Nadia Lee | Secondary But Not Unimportant (Or Less Interesting)
December 26, 2011
A lot of authors do various things to flesh-out their characters -- character
interviews, bios, sketches, photo clippings (of celebs, or clothes / shoes that
they think their characters might wear), etc. Of course, some authors don't do
anything because their characters come to life fully fleshed-out the first
time.) I did character interviews of all the major supporting characters for THE LAST SLAYER. It was a
bit of a frustrating and bemusing experience to say the least, as it was the
first time I'd done interviews for secondary characters. Depending on how the interview goes, I can figure out a lot about a character.
For example, Toshi, the subservient dragon, babbled a lot, and about 50% of what
he said was about how he might have done something wrong and lots of "I beg
your pardon". He also occasionally went into TMI territory, though from
time to time he told me he couldn't tell me something because his lord forbade
him. (Rolls eyes... *I* created his lord!) Alexandros the Incubus King made me laugh with his super ego. I have no idea how
the man's head can fit through doors. He was mostly interested in talking about
how he was awesome in every way and tried to hit on me every other
sentence...even though I told him I was married. (His response: "And how is
that relevant?") But the most interesting character was Jack, my heroine's foster father. Not
because of what he said, but because he wouldn't even agree to a character
interview! (How dare he reject his own creator?!) He said, "Please wire the sum in the invoice attached, and I'll be happy to
spend an hour with you." Except the amount he wanted was just ridiculous! When I protested, he said, "Nobody talks to me for free, unless they're
related or they work for me." Well, at first I thought Jack only cared about money. The man is mercenary,
after all. But then later as I worked with my editor his reluctance seemed to go
beyond that. He had a secret or two that he did not want me to know about.
Except now I do know and will use them in the sequel. [Insert evil authorial
laugh] The big challenge once I figured out my secondary characters was presenting them
in a way that Ashera (the heroine) would perceive and understand them. She has a
lot less information to work with than me, and her experience and thoughts are
of course different from mine. I have to keep her views consistent-but-evolving
as she grows from book to book in the trilogy. THE LAST SLAYER Ashera del Cid is a talented demon hunter, but when she kills a demigod's pet
dragon, the hunter becomes the hunted. Her only potential ally is Ramiel, a
sexy-as-hell demon. Now the two must work together to battle dragons and
demigods...and the chemistry crackling between them. Ramiel has his own reasons for offering Ashera his protection. He knows her true
identity and the real reason the demigods want her dead. What he can't predict
is how she'll react when she discovers he knew who she was all along... Ashera is shocked to discover that she is the only daughter of the last slayer.
To claim her destiny, she and Ramiel must join forces to face down danger and
outwit their enemies. Only then will she be able to truly accept her legacy... Out from Carina Press today! Nadia Lee
32 comments posted.
