Chris Coulson
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50 comments posted.
Re: What The Groom Wants (3:43am May 6, 2014):
Capt'n Tightpants and trusty sidekick Lusty Frog - who could go wrong with this duo.....
Re: Bite Me (3:17am March 28, 2014):
Keri Arthur - how did a cross between vampire and werewolf come about??
Re: What The Groom Wants (5:35pm February 8, 2014):
For ideas on more sex moves, keep an eye those squid gets. They must have rabbit genes!!
Re: Love in the Library (4:17am January 30, 2014):
An almost naked cowboy snoozing in an outside bathtub. He's still wearing his boots and his hat.....
Re: More Than A Touch (5:31pm January 18, 2014):
I agree with your points 1-10, but books with cliff hanger endings can also work and be keepers on your book shelf. Try reading Matthew Reilly's Jack West Jr books. These are definitely keepers. You will definitely enjoy them.
Re: Sadie's Secret (5:18pm January 18, 2014):
The thought of there being lady deceives even before women got the vote sounds intriguing.
Re: The Mountain's Shadow (4:57am December 8, 2013):
Conflicted werewolves - to frighten or to flirt. Sounds like an interesting read....
Re: Three Timeless Loves (9:14pm November 30, 2013):
I'd time travel back to the days of the Wild West - to larger than life cowboys and the pioneers of the West.
Re: Daughter Of The God-King (8:06am November 8, 2013):
A good story is a good story despite some discrepancies in fact. Not all of us are history scholars reading these books, so we may not pick up an inconsistency in the facts.
Re: How To Handle A Highlander (8:01am November 8, 2013):
Wow that's put the cat among the pigeons. A corset that fits and is comfortable.
Re: Upon a Winter's Night (5:37am November 7, 2013):
Christmas for me means being with family
Re: A Cadence Creek Christmas (5:29am November 7, 2013):
It sounds like you had so much fun writing this book. Did writing it ever seem like work?
Re: Born Wild (6:42am November 3, 2013):
Born Wild - sounds like a great read! A tricked out Harley with romance rolled into one great read - what's not to like - woo hoo!
Re: Once a Rake (6:24am October 30, 2013):
This is how I like my regency romances - same but with a twist. Ian sounds very interesting. Hope he talks like Liam....
Re: Hunter's Moon (7:29am October 29, 2013):
I am a paranormal tragic. My sister got me hooked on Feehan's Dark series and I have graduated far and wide from there. I love Ward's Black Dagger Bro'hood and Warren's Others just to name a few. I enjoy shifter stories and am intrigued by your Moon series.
Re: The Wishing Thread (6:51am October 28, 2013):
I crocheted a queen size bedspread. It was made of individual squares all joined together and large encircling it all. It took me years to make and I gave it to my brother as a wedding present.
Re: Never Underestimate a Caffarelli (6:37am October 27, 2013):
Accepting the physical limitations would very hard and draining on your resilience. Imagine if had to rely on others just to make your wheelchair move. It would just sap of your sense of independence.
Re: Norse Jewel (6:00am October 27, 2013):
You've so got it right -the same but different!!
Re: The Wicked Wallflower (10:53pm October 24, 2013):
Crushes must start early in my family. I witnessed my 5y.o. struggling to get the attention of a 6y.o. playmate when they were having an art and craft painting session at our house. She was totally oblivious to all my son's effort to get her to acknowledge him....... More interested in doing the painting and talking to his older (6y.o.) brother!!!
Re: Milkshakes, Mermainds, and Murder (10:36pm October 24, 2013):
The closest I have come to celebrity sighting is the occasional polly (politician) at the airport or having my picture taken with my godfather - a dead ringer lookalike for Sean Connery.
Re: Cinderella Screwed Me Over (4:21am October 24, 2013):
Little mermaid, but the prince fancies a fish......
Re: Murder At Hatfield House (6:38am October 21, 2013):
I love history, most periods. I especially love strong, vibrant, willful woman in history.
Re: Murder At Hatfield House (6:36am October 21, 2013):
I love history, most periods, and I love strong woman in history.
Re: Christmas Quilt (6:27am October 21, 2013):
My children are everything to me, very, very special.
Re: A Lady's Secret Weapon (7:22pm October 18, 2013):
I am a fan of romance, especially romance with the added spice of some drama/suspense. I particularly fond of historical romance, but love those stories that have more out of the ordinary story lines. Your latest book sounds just the ticket. I'll look out for it next time I'm shopping.
Re: Dirty Trick (4:42am September 25, 2013):
Pumpkin soup. A co-worker taught me to use coriander as a spice for the soup rather than nutmeg. Yum, it gives it an Asian flavour kick. I also need a warm comfy spot and a good book to sink my teeth into.
Re: Winning a Bride (8:00am July 7, 2013):
I think writing a short novella is an art not everyone can do. I would much prefer to read a longer novella that tells a good story rather than a short novella that seems to be unnaturally short in order to fit a word count. Those novellas are just not worth the time to read. It is so obvious the author wants to write a longer story but has to leave out the "meat" to keep it short.
