Leisa Prater
Features & Posts
44 comments posted.
Re: It Begins with a Kiss (1:53pm July 3, 2012):
I love trilogies...I love your books!!!!Thank you for the chance to win!!!
Re: My Lady Mage (1:48pm July 3, 2012):
The book sounds awesome!!! Thank you for the chance to win
Re: Pretty Persuasion (12:20pm January 9, 2012):
I always read the entire book....I haven't rated one lower than three stars...because I have not found one that I hate..Thank [email protected]
Re: Dreaming Of The Wolf (11:04am December 9, 2011):
Thank you for the recipe...I am collecting the werewolf series for my keeper shelf...I would love this one to go with [email protected]
Re: The Earl's Mistaken Bride (9:36am November 30, 2011):
This book sounds awesome..I cann't wait to read it...Thank you!!!
Re: Until There Was You (4:36pm November 15, 2011):
Thank you for the chance to win a great [email protected]
Re: Because Of You (10:59am November 14, 2011):
This book is now on my wish list...Thank you for writing!!!!
Re: Knight of Runes (10:57am November 14, 2011):
When my day is stressful the best thing I can do is read...Time travel is the best way to escape my day for a while...With tea, hot bath and a good book makes my bad day go away!!!!
Re: Tall, Dark And Cowboy (12:41pm November 7, 2011):
I have had to start over twice..after my divorce and after a tornado..but it was not in an unknown place..Now if I had to start over I would go to Albuquerque..that is where my daughter now resides..I am still in KY
Re: North of Need (12:38pm November 7, 2011):
I now have Laura Kaye's books on my wish list...Thank you for your time and [email protected]
Re: Embrace The Highland Warrior (4:54pm November 1, 2011):
If I hear strange noises or if I even think I am going to get spooked I just think of it as my Dad or Grandmother telling me hello!!!Thank you...
Re: His Last Duchess (9:18am October 28, 2011):
Thank you for your time and interview. I would love a chance to win this book. Anyone who has a dog as a family member is a favorite of mine...Thank [email protected]
Re: Haunting Embrace (11:58am October 25, 2011):
I have the first three of this series on my Keeper shelf. I have Haunting Embrace on my Wish List..Thank you for writing such great stories..
Re: If You Hear Her (11:52am October 25, 2011):
Being from Kentucky I just love books that are set in my home state. Series are my favorite to read too. So I cannot wait to read these.
Re: Serendipity (4:40pm September 1, 2011):
I love the dark haired, blued eyed, bad boy....or any of the others...Thank [email protected]
Re: Red's Hot Cowboy (12:01pm August 24, 2011):
Hot Cowboys...I love the way they treat a lady...love the manners that are hard to find anymore...Thank you!!!
Re: The Vampire Next Door (9:50am August 15, 2011):
Looks like I have another author on my list,,,these books sound awesome!!!..Thank you!!!
Re: The Lady Of The Storm (12:15pm August 4, 2011):
I am not sure I wold be very good at writing....but I sure do love to read what someone else writes....Reading is my stress reliever..my relaxation...I love it..Thank you for writing!!!
Re: Too Hot To Touch (11:40am August 3, 2011):
My first crush was a basketball player on my High School's biggest rival. Wherever he was I tried to be too..He has been my only Blonde love....I followed that poor guy for several years...Thank you for the cahnce to [email protected]
Re: In The Heat Of The Bite (10:19am July 19, 2011):
These sound like books I need....I would love the chance to win, to start me on my Bite journey...Thank you!!!! [email protected]
Re: Loved By A Warrior (12:08pm July 6, 2011):
myth and legends are fascinting to the imagination...a curse is fear to me....love reading about all three...
Re: Break Out (4:42pm July 5, 2011):
I like to mix my reading up a bit....so crossing genres is a good idea to me....Thank you!!!
Re: Never Cry Wolf (9:51am July 5, 2011):
He is Big, Bad and loves you in Red
Re: Fallen (12:06pm June 29, 2011):
this book goes on my to read list....Thank you!!!
Re: Dying For Justice (12:13pm June 28, 2011):
Re: Burning Skies (10:31am June 24, 2011):
I would love to be able to just fly where and when I want..I would love a chance to win this book..I even shared my copies of the first and second books with my sister..Thank you!!!
Re: Burning Skies (8:57am June 24, 2011):
I loved the first two books so I know I will love the third..cannot wait to read it....Thank you!!!
Re: City Of Promise (12:21pm June 23, 2011):
I seem to be into series...love trilogies...leaning toward the paranormal these days...I read 5-8 books a week...love to read any romance...Thank you!!!
Re: Blood Of The Wicked (12:12pm June 13, 2011):
There are too many things that happen that can't be explained for me to not believe in the supernatural or paranormal or psychics...
Re: Money Shot (11:53am June 10, 2011):
Characters and settings draw me in...the dialog is a bonus..sounds like a book I would like to read
Re: Heart of the Highland Wolf (9:33am June 8, 2011):
I love anything Highlander..I haven't read any of your books but I have started collecting them now..I would love to the chance to add to my collection..Thank you
Re: Frostbound (2:46pm June 7, 2011):
I cannot wait to start this series...must get started..would love to win Frostbound
Re: Cover of Darkness (10:13am June 6, 2011):
I love Military stories...I loved Lora Leigh's Nauti series..and I am reading Lori Foster's guys now..I love Sandra Hill's military stories too...my favorite is the one I am reading at the time..Thank you!!!
Re: It Happened On Maple Street (12:06pm May 19, 2011):
I was in an abusive relationship..it took me a couple years to leave and I don't know why it took so long now..I was around 19 yrs old and afraid, but I didn't want to tell anyone either..so I would love to read this book..Thank you
Re: Love Drunk Cowboy (12:02pm May 4, 2011):
I would trade heels for cowboy boots anytime...I cannot wait to read this book...Thank you!!!
Re: The Legend Of Michael (10:56am May 3, 2011):
A hero to me has honor and a caring heart..I would love to win this book..
Re: My Favorite Countess (9:19am April 28, 2011):
I loved George Clooney in ER...and I love a couple Doc's on Grey's Anatomy....I watched All My Children for sometime and I love "Dr. Jake Martin". All in all I just love books and I love to read...anything..Thank you
[email protected] 8:17 am
Re: The Devil in Disguise (12:35pm April 25, 2011):
The cover alone would have me picking up the book to read...I cannot wait to read this one and I love the newsletters...Leisa Prater 11:31 am 4-25-11 [email protected] you!!!!
Re: It Happened On Maple Street (1:06pm April 19, 2011):
I would love to read your book. I was lucky to get out of a marriage before me or my daughter got hurt really bad..Thank you for sharing your life...
Re: Haunting Desire (4:08pm April 6, 2011):
just the cover alone makes me want to pick it up and read it..
Re: A Lot Like Love (2:46pm March 24, 2011):
How about an "Instant Burn"...I love any type of story...and a hot bath..I also love to go on cruises..I always take a few books with me to be out on the deck..soaking up sun and nothing but ocean...my heaven!!!
Re: Laird of Darkness (2:36pm March 24, 2011):
I just love it when the heroine isn't perfect..makes me want to read the book even more...sounds like a great story!!!
Re: Highland Heat (9:42am March 22, 2011):
I cannot wait to read this book...I love any Highlander story....
Re: What I Did For A Duke (12:43pm March 10, 2011):
I love the Eversea Family...but I would like to know Harry finds his love...