Re: Nadia Lee | Secondary But Not Unimportant (Or Less Interesting)
There are many ways to bring a character to life, but as you know, research does your character justice. Thanks for sharing! (David Christian 12:53pm December 26, 2011)
To me secondary characters can make or break a story. I prefer it when the author has made the effort (as you have) to make them as real as the main characters :D (Ilona Fenton 1:50pm December 26, 2011)
New to your work, but the book sounds very intriguing! Thank you for the contest! (Lora Patten 2:21pm December 26, 2011)
I love the cover of your book. It's very dramatic, as I'm sure some of your characters are. It sounds like it should make a good read here in the North over a cup of Hot Chocolate. The plot sounds very interesting, indeed!! Have a very Happy New Year!! (Peggy Roberson 2:43pm December 26, 2011)
I'M NEW TO YOUR BOOKS AND LOVETHE CHANCE TO READ YOU! (Linda Bass 3:57pm December 26, 2011)
I'm new to your work, but it sounds great. Thanks for giving me a chance to win it. (Amy Milne 4:04pm December 26, 2011)
i have never read your books but this sounds like a great read.thanks and happy new year!! (Jennifer Beck 4:12pm December 26, 2011)
Thank you for sharing the process and story with us - I, too, am new to your stories and am loving them already! (Felicia Ciaudelli 4:19pm December 26, 2011)
WOW!! The characters seem larger than life. Love your descriptions! (Carla Carlson 4:39pm December 26, 2011)
First time that I read about your work and it sounds terrific! Will add it to my to-buy list... (May Pau 5:05pm December 26, 2011)
Early Happy New Year and thanks for giving me a chance to win your book. (Marilyn Legault 5:58pm December 26, 2011)
Character interviews are always enlightening. (Mary Preston 8:16pm December 26, 2011)
Wow, I never thought about all the process that goes into every character. Thanks so much for the peak-into and for the contest (I love the cover, too) (Barbara Studer 8:41pm December 26, 2011)
I am interested to know if Jack will be the center of the next story. Thanks. (Lisa Kendall 8:50pm December 26, 2011)
I can't wait to read your book! (Jenny Finstrom 9:37pm December 26, 2011)
Enjoy character interviews. How many books are planned for the series? (Mary C 9:42pm December 26, 2011)
I love to read and I am always impressed by authors who can make the characters come to life. I envy your talent and wish I could have that gift. I would enjoy reading your book. (Patti Paonessa 10:04pm December 26, 2011)
I can't wait to read it. (Tracy Wickman 10:13pm December 26, 2011)
Sounds really good. Thanks for sharing!! (Donna Simmonds 11:28pm December 26, 2011)
Please enter me in your fantastic contest and Happy Holidays too. Thanks, Cecilia (Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 11:32pm December 26, 2011)
Wow, this sounds like a great read. Thanks for sharing. (Julianne Keller 11:45pm December 26, 2011)
This sounds so good! Thanks for sharing. It is definitely on my to read list! (Angee Bartlett 1:35am December 27, 2011)
Thank you so much for stopping by, everyone!
Lisa Kendall -- Jack is not going to be the center of the next story, but he will have a big impact on Ashera's actions and motivation. And his old secrets will be revealed at the end. :)
Mary Chin -- It's going to be a trilogy, so three books total, including The Last Slayer. :) (Nadia Lee 2:04am December 27, 2011)
I LOVE YOU TAKING TIME WITH THE "BACKSTORY!" (Silvana Moscato 8:09am December 27, 2011)
Secondary characters offer a way to think out loud and sound off ideas of the main characters before acting on them. A fool keeps everything to himself and fools himself into believing his thoughts are the only ones available. (Alyson Widen 2:56pm December 27, 2011)
The secondary characters often make the book believable and can evolve into main characters in later books. Never underestimate the power of a truly developed character. (Renee Brown 4:18pm December 27, 2011)
This sounds like a great book to read and love the characters names. Really sounds like you've put a lot of thought into creating this adventurous story. Thanks for sharing bits of it! (Linda Luinstra 5:22pm December 27, 2011)
The books sounds awesome and I get a chuckle out of character interviews. Thanks for the giveaway! (Pamela Rosensteel 8:22pm December 27, 2011)
I love the idea of interviewing your characters. Do they ever influence the story when they "talk" to you? (Sandra Spilecki 9:08pm December 27, 2011)
Sandra -- Yes, sometimes, if they reveal something interesting or unique that I haven't considered or thought of. :) (Nadia Lee 10:16am December 28, 2011)
When you interviewed your characters did any of them tell you they wanted their own story? I m thinking specifically of Jack. Or will his secrets be revealed? I hate not knowing a secret! (Lynda Smith 4:07pm December 28, 2011)
Lynda -- Occasionally, but I try not to have them dictate to me like that too much because it can get really distracting. :)
As for Jack -- no. He was too paranoid about his secret coming out to really demand a story of his own. His secret will be revealed in the sequel. :) (Nadia Lee 1:27am December 29, 2011)
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