Eileen Dreyer | What Is It About Men In Breeches?
October 30, 2013
Well, if you've ever seen Pride and Prejudice, I probably don't really have to
go on. But for everybody else, let me explain. You see, I've been writing books
since I was ten years old. I've been publishing romance since 1986. I began by
writing Silhouette romance as Kathleen Korbel, everything from romantic suspense
to paranormal romance to 'issue' books, in which my characters had to deal with
real life experiences like anorexia, PTSD and illiteracy. As myself I also wrote
eight medical-forensic suspenses that reflected on my time working as a trauma
nurse(and yes, I did kill everyone who annoyed me when I worked)(It was very
satisfying). So why, suddenly, did I travel back in time to tell my stories
during the Regency period? First of all, it's not such a huge leap. I've read Regency-era books for years
and years. In fact, I discovered the period through military books(This probably
won't surprise you when I tell you I was raised with five brothers). Hornblower,
Sharpe, Bolitho. I followed them all through the arduous battles of the
Napoleonic Campaign, both land and sea. I learned about the political, military,
religious, philosophical and economic upheaval that defined the period. And
there was plenty to learn. And then, a friend gave me a bag of regency romances, and I was hooked. Not only
could I visit one of my favorite periods of history, but I could do it in
elegant clothing and exquisite manners. I could create my own heroic soldiers or
suave gentlemen(both in great attire) (or out of it). I could not only deal with
the real issues of the day—the great financial disparities, the brutality
of war, the huge upheavals that were taking place in the economy, society,
science and politics—I could surround myself in witty, intelligent,
elegant(have I used that word before?) people who just happen to have many of
the same problems we do today that they had to solve within the much more rigid
structure of their society. Okay, and then there's the romance of the time. The manners, the attire, the
parties and pretty horses and large, landed estates. And if you want me to be
truthful, the bathing. I like the fact that Beau Brummel brought bathing back
into fashion. Bathing is very important to me in a romance(I love medieval
history. I just can't get past the whole, "changing the castle rushes every Holy
Week whether they need them or not" environment. Ew). It helps, of course, that the Regency heroes of literature have been transferred
to film by such worthies as Colin Firth, Hugh Jackman, Jeremy Northram, Lawrence
Olivier, Hugh Grant and Greg Wise(Sorry. I don't consider Matthew MacFaddyn is
worthy). We can actually see how lovely the men of the age looked like in those
cut-away coats, gleaming top boots and biscuit pantaloons. We can imagine that
every hero had all his teeth, all his hair, and that certain intangible
something that makes hearts flutter. So it isn't hard writing the Regency hero.
Falling in love with the Regency hero. Rooting for the Regency hero. Creating a
Regency heroine worthy of him (As an example, Ian Ferguson is a mix of Liam
Neeson and Tom Hardy. Sarah Clarke is a younger Emma Thompson). What is it about Regency period do you love best? What especially about Regency
heroes? Stop by and let me know. EileenDreyer.com, @eileendreyer,
All he wants is her help . . . Colonel Ian Ferguson may be a rake, but he's no traitor. Accused of trying to
kill the Duke of Wellington, the disgraced Scotsman is now a fugitive-from the
law, the army, and the cunning assassin who hunts him. Wounded and miles from
his allies, Ian finds himself at the mercy of an impoverished country wife. The
spirited woman is achingly beautiful . . . and hiding some dangerous secrets of
her own. All she needs is his heart . . . She was a child nobody wanted. Now for Lady Sarah Clarke, holding on to her
vanished husband's crumbling estate is her final chance to earn respectability.
She knows that hiding the devastatingly handsome Ferguson will jeopardize her
home. Common sense demands that she turn him in. But a single, delirious kiss
shatters her resolve . . . and awakens a passion that neither of them can escape.
48 comments posted.
Re: Eileen Dreyer | What Is It About Men In Breeches?
