meet a witch-hunter who might just be too freaking uncivilized to be a hero. And the witch who may be the woman to turn him into one. And I hope you enjoy my witches as much as I enjoy writing them! Thanks for letting me come and play in your sandbox today. Before I go, I want to leave you with a chance to win BLOOD OF THE WICKED. Riddle me this, and I'll choose two readers who leave a comment to win a copy: Do you believe that there are abilities that could be considered "witchcraft" by the modern world? Whether it's psychic or supernatural, a strange talent or something more, do you believe that there are aspects of the paranormal that are real?




39 comments posted.

Re: Karina Cooper | Not Your Momma's Witches

Most mothers have a sixth sense about what there children are up to - does this mack them a witch? Some may think so and that is how the stories start to spread about. Word of mouth is a powerful tool to spread slander. Yes I beleive there are stranger things than we realize and alot is kept quiet so they are not singled out - a shame but I understand the reasoning.
(Barbara Hanson 8:49am June 13, 2011)

I do believe that some things today would/could be considered witchcraft. I know that in my family we have a "sense" sometimes. People who will hurt us or a situation that just "feels" right/wrong. Sometimes my children and I call each other because we just felt like something was up.
(Patti Paonessa 9:48am June 13, 2011)

I think that most women have psychic powers whether they realize it or not...and the name "witch" was given to the women who utilized these powers because some people just didn't know how to except these women.....and I say "More power to these women"
(Dawn Staniszeski 9:50am June 13, 2011)

I'm not a beliver in witchcraft or anything supernatural. I do feel everyone does posess a sixth sense, just some people are more sensitive.
(Sheila True 9:55am June 13, 2011)

I'm not sure what I believe in regards to all this. My initial reaction is I do not believe in witchcraft or the supernatural. Having said that I know there is much we don't know about the workings of the world and the human condition. I guess I have a healthy dose of skepticism but leave the door open to all possibilities.
(Holly Caulfield 11:23am June 13, 2011)

I'm not sure if I'm a beliver but I do know that when something bad is going to happen or one of my kids is hurt I get this feeling in my chest and it just will not go away until I find out what it is and I just have to say I HATE the feeling.
(Vickie Hightower 11:27am June 13, 2011)

I do believe that there are people with psychic abilities. I know of 2 people in particular, and they're both harmless. One is more into astrology and she also does readings connecting you with people from your past. I went as an "unbeliever," but without giving her any information, she told me things that totally blew me away!! The 2nd person I know took a course in reading tarot cards. When she did a reading for me, she said she was just going to read what the cards said, and had no idea what any of it was about. Anyway, she was right on the money!! I have been known to say things to friends in advance as a warning of sorts that have come true as well, so I suppose that we all have a gift inside of us. We just have to learn how to cultivate it. At least that's what I've been told. Sorry to get so long-winded. I would absolutely "love" to read your book!! Congratulations!!
(Peggy Roberson 11:33am June 13, 2011)

I too believe we need to learn to cultivate the gifts we have been given, The
powers of the human mind are to a great deal unknown. We are at the
beginning of what will make us aware of the powers we have and the way and
need to use them. Anything is possible. I knew when my grandfather was
going to die and when someone I loved had been hospitalized in critical
condition. My gift is neither consistent or controllable. I also foresaw my
son's emergency surgery more that a week ahead of time but it was open to
interpretation. Science fiction foresaw much of our current tech gadgets and
their multiple uses. Paranormals are now foreseeing the gifts most of us have
within our conciousness and asking us to find out more.
(Sandra Spilecki 11:52am June 13, 2011)

While it's nice to think we have the possiblility of some supernatural powers going on, the gifts of observation and insight fall to most of us--when we pay attention, we are all more skilled than we might imagine
(Janet Martin 11:57am June 13, 2011)

There are too many things that happen that can't be explained for me to not believe in the supernatural or paranormal or psychics...
(Leisa Prater 12:12pm June 13, 2011)

Women's intuition is likely to be perceived as witchcraft, especially by the men who have been caught doing something they shouldn't have been doing!
(Jody Hollenbeck 12:25pm June 13, 2011)

I do believe there are abilities that could be considered witchcraft. Some people get a feeling that something is going to happen before it does. Yes I believe that there are aspects of the paranormal that are real.
(Kara Lepard 12:46pm June 13, 2011)

I believe that some people can sense the future or your tendencies to intersect in certain categories that some call witchcraft or psychic. Practicing alternative Medicine like Reiki II and Therapeutic Touch has given me the ability to occasionally read people across the room. The first time it happened gave me goosebumps.
(Alyson Widen 1:54pm June 13, 2011)

I grew up with a Gypsy grandmother so yes, I believe in a lot
of stuff but mainly because I have experienced my own fair
share of intuitive dreams, moments and thoughts. I am an
Empath too so there that to add to the mix. And I am super
hard on watches.
(Michele Powell 2:00pm June 13, 2011)