Re: It Had To Be You (7:48am June 5, 2013):
Love music while I'm working, doing housework, eating breakfast and working out raising a sweat. But whilst reading --- Nah, I'm too busy getting lost in the world of the book properly enjoy the music.
Re: South Of Surrender (8:27am June 1, 2013):
Congratulations on your tenth book. Stories with characters with physical impairments make the story more believable. Less sterotypical. Maybe there really are gods which look like Chris Hensworth And Sam Worthington!!
Re: True (10:19pm May 31, 2013):
I have read some of your earlier novels and I am fan of your work. I can't wait to read True. Just thinking about it brings back my memories of those days.
Re: Lord Of Darkness (6:12am March 4, 2013):
A Maiden Lane book mixes the rich tapestry of life from the gritty hard life in the gutters to the opulent London drawing rooms of the well-to-do all into one book. Not every historical romance novel can or does achieve such a mix.
Re: An Encounter at the Museum (12:42pm March 1, 2013):
Next to museums, my favorite place to visit would be art galleries. What sort of romantic encounters could happen at an art gallery - say The Lourve?
Re: Cowboy Tough (12:31pm March 1, 2013):
Cowboy tough sounds a lot like Aussie True Grit and the ANZAC spirit!
Re: The Chieftain (6:32am February 28, 2013):
I love 'she's my best mate's little sister' and the conflicts that occur bringing these 2 protagonists together. It makes for a great story.
Re: Jake (6:18am February 26, 2013):
I have only recently started reading western romances and I'm hooked - both historical any contemporary. There's a mystic that's particular to rugged western men that you just can't go past.
Re: Scorned Justice (8:12pm February 23, 2013):
The First Wives Club. Loved the movie. It's revenge with a smile!!
Re: Checkmate, My Lord (3:31pm February 21, 2013):
Secondary characters with a life of their own add to the depth of the story. When reading Christine Feehan's Dark series I could hardly wait to hear more about Gregori - a secondary character in the early novels. I finally got my wish in book 4 - Dark Magic.
Re: The Eldritch Conspiracy (3:54pm February 12, 2013):
If I've read the book, the movie never seems as good. My family was disappointed with the Harry Potter movies. And I shudder at the thought of Tom Cruise trying to play a much bigger persona - Jack Reacher - in the One Shot movie. He just does not fit the picture I have of Jack Reacher that I have in my mind when reading the books.
Re: Seven-Night Stand (5:38am February 9, 2013):
I think romance can occur in any setting. Love knows no bounds. One of my favorite stories was about the working life of a cartoonist. Doesn't sound glamorous, but the author did such a great job, it's favorite!
Re: Treacherous Temptations (5:27am February 9, 2013):
Congratulations on being able to incorporate your passion - for history - into your writing. We should all be so lucky to have our passions forming part of our working lives and jobs.
Re: Once Again A Bride (6:08am February 7, 2013):
Treasures passed down from our parents, our grandparents are the things that help define our space and provide strong links to our heritage.
Re: In His Brother's Place (3:45am January 6, 2013):
I love all romances. I have spurts where I prefer historicals / contempories, etc. I have recently started reading western historicals for the first time and there great.
Re: What The Cat Saw (1:11am November 10, 2012):
At times I believe my mum can talk to cats. The storyline of What The Cat. Saw is so intriguing I must buy a copy for my mum for Christmas. She would love it!!
Re: Heart of Danger (1:03am November 10, 2012):
I prefer my apocalypse stories as movies. This goes against my principle that the books are always better than the movie. May be I will change my mind when I see a Matthew Reilly book converted into a film........
Re: Death In The Floating City (4:21am October 30, 2012):
I read a range of books. One of my favorite authors is J R Ward/Jessica Bird. I also love reading historicals. I have just started reading my first Kasey Michaels book - Escapade.
Re: Midnight Exposure (5:30am October 29, 2012):
Julia Guilard when she gave her speech against Tony Abott's sexist treatment of her. She made me proud to be a woman!
Re: Blood Therapy (6:14am October 23, 2012):
Sounds like another true overnight success -- it's just takes years to achieve!!! Congratulations!
Re: Sultry With A Twist (7:35am October 19, 2012):
50 Shades of Grey has a lot to answer for!!! Hope those sorts of intrusive questions don't come around too often for you. Keep up with the writing, Cheers Chris
Re: Return Of The Border Warrior (3:18am October 17, 2012):
I am an X Factor junkie - a big fan of the talent show for singers. I love the talented new group called The Colective. I reckon when the world finds out about this band, they will explode into the top ten charts world wide. Go The Collective!!!!!!
Re: Sins Of The Angels (12:25pm June 24, 2012):
You say their are 4 key reasons a writer writes. I say whatever it takes, keep it up - I enjoy reading the fruits of their labour, cheers Chris