Sounds like a very good read. The book cover is beautiful! (Jean Merriott 2:14am October 30, 2013)
Regency period is fun to read because the time period brings into a past that isn't seen anymore. No longer do men and women dress up in long fluffy dresses to just walk around the park. Its time that only the books can bring out and that is really cool to believe that the people in the story are real. (Kimberly Woodall 3:34am October 30, 2013)
This is how I like my regency romances - same but with a twist. Ian sounds very interesting. Hope he talks like Liam.... (Chris Coulson 6:24am October 30, 2013)
The Regency Rogue. ;-) They're my favorite. (Karin Anderson 7:49am October 30, 2013)
Your book sounds great - and the cover is gorgeous. I love ALL regency books - there is just something about that entire period that captures my heart. Best of luck with your newest book - and all you do. And thanks for the chance to win. (Nancy Reynolds 9:17am October 30, 2013)
I love that time period, because it was a time when ladies dressed up like ladies. They wore beautiful dresses with hoops underneath, and satin and lace on top. The men were gentlemen, for the most part, although some were rogues. Life was hard back then, but by the same token, you'd never know it by the beauty of the attire. It's wonderful to get your hands on a book, and be taken back in time, to read a little about History. I love the cover of your book, and can't wait to be taken back in time with your book as well!! (Peggy Roberson 9:25am October 30, 2013)
i love the movie and book of Pride and Prejudice it is one of my favorite. this sounds like something i would enjoy reading (Denise Smith 9:35am October 30, 2013)
I love regency romances and this one is on the top of my list. Thank you for a great giveaway!! (Bonnie Capuano 10:04am October 30, 2013)
I like regency period romances as they are a true escape back in time to a different era. (Pamela Jaenke 10:29am October 30, 2013)
I like an interesting story regardless of the time period and ONCE A RAKE sounds like a good one. The characters appeal to me. Thanks for the sweeps. (Anna Speed 11:37am October 30, 2013)
The clothes. I just love the looks of the dresses the women wear. (Sue Galuska 11:41am October 30, 2013)
The class differences were so defined and understood as permanent. Oh! how we have grown?! (Beth Elder 12:42pm October 30, 2013)
I love the cover, I would love to win this book. Thank you! (Cynthia Cook 1:27pm October 30, 2013)
I simply adore that the gentlemen were so virtuous and yet so virile at the same time! *swoon* Their manners were impeccable and yet beneath the surface they were still very much the moonlight madmen that the ladies wanted but didn't want to admit! smirk...
I think its really true for any time period, the anachronism that goes on inside of us all, where we are taught by one generation yet living in another, the world changing around us, constantly.
In any case, I adore your books my dear-of course, you know this from comments on Facebook. I've been waiting to sink my chompers into this one and I thank you greatly for it! Buona Fortuna! (Patricia Anderson 1:43pm October 30, 2013)
I've been reading regency romances since the beginning of my adult reading. Georgette Heyer was the first romance author I remember reading (Robin Greene 2:21pm October 30, 2013)
These types of Romance novels leave so much to the imagination and are fun to read! Looking forward to reading this one! (Kellie Barnett 2:52pm October 30, 2013)
I love the rules....so many rules. And then I love the way the H & H always manage to break them so thoroughly. haha And Eileen, I have always loved that picture of you. So mysterious. ;-) (Lisa Hutson 3:23pm October 30, 2013)
I love seeing the era through the eyes of the characters... the clothes, the manners, the rules and parties of the time.... (Colleen Conklin 3:25pm October 30, 2013)
I enjoy the Regency Era genre because it mixes historical happenings around seemingly real people's lives. I enjoy the play between men and women of that time and the evolving of a woman's role in the society. I enjoy the happily-ever- after endings. I enjoy the beautiful clothing, very sensual for both men and women. Historical Romances are basically my favorite genre. (Eileen Dandashi 4:53pm October 30, 2013)
What I love best about the regency is the rules, clothes, parties, and etc. I love reading about what kind of rules are being break and such. (Sandy Xiong 4:55pm October 30, 2013)
Sorry it took me so long to weigh in. Mercury is in retrograde, and my log-in wouldn't work. It's wonderful to hear from all of you, especially that you love my favorite historic period(and heroes. I mean, yeah, I guy in chain mail is nice--but he just can't stand up to a guy in Weston's finest and those lovely boots). And yes. I love the rules. I'm definitely one of those people who likes to know where the fences are so I know JUST where to push. I'm glad you enjoy it with me. (Eileen Dreyer 5:29pm October 30, 2013)
Regency is one of my favorite eras to read in! I love the clothes, the society, the way strong heroine's go about breaking the rules and making the society pages! LOL I can't wait to read this book. (Becca Luman 7:12pm October 30, 2013)
