Do you love tortured characters? If so, why? Who are your favorites? Tell me and you'll be entered to win a Last Chance Rescue book (winner's choice).
Comments64 comments posted.
Re: Christy Reece | Oh Those Tortured Characters
I do like tortured characters. Jackson Rule by Sharon Sala is one of my favorites.
After reading your blog comments, I can't wait to read the latest LCR addition. The others were so good, so I am sure I will not be disappointed in this installment!
love tortured characters especially when they finally get their hea.
Tortured characters come with a past. They tend to be vulnerable in ways they are not even aware of.
I really hate tortured characters. You just know where things are going.
Sounds like a great book; I can't wait to read it.
My favorite tortured hero is Sam Starrett from the Troubleshooters series by Suzanne Brockmann.
This sounds like a great series. I haven't read any of these
I like tortured characters, perfection is boring. Not that I will ever know :)
I haven't read any of your books yet, but they sound great.
I like tortured characters, as long as they're not whiny about it. Sometimes an author can begin to get a bit repetitive with it, which causes the character to become irritating.
I found your description interesting. I appreciate having this chance to win your book.
I do like a tortured hero. They must learn to overcome the past to have a future. They learn to open themselves up after years of being closed off and I love watching this transformation. I look forward to reading this book.
I find that most people have flaws that help them to be their own character. I don't like dwelling on them, but it shows how they use those flaws to overcome problems. The story sometimes depends on those flaws to create interest and I can see where you draw on strength and weakness. Good wtiting Christy.
sorry Christy, didn't proof my comment.
This is why I like Jane Austen - and all of the adaptations! The characters are driven to be tortured and to torture in a myriad of ways.
I like tourtured heroes that can learn from what they survived. They may not always think they deserve to have the woman that loves them,, but she will always find just the right way to prove her love for him and that he is a better person than he ever thought he was. Usually it also the hero doing something that he never thought he would for anyone, let alone a woman. Zsadist from the Blackdagger Brotherhood is a good example. From his past, he never thought Bella would or should love him. She proved him wrong.
I love tortured characters and my favourites are Acheron and
I love the tortured hero because they always have their flaws and a hero must have flaws in my book.
I like reading about characters who have had tough times and come back from them stronger.
I like tortured characters because their HEA is so well
Hi Angee! Thanks so much. I'm thrilled you've enjoyed my series. I hope
I like tortured characters as long as they're working on the past not just bitching about it.
Sounds like a great book,thanks for giving me a chance to win it. Happy New Year!
I absolutely love tortured and wounded heroes, they need the right woman to overcome their tragic past and to heal their wounds
I enjoy reading about tortured heroes that learn and become
I forgot to tell you my tortured hero. I just finished Gena
John Murphy in Sweet as Sin by Inez Kelley is a great tortured hero. He was abused physically and psychologically as a child. Watching him overcome and deal with his pain was heartbreaking. I do love a tortured hero though.
I absolutely love tortured characters and please keep putting your heroes and heroines through horrific circumstances, I love it!
I think I love them because it makes them who they are...builds their character. Makes you want to learn more about them, help them heal...hug the hurt away. And stand up for him to anyone that wants to bad mouth him...show him that there are people that care. Tortured heros I love: Wards BDB's and Fallen Angels Showalters LOTU's and Alien Hunters, Palmers Feral Warriors, Kenyons Dark Hunters...
Sounds good to me. Happy New Year.
I have to admit that I've never read any of your books before. Where have you been all my life??? When I read the synopsis of the latest book, it struck a chord so deep, that you took my breath away!! If I have to start at the beginning of the series, so be it, but I'm sure I'm going to have a climatic ending when I get to this book!! The story is personal in nature, but parts are as if you were a peeping Tom in part. ;-) I am sincerely looking forward to reading the series. Thank you for writing books that I have put on my TBR list to get me through the reat of the Winter, and will be piled up next to my cup of hot cocoa. Have a Happy New Year!!
Harry Bosch is a favorite of mine. I would love to read your books so they are on my booklist now just waiting for the budget.
Hi Cathy, I think that's one of the biggest reasons I love tortured heroes
Love Tortured Heroes, and thanks for the contest offering!
Hi Mary, I agree. Oftentimes that vulnerability is hidden and the heroine
Hi Anne. I think that's one of the reasons I love tortured characters in
Hi Mary Lynch! Thank you. Hope you enjoy!
Hi MaryAnne Banks! Oh, I adored Sam. Such a wonderful hero!
Hi JoAnne! Love the name Dragos. Will have to check out that series.
I just started reading your books and I have enjoyed the ones I read... Give me tortured characters... love to see them blossom or get past some of their blockades...
Acheron from Sherrelyn Kenyon's Dark Hunters was a tortured soul I loved to read.
I'm with you on liking all types of romance novels. Tortured heros are OK, just shows there's someone special waiting to be part of your life. Sounds like a great series. Enjoyed your blog.
Sounds like a great series! I'll definitely be adding it to
i love tortured heros!!
ohhh, your books sound really good.....more to add to my TBR list or maybe I can win one (fingers crossed)
I think that tortured characters add an extra dose of realism to any writing. To find someone without some kind of hurt or darkness in their past is almost impossible. Especially as we get older the more baggage we have and the more not so wonderful experiences we have it makes it harder to believe in something as pure as love. I want to believe! Your series gives hope that no matter how damaged a person is there's someone out there that cares enough to look past the damage to what's underneath all the armor. Looking forward to reading your series from start to finish without any rude interruptions like having to wait for the next release! :)
I really don't like tortured characters. I have too many tortured charactered in real life. Your books sound really great though and I am looking foward to reading them.
Hi Vikki! LOL I agree, perfection is boring. And I'll never know about that
Hi Wilma! Thank you. If you try an LCR book, hope you enjoy!
Hi Debbie! I'm not too crazy about whiny characters either. (: Thanks for
HI I really can't wait to read this one. I keep seeing it and I want it. I love tortured characters and a couple of my favs are BDB Zsadist, Vishous and Rhage.
I would really love to get a hold of your first book in this
I love the tortured hero. They have to heal and their heroine gets to help them! Plus, because they are tortured they as so protective and loving.
Sounds like a great book; can't wait to read it.
I love all your characters, they have all come so far. LCR has saved them, would love to win your book...
Thanks everyone for your comments! Sorry I didn't get a chance to
I like tortured characters provided they keep their sense of innate
Don't know if I am too late for the contest debacle but you got me
I love the way auto correct changes what I write....like I don't know what
I love to read about tortured heroes. This sounds like a great series that I haven't read yet. I enjoy all types of romance novels and am looking forward to reading these. I'm writing them all down.
Tortured characters make the story so much more interesting to see what circumstances they must deal with and what changes them through gaining the trust of another. This series sounds great!
Finding the way out of rough times is what we all do in real life. Thanks for a lively story with characters I can care about.
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