Debby Grahl lives on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, with her husband, David, and their cat, Tigger. Besides writing, she enjoys biking, walking on the beach and a glass of wine at sunset. Her favorite places to visit are New Orleans, New York City, Captiva Island in Florida, the Cotswolds of England, and her home state of Michigan. She is a history buff who also enjoys reading murder mysteries, time travel, and, of course, romance. Visually impaired since childhood by Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP), she uses screen-reading software to research and write her books. Her first published romance, The Silver Crescent, was released by The Writer’s Coffee Shop in January, 2014. The Paranormal Romance Guild awarded it 5 stars and First Place in the 2014 PRG Reviewers Choice awards in General Romance. Her latest book, Rue Toulouse, a contemporary romance set in New Orleans, came out January, 2015. Debby belongs to Romance Writers of America, Florida Romance Writers, Hearts Across History, Georgia Romance Writers, and Lowcountry Romance Writers