I think that their are some people that are stil archaic in their thinking. I think that some people fear those that have knowledge beforehand, knowledge beyond explaination. Are people still superstitious in this day and age, avoiding black cats and walking under ladders? My personal belief is that the veil between this world and the next is thinning and if you are open - it will reveal itself. I think there is more out there than meets the eye, children knowing people, places, things, and occupations way beyond their time and years and understanding. I also think that people thought that if you did not conform, you were a witch.. think how much sadder the world would be without those "witches".
(Carla Carlson 2:02pm June 13, 2011)

I believe there are some people that have a very strong intuition that might make it seem like they have great luck or the ability to see the future. I also think there are highly empathetic people that can read the emotions of others very well. It might seem like they can read minds but they are just highly observant. Psychologists and jury consultants might be good jobs for those people.

I do believe that some people are gifted with stronger senses than the rest of us. It is a natural talent like artistic or musical skills.
(Stacie Deramo 2:05pm June 13, 2011)

I believe that there are things that can not be explained, that some people have extra senses or talents... so I believe in paranormal...
(Colleen Conklin 2:08pm June 13, 2011)

i have a favorite quote"there are more things in heaven and earth...",well that is the jist of it. so yes i can say i believe there are things beyond myself and understanding but i am not sure if that means witchcraft or not.
(Tammy Ramey 2:43pm June 13, 2011)

I think all things are possible and try to stay open minded about everything. There are soooo many things out there that we no nothing about. My answer is always "why not!"
(Jeanne Sheats 2:53pm June 13, 2011)

There is so much out there that we cannot close our eyes to all the possibilities; it's quite in the realm of believable that some are psychic, telekinetic etc...
(Diane Sadler 3:40pm June 13, 2011)

i believe there is such a thing that can be considered as witchcraft .. i mean there is genuine ppl out there that caN do voodoo , spells and that have psychic abilities and the ones that can "talk" to spirits ...
(Rachael Kennedy 3:59pm June 13, 2011)

i do believe in magic and witchcraft..
(Jennifer Beck 4:22pm June 13, 2011)

I totally believe in psychic ability and I love watching ghost shows. The cover of your book blows me away! Good luck in your future endeavors!
(Renee Pajda 5:00pm June 13, 2011)

I think being intuitive, or following your instincts, may have been considered witchcraft at one time.
(Mary Preston 7:19pm June 13, 2011)

YES, I believe in magic and witches and lots of other supernatural things too. This Book sounds amazing and I would love to Win too. Thanks for entering me in your great contest and GOD bless everyone too. Thank YOU, Cecilia
(Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 8:04pm June 13, 2011)

I believe that there are some areas of the paranormal world that are real. I've seen enough reports to make me agree with some of them.
(Leni Kaye 8:55pm June 13, 2011)

I do believe there are paranormal things that are real, even if it is nothing more than the power of the mind.
(Lisa Kendall 9:27pm June 13, 2011)

Definitly - paranormal abilities are probably naturally stronger in some people, just like other abilities. The brain is a wondrous thing that we are just beginning to learn about it's complexities.
(Diane Sallans 9:33pm June 13, 2011)

I love when authors twist things around. "Not my momma's witches" indeed!
(Jennifer Beyer 10:00pm June 13, 2011)

I believe.
(Jennie Smith 10:17pm June 13, 2011)

Photograhpic memories... Some people do have them... That's not magic but some people will probably think it's magic....

Congrats on your book btw! :) Sounds like a great read. :)
(May Pau 10:34pm June 13, 2011)

Witchcraft and paranormal,I'm not sure I believe. But instincts ,yes
(Deb Pelletier 11:22pm June 13, 2011)

This book sounds good. Ever since reading A Discovery of Witches, I've wanted to read more "witch" stories.
(Molly Wilsbacher 11:55pm June 13, 2011)

In answer to your question, I honestly don't know. But the possibilities are a wonderful thing to explore.
(G. Bisbjerg 12:48pm June 14, 2011)

Yes, I absolutely do!
(Robin Daily 12:50pm June 14, 2011)

Of course there are. These days we call them premonitions, but at one time or another we all say something off hand that includes details and it comes to pass. We also call them guardian angels when we escape a tragedy that could have been more serious. How often have you said someone must have been looking out for you? Have you ever chosen to get someone a shirt only to find they already own it or someone else got them the exact same thing? We just don't pay too much attention to it but it is there, buried in the back of our minds.
(Christina Harrison 3:09am June 14, 2011)

Yes I do think there are more things happening than can be accounted
for with science.
(Lindsey Ekland 4:34am June 14, 2011)

It's shocking to see how knowledge that helped people was considered witchcraft. Glad those dark times are over!
(Birgit Lehner 7:00am June 14, 2011)

Yes, I do. All things are possible. Your books sound good.
(Crystal Broyles 9:28am June 14, 2011)

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