Lindsey Ekland
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41 comments posted.
Re: Magic Rises (4:19am July 17, 2013):
I have been waiting for this book to be released. Will have to clear my schedule the day I pick it up.
Re: Deliver Me From Temptation (8:40am December 22, 2012):
Need to get this book so I can find out what happens next. I hate not knowing.
Re: Until My Soul Gets It Right (1:28am September 30, 2012):
I belong to a book club but rarely read the books. I just go for lunch and to hear what everyone is up to.
Re: Sweet Deception (4:30pm August 13, 2012):
I am usually laid back but will dig in my heels about spending money on books. There is always room on the bookshelf fir one more.
Re: Wrong Bed, Right Guy (10:00am August 11, 2012):
Need to go check this out. Thanks for the contest.
Re: It Begins with a Kiss (6:33am July 3, 2012):
We take so much of the natural world for granted that it is difficult to remember when seeing the stars was a miracle. Also with all the artificial lights it is diffficult to identify anything but the moon. I enjoy sets of trilogies withing the same groups of friends. Resolution happens and yet more storylines get to unfurl.
Re: My Lady Mage (6:23am July 3, 2012):
Have not read a pure fantasy novel in a couple of years but I love the cover and the story looks interesting. Will be looking for this in the bookstore.
Re: Her Forbidden Hero (5:58am June 20, 2012):
It depends on the story but the author should hve basic facts correct and be true to the story.
Re: The Wolf Who Loved Me (2:09am April 13, 2012):
I have never had a secret that I was unable or unwilling to share.
Re: Wedded In Scandal (3:27am December 23, 2011):
Clicking links on is how I pass the time seeing what is happening around the world.
Re: Engaged in Sin (3:04am November 7, 2011):
Research can lead in all sorts of directions and reveal interesting facts. Remarkable the two books that were able to give a framework to your hero.
Re: Ecstasy Untamed (6:37am October 27, 2011):
I saw Smurfs which was a pretty weird movie but it did make me laugh.
Re: Night Veil (11:09pm June 30, 2011):
Batman as he had all the cool gadgets and the secret identity that seemed secret.
Re: Demons Prefer Blondes (4:36pm June 20, 2011):
Romance is no more unrealistic than any other fiction writing such as murder mysteries where the clues always are found and the mystery solved at the end of the book.
Re: Under a Desert Sky (4:48am June 19, 2011):
A HEA means gettting to the end of the adventure alive and whole and having breathing space to process what has happened and get ready for the next adventure.
Re: Blood Of The Wicked (4:34am June 14, 2011):
Yes I do think there are more things happening than can be accounted for with science.
Re: Frostbound (5:43am June 7, 2011):
I read the first book but have not had a chance to read the books that followed. I am glad this is stand alone so I can read this one and then go get cought up. Congrats on the new release.
Re: Total Abandon (3:46am May 2, 2011):
I buy print and ebooks. Do not tend to buy self published books except from already established authors because editing is an issue. Love having options on types of stories to read depending on my mood.
Re: Bastian (3:40am May 2, 2011):
I enjoy reading friends to lovers stories.
Re: The Alchemy of Desire (5:11am April 25, 2011):
Love alpha males but nice guys with backbone are delicious too.
Re: The Devil in Disguise (3:15pm April 23, 2011):
I like reading about research done on the books, and how the books are progressing.
Re: Hidden Embers (3:05pm April 22, 2011):
I enjoy spring and waiting to see what will bloom next.
Re: Tangled Threads (6:00am April 22, 2011):
I started watching The Tudors and seeing Henry as a young king is interesting.
Re: Blood Sin (5:40am April 22, 2011):
I like that there are realistic obstacles to the relationship. The heroine has to decide if she wants a relationship and then how they can be together since they have such different views of how the world works.
Re: Rock Hard (3:18am April 5, 2011):
Started Book one and hope to finish and get started on book two soon.
Re: Play Me (5:57am March 30, 2011):
Very little bothers me in a love scene. It all depends on if it fits the story and the characters.
Re: Highland Heat (11:26am March 22, 2011):
Loved the first two books and have been waiting for this story.
Re: An Unlikely Countess (3:45am March 20, 2011):
If the heroine is unhappy she should compalin and put up to a point as whining is no fun. Hopefully she will have a plan to change her circumstances. I read historical romance for all teh details of clothes and balls.
Re: It Happened One Bite (10:01am March 16, 2011):
I have enjoyed all the books so far and looking forward to this one to learn more about the remaining sisters.
Re: Taste Me (6:54am March 9, 2011):
I also love Nalini Singh for her storytelling and development of the relationship between her hero and heroine. Then there is Ilona Andrews and her world building. I am waiting for the next book in the Kate Daniel's series. Also just started Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress novels and have been working my way through and have found a new favorite author.
Re: Scandal of the Year (11:12pm March 4, 2011):
Yes driving does give a person the ability to "move forward" and think of things from a different perspective. I often think about how small my horizons would be if I had to walk or ride a horse where I wanted to go.
Re: Storm Of Reckoning (3:07am February 20, 2011):
Loved the first book so I want to know what happens next since the Evil Overloard did not write the sequel.
Re: Society's Most Disreputable Gentleman (9:27am February 9, 2011):
Rakes are exciting and bring the thrill of touching the wild side of like with them.
Re: Backstage Pass (6:22am October 15, 2010):
I have a couple of cats and spend my days catering to them. Open the door to let them out and then in. Feed them morning, noon and night. So no herding going on here.
Re: Dragon Unmasked (4:11pm June 16, 2010):
I am usually reading all the time but shorter stories to fit in the breaks in my day. Stopped reading much of anything about 6 or 7 years ago and I think it was just too much time watching tv. Now the tv rarely comes on.
Re: Web Of Lies (6:34am May 17, 2010):
Paranormal still is a favorite but urban fantasy can seem to exist one big city over. The heroine can take of herself and make space for her loved ones.
Re: Haunting Warrior (3:19am May 13, 2010):
Would go to England when they were setting Stonehenge to see it when it was complete and in use.
Re: The Jaguar Prince (3:41am May 8, 2010):
Reframing is one way to resolve issues in your life. I too want to see beautiful men.
Re: Think Twice (6:34am May 2, 2010):
I enjoyed Lucy Monroe's Moon Craving and Lydia Dare's A Certain Wolfish Charm and will read the second book when it is released. Also Kresley Cole's newest IAD Pleasure of a Dark Prince kept me up late reading.
Re: The Teaberry Strangler (4:46am April 26, 2010):
I look at reviews and what covers I like. Will also look at what other writers are reading. I try to read part of the first chapter to see if I like the author's voice and if it keeps my interest. I will admit to starting the last chapter to see if the author is consistent if I have never read any of their books.
Re: Big Bad Wolf (4:04am April 11, 2010):
I prefer to read books in order so the world builds and dislike starting a book and then realizing it is not the first. Going to the author's website sometimes helps or finding a list on Amazon can be helpful.