Wow, Congrats on your new book: ONCE A RAKE. I like the book cover too! The Regency era had pretty clothes and high society making society pages very interesting. I would love to win and read your new book this Fall. Thank You very much. Cecilia CECE (Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 7:37pm October 30, 2013)
The first books I loved (as an adult reader) were Regency romances. The men are so dreamy. Once a Rake sounds wonderful, and I love the cover. Thanks for the chance to win!!! (Linda Brennan 8:04pm October 30, 2013)
Hi Eileen! I love your books! My first historical romance was the anthology, A Season in the Highlands. (MaryAnne Banks 9:20pm October 30, 2013)
I like reading about the way they dressed, the parties and balls and the proper way to behave. (Mary C 9:28pm October 30, 2013)
I would love to win a copy of this book! (Susan Mahaffey 9:30pm October 30, 2013)
I really enjoy Regency and historical books because it gives me the opportunity to escape my normal boring life. (Molly Wilsbacher 9:30pm October 30, 2013)
The characters are larger than life and the drama is heightened. It's a nice romantic adventure with loads of drama that I love best. (Leni Kaye 9:53pm October 30, 2013)
Regency? Georgette Heyer. Nobody ever did the period better. She is the one the created that love for me. Of course, I read and loved everything that Jane Austen ever wrote. Sharpe? (Marcia Berbeza 10:30pm October 30, 2013)
I like the fashion and all the rules the characters have to follow...or try to get around. LOL (Marcy Shuler 10:59pm October 30, 2013)
I love regency romances the clothes they wear back then and how they lived day to day. It's very interesting. I also love the way the Authors describe their homes too. Penney (Penney Wilfort 10:59pm October 30, 2013)
I love the manners, the clothes, and the grand houses of the Regency period. I also like Regency heroes for their manners and clothes, as well as their "dash and dare." (Janie McGaugh 11:05pm October 30, 2013)
It's got to be the clothes. It's something I could never wear. But man it looks good. (Laura Gullickson 11:09pm October 30, 2013)
Regency romances are total escape for me---but I'm sure glad I didn't live back the. (Sue Farrell 11:14pm October 30, 2013)
Pride and Prejudice (an old movie) is what started me on regencies. I read the book, and the rest of Jane Austen books, and all Georgette Heyer's books. (Winnie Pang 1:10am October 31, 2013)
This time period is so unique. Beautiful clothes, lovely ladies, charming gentlemen--it's make believe but the stories are all great. Love your books. Keep writing. (Sharon Extine 2:42am October 31, 2013)
I love the clothes and manners of the period. Congratulations on the new release! (Khristine C Chua 4:11am October 31, 2013)
love this time period beautiful clothes and charming people (Patricia Lambert 11:39am October 31, 2013)
Hi Eileen! I loved your Drake's Rakes series! I love most historicals, but the Regency period intrigues me most because of the strict rules and how a specific person or group of people seemed to be judge and jury for what was acceptable. (Kim Akers 3:42pm October 31, 2013)
I started reading Georgette Heyer Regencies when I first started reading romances and I loved them. They really got me hooked on regencies. (Carol Woodruff 3:45pm October 31, 2013)
I think it's the beautiful clothes of the Regency era. They're very pretty. (Theresa Norris 3:49pm October 31, 2013)
it's such a romantic period with the pretty clothes, balls, house parties. (Diane Sallans 5:20pm October 31, 2013)
I like learning about how people ate, moved about and lived in the Regency period. The clothes and the rules that people followed back then seemed very strict. (Alyson Widen 8:25pm October 31, 2013)
It's the fashion in the Regency period. There is much intrigue with the Napoleon War. (Kai Wong 12:59pm November 1, 2013)
I love to the Regency era books and enjoy reading about the elaborate clothes and how they lived (Julie Parrish 2:59pm November 1, 2013)
Hi Eileen!
I love reading books set during the Regency because so much was going on at the time. First you have King George III until he it was determined he was unfit to rule and was taken over by the Prince of Wales as Prince Regent and then "thanks goodness" Queen Victoria became the ruler!
Is it just me that she was an outstanding monarch and did more for the country and people than any of those that preceded her? It may have taken us awhile but as far as I'm concerned she was a wonderful example of "women's lib" and way ahead of her time!
One of the reasons I love reading historical romance is that the problems and successes of the country as a whole changes quickly and is always interesting to read not only how the economy changed but at different periods the good and bad of how people lived.
With every book set in this period I get to enjoy the changes both good and bad and expectations of the subjects of the characters in the story. (Jeanne Miro 3:38pm November 1, 2013)
I love the rules of courting for one. Love a Rake. (Mary Preston 1:51am November 2, 2